blob: b82108855394d22838b2cb310453e59fa6d1769e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Dawn Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include "tests/unittests/validation/ValidationTest.h"
#include "common/Assert.h"
#include "dawn/dawn.h"
#include "dawn_native/DawnNative.h"
#include "dawn_native/NullBackend.h"
ValidationTest::ValidationTest() {
mInstance = std::make_unique<dawn_native::Instance>();
std::vector<dawn_native::Adapter> adapters = mInstance->GetAdapters();
// Validation tests run against the null backend, find the corresponding adapter
bool foundNullAdapter = false;
dawn_native::Adapter nullAdapter;
for (auto adapter : adapters) {
if (adapter.GetBackendType() == dawn_native::BackendType::Null) {
nullAdapter = adapter;
foundNullAdapter = true;
device = dawn::Device::Acquire(nullAdapter.CreateDevice());
dawnProcTable procs = dawn_native::GetProcs();
device.SetErrorCallback(ValidationTest::OnDeviceError, static_cast<dawnCallbackUserdata>(reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(this)));
ValidationTest::~ValidationTest() {
// We need to destroy Dawn objects before setting the procs to null otherwise the dawn*Release
// will call a nullptr
device = dawn::Device();
void ValidationTest::TearDown() {
for (auto& expectation : mExpectations) {
std::string name = expectation.debugName;
if (name.empty()) {
name = "<no debug name set>";
ASSERT_TRUE(expectation.gotStatus) << "Didn't get a status for " << name;
ASSERT_NE(DAWN_BUILDER_ERROR_STATUS_UNKNOWN, expectation.status) << "Got unknown status for " << name;
bool wasSuccess = expectation.status == DAWN_BUILDER_ERROR_STATUS_SUCCESS;
ASSERT_EQ(expectation.expectSuccess, wasSuccess)
<< "Got wrong status value for " << name
<< ", status was " << expectation.status << " with \"" << expectation.statusMessage << "\"";
void ValidationTest::StartExpectDeviceError() {
mExpectError = true;
mError = false;
bool ValidationTest::EndExpectDeviceError() {
mExpectError = false;
return mError;
std::string ValidationTest::GetLastDeviceErrorMessage() const {
return mDeviceErrorMessage;
dawn::RenderPassDescriptor ValidationTest::CreateSimpleRenderPass() {
dawn::TextureDescriptor descriptor;
descriptor.dimension = dawn::TextureDimension::e2D;
descriptor.size.width = 640;
descriptor.size.height = 480;
descriptor.size.depth = 1;
descriptor.arraySize = 1;
descriptor.sampleCount = 1;
descriptor.format = dawn::TextureFormat::R8G8B8A8Unorm;
descriptor.levelCount = 1;
descriptor.usage = dawn::TextureUsageBit::OutputAttachment;
auto colorBuffer = device.CreateTexture(&descriptor);
auto colorView = colorBuffer.CreateDefaultTextureView();
dawn::RenderPassColorAttachmentDescriptor colorAttachment;
colorAttachment.attachment = colorView;
colorAttachment.resolveTarget = nullptr;
colorAttachment.clearColor = { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f };
colorAttachment.loadOp = dawn::LoadOp::Clear;
colorAttachment.storeOp = dawn::StoreOp::Store;
return device.CreateRenderPassDescriptorBuilder()
.SetColorAttachments(1, &colorAttachment)
void ValidationTest::OnDeviceError(const char* message, dawnCallbackUserdata userdata) {
auto self = reinterpret_cast<ValidationTest*>(static_cast<uintptr_t>(userdata));
self->mDeviceErrorMessage = message;
// Skip this one specific error that is raised when a builder is used after it got an error
// this is important because we don't want to wrap all creation tests in ASSERT_DEVICE_ERROR.
// Yes the error message is misleading.
if (self->mDeviceErrorMessage == "Builder cannot be used after GetResult") {
ASSERT_TRUE(self->mExpectError) << "Got unexpected device error: " << message;
ASSERT_FALSE(self->mError) << "Got two errors in expect block";
self->mError = true;
void ValidationTest::OnBuilderErrorStatus(dawnBuilderErrorStatus status, const char* message, dawn::CallbackUserdata userdata1, dawn::CallbackUserdata userdata2) {
auto* self = reinterpret_cast<ValidationTest*>(static_cast<uintptr_t>(userdata1));
size_t index = static_cast<size_t>(userdata2);
ASSERT_LT(index, self->mExpectations.size());
auto& expectation = self->mExpectations[index];
expectation.gotStatus = true;
expectation.status = status;
expectation.statusMessage = message;
ValidationTest::DummyRenderPass ValidationTest::CreateDummyRenderPass() {
DummyRenderPass dummy;
dummy.width = 400;
dummy.height = 400;
dummy.attachmentFormat = dawn::TextureFormat::R8G8B8A8Unorm;
dawn::TextureDescriptor descriptor;
descriptor.dimension = dawn::TextureDimension::e2D;
descriptor.size.width = dummy.width;
descriptor.size.height = dummy.height;
descriptor.size.depth = 1;
descriptor.arraySize = 1;
descriptor.sampleCount = 1;
descriptor.format = dummy.attachmentFormat;
descriptor.levelCount = 1;
descriptor.usage = dawn::TextureUsageBit::OutputAttachment;
dummy.attachment = device.CreateTexture(&descriptor);
dawn::TextureView view = dummy.attachment.CreateDefaultTextureView();
dawn::RenderPassColorAttachmentDescriptor colorAttachment;
colorAttachment.attachment = view;
colorAttachment.resolveTarget = nullptr;
colorAttachment.clearColor = { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f };
colorAttachment.loadOp = dawn::LoadOp::Clear;
colorAttachment.storeOp = dawn::StoreOp::Store;
dummy.renderPass = AssertWillBeSuccess(device.CreateRenderPassDescriptorBuilder())
.SetColorAttachments(1, &colorAttachment)
return dummy;