blob: aac288d817104ab0011d49ef8cbc5551e238aab2 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2023 The Dawn Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include <limits>
#include <memory>
#include "dawn/native/Buffer.h"
#include "dawn/native/d3d/d3d_platform.h"
namespace dawn::native::d3d11 {
class CommandRecordingContext;
class Device;
class Buffer final : public BufferBase {
static ResultOrError<Ref<Buffer>> Create(Device* device, const BufferDescriptor* descriptor);
MaybeError EnsureDataInitialized(CommandRecordingContext* commandContext);
MaybeError EnsureDataInitializedAsDestination(CommandRecordingContext* commandContext,
uint64_t offset,
uint64_t size);
MaybeError EnsureDataInitializedAsDestination(CommandRecordingContext* commandContext,
const CopyTextureToBufferCmd* copy);
// Dawn API
void SetLabelImpl() override;
ID3D11Buffer* GetD3D11ConstantBuffer() const { return mD3d11ConstantBuffer.Get(); }
ID3D11Buffer* GetD3D11NonConstantBuffer() const { return mD3d11NonConstantBuffer.Get(); }
// Mark the mD3d11NonConstantBuffer is mutated by shaders, if mD3d11ConstantBuffer exists,
// it will be synced with mD3d11NonConstantBuffer before binding it to the constant buffer slot.
void MarkMutated();
// Update content of the mD3d11ConstantBuffer from mD3d11NonConstantBuffer if needed.
void EnsureConstantBufferIsUpdated(CommandRecordingContext* commandContext);
ResultOrError<ComPtr<ID3D11ShaderResourceView>> CreateD3D11ShaderResourceView(
uint64_t offset,
uint64_t size) const;
ResultOrError<ComPtr<ID3D11UnorderedAccessView1>> CreateD3D11UnorderedAccessView1(
uint64_t offset,
uint64_t size) const;
MaybeError Clear(CommandRecordingContext* commandContext,
uint8_t clearValue,
uint64_t offset,
uint64_t size);
MaybeError Write(CommandRecordingContext* commandContext,
uint64_t offset,
const void* data,
size_t size);
static MaybeError Copy(CommandRecordingContext* commandContext,
Buffer* source,
uint64_t sourceOffset,
size_t size,
Buffer* destination,
uint64_t destinationOffset);
class ScopedMap : public NonCopyable {
// Map buffer and return a ScopedMap object. If the buffer is not mappable,
// scopedMap.GetMappedData() will return nullptr.
static ResultOrError<ScopedMap> Create(Buffer* buffer);
ScopedMap(ScopedMap&& other);
ScopedMap& operator=(ScopedMap&& other);
uint8_t* GetMappedData() const;
void Reset();
ScopedMap(Buffer* buffer, bool needsUnmap);
Buffer* mBuffer = nullptr;
// Whether the buffer needs to be unmapped when the ScopedMap object is destroyed.
bool mNeedsUnmap = false;
using BufferBase::BufferBase;
~Buffer() override;
MaybeError Initialize(bool mappedAtCreation);
MaybeError MapAsyncImpl(wgpu::MapMode mode, size_t offset, size_t size) override;
void UnmapImpl() override;
void DestroyImpl() override;
bool IsCPUWritableAtCreation() const override;
MaybeError MapAtCreationImpl() override;
void* GetMappedPointer() override;
MaybeError MapInternal();
void UnmapInternal();
MaybeError InitializeToZero(CommandRecordingContext* commandContext);
// Clear the buffer without checking if the buffer is initialized.
MaybeError ClearInternal(CommandRecordingContext* commandContext,
uint8_t clearValue,
uint64_t offset = 0,
uint64_t size = 0);
// Write the buffer without checking if the buffer is initialized.
MaybeError WriteInternal(CommandRecordingContext* commandContext,
uint64_t bufferOffset,
const void* data,
size_t size);
// Copy the buffer without checking if the buffer is initialized.
static MaybeError CopyInternal(CommandRecordingContext* commandContext,
Buffer* source,
uint64_t sourceOffset,
size_t size,
Buffer* destination,
uint64_t destinationOffset);
// The buffer object for constant buffer usage.
ComPtr<ID3D11Buffer> mD3d11ConstantBuffer;
// The buffer object for non-constant buffer usages(e.g. storage buffer, vertex buffer, etc.)
ComPtr<ID3D11Buffer> mD3d11NonConstantBuffer;
bool mConstantBufferIsUpdated = true;
uint8_t* mMappedData = nullptr;
} // namespace dawn::native::d3d11