blob: 7b90ec76515f229cc4d8d1cc6489bd84dced203a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Tint Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include "src/tint/lang/core/intrinsic/table.h"
#include <utility>
#include "gmock/gmock.h"
#include "src/tint/lang/core/intrinsic/data/data.h"
#include "src/tint/lang/core/intrinsic/table_data.h"
#include "src/tint/lang/core/type/atomic.h"
#include "src/tint/lang/core/type/depth_multisampled_texture.h"
#include "src/tint/lang/core/type/depth_texture.h"
#include "src/tint/lang/core/type/external_texture.h"
#include "src/tint/lang/core/type/helper_test.h"
#include "src/tint/lang/core/type/multisampled_texture.h"
#include "src/tint/lang/core/type/reference.h"
#include "src/tint/lang/core/type/sampled_texture.h"
#include "src/tint/lang/core/type/storage_texture.h"
#include "src/tint/lang/core/type/texture_dimension.h"
#include "src/tint/lang/wgsl/resolver/resolver_helper_test.h"
#include "src/tint/lang/wgsl/sem/value_constructor.h"
#include "src/tint/lang/wgsl/sem/value_conversion.h"
namespace tint::core::intrinsic {
namespace {
using ::testing::HasSubstr;
using namespace tint::core::fluent_types; // NOLINT
using Parameter = sem::Parameter;
using ParameterUsage = core::ParameterUsage;
using AFloatV = vec3<AFloat>;
using AIntV = vec3<AInt>;
using f32V = vec3<f32>;
using i32V = vec3<i32>;
using u32V = vec3<u32>;
class IntrinsicTableTest : public testing::Test, public ProgramBuilder {
Context context{core::intrinsic::data::kData, Types(), Symbols(), Diagnostics()};
TEST_F(IntrinsicTableTest, MatchF32) {
auto* f32 = create<core::type::F32>();
auto result =
Lookup(context, core::BuiltinFn::kCos, Vector{f32}, EvaluationStage::kConstant, Source{});
ASSERT_TRUE(result) << Diagnostics().str();
ASSERT_EQ(Diagnostics().str(), "");
EXPECT_EQ(result->return_type, f32);
ASSERT_EQ(result->parameters.Length(), 1u);
EXPECT_EQ(result->parameters[0].type, f32);
TEST_F(IntrinsicTableTest, MismatchF32) {
auto* i32 = create<core::type::I32>();
auto result =
Lookup(context, core::BuiltinFn::kCos, Vector{i32}, EvaluationStage::kConstant, Source{});
ASSERT_THAT(Diagnostics().str(), HasSubstr("no matching call"));
TEST_F(IntrinsicTableTest, MatchU32) {
auto* f32 = create<core::type::F32>();
auto* u32 = create<core::type::U32>();
auto* vec2_f32 = create<core::type::Vector>(f32, 2u);
auto result = Lookup(context, core::BuiltinFn::kUnpack2X16Float, Vector{u32},
EvaluationStage::kConstant, Source{});
ASSERT_TRUE(result) << Diagnostics().str();
ASSERT_EQ(Diagnostics().str(), "");
EXPECT_EQ(result->return_type, vec2_f32);
ASSERT_EQ(result->parameters.Length(), 1u);
EXPECT_EQ(result->parameters[0].type, u32);
TEST_F(IntrinsicTableTest, MismatchU32) {
auto* f32 = create<core::type::F32>();
auto result = Lookup(context, core::BuiltinFn::kUnpack2X16Float, Vector{f32},
EvaluationStage::kConstant, Source{});
ASSERT_THAT(Diagnostics().str(), HasSubstr("no matching call"));
TEST_F(IntrinsicTableTest, MatchI32) {
auto* f32 = create<core::type::F32>();
auto* i32 = create<core::type::I32>();
auto* vec4_f32 = create<core::type::Vector>(f32, 4u);
auto* tex = create<core::type::SampledTexture>(core::type::TextureDimension::k1d, f32);
auto result = Lookup(context, core::BuiltinFn::kTextureLoad, Vector{tex, i32, i32},
EvaluationStage::kConstant, Source{});
ASSERT_TRUE(result) << Diagnostics().str();
ASSERT_EQ(Diagnostics().str(), "");
EXPECT_EQ(result->return_type, vec4_f32);
ASSERT_EQ(result->parameters.Length(), 3u);
EXPECT_EQ(result->parameters[0].type, tex);
EXPECT_EQ(result->parameters[0].usage, ParameterUsage::kTexture);
EXPECT_EQ(result->parameters[1].type, i32);
EXPECT_EQ(result->parameters[1].usage, ParameterUsage::kCoords);
EXPECT_EQ(result->parameters[2].type, i32);
EXPECT_EQ(result->parameters[2].usage, ParameterUsage::kLevel);
TEST_F(IntrinsicTableTest, MismatchI32) {
auto* f32 = create<core::type::F32>();
auto* tex = create<core::type::SampledTexture>(core::type::TextureDimension::k1d, f32);
auto result = Lookup(context, core::BuiltinFn::kTextureLoad, Vector{tex, f32},
EvaluationStage::kConstant, Source{});
ASSERT_THAT(Diagnostics().str(), HasSubstr("no matching call"));
TEST_F(IntrinsicTableTest, MatchIU32AsI32) {
auto* i32 = create<core::type::I32>();
auto result = Lookup(context, core::BuiltinFn::kCountOneBits, Vector{i32},
EvaluationStage::kConstant, Source{});
ASSERT_TRUE(result) << Diagnostics().str();
ASSERT_EQ(Diagnostics().str(), "");
EXPECT_EQ(result->return_type, i32);
ASSERT_EQ(result->parameters.Length(), 1u);
EXPECT_EQ(result->parameters[0].type, i32);
TEST_F(IntrinsicTableTest, MatchIU32AsU32) {
auto* u32 = create<core::type::U32>();
auto result = Lookup(context, core::BuiltinFn::kCountOneBits, Vector{u32},
EvaluationStage::kConstant, Source{});
ASSERT_TRUE(result) << Diagnostics().str();
ASSERT_EQ(Diagnostics().str(), "");
EXPECT_EQ(result->return_type, u32);
ASSERT_EQ(result->parameters.Length(), 1u);
EXPECT_EQ(result->parameters[0].type, u32);
TEST_F(IntrinsicTableTest, MismatchIU32) {
auto* f32 = create<core::type::F32>();
auto result = Lookup(context, core::BuiltinFn::kCountOneBits, Vector{f32},
EvaluationStage::kConstant, Source{});
ASSERT_THAT(Diagnostics().str(), HasSubstr("no matching call"));
TEST_F(IntrinsicTableTest, MatchFIU32AsI32) {
auto* i32 = create<core::type::I32>();
auto result = Lookup(context, core::BuiltinFn::kClamp, Vector{i32, i32, i32},
EvaluationStage::kConstant, Source{});
ASSERT_TRUE(result) << Diagnostics().str();
ASSERT_EQ(Diagnostics().str(), "");
EXPECT_EQ(result->return_type, i32);
ASSERT_EQ(result->parameters.Length(), 3u);
EXPECT_EQ(result->parameters[0].type, i32);
EXPECT_EQ(result->parameters[1].type, i32);
EXPECT_EQ(result->parameters[2].type, i32);
TEST_F(IntrinsicTableTest, MatchFIU32AsU32) {
auto* u32 = create<core::type::U32>();
auto result = Lookup(context, core::BuiltinFn::kClamp, Vector{u32, u32, u32},
EvaluationStage::kConstant, Source{});
ASSERT_TRUE(result) << Diagnostics().str();
ASSERT_EQ(Diagnostics().str(), "");
EXPECT_EQ(result->return_type, u32);
ASSERT_EQ(result->parameters.Length(), 3u);
EXPECT_EQ(result->parameters[0].type, u32);
EXPECT_EQ(result->parameters[1].type, u32);
EXPECT_EQ(result->parameters[2].type, u32);
TEST_F(IntrinsicTableTest, MatchFIU32AsF32) {
auto* f32 = create<core::type::F32>();
auto result = Lookup(context, core::BuiltinFn::kClamp, Vector{f32, f32, f32},
EvaluationStage::kConstant, Source{});
ASSERT_TRUE(result) << Diagnostics().str();
ASSERT_EQ(Diagnostics().str(), "");
EXPECT_EQ(result->return_type, f32);
ASSERT_EQ(result->parameters.Length(), 3u);
EXPECT_EQ(result->parameters[0].type, f32);
EXPECT_EQ(result->parameters[1].type, f32);
EXPECT_EQ(result->parameters[2].type, f32);
TEST_F(IntrinsicTableTest, MismatchFIU32) {
auto* bool_ = create<core::type::Bool>();
auto result = Lookup(context, core::BuiltinFn::kClamp, Vector{bool_, bool_, bool_},
EvaluationStage::kConstant, Source{});
ASSERT_THAT(Diagnostics().str(), HasSubstr("no matching call"));
TEST_F(IntrinsicTableTest, MatchBool) {
auto* f32 = create<core::type::F32>();
auto* bool_ = create<core::type::Bool>();
auto result = Lookup(context, core::BuiltinFn::kSelect, Vector{f32, f32, bool_},
EvaluationStage::kConstant, Source{});
ASSERT_TRUE(result) << Diagnostics().str();
ASSERT_EQ(Diagnostics().str(), "");
EXPECT_EQ(result->return_type, f32);
ASSERT_EQ(result->parameters.Length(), 3u);
EXPECT_EQ(result->parameters[0].type, f32);
EXPECT_EQ(result->parameters[1].type, f32);
EXPECT_EQ(result->parameters[2].type, bool_);
TEST_F(IntrinsicTableTest, MismatchBool) {
auto* f32 = create<core::type::F32>();
auto result = Lookup(context, core::BuiltinFn::kSelect, Vector{f32, f32, f32},
EvaluationStage::kConstant, Source{});
ASSERT_THAT(Diagnostics().str(), HasSubstr("no matching call"));
TEST_F(IntrinsicTableTest, MatchPointer) {
auto* i32 = create<core::type::I32>();
auto* atomicI32 = create<core::type::Atomic>(i32);
auto* ptr = create<core::type::Pointer>(core::AddressSpace::kWorkgroup, atomicI32,
auto result = Lookup(context, core::BuiltinFn::kAtomicLoad, Vector{ptr},
EvaluationStage::kConstant, Source{});
ASSERT_TRUE(result) << Diagnostics().str();
ASSERT_EQ(Diagnostics().str(), "");
EXPECT_EQ(result->return_type, i32);
ASSERT_EQ(result->parameters.Length(), 1u);
EXPECT_EQ(result->parameters[0].type, ptr);
TEST_F(IntrinsicTableTest, MismatchPointer) {
auto* i32 = create<core::type::I32>();
auto* atomicI32 = create<core::type::Atomic>(i32);
auto result = Lookup(context, core::BuiltinFn::kAtomicLoad, Vector{atomicI32},
EvaluationStage::kConstant, Source{});
ASSERT_THAT(Diagnostics().str(), HasSubstr("no matching call"));
TEST_F(IntrinsicTableTest, MatchArray) {
auto* arr = create<core::type::Array>(create<core::type::U32>(),
create<core::type::RuntimeArrayCount>(), 4u, 4u, 4u, 4u);
auto* arr_ptr =
create<core::type::Pointer>(core::AddressSpace::kStorage, arr, core::Access::kReadWrite);
auto result = Lookup(context, core::BuiltinFn::kArrayLength, Vector{arr_ptr},
EvaluationStage::kConstant, Source{});
ASSERT_TRUE(result) << Diagnostics().str();
ASSERT_EQ(Diagnostics().str(), "");
ASSERT_EQ(result->parameters.Length(), 1u);
auto* param_type = result->parameters[0].type;
TEST_F(IntrinsicTableTest, MismatchArray) {
auto* f32 = create<core::type::F32>();
auto result = Lookup(context, core::BuiltinFn::kArrayLength, Vector{f32},
EvaluationStage::kConstant, Source{});
ASSERT_THAT(Diagnostics().str(), HasSubstr("no matching call"));
TEST_F(IntrinsicTableTest, MatchSampler) {
auto* f32 = create<core::type::F32>();
auto* vec2_f32 = create<core::type::Vector>(f32, 2u);
auto* vec4_f32 = create<core::type::Vector>(f32, 4u);
auto* tex = create<core::type::SampledTexture>(core::type::TextureDimension::k2d, f32);
auto* sampler = create<core::type::Sampler>(core::type::SamplerKind::kSampler);
auto result = Lookup(context, core::BuiltinFn::kTextureSample, Vector{tex, sampler, vec2_f32},
EvaluationStage::kConstant, Source{});
ASSERT_TRUE(result) << Diagnostics().str();
ASSERT_EQ(Diagnostics().str(), "");
EXPECT_EQ(result->return_type, vec4_f32);
ASSERT_EQ(result->parameters.Length(), 3u);
EXPECT_EQ(result->parameters[0].type, tex);
EXPECT_EQ(result->parameters[0].usage, ParameterUsage::kTexture);
EXPECT_EQ(result->parameters[1].type, sampler);
EXPECT_EQ(result->parameters[1].usage, ParameterUsage::kSampler);
EXPECT_EQ(result->parameters[2].type, vec2_f32);
EXPECT_EQ(result->parameters[2].usage, ParameterUsage::kCoords);
TEST_F(IntrinsicTableTest, MismatchSampler) {
auto* f32 = create<core::type::F32>();
auto* vec2_f32 = create<core::type::Vector>(f32, 2u);
auto* tex = create<core::type::SampledTexture>(core::type::TextureDimension::k2d, f32);
auto result = Lookup(context, core::BuiltinFn::kTextureSample, Vector{tex, f32, vec2_f32},
EvaluationStage::kConstant, Source{});
ASSERT_THAT(Diagnostics().str(), HasSubstr("no matching call"));
TEST_F(IntrinsicTableTest, MatchSampledTexture) {
auto* i32 = create<core::type::I32>();
auto* f32 = create<core::type::F32>();
auto* vec2_i32 = create<core::type::Vector>(i32, 2u);
auto* vec4_f32 = create<core::type::Vector>(f32, 4u);
auto* tex = create<core::type::SampledTexture>(core::type::TextureDimension::k2d, f32);
auto result = Lookup(context, core::BuiltinFn::kTextureLoad, Vector{tex, vec2_i32, i32},
EvaluationStage::kConstant, Source{});
ASSERT_TRUE(result) << Diagnostics().str();
ASSERT_EQ(Diagnostics().str(), "");
EXPECT_EQ(result->return_type, vec4_f32);
ASSERT_EQ(result->parameters.Length(), 3u);
EXPECT_EQ(result->parameters[0].type, tex);
EXPECT_EQ(result->parameters[0].usage, ParameterUsage::kTexture);
EXPECT_EQ(result->parameters[1].type, vec2_i32);
EXPECT_EQ(result->parameters[1].usage, ParameterUsage::kCoords);
EXPECT_EQ(result->parameters[2].type, i32);
EXPECT_EQ(result->parameters[2].usage, ParameterUsage::kLevel);
TEST_F(IntrinsicTableTest, MatchMultisampledTexture) {
auto* i32 = create<core::type::I32>();
auto* f32 = create<core::type::F32>();
auto* vec2_i32 = create<core::type::Vector>(i32, 2u);
auto* vec4_f32 = create<core::type::Vector>(f32, 4u);
auto* tex = create<core::type::MultisampledTexture>(core::type::TextureDimension::k2d, f32);
auto result = Lookup(context, core::BuiltinFn::kTextureLoad, Vector{tex, vec2_i32, i32},
EvaluationStage::kConstant, Source{});
ASSERT_TRUE(result) << Diagnostics().str();
ASSERT_EQ(Diagnostics().str(), "");
EXPECT_EQ(result->return_type, vec4_f32);
ASSERT_EQ(result->parameters.Length(), 3u);
EXPECT_EQ(result->parameters[0].type, tex);
EXPECT_EQ(result->parameters[0].usage, ParameterUsage::kTexture);
EXPECT_EQ(result->parameters[1].type, vec2_i32);
EXPECT_EQ(result->parameters[1].usage, ParameterUsage::kCoords);
EXPECT_EQ(result->parameters[2].type, i32);
EXPECT_EQ(result->parameters[2].usage, ParameterUsage::kSampleIndex);
TEST_F(IntrinsicTableTest, MatchDepthTexture) {
auto* f32 = create<core::type::F32>();
auto* i32 = create<core::type::I32>();
auto* vec2_i32 = create<core::type::Vector>(i32, 2u);
auto* tex = create<core::type::DepthTexture>(core::type::TextureDimension::k2d);
auto result = Lookup(context, core::BuiltinFn::kTextureLoad, Vector{tex, vec2_i32, i32},
EvaluationStage::kConstant, Source{});
ASSERT_TRUE(result) << Diagnostics().str();
ASSERT_EQ(Diagnostics().str(), "");
EXPECT_EQ(result->return_type, f32);
ASSERT_EQ(result->parameters.Length(), 3u);
EXPECT_EQ(result->parameters[0].type, tex);
EXPECT_EQ(result->parameters[0].usage, ParameterUsage::kTexture);
EXPECT_EQ(result->parameters[1].type, vec2_i32);
EXPECT_EQ(result->parameters[1].usage, ParameterUsage::kCoords);
EXPECT_EQ(result->parameters[2].type, i32);
EXPECT_EQ(result->parameters[2].usage, ParameterUsage::kLevel);
TEST_F(IntrinsicTableTest, MatchDepthMultisampledTexture) {
auto* f32 = create<core::type::F32>();
auto* i32 = create<core::type::I32>();
auto* vec2_i32 = create<core::type::Vector>(i32, 2u);
auto* tex = create<core::type::DepthMultisampledTexture>(core::type::TextureDimension::k2d);
auto result = Lookup(context, core::BuiltinFn::kTextureLoad, Vector{tex, vec2_i32, i32},
EvaluationStage::kConstant, Source{});
ASSERT_TRUE(result) << Diagnostics().str();
ASSERT_EQ(Diagnostics().str(), "");
EXPECT_EQ(result->return_type, f32);
ASSERT_EQ(result->parameters.Length(), 3u);
EXPECT_EQ(result->parameters[0].type, tex);
EXPECT_EQ(result->parameters[0].usage, ParameterUsage::kTexture);
EXPECT_EQ(result->parameters[1].type, vec2_i32);
EXPECT_EQ(result->parameters[1].usage, ParameterUsage::kCoords);
EXPECT_EQ(result->parameters[2].type, i32);
EXPECT_EQ(result->parameters[2].usage, ParameterUsage::kSampleIndex);
TEST_F(IntrinsicTableTest, MatchExternalTexture) {
auto* f32 = create<core::type::F32>();
auto* i32 = create<core::type::I32>();
auto* vec2_i32 = create<core::type::Vector>(i32, 2u);
auto* vec4_f32 = create<core::type::Vector>(f32, 4u);
auto* tex = create<core::type::ExternalTexture>();
auto result = Lookup(context, core::BuiltinFn::kTextureLoad, Vector{tex, vec2_i32},
EvaluationStage::kConstant, Source{});
ASSERT_TRUE(result) << Diagnostics().str();
ASSERT_EQ(Diagnostics().str(), "");
EXPECT_EQ(result->return_type, vec4_f32);
ASSERT_EQ(result->parameters.Length(), 2u);
EXPECT_EQ(result->parameters[0].type, tex);
EXPECT_EQ(result->parameters[0].usage, ParameterUsage::kTexture);
EXPECT_EQ(result->parameters[1].type, vec2_i32);
EXPECT_EQ(result->parameters[1].usage, ParameterUsage::kCoords);
TEST_F(IntrinsicTableTest, MatchWOStorageTexture) {
auto* f32 = create<core::type::F32>();
auto* i32 = create<core::type::I32>();
auto* vec2_i32 = create<core::type::Vector>(i32, 2u);
auto* vec4_f32 = create<core::type::Vector>(f32, 4u);
auto* subtype = core::type::StorageTexture::SubtypeFor(core::TexelFormat::kR32Float, Types());
auto* tex = create<core::type::StorageTexture>(core::type::TextureDimension::k2d,
core::Access::kWrite, subtype);
auto result = Lookup(context, core::BuiltinFn::kTextureStore, Vector{tex, vec2_i32, vec4_f32},
EvaluationStage::kConstant, Source{});
ASSERT_TRUE(result) << Diagnostics().str();
ASSERT_EQ(Diagnostics().str(), "");
ASSERT_EQ(result->parameters.Length(), 3u);
EXPECT_EQ(result->parameters[0].type, tex);
EXPECT_EQ(result->parameters[0].usage, ParameterUsage::kTexture);
EXPECT_EQ(result->parameters[1].type, vec2_i32);
EXPECT_EQ(result->parameters[1].usage, ParameterUsage::kCoords);
EXPECT_EQ(result->parameters[2].type, vec4_f32);
EXPECT_EQ(result->parameters[2].usage, ParameterUsage::kValue);
TEST_F(IntrinsicTableTest, MismatchTexture) {
auto* f32 = create<core::type::F32>();
auto* i32 = create<core::type::I32>();
auto* vec2_i32 = create<core::type::Vector>(i32, 2u);
auto result = Lookup(context, core::BuiltinFn::kTextureLoad, Vector{f32, vec2_i32},
EvaluationStage::kConstant, Source{});
ASSERT_THAT(Diagnostics().str(), HasSubstr("no matching call"));
TEST_F(IntrinsicTableTest, ImplicitLoadOnReference) {
auto* f32 = create<core::type::F32>();
auto result = Lookup(context, core::BuiltinFn::kCos,
create<core::type::Reference>(core::AddressSpace::kFunction, f32,
EvaluationStage::kConstant, Source{});
ASSERT_TRUE(result) << Diagnostics().str();
ASSERT_EQ(Diagnostics().str(), "");
EXPECT_EQ(result->return_type, f32);
ASSERT_EQ(result->parameters.Length(), 1u);
EXPECT_EQ(result->parameters[0].type, f32);
TEST_F(IntrinsicTableTest, MatchTemplateType) {
auto* f32 = create<core::type::F32>();
auto result = Lookup(context, core::BuiltinFn::kClamp, Vector{f32, f32, f32},
EvaluationStage::kConstant, Source{});
ASSERT_TRUE(result) << Diagnostics().str();
ASSERT_EQ(Diagnostics().str(), "");
EXPECT_EQ(result->return_type, f32);
EXPECT_EQ(result->parameters[0].type, f32);
EXPECT_EQ(result->parameters[1].type, f32);
EXPECT_EQ(result->parameters[2].type, f32);
TEST_F(IntrinsicTableTest, MismatchTemplateType) {
auto* f32 = create<core::type::F32>();
auto* u32 = create<core::type::U32>();
auto result = Lookup(context, core::BuiltinFn::kClamp, Vector{f32, u32, f32},
EvaluationStage::kConstant, Source{});
ASSERT_THAT(Diagnostics().str(), HasSubstr("no matching call"));
TEST_F(IntrinsicTableTest, MatchOpenSizeVector) {
auto* f32 = create<core::type::F32>();
auto* vec2_f32 = create<core::type::Vector>(f32, 2u);
auto result = Lookup(context, core::BuiltinFn::kClamp, Vector{vec2_f32, vec2_f32, vec2_f32},
EvaluationStage::kConstant, Source{});
ASSERT_TRUE(result) << Diagnostics().str();
ASSERT_EQ(Diagnostics().str(), "");
EXPECT_EQ(result->return_type, vec2_f32);
ASSERT_EQ(result->parameters.Length(), 3u);
EXPECT_EQ(result->parameters[0].type, vec2_f32);
EXPECT_EQ(result->parameters[1].type, vec2_f32);
EXPECT_EQ(result->parameters[2].type, vec2_f32);
TEST_F(IntrinsicTableTest, MismatchOpenSizeVector) {
auto* f32 = create<core::type::F32>();
auto* u32 = create<core::type::U32>();
auto* vec2_f32 = create<core::type::Vector>(f32, 2u);
auto result = Lookup(context, core::BuiltinFn::kClamp, Vector{vec2_f32, u32, vec2_f32},
EvaluationStage::kConstant, Source{});
ASSERT_THAT(Diagnostics().str(), HasSubstr("no matching call"));
TEST_F(IntrinsicTableTest, MatchOpenSizeMatrix) {
auto* f32 = create<core::type::F32>();
auto* vec3_f32 = create<core::type::Vector>(f32, 3u);
auto* mat3_f32 = create<core::type::Matrix>(vec3_f32, 3u);
auto result = Lookup(context, core::BuiltinFn::kDeterminant, Vector{mat3_f32},
EvaluationStage::kConstant, Source{});
ASSERT_TRUE(result) << Diagnostics().str();
ASSERT_EQ(Diagnostics().str(), "");
EXPECT_EQ(result->return_type, f32);
ASSERT_EQ(result->parameters.Length(), 1u);
EXPECT_EQ(result->parameters[0].type, mat3_f32);
TEST_F(IntrinsicTableTest, MismatchOpenSizeMatrix) {
auto* f32 = create<core::type::F32>();
auto* vec2_f32 = create<core::type::Vector>(f32, 2u);
auto* mat3x2_f32 = create<core::type::Matrix>(vec2_f32, 3u);
auto result = Lookup(context, core::BuiltinFn::kDeterminant, Vector{mat3x2_f32},
EvaluationStage::kConstant, Source{});
ASSERT_THAT(Diagnostics().str(), HasSubstr("no matching call"));
TEST_F(IntrinsicTableTest, MatchDifferentArgsElementType_Builtin_ConstantEval) {
auto* af = create<core::type::AbstractFloat>();
auto* bool_ = create<core::type::Bool>();
auto result = Lookup(context, core::BuiltinFn::kSelect, Vector{af, af, bool_},
EvaluationStage::kConstant, Source{});
ASSERT_TRUE(result) << Diagnostics().str();
ASSERT_EQ(Diagnostics().str(), "");
EXPECT_NE(result->const_eval_fn, nullptr);
EXPECT_EQ(result->return_type, af);
ASSERT_EQ(result->parameters.Length(), 3u);
EXPECT_EQ(result->parameters[0].type, af);
EXPECT_EQ(result->parameters[1].type, af);
EXPECT_EQ(result->parameters[2].type, bool_);
TEST_F(IntrinsicTableTest, MatchDifferentArgsElementType_Builtin_RuntimeEval) {
auto* af = create<core::type::AbstractFloat>();
auto* bool_ref = create<core::type::Reference>(
core::AddressSpace::kFunction, create<core::type::Bool>(), core::Access::kReadWrite);
auto result = Lookup(context, core::BuiltinFn::kSelect, Vector{af, af, bool_ref},
EvaluationStage::kRuntime, Source{});
ASSERT_TRUE(result) << Diagnostics().str();
ASSERT_EQ(Diagnostics().str(), "");
EXPECT_NE(result->const_eval_fn, nullptr);
ASSERT_EQ(result->parameters.Length(), 3u);
TEST_F(IntrinsicTableTest, MatchDifferentArgsElementType_Binary_ConstantEval) {
auto* ai = create<core::type::AbstractInt>();
auto* u32 = create<core::type::U32>();
auto result = Lookup(context, core::BinaryOp::kShiftLeft, ai, u32, EvaluationStage::kConstant,
Source{}, false);
ASSERT_TRUE(result) << Diagnostics().str();
ASSERT_NE(result->const_eval_fn, nullptr) << Diagnostics().str();
ASSERT_EQ(Diagnostics().str(), "");
EXPECT_EQ(result->return_type, ai);
EXPECT_EQ(result->parameters[0].type, ai);
EXPECT_EQ(result->parameters[1].type, u32);
TEST_F(IntrinsicTableTest, MatchDifferentArgsElementType_Binary_RuntimeEval) {
auto* ai = create<core::type::AbstractInt>();
auto* u32 = create<core::type::U32>();
auto result = Lookup(context, core::BinaryOp::kShiftLeft, ai, u32, EvaluationStage::kRuntime,
Source{}, false);
ASSERT_TRUE(result) << Diagnostics().str();
ASSERT_NE(result->const_eval_fn, nullptr) << Diagnostics().str();
ASSERT_EQ(Diagnostics().str(), "");
TEST_F(IntrinsicTableTest, OverloadOrderByNumberOfParameters) {
// None of the arguments match, so expect the overloads with 2 parameters to
// come first
auto* bool_ = create<core::type::Bool>();
auto result = Lookup(context, core::BuiltinFn::kTextureDimensions, Vector{bool_, bool_},
EvaluationStage::kConstant, Source{});
R"(error: no matching call to textureDimensions(bool, bool)
27 candidate functions:
textureDimensions(texture: texture_1d<T>, level: L) -> u32 where: T is f32, i32 or u32, L is i32 or u32
textureDimensions(texture: texture_2d<T>, level: L) -> vec2<u32> where: T is f32, i32 or u32, L is i32 or u32
textureDimensions(texture: texture_2d_array<T>, level: L) -> vec2<u32> where: T is f32, i32 or u32, L is i32 or u32
textureDimensions(texture: texture_3d<T>, level: L) -> vec3<u32> where: T is f32, i32 or u32, L is i32 or u32
textureDimensions(texture: texture_cube<T>, level: L) -> vec2<u32> where: T is f32, i32 or u32, L is i32 or u32
textureDimensions(texture: texture_cube_array<T>, level: L) -> vec2<u32> where: T is f32, i32 or u32, L is i32 or u32
textureDimensions(texture: texture_depth_2d, level: L) -> vec2<u32> where: L is i32 or u32
textureDimensions(texture: texture_depth_2d_array, level: L) -> vec2<u32> where: L is i32 or u32
textureDimensions(texture: texture_depth_cube, level: L) -> vec2<u32> where: L is i32 or u32
textureDimensions(texture: texture_depth_cube_array, level: L) -> vec2<u32> where: L is i32 or u32
textureDimensions(texture: texture_1d<T>) -> u32 where: T is f32, i32 or u32
textureDimensions(texture: texture_2d<T>) -> vec2<u32> where: T is f32, i32 or u32
textureDimensions(texture: texture_2d_array<T>) -> vec2<u32> where: T is f32, i32 or u32
textureDimensions(texture: texture_3d<T>) -> vec3<u32> where: T is f32, i32 or u32
textureDimensions(texture: texture_cube<T>) -> vec2<u32> where: T is f32, i32 or u32
textureDimensions(texture: texture_cube_array<T>) -> vec2<u32> where: T is f32, i32 or u32
textureDimensions(texture: texture_multisampled_2d<T>) -> vec2<u32> where: T is f32, i32 or u32
textureDimensions(texture: texture_depth_2d) -> vec2<u32>
textureDimensions(texture: texture_depth_2d_array) -> vec2<u32>
textureDimensions(texture: texture_depth_cube) -> vec2<u32>
textureDimensions(texture: texture_depth_cube_array) -> vec2<u32>
textureDimensions(texture: texture_depth_multisampled_2d) -> vec2<u32>
textureDimensions(texture: texture_storage_1d<F, A>) -> u32
textureDimensions(texture: texture_storage_2d<F, A>) -> vec2<u32>
textureDimensions(texture: texture_storage_2d_array<F, A>) -> vec2<u32>
textureDimensions(texture: texture_storage_3d<F, A>) -> vec3<u32>
textureDimensions(texture: texture_external) -> vec2<u32>
TEST_F(IntrinsicTableTest, OverloadOrderByMatchingParameter) {
auto* tex = create<core::type::DepthTexture>(core::type::TextureDimension::k2d);
auto* bool_ = create<core::type::Bool>();
auto result = Lookup(context, core::BuiltinFn::kTextureDimensions, Vector{tex, bool_},
EvaluationStage::kConstant, Source{});
R"(error: no matching call to textureDimensions(texture_depth_2d, bool)
27 candidate functions:
textureDimensions(texture: texture_depth_2d, level: L) -> vec2<u32> where: L is i32 or u32
textureDimensions(texture: texture_1d<T>, level: L) -> u32 where: T is f32, i32 or u32, L is i32 or u32
textureDimensions(texture: texture_2d<T>, level: L) -> vec2<u32> where: T is f32, i32 or u32, L is i32 or u32
textureDimensions(texture: texture_2d_array<T>, level: L) -> vec2<u32> where: T is f32, i32 or u32, L is i32 or u32
textureDimensions(texture: texture_3d<T>, level: L) -> vec3<u32> where: T is f32, i32 or u32, L is i32 or u32
textureDimensions(texture: texture_cube<T>, level: L) -> vec2<u32> where: T is f32, i32 or u32, L is i32 or u32
textureDimensions(texture: texture_cube_array<T>, level: L) -> vec2<u32> where: T is f32, i32 or u32, L is i32 or u32
textureDimensions(texture: texture_depth_2d_array, level: L) -> vec2<u32> where: L is i32 or u32
textureDimensions(texture: texture_depth_cube, level: L) -> vec2<u32> where: L is i32 or u32
textureDimensions(texture: texture_depth_cube_array, level: L) -> vec2<u32> where: L is i32 or u32
textureDimensions(texture: texture_depth_2d) -> vec2<u32>
textureDimensions(texture: texture_1d<T>) -> u32 where: T is f32, i32 or u32
textureDimensions(texture: texture_2d<T>) -> vec2<u32> where: T is f32, i32 or u32
textureDimensions(texture: texture_2d_array<T>) -> vec2<u32> where: T is f32, i32 or u32
textureDimensions(texture: texture_3d<T>) -> vec3<u32> where: T is f32, i32 or u32
textureDimensions(texture: texture_cube<T>) -> vec2<u32> where: T is f32, i32 or u32
textureDimensions(texture: texture_cube_array<T>) -> vec2<u32> where: T is f32, i32 or u32
textureDimensions(texture: texture_multisampled_2d<T>) -> vec2<u32> where: T is f32, i32 or u32
textureDimensions(texture: texture_depth_2d_array) -> vec2<u32>
textureDimensions(texture: texture_depth_cube) -> vec2<u32>
textureDimensions(texture: texture_depth_cube_array) -> vec2<u32>
textureDimensions(texture: texture_depth_multisampled_2d) -> vec2<u32>
textureDimensions(texture: texture_storage_1d<F, A>) -> u32
textureDimensions(texture: texture_storage_2d<F, A>) -> vec2<u32>
textureDimensions(texture: texture_storage_2d_array<F, A>) -> vec2<u32>
textureDimensions(texture: texture_storage_3d<F, A>) -> vec3<u32>
textureDimensions(texture: texture_external) -> vec2<u32>
TEST_F(IntrinsicTableTest, MatchUnaryOp) {
auto* i32 = create<core::type::I32>();
auto* vec3_i32 = create<core::type::Vector>(i32, 3u);
auto result = Lookup(context, core::UnaryOp::kNegation, vec3_i32, EvaluationStage::kConstant,
Source{{12, 34}});
EXPECT_EQ(result->return_type, vec3_i32);
EXPECT_EQ(Diagnostics().str(), "");
TEST_F(IntrinsicTableTest, MismatchUnaryOp) {
auto* bool_ = create<core::type::Bool>();
auto result = Lookup(context, core::UnaryOp::kNegation, bool_, EvaluationStage::kConstant,
Source{{12, 34}});
EXPECT_EQ(Diagnostics().str(), R"(12:34 error: no matching overload for operator - (bool)
2 candidate operators:
operator - (T) -> T where: T is abstract-float, abstract-int, f32, i32 or f16
operator - (vecN<T>) -> vecN<T> where: T is abstract-float, abstract-int, f32, i32 or f16
TEST_F(IntrinsicTableTest, MatchUnaryOp_Constant) {
auto* ai = create<core::type::AbstractInt>();
auto result =
Lookup(context, core::UnaryOp::kNegation, ai, EvaluationStage::kConstant, Source{{12, 34}});
EXPECT_EQ(result->return_type, ai);
EXPECT_EQ(Diagnostics().str(), "");
TEST_F(IntrinsicTableTest, MatchUnaryOp_Runtime) {
auto* ai = create<core::type::AbstractInt>();
auto result =
Lookup(context, core::UnaryOp::kNegation, ai, EvaluationStage::kRuntime, Source{{12, 34}});
EXPECT_NE(result->return_type, ai);
EXPECT_EQ(Diagnostics().str(), "");
TEST_F(IntrinsicTableTest, MatchBinaryOp) {
auto* i32 = create<core::type::I32>();
auto* vec3_i32 = create<core::type::Vector>(i32, 3u);
auto result = Lookup(context, core::BinaryOp::kMultiply, i32, vec3_i32,
EvaluationStage::kConstant, Source{{12, 34}},
/* is_compound */ false);
EXPECT_EQ(result->return_type, vec3_i32);
EXPECT_EQ(result->parameters[0].type, i32);
EXPECT_EQ(result->parameters[1].type, vec3_i32);
EXPECT_EQ(Diagnostics().str(), "");
TEST_F(IntrinsicTableTest, MismatchBinaryOp) {
auto* f32 = create<core::type::F32>();
auto* bool_ = create<core::type::Bool>();
auto result = Lookup(context, core::BinaryOp::kMultiply, f32, bool_, EvaluationStage::kConstant,
Source{{12, 34}},
/* is_compound */ false);
EXPECT_EQ(Diagnostics().str(), R"(12:34 error: no matching overload for operator * (f32, bool)
9 candidate operators:
operator * (T, T) -> T where: T is abstract-float, abstract-int, f32, i32, u32 or f16
operator * (vecN<T>, T) -> vecN<T> where: T is abstract-float, abstract-int, f32, i32, u32 or f16
operator * (T, vecN<T>) -> vecN<T> where: T is abstract-float, abstract-int, f32, i32, u32 or f16
operator * (T, matNxM<T>) -> matNxM<T> where: T is abstract-float, f32 or f16
operator * (matNxM<T>, T) -> matNxM<T> where: T is abstract-float, f32 or f16
operator * (vecN<T>, vecN<T>) -> vecN<T> where: T is abstract-float, abstract-int, f32, i32, u32 or f16
operator * (matCxR<T>, vecC<T>) -> vecR<T> where: T is abstract-float, f32 or f16
operator * (vecR<T>, matCxR<T>) -> vecC<T> where: T is abstract-float, f32 or f16
operator * (matKxR<T>, matCxK<T>) -> matCxR<T> where: T is abstract-float, f32 or f16
TEST_F(IntrinsicTableTest, MatchCompoundOp) {
auto* i32 = create<core::type::I32>();
auto* vec3_i32 = create<core::type::Vector>(i32, 3u);
auto result = Lookup(context, core::BinaryOp::kMultiply, i32, vec3_i32,
EvaluationStage::kConstant, Source{{12, 34}},
/* is_compound */ true);
EXPECT_EQ(result->return_type, vec3_i32);
EXPECT_EQ(result->parameters[0].type, i32);
EXPECT_EQ(result->parameters[1].type, vec3_i32);
EXPECT_EQ(Diagnostics().str(), "");
TEST_F(IntrinsicTableTest, MismatchCompoundOp) {
auto* f32 = create<core::type::F32>();
auto* bool_ = create<core::type::Bool>();
auto result = Lookup(context, core::BinaryOp::kMultiply, f32, bool_, EvaluationStage::kConstant,
Source{{12, 34}},
/* is_compound */ true);
EXPECT_EQ(Diagnostics().str(), R"(12:34 error: no matching overload for operator *= (f32, bool)
9 candidate operators:
operator *= (T, T) -> T where: T is abstract-float, abstract-int, f32, i32, u32 or f16
operator *= (vecN<T>, T) -> vecN<T> where: T is abstract-float, abstract-int, f32, i32, u32 or f16
operator *= (T, vecN<T>) -> vecN<T> where: T is abstract-float, abstract-int, f32, i32, u32 or f16
operator *= (T, matNxM<T>) -> matNxM<T> where: T is abstract-float, f32 or f16
operator *= (matNxM<T>, T) -> matNxM<T> where: T is abstract-float, f32 or f16
operator *= (vecN<T>, vecN<T>) -> vecN<T> where: T is abstract-float, abstract-int, f32, i32, u32 or f16
operator *= (matCxR<T>, vecC<T>) -> vecR<T> where: T is abstract-float, f32 or f16
operator *= (vecR<T>, matCxR<T>) -> vecC<T> where: T is abstract-float, f32 or f16
operator *= (matKxR<T>, matCxK<T>) -> matCxR<T> where: T is abstract-float, f32 or f16
TEST_F(IntrinsicTableTest, MatchTypeInitializerImplicit) {
auto* i32 = create<core::type::I32>();
auto* vec3_i32 = create<core::type::Vector>(i32, 3u);
auto result = Lookup(context, CtorConv::kVec3, nullptr, Vector{i32, i32, i32},
EvaluationStage::kConstant, Source{{12, 34}});
ASSERT_TRUE(result) << Diagnostics().str();
EXPECT_EQ(result->return_type, vec3_i32);
ASSERT_EQ(result->parameters.Length(), 3u);
EXPECT_EQ(result->parameters[0].type, i32);
EXPECT_EQ(result->parameters[1].type, i32);
EXPECT_EQ(result->parameters[2].type, i32);
EXPECT_NE(result->const_eval_fn, nullptr);
TEST_F(IntrinsicTableTest, MatchTypeInitializerExplicit) {
auto* i32 = create<core::type::I32>();
auto* vec3_i32 = create<core::type::Vector>(i32, 3u);
auto result = Lookup(context, CtorConv::kVec3, i32, Vector{i32, i32, i32},
EvaluationStage::kConstant, Source{{12, 34}});
ASSERT_TRUE(result) << Diagnostics().str();
EXPECT_EQ(result->return_type, vec3_i32);
ASSERT_EQ(result->parameters.Length(), 3u);
EXPECT_EQ(result->parameters[0].type, i32);
EXPECT_EQ(result->parameters[1].type, i32);
EXPECT_EQ(result->parameters[2].type, i32);
EXPECT_NE(result->const_eval_fn, nullptr);
TEST_F(IntrinsicTableTest, MismatchTypeInitializerImplicit) {
auto* i32 = create<core::type::I32>();
auto* f32 = create<core::type::F32>();
auto result = Lookup(context, CtorConv::kVec3, nullptr, Vector{i32, f32, i32},
EvaluationStage::kConstant, Source{{12, 34}});
R"(12:34 error: no matching constructor for vec3(i32, f32, i32)
7 candidate constructors:
vec3(x: T, y: T, z: T) -> vec3<T> where: T is abstract-int, abstract-float, f32, f16, i32, u32 or bool
vec3(xy: vec2<T>, z: T) -> vec3<T> where: T is abstract-int, abstract-float, f32, f16, i32, u32 or bool
vec3(x: T, yz: vec2<T>) -> vec3<T> where: T is abstract-int, abstract-float, f32, f16, i32, u32 or bool
vec3(T) -> vec3<T> where: T is abstract-int, abstract-float, f32, f16, i32, u32 or bool
vec3(vec3<T>) -> vec3<T> where: T is abstract-int, abstract-float, f32, f16, i32, u32 or bool
vec3() -> vec3<abstract-int>
vec3<T>() -> vec3<T> where: T is f32, f16, i32, u32 or bool
5 candidate conversions:
vec3<T>(vec3<U>) -> vec3<f32> where: T is f32, U is abstract-int, abstract-float, i32, f16, u32 or bool
vec3<T>(vec3<U>) -> vec3<f16> where: T is f16, U is abstract-int, abstract-float, f32, i32, u32 or bool
vec3<T>(vec3<U>) -> vec3<i32> where: T is i32, U is abstract-int, abstract-float, f32, f16, u32 or bool
vec3<T>(vec3<U>) -> vec3<u32> where: T is u32, U is abstract-int, abstract-float, f32, f16, i32 or bool
vec3<T>(vec3<U>) -> vec3<bool> where: T is bool, U is abstract-int, abstract-float, f32, f16, i32 or u32
TEST_F(IntrinsicTableTest, MismatchTypeInitializerExplicit) {
auto* i32 = create<core::type::I32>();
auto* f32 = create<core::type::F32>();
auto result = Lookup(context, CtorConv::kVec3, i32, Vector{i32, f32, i32},
EvaluationStage::kConstant, Source{{12, 34}});
R"(12:34 error: no matching constructor for vec3<i32>(i32, f32, i32)
7 candidate constructors:
vec3(x: T, y: T, z: T) -> vec3<T> where: T is abstract-int, abstract-float, f32, f16, i32, u32 or bool
vec3(x: T, yz: vec2<T>) -> vec3<T> where: T is abstract-int, abstract-float, f32, f16, i32, u32 or bool
vec3(T) -> vec3<T> where: T is abstract-int, abstract-float, f32, f16, i32, u32 or bool
vec3(xy: vec2<T>, z: T) -> vec3<T> where: T is abstract-int, abstract-float, f32, f16, i32, u32 or bool
vec3(vec3<T>) -> vec3<T> where: T is abstract-int, abstract-float, f32, f16, i32, u32 or bool
vec3() -> vec3<abstract-int>
vec3<T>() -> vec3<T> where: T is f32, f16, i32, u32 or bool
5 candidate conversions:
vec3<T>(vec3<U>) -> vec3<f32> where: T is f32, U is abstract-int, abstract-float, i32, f16, u32 or bool
vec3<T>(vec3<U>) -> vec3<f16> where: T is f16, U is abstract-int, abstract-float, f32, i32, u32 or bool
vec3<T>(vec3<U>) -> vec3<i32> where: T is i32, U is abstract-int, abstract-float, f32, f16, u32 or bool
vec3<T>(vec3<U>) -> vec3<u32> where: T is u32, U is abstract-int, abstract-float, f32, f16, i32 or bool
vec3<T>(vec3<U>) -> vec3<bool> where: T is bool, U is abstract-int, abstract-float, f32, f16, i32 or u32
TEST_F(IntrinsicTableTest, MatchTypeInitializerImplicitVecFromVecAbstract) {
auto* ai = create<core::type::AbstractInt>();
auto* vec3_ai = create<core::type::Vector>(ai, 3u);
auto result = Lookup(context, CtorConv::kVec3, nullptr, Vector{vec3_ai},
EvaluationStage::kConstant, Source{{12, 34}});
ASSERT_TRUE(result) << Diagnostics().str();
EXPECT_EQ(result->return_type, vec3_ai);
ASSERT_EQ(result->parameters.Length(), 1u);
EXPECT_EQ(result->parameters[0].type, vec3_ai);
EXPECT_NE(result->const_eval_fn, nullptr);
TEST_F(IntrinsicTableTest, MatchTypeInitializerImplicitMatFromVec) {
auto* af = create<core::type::AbstractFloat>();
auto* vec2_ai = create<core::type::Vector>(create<core::type::AbstractInt>(), 2u);
auto* vec2_af = create<core::type::Vector>(af, 2u);
auto* mat2x2_af = create<core::type::Matrix>(vec2_af, 2u);
auto result = Lookup(context, CtorConv::kMat2x2, nullptr, Vector{vec2_ai, vec2_ai},
EvaluationStage::kConstant, Source{{12, 34}});
ASSERT_TRUE(result) << Diagnostics().str();
EXPECT_TYPE(result->return_type, mat2x2_af);
ASSERT_EQ(result->parameters.Length(), 2u);
EXPECT_TYPE(result->parameters[0].type, vec2_af);
EXPECT_TYPE(result->parameters[1].type, vec2_af);
EXPECT_NE(result->const_eval_fn, nullptr);
TEST_F(IntrinsicTableTest, MatchTypeInitializer_ConstantEval) {
auto* ai = create<core::type::AbstractInt>();
auto* vec3_ai = create<core::type::Vector>(ai, 3u);
auto result = Lookup(context, CtorConv::kVec3, nullptr, Vector{ai, ai, ai},
EvaluationStage::kConstant, Source{{12, 34}});
ASSERT_TRUE(result) << Diagnostics().str();
EXPECT_NE(result->const_eval_fn, nullptr);
EXPECT_EQ(result->return_type, vec3_ai);
ASSERT_EQ(result->parameters.Length(), 3u);
EXPECT_EQ(result->parameters[0].type, ai);
EXPECT_EQ(result->parameters[1].type, ai);
EXPECT_EQ(result->parameters[2].type, ai);
EXPECT_NE(result->const_eval_fn, nullptr);
TEST_F(IntrinsicTableTest, MatchTypeInitializer_RuntimeEval) {
auto* ai = create<core::type::AbstractInt>();
auto result = Lookup(context, CtorConv::kVec3, nullptr, Vector{ai, ai, ai},
EvaluationStage::kRuntime, Source{{12, 34}});
auto* i32 = create<type::I32>();
auto* vec3_i32 = create<type::Vector>(i32, 3u);
ASSERT_TRUE(result) << Diagnostics().str();
EXPECT_NE(result->const_eval_fn, nullptr);
EXPECT_EQ(result->return_type, vec3_i32);
ASSERT_EQ(result->parameters.Length(), 3u);
EXPECT_EQ(result->parameters[0].type, i32);
EXPECT_EQ(result->parameters[1].type, i32);
EXPECT_EQ(result->parameters[2].type, i32);
EXPECT_NE(result->const_eval_fn, nullptr);
TEST_F(IntrinsicTableTest, MatchTypeConversion) {
auto* i32 = create<core::type::I32>();
auto* vec3_i32 = create<core::type::Vector>(i32, 3u);
auto* f32 = create<core::type::F32>();
auto* vec3_f32 = create<core::type::Vector>(f32, 3u);
auto result = Lookup(context, CtorConv::kVec3, i32, Vector{vec3_f32},
EvaluationStage::kConstant, Source{{12, 34}});
ASSERT_TRUE(result) << Diagnostics().str();
EXPECT_EQ(result->return_type, vec3_i32);
ASSERT_EQ(result->parameters.Length(), 1u);
EXPECT_EQ(result->parameters[0].type, vec3_f32);
TEST_F(IntrinsicTableTest, MismatchTypeConversion) {
auto* arr = create<core::type::Array>(create<core::type::U32>(),
create<core::type::RuntimeArrayCount>(), 4u, 4u, 4u, 4u);
auto* f32 = create<core::type::F32>();
auto result = Lookup(context, CtorConv::kVec3, f32, Vector{arr}, EvaluationStage::kConstant,
Source{{12, 34}});
R"(12:34 error: no matching constructor for vec3<f32>(array<u32>)
7 candidate constructors:
vec3(vec3<T>) -> vec3<T> where: T is abstract-int, abstract-float, f32, f16, i32, u32 or bool
vec3(T) -> vec3<T> where: T is abstract-int, abstract-float, f32, f16, i32, u32 or bool
vec3() -> vec3<abstract-int>
vec3<T>() -> vec3<T> where: T is f32, f16, i32, u32 or bool
vec3(xy: vec2<T>, z: T) -> vec3<T> where: T is abstract-int, abstract-float, f32, f16, i32, u32 or bool
vec3(x: T, yz: vec2<T>) -> vec3<T> where: T is abstract-int, abstract-float, f32, f16, i32, u32 or bool
vec3(x: T, y: T, z: T) -> vec3<T> where: T is abstract-int, abstract-float, f32, f16, i32, u32 or bool
5 candidate conversions:
vec3<T>(vec3<U>) -> vec3<f32> where: T is f32, U is abstract-int, abstract-float, i32, f16, u32 or bool
vec3<T>(vec3<U>) -> vec3<f16> where: T is f16, U is abstract-int, abstract-float, f32, i32, u32 or bool
vec3<T>(vec3<U>) -> vec3<i32> where: T is i32, U is abstract-int, abstract-float, f32, f16, u32 or bool
vec3<T>(vec3<U>) -> vec3<u32> where: T is u32, U is abstract-int, abstract-float, f32, f16, i32 or bool
vec3<T>(vec3<U>) -> vec3<bool> where: T is bool, U is abstract-int, abstract-float, f32, f16, i32 or u32
TEST_F(IntrinsicTableTest, MatchTypeConversion_ConstantEval) {
auto* ai = create<core::type::AbstractInt>();
auto* af = create<core::type::AbstractFloat>();
auto* vec3_ai = create<core::type::Vector>(ai, 3u);
auto* f32 = create<core::type::F32>();
auto* vec3_f32 = create<core::type::Vector>(f32, 3u);
auto result = Lookup(context, CtorConv::kVec3, af, Vector{vec3_ai}, EvaluationStage::kConstant,
Source{{12, 34}});
ASSERT_TRUE(result) << Diagnostics().str();
EXPECT_NE(result->const_eval_fn, nullptr);
// NOTE: Conversions are explicit, so there's no way to have it return abstracts
EXPECT_EQ(result->return_type, vec3_f32);
ASSERT_EQ(result->parameters.Length(), 1u);
EXPECT_EQ(result->parameters[0].type, vec3_ai);
TEST_F(IntrinsicTableTest, MatchTypeConversion_RuntimeEval) {
auto* ai = create<core::type::AbstractInt>();
auto* af = create<core::type::AbstractFloat>();
auto* vec3_ai = create<core::type::Vector>(ai, 3u);
auto* vec3_f32 = create<core::type::Vector>(create<core::type::F32>(), 3u);
auto* vec3_i32 = create<core::type::Vector>(create<core::type::I32>(), 3u);
auto result = Lookup(context, CtorConv::kVec3, af, Vector{vec3_ai}, EvaluationStage::kRuntime,
Source{{12, 34}});
ASSERT_TRUE(result) << Diagnostics().str();
EXPECT_NE(result->const_eval_fn, nullptr);
EXPECT_EQ(result->return_type, vec3_f32);
ASSERT_EQ(result->parameters.Length(), 1u);
EXPECT_EQ(result->parameters[0].type, vec3_i32);
TEST_F(IntrinsicTableTest, Err257Arguments) { //
auto* f32 = create<core::type::F32>();
Vector<const core::type::Type*, 0> arg_tys;
arg_tys.Resize(257, f32);
auto result = Lookup(context, core::BuiltinFn::kAbs, std::move(arg_tys),
EvaluationStage::kConstant, Source{});
ASSERT_THAT(Diagnostics().str(), HasSubstr("no matching call"));
TEST_F(IntrinsicTableTest, OverloadResolution) {
// i32(abstract-int) produces candidates for both:
// ctor i32(i32) -> i32
// conv i32<T: scalar_no_i32>(T) -> i32
// The first should win overload resolution.
auto* ai = create<core::type::AbstractInt>();
auto* i32 = create<core::type::I32>();
auto result =
Lookup(context, CtorConv::kI32, nullptr, Vector{ai}, EvaluationStage::kConstant, Source{});
ASSERT_TRUE(result) << Diagnostics().str();
EXPECT_EQ(result->return_type, i32);
EXPECT_EQ(result->parameters.Length(), 1u);
EXPECT_EQ(result->parameters[0].type, ai);
// AbstractBinaryTests
namespace AbstractBinaryTests {
struct Case {
template <typename RESULT,
typename PARAM_LHS,
typename PARAM_RHS,
typename ARG_LHS,
typename ARG_RHS>
static Case Create(bool match = true) {
return {
match, //
resolver::builder::DataType<RESULT>::Sem, //
resolver::builder::DataType<PARAM_LHS>::Sem, //
resolver::builder::DataType<PARAM_RHS>::Sem, //
resolver::builder::DataType<ARG_LHS>::Sem, //
resolver::builder::DataType<ARG_RHS>::Sem, //
bool expected_match;
resolver::builder::sem_type_func_ptr expected_result;
resolver::builder::sem_type_func_ptr expected_param_lhs;
resolver::builder::sem_type_func_ptr expected_param_rhs;
resolver::builder::sem_type_func_ptr arg_lhs;
resolver::builder::sem_type_func_ptr arg_rhs;
struct IntrinsicTableAbstractBinaryTest : public resolver::ResolverTestWithParam<Case> {
Context context{core::intrinsic::data::kData, Types(), Symbols(), Diagnostics()};
TEST_P(IntrinsicTableAbstractBinaryTest, MatchAdd) {
auto* arg_lhs = GetParam().arg_lhs(*this);
auto* arg_rhs = GetParam().arg_rhs(*this);
auto result = Lookup(context, core::BinaryOp::kAdd, arg_lhs, arg_rhs,
EvaluationStage::kConstant, Source{{12, 34}},
/* is_compound */ false);
bool matched = result;
bool expected_match = GetParam().expected_match;
EXPECT_EQ(matched, expected_match) << Diagnostics().str();
if (matched) {
auto* expected_result = GetParam().expected_result(*this);
EXPECT_TYPE(result->return_type, expected_result);
auto* expected_param_lhs = GetParam().expected_param_lhs(*this);
EXPECT_TYPE(result->parameters[0].type, expected_param_lhs);
auto* expected_param_rhs = GetParam().expected_param_rhs(*this);
EXPECT_TYPE(result->parameters[1].type, expected_param_rhs);
testing::Values( // clang-format off
// result | param lhs | param rhs | arg lhs | arg rhs
Case::Create<AFloat, AFloat, AFloat, AFloat, AFloat>(),
Case::Create<AFloat, AFloat, AFloat, AFloat, AInt>(),
Case::Create<AFloat, AFloat, AFloat, AInt, AFloat>(),
Case::Create<AInt, AInt, AInt, AInt, AInt>()
)); // clang-format on
testing::Values( // clang-format off
// result | param lhs | param rhs | arg lhs | arg rhs
Case::Create<AFloatV, AFloatV, AFloatV, AFloatV, AFloatV>(),
Case::Create<AFloatV, AFloatV, AFloatV, AFloatV, AIntV>(),
Case::Create<AFloatV, AFloatV, AFloatV, AIntV, AFloatV>(),
Case::Create<AIntV, AIntV, AIntV, AIntV, AIntV>()
)); // clang-format on
testing::Values( // clang-format off
// result | param lhs | param rhs | arg lhs | arg rhs
Case::Create<f32, f32, f32, AFloat, f32>(),
Case::Create<f32, f32, f32, f32, AFloat>()
)); // clang-format on
testing::Values( // clang-format off
// result | param lhs | param rhs | arg lhs | arg rhs
Case::Create<f32V, f32V, f32V, AFloatV, f32V>(),
Case::Create<f32V, f32V, f32V, f32V, AFloatV>()
)); // clang-format on
testing::Values( // clang-format off
// result | param lhs | param rhs | arg lhs | arg rhs
Case::Create<void, void, void, AFloat, i32>(false),
Case::Create<void, void, void, i32, AFloat>(false)
)); // clang-format on
testing::Values( // clang-format off
// result | param lhs | param rhs | arg lhs | arg rhs
Case::Create<void, void, void, AFloatV, i32V>(false),
Case::Create<void, void, void, i32V, AFloatV>(false)
)); // clang-format on
testing::Values( // clang-format off
// result | param lhs | param rhs | arg lhs | arg rhs
Case::Create<void, void, void, AFloat, u32>(false),
Case::Create<void, void, void, u32, AFloat>(false)
)); // clang-format on
testing::Values( // clang-format off
// result | param lhs | param rhs | arg lhs | arg rhs
Case::Create<void, void, void, AFloatV, u32V>(false),
Case::Create<void, void, void, u32V, AFloatV>(false)
)); // clang-format on
testing::Values( // clang-format off
// result | param lhs | param rhs | arg lhs | arg rhs
Case::Create<f32, f32, f32, AInt, f32>(),
Case::Create<f32, f32, f32, f32, AInt>()
)); // clang-format on
testing::Values( // clang-format off
// result | param lhs | param rhs | arg lhs | arg rhs
Case::Create<f32V, f32V, f32V, AIntV, f32V>(),
Case::Create<f32V, f32V, f32V, f32V, AIntV>()
)); // clang-format on
testing::Values( // clang-format off
// result | param lhs | param rhs | arg lhs | arg rhs
Case::Create<i32, i32, i32, AInt, i32>(),
Case::Create<i32, i32, i32, i32, AInt>()
)); // clang-format on
testing::Values( // clang-format off
// result | param lhs | param rhs | arg lhs | arg rhs
Case::Create<i32V, i32V, i32V, AIntV, i32V>(),
Case::Create<i32V, i32V, i32V, i32V, AIntV>()
)); // clang-format on
testing::Values( // clang-format off
// result | param lhs | param rhs | arg lhs | arg rhs
Case::Create<u32, u32, u32, AInt, u32>(),
Case::Create<u32, u32, u32, u32, AInt>()
)); // clang-format on
testing::Values( // clang-format off
// result | param lhs | param rhs | arg lhs | arg rhs
Case::Create<u32V, u32V, u32V, AIntV, u32V>(),
Case::Create<u32V, u32V, u32V, u32V, AIntV>()
)); // clang-format on
} // namespace AbstractBinaryTests
// AbstractTernaryTests
namespace AbstractTernaryTests {
struct Case {
template <typename RESULT,
typename PARAM_A,
typename PARAM_B,
typename PARAM_C,
typename ARG_A,
typename ARG_B,
typename ARG_C>
static Case Create(bool match = true) {
return {
resolver::builder::DataType<RESULT>::Sem, //
resolver::builder::DataType<PARAM_A>::Sem, //
resolver::builder::DataType<PARAM_B>::Sem, //
resolver::builder::DataType<PARAM_C>::Sem, //
resolver::builder::DataType<ARG_A>::Sem, //
resolver::builder::DataType<ARG_B>::Sem, //
resolver::builder::DataType<ARG_C>::Sem, //
bool expected_match;
resolver::builder::sem_type_func_ptr expected_result;
resolver::builder::sem_type_func_ptr expected_param_a;
resolver::builder::sem_type_func_ptr expected_param_b;
resolver::builder::sem_type_func_ptr expected_param_c;
resolver::builder::sem_type_func_ptr arg_a;
resolver::builder::sem_type_func_ptr arg_b;
resolver::builder::sem_type_func_ptr arg_c;
struct IntrinsicTableAbstractTernaryTest : public resolver::ResolverTestWithParam<Case> {
Context context{core::intrinsic::data::kData, Types(), Symbols(), Diagnostics()};
TEST_P(IntrinsicTableAbstractTernaryTest, MatchClamp) {
auto* arg_a = GetParam().arg_a(*this);
auto* arg_b = GetParam().arg_b(*this);
auto* arg_c = GetParam().arg_c(*this);
auto builtin = Lookup(context, core::BuiltinFn::kClamp, Vector{arg_a, arg_b, arg_c},
EvaluationStage::kConstant, Source{{12, 34}});
bool expected_match = GetParam().expected_match;
EXPECT_EQ(builtin == true, expected_match) << Diagnostics().str();
auto* result = builtin ? builtin->return_type : nullptr;
auto* expected_result = GetParam().expected_result(*this);
EXPECT_TYPE(result, expected_result);
auto* param_a = builtin ? builtin->parameters[0].type : nullptr;
auto* expected_param_a = GetParam().expected_param_a(*this);
EXPECT_TYPE(param_a, expected_param_a);
auto* param_b = builtin ? builtin->parameters[1].type : nullptr;
auto* expected_param_b = GetParam().expected_param_b(*this);
EXPECT_TYPE(param_b, expected_param_b);
auto* param_c = builtin ? builtin->parameters[2].type : nullptr;
auto* expected_param_c = GetParam().expected_param_c(*this);
EXPECT_TYPE(param_c, expected_param_c);
testing::Values( // clang-format off
// result | param a | param b | param c | arg a | arg b | arg c
Case::Create<AFloat, AFloat, AFloat, AFloat, AFloat, AFloat, AFloat>(),
Case::Create<AFloat, AFloat, AFloat, AFloat, AFloat, AFloat, AInt>(),
Case::Create<AFloat, AFloat, AFloat, AFloat, AFloat, AInt, AFloat>(),
Case::Create<AFloat, AFloat, AFloat, AFloat, AFloat, AInt, AInt>(),
Case::Create<AFloat, AFloat, AFloat, AFloat, AInt, AFloat, AFloat>(),
Case::Create<AFloat, AFloat, AFloat, AFloat, AInt, AFloat, AInt>(),
Case::Create<AFloat, AFloat, AFloat, AFloat, AInt, AInt, AFloat>(),
Case::Create<AInt, AInt, AInt, AInt, AInt, AInt, AInt>()
// clang-format on
testing::Values( // clang-format off
// result | param a | param b | param c | arg a | arg b | arg c
Case::Create<AFloatV, AFloatV, AFloatV, AFloatV, AFloatV, AFloatV, AFloatV>(),
Case::Create<AFloatV, AFloatV, AFloatV, AFloatV, AFloatV, AFloatV, AIntV>(),
Case::Create<AFloatV, AFloatV, AFloatV, AFloatV, AFloatV, AIntV, AFloatV>(),
Case::Create<AFloatV, AFloatV, AFloatV, AFloatV, AFloatV, AIntV, AIntV>(),
Case::Create<AFloatV, AFloatV, AFloatV, AFloatV, AIntV, AFloatV, AFloatV>(),
Case::Create<AFloatV, AFloatV, AFloatV, AFloatV, AIntV, AFloatV, AIntV>(),
Case::Create<AFloatV, AFloatV, AFloatV, AFloatV, AIntV, AIntV, AFloatV>(),
Case::Create<AIntV, AIntV, AIntV, AIntV, AIntV, AIntV, AIntV>()
// clang-format on
testing::Values( // clang-format off
// result | param a | param b | param c | arg a | arg b | arg c
Case::Create<f32, f32, f32, f32, AFloat, AFloat, f32>(),
Case::Create<f32, f32, f32, f32, AFloat, f32, AFloat>(),
Case::Create<f32, f32, f32, f32, AFloat, f32, f32>(),
Case::Create<f32, f32, f32, f32, f32, AFloat, AFloat>(),
Case::Create<f32, f32, f32, f32, f32, AFloat, f32>(),
Case::Create<f32, f32, f32, f32, f32, f32, AFloat>()
// clang-format on
testing::Values( // clang-format off
// result | param a | param b | param c | arg a | arg b | arg c
Case::Create<f32V, f32V, f32V, f32V, AFloatV, AFloatV, f32V>(),
Case::Create<f32V, f32V, f32V, f32V, AFloatV, f32V, AFloatV>(),
Case::Create<f32V, f32V, f32V, f32V, AFloatV, f32V, f32V>(),
Case::Create<f32V, f32V, f32V, f32V, f32V, AFloatV, AFloatV>(),
Case::Create<f32V, f32V, f32V, f32V, f32V, AFloatV, f32V>(),
Case::Create<f32V, f32V, f32V, f32V, f32V, f32V, AFloatV> ()
// clang-format on
testing::Values( // clang-format off
// result | param a | param b | param c | arg a | arg b | arg c
Case::Create<void, void, void, void, AFloat, AFloat, i32>(false),
Case::Create<void, void, void, void, AFloat, i32, AFloat>(false),
Case::Create<void, void, void, void, AFloat, i32, i32>(false),
Case::Create<void, void, void, void, i32, AFloat, AFloat>(false),
Case::Create<void, void, void, void, i32, AFloat, i32>(false),
Case::Create<void, void, void, void, i32, i32, AFloat>(false)
// clang-format on
testing::Values( // clang-format off
// result | param a | param b | param c | arg a | arg b | arg c
Case::Create<void, void, void, void, AFloatV, AFloatV, i32V>(false),
Case::Create<void, void, void, void, AFloatV, i32V, AFloatV>(false),
Case::Create<void, void, void, void, AFloatV, i32V, i32V>(false),
Case::Create<void, void, void, void, i32V, AFloatV, AFloatV>(false),
Case::Create<void, void, void, void, i32V, AFloatV, i32V>(false),
Case::Create<void, void, void, void, i32V, i32V, AFloatV>(false)
// clang-format on
testing::Values( // clang-format off
// result | param a | param b | param c | arg a | arg b | arg c
Case::Create<void, void, void, void, AFloat, AFloat, u32>(false),
Case::Create<void, void, void, void, AFloat, u32, AFloat>(false),
Case::Create<void, void, void, void, AFloat, u32, u32>(false),
Case::Create<void, void, void, void, u32, AFloat, AFloat>(false),
Case::Create<void, void, void, void, u32, AFloat, u32>(false),
Case::Create<void, void, void, void, u32, u32, AFloat>(false)
// clang-format on
testing::Values( // clang-format off
// result | param a | param b | param c | arg a | arg b | arg c
Case::Create<void, void, void, void, AFloatV, AFloatV, u32V>(false),
Case::Create<void, void, void, void, AFloatV, u32V, AFloatV>(false),
Case::Create<void, void, void, void, AFloatV, u32V, u32V>(false),
Case::Create<void, void, void, void, u32V, AFloatV, AFloatV>(false),
Case::Create<void, void, void, void, u32V, AFloatV, u32V>(false),
Case::Create<void, void, void, void, u32V, u32V, AFloatV>(false)
// clang-format on
testing::Values( // clang-format off
// result | param a | param b | param c | arg a | arg b | arg c
Case::Create<f32, f32, f32, f32, AInt, AInt, f32>(),
Case::Create<f32, f32, f32, f32, AInt, f32, AInt>(),
Case::Create<f32, f32, f32, f32, AInt, f32, f32>(),
Case::Create<f32, f32, f32, f32, f32, AInt, AInt>(),
Case::Create<f32, f32, f32, f32, f32, AInt, f32>(),
Case::Create<f32, f32, f32, f32, f32, f32, AInt>()
// clang-format on
testing::Values( // clang-format off
// result | param a | param b | param c | arg a | arg b | arg c
Case::Create<f32V, f32V, f32V, f32V, AIntV, AIntV, f32V>(),
Case::Create<f32V, f32V, f32V, f32V, AIntV, f32V, AIntV>(),
Case::Create<f32V, f32V, f32V, f32V, AIntV, f32V, f32V>(),
Case::Create<f32V, f32V, f32V, f32V, f32V, AIntV, AIntV>(),
Case::Create<f32V, f32V, f32V, f32V, f32V, AIntV, f32V>(),
Case::Create<f32V, f32V, f32V, f32V, f32V, f32V, AIntV>()
// clang-format on
testing::Values( // clang-format off
// result | param a | param b | param c | arg a | arg b | arg c
Case::Create<i32, i32, i32, i32, AInt, AInt, i32>(),
Case::Create<i32, i32, i32, i32, AInt, i32, AInt>(),
Case::Create<i32, i32, i32, i32, AInt, i32, i32>(),
Case::Create<i32, i32, i32, i32, i32, AInt, AInt>(),
Case::Create<i32, i32, i32, i32, i32, AInt, i32>(),
Case::Create<i32, i32, i32, i32, i32, i32, AInt>()
// clang-format on
testing::Values( // clang-format off
// result | param a | param b | param c | arg a | arg b | arg c
Case::Create<i32V, i32V, i32V, i32V, AIntV, AIntV, i32V>(),
Case::Create<i32V, i32V, i32V, i32V, AIntV, i32V, AIntV>(),
Case::Create<i32V, i32V, i32V, i32V, AIntV, i32V, i32V>(),
Case::Create<i32V, i32V, i32V, i32V, i32V, AIntV, AIntV>(),
Case::Create<i32V, i32V, i32V, i32V, i32V, AIntV, i32V>(),
Case::Create<i32V, i32V, i32V, i32V, i32V, i32V, AIntV>()
// clang-format on
testing::Values( // clang-format off
// result | param a | param b | param c | arg a | arg b | arg c
Case::Create<u32, u32, u32, u32, AInt, AInt, u32>(),
Case::Create<u32, u32, u32, u32, AInt, u32, AInt>(),
Case::Create<u32, u32, u32, u32, AInt, u32, u32>(),
Case::Create<u32, u32, u32, u32, u32, AInt, AInt>(),
Case::Create<u32, u32, u32, u32, u32, AInt, u32>(),
Case::Create<u32, u32, u32, u32, u32, u32, AInt>()
// clang-format on
testing::Values( // clang-format off
// result | param a | param b | param c | arg a | arg b | arg c
Case::Create<u32V, u32V, u32V, u32V, AIntV, AIntV, u32V>(),
Case::Create<u32V, u32V, u32V, u32V, AIntV, u32V, AIntV>(),
Case::Create<u32V, u32V, u32V, u32V, AIntV, u32V, u32V>(),
Case::Create<u32V, u32V, u32V, u32V, u32V, AIntV, AIntV>(),
Case::Create<u32V, u32V, u32V, u32V, u32V, AIntV, u32V>(),
Case::Create<u32V, u32V, u32V, u32V, u32V, u32V, AIntV>()
// clang-format on
} // namespace AbstractTernaryTests
} // namespace
} // namespace tint::core::intrinsic