blob: cc824cf9698723b39cb115fe3054a7cd9005c560 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Dawn Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include <gtest/gtest.h>
#include "dawn/native/BuddyAllocator.h"
using namespace dawn::native;
constexpr uint64_t BuddyAllocator::kInvalidOffset;
// Verify the buddy allocator with a basic test.
TEST(BuddyAllocatorTests, SingleBlock) {
// After one 32 byte allocation:
// Level --------------------------------
// 0 32 | A |
// --------------------------------
constexpr uint64_t maxBlockSize = 32;
BuddyAllocator allocator(maxBlockSize);
// Check that we cannot allocate a oversized block.
ASSERT_EQ(allocator.Allocate(maxBlockSize * 2), BuddyAllocator::kInvalidOffset);
// Check that we cannot allocate a zero sized block.
ASSERT_EQ(allocator.Allocate(0u), BuddyAllocator::kInvalidOffset);
// Allocate the block.
uint64_t blockOffset = allocator.Allocate(maxBlockSize);
ASSERT_EQ(blockOffset, 0u);
// Check that we are full.
ASSERT_EQ(allocator.Allocate(maxBlockSize), BuddyAllocator::kInvalidOffset);
ASSERT_EQ(allocator.ComputeTotalNumOfFreeBlocksForTesting(), 0u);
// Deallocate the block.
ASSERT_EQ(allocator.ComputeTotalNumOfFreeBlocksForTesting(), 1u);
// Verify multiple allocations succeeds using a buddy allocator.
TEST(BuddyAllocatorTests, MultipleBlocks) {
// Fill every level in the allocator (order-n = 2^n)
const uint64_t maxBlockSize = (1ull << 16);
for (uint64_t order = 1; (1ull << order) <= maxBlockSize; order++) {
BuddyAllocator allocator(maxBlockSize);
uint64_t blockSize = (1ull << order);
for (uint32_t blocki = 0; blocki < (maxBlockSize / blockSize); blocki++) {
ASSERT_EQ(allocator.Allocate(blockSize), blockSize * blocki);
// Verify that a single allocation succeeds using a buddy allocator.
TEST(BuddyAllocatorTests, SingleSplitBlock) {
// After one 8 byte allocation:
// Level --------------------------------
// 0 32 | S |
// --------------------------------
// 1 16 | S | F | S - split
// -------------------------------- F - free
// 2 8 | A | F | | | A - allocated
// --------------------------------
constexpr uint64_t maxBlockSize = 32;
BuddyAllocator allocator(maxBlockSize);
// Allocate block (splits two blocks).
uint64_t blockOffset = allocator.Allocate(8);
ASSERT_EQ(blockOffset, 0u);
ASSERT_EQ(allocator.ComputeTotalNumOfFreeBlocksForTesting(), 2u);
// Deallocate block (merges two blocks).
ASSERT_EQ(allocator.ComputeTotalNumOfFreeBlocksForTesting(), 1u);
// Check that we cannot allocate a block that is oversized.
ASSERT_EQ(allocator.Allocate(maxBlockSize * 2), BuddyAllocator::kInvalidOffset);
// Re-allocate the largest block allowed after merging.
blockOffset = allocator.Allocate(maxBlockSize);
ASSERT_EQ(blockOffset, 0u);
ASSERT_EQ(allocator.ComputeTotalNumOfFreeBlocksForTesting(), 1u);
// Verify that a multiple allocated blocks can be removed in the free-list.
TEST(BuddyAllocatorTests, MultipleSplitBlocks) {
// After four 16 byte allocations:
// Level --------------------------------
// 0 32 | S |
// --------------------------------
// 1 16 | S | S | S - split
// -------------------------------- F - free
// 2 8 | Aa | Ab | Ac | Ad | A - allocated
// --------------------------------
constexpr uint64_t maxBlockSize = 32;
BuddyAllocator allocator(maxBlockSize);
// Populates the free-list with four blocks at Level2.
// Allocate "a" block (two splits).
constexpr uint64_t blockSizeInBytes = 8;
uint64_t blockOffsetA = allocator.Allocate(blockSizeInBytes);
ASSERT_EQ(blockOffsetA, 0u);
ASSERT_EQ(allocator.ComputeTotalNumOfFreeBlocksForTesting(), 2u);
// Allocate "b" block.
uint64_t blockOffsetB = allocator.Allocate(blockSizeInBytes);
ASSERT_EQ(blockOffsetB, blockSizeInBytes);
ASSERT_EQ(allocator.ComputeTotalNumOfFreeBlocksForTesting(), 1u);
// Allocate "c" block (three splits).
uint64_t blockOffsetC = allocator.Allocate(blockSizeInBytes);
ASSERT_EQ(blockOffsetC, blockOffsetB + blockSizeInBytes);
ASSERT_EQ(allocator.ComputeTotalNumOfFreeBlocksForTesting(), 1u);
// Allocate "d" block.
uint64_t blockOffsetD = allocator.Allocate(blockSizeInBytes);
ASSERT_EQ(blockOffsetD, blockOffsetC + blockSizeInBytes);
ASSERT_EQ(allocator.ComputeTotalNumOfFreeBlocksForTesting(), 0u);
// Deallocate "d" block.
// FreeList[Level2] = [BlockD] -> x
ASSERT_EQ(allocator.ComputeTotalNumOfFreeBlocksForTesting(), 1u);
// Deallocate "b" block.
// FreeList[Level2] = [BlockB] -> [BlockD] -> x
ASSERT_EQ(allocator.ComputeTotalNumOfFreeBlocksForTesting(), 2u);
// Deallocate "c" block (one merges).
// FreeList[Level1] = [BlockCD] -> x
// FreeList[Level2] = [BlockB] -> x
ASSERT_EQ(allocator.ComputeTotalNumOfFreeBlocksForTesting(), 2u);
// Deallocate "a" block (two merges).
// FreeList[Level0] = [BlockABCD] -> x
ASSERT_EQ(allocator.ComputeTotalNumOfFreeBlocksForTesting(), 1u);
// Verify the buddy allocator can handle allocations of various sizes.
TEST(BuddyAllocatorTests, MultipleSplitBlockIncreasingSize) {
// After four Level4-to-Level1 byte then one L4 block allocations:
// Level -----------------------------------------------------------------
// 0 512 | S |
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
// 1 256 | S | A |
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
// 2 128 | S | A | | |
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
// 3 64 | S | A | | | | | | |
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
// 4 32 | A | F | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
constexpr uint64_t maxBlockSize = 512;
BuddyAllocator allocator(maxBlockSize);
ASSERT_EQ(allocator.Allocate(32), 0ull);
ASSERT_EQ(allocator.Allocate(64), 64ull);
ASSERT_EQ(allocator.Allocate(128), 128ull);
ASSERT_EQ(allocator.Allocate(256), 256ull);
ASSERT_EQ(allocator.ComputeTotalNumOfFreeBlocksForTesting(), 1u);
// Fill in the last free block.
ASSERT_EQ(allocator.Allocate(32), 32ull);
ASSERT_EQ(allocator.ComputeTotalNumOfFreeBlocksForTesting(), 0u);
// Check if we're full.
ASSERT_EQ(allocator.Allocate(32), BuddyAllocator::kInvalidOffset);
// Verify very small allocations using a larger allocator works correctly.
TEST(BuddyAllocatorTests, MultipleSplitBlocksVariableSizes) {
// After allocating four pairs of one 64 byte block and one 32 byte block.
// Level -----------------------------------------------------------------
// 0 512 | S |
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
// 1 256 | S | S |
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
// 2 128 | S | S | S | F |
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
// 3 64 | A | S | A | A | S | A | | |
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
// 4 32 | | | A | A | | | | | A | A | | | | | | |
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
constexpr uint64_t maxBlockSize = 512;
BuddyAllocator allocator(maxBlockSize);
ASSERT_EQ(allocator.Allocate(64), 0ull);
ASSERT_EQ(allocator.Allocate(32), 64ull);
ASSERT_EQ(allocator.Allocate(64), 128ull);
ASSERT_EQ(allocator.Allocate(32), 96ull);
ASSERT_EQ(allocator.Allocate(64), 192ull);
ASSERT_EQ(allocator.Allocate(32), 256ull);
ASSERT_EQ(allocator.Allocate(64), 320ull);
ASSERT_EQ(allocator.Allocate(32), 288ull);
ASSERT_EQ(allocator.ComputeTotalNumOfFreeBlocksForTesting(), 1u);
// Verify the buddy allocator can deal with bad fragmentation.
TEST(BuddyAllocatorTests, MultipleSplitBlocksInterleaved) {
// Allocate every leaf then de-allocate every other of those allocations.
// Level -----------------------------------------------------------------
// 0 512 | S |
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
// 1 256 | S | S |
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
// 2 128 | S | S | S | S |
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
// 3 64 | S | S | S | S | S | S | S | S |
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
// 4 32 | A | F | A | F | A | F | A | F | A | F | A | F | A | F | A | F |
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
constexpr uint64_t maxBlockSize = 512;
BuddyAllocator allocator(maxBlockSize);
// Allocate leaf blocks
constexpr uint64_t minBlockSizeInBytes = 32;
std::vector<uint64_t> blockOffsets;
for (uint64_t i = 0; i < maxBlockSize / minBlockSizeInBytes; i++) {
// Free every other leaf block.
for (size_t count = 1; count < blockOffsets.size(); count += 2) {
ASSERT_EQ(allocator.ComputeTotalNumOfFreeBlocksForTesting(), 8u);
// Verify the buddy allocator can deal with multiple allocations with mixed alignments.
TEST(BuddyAllocatorTests, SameSizeVariousAlignment) {
// After two 8 byte allocations with 16 byte alignment then one 8 byte allocation with 8 byte
// alignment.
// Level --------------------------------
// 0 32 | S |
// --------------------------------
// 1 16 | S | S | S - split
// -------------------------------- F - free
// 2 8 | Aa | F | Ab | Ac | A - allocated
// --------------------------------
BuddyAllocator allocator(32);
// Allocate Aa (two splits).
ASSERT_EQ(allocator.Allocate(8, 16), 0u);
ASSERT_EQ(allocator.ComputeTotalNumOfFreeBlocksForTesting(), 2u);
// Allocate Ab (skip Aa buddy due to alignment and perform another split).
ASSERT_EQ(allocator.Allocate(8, 16), 16u);
ASSERT_EQ(allocator.ComputeTotalNumOfFreeBlocksForTesting(), 2u);
// Check that we cannot fit another.
ASSERT_EQ(allocator.Allocate(8, 16), BuddyAllocator::kInvalidOffset);
// Allocate Ac (zero splits and Ab's buddy is now the first free block).
ASSERT_EQ(allocator.Allocate(8, 8), 24u);
ASSERT_EQ(allocator.ComputeTotalNumOfFreeBlocksForTesting(), 1u);
// Verify the buddy allocator can deal with multiple allocations with equal alignments.
TEST(BuddyAllocatorTests, VariousSizeSameAlignment) {
// After two 8 byte allocations with 4 byte alignment then one 16 byte allocation with 4 byte
// alignment.
// Level --------------------------------
// 0 32 | S |
// --------------------------------
// 1 16 | S | Ac | S - split
// -------------------------------- F - free
// 2 8 | Aa | Ab | | A - allocated
// --------------------------------
constexpr uint64_t maxBlockSize = 32;
constexpr uint64_t alignment = 4;
BuddyAllocator allocator(maxBlockSize);
// Allocate block Aa (two splits)
ASSERT_EQ(allocator.Allocate(8, alignment), 0u);
ASSERT_EQ(allocator.ComputeTotalNumOfFreeBlocksForTesting(), 2u);
// Allocate block Ab (Aa's buddy)
ASSERT_EQ(allocator.Allocate(8, alignment), 8u);
ASSERT_EQ(allocator.ComputeTotalNumOfFreeBlocksForTesting(), 1u);
// Check that we can still allocate Ac.
ASSERT_EQ(allocator.Allocate(16, alignment), 16ull);
ASSERT_EQ(allocator.ComputeTotalNumOfFreeBlocksForTesting(), 0u);