blob: eef33b2abe14a35ddfec9dcb3ded0a8eb78a86ae [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2023 The Tint Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include <vector>
#include "src/tint/lang/core/builtin/address_space.h"
#include "src/tint/lang/core/builtin/builtin_value.h"
#include "src/tint/lang/core/builtin/texel_format.h"
#include "src/tint/lang/core/constant/value.h"
#include "src/tint/lang/core/ir/constant.h"
#include "src/tint/lang/spirv/ast_writer/binary_writer.h"
#include "src/tint/lang/spirv/ast_writer/function.h"
#include "src/tint/lang/spirv/ast_writer/module.h"
#include "src/tint/utils/containers/hashmap.h"
#include "src/tint/utils/containers/vector.h"
#include "src/tint/utils/diagnostic/diagnostic.h"
#include "src/tint/utils/text/symbol.h"
// Forward declarations
namespace tint::ir {
class Access;
class Binary;
class Bitcast;
class Block;
class BlockParam;
class Construct;
class ControlInstruction;
class Convert;
class CoreBuiltinCall;
class ExitIf;
class ExitLoop;
class ExitSwitch;
class Function;
class If;
class IntrinsicCall;
class Let;
class Load;
class LoadVectorElement;
class Loop;
class Module;
class MultiInBlock;
class Store;
class StoreVectorElement;
class Switch;
class Swizzle;
class Terminator;
class Unary;
class UserCall;
class Value;
class Var;
} // namespace tint::ir
namespace tint::type {
class Struct;
class Texture;
class Type;
} // namespace tint::type
namespace tint::writer::spirv {
/// Implementation class for SPIR-V writer
class Writer {
/// Constructor
/// @param module the Tint IR module to generate
/// @param zero_init_workgroup_memory `true` to initialize all the variables in the Workgroup
/// storage class with OpConstantNull
Writer(ir::Module* module, bool zero_init_workgroup_memory);
/// @returns true on successful generation; false otherwise
bool Generate();
/// @returns the module that this writer has produced
spirv::Module& Module() { return module_; }
/// @returns the generated SPIR-V binary data
const std::vector<uint32_t>& Result() const { return writer_.Result(); }
/// @returns the list of diagnostics raised by the writer
diag::List Diagnostics() const { return diagnostics_; }
/// Get the result ID of the constant `constant`, emitting its instruction if necessary.
/// @param constant the constant to get the ID for
/// @returns the result ID of the constant
uint32_t Constant(ir::Constant* constant);
/// Get the result ID of the type `ty`, emitting a type declaration instruction if necessary.
/// @param ty the type to get the ID for
/// @param addrspace the optional address space that this type is being used for
/// @returns the result ID of the type
uint32_t Type(const type::Type* ty,
builtin::AddressSpace addrspace = builtin::AddressSpace::kUndefined);
/// Convert a builtin to the corresponding SPIR-V enum value, taking into account the target
/// address space. Adds any capabilities needed for the builtin.
/// @param builtin the builtin to convert
/// @param addrspace the address space the builtin is being used in
/// @returns the enum value of the corresponding SPIR-V builtin
uint32_t Builtin(builtin::BuiltinValue builtin, builtin::AddressSpace addrspace);
/// Convert a texel format to the corresponding SPIR-V enum value, adding required capabilities.
/// @param format the format to convert
/// @returns the enum value of the corresponding SPIR-V texel format
uint32_t TexelFormat(const builtin::TexelFormat format);
/// Get the result ID of the constant `constant`, emitting its instruction if necessary.
/// @param constant the constant to get the ID for
/// @returns the result ID of the constant
uint32_t Constant(const constant::Value* constant);
/// Get the result ID of the OpConstantNull instruction for `type`, emitting it if necessary.
/// @param type the type to get the ID for
/// @returns the result ID of the OpConstantNull instruction
uint32_t ConstantNull(const type::Type* type);
/// Get the ID of the label for `block`.
/// @param block the block to get the label ID for
/// @returns the ID of the block's label
uint32_t Label(ir::Block* block);
/// Get the result ID of the value `value`, emitting its instruction if necessary.
/// @param value the value to get the ID for
/// @returns the result ID of the value
uint32_t Value(ir::Value* value);
/// Get the result ID of the instruction result `value`, emitting its instruction if necessary.
/// @param inst the instruction to get the ID for
/// @returns the result ID of the instruction
uint32_t Value(ir::Instruction* inst);
/// Get the result ID of the OpUndef instruction with type `ty`, emitting it if necessary.
/// @param ty the type of the undef value
/// @returns the result ID of the instruction
uint32_t Undef(const type::Type* ty);
/// Emit a struct type.
/// @param id the result ID to use
/// @param addrspace the optional address space that this type is being used for
/// @param str the struct type to emit
void EmitStructType(uint32_t id,
const type::Struct* str,
builtin::AddressSpace addrspace = builtin::AddressSpace::kUndefined);
/// Emit a texture type.
/// @param id the result ID to use
/// @param texture the texture type to emit
void EmitTextureType(uint32_t id, const type::Texture* texture);
/// Emit a function.
/// @param func the function to emit
void EmitFunction(ir::Function* func);
/// Emit entry point declarations for a function.
/// @param func the function to emit entry point declarations for
/// @param id the result ID of the function declaration
void EmitEntryPoint(ir::Function* func, uint32_t id);
/// Emit a block, including the initial OpLabel, OpPhis and instructions.
/// @param block the block to emit
void EmitBlock(ir::Block* block);
/// Emit all OpPhi nodes for incoming branches to @p block.
/// @param block the block to emit the OpPhis for
void EmitIncomingPhis(ir::MultiInBlock* block);
/// Emit all instructions of @p block.
/// @param block the block's instructions to emit
void EmitBlockInstructions(ir::Block* block);
/// Emit the root block.
/// @param root_block the root block to emit
void EmitRootBlock(ir::Block* root_block);
/// Emit an `if` flow node.
/// @param i the if node to emit
void EmitIf(ir::If* i);
/// Emit an access instruction
/// @param access the access instruction to emit
void EmitAccess(ir::Access* access);
/// Emit a binary instruction.
/// @param binary the binary instruction to emit
void EmitBinary(ir::Binary* binary);
/// Emit a bitcast instruction.
/// @param bitcast the bitcast instruction to emit
void EmitBitcast(ir::Bitcast* bitcast);
/// Emit a builtin function call instruction.
/// @param call the builtin call instruction to emit
void EmitCoreBuiltinCall(ir::CoreBuiltinCall* call);
/// Emit a construct instruction.
/// @param construct the construct instruction to emit
void EmitConstruct(ir::Construct* construct);
/// Emit a convert instruction.
/// @param convert the convert instruction to emit
void EmitConvert(ir::Convert* convert);
/// Emit an intrinsic call instruction.
/// @param call the intrinsic call instruction to emit
void EmitIntrinsicCall(ir::IntrinsicCall* call);
/// Emit a load instruction.
/// @param load the load instruction to emit
void EmitLoad(ir::Load* load);
/// Emit a load vector element instruction.
/// @param load the load vector element instruction to emit
void EmitLoadVectorElement(ir::LoadVectorElement* load);
/// Emit a loop instruction.
/// @param loop the loop instruction to emit
void EmitLoop(ir::Loop* loop);
/// Emit a store instruction.
/// @param store the store instruction to emit
void EmitStore(ir::Store* store);
/// Emit a store vector element instruction.
/// @param store the store vector element instruction to emit
void EmitStoreVectorElement(ir::StoreVectorElement* store);
/// Emit a switch instruction.
/// @param swtch the switch instruction to emit
void EmitSwitch(ir::Switch* swtch);
/// Emit a swizzle instruction.
/// @param swizzle the swizzle instruction to emit
void EmitSwizzle(ir::Swizzle* swizzle);
/// Emit a unary instruction.
/// @param unary the unary instruction to emit
void EmitUnary(ir::Unary* unary);
/// Emit a user call instruction.
/// @param call the user call instruction to emit
void EmitUserCall(ir::UserCall* call);
/// Emit a var instruction.
/// @param var the var instruction to emit
void EmitVar(ir::Var* var);
/// Emit a let instruction.
/// @param let the let instruction to emit
void EmitLet(ir::Let* let);
/// Emit a terminator instruction.
/// @param term the terminator instruction to emit
void EmitTerminator(ir::Terminator* term);
/// Emit the OpPhis for the given flow control instruction.
/// @param inst the flow control instruction
void EmitExitPhis(ir::ControlInstruction* inst);
ir::Module* ir_;
spirv::Module module_;
BinaryWriter writer_;
diag::List diagnostics_;
/// A function type used for an OpTypeFunction declaration.
struct FunctionType {
uint32_t return_type_id;
utils::Vector<uint32_t, 4> param_type_ids;
/// Hasher provides a hash function for the FunctionType.
struct Hasher {
/// @param ft the FunctionType to create a hash for
/// @return the hash value
inline std::size_t operator()(const FunctionType& ft) const {
size_t hash = utils::Hash(ft.return_type_id);
for (auto& p : ft.param_type_ids) {
hash = utils::HashCombine(hash, p);
return hash;
/// Equality operator for FunctionType.
bool operator==(const FunctionType& other) const {
return (param_type_ids == other.param_type_ids) &&
(return_type_id == other.return_type_id);
/// The map of types to their result IDs.
utils::Hashmap<const type::Type*, uint32_t, 8> types_;
/// The map of function types to their result IDs.
utils::Hashmap<FunctionType, uint32_t, 8, FunctionType::Hasher> function_types_;
/// The map of constants to their result IDs.
utils::Hashmap<const constant::Value*, uint32_t, 16> constants_;
/// The map of types to the result IDs of their OpConstantNull instructions.
utils::Hashmap<const type::Type*, uint32_t, 4> constant_nulls_;
/// The map of types to the result IDs of their OpUndef instructions.
utils::Hashmap<const type::Type*, uint32_t, 4> undef_values_;
/// The map of non-constant values to their result IDs.
utils::Hashmap<ir::Value*, uint32_t, 8> values_;
/// The map of blocks to the IDs of their label instructions.
utils::Hashmap<ir::Block*, uint32_t, 8> block_labels_;
/// The map of extended instruction set names to their result IDs.
utils::Hashmap<std::string_view, uint32_t, 2> imports_;
/// The current function that is being emitted.
Function current_function_;
/// The merge block for the current if statement
uint32_t if_merge_label_ = 0;
/// The header block for the current loop statement
uint32_t loop_header_label_ = 0;
/// The merge block for the current loop statement
uint32_t loop_merge_label_ = 0;
/// The merge block for the current switch statement
uint32_t switch_merge_label_ = 0;
bool zero_init_workgroup_memory_ = false;
} // namespace tint::writer::spirv