blob: 8196ef61e063129952230fd2d5331cee15fcc6c7 [file] [log] [blame]
bug/tint/1757.wgsl:6:25 warning: use of deprecated language feature: 'sig' has been renamed to 'fract'
let sig : f32 = res.sig;
#include <metal_stdlib>
using namespace metal;
struct frexp_result {
float fract;
int exp;
frexp_result tint_frexp(float param_0) {
frexp_result result;
result.fract = frexp(param_0, result.exp);
return result;
kernel void tint_symbol() {
frexp_result const res = tint_frexp(1.230000019f);
int const exp = res.exp;
float const sig = res.fract;