| # Autogenerated files due to apparent VS2017 bug: |
| # https://gitlab.kitware.com/cmake/cmake/issues/16458 |
| *.dir |
| x86 |
| x64 |
| |
| # Directories added by the standalone GN build |
| .gclient |
| .gclient_entries |
| build |
| buildtools |
| testing |
| third_party/binutils/ |
| third_party/jinja2/ |
| third_party/llvm-build |
| third_party/markupsafe/ |
| tools |
| out |
| |
| # Modified from https://www.gitignore.io/api/vim,macos,linux,emacs,cmake,windows,sublimetext,visualstudio,visualstudiocode |
| |
| ### CMake ### |
| # These files are generated if an in-source build is attempted, even though |
| # it's disallowed. |
| CMakeCache.txt |
| CMakeFiles |
| |
| ### Emacs ### |
| *~ |
| \#*\# |
| /.emacs.desktop |
| /.emacs.desktop.lock |
| *.elc |
| auto-save-list |
| tramp |
| .\#* |
| |
| ### Linux ### |
| .fuse_hidden* |
| .directory |
| .Trash-* |
| .nfs* |
| |
| ### macOS ### |
| *.DS_Store |
| .AppleDouble |
| .LSOverride |
| # Icon must end with two \r |
| Icon
| ._* |
| .DocumentRevisions-V100 |
| .fseventsd |
| .Spotlight-V100 |
| .TemporaryItems |
| .Trashes |
| .VolumeIcon.icns |
| .com.apple.timemachine.donotpresent |
| .AppleDB |
| .AppleDesktop |
| Network Trash Folder |
| Temporary Items |
| .apdisk |
| |
| ### SublimeText ### |
| *.tmlanguage.cache |
| *.tmPreferences.cache |
| *.stTheme.cache |
| *.sublime-workspace |
| *.sublime-project |
| sftp-config.json |
| GitHub.sublime-settings |
| |
| ### Vim ### |
| [._]*.s[a-v][a-z] |
| [._]*.sw[a-p] |
| [._]s[a-v][a-z] |
| [._]sw[a-p] |
| Session.vim |
| .netrwhist |
| tags |
| |
| ### VisualStudioCode ### |
| .vscode/* |
| !.vscode/settings.json |
| !.vscode/tasks.json |
| !.vscode/launch.json |
| !.vscode/extensions.json |
| |
| ### Windows ### |
| Thumbs.db |
| ehthumbs.db |
| ehthumbs_vista.db |
| Desktop.ini |