blob: 59f332fdf2d8546d9887068f8a6971cdde5a4ec7 [file] [log] [blame]
#include <metal_stdlib>
using namespace metal;
struct FBF {
float4 c1;
int4 c3;
void g(float a, float b, int c) {
fragment void f(float4 pos [[position]], FBF fbf) {
g(fbf.c1[0u], pos[1u], fbf.c3[2u]);
program_source:10:42: error: invalid type 'FBF' for input declaration in a fragment function
fragment void f(float4 pos [[position]], FBF fbf) {
program_source:4:10: note: 'color' attribute must be made explicit
float4 c1;
program_source:5:8: note: 'color' attribute must be made explicit
int4 c3;