Split examples, test and utils in their own BUILD.gn

The basic change was to copy-paste targets in the new BUILD.gn files and
fixup paths / add includes. There's a couple more changes that had to be
done at the same time:

 - Multiple files need to know if GLFW is supported so the variable was
moved to dawn_features.gni.
 - The gtest_and_gmock target used to abstract between Dawn's copy of
GTest/GMock is only needed by tests and was moved in src/tests/BUILD.gn.
 - A leftover dawn_end2end_tests target is left in the main BUILD.gn
file that is an exact copy of the on in src/tests/BUILD.gn. This is
because the GN path is hardcoded in Chromium's isolate_map.pyl that also
can't support GN groups. The only way to move a target I could figure
out was to duplicate it temporarily.

Bug: chromium:1064305
Change-Id: I96820e9d6510b8c9b9112c3e6cd8df2413f04287
Reviewed-on: https://dawn-review.googlesource.com/c/dawn/+/19201
Commit-Queue: Corentin Wallez <cwallez@chromium.org>
Reviewed-by: Austin Eng <enga@chromium.org>
7 files changed
tree: 8c0145bdae6084a8d074b675f94677f0b67cb03e
  1. build_overrides/
  2. docs/
  3. examples/
  4. generator/
  5. infra/
  6. scripts/
  7. src/
  8. third_party/
  9. tools/
  10. .clang-format
  11. .gitattributes
  12. .gitignore
  13. .gn
  15. BUILD.gn
  16. CMakeLists.txt
  17. codereview.settings
  19. dawn.json
  20. dawn_wire.json
  21. DEPS
  23. OWNERS
  24. PRESUBMIT.py
  25. README.chromium
  26. README.md

Dawn, a WebGPU implementation

Dawn is an open-source and cross-platform implementation of the work-in-progress WebGPU standard. More precisely it implements webgpu.h that is a one-to-one mapping with the WebGPU IDL. Dawn is meant to be integrated as part of a larger system and is the underlying implementation of WebGPU in Chromium.

Dawn provides several WebGPU building blocks:

  • WebGPU C/C++ headers that applications and other building blocks use.
    • The webgpu.h version that Dawn implements.
    • A C++ wrapper for the webgpu.h.
  • A “native” implementation of WebGPU using platforms' GPU APIs:
    • D3D12 on Windows 10
    • Metal on macOS and iOS
    • Vulkan on Windows, Linux, ChromeOS, Android and Fuchsia
    • OpenGL as best effort where available
  • A client-server implementation of WebGPU for applications that are in a sandbox without access to native drivers

Helpful links:

Documentation table of content

Developer documentation:

User documentation: (TODO, figure out what overlaps with webgpu.h docs)




Apache 2.0 Public License, please see LICENSE.


This is not an officially supported Google product.