blob: 60db58943055d8b09266b0926b90d136dab63102 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Tint Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include "src/tint/reader/wgsl/parser_impl_test_helper.h"
namespace tint {
namespace reader {
namespace wgsl {
namespace {
const diag::Formatter::Style formatter_style{
/* print_file: */ true, /* print_severity: */ true,
/* print_line: */ true, /* print_newline_at_end: */ false};
class ParserImplErrorTest : public ParserImplTest {};
do { \
std::string source = SOURCE; \
std::string expected = EXPECTED; \
auto p = parser(source); \
p->set_max_errors(5); \
EXPECT_EQ(false, p->Parse()); \
auto diagnostics = p->builder().Diagnostics(); \
EXPECT_EQ(true, diagnostics.contains_errors()); \
EXPECT_EQ(expected, diag::Formatter(formatter_style).format(diagnostics)); \
} while (false)
TEST_F(ParserImplErrorTest, AdditiveInvalidExpr) {
EXPECT("fn f() { return 1.0 + <; }",
R"(test.wgsl:1:23 error: unable to parse right side of + expression
fn f() { return 1.0 + <; }
TEST_F(ParserImplErrorTest, AndInvalidExpr) {
EXPECT("fn f() { return 1 & >; }",
R"(test.wgsl:1:21 error: unable to parse right side of & expression
fn f() { return 1 & >; }
TEST_F(ParserImplErrorTest, AliasDeclInvalidAttribute) {
EXPECT("@invariant type e=u32;",
R"(test.wgsl:1:2 error: unexpected attributes
@invariant type e=u32;
TEST_F(ParserImplErrorTest, IndexExprInvalidExpr) {
EXPECT("fn f() { x = y[^]; }",
R"(test.wgsl:1:16 error: unable to parse expression inside []
fn f() { x = y[^]; }
TEST_F(ParserImplErrorTest, IndexExprMissingRBracket) {
EXPECT("fn f() { x = y[1; }",
R"(test.wgsl:1:17 error: expected ']' for index accessor
fn f() { x = y[1; }
TEST_F(ParserImplErrorTest, AssignmentStmtMissingAssignment) {
EXPECT("fn f() { a; }", R"(test.wgsl:1:11 error: expected '=' for assignment
fn f() { a; }
TEST_F(ParserImplErrorTest, AssignmentStmtMissingAssignment2) {
EXPECT("fn f() { a : i32; }",
R"(test.wgsl:1:10 error: expected 'var' for variable declaration
fn f() { a : i32; }
TEST_F(ParserImplErrorTest, AssignmentStmtMissingSemicolon) {
EXPECT("fn f() { a = 1 }",
R"(test.wgsl:1:16 error: expected ';' for assignment statement
fn f() { a = 1 }
TEST_F(ParserImplErrorTest, AssignmentStmtInvalidLHS_BuiltinFunctionName) {
EXPECT("normalize = 5;",
R"(test.wgsl:1:1 error: statement found outside of function body
normalize = 5;
TEST_F(ParserImplErrorTest, AssignmentStmtInvalidRHS) {
EXPECT("fn f() { a = >; }",
R"(test.wgsl:1:14 error: unable to parse right side of assignment
fn f() { a = >; }
TEST_F(ParserImplErrorTest, BitcastExprMissingLessThan) {
EXPECT("fn f() { x = bitcast(y); }",
R"(test.wgsl:1:21 error: expected '<' for bitcast expression
fn f() { x = bitcast(y); }
TEST_F(ParserImplErrorTest, BitcastExprMissingGreaterThan) {
EXPECT("fn f() { x = bitcast<u32(y); }",
R"(test.wgsl:1:25 error: expected '>' for bitcast expression
fn f() { x = bitcast<u32(y); }
TEST_F(ParserImplErrorTest, BitcastExprMissingType) {
EXPECT("fn f() { x = bitcast<>(y); }",
R"(test.wgsl:1:22 error: invalid type for bitcast expression
fn f() { x = bitcast<>(y); }
TEST_F(ParserImplErrorTest, BreakStmtMissingSemicolon) {
EXPECT("fn f() { loop { break } }",
R"(test.wgsl:1:23 error: expected ';' for break statement
fn f() { loop { break } }
TEST_F(ParserImplErrorTest, CallExprMissingRParen) {
EXPECT("fn f() { x = f(1.; }",
R"(test.wgsl:1:18 error: expected ')' for function call
fn f() { x = f(1.; }
TEST_F(ParserImplErrorTest, CallStmtMissingRParen) {
EXPECT("fn f() { f(1.; }",
R"(test.wgsl:1:14 error: expected ')' for function call
fn f() { f(1.; }
TEST_F(ParserImplErrorTest, CallStmtInvalidArgument0) {
EXPECT("fn f() { f(<); }",
R"(test.wgsl:1:12 error: expected ')' for function call
fn f() { f(<); }
TEST_F(ParserImplErrorTest, CallStmtInvalidArgument1) {
EXPECT("fn f() { f(1.0, <); }",
R"(test.wgsl:1:17 error: expected ')' for function call
fn f() { f(1.0, <); }
TEST_F(ParserImplErrorTest, CallStmtMissingSemicolon) {
EXPECT("fn f() { f() }",
R"(test.wgsl:1:14 error: expected ';' for function call
fn f() { f() }
TEST_F(ParserImplErrorTest, ConstructorExprMissingLParen) {
EXPECT("fn f() { x = vec2<u32>1,2); }",
R"(test.wgsl:1:23 error: expected '(' for type constructor
fn f() { x = vec2<u32>1,2); }
TEST_F(ParserImplErrorTest, ConstructorExprMissingRParen) {
EXPECT("fn f() { x = vec2<u32>(1,2; }",
R"(test.wgsl:1:27 error: expected ')' for type constructor
fn f() { x = vec2<u32>(1,2; }
TEST_F(ParserImplErrorTest, ConstVarStmtInvalid) {
EXPECT("fn f() { let >; }",
R"(test.wgsl:1:14 error: expected identifier for let declaration
fn f() { let >; }
TEST_F(ParserImplErrorTest, ConstVarStmtMissingAssignment) {
EXPECT("fn f() { let a : i32; }",
R"(test.wgsl:1:21 error: expected '=' for let declaration
fn f() { let a : i32; }
TEST_F(ParserImplErrorTest, ConstVarStmtMissingConstructor) {
EXPECT("fn f() { let a : i32 = >; }",
R"(test.wgsl:1:24 error: missing constructor for let declaration
fn f() { let a : i32 = >; }
TEST_F(ParserImplErrorTest, ContinueStmtMissingSemicolon) {
EXPECT("fn f() { loop { continue } }",
R"(test.wgsl:1:26 error: expected ';' for continue statement
fn f() { loop { continue } }
TEST_F(ParserImplErrorTest, DiscardStmtMissingSemicolon) {
EXPECT("fn f() { discard }",
R"(test.wgsl:1:18 error: expected ';' for discard statement
fn f() { discard }
TEST_F(ParserImplErrorTest, EqualityInvalidExpr) {
EXPECT("fn f() { return 1 == >; }",
R"(test.wgsl:1:22 error: unable to parse right side of == expression
fn f() { return 1 == >; }
TEST_F(ParserImplErrorTest, ForLoopInitializerMissingSemicolon) {
EXPECT("fn f() { for (var i : i32 = 0 i < 8; i=i+1) {} }",
R"(test.wgsl:1:31 error: expected ';' for initializer in for loop
fn f() { for (var i : i32 = 0 i < 8; i=i+1) {} }
TEST_F(ParserImplErrorTest, ForLoopInitializerMissingVar) {
EXPECT("fn f() { for (i : i32 = 0; i < 8; i=i+1) {} }",
R"(test.wgsl:1:15 error: expected 'var' for variable declaration
fn f() { for (i : i32 = 0; i < 8; i=i+1) {} }
TEST_F(ParserImplErrorTest, ForLoopConditionMissingSemicolon) {
EXPECT("fn f() { for (var i : i32 = 0; i < 8 i=i+1) {} }",
R"(test.wgsl:1:38 error: expected ';' for condition in for loop
fn f() { for (var i : i32 = 0; i < 8 i=i+1) {} }
TEST_F(ParserImplErrorTest, ForLoopMissingLParen) {
EXPECT("fn f() { for var i : i32 = 0; i < 8; i=i+1) {} }",
R"(test.wgsl:1:14 error: expected '(' for for loop
fn f() { for var i : i32 = 0; i < 8; i=i+1) {} }
TEST_F(ParserImplErrorTest, ForLoopMissingRParen) {
EXPECT("fn f() { for (var i : i32 = 0; i < 8; i=i+1 {} }",
R"(test.wgsl:1:45 error: expected ')' for for loop
fn f() { for (var i : i32 = 0; i < 8; i=i+1 {} }
TEST_F(ParserImplErrorTest, ForLoopMissingLBrace) {
EXPECT("fn f() { for (var i : i32 = 0; i < 8; i=i+1) }",
R"(test.wgsl:1:46 error: expected '{' for for loop
fn f() { for (var i : i32 = 0; i < 8; i=i+1) }
TEST_F(ParserImplErrorTest, ForLoopMissingRBrace) {
EXPECT("fn f() { for (var i : i32 = 0; i < 8; i=i+1) {",
R"(test.wgsl:1:47 error: expected '}' for for loop
fn f() { for (var i : i32 = 0; i < 8; i=i+1) {
TEST_F(ParserImplErrorTest, FunctionDeclStageMissingLParen) {
EXPECT("@stage vertex) fn f() {}",
R"(test.wgsl:1:8 error: expected '(' for stage attribute
@stage vertex) fn f() {}
TEST_F(ParserImplErrorTest, FunctionDeclStageMissingRParen) {
EXPECT("@stage(vertex fn f() {}",
R"(test.wgsl:1:15 error: expected ')' for stage attribute
@stage(vertex fn f() {}
TEST_F(ParserImplErrorTest, FunctionDeclStageInvalid) {
EXPECT("@stage(x) fn f() {}",
R"(test.wgsl:1:8 error: invalid value for stage attribute
@stage(x) fn f() {}
TEST_F(ParserImplErrorTest, FunctionDeclStageTypeInvalid) {
EXPECT("@shader(vertex) fn main() {}",
R"(test.wgsl:1:2 error: expected attribute
@shader(vertex) fn main() {}
test.wgsl:1:8 error: unexpected token
@shader(vertex) fn main() {}
TEST_F(ParserImplErrorTest, FunctionDeclWorkgroupSizeXInvalid) {
EXPECT("@workgroup_size() fn f() {}",
R"(test.wgsl:1:17 error: expected workgroup_size x parameter
@workgroup_size() fn f() {}
TEST_F(ParserImplErrorTest, FunctionDeclWorkgroupSizeYInvalid) {
EXPECT("@workgroup_size(1, ) fn f() {}",
R"(test.wgsl:1:20 error: expected workgroup_size y parameter
@workgroup_size(1, ) fn f() {}
TEST_F(ParserImplErrorTest, FunctionDeclWorkgroupSizeZInvalid) {
EXPECT("@workgroup_size(1, 2, ) fn f() {}",
R"(test.wgsl:1:23 error: expected workgroup_size z parameter
@workgroup_size(1, 2, ) fn f() {}
TEST_F(ParserImplErrorTest, FunctionDeclMissingIdentifier) {
EXPECT("fn () {}",
R"(test.wgsl:1:4 error: expected identifier for function declaration
fn () {}
TEST_F(ParserImplErrorTest, FunctionDeclMissingLParen) {
EXPECT("fn f) {}",
R"(test.wgsl:1:5 error: expected '(' for function declaration
fn f) {}
TEST_F(ParserImplErrorTest, FunctionDeclMissingRParen) {
EXPECT("fn f( {}",
R"(test.wgsl:1:7 error: expected ')' for function declaration
fn f( {}
TEST_F(ParserImplErrorTest, FunctionDeclMissingArrow) {
EXPECT("fn f() f32 {}", R"(test.wgsl:1:8 error: expected '{'
fn f() f32 {}
TEST_F(ParserImplErrorTest, FunctionDeclInvalidReturnType) {
EXPECT("fn f() -> 1 {}",
R"(test.wgsl:1:11 error: unable to determine function return type
fn f() -> 1 {}
TEST_F(ParserImplErrorTest, FunctionDeclParamMissingColon) {
EXPECT("fn f(x) {}", R"(test.wgsl:1:7 error: expected ':' for parameter
fn f(x) {}
TEST_F(ParserImplErrorTest, FunctionDeclParamInvalidType) {
EXPECT("fn f(x : 1) {}", R"(test.wgsl:1:10 error: invalid type for parameter
fn f(x : 1) {}
TEST_F(ParserImplErrorTest, FunctionDeclParamMissing) {
EXPECT("fn f(x : i32, ,) {}",
R"(test.wgsl:1:15 error: expected ')' for function declaration
fn f(x : i32, ,) {}
TEST_F(ParserImplErrorTest, FunctionDeclMissingLBrace) {
EXPECT("fn f() }", R"(test.wgsl:1:8 error: expected '{'
fn f() }
TEST_F(ParserImplErrorTest, FunctionDeclMissingRBrace) {
EXPECT("fn f() {", R"(test.wgsl:1:9 error: expected '}'
fn f() {
TEST_F(ParserImplErrorTest, FunctionScopeUnusedDecl) {
EXPECT("fn f(a:i32)->i32{return a;@size(1)}",
R"(test.wgsl:1:27 error: expected '}'
fn f(a:i32)->i32{return a;@size(1)}
TEST_F(ParserImplErrorTest, FunctionMissingOpenLine) {
EXPECT(R"(let bar : vec2<f32> = vec2<f32>(1., 2.);
var a : f32 = bar[0];
R"(test.wgsl:2:17 error: unable to parse const_expr
var a : f32 = bar[0];
test.wgsl:3:3 error: statement found outside of function body
TEST_F(ParserImplErrorTest, GlobalDeclConstInvalidIdentifier) {
EXPECT("let ^ : i32 = 1;",
R"(test.wgsl:1:5 error: expected identifier for let declaration
let ^ : i32 = 1;
TEST_F(ParserImplErrorTest, GlobalDeclConstMissingSemicolon) {
EXPECT("let i : i32 = 1",
R"(test.wgsl:1:16 error: expected ';' for let declaration
let i : i32 = 1
TEST_F(ParserImplErrorTest, GlobalDeclConstMissingLParen) {
EXPECT("let i : vec2<i32> = vec2<i32>;",
R"(test.wgsl:1:30 error: expected '(' for type constructor
let i : vec2<i32> = vec2<i32>;
TEST_F(ParserImplErrorTest, GlobalDeclConstMissingRParen) {
EXPECT("let i : vec2<i32> = vec2<i32>(1., 2.;",
R"(test.wgsl:1:37 error: expected ')' for type constructor
let i : vec2<i32> = vec2<i32>(1., 2.;
TEST_F(ParserImplErrorTest, GlobalDeclConstBadConstLiteral) {
EXPECT("let i : vec2<i32> = vec2<i32>(!);",
R"(test.wgsl:1:31 error: unable to parse const_expr
let i : vec2<i32> = vec2<i32>(!);
TEST_F(ParserImplErrorTest, GlobalDeclConstBadConstLiteralSpaceLessThan) {
EXPECT("let i = 1 < 2;",
R"(test.wgsl:1:11 error: expected ';' for let declaration
let i = 1 < 2;
TEST_F(ParserImplErrorTest, GlobalDeclConstNotConstExpr) {
"let a = 1;\n"
"let b = a;",
R"(test.wgsl:2:9 error: unable to parse const_expr
let b = a;
TEST_F(ParserImplErrorTest, GlobalDeclConstExprMaxDepth) {
uint32_t kMaxDepth = 128;
std::stringstream src;
std::stringstream mkr;
src << "let i : i32 = ";
mkr << " ";
for (size_t i = 0; i < kMaxDepth + 8; i++) {
src << "f32(";
if (i < kMaxDepth) {
mkr << " ";
} else if (i == kMaxDepth) {
mkr << "^^^";
src << "1.0";
for (size_t i = 0; i < 200; i++) {
src << ")";
src << ";";
std::stringstream err;
err << "test.wgsl:1:527 error: maximum parser recursive depth reached\n"
<< src.str() << "\n"
<< mkr.str() << "\n";
EXPECT(src.str().c_str(), err.str().c_str());
TEST_F(ParserImplErrorTest, GlobalDeclConstExprMissingLParen) {
EXPECT("let i : vec2<i32> = vec2<i32> 1, 2);",
R"(test.wgsl:1:31 error: expected '(' for type constructor
let i : vec2<i32> = vec2<i32> 1, 2);
TEST_F(ParserImplErrorTest, GlobalDeclConstExprMissingRParen) {
EXPECT("let i : vec2<i32> = vec2<i32>(1, 2;",
R"(test.wgsl:1:35 error: expected ')' for type constructor
let i : vec2<i32> = vec2<i32>(1, 2;
TEST_F(ParserImplErrorTest, GlobalDeclInvalidAttribute) {
EXPECT("@stage(vertex) x;",
R"(test.wgsl:1:16 error: expected declaration after attributes
@stage(vertex) x;
TEST_F(ParserImplErrorTest, GlobalDeclSampledTextureMissingLessThan) {
EXPECT("var x : texture_1d;",
R"(test.wgsl:1:19 error: expected '<' for sampled texture type
var x : texture_1d;
TEST_F(ParserImplErrorTest, GlobalDeclSampledTextureMissingGreaterThan) {
EXPECT("var x : texture_1d<f32;",
R"(test.wgsl:1:23 error: expected '>' for sampled texture type
var x : texture_1d<f32;
TEST_F(ParserImplErrorTest, GlobalDeclSampledTextureInvalidSubtype) {
EXPECT("var x : texture_1d<1>;",
R"(test.wgsl:1:20 error: invalid type for sampled texture type
var x : texture_1d<1>;
TEST_F(ParserImplErrorTest, GlobalDeclMultisampledTextureMissingLessThan) {
EXPECT("var x : texture_multisampled_2d;",
R"(test.wgsl:1:32 error: expected '<' for multisampled texture type
var x : texture_multisampled_2d;
TEST_F(ParserImplErrorTest, GlobalDeclMultisampledTextureMissingGreaterThan) {
EXPECT("var x : texture_multisampled_2d<f32;",
R"(test.wgsl:1:36 error: expected '>' for multisampled texture type
var x : texture_multisampled_2d<f32;
TEST_F(ParserImplErrorTest, GlobalDeclMultisampledTextureInvalidSubtype) {
EXPECT("var x : texture_multisampled_2d<1>;",
R"(test.wgsl:1:33 error: invalid type for multisampled texture type
var x : texture_multisampled_2d<1>;
TEST_F(ParserImplErrorTest, GlobalDeclStorageTextureMissingLessThan) {
EXPECT("var x : texture_storage_2d;",
R"(test.wgsl:1:27 error: expected '<' for storage texture type
var x : texture_storage_2d;
TEST_F(ParserImplErrorTest, GlobalDeclStorageTextureMissingGreaterThan) {
EXPECT("var x : texture_storage_2d<r32uint, read;",
R"(test.wgsl:1:41 error: expected '>' for storage texture type
var x : texture_storage_2d<r32uint, read;
TEST_F(ParserImplErrorTest, GlobalDeclStorageTextureMissingSubtype) {
EXPECT("var x : texture_storage_2d<>;",
R"(test.wgsl:1:28 error: invalid format for storage texture type
var x : texture_storage_2d<>;
TEST_F(ParserImplErrorTest, GlobalDeclStorageTextureMissingInvalidSubtype) {
EXPECT("var x : texture_storage_2d<1>;",
R"(test.wgsl:1:28 error: invalid format for storage texture type
var x : texture_storage_2d<1>;
TEST_F(ParserImplErrorTest, GlobalDeclStructDeclMissingIdentifier) {
EXPECT("struct {};",
R"(test.wgsl:1:8 error: expected identifier for struct declaration
struct {};
TEST_F(ParserImplErrorTest, GlobalDeclStructDeclMissingLBrace) {
EXPECT("struct S };",
R"(test.wgsl:1:10 error: expected '{' for struct declaration
struct S };
TEST_F(ParserImplErrorTest, GlobalDeclStructDeclMissingRBrace) {
EXPECT("struct S { i : i32,",
R"(test.wgsl:1:20 error: expected '}' for struct declaration
struct S { i : i32,
TEST_F(ParserImplErrorTest, GlobalDeclStructMemberInvalidIdentifier) {
EXPECT("struct S { 1 : i32, };",
R"(test.wgsl:1:12 error: expected '}' for struct declaration
struct S { 1 : i32, };
TEST_F(ParserImplErrorTest, GlobalDeclStructMemberAlignInvaldValue) {
"struct S { @align(x) i : i32, };",
R"(test.wgsl:1:19 error: expected signed integer literal for align attribute
struct S { @align(x) i : i32, };
TEST_F(ParserImplErrorTest, GlobalDeclStructMemberAlignNegativeValue) {
EXPECT("struct S { @align(-2) i : i32, };",
R"(test.wgsl:1:19 error: align attribute must be positive
struct S { @align(-2) i : i32, };
TEST_F(ParserImplErrorTest, GlobalDeclStructMemberSizeInvaldValue) {
"struct S { @size(x) i : i32, };",
R"(test.wgsl:1:18 error: expected signed integer literal for size attribute
struct S { @size(x) i : i32, };
TEST_F(ParserImplErrorTest, GlobalDeclStructMemberSizeNegativeValue) {
EXPECT("struct S { @size(-2) i : i32, };",
R"(test.wgsl:1:18 error: size attribute must be positive
struct S { @size(-2) i : i32, };
TEST_F(ParserImplErrorTest, GlobalDeclTypeAliasMissingIdentifier) {
EXPECT("type 1 = f32;",
R"(test.wgsl:1:6 error: expected identifier for type alias
type 1 = f32;
TEST_F(ParserImplErrorTest, GlobalDeclTypeAliasInvalidType) {
EXPECT("type meow = 1;", R"(test.wgsl:1:13 error: invalid type alias
type meow = 1;
TEST_F(ParserImplErrorTest, GlobalDeclTypeAliasMissingAssignment) {
EXPECT("type meow f32", R"(test.wgsl:1:11 error: expected '=' for type alias
type meow f32
TEST_F(ParserImplErrorTest, GlobalDeclTypeAliasMissingSemicolon) {
EXPECT("type meow = f32", R"(test.wgsl:1:16 error: expected ';' for type alias
type meow = f32
TEST_F(ParserImplErrorTest, GlobalDeclVarArrayMissingLessThan) {
EXPECT("var i : array;",
R"(test.wgsl:1:14 error: expected '<' for array declaration
var i : array;
TEST_F(ParserImplErrorTest, GlobalDeclVarArrayMissingGreaterThan) {
EXPECT("var i : array<u32, 3;",
R"(test.wgsl:1:21 error: expected '>' for array declaration
var i : array<u32, 3;
TEST_F(ParserImplErrorTest, GlobalDeclVarArrayMissingType) {
EXPECT("var i : array<1, 3>;",
R"(test.wgsl:1:15 error: invalid type for array declaration
var i : array<1, 3>;
TEST_F(ParserImplErrorTest, GlobalDeclVarArrayMissingSize) {
EXPECT("var i : array<u32, >;",
R"(test.wgsl:1:20 error: expected array size expression
var i : array<u32, >;
TEST_F(ParserImplErrorTest, GlobalDeclVarArrayInvalidSize) {
EXPECT("var i : array<u32, !>;",
R"(test.wgsl:1:20 error: expected array size expression
var i : array<u32, !>;
TEST_F(ParserImplErrorTest, GlobalDeclVarAttrListMissingComma) {
EXPECT("@location(1) group(2) var i : i32;",
R"(test.wgsl:1:14 error: expected declaration after attributes
@location(1) group(2) var i : i32;
test.wgsl:1:19 error: unexpected token
@location(1) group(2) var i : i32;
TEST_F(ParserImplErrorTest, GlobalDeclVarAttrLocationMissingLParen) {
EXPECT("@location 1) var i : i32;",
R"(test.wgsl:1:11 error: expected '(' for location attribute
@location 1) var i : i32;
TEST_F(ParserImplErrorTest, GlobalDeclVarAttrLocationMissingRParen) {
EXPECT("@location (1 var i : i32;",
R"(test.wgsl:1:14 error: expected ')' for location attribute
@location (1 var i : i32;
TEST_F(ParserImplErrorTest, GlobalDeclVarAttrLocationInvalidValue) {
"@location(x) var i : i32;",
R"(test.wgsl:1:11 error: expected signed integer literal for location attribute
@location(x) var i : i32;
TEST_F(ParserImplErrorTest, GlobalDeclVarAttrBuiltinMissingLParen) {
EXPECT("@builtin position) var i : i32;",
R"(test.wgsl:1:10 error: expected '(' for builtin attribute
@builtin position) var i : i32;
TEST_F(ParserImplErrorTest, GlobalDeclVarAttrBuiltinMissingRParen) {
EXPECT("@builtin(position var i : i32;",
R"(test.wgsl:1:19 error: expected ')' for builtin attribute
@builtin(position var i : i32;
TEST_F(ParserImplErrorTest, GlobalDeclVarAttrBuiltinInvalidIdentifer) {
EXPECT("@builtin(1) var i : i32;",
R"(test.wgsl:1:10 error: expected identifier for builtin
@builtin(1) var i : i32;
TEST_F(ParserImplErrorTest, GlobalDeclVarAttrBuiltinInvalidValue) {
EXPECT("@builtin(x) var i : i32;",
R"(test.wgsl:1:10 error: invalid value for builtin attribute
@builtin(x) var i : i32;
TEST_F(ParserImplErrorTest, GlobalDeclVarAttrBindingMissingLParen) {
EXPECT("@binding 1) var i : i32;",
R"(test.wgsl:1:10 error: expected '(' for binding attribute
@binding 1) var i : i32;
TEST_F(ParserImplErrorTest, GlobalDeclVarAttrBindingMissingRParen) {
EXPECT("@binding(1 var i : i32;",
R"(test.wgsl:1:12 error: expected ')' for binding attribute
@binding(1 var i : i32;
TEST_F(ParserImplErrorTest, GlobalDeclVarAttrBindingInvalidValue) {
"@binding(x) var i : i32;",
R"(test.wgsl:1:10 error: expected signed integer literal for binding attribute
@binding(x) var i : i32;
TEST_F(ParserImplErrorTest, GlobalDeclVarAttrGroupMissingLParen) {
EXPECT("@group 1) var i : i32;",
R"(test.wgsl:1:8 error: expected '(' for group attribute
@group 1) var i : i32;
TEST_F(ParserImplErrorTest, GlobalDeclVarAttrGroupMissingRParen) {
EXPECT("@group(1 var i : i32;",
R"(test.wgsl:1:10 error: expected ')' for group attribute
@group(1 var i : i32;
TEST_F(ParserImplErrorTest, GlobalDeclVarAttrBindingGroupValue) {
"@group(x) var i : i32;",
R"(test.wgsl:1:8 error: expected signed integer literal for group attribute
@group(x) var i : i32;
TEST_F(ParserImplErrorTest, GlobalDeclVarInvalidIdentifier) {
EXPECT("var ^ : mat4x4;",
R"(test.wgsl:1:5 error: expected identifier for variable declaration
var ^ : mat4x4;
TEST_F(ParserImplErrorTest, GlobalDeclVarMatrixMissingGreaterThan) {
EXPECT("var i : mat4x4<u32;", R"(test.wgsl:1:19 error: expected '>' for matrix
var i : mat4x4<u32;
TEST_F(ParserImplErrorTest, GlobalDeclVarMatrixMissingType) {
EXPECT("var i : mat4x4<1>;", R"(test.wgsl:1:16 error: invalid type for matrix
var i : mat4x4<1>;
TEST_F(ParserImplErrorTest, GlobalDeclVarMissingSemicolon) {
EXPECT("var i : i32",
R"(test.wgsl:1:12 error: expected ';' for variable declaration
var i : i32
TEST_F(ParserImplErrorTest, GlobalDeclVarPtrMissingLessThan) {
EXPECT("var i : ptr;",
R"(test.wgsl:1:12 error: expected '<' for ptr declaration
var i : ptr;
TEST_F(ParserImplErrorTest, GlobalDeclVarPtrMissingGreaterThan) {
EXPECT("var i : ptr<private, u32;",
R"(test.wgsl:1:25 error: expected '>' for ptr declaration
var i : ptr<private, u32;
TEST_F(ParserImplErrorTest, GlobalDeclVarPtrMissingComma) {
EXPECT("var i : ptr<private u32>;",
R"(test.wgsl:1:21 error: expected ',' for ptr declaration
var i : ptr<private u32>;
TEST_F(ParserImplErrorTest, GlobalDeclVarPtrMissingStorageClass) {
EXPECT("var i : ptr<meow, u32>;",
R"(test.wgsl:1:13 error: invalid storage class for ptr declaration
var i : ptr<meow, u32>;
TEST_F(ParserImplErrorTest, GlobalDeclVarPtrMissingType) {
EXPECT("var i : ptr<private, 1>;",
R"(test.wgsl:1:22 error: invalid type for ptr declaration
var i : ptr<private, 1>;
TEST_F(ParserImplErrorTest, GlobalDeclVarAtomicMissingLessThan) {
EXPECT("var i : atomic;",
R"(test.wgsl:1:15 error: expected '<' for atomic declaration
var i : atomic;
TEST_F(ParserImplErrorTest, GlobalDeclVarAtomicMissingGreaterThan) {
EXPECT("var i : atomic<u32 x;",
R"(test.wgsl:1:20 error: expected '>' for atomic declaration
var i : atomic<u32 x;
TEST_F(ParserImplErrorTest, GlobalDeclVarStorageDeclInvalidClass) {
EXPECT("var<fish> i : i32",
R"(test.wgsl:1:5 error: invalid storage class for variable declaration
var<fish> i : i32
TEST_F(ParserImplErrorTest, GlobalDeclVarStorageDeclMissingGThan) {
EXPECT("var<private i : i32",
R"(test.wgsl:1:13 error: expected '>' for variable declaration
var<private i : i32
TEST_F(ParserImplErrorTest, GlobalDeclVarVectorMissingGreaterThan) {
EXPECT("var i : vec3<u32;", R"(test.wgsl:1:17 error: expected '>' for vector
var i : vec3<u32;
TEST_F(ParserImplErrorTest, GlobalDeclVarVectorMissingType) {
EXPECT("var i : vec3<1>;", R"(test.wgsl:1:14 error: invalid type for vector
var i : vec3<1>;
TEST_F(ParserImplErrorTest, IfStmtMissingRParen) {
EXPECT("fn f() { if (true {} }", R"(test.wgsl:1:19 error: expected ')'
fn f() { if (true {} }
TEST_F(ParserImplErrorTest, IfStmtInvalidCond) {
EXPECT("fn f() { if (>) {} }",
R"(test.wgsl:1:14 error: unable to parse expression
fn f() { if (>) {} }
TEST_F(ParserImplErrorTest, LogicalAndInvalidExpr) {
EXPECT("fn f() { return 1 && >; }",
R"(test.wgsl:1:22 error: unable to parse right side of && expression
fn f() { return 1 && >; }
TEST_F(ParserImplErrorTest, LogicalOrInvalidExpr) {
EXPECT("fn f() { return 1 || >; }",
R"(test.wgsl:1:22 error: unable to parse right side of || expression
fn f() { return 1 || >; }
TEST_F(ParserImplErrorTest, LoopMissingLBrace) {
EXPECT("fn f() { loop }", R"(test.wgsl:1:15 error: expected '{' for loop
fn f() { loop }
TEST_F(ParserImplErrorTest, LoopMissingRBrace) {
EXPECT("fn f() { loop {", R"(test.wgsl:1:16 error: expected '}' for loop
fn f() { loop {
TEST_F(ParserImplErrorTest, MaxErrorsReached) {
EXPECT("x; x; x; x; x; x; x; x;", R"(test.wgsl:1:1 error: unexpected token
x; x; x; x; x; x; x; x;
test.wgsl:1:4 error: unexpected token
x; x; x; x; x; x; x; x;
test.wgsl:1:7 error: unexpected token
x; x; x; x; x; x; x; x;
test.wgsl:1:10 error: unexpected token
x; x; x; x; x; x; x; x;
test.wgsl:1:13 error: unexpected token
x; x; x; x; x; x; x; x;
test.wgsl error: stopping after 5 errors)");
TEST_F(ParserImplErrorTest, MemberExprMissingIdentifier) {
EXPECT("fn f() { x = a.; }",
R"(test.wgsl:1:16 error: expected identifier for member accessor
fn f() { x = a.; }
TEST_F(ParserImplErrorTest, MultiplicativeInvalidExpr) {
EXPECT("fn f() { return 1.0 * <; }",
R"(test.wgsl:1:23 error: unable to parse right side of * expression
fn f() { return 1.0 * <; }
TEST_F(ParserImplErrorTest, OrInvalidExpr) {
EXPECT("fn f() { return 1 | >; }",
R"(test.wgsl:1:21 error: unable to parse right side of | expression
fn f() { return 1 | >; }
TEST_F(ParserImplErrorTest, PostfixIncrementAsExpr) {
EXPECT("fn f() { var x : i32; let y = x++; }",
R"(test.wgsl:1:32 error: expected ';' for variable declaration
fn f() { var x : i32; let y = x++; }
TEST_F(ParserImplErrorTest, RelationalInvalidExpr) {
EXPECT("fn f() { return 1 < >; }",
R"(test.wgsl:1:21 error: unable to parse right side of < expression
fn f() { return 1 < >; }
TEST_F(ParserImplErrorTest, ReturnStmtMissingSemicolon) {
EXPECT("fn f() { return }",
R"(test.wgsl:1:17 error: expected ';' for return statement
fn f() { return }
TEST_F(ParserImplErrorTest, ShiftInvalidExpr) {
EXPECT("fn f() { return 1 << >; }",
R"(test.wgsl:1:22 error: unable to parse right side of << expression
fn f() { return 1 << >; }
TEST_F(ParserImplErrorTest, SwitchStmtMissingLBrace) {
EXPECT("fn f() { switch(1) }",
R"(test.wgsl:1:20 error: expected '{' for switch statement
fn f() { switch(1) }
TEST_F(ParserImplErrorTest, SwitchStmtMissingRBrace) {
EXPECT("fn f() { switch(1) {",
R"(test.wgsl:1:21 error: expected '}' for switch statement
fn f() { switch(1) {
TEST_F(ParserImplErrorTest, SwitchStmtInvalidCase) {
EXPECT("fn f() { switch(1) { case ^: } }",
R"(test.wgsl:1:27 error: unable to parse case selectors
fn f() { switch(1) { case ^: } }
TEST_F(ParserImplErrorTest, SwitchStmtInvalidCase2) {
EXPECT("fn f() { switch(1) { case false: } }",
R"(test.wgsl:1:27 error: invalid case selector must be an integer value
fn f() { switch(1) { case false: } }
TEST_F(ParserImplErrorTest, SwitchStmtCaseMissingLBrace) {
EXPECT("fn f() { switch(1) { case 1: } }",
R"(test.wgsl:1:30 error: expected '{' for case statement
fn f() { switch(1) { case 1: } }
TEST_F(ParserImplErrorTest, SwitchStmtCaseMissingRBrace) {
EXPECT("fn f() { switch(1) { case 1: {",
R"(test.wgsl:1:31 error: expected '}' for case statement
fn f() { switch(1) { case 1: {
TEST_F(ParserImplErrorTest, SwitchStmtCaseFallthroughMissingSemicolon) {
EXPECT("fn f() { switch(1) { case 1: { fallthrough } case 2: {} } }",
R"(test.wgsl:1:44 error: expected ';' for fallthrough statement
fn f() { switch(1) { case 1: { fallthrough } case 2: {} } }
TEST_F(ParserImplErrorTest, VarStmtMissingSemicolon) {
EXPECT("fn f() { var a : u32 }",
R"(test.wgsl:1:22 error: expected ';' for variable declaration
fn f() { var a : u32 }
TEST_F(ParserImplErrorTest, VarStmtInvalidAssignment) {
EXPECT("fn f() { var a : u32 = >; }",
R"(test.wgsl:1:24 error: missing constructor for variable declaration
fn f() { var a : u32 = >; }
TEST_F(ParserImplErrorTest, UnaryInvalidExpr) {
EXPECT("fn f() { return !<; }",
R"(test.wgsl:1:18 error: unable to parse right side of ! expression
fn f() { return !<; }
TEST_F(ParserImplErrorTest, UnexpectedToken) {
EXPECT("unexpected", R"(test.wgsl:1:1 error: unexpected token
TEST_F(ParserImplErrorTest, XorInvalidExpr) {
EXPECT("fn f() { return 1 ^ >; }",
R"(test.wgsl:1:21 error: unable to parse right side of ^ expression
fn f() { return 1 ^ >; }
TEST_F(ParserImplErrorTest, InvalidUTF8) {
EXPECT("fn fu\xd0nc() {}",
"test.wgsl:1:4 error: invalid UTF-8\n"
"fn fu\xD0nc() {}\n");
} // namespace
} // namespace wgsl
} // namespace reader
} // namespace tint