blob: 1ad866697a98db766ae26f949abc7deb734bca05 [file] [log] [blame]
#version 310 es
precision highp float;
precision highp int;
struct buf0 {
vec2 resolution;
struct main_out {
vec4 x_GLF_color_1;
vec4 tint_symbol = vec4(0.0f);
layout(binding = 0, std140)
uniform tint_symbol_4_1_ubo {
buf0 tint_symbol_3;
} v_1;
int map[256] = int[256](0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
vec4 x_GLF_color = vec4(0.0f);
layout(location = 0) out vec4 tint_symbol_1_loc0_Output;
int tint_mod_i32(int lhs, int rhs) {
int v_2 = ((((rhs == 0) | ((lhs == (-2147483647 - 1)) & (rhs == -1)))) ? (1) : (rhs));
return (lhs - ((lhs / v_2) * v_2));
int tint_f32_to_i32(float value) {
return (((value <= 2147483520.0f)) ? ((((value >= -2147483648.0f)) ? (int(value)) : ((-2147483647 - 1)))) : (2147483647));
void main_1() {
vec2 pos = vec2(0.0f);
ivec2 ipos = ivec2(0);
int i = 0;
ivec2 p = ivec2(0);
bool canwalk = false;
int v = 0;
int directions = 0;
int j = 0;
int d = 0;
vec4 x_57 = tint_symbol;
vec2 x_60 = v_1.tint_symbol_3.resolution;
pos = (vec2(x_57[0u], x_57[1u]) / x_60);
float x_63 = pos.x;
float x_67 = pos.y;
int v_3 = tint_f32_to_i32((x_63 * 16.0f));
ipos = ivec2(v_3, tint_f32_to_i32((x_67 * 16.0f)));
i = 0;
while(true) {
int x_75 = i;
if ((x_75 < 256)) {
} else {
int x_78 = i;
map[x_78] = 0;
int x_80 = i;
i = (x_80 + 1);
p = ivec2(0);
canwalk = true;
v = 0;
while(true) {
bool x_102 = false;
bool x_122 = false;
bool x_142 = false;
bool x_162 = false;
bool x_103_phi = false;
bool x_123_phi = false;
bool x_143_phi = false;
bool x_163_phi = false;
int x_86 = v;
v = (x_86 + 1);
directions = 0;
int x_89 = p.x;
bool x_90 = (x_89 > 0);
x_103_phi = x_90;
if (x_90) {
int x_94 = p.x;
int x_97 = p.y;
int x_101 = map[((x_94 - 2) + (x_97 * 16))];
x_102 = (x_101 == 0);
x_103_phi = x_102;
bool x_103 = x_103_phi;
if (x_103) {
int x_106 = directions;
directions = (x_106 + 1);
int x_109 = p.y;
bool x_110 = (x_109 > 0);
x_123_phi = x_110;
if (x_110) {
int x_114 = p.x;
int x_116 = p.y;
int x_121 = map[(x_114 + ((x_116 - 2) * 16))];
x_122 = (x_121 == 0);
x_123_phi = x_122;
bool x_123 = x_123_phi;
if (x_123) {
int x_126 = directions;
directions = (x_126 + 1);
int x_129 = p.x;
bool x_130 = (x_129 < 14);
x_143_phi = x_130;
if (x_130) {
int x_134 = p.x;
int x_137 = p.y;
int x_141 = map[((x_134 + 2) + (x_137 * 16))];
x_142 = (x_141 == 0);
x_143_phi = x_142;
bool x_143 = x_143_phi;
if (x_143) {
int x_146 = directions;
directions = (x_146 + 1);
int x_149 = p.y;
bool x_150 = (x_149 < 14);
x_163_phi = x_150;
if (x_150) {
int x_154 = p.x;
int x_156 = p.y;
int x_161 = map[(x_154 + ((x_156 + 2) * 16))];
x_162 = (x_161 == 0);
x_163_phi = x_162;
bool x_163 = x_163_phi;
if (x_163) {
int x_166 = directions;
directions = (x_166 + 1);
bool x_227 = false;
bool x_240 = false;
bool x_279 = false;
bool x_292 = false;
bool x_331 = false;
bool x_344 = false;
bool x_383 = false;
bool x_396 = false;
bool x_228_phi = false;
bool x_241_phi = false;
bool x_280_phi = false;
bool x_293_phi = false;
bool x_332_phi = false;
bool x_345_phi = false;
bool x_384_phi = false;
bool x_397_phi = false;
int x_168 = directions;
if ((x_168 == 0)) {
canwalk = false;
i = 0;
while(true) {
int x_177 = i;
if ((x_177 < 8)) {
} else {
j = 0;
while(true) {
int x_184 = j;
if ((x_184 < 8)) {
} else {
int x_187 = j;
int x_189 = i;
int x_194 = map[((x_187 * 2) + ((x_189 * 2) * 16))];
if ((x_194 == 0)) {
int x_198 = j;
p[0u] = (x_198 * 2);
int x_201 = i;
p[1u] = (x_201 * 2);
canwalk = true;
int x_204 = j;
j = (x_204 + 1);
int x_206 = i;
i = (x_206 + 1);
int x_209 = p.x;
int x_211 = p.y;
map[(x_209 + (x_211 * 16))] = 1;
} else {
int x_215 = v;
int x_216 = directions;
d = tint_mod_i32(x_215, x_216);
int x_218 = directions;
int x_219 = v;
v = (x_219 + x_218);
int x_221 = d;
bool x_222 = (x_221 >= 0);
x_228_phi = x_222;
if (x_222) {
int x_226 = p.x;
x_227 = (x_226 > 0);
x_228_phi = x_227;
bool x_228 = x_228_phi;
x_241_phi = x_228;
if (x_228) {
int x_232 = p.x;
int x_235 = p.y;
int x_239 = map[((x_232 - 2) + (x_235 * 16))];
x_240 = (x_239 == 0);
x_241_phi = x_240;
bool x_241 = x_241_phi;
if (x_241) {
int x_244 = d;
d = (x_244 - 1);
int x_247 = p.x;
int x_249 = p.y;
map[(x_247 + (x_249 * 16))] = 1;
int x_254 = p.x;
int x_257 = p.y;
map[((x_254 - 1) + (x_257 * 16))] = 1;
int x_262 = p.x;
int x_265 = p.y;
map[((x_262 - 2) + (x_265 * 16))] = 1;
int x_270 = p.x;
p[0u] = (x_270 - 2);
int x_273 = d;
bool x_274 = (x_273 >= 0);
x_280_phi = x_274;
if (x_274) {
int x_278 = p.y;
x_279 = (x_278 > 0);
x_280_phi = x_279;
bool x_280 = x_280_phi;
x_293_phi = x_280;
if (x_280) {
int x_284 = p.x;
int x_286 = p.y;
int x_291 = map[(x_284 + ((x_286 - 2) * 16))];
x_292 = (x_291 == 0);
x_293_phi = x_292;
bool x_293 = x_293_phi;
if (x_293) {
int x_296 = d;
d = (x_296 - 1);
int x_299 = p.x;
int x_301 = p.y;
map[(x_299 + (x_301 * 16))] = 1;
int x_306 = p.x;
int x_308 = p.y;
map[(x_306 + ((x_308 - 1) * 16))] = 1;
int x_314 = p.x;
int x_316 = p.y;
map[(x_314 + ((x_316 - 2) * 16))] = 1;
int x_322 = p.y;
p[1u] = (x_322 - 2);
int x_325 = d;
bool x_326 = (x_325 >= 0);
x_332_phi = x_326;
if (x_326) {
int x_330 = p.x;
x_331 = (x_330 < 14);
x_332_phi = x_331;
bool x_332 = x_332_phi;
x_345_phi = x_332;
if (x_332) {
int x_336 = p.x;
int x_339 = p.y;
int x_343 = map[((x_336 + 2) + (x_339 * 16))];
x_344 = (x_343 == 0);
x_345_phi = x_344;
bool x_345 = x_345_phi;
if (x_345) {
int x_348 = d;
d = (x_348 - 1);
int x_351 = p.x;
int x_353 = p.y;
map[(x_351 + (x_353 * 16))] = 1;
int x_358 = p.x;
int x_361 = p.y;
map[((x_358 + 1) + (x_361 * 16))] = 1;
int x_366 = p.x;
int x_369 = p.y;
map[((x_366 + 2) + (x_369 * 16))] = 1;
int x_374 = p.x;
p[0u] = (x_374 + 2);
int x_377 = d;
bool x_378 = (x_377 >= 0);
x_384_phi = x_378;
if (x_378) {
int x_382 = p.y;
x_383 = (x_382 < 14);
x_384_phi = x_383;
bool x_384 = x_384_phi;
x_397_phi = x_384;
if (x_384) {
int x_388 = p.x;
int x_390 = p.y;
int x_395 = map[(x_388 + ((x_390 + 2) * 16))];
x_396 = (x_395 == 0);
x_397_phi = x_396;
bool x_397 = x_397_phi;
if (x_397) {
int x_400 = d;
d = (x_400 - 1);
int x_403 = p.x;
int x_405 = p.y;
map[(x_403 + (x_405 * 16))] = 1;
int x_410 = p.x;
int x_412 = p.y;
map[(x_410 + ((x_412 + 1) * 16))] = 1;
int x_418 = p.x;
int x_420 = p.y;
map[(x_418 + ((x_420 + 2) * 16))] = 1;
int x_426 = p.y;
p[1u] = (x_426 + 2);
int x_430 = ipos.y;
int x_433 = ipos.x;
int x_436 = map[((x_430 * 16) + x_433)];
if ((x_436 == 1)) {
x_GLF_color = vec4(1.0f);
bool x_440 = canwalk;
if (!(x_440)) { break; }
x_GLF_color = vec4(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
main_out tint_symbol_1_inner(vec4 tint_symbol_2) {
tint_symbol = tint_symbol_2;
return main_out(x_GLF_color);
void main() {
tint_symbol_1_loc0_Output = tint_symbol_1_inner(gl_FragCoord).x_GLF_color_1;
error: Error parsing GLSL shader:
ERROR: 0:23: '&' : wrong operand types: no operation '&' exists that takes a left-hand operand of type ' temp bool' and a right operand of type ' temp bool' (or there is no acceptable conversion)
ERROR: 0:23: '|' : wrong operand types: no operation '|' exists that takes a left-hand operand of type ' temp bool' and a right operand of type ' temp bool' (or there is no acceptable conversion)
ERROR: 0:23: '' : compilation terminated
ERROR: 3 compilation errors. No code generated.
tint executable returned error: exit status 1