Roll third_party/swiftshader/ 314508f78..562df4889 (122 commits)

$ git log 314508f78..562df4889 --date=short --no-merges --format='%ad %ae %s'
2021-09-25 capn Implement support for regular scaled buffer formats
2020-05-07 capn Eliminate Subzero's dependency on llvm::FoldingSet
2021-09-26 nicolascapens Fix dEQP setup documentation for Linux
2021-09-27 capn Fix obtaining the execution model from the intended entry point
2021-09-24 srisser Implement VK_EXT_4444_formats
2021-09-25 capn Revert "Work around dEQP-VK output_location test flakiness"
2021-09-24 capn Increase maxStorageBufferRange to MAX_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_SIZE (1 GiB)
2021-09-22 capn Rename rasterOperation() to blendColor()
2021-09-22 capn Support self-resolving vkGetInstanceProcAddr
2021-09-23 nicolascapens Regres: disable logging of decompiled SPIR-V and empty loginfo
2021-09-22 capn Fix exported extension functions
2021-09-23 capn Refactor SPIR-V binary optimization
2021-09-23 geofflang Only use -Wno-shadow on clang builds.
2021-09-22 capn Compute the image size in 64-bit arithmetic
2021-09-21 pkasting Force -Wno-shadow to avoid variable shadowing warnings.
2021-09-21 swiftshader.regress Regres: Update test lists @ 6cbc2468
2021-09-17 srisser Set all provoking vertex feature bools
2021-09-14 srisser Fully support all 16-bit packed texture formats
2021-09-16 capn Optimize SPIR-V binary cache reuse
2021-09-15 capn Add optimization state to the optimized SPIR-V binary cache key
2021-09-16 capn Cache optimized SPIR-V binaries instead of compiled shaders
2021-09-16 capn Fix use of deleted shader during compute execution
2021-09-15 capn Refactor SPIR-V binary storage
2021-09-09 srisser Return error for requested unsupported features
2021-09-11 capn Clamp depth before the depth test
2021-09-11 capn Skip depth bounds test when there is no depth attachment
2021-09-11 capn Rename render target to color buffer
2021-09-13 kjlubick Delete explicit copy assignment operator
2021-09-08 sugoi Add derived class for every type of external memory
2021-09-09 capn Fix decompression of cube-compatible layered 2D images
2021-09-09 capn Refactor image decompression and cube border update
2021-09-09 capn Refactor cube compatibility
2021-09-03 sugoi Refactor VkMemoryAllocateInfo parsing
2021-09-07 capn Remove vulkan_fuchsia_extras.h
2021-09-01 capn Use the shorter promoted Vulkan structure and enum names
2021-09-03 sugoi Revert "Add external memory parameter to size computations"
2021-09-02 srisser Update git-hooks to latest revision
2021-08-31 srisser Remove erroneous ASSERT for format lists
2021-08-30 srisser Minimize usage of global constructors in Reactor
2021-08-30 jmadill Increase maxComputeSharedMemorySize.
2021-08-31 tikuta update angle revision
2021-08-27 srisser Turn BC6 constructors into constexpr
2021-08-24 capn Implement VK_EXT_load_store_op_none
2021-08-24 capn Refactor determining the aspects to clear
2021-08-24 capn Refactor command execution
2021-08-24 capn Update Vulkan headers to version 1.2.189
2021-08-24 capn Eliminate custom Vulkan constants
2021-08-20 srisser Don't use global variables for CPUID
2021-08-23 srisser Remove global constructor from BC6
2021-08-21 capn Fix Subzero Optimizer run time variability
2021-07-26 capn Refactor sample shading state determination
2021-07-26 srisser Add Bias and Fetch to divergent Lod sampling
2021-07-19 srisser Optimize Lod and Grad texture sampling
2021-07-27 capn Initialize llvm::orc::ExecutionSession with default SelfExecutorProcessControl
2021-07-26 capn Remove -Wno-unused-but-set-variable flag usage
2021-07-26 pkasting Fix some instances of -Wunused-but-set-variable.
2021-03-01 mail Add missing dependency for LLVM 10 CMake builds
2021-07-19 capn Remove -Xclang -fuse-init-array from the Android build flags
2021-07-14 capn Move remaining Subzero x86 traits to their corresponding class
2021-07-14 capn Move Subzero Inst traits to the Inst header/source
2021-07-14 capn Move Subzero Assembler traits to the Assembler header/source
2021-07-13 capn Refactor AsmAddress creation
2021-07-13 capn Make AsmAddress producing methods static
2021-07-13 capn Increase Subzero x86-64 stack alignment to 16
2021-07-13 capn Fix RequiredStackAlignment initialization
2021-07-13 capn Rename Subzero Address to AsmAddress
2021-07-12 capn Rename Subzero traits Operand to AsmOperand
2021-07-06 capn Specialize Subzero X86 backends for 32- or 64-bit
2021-07-09 capn Don't templatize based on X86 traits
2021-07-08 capn Deduplicate X86 condition codes
2021-07-07 capn De-templatize the IceAssemblerX86Base class
2021-07-07 capn Duplicate X86 headers into X8632 and X8664 ones
2021-07-07 capn Define specialized PoolTypeConverter constants in the header
2021-07-14 adrian.ratiu Backport LLVM fix for mallinfo deprecation
2021-07-10 thakis Define NO_SANITIZE_FUNCTION on win/clang too
2021-07-09 thakis Stop building with -fno-operator-names
2021-07-09 thakis Stop defining _WINDLL
2021-07-09 thakis Remove workaround for 32-bit gold ICF bug
2021-07-08 thakis Remove -Wno-error flags
2021-07-08 thakis Remove now-unused gni imports
2021-07-08 thakis Remove x86/x64-specific arch flags
2021-07-08 thakis Try to unbreak build after
2021-07-08 thakis Remove mips-specific arch flags
2021-07-08 thakis Share ANGLE_DISABLE_TRACE-setting code between win and non-win
2021-07-08 thakis Stop passing -fomit-frame-pointers in swiftshader build file
2021-07-08 thakis Remove sysroot and mmacosx-version-min flag for mac/arm builds
2021-07-08 thakis Remove explicit -msse2 flags (and some other minor things)
2021-07-08 thakis Remove unnecessary flags from
2021-06-30 capn Delete the legacy OpenGL ES build for Android
2021-07-06 capn Eliminate Subzero sandboxing support
2021-07-06 capn Assume Microsoft ABI on Windows
2021-07-05 capn Eliminate support for the PNaCl ABI
2021-05-27 srisser Replace curl command with git-hooks submodule
2021-07-03 capn Clarify contributing documentation for Windows users
2021-07-06 capn Fix -Wundefined-var-template warnings for ARM32 and MIPS32
2021-07-05 capn Define constant static template members as constexpr
2021-07-05 capn Make Subzero opcode pointer constant
2021-06-27 capn Fix -Wundefined-var-template warnings
2021-07-02 capn Regres: Increase MaxProcMemory to 6 GiB
2021-07-01 jerumble Fix gcc < 9 builds

Created with:
  roll-dep third_party/swiftshader

Change-Id: I39adb186c5c28ad35722d1b72c97bb867672c6c3
Reviewed-by: Austin Eng <>
Commit-Queue: Corentin Wallez <>
1 file changed
tree: c4da73de5ad2c2346fc9e96ad3ab711e4063967c
  1. .vscode/
  2. build_overrides/
  3. docs/
  4. examples/
  5. generator/
  6. infra/
  7. scripts/
  8. src/
  9. third_party/
  10. tools/
  11. .clang-format
  12. .gitattributes
  13. .gitignore
  14. .gn
  17. CMakeLists.txt
  18. codereview.settings
  19. dawn.json
  20. dawn_wire.json
  21. DEPS
  24. OWNERS
  26. README.chromium

Dawn's logo: a sun rising behind a stylized mountain inspired by the WebGPU logo. The text Dawn is written below it.

Dawn, a WebGPU implementation

Dawn is an open-source and cross-platform implementation of the work-in-progress WebGPU standard. More precisely it implements webgpu.h that is a one-to-one mapping with the WebGPU IDL. Dawn is meant to be integrated as part of a larger system and is the underlying implementation of WebGPU in Chromium.

Dawn provides several WebGPU building blocks:

  • WebGPU C/C++ headers that applications and other building blocks use.
    • The webgpu.h version that Dawn implements.
    • A C++ wrapper for the webgpu.h.
  • A “native” implementation of WebGPU using platforms' GPU APIs:
    • D3D12 on Windows 10
    • Metal on macOS and iOS
    • Vulkan on Windows, Linux, ChromeOS, Android and Fuchsia
    • OpenGL as best effort where available
  • A client-server implementation of WebGPU for applications that are in a sandbox without access to native drivers

Helpful links:

Documentation table of content

Developer documentation:

User documentation: (TODO, figure out what overlaps with the webgpu.h docs)




Apache 2.0 Public License, please see LICENSE.


This is not an officially supported Google product.