Roll vulkan-headers right before the ray tracing breakage.

The next commit in vulkan-headers contains breaking changes that removes
the provisional ray-tracing extension and add the final version of it.
To ease the roll past that, we first roll just before the breaking

A smaller scale breaking change required rolling the Vulkan Validation
Layers at the same time.

Roll third_party/vulkan-headers/ ced848d69..30e70cbd9 (11 commits)

$ git log ced848d69..30e70cbd9 --date=short --no-merges --format='%ad %ae %s'
2020-11-16 jdrouan Add GGP (Stadia) WSI platform support to vk_icd.h
2020-11-15 oddhack Update for Vulkan-Docs 1.2.161
2020-11-08 oddhack Update for Vulkan-Docs 1.2.160
2020-11-01 oddhack Update for Vulkan-Docs 1.2.159
2020-10-18 oddhack Update for Vulkan-Docs 1.2.158
2020-10-12 oddhack Update for Vulkan-Docs 1.2.157
2020-10-12 oddhack Update for Vulkan-Docs 1.2.157
2020-10-04 oddhack Update for Vulkan-Docs 1.2.156
2020-09-28 oddhack Update for Vulkan-Docs 1.2.155
2020-09-21 oddhack Update for Vulkan-Docs 1.2.154
2020-09-06 oddhack Update for Vulkan-Docs 1.2.153

Created with:
  roll-dep third_party/vulkan-headers

Roll third_party/vulkan-validation-layers/ e8b96e86f..8756b1cb9 (498 commits)

$ git log e8b96e86f..8756b1cb9 --date=short --no-merges --format='%ad %ae %s'
2020-11-25 mark threading: Check DevWaitIdle ext sync on all device queues
2020-11-25 s.fricke layers: Label VU 04563
2020-11-25 locke tests: Fix wrong descriptor type
2020-11-24 locke layers: Skip some CMD_TYPE
2020-11-23 mark tests: Add some checks for imageFormatMaybeLinear & 02259
2020-11-20 mark stateless: Calculate correct state for 02257, add 02259
2020-11-17 mark corechecks: Use named initializing for vuid structs
2020-11-17 mark drawdispatch: Use named initializing for DrawDispatch structs
2020-11-12 mark corechecks: Moved some #defines to static consts
2020-11-12 mark cmddraw: Align non-CF'd source
2020-11-19 locke layers: Attachment lifetime
2020-10-27 locke tests: Test protected, instance index, filter cubic
2020-10-26 locke layers: Validate filter cubic
2020-10-26 locke layers: Set enum for push constat byte state
2020-10-26 locke layers: Move validation for both image and sampler
2020-10-25 locke layers: Change map lastBound into array
2020-10-20 locke layers: Find Sampler in CmdBind
2020-10-23 locke layers: Validate maxMultiviewInstanceIndex
2020-11-18 locke layers: Save shared_ptr
2020-10-23 locke layers: Protected command buffer
2020-11-23 tony layers: Fix spirv-headers known good
2020-11-19 marky build: Fix clang warnings
2020-11-18 shannon build: Update known-good files for 1.2.161 header
2020-11-16 jeremyg syncval: Use correct raster order for depth/stencil resolve
2020-11-16 mark lifetimes: Correct for non-device parent objects
2020-11-13 shannon build: Reconcile VUIDs for 1.2.160 header
2020-11-13 shannon build: Update known-good files for 1.2.160 header
2020-11-16 locke tests: Using depth stencil image in both
2020-11-16 locke layers: VUID 02687 to 04584
2020-11-11 karl tests: Add test for destroyed buffer during draw validate
2020-11-11 karl layers: Remove duplicate handles from Descriptor subclasses
2020-11-16 mark repo: Update issue templates
2020-11-16 mark repo: Update issue templates
2020-11-13 pankratz layers: Removed duplicate type declaration
2020-11-13 mark scripts: Suppress warning for empty difflist
2020-11-12 mark scripts: Remove format checking shell scripts
2020-11-11 mark scripts: Add python format-checking script and update travis
2020-11-05 mark tests: Add oldSwapchain-from-different-device test
2020-11-09 mark threading: Make swapchain objects traceable to parent
2020-11-10 mark tests: Added specialuse extension BP tests
2020-11-10 mark practices: Add checking of specialuse extensions
2020-11-09 mark practices: Check for specialuse extensions and warn
2020-11-09 mark practices: Added specialuse extension table
2020-11-10 karl layers: Fix typedef and spelling
2020-11-09 jeremyg syncval: Convert enum SyncStageAccessFlags to a std::bitset
2020-11-09 jeremyg syncval: Change generated lookup tables to be const.
2020-11-06 marshall tests: Test queue retirement over timeline semaphores
2020-11-06 marshall layers: Fix queue retirement via waited-on timeline semaphores
2020-11-06 rgarcia layers: Check nullDescriptor when validating vertex attributes
2020-11-02 shannon build: Update known-good files for 1.2.159 header
2020-04-07 jzulauf layers: Add support for fake device memory address
2020-04-07 locke syncval: Refactor Image encoder/generator
2020-04-06 jzulauf syncval: Cleanup/Refactor AccessContext
2020-04-03 jzulauf layers: Add range operator + and copy constructor
2020-03-20 jzulauf layers: Add subpass transition info to RP state
2020-04-03 jzulauf syncval: Clean up and bugfix Access state resolve
2020-03-25 locke syncval: Change offset generator to image generator
2020-03-17 locke syncval: Add default constructors for Encoders
2020-03-19 jzulauf syncval: Clean attachment first/last for RP creation
2020-03-18 jzulauf syncval: Add end renderpass access context resolve
2020-03-10 jzulauf syncval: Change hazard check to use resolved map.
2020-03-10 locke syncval: Add function name to hazard log messages
2020-03-04 locke tests: Test copy buffer image and blit hazards
2020-03-02 locke syncval: Add copy buffer image and blit entry points
2020-02-28 locke syncval: Use new generator in synchronization
2020-03-04 locke tests: Fix test synchronization errors
2020-03-02 locke syncval: Add dest image adjustment for compressed
2020-02-27 locke syncval: Add new RangeEncoder and RangeGenerator
2020-03-09 jzulauf syncval: Add context interface for detect/update
2020-02-21 jzulauf layers: Enhance Subpass DAG tree information
2020-02-10 jzulauf syncval: Adding race hazard support
2020-02-03 jzulauf syncval: Add logical stage extension to exec scope
2020-01-31 jzulauf sync: Add earlier/later stage maps to codegen
2020-01-23 jzulauf syncval: Add image layout transition hazard checks
2019-12-26 jzulauf tests: Add first image sync tests
2019-12-26 jzulauf syncval: Add image sync validation for CopyImage
2019-12-26 jzulauf tests: Add more flexible interface to VkImageObj
2019-12-18 jzulauf tests: Add testcases for buffer region copies
2019-09-30 jzulauf syncval: Init Sync Val Resource Hazard
2020-07-03 s.fricke tests: Add Protected Resource VUIDs
2020-07-03 s.fricke layers: Add Protected Resource VUIDs
2020-07-09 timvp build: Add a virtual dtor to AspectParameters
2020-07-08 jan-harald.fredriksen tests: Add VUID 04059
2020-07-08 jan-harald.fredriksen layers: Add VUID 04059
2020-07-09 s.fricke tests: Add YCbCr Swizzle VUIDs
2020-07-04 s.fricke layers: Add YCbCr Swizzle VUIDs
2020-07-09 tony layers: Remove leftover enum
2020-07-08 liyl chassis: Fix memory leaks
2020-07-02 lionel.g.landwerlin layers: fix image/view with modifier format feature storage
2020-07-06 shannon build: Fix VUID inconsistencies for 1.2.146 header
2020-07-06 shannon build: Update known-good files for 1.2.146 header
2020-07-08 tony layers: Fix log message
2020-07-07 tony gpu: Fix enabling of required features
2020-07-07 tony tests: Add PhysicalDeviceFeatures to device profile api
2020-07-03 s.fricke layers: Move some sparse VU to stateless
2020-07-08 40687079+rumblehhh Update to use correct helper.cmake path
2020-07-02 s.fricke tests: Add VUID 02711
2020-07-01 s.fricke layers: Add VUID 02711
2020-07-06 mark objtracker: Don't report undestroyable objects
2020-07-01 mark threading: Audit VkDisplay, VkDisplayMode object handling

Created with:
  roll-dep third_party/vulkan-validation-layers

Change-Id: Ie55286cecb8b7d0163a629968786195d211ea662

Bug: chromium:1153258
Change-Id: I0bb6a910c5a7d3f13731097abb1fe4b8de38c6d0
Commit-Queue: David Neto <>
Reviewed-by: David Neto <>
4 files changed
tree: f1b0584671516d8ec3b71f3366ae2611a3613fdf
  1. build_overrides/
  2. docs/
  3. examples/
  4. generator/
  5. infra/
  6. scripts/
  7. src/
  8. third_party/
  9. tools/
  10. .clang-format
  11. .gitattributes
  12. .gitignore
  13. .gn
  16. CMakeLists.txt
  17. codereview.settings
  19. dawn.json
  20. dawn_wire.json
  21. DEPS
  23. OWNERS
  25. README.chromium

Dawn, a WebGPU implementation

Dawn is an open-source and cross-platform implementation of the work-in-progress WebGPU standard. More precisely it implements webgpu.h that is a one-to-one mapping with the WebGPU IDL. Dawn is meant to be integrated as part of a larger system and is the underlying implementation of WebGPU in Chromium.

Dawn provides several WebGPU building blocks:

  • WebGPU C/C++ headers that applications and other building blocks use.
    • The webgpu.h version that Dawn implements.
    • A C++ wrapper for the webgpu.h.
  • A “native” implementation of WebGPU using platforms' GPU APIs:
    • D3D12 on Windows 10
    • Metal on macOS and iOS
    • Vulkan on Windows, Linux, ChromeOS, Android and Fuchsia
    • OpenGL as best effort where available
  • A client-server implementation of WebGPU for applications that are in a sandbox without access to native drivers

Helpful links:

Documentation table of content

Developer documentation:

User documentation: (TODO, figure out what overlaps with the webgpu.h docs)




Apache 2.0 Public License, please see LICENSE.


This is not an officially supported Google product.