*.pyc | |
# Directories added by gclient sync and the GN build | |
/.cipd | |
/.gclient | |
/.gclient_entries | |
/.gclient_previous_custom_vars | |
/.gclient_previous_sync_commits | |
/build | |
/buildtools | |
/testing | |
/third_party/abseil-cpp/ | |
/third_party/angle | |
/third_party/binutils | |
/third_party/catapult | |
/third_party/clang-format | |
/third_party/cpplint | |
/third_party/dxc | |
/third_party/dxheaders | |
/third_party/glfw | |
/third_party/google_benchmark/src | |
/third_party/googletest | |
/third_party/gpuweb | |
/third_party/jinja2 | |
/third_party/jsoncpp | |
/third_party/libcxx/libc++/trunk | |
/third_party/libcxx/libc++abi/trunk | |
/third_party/llvm-build | |
/third_party/markupsafe | |
/third_party/ninja | |
/third_party/node | |
/third_party/node-addon-api | |
/third_party/node-api-headers | |
/third_party/protobuf | |
/third_party/swiftshader | |
/third_party/vulkan-deps | |
/third_party/vulkan_memory_allocator | |
/third_party/webgpu-cts | |
/third_party/zlib | |
/tools/clang | |
/tools/cmake* | |
/tools/golang | |
/tools/memory | |
/out | |
# Tint test validation cache file | |
/test/tint/validation.cache | |
# Modified from https://www.gitignore.io/api/vim,macos,linux,emacs,windows,sublimetext,visualstudio,visualstudiocode,intellij | |
### Emacs ### | |
*~ | |
\#*\# | |
/.emacs.desktop | |
/.emacs.desktop.lock | |
*.elc | |
auto-save-list | |
tramp | |
.\#* | |
### Linux ### | |
.fuse_hidden* | |
.directory | |
.Trash-* | |
.nfs* | |
### macOS ### | |
*.DS_Store | |
.AppleDouble | |
.LSOverride | |
._* | |
.DocumentRevisions-V100 | |
.fseventsd | |
.Spotlight-V100 | |
.TemporaryItems | |
.Trashes | |
.VolumeIcon.icns | |
.com.apple.timemachine.donotpresent | |
.AppleDB | |
.AppleDesktop | |
Network Trash Folder | |
Temporary Items | |
.apdisk | |
### SublimeText ### | |
*.tmlanguage.cache | |
*.tmPreferences.cache | |
*.stTheme.cache | |
*.sublime-workspace | |
*.sublime-project | |
sftp-config.json | |
GitHub.sublime-settings | |
### Vim ### | |
[._]*.s[a-v][a-z] | |
[._]*.sw[a-p] | |
[._]s[a-v][a-z] | |
[._]sw[a-p] | |
Session.vim | |
.netrwhist | |
tags | |
### VisualStudio ### | |
.vs/* | |
### VisualStudioCode ### | |
.vscode/* | |
!.vscode/tasks.json | |
### Windows ### | |
Thumbs.db | |
ehthumbs.db | |
ehthumbs_vista.db | |
Desktop.ini | |
### Intellij ### | |
.idea | |
### Cached node transpiled tools | |
/.node_transpile_work_dir | |
# Misc inherited from Tint | |
/test.wgsl | |
coverage.summary | |
default.profraw | |
lcov.info | |
/cmake-build-*/ | |
/build-*/ | |
/testing | |
### Clang-Tidy files | |
all_findings.json | |
tint.dot |