blob: a386a10122140ceae01bc7322dd1c25729ca082c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Tint Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <tuple>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <vector>
#include "src/inspector/entry_point.h"
#include "src/inspector/resource_binding.h"
#include "src/inspector/sampler_texture_pair.h"
#include "src/inspector/scalar.h"
#include "src/program.h"
#include "src/utils/unique_vector.h"
namespace tint {
namespace inspector {
/// Extracts information from a program
class Inspector {
/// Constructor
/// @param program Shader program to extract information from.
explicit Inspector(const Program* program);
/// Destructor
/// @returns error messages from the Inspector
const std::string& error() { return error_; }
/// @returns true if an error was encountered
bool has_error() const { return !error_.empty(); }
/// @returns vector of entry point information
std::vector<EntryPoint> GetEntryPoints();
/// @param entry_point name of the entry point to get the remapped version of
/// @returns the remapped name of the entry point, or the empty string if it
/// isn't a known entry point.
std::string GetRemappedNameForEntryPoint(const std::string& entry_point);
/// @returns map of const_id to initial value
std::map<uint32_t, Scalar> GetConstantIDs();
/// @returns map of module-constant name to pipeline constant ID
std::map<std::string, uint32_t> GetConstantNameToIdMap();
/// @param entry_point name of the entry point to get information about.
/// @returns the total size of shared storage required by an entry point,
// including all uniforms storage buffers.
uint32_t GetStorageSize(const std::string& entry_point);
/// @param entry_point name of the entry point to get information about.
/// @returns vector of all of the resource bindings.
std::vector<ResourceBinding> GetResourceBindings(
const std::string& entry_point);
/// @param entry_point name of the entry point to get information about.
/// @returns vector of all of the bindings for uniform buffers.
std::vector<ResourceBinding> GetUniformBufferResourceBindings(
const std::string& entry_point);
/// @param entry_point name of the entry point to get information about.
/// @returns vector of all of the bindings for storage buffers.
std::vector<ResourceBinding> GetStorageBufferResourceBindings(
const std::string& entry_point);
/// @param entry_point name of the entry point to get information about.
/// @returns vector of all of the bindings for read-only storage buffers.
std::vector<ResourceBinding> GetReadOnlyStorageBufferResourceBindings(
const std::string& entry_point);
/// @param entry_point name of the entry point to get information about.
/// @returns vector of all of the bindings for regular samplers.
std::vector<ResourceBinding> GetSamplerResourceBindings(
const std::string& entry_point);
/// @param entry_point name of the entry point to get information about.
/// @returns vector of all of the bindings for comparison samplers.
std::vector<ResourceBinding> GetComparisonSamplerResourceBindings(
const std::string& entry_point);
/// @param entry_point name of the entry point to get information about.
/// @returns vector of all of the bindings for sampled textures.
std::vector<ResourceBinding> GetSampledTextureResourceBindings(
const std::string& entry_point);
/// @param entry_point name of the entry point to get information about.
/// @returns vector of all of the bindings for multisampled textures.
std::vector<ResourceBinding> GetMultisampledTextureResourceBindings(
const std::string& entry_point);
/// @param entry_point name of the entry point to get information about.
/// @returns vector of all of the bindings for read-only storage textures.
std::vector<ResourceBinding> GetReadOnlyStorageTextureResourceBindings(
const std::string& entry_point);
/// @param entry_point name of the entry point to get information about.
/// @returns vector of all of the bindings for write-only storage textures.
std::vector<ResourceBinding> GetWriteOnlyStorageTextureResourceBindings(
const std::string& entry_point);
/// @param entry_point name of the entry point to get information about.
/// @returns vector of all of the bindings for depth textures.
std::vector<ResourceBinding> GetDepthTextureResourceBindings(
const std::string& entry_point);
/// @param entry_point name of the entry point to get information about.
/// @returns vector of all of the bindings for external textures.
std::vector<ResourceBinding> GetExternalTextureResourceBindings(
const std::string& entry_point);
/// @param entry_point name of the entry point to get information about.
/// @returns vector of all of the sampler/texture sampling pairs that are used
/// by that entry point.
std::vector<SamplerTexturePair> GetSamplerTextureUses(
const std::string& entry_point);
/// @param entry_point name of the entry point to get information about.
/// @returns the total size in bytes of all Workgroup storage-class storage
/// referenced transitively by the entry point.
uint32_t GetWorkgroupStorageSize(const std::string& entry_point);
const Program* program_;
std::string error_;
std::unordered_map<std::string, UniqueVector<SamplerTexturePair>>>
/// @param name name of the entry point to find
/// @returns a pointer to the entry point if it exists, otherwise returns
/// nullptr and sets the error string.
ast::Function* FindEntryPointByName(const std::string& name);
/// Recursively add entry point IO variables.
/// If `type` is a struct, recurse into members, appending the member name.
/// Otherwise, add the variable unless it is a builtin.
/// @param name the name of the variable being added
/// @param type the type of the variable
/// @param decorations the variable decorations
/// @param variables the list to add the variables to
void AddEntryPointInOutVariables(std::string name,
sem::Type* type,
const ast::DecorationList& decorations,
std::vector<StageVariable>& variables) const;
/// Recursively determine if the type contains [[builtin(sample_mask)]]
/// If `type` is a struct, recurse into members to check for the decoration.
/// Otherwise, check `decorations` for the decoration.
bool ContainsSampleMaskBuiltin(sem::Type* type,
const ast::DecorationList& decorations) const;
/// @param entry_point name of the entry point to get information about.
/// @param read_only if true get only read-only bindings, if false get
/// write-only bindings.
/// @returns vector of all of the bindings for the requested storage buffers.
std::vector<ResourceBinding> GetStorageBufferResourceBindingsImpl(
const std::string& entry_point,
bool read_only);
/// @param entry_point name of the entry point to get information about.
/// @param multisampled_only only get multisampled textures if true, otherwise
/// only get sampled textures.
/// @returns vector of all of the bindings for the request storage buffers.
std::vector<ResourceBinding> GetSampledTextureResourceBindingsImpl(
const std::string& entry_point,
bool multisampled_only);
/// @param entry_point name of the entry point to get information about.
/// @param read_only if true get only read-only bindings, otherwise get
/// write-only bindings.
/// @returns vector of all of the bindings for the requested storage textures.
std::vector<ResourceBinding> GetStorageTextureResourceBindingsImpl(
const std::string& entry_point,
bool read_only);
/// Constructes |sampler_targets_| if it hasn't already been instantiated.
void GenerateSamplerTargets();
} // namespace inspector
} // namespace tint