blob: db883b0dfd887b9184d589dbd4186366c8ae48dd [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2023 The Tint Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include "src/tint/lang/glsl/writer/ast_raise/texture_builtins_from_uniform.h"
#include <memory>
#include <queue>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include <variant>
#include <vector>
#include "src/tint/lang/wgsl/program/clone_context.h"
#include "src/tint/lang/wgsl/program/program_builder.h"
#include "src/tint/lang/wgsl/resolver/resolve.h"
#include "src/tint/lang/wgsl/sem/call.h"
#include "src/tint/lang/wgsl/sem/function.h"
#include "src/tint/lang/wgsl/sem/module.h"
#include "src/tint/lang/wgsl/sem/statement.h"
#include "src/tint/lang/wgsl/sem/variable.h"
#include "src/tint/utils/containers/hashmap.h"
#include "src/tint/utils/containers/vector.h"
#include "src/tint/utils/rtti/switch.h"
namespace tint::glsl::writer {
namespace {
/// The member name of the texture builtin values.
constexpr std::string_view kTextureBuiltinValuesMemberNamePrefix = "texture_builtin_value_";
bool ShouldRun(const Program* program) {
for (auto* fn : program->AST().Functions()) {
if (auto* sem_fn = program->Sem().Get(fn)) {
for (auto* builtin : sem_fn->DirectlyCalledBuiltins()) {
// GLSL ES has no native support for the counterpart of
// textureNumLevels (textureQueryLevels) and textureNumSamples (textureSamples)
if (builtin->Fn() == core::BuiltinFn::kTextureNumLevels) {
return true;
if (builtin->Fn() == core::BuiltinFn::kTextureNumSamples) {
return true;
return false;
} // namespace
TextureBuiltinsFromUniform::TextureBuiltinsFromUniform() = default;
TextureBuiltinsFromUniform::~TextureBuiltinsFromUniform() = default;
/// PIMPL state for the transform
struct TextureBuiltinsFromUniform::State {
/// Constructor
/// @param program the source program
/// @param in the input transform data
/// @param out the output transform data
explicit State(const Program* program,
const ast::transform::DataMap& in,
ast::transform::DataMap& out)
: src(program), inputs(in), outputs(out) {}
/// Runs the transform
/// @returns the new program or SkipTransform if the transform is not required
ApplyResult Run() {
auto* cfg = inputs.Get<Config>();
if (cfg == nullptr) {
"missing transform data for " +
return resolver::Resolve(b);
if (!ShouldRun(ctx.src)) {
return SkipTransform;
// The dependency order declartions guaranteed that we traverse interested functions in the
// following order:
// 1. texture builtins
// 2. user function directly calls texture builtins
// 3. user function calls 2.
// 4. user function calls 3.
// ...
// n. entry point function.
for (auto* fn_decl : sem.Module()->DependencyOrderedDeclarations()) {
if (auto* fn = sem.Get<sem::Function>(fn_decl)) {
for (auto* call : fn->DirectCalls()) {
auto* call_expr = call->Declaration();
[&](const sem::BuiltinFn* builtin) {
if (builtin->Fn() != core::BuiltinFn::kTextureNumLevels &&
builtin->Fn() != core::BuiltinFn::kTextureNumSamples) {
if (auto* call_stmt =
call->Stmt()->Declaration()->As<ast::CallStatement>()) {
if (call_stmt->expr == call->Declaration()) {
// textureNumLevels() / textureNumSamples() is used as a
// statement. The argument expression must be side-effect free,
// so just drop the statement.
RemoveStatement(ctx, call_stmt);
auto* texture_expr = call->Declaration()->args[0];
auto* texture_sem = sem.GetVal(texture_expr)->RootIdentifier();
TextureBuiltinsFromUniformOptions::Field dataType =
[&](const sem::GlobalVariable* global) {
// This texture variable is a global variable.
auto binding = GetAndRecordGlobalBinding(global, dataType);
// Record the call and binding to be replaced later.
builtin_to_replace.Add(call_expr, binding);
[&](const sem::Variable* variable) {
// This texture variable is a user function parameter.
auto new_param =
GetAndRecordFunctionParameter(fn, variable, dataType);
// Record the call and new_param to be replaced later.
builtin_to_replace.Add(call_expr, new_param);
[&](Default) {
TINT_ICE() << "unexpected texture root identifier";
[&](const sem::Function* user_fn) {
auto user_param_to_info = fn_to_data.Find(user_fn);
if (!user_param_to_info) {
// Uninterested function not calling texture builtins with function
// texture param.
TINT_ASSERT(call->Arguments().Length() ==
for (size_t i = 0; i < call->Arguments().Length(); i++) {
auto param = user_fn->Declaration()->params[i];
auto info = user_param_to_info->Get(param);
if (info.has_value()) {
auto* arg = call->Arguments()[i];
auto* texture_sem = arg->RootIdentifier();
auto& args = call_to_data.GetOrCreate(call_expr, [&] {
return Vector<
std::variant<BindingPoint, const ast::Parameter*>, 4>();
[&](const sem::GlobalVariable* global) {
// This texture variable is a global variable.
auto binding =
GetAndRecordGlobalBinding(global, info->field);
// Record the binding to add to args.
[&](const sem::Variable* variable) {
// This texture variable is a user function parameter.
auto new_param = GetAndRecordFunctionParameter(
fn, variable, info->field);
// Record adding extra function parameter
[&](Default) {
TINT_ICE() << "unexpected texture root identifier";
// If there's no interested texture builtin at all, skip the transform.
if (bindpoint_to_data.empty()) {
return SkipTransform;
// If any functions need extra params, add them now.
if (!fn_to_data.IsEmpty()) {
for (auto pair : fn_to_data) {
auto* fn = pair.key;
// Reorder the param to a vector to make sure params are in the correct order.
Vector<const ast::Parameter*, 4> extra_params_in_order;
for (auto t_p : pair.value) {
TINT_ASSERT(t_p.value.extra_idx < extra_params_in_order.Length());
extra_params_in_order[t_p.value.extra_idx] = t_p.value.param;
for (auto p : extra_params_in_order) {
ctx.InsertBack(fn->Declaration()->params, p);
// Replace all interested texture builtin calls.
for (auto pair : builtin_to_replace) {
auto call = pair.key;
if (std::holds_alternative<BindingPoint>(pair.value)) {
// This texture is a global variable with binding point.
// Read builtin value from uniform buffer.
auto* builtin_value = GetUniformValue(std::get<BindingPoint>(pair.value));
ctx.Replace(call, builtin_value);
} else {
// Otherwise this value comes from a function param
auto* param = std::get<const ast::Parameter*>(pair.value);
ctx.Replace(call, b.Expr(param));
// Insert all extra args to interested function calls.
for (auto pair : call_to_data) {
auto call = pair.key;
for (auto new_arg_info : pair.value) {
if (std::holds_alternative<BindingPoint>(new_arg_info)) {
// This texture is a global variable with binding point.
// Read builtin value from uniform buffer.
auto* builtin_value = GetUniformValue(std::get<BindingPoint>(new_arg_info));
ctx.InsertBack(call->args, builtin_value);
} else {
// Otherwise this value comes from a function param
auto* param = std::get<const ast::Parameter*>(new_arg_info);
ctx.InsertBack(call->args, b.Expr(param));
return resolver::Resolve(b);
/// The source program
const Program* const src;
/// The transform inputs
const ast::transform::DataMap& inputs;
/// The transform outputs
ast::transform::DataMap& outputs;
/// The target program builder
ProgramBuilder b;
/// The clone context
program::CloneContext ctx = {&b, src, /* auto_clone_symbols */ true};
/// Alias to the semantic info in ctx.src
const sem::Info& sem = ctx.src->Sem();
/// The bindpoint to byte offset and field to pass out in transform result.
/// For one texture type, it could only be passed into one of the
/// textureNumLevels or textureNumSamples because their accepting param texture
/// type is different. There cannot be a binding entry with both field type.
/// Note: because this transform must be run before CombineSampler and BindingRemapper,
/// the binding number here is before remapped.
Result::BindingPointToFieldAndOffset bindpoint_to_data;
struct FunctionExtraParamInfo {
using Field = TextureBuiltinsFromUniformOptions::Field;
// The kind of texture information this parameter holds.
Field field = Field::TextureNumLevels;
// The extra passed in param that corresponds to the texture param.
const ast::Parameter* param = nullptr;
// id of this extra param e.g. f(t0, foo, t1, e0, e1) e0 and e1 are extra params, their
// extra_idx are 0 and 1. This is to help sort extra ids in the correct order.
size_t extra_idx = 0;
/// Store a map from function to a collection of extra params that need adding.
/// The value of the map is made a map instead of a vector to make it easier to find the param.
/// for call sites. e.g. fn f(t: texture_2d<f32>) -> u32 {
/// return textureNumLevels(t);
/// }
/// ->
/// fn f(t : texture_2d<f32>, tint_symbol : u32) -> u32 {
/// return tint_symbol;
/// }
Hashmap<const sem::Function*, Hashmap<const ast::Parameter*, FunctionExtraParamInfo, 4>, 8>
/// For each callsite of the above functions, record a vector of extra call args that need
/// inserting. e.g. f(tex)
/// ->
/// f(tex, internal_uniform.texture_builtin_value), if tex is from a global
/// variable, store the BindingPoint. or f(tex, extra_param_tex), if tex is from a function
/// param, store the texture function parameter pointer.
Hashmap<const ast::CallExpression*,
Vector<std::variant<BindingPoint, const ast::Parameter*>, 4>,
/// Texture builtin calls to be replaced by either uniform values or function parameters.
Hashmap<const ast::CallExpression*, std::variant<BindingPoint, const ast::Parameter*>, 8>
/// A map from global texture bindpoint to the symbol storing its builtin value in the uniform
/// buffer struct.
Hashmap<BindingPoint, Symbol, 16> bindpoint_to_syms;
/// The internal uniform buffer
const ast::Variable* ubo = nullptr;
/// Get or create a UBO including u32 scalars for texture builtin values.
/// @returns the symbol of the uniform buffer variable.
Symbol GetUboSym() {
if (ubo) {
// Already created
return ubo->name->symbol;
auto* cfg = inputs.Get<Config>();
Vector<const ast::StructMember*, 16> new_members;
for (auto it : bindpoint_to_data) {
// Emit a u32 scalar for each binding that needs builtin value passed in.
size_t i = it.second.second / sizeof(uint32_t);
TINT_ASSERT(i < new_members.Length());
// Append the vector index with the variable name to avoid unstable naming issue.
auto sym = b.Symbols().New(std::string(kTextureBuiltinValuesMemberNamePrefix) +
bindpoint_to_syms.Add(it.first, sym);
new_members[i] = b.Member(sym, b.ty.u32());
// Find if there's any existing global variable using the same cfg->ubo_binding
for (auto* var : src->AST().Globals<ast::Var>()) {
if (var->HasBindingPoint()) {
auto* global_sem = sem.Get<sem::GlobalVariable>(var);
// The original binding point
BindingPoint binding_point = *global_sem->BindingPoint();
if (binding_point == cfg->ubo_binding) {
// This ubo_binding struct already exists.
// which should only be added by other *FromUniform transforms.
// Replace it with a new struct including the new_member.
// Then remove the old structure global declaration.
ubo = var->As<ast::Variable>();
auto* ty = global_sem->Type()->UnwrapRef();
auto* str = ty->As<sem::Struct>();
if (TINT_UNLIKELY(!str)) {
<< "existing ubo binding " << cfg->ubo_binding << " is not a struct.";
return ctx.Clone(ubo->name->symbol);
for (auto new_member : new_members) {
ctx.InsertBack(str->Declaration()->members, new_member);
return ctx.Clone(ubo->name->symbol);
auto* buffer_struct = b.Structure(b.Sym(), std::move(new_members));
ubo = b.GlobalVar(b.Sym(), b.ty.Of(buffer_struct), core::AddressSpace::kUniform,
return ubo->name->symbol;
/// Get the expression of retrieving the builtin value from the uniform buffer.
/// @param binding of the global variable.
/// @returns an expression of the builtin value.
const ast::Expression* GetUniformValue(const BindingPoint& binding) {
auto iter = bindpoint_to_data.find(binding);
TINT_ASSERT(iter != bindpoint_to_data.end());
// Make sure GetUboSym() is called first to initialize the uniform buffer struct.
auto ubo_sym = GetUboSym();
// Load the builtin value from the UBO.
auto member_sym = bindpoint_to_syms.Get(binding);
auto* builtin_value = b.MemberAccessor(ubo_sym, *member_sym);
return builtin_value;
/// Get and return the binding of the global texture variable. Record in bindpoint_to_data if
/// first visited.
/// @param global global variable of the texture variable.
/// @param field type of the interested builtin function data related to this texture.
/// @returns binding of the global variable.
BindingPoint GetAndRecordGlobalBinding(const sem::GlobalVariable* global,
TextureBuiltinsFromUniformOptions::Field field) {
auto binding = global->BindingPoint().value();
auto iter = bindpoint_to_data.find(binding);
if (iter == bindpoint_to_data.end()) {
// First visit, recording the binding.
uint32_t index = static_cast<uint32_t>(bindpoint_to_data.size());
Result::FieldAndOffset{field, index * static_cast<uint32_t>(sizeof(uint32_t))});
return binding;
/// Find which function param is the given texture variable.
/// Add a new u32 param relates to this texture param. Record in fn_to_data if first visited.
/// @param fn the current function scope.
/// @param var the texture variable.
/// @param field type of the interested builtin function data related to this texture.
/// @returns the new u32 function parameter.
const ast::Parameter* GetAndRecordFunctionParameter(
const sem::Function* fn,
const sem::Variable* var,
TextureBuiltinsFromUniformOptions::Field field) {
auto& param_to_info = fn_to_data.GetOrCreate(
fn, [&] { return Hashmap<const ast::Parameter*, FunctionExtraParamInfo, 4>(); });
const ast::Parameter* param = nullptr;
for (auto p : fn->Declaration()->params) {
if (p->As<ast::Variable>() == var->Declaration()) {
param = p;
// Get or record a new u32 param to this function if first visited.
auto entry = param_to_info.Get(param);
if (entry.has_value()) {
return entry->param;
const ast::Parameter* new_param = b.Param(b.Sym(), b.ty.u32());
size_t idx = param_to_info.Count();
param_to_info.Add(param, FunctionExtraParamInfo{field, new_param, idx});
return new_param;
/// Get the uniform options field for the builtin function.
/// @param type of the builtin function
/// @returns corresponding TextureBuiltinsFromUniformOptions::Field for the builtin
static TextureBuiltinsFromUniformOptions::Field GetFieldFromBuiltinFunctionType(
core::BuiltinFn type) {
switch (type) {
case core::BuiltinFn::kTextureNumLevels:
return TextureBuiltinsFromUniformOptions::Field::TextureNumLevels;
case core::BuiltinFn::kTextureNumSamples:
return TextureBuiltinsFromUniformOptions::Field::TextureNumSamples;
TINT_UNREACHABLE() << "unsupported builtin function type " << type;
return TextureBuiltinsFromUniformOptions::Field::TextureNumLevels;
ast::transform::Transform::ApplyResult TextureBuiltinsFromUniform::Apply(
const Program* src,
const ast::transform::DataMap& inputs,
ast::transform::DataMap& outputs) const {
return State{src, inputs, outputs}.Run();
TextureBuiltinsFromUniform::Config::Config(BindingPoint ubo_bp) : ubo_binding(ubo_bp) {}
TextureBuiltinsFromUniform::Config::Config(const Config&) = default;
TextureBuiltinsFromUniform::Config& TextureBuiltinsFromUniform::Config::operator=(const Config&) =
TextureBuiltinsFromUniform::Config::~Config() = default;
TextureBuiltinsFromUniform::Result::Result(BindingPointToFieldAndOffset bindpoint_to_data_in)
: bindpoint_to_data(std::move(bindpoint_to_data_in)) {}
TextureBuiltinsFromUniform::Result::Result(const Result&) = default;
TextureBuiltinsFromUniform::Result::~Result() = default;
} // namespace tint::glsl::writer