Roll third_party/vulkan-deps/ 85e758a22..df0528b58 (99 commits)

$ git log 85e758a22..df0528b58 --date=short --no-merges --format='%ad %ae %s'
2021-07-15 chromium-autoroll Roll SPIRV-Tools from 640b17b5fbc6 to 2685c9a687b5 (1 revision)
2021-07-15 chromium-autoroll Roll Vulkan-ValidationLayers from cb03f32776a6 to 98df0682926f (2 revisions)
2021-07-15 chromium-autoroll Roll Vulkan-ValidationLayers from 8b83ca019c50 to cb03f32776a6 (2 revisions)
2021-07-15 chromium-autoroll Roll SPIRV-Cross from fe08bf4af440 to 6196e3b02968 (2 revisions)
2021-07-15 chromium-autoroll Roll SPIRV-Cross from be3988b13cb7 to fe08bf4af440 (1 revision)
2021-07-15 chromium-autoroll Roll Vulkan-ValidationLayers from dada63db181a to 8b83ca019c50 (2 revisions)
2021-07-14 chromium-autoroll Roll Vulkan-Loader from 15e1bbe99a09 to 99c0b1433a09 (1 revision)
2021-07-14 chromium-autoroll Roll SPIRV-Headers from ddf3230c14c7 to 1d4e3a7e3a04 (2 revisions)
2021-07-14 chromium-autoroll Roll SPIRV-Tools from 4baf3affe323 to 640b17b5fbc6 (1 revision)
2021-07-14 chromium-autoroll Roll SPIRV-Tools from feb05446bbc3 to 4baf3affe323 (1 revision)
2021-07-14 chromium-autoroll Roll SPIRV-Tools from 2299b710de6c to feb05446bbc3 (1 revision)
2021-07-13 chromium-autoroll Roll Vulkan-Loader from 7033871e47d6 to 15e1bbe99a09 (1 revision)
2021-07-13 chromium-autoroll Roll Vulkan-Tools from 8b86fbac17b9 to 33a87ce6daec (1 revision)
2021-07-13 chromium-autoroll Roll Vulkan-ValidationLayers from 27a26f525f92 to dada63db181a (2 revisions)
2021-07-13 chromium-autoroll Roll Vulkan-ValidationLayers from 607d1d974d22 to 27a26f525f92 (1 revision)
2021-07-13 chromium-autoroll Roll Vulkan-ValidationLayers from 5bdd45ecca5f to 607d1d974d22 (1 revision)
2021-07-13 chromium-autoroll Roll SPIRV-Tools from d432bebb113d to 2299b710de6c (1 revision)
2021-07-13 chromium-autoroll Roll Vulkan-ValidationLayers from 48b8e27e9de0 to 5bdd45ecca5f (2 revisions)
2021-07-13 chromium-autoroll Roll Vulkan-Loader from 8c45e953d0a8 to 7033871e47d6 (1 revision)
2021-07-13 chromium-autoroll Roll Vulkan-Loader from 550b23a566a2 to 8c45e953d0a8 (1 revision)
2021-07-13 chromium-autoroll Roll SPIRV-Cross from d42c0b2e08ef to be3988b13cb7 (2 revisions)
2021-07-13 chromium-autoroll Roll SPIRV-Cross from 1ae2b58f19a9 to d42c0b2e08ef (1 revision)
2021-07-13 chromium-autoroll Roll SPIRV-Tools from 3b6abf41cc72 to d432bebb113d (1 revision)
2021-07-12 chromium-autoroll Roll Vulkan-Loader from 8daad81803f5 to 550b23a566a2 (1 revision)
2021-07-12 chromium-autoroll Roll SPIRV-Headers from 07f259e68af3 to ddf3230c14c7 (6 revisions)
2021-07-12 chromium-autoroll Roll SPIRV-Headers from ddf3230c14c7 to 07f259e68af3 (0 revision)
2021-07-12 chromium-autoroll Roll Vulkan-Loader from 3bdb32d29f2d to 8daad81803f5 (50 revisions)
2021-07-12 chromium-autoroll Roll SPIRV-Tools from c26baf4c9308 to 3b6abf41cc72 (1 revision)
2021-07-10 chromium-autoroll Roll Vulkan-ValidationLayers from 1c0b96aec2a3 to 48b8e27e9de0 (2 revisions)
2021-07-09 chromium-autoroll Roll Vulkan-ValidationLayers from b5dd25f4cd9c to 1c0b96aec2a3 (1 revision)
2021-07-09 chromium-autoroll Roll Vulkan-ValidationLayers from 32de8039cd51 to b5dd25f4cd9c (2 revisions)
2021-07-09 chromium-autoroll Roll Vulkan-ValidationLayers from f4fb2a0b00d1 to 32de8039cd51 (30 revisions)
2021-07-08 chromium-autoroll Roll glslang from 9e707294f126 to 4b7b86d568b4 (1 revision)
2021-07-08 chromium-autoroll Roll Vulkan-ValidationLayers from 24abc3af2fa6 to f4fb2a0b00d1 (1 revision)
2021-07-08 chromium-autoroll Roll Vulkan-ValidationLayers from 7cdc779e82e9 to 24abc3af2fa6 (6 revisions)
2021-07-08 chromium-autoroll Roll Vulkan-ValidationLayers from f2912cd0f628 to 7cdc779e82e9 (2 revisions)
2021-07-07 chromium-autoroll Roll glslang from 89286ca56b3d to 9e707294f126 (1 revision)
2021-07-07 chromium-autoroll Roll glslang from ae2a562936cc to 89286ca56b3d (1 revision)
2021-07-07 chromium-autoroll Roll Vulkan-Tools from 697cc6c387fd to 8b86fbac17b9 (1 revision)
2021-07-07 chromium-autoroll Roll Vulkan-ValidationLayers from 394157ab5101 to f2912cd0f628 (1 revision)
2021-07-07 chromium-autoroll Roll SPIRV-Tools from 9ce7a2fb62eb to c26baf4c9308 (1 revision)
2021-07-06 chromium-autoroll Roll Vulkan-ValidationLayers from 054383987078 to 394157ab5101 (1 revision)
2021-07-06 chromium-autoroll Roll Vulkan-Tools from ed2740a8220e to 697cc6c387fd (1 revision)
2021-07-06 chromium-autoroll Roll Vulkan-ValidationLayers from 13930981cd40 to 054383987078 (2 revisions)
2021-07-06 chromium-autoroll Roll Vulkan-Tools from abfc71f051a6 to ed2740a8220e (1 revision)
2021-07-06 chromium-autoroll Roll Vulkan-ValidationLayers from 5b3013cba651 to 13930981cd40 (2 revisions)
2021-07-06 chromium-autoroll Roll SPIRV-Tools from 4d2832e3c8d7 to 9ce7a2fb62eb (1 revision)
2021-07-05 chromium-autoroll Roll SPIRV-Tools from 7763360524ec to 4d2832e3c8d7 (1 revision)
2021-07-05 chromium-autoroll Roll Vulkan-ValidationLayers from 39152e64829c to 5b3013cba651 (2 revisions)
2021-07-05 chromium-autoroll Roll Vulkan-Headers from a8964617af6b to 0193e158bc9f (1 revision)
2021-07-04 chromium-autoroll Roll SPIRV-Tools from a95bc460f924 to 7763360524ec (1 revision)
2021-07-03 chromium-autoroll Roll Vulkan-ValidationLayers from 406766a8440f to 39152e64829c (1 revision)
2021-07-02 chromium-autoroll Roll Vulkan-ValidationLayers from b3ab357b1a00 to 406766a8440f (1 revision)
2021-07-02 chromium-autoroll Roll Vulkan-ValidationLayers from a844c1288087 to b3ab357b1a00 (1 revision)
2021-07-02 chromium-autoroll Roll SPIRV-Tools from c67f132087b9 to a95bc460f924 (1 revision)
2021-07-02 chromium-autoroll Roll SPIRV-Tools from 06f114d48214 to c67f132087b9 (1 revision)
2021-07-01 chromium-autoroll Roll Vulkan-Tools from a7fc5ca82287 to abfc71f051a6 (1 revision)
2021-07-01 chromium-autoroll Roll Vulkan-ValidationLayers from 73452524742b to a844c1288087 (4 revisions)
2021-07-01 chromium-autoroll Roll Vulkan-ValidationLayers from 667cc02b6514 to 73452524742b (1 revision)
2021-07-01 chromium-autoroll Roll SPIRV-Tools from 74e8105eb801 to 06f114d48214 (1 revision)
2021-07-01 chromium-autoroll Roll Vulkan-ValidationLayers from 28198b569714 to 667cc02b6514 (3 revisions)
2021-06-30 chromium-autoroll Roll Vulkan-ValidationLayers from 7465dc3cb7a2 to 28198b569714 (1 revision)
2021-06-30 chromium-autoroll Roll Vulkan-Tools from 2b7d601bdaed to a7fc5ca82287 (1 revision)
2021-06-30 chromium-autoroll Roll SPIRV-Cross from bf746bd68019 to 1ae2b58f19a9 (1 revision)
2021-06-30 chromium-autoroll Roll Vulkan-Tools from 68b1feb2727e to 2b7d601bdaed (1 revision)
2021-06-30 chromium-autoroll Roll Vulkan-ValidationLayers from 4e28e6495717 to 7465dc3cb7a2 (1 revision)
2021-06-30 chromium-autoroll Roll SPIRV-Cross from c5b8022e615d to bf746bd68019 (1 revision)
2021-06-30 chromium-autoroll Roll Vulkan-Tools from aaebda90a9a8 to 68b1feb2727e (1 revision)
2021-06-29 chromium-autoroll Roll SPIRV-Tools from f9893c454940 to 74e8105eb801 (1 revision)
2021-06-29 chromium-autoroll Roll SPIRV-Tools from 8442a181294b to f9893c454940 (1 revision)
2021-06-29 chromium-autoroll Roll SPIRV-Tools from eeff9af1e6e1 to 8442a181294b (1 revision)
2021-06-29 chromium-autoroll Roll SPIRV-Tools from b8587c984a93 to eeff9af1e6e1 (1 revision)
2021-06-29 chromium-autoroll Roll SPIRV-Cross from 853e84e8bff8 to c5b8022e615d (1 revision)
2021-06-29 chromium-autoroll Roll SPIRV-Cross from 9338996f3b2b to 853e84e8bff8 (1 revision)
2021-06-28 chromium-autoroll Roll Vulkan-ValidationLayers from 01cf24db1331 to 4e28e6495717 (1 revision)
2021-06-28 chromium-autoroll Roll SPIRV-Tools from 4fcdc5894676 to b8587c984a93 (1 revision)
2021-06-28 chromium-autoroll Roll Vulkan-Tools from 8926213dd008 to aaebda90a9a8 (1 revision)
2021-06-28 chromium-autoroll Roll SPIRV-Tools from 237173a07083 to 4fcdc5894676 (1 revision)
2021-06-28 chromium-autoroll Roll Vulkan-ValidationLayers from c09be02a362f to 01cf24db1331 (2 revisions)
2021-06-28 chromium-autoroll Roll SPIRV-Tools from 8cc8b6562be9 to 237173a07083 (1 revision)
2021-06-28 chromium-autoroll Roll SPIRV-Cross from 31490955852b to 9338996f3b2b (1 revision)
2021-06-28 chromium-autoroll Roll SPIRV-Cross from 9cdeefb5e322 to 31490955852b (1 revision)
2021-06-28 chromium-autoroll Roll Vulkan-Headers from 37164a5726f7 to a8964617af6b (1 revision)
2021-06-25 chromium-autoroll Roll Vulkan-ValidationLayers from 6fbf8245095e to c09be02a362f (1 revision)
2021-06-25 chromium-autoroll Roll Vulkan-ValidationLayers from 7345a069cca3 to 6fbf8245095e (1 revision)
2021-06-25 chromium-autoroll Roll Vulkan-ValidationLayers from 968b6094907e to 7345a069cca3 (1 revision)
2021-06-25 chromium-autoroll Roll Vulkan-ValidationLayers from bfe4822f0d97 to 968b6094907e (1 revision)
2021-06-25 chromium-autoroll Roll Vulkan-ValidationLayers from 16266c388370 to bfe4822f0d97 (2 revisions)
2021-06-24 chromium-autoroll Roll SPIRV-Tools from 3a02d1126872 to 8cc8b6562be9 (1 revision)
2021-06-24 chromium-autoroll Roll SPIRV-Tools from e065c482c6c9 to 3a02d1126872 (1 revision)
2021-06-23 chromium-autoroll Roll Vulkan-ValidationLayers from bd7c99573d3b to 16266c388370 (1 revision)
2021-06-23 chromium-autoroll Roll glslang from 0c4c93bf615b to ae2a562936cc (1 revision)
2021-06-23 chromium-autoroll Roll Vulkan-ValidationLayers from 71916f15bc7f to bd7c99573d3b (5 revisions)
2021-06-23 chromium-autoroll Roll Vulkan-Tools from dbd221b2bc7a to 8926213dd008 (1 revision)
2021-06-23 chromium-autoroll Roll SPIRV-Tools from e992c96c89a3 to e065c482c6c9 (1 revision)
2021-06-23 chromium-autoroll Roll glslang from b38100f6bc00 to 0c4c93bf615b (1 revision)
2021-06-23 chromium-autoroll Roll SPIRV-Tools from 0c21e50922e4 to e992c96c89a3 (1 revision)
2021-06-22 chromium-autoroll Roll Vulkan-ValidationLayers from f12691a7fca2 to 71916f15bc7f (2 revisions)
2021-06-22 chromium-autoroll Roll SPIRV-Tools from f8eafd4d838c to 0c21e50922e4 (2 revisions)

Created with:
  roll-dep third_party/vulkan-deps

Change-Id: I9517b84c5eca6eb9251655c4b3afc2d72dbc5348
Reviewed-by: Corentin Wallez <>
Reviewed-by: Austin Eng <>
Reviewed-by: Ben Clayton <>
Commit-Queue: Corentin Wallez <>
1 file changed
tree: 7e782135c3960128cfad2bdbdbcc5ce3c2771a77
  1. .vscode/
  2. build_overrides/
  3. docs/
  4. examples/
  5. generator/
  6. infra/
  7. scripts/
  8. src/
  9. third_party/
  10. tools/
  11. .clang-format
  12. .gitattributes
  13. .gitignore
  14. .gn
  17. CMakeLists.txt
  18. codereview.settings
  19. dawn.json
  20. dawn_wire.json
  21. DEPS
  24. OWNERS
  26. README.chromium

Dawn, a WebGPU implementation

Dawn is an open-source and cross-platform implementation of the work-in-progress WebGPU standard. More precisely it implements webgpu.h that is a one-to-one mapping with the WebGPU IDL. Dawn is meant to be integrated as part of a larger system and is the underlying implementation of WebGPU in Chromium.

Dawn provides several WebGPU building blocks:

  • WebGPU C/C++ headers that applications and other building blocks use.
    • The webgpu.h version that Dawn implements.
    • A C++ wrapper for the webgpu.h.
  • A “native” implementation of WebGPU using platforms' GPU APIs:
    • D3D12 on Windows 10
    • Metal on macOS and iOS
    • Vulkan on Windows, Linux, ChromeOS, Android and Fuchsia
    • OpenGL as best effort where available
  • A client-server implementation of WebGPU for applications that are in a sandbox without access to native drivers

Helpful links:

Documentation table of content

Developer documentation:

User documentation: (TODO, figure out what overlaps with the webgpu.h docs)




Apache 2.0 Public License, please see LICENSE.


This is not an officially supported Google product.