blob: d1dd16dc0f97326c6ff68a1b9f615766dc8691c1 [file] [log] [blame]
#include <metal_stdlib>
using namespace metal;
void original_clusterfuzz_code() {
void more_tests_that_would_fail() {
float const a = 1.47112762928009033203f;
float const b = 0.09966865181922912598f;
float const a = 2.5f;
float const b = 2.5f;
program_source:9:15: error: redefinition of 'a'
float const a = 2.5f;
program_source:7:15: note: previous definition is here
float const a = 1.47112762928009033203f;
program_source:10:15: error: redefinition of 'b'
float const b = 2.5f;
program_source:8:15: note: previous definition is here
float const b = 0.09966865181922912598f;