| {{- /* |
| -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| Template file for use with tools/intrinsic-gen to generate the wgsl files in the |
| ./gen/... subdirectories |
| |
| See: |
| * tools/cmd/intrinsic-gen/gen for structures used by this template |
| * https://golang.org/pkg/text/template/ for documentation on the template syntax |
| -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| */ -}} |
| |
| {{- /* For each permutation of each overload of each function... */ -}} |
| {{- range .Sem.Functions -}} |
| {{- range .Overloads -}} |
| {{- range Permute . -}} |
| {{- /* Generate a ./gen/<function>/<permuataion-hash>.wgsl file using |
| the Permutation macro defined below */ -}} |
| {{- $file := printf "./gen/%v/%v.wgsl" .Function.Name .Hash -}} |
| {{- $content := Eval "Permutation" . -}} |
| {{- WriteFile $file $content -}} |
| {{- end }} |
| {{- end }} |
| {{- end }} |
| |
| |
| {{- /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */ -}} |
| {{- define "Permutation" -}} |
| {{- /* Emits the body of the intrinsic permuation .wgsl file */ -}} |
| {{- /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */ -}} |
| {{- $function := .Function.Name -}} |
| {{- $permutation := printf "%v_%v" $function .Hash -}} |
| {{- $args := Map -}} |
| |
| {{- /* Generate a storage buffer for runtime sized array parameters */ -}} |
| {{- if (Eval "HasStorageBufferArgs" .) -}} |
| [[block]] |
| struct SB { |
| {{- range $i, $p := .Parameters }} |
| {{- $class := Eval "StorageClass" $p.Type -}} |
| {{- if eq "STORAGE_BUFFER" $class }} |
| arg_{{$i}}: {{template "Type" $p.Type}}; |
| {{ $args.Put $i (printf "sb.arg_%v" $i) -}} |
| {{- end -}} |
| {{- end -}} |
| }; |
| [[group(0), binding(0)]] var<storage> sb : [[access(read)]] SB; |
| {{ end -}} |
| |
| {{- /* Generate module-scoped resource variables (textures, samplers, etc) */ -}} |
| {{- range $i, $p := .Parameters }} |
| {{- $class := Eval "StorageClass" $p.Type -}} |
| {{- if eq "RESOURCE" $class -}} |
| [[group(1), binding({{$i}})]] var arg_{{$i}}: {{template "Type" $p.Type}}; |
| {{ $args.Put $i (printf "arg_%v" $i) -}} |
| {{- end -}} |
| {{- end -}} |
| |
| {{- /* Generate the function that calls the intrinsic */ -}} |
| fn {{$permutation}}() { |
| {{/* Build the parameters either as 'var' or inline values */ -}} |
| {{- range $i, $p := .Parameters -}} |
| {{- $class := Eval "StorageClass" $p.Type -}} |
| {{- if eq "PRIVATE" $class -}} |
| {{- if eq "ptr" $p.Type.Target.Name -}} |
| {{- /*indent*/}} var arg_{{$i}}: {{template "Type" index $p.Type.TemplateArguments 1}}; |
| {{ $args.Put $i (printf "&arg_%v" $i) -}} |
| {{- else -}} |
| {{- $args.Put $i (Eval "ValueOf" $p.Type) -}} |
| {{- end -}} |
| {{- end -}} |
| {{- end -}} |
| |
| {{- /* Make the call to the intrinsic */ -}} |
| {{- /*indent*/}} {{/*indent*/ -}} |
| {{- if .ReturnType -}} |
| var res: {{template "Type" .ReturnType}} = {{/* preserve space after = */ -}} |
| {{- end -}} |
| {{$function}}( |
| {{- range $i, $p := .Parameters -}} |
| {{- if $i -}}, {{end}}{{$args.Get $i -}} |
| {{- end -}} |
| ); |
| } |
| {{/*new line*/ -}} |
| |
| {{- if .CanBeUsedInStage.Vertex }} |
| [[stage(vertex)]] |
| fn vertex_main() -> [[builtin(position)]] vec4<f32> { |
| {{$permutation}}(); |
| return vec4<f32>(); |
| } |
| {{ end -}} |
| |
| {{- if .CanBeUsedInStage.Fragment }} |
| [[stage(fragment)]] |
| fn fragment_main() { |
| {{$permutation}}(); |
| } |
| {{ end -}} |
| |
| {{- if .CanBeUsedInStage.Compute }} |
| [[stage(compute)]] |
| fn compute_main() { |
| {{$permutation}}(); |
| } |
| {{ end -}} |
| |
| {{- end -}} |
| |
| |
| {{- /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */ -}} |
| {{- define "HasStorageBufferArgs" -}} |
| {{- /* Returns a non-empty string if the given overload has parameters */ -}} |
| {{- /* that are in the STORAGE_BUFFER storage class */ -}} |
| {{- /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */ -}} |
| {{- range $i, $p := .Parameters }} |
| {{- $class := Eval "StorageClass" $p.Type -}} |
| {{- if eq "STORAGE_BUFFER" $class -}}1 |
| {{ end -}} |
| {{- end -}} |
| {{- end -}} |
| |
| |
| {{- /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */ -}} |
| {{- define "StorageClass" -}} |
| {{- /* Returns the storage classs STORAGE_BUFFER, RESOURCE, or PRIVATE */ -}} |
| {{- /* for the given Fully Qualified Name */ -}} |
| {{- /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */ -}} |
| {{- $name := .Target.Name -}} |
| {{- if eq $name "array" -}}STORAGE_BUFFER |
| {{- else if HasPrefix $name "texture" -}}RESOURCE |
| {{- else if HasPrefix $name "sampler" -}}RESOURCE |
| {{- else -}}PRIVATE |
| {{- end -}} |
| {{- end -}} |
| |
| |
| {{- /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */ -}} |
| {{- define "ValueOf" -}} |
| {{- /* Returns a value of the given Fully Qualified Name argument */ -}} |
| {{- /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */ -}} |
| {{- if eq .Target.Name "i32" -}}1 |
| {{- else if eq .Target.Name "u32" -}}1u |
| {{- else if eq .Target.Name "f32" -}}1.0 |
| {{- else -}}{{template "Type" .}}() |
| {{- end -}} |
| {{- end -}} |
| |
| |
| {{- /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */ -}} |
| {{- define "Type" -}} |
| {{- /* Emits the WGSL for the Fully Qualified Name argument */ -}} |
| {{- /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */ -}} |
| {{- if IsType .Target -}} |
| {{- if eq .Target.Name "vec" -}}vec{{index .TemplateArguments 0}}<{{template "Type" index .TemplateArguments 1}}> |
| {{- else if eq .Target.Name "mat" -}}mat{{index .TemplateArguments 0}}x{{index .TemplateArguments 1}}<{{template "Type" index .TemplateArguments 2}}> |
| {{- else -}}{{.Target.Name}}{{template "TemplateArguments" .TemplateArguments}} |
| {{- end -}} |
| {{- else if IsEnumEntry .Target -}}{{.Target.Name}} |
| {{- else if IsEnumMatcher .Target -}}{{(index .Target.Options 0).Name}} |
| {{- else -}}<unhandled-fully-qualified-name-target={{- printf "%T" .Target -}}> |
| {{- end -}} |
| {{- end -}} |
| |
| |
| {{- /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */ -}} |
| {{- define "TemplateArguments" -}} |
| {{- /* Emits the WGSL for the template argument list */ -}} |
| {{- /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */ -}} |
| {{- if . -}} |
| < |
| {{- range $i, $a := . -}} |
| {{- if $i -}}, {{ end -}} |
| {{- if IsInt $a -}}{{- . -}} |
| {{- else -}}{{- template "Type" $a -}} |
| {{- end -}} |
| {{- end -}} |
| > |
| {{- end -}} |
| {{- end -}} |