blob: add691af372199cef5052680c96c28e68172f147 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Dawn Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include <memory>
#include <vector>
#include "dawn/dawn_proc.h"
#include "dawn/native/Adapter.h"
#include "dawn/native/DawnNative.h"
#include "dawn/native/Device.h"
#include "dawn/native/Toggles.h"
#include "dawn/native/dawn_platform.h"
#include "dawn/tests/MockCallback.h"
#include "dawn/utils/SystemUtils.h"
#include "dawn/utils/WGPUHelpers.h"
#include "gtest/gtest.h"
namespace {
using testing::Contains;
using testing::MockCallback;
using testing::NotNull;
using testing::SaveArg;
using testing::StrEq;
class DeviceCreationTest : public testing::Test {
void SetUp() override {
WGPUInstanceDescriptor safeInstanceDesc = {};
const char* disallowUnsafeApisToggle = "disallow_unsafe_apis";
WGPUDawnTogglesDescriptor unsafeInstanceTogglesDesc = {};
unsafeInstanceTogglesDesc.chain.sType = WGPUSType::WGPUSType_DawnTogglesDescriptor;
unsafeInstanceTogglesDesc.disabledTogglesCount = 1;
unsafeInstanceTogglesDesc.disabledToggles = &disallowUnsafeApisToggle;
WGPUInstanceDescriptor unsafeInstanceDesc = {};
unsafeInstanceDesc.nextInChain = &unsafeInstanceTogglesDesc.chain;
// Create an instance with default toggles, where DisallowUnsafeApis is enabled, and create
// an adapter from it.
instance = std::make_unique<dawn::native::Instance>(&safeInstanceDesc);
for (dawn::native::Adapter& nativeAdapter : instance->GetAdapters()) {
wgpu::AdapterProperties properties;
if (properties.backendType == wgpu::BackendType::Null) {
adapter = wgpu::Adapter(nativeAdapter.Get());
// Create an instance with toggle DisallowUnsafeApis disabled, and create an unsafe adapter
// from it.
unsafeInstance = std::make_unique<dawn::native::Instance>(&unsafeInstanceDesc);
for (dawn::native::Adapter& nativeAdapter : unsafeInstance->GetAdapters()) {
wgpu::AdapterProperties properties;
if (properties.backendType == wgpu::BackendType::Null) {
unsafeAdapter = wgpu::Adapter(nativeAdapter.Get());
ASSERT_NE(adapter, nullptr);
ASSERT_NE(unsafeAdapter, nullptr);
void TearDown() override {
adapter = nullptr;
unsafeAdapter = nullptr;
instance = nullptr;
unsafeInstance = nullptr;
static constexpr size_t kTotalFeaturesCount =
std::unique_ptr<dawn::native::Instance> instance;
std::unique_ptr<dawn::native::Instance> unsafeInstance;
wgpu::Adapter adapter;
wgpu::Adapter unsafeAdapter;
dawn::native::FeaturesInfo featuresInfo;
// Test successful call to CreateDevice with no descriptor
TEST_F(DeviceCreationTest, CreateDeviceNoDescriptorSuccess) {
wgpu::Device device = adapter.CreateDevice();
EXPECT_NE(device, nullptr);
// Test successful call to CreateDevice with descriptor.
TEST_F(DeviceCreationTest, CreateDeviceSuccess) {
wgpu::DeviceDescriptor desc = {};
wgpu::Device device = adapter.CreateDevice(&desc);
EXPECT_NE(device, nullptr);
// Test successful call to CreateDevice with toggle descriptor.
TEST_F(DeviceCreationTest, CreateDeviceWithTogglesSuccess) {
wgpu::DeviceDescriptor desc = {};
wgpu::DawnTogglesDescriptor deviceTogglesDesc = {};
desc.nextInChain = &deviceTogglesDesc;
const char* toggle = "skip_validation";
deviceTogglesDesc.enabledToggles = &toggle;
deviceTogglesDesc.enabledTogglesCount = 1;
wgpu::Device device = adapter.CreateDevice(&desc);
EXPECT_NE(device, nullptr);
auto toggles = dawn::native::GetTogglesUsed(device.Get());
EXPECT_THAT(toggles, Contains(StrEq(toggle)));
// Test experimental features are guarded by DisallowUnsafeApis adapter toggle, it is inherited from
// instance but can be overriden by device toggles.
TEST_F(DeviceCreationTest, CreateDeviceRequiringExperimentalFeatures) {
// Ensure that DisallowUnsafeApis adapter toggle is enabled on safe adapter.
auto safeAdapterBase = dawn::native::FromAPI(adapter.Get());
// Ensure that DisallowUnsafeApis adapter toggle is disabled on unsafe adapter.
auto unsafeAdapterBase = dawn::native::FromAPI(unsafeAdapter.Get());
for (size_t i = 0; i < kTotalFeaturesCount; i++) {
dawn::native::Feature feature = static_cast<dawn::native::Feature>(i);
wgpu::FeatureName featureName = dawn::native::FeatureEnumToAPIFeature(feature);
// Only test experimental features.
if (featuresInfo.GetFeatureInfo(featureName)->featureState ==
dawn::native::FeatureInfo::FeatureState::Stable) {
wgpu::DeviceDescriptor deviceDescriptor;
deviceDescriptor.requiredFeatures = &featureName;
deviceDescriptor.requiredFeaturesCount = 1;
// Test creating device on the adapter with DisallowUnsafeApis toggle enabled would fail.
wgpu::Device device = adapter.CreateDevice(&deviceDescriptor);
EXPECT_EQ(device, nullptr);
// Test creating device on the adapter with DisallowUnsafeApis toggle disabled would
// succeed.
// unsafeAdapter has DisallowUnsafeApis adapter toggle disabled.
wgpu::Device device = unsafeAdapter.CreateDevice(&deviceDescriptor);
EXPECT_NE(device, nullptr);
ASSERT_EQ(1u, device.EnumerateFeatures(nullptr));
wgpu::FeatureName enabledFeature;
EXPECT_EQ(enabledFeature, featureName);
// Test creating device with DisallowUnsafeApis disabled in device toggle descriptor will
// success on both adapter, as device toggles will override the inherited adapter toggles.
const char* const disableToggles[] = {"disallow_unsafe_apis"};
wgpu::DawnTogglesDescriptor deviceTogglesDesc;
deviceTogglesDesc.disabledToggles = disableToggles;
deviceTogglesDesc.disabledTogglesCount = 1;
deviceDescriptor.nextInChain = &deviceTogglesDesc;
// Test on adapter with DisallowUnsafeApis enabled.
wgpu::Device device = adapter.CreateDevice(&deviceDescriptor);
EXPECT_NE(device, nullptr);
ASSERT_EQ(1u, device.EnumerateFeatures(nullptr));
wgpu::FeatureName enabledFeature;
EXPECT_EQ(enabledFeature, featureName);
// Test on adapter with DisallowUnsafeApis disabled.
wgpu::Device device = unsafeAdapter.CreateDevice(&deviceDescriptor);
EXPECT_NE(device, nullptr);
ASSERT_EQ(1u, device.EnumerateFeatures(nullptr));
wgpu::FeatureName enabledFeature;
EXPECT_EQ(enabledFeature, featureName);
// Test creating device with DisallowUnsafeApis enabled in device toggle descriptor will
// fail on both adapter, as device toggles will override the inherited adapter toggles.
const char* const enableToggles[] = {"disallow_unsafe_apis"};
wgpu::DawnTogglesDescriptor deviceToggleDesc;
deviceToggleDesc.enabledToggles = enableToggles;
deviceToggleDesc.enabledTogglesCount = 1;
deviceDescriptor.nextInChain = &deviceToggleDesc;
// Test on adapter with DisallowUnsafeApis enabled.
wgpu::Device device = adapter.CreateDevice(&deviceDescriptor);
EXPECT_EQ(device, nullptr);
// Test on adapter with DisallowUnsafeApis disabled.
wgpu::Device device = unsafeAdapter.CreateDevice(&deviceDescriptor);
EXPECT_EQ(device, nullptr);
TEST_F(DeviceCreationTest, CreateDeviceWithCacheSuccess) {
// Default device descriptor should have the same cache key as a device descriptor with a
// default cache descriptor.
wgpu::DeviceDescriptor desc = {};
wgpu::Device device1 = adapter.CreateDevice(&desc);
EXPECT_NE(device1, nullptr);
wgpu::DawnCacheDeviceDescriptor cacheDesc = {};
desc.nextInChain = &cacheDesc;
wgpu::Device device2 = adapter.CreateDevice(&desc);
// Default device descriptor should not have the same cache key as a device descriptor with
// a non-default cache descriptor.
wgpu::DeviceDescriptor desc = {};
wgpu::Device device1 = adapter.CreateDevice(&desc);
EXPECT_NE(device1, nullptr);
wgpu::DawnCacheDeviceDescriptor cacheDesc = {};
desc.nextInChain = &cacheDesc;
const char* isolationKey = "isolation key";
cacheDesc.isolationKey = isolationKey;
wgpu::Device device2 = adapter.CreateDevice(&desc);
EXPECT_NE(device2, nullptr);
// Two non-default cache descriptors should not have the same cache key.
wgpu::DawnCacheDeviceDescriptor cacheDesc = {};
const char* isolationKey1 = "isolation key 1";
const char* isolationKey2 = "isolation key 2";
wgpu::DeviceDescriptor desc = {};
desc.nextInChain = &cacheDesc;
cacheDesc.isolationKey = isolationKey1;
wgpu::Device device1 = adapter.CreateDevice(&desc);
EXPECT_NE(device1, nullptr);
cacheDesc.isolationKey = isolationKey2;
wgpu::Device device2 = adapter.CreateDevice(&desc);
EXPECT_NE(device2, nullptr);
// Test successful call to RequestDevice with descriptor
TEST_F(DeviceCreationTest, RequestDeviceSuccess) {
WGPUDevice cDevice;
MockCallback<WGPURequestDeviceCallback> cb;
EXPECT_CALL(cb, Call(WGPURequestDeviceStatus_Success, NotNull(), nullptr, this))
wgpu::DeviceDescriptor desc = {};
adapter.RequestDevice(&desc, cb.Callback(), cb.MakeUserdata(this));
wgpu::Device device = wgpu::Device::Acquire(cDevice);
EXPECT_NE(device, nullptr);
// Test successful call to RequestDevice with a null descriptor
TEST_F(DeviceCreationTest, RequestDeviceNullDescriptorSuccess) {
WGPUDevice cDevice;
MockCallback<WGPURequestDeviceCallback> cb;
EXPECT_CALL(cb, Call(WGPURequestDeviceStatus_Success, NotNull(), nullptr, this))
adapter.RequestDevice(nullptr, cb.Callback(), cb.MakeUserdata(this));
wgpu::Device device = wgpu::Device::Acquire(cDevice);
EXPECT_NE(device, nullptr);
// Test failing call to RequestDevice with invalid feature
TEST_F(DeviceCreationTest, RequestDeviceFailure) {
MockCallback<WGPURequestDeviceCallback> cb;
EXPECT_CALL(cb, Call(WGPURequestDeviceStatus_Error, nullptr, NotNull(), this)).Times(1);
wgpu::DeviceDescriptor desc = {};
wgpu::FeatureName invalidFeature = static_cast<wgpu::FeatureName>(WGPUFeatureName_Force32);
desc.requiredFeatures = &invalidFeature;
desc.requiredFeaturesCount = 1;
adapter.RequestDevice(&desc, cb.Callback(), cb.MakeUserdata(this));
} // anonymous namespace