blob: b11018a104cf9960ac4ac4dad4523526b0153ffc [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Dawn Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include "dawn_native/metal/DeviceMTL.h"
#include "dawn_native/BindGroup.h"
#include "dawn_native/BindGroupLayout.h"
#include "dawn_native/MetalBackend.h"
#include "dawn_native/RenderPassDescriptor.h"
#include "dawn_native/metal/BufferMTL.h"
#include "dawn_native/metal/CommandBufferMTL.h"
#include "dawn_native/metal/ComputePipelineMTL.h"
#include "dawn_native/metal/InputStateMTL.h"
#include "dawn_native/metal/PipelineLayoutMTL.h"
#include "dawn_native/metal/QueueMTL.h"
#include "dawn_native/metal/RenderPipelineMTL.h"
#include "dawn_native/metal/ResourceUploader.h"
#include "dawn_native/metal/SamplerMTL.h"
#include "dawn_native/metal/ShaderModuleMTL.h"
#include "dawn_native/metal/SwapChainMTL.h"
#include "dawn_native/metal/TextureMTL.h"
#include <IOKit/graphics/IOGraphicsLib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
namespace dawn_native { namespace metal {
namespace {
// Since CGDisplayIOServicePort was deprecated in macOS 10.9, we need create
// an alternative function for getting I/O service port from current display.
io_service_t GetDisplayIOServicePort() {
// The matching service port (or 0 if none can be found)
io_service_t servicePort = 0;
// Create matching dictionary for display service
CFMutableDictionaryRef matchingDict = IOServiceMatching("IODisplayConnect");
if (matchingDict == nullptr) {
return 0;
io_iterator_t iter;
// IOServiceGetMatchingServices look up the default master ports that match a
// matching dictionary, and will consume the reference on the matching dictionary,
// so we don't need to release the dictionary, but the iterator handle should
// be released when its iteration is finished.
if (IOServiceGetMatchingServices(kIOMasterPortDefault, matchingDict, &iter) !=
kIOReturnSuccess) {
return 0;
// Vendor number and product number of current main display
const uint32_t displayVendorNumber = CGDisplayVendorNumber(kCGDirectMainDisplay);
const uint32_t displayProductNumber = CGDisplayModelNumber(kCGDirectMainDisplay);
io_service_t serv;
while ((serv = IOIteratorNext(iter)) != IO_OBJECT_NULL) {
CFDictionaryRef displayInfo =
IODisplayCreateInfoDictionary(serv, kIODisplayOnlyPreferredName);
CFNumberRef vendorIDRef, productIDRef;
Boolean success;
// The ownership of CF object follows the 'Get Rule', we don't need to
// release these values
success = CFDictionaryGetValueIfPresent(displayInfo, CFSTR(kDisplayVendorID),
(const void**)&vendorIDRef);
success &= CFDictionaryGetValueIfPresent(displayInfo, CFSTR(kDisplayProductID),
(const void**)&productIDRef);
if (success) {
CFIndex vendorID = 0, productID = 0;
CFNumberGetValue(vendorIDRef, kCFNumberSInt32Type, &vendorID);
CFNumberGetValue(productIDRef, kCFNumberSInt32Type, &productID);
if (vendorID == displayVendorNumber && productID == displayProductNumber) {
// Check if vendor id and product id match with current display's
// If it does, we find the desired service port
servicePort = serv;
return servicePort;
// Get integer property from registry entry.
uint32_t GetEntryProperty(io_registry_entry_t entry, CFStringRef name) {
uint32_t value = 0;
// Recursively search registry entry and its parents for property name
// The data should release with CFRelease
CFDataRef data = static_cast<CFDataRef>(IORegistryEntrySearchCFProperty(
entry, kIOServicePlane, name, kCFAllocatorDefault,
kIORegistryIterateRecursively | kIORegistryIterateParents));
if (data != nullptr) {
const uint32_t* valuePtr =
reinterpret_cast<const uint32_t*>(CFDataGetBytePtr(data));
if (valuePtr) {
value = *valuePtr;
return value;
} // anonymous namespace
dawnDevice CreateDevice(id<MTLDevice> metalDevice) {
return reinterpret_cast<dawnDevice>(new Device(metalDevice));
// Device
Device::Device(id<MTLDevice> mtlDevice)
: mMtlDevice(mtlDevice),
mMapTracker(new MapRequestTracker(this)),
mResourceUploader(new ResourceUploader(this)) {
[mMtlDevice retain];
mCommandQueue = [mMtlDevice newCommandQueue];
Device::~Device() {
// Wait for all commands to be finished so we can free resources SubmitPendingCommandBuffer
// may not increment the pendingCommandSerial if there are no pending commands, so we can't
// store the pendingSerial before SubmitPendingCommandBuffer then wait for it to be passed.
// Instead we submit and wait for the serial before the next pendingCommandSerial.
while (mCompletedSerial != mLastSubmittedSerial) {
[mPendingCommands release];
mPendingCommands = nil;
mMapTracker = nullptr;
mResourceUploader = nullptr;
[mMtlDevice release];
mMtlDevice = nil;
[mCommandQueue release];
mCommandQueue = nil;
ResultOrError<BindGroupBase*> Device::CreateBindGroupImpl(
const BindGroupDescriptor* descriptor) {
return new BindGroup(this, descriptor);
ResultOrError<BindGroupLayoutBase*> Device::CreateBindGroupLayoutImpl(
const BindGroupLayoutDescriptor* descriptor) {
return new BindGroupLayout(this, descriptor);
ResultOrError<BufferBase*> Device::CreateBufferImpl(const BufferDescriptor* descriptor) {
return new Buffer(this, descriptor);
CommandBufferBase* Device::CreateCommandBuffer(CommandBufferBuilder* builder) {
return new CommandBuffer(builder);
ResultOrError<ComputePipelineBase*> Device::CreateComputePipelineImpl(
const ComputePipelineDescriptor* descriptor) {
return new ComputePipeline(this, descriptor);
InputStateBase* Device::CreateInputState(InputStateBuilder* builder) {
return new InputState(builder);
ResultOrError<PipelineLayoutBase*> Device::CreatePipelineLayoutImpl(
const PipelineLayoutDescriptor* descriptor) {
return new PipelineLayout(this, descriptor);
RenderPassDescriptorBase* Device::CreateRenderPassDescriptor(
RenderPassDescriptorBuilder* builder) {
return new RenderPassDescriptor(builder);
ResultOrError<QueueBase*> Device::CreateQueueImpl() {
return new Queue(this);
ResultOrError<RenderPipelineBase*> Device::CreateRenderPipelineImpl(
const RenderPipelineDescriptor* descriptor) {
return new RenderPipeline(this, descriptor);
ResultOrError<SamplerBase*> Device::CreateSamplerImpl(const SamplerDescriptor* descriptor) {
return new Sampler(this, descriptor);
ResultOrError<ShaderModuleBase*> Device::CreateShaderModuleImpl(
const ShaderModuleDescriptor* descriptor) {
return new ShaderModule(this, descriptor);
SwapChainBase* Device::CreateSwapChain(SwapChainBuilder* builder) {
return new SwapChain(builder);
ResultOrError<TextureBase*> Device::CreateTextureImpl(const TextureDescriptor* descriptor) {
return new Texture(this, descriptor);
ResultOrError<TextureViewBase*> Device::CreateTextureViewImpl(
TextureBase* texture,
const TextureViewDescriptor* descriptor) {
return new TextureView(texture, descriptor);
Serial Device::GetCompletedCommandSerial() const {
return mCompletedSerial;
Serial Device::GetLastSubmittedCommandSerial() const {
return mLastSubmittedSerial;
Serial Device::GetPendingCommandSerial() const {
return mLastSubmittedSerial + 1;
void Device::TickImpl() {
if (mPendingCommands != nil) {
} else if (mCompletedSerial == mLastSubmittedSerial) {
// If there's no GPU work in flight we still need to artificially increment the serial
// so that CPU operations waiting on GPU completion can know they don't have to wait.
const dawn_native::PCIInfo& Device::GetPCIInfo() const {
return mPCIInfo;
id<MTLDevice> Device::GetMTLDevice() {
return mMtlDevice;
id<MTLCommandBuffer> Device::GetPendingCommandBuffer() {
if (mPendingCommands == nil) {
mPendingCommands = [mCommandQueue commandBuffer];
[mPendingCommands retain];
return mPendingCommands;
void Device::SubmitPendingCommandBuffer() {
if (mPendingCommands == nil) {
// Ok, ObjC blocks are weird. My understanding is that local variables are captured by value
// so this-> works as expected. However it is unclear how members are captured, (are they
// captured using this-> or by value?) so we make a copy of the pendingCommandSerial on the
// stack.
Serial pendingSerial = mLastSubmittedSerial;
[mPendingCommands addCompletedHandler:^(id<MTLCommandBuffer>) {
this->mCompletedSerial = pendingSerial;
[mPendingCommands commit];
[mPendingCommands release];
mPendingCommands = nil;
MapRequestTracker* Device::GetMapTracker() const {
return mMapTracker.get();
ResourceUploader* Device::GetResourceUploader() const {
return mResourceUploader.get();
void Device::CollectPCIInfo() {
io_registry_entry_t entry = GetDisplayIOServicePort();
if (entry != IO_OBJECT_NULL) {
mPCIInfo.vendorId = GetEntryProperty(entry, CFSTR("vendor-id"));
mPCIInfo.deviceId = GetEntryProperty(entry, CFSTR("device-id"));
} = std::string([ UTF8String]);
}} // namespace dawn_native::metal