blob: 628f9db70cdf1762dbeec5a8c6c2a95525e64e09 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The Tint Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0(the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include <cstdint>
#include <optional>
#include <string>
#include <unordered_set>
#include <utility>
#include "src/tint/core/vector.h"
#include "src/tint/lang/base/builtin/address_space.h"
#include "src/tint/lang/base/builtin/builtin_value.h"
#include "src/tint/lang/base/builtin/interpolation.h"
#include "src/tint/symbol.h"
#include "src/tint/type/node.h"
#include "src/tint/type/type.h"
// Forward declarations
namespace tint::type {
class StructMember;
} // namespace tint::type
namespace tint::type {
/// Metadata to capture how a structure is used in a shader module.
enum class PipelineStageUsage {
enum StructFlag {
/// The structure is a block-decorated structure (for SPIR-V or GLSL).
/// An alias to utils::EnumSet<StructFlag>
using StructFlags = utils::EnumSet<StructFlag>;
/// Struct holds the Type information for structures.
class Struct : public utils::Castable<Struct, Type> {
/// Constructor
/// @param name the name of the structure
/// @param members the structure members
/// @param align the byte alignment of the structure
/// @param size the byte size of the structure
/// @param size_no_padding size of the members without the end of structure
/// alignment padding
Struct(Symbol name,
utils::VectorRef<const StructMember*> members,
uint32_t align,
uint32_t size,
uint32_t size_no_padding);
/// Destructor
~Struct() override;
/// @param other the other node to compare against
/// @returns true if the this type is equal to @p other
bool Equals(const UniqueNode& other) const override;
/// @returns the name of the structure
Symbol Name() const { return name_; }
/// @returns the members of the structure
utils::VectorRef<const StructMember*> Members() const { return members_; }
/// @param name the member name to look for
/// @returns the member with the given name, or nullptr if it was not found.
const StructMember* FindMember(Symbol name) const;
/// @returns the byte alignment of the structure
/// @note this may differ from the alignment of a structure member of this
/// structure type, if the member is annotated with the `@align(n)`
/// attribute.
uint32_t Align() const override;
/// @returns the byte size of the structure
/// @note this may differ from the size of a structure member of this
/// structure type, if the member is annotated with the `@size(n)`
/// attribute.
uint32_t Size() const override;
/// @returns the byte size of the members without the end of structure
/// alignment padding
uint32_t SizeNoPadding() const { return size_no_padding_; }
/// @returns the structure flags
type::StructFlags StructFlags() const { return struct_flags_; }
/// Set a structure flag.
/// @param flag the flag to set
void SetStructFlag(StructFlag flag) { struct_flags_.Add(flag); }
/// Adds the AddressSpace usage to the structure.
/// @param usage the storage usage
void AddUsage(builtin::AddressSpace usage) { address_space_usage_.emplace(usage); }
/// @returns the set of address space uses of this structure
const std::unordered_set<builtin::AddressSpace>& AddressSpaceUsage() const {
return address_space_usage_;
/// @param usage the AddressSpace usage type to query
/// @returns true iff this structure has been used as the given address space
bool UsedAs(builtin::AddressSpace usage) const { return address_space_usage_.count(usage) > 0; }
/// @returns true iff this structure has been used by address space that's
/// host-shareable.
bool IsHostShareable() const {
for (auto sc : address_space_usage_) {
if (builtin::IsHostShareable(sc)) {
return true;
return false;
/// Adds the pipeline stage usage to the structure.
/// @param usage the storage usage
void AddUsage(PipelineStageUsage usage) { pipeline_stage_uses_.emplace(usage); }
/// @returns the set of entry point uses of this structure
const std::unordered_set<PipelineStageUsage>& PipelineStageUses() const {
return pipeline_stage_uses_;
/// @returns the name for this type that closely resembles how it would be
/// declared in WGSL.
std::string FriendlyName() const override;
/// @returns a multiline string that describes the layout of this struct,
/// including size and alignment information.
std::string Layout() const;
/// @param concrete the conversion-rank ordered concrete versions of this abstract structure.
void SetConcreteTypes(utils::VectorRef<const Struct*> concrete) { concrete_types_ = concrete; }
/// @returns the conversion-rank ordered concrete versions of this abstract structure, or an
/// empty vector if this structure is not abstract.
/// @note only structures returned by builtins may be abstract (e.g. modf, frexp)
utils::VectorRef<const Struct*> ConcreteTypes() const { return concrete_types_; }
/// @copydoc Type::Elements
TypeAndCount Elements(const Type* type_if_invalid = nullptr,
uint32_t count_if_invalid = 0) const override;
/// @copydoc Type::Element
const Type* Element(uint32_t index) const override;
/// @param ctx the clone context
/// @returns a clone of this type
Struct* Clone(CloneContext& ctx) const override;
const Symbol name_;
const utils::Vector<const StructMember*, 4> members_;
const uint32_t align_;
const uint32_t size_;
const uint32_t size_no_padding_;
type::StructFlags struct_flags_;
std::unordered_set<builtin::AddressSpace> address_space_usage_;
std::unordered_set<PipelineStageUsage> pipeline_stage_uses_;
utils::Vector<const Struct*, 2> concrete_types_;
/// Attributes that can be applied to the StructMember
struct StructMemberAttributes {
/// The value of a `@location` attribute
std::optional<uint32_t> location;
/// The value of a `@index` attribute
std::optional<uint32_t> index;
/// The value of a `@builtin` attribute
std::optional<builtin::BuiltinValue> builtin;
/// The values of a `@interpolate` attribute
std::optional<builtin::Interpolation> interpolation;
/// True if the member was annotated with `@invariant`
bool invariant = false;
/// StructMember holds the type information for structure members.
class StructMember : public utils::Castable<StructMember, Node> {
/// Constructor
/// @param name the name of the structure member
/// @param type the type of the member
/// @param index the index of the member in the structure
/// @param offset the byte offset from the base of the structure
/// @param align the byte alignment of the member
/// @param size the byte size of the member
/// @param attributes the optional attributes
StructMember(Symbol name,
const type::Type* type,
uint32_t index,
uint32_t offset,
uint32_t align,
uint32_t size,
const StructMemberAttributes& attributes);
/// Destructor
~StructMember() override;
/// @returns the name of the structure member
Symbol Name() const { return name_; }
/// Sets the owning structure to `s`
/// @param s the new structure owner
void SetStruct(const Struct* s) { struct_ = s; }
/// @returns the structure that owns this member
const type::Struct* Struct() const { return struct_; }
/// @returns the type of the member
const type::Type* Type() const { return type_; }
/// @returns the member index
uint32_t Index() const { return index_; }
/// @returns byte offset from base of structure
uint32_t Offset() const { return offset_; }
/// @returns the alignment of the member in bytes
uint32_t Align() const { return align_; }
/// @returns byte size
uint32_t Size() const { return size_; }
/// @returns the optional attributes
const StructMemberAttributes& Attributes() const { return attributes_; }
/// Set the attributes of the struct member.
/// @param attributes the new attributes
void SetAttributes(StructMemberAttributes&& attributes) { attributes_ = std::move(attributes); }
/// @param ctx the clone context
/// @returns a clone of this struct member
StructMember* Clone(CloneContext& ctx) const;
const Symbol name_;
const type::Struct* struct_;
const type::Type* type_;
const uint32_t index_;
const uint32_t offset_;
const uint32_t align_;
const uint32_t size_;
StructMemberAttributes attributes_;
} // namespace tint::type