blob: 26fbe44859957b113726f754bd83883ad807021a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2023 The Dawn & Tint Authors
// Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
// modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
// 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this
// list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
// 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
// this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
// and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
// 3. Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its
// contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
// this software without specific prior written permission.
#include "src/tint/lang/core/ir/validator.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <cstdint>
#include <functional>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <string_view>
#include <utility>
#include "src/tint/lang/core/intrinsic/table.h"
#include "src/tint/lang/core/ir/access.h"
#include "src/tint/lang/core/ir/binary.h"
#include "src/tint/lang/core/ir/bitcast.h"
#include "src/tint/lang/core/ir/block_param.h"
#include "src/tint/lang/core/ir/break_if.h"
#include "src/tint/lang/core/ir/constant.h"
#include "src/tint/lang/core/ir/construct.h"
#include "src/tint/lang/core/ir/continue.h"
#include "src/tint/lang/core/ir/control_instruction.h"
#include "src/tint/lang/core/ir/convert.h"
#include "src/tint/lang/core/ir/core_builtin_call.h"
#include "src/tint/lang/core/ir/disassembler.h"
#include "src/tint/lang/core/ir/discard.h"
#include "src/tint/lang/core/ir/exit_if.h"
#include "src/tint/lang/core/ir/exit_loop.h"
#include "src/tint/lang/core/ir/exit_switch.h"
#include "src/tint/lang/core/ir/function.h"
#include "src/tint/lang/core/ir/function_param.h"
#include "src/tint/lang/core/ir/if.h"
#include "src/tint/lang/core/ir/instruction.h"
#include "src/tint/lang/core/ir/instruction_result.h"
#include "src/tint/lang/core/ir/let.h"
#include "src/tint/lang/core/ir/load.h"
#include "src/tint/lang/core/ir/load_vector_element.h"
#include "src/tint/lang/core/ir/loop.h"
#include "src/tint/lang/core/ir/member_builtin_call.h"
#include "src/tint/lang/core/ir/multi_in_block.h"
#include "src/tint/lang/core/ir/next_iteration.h"
#include "src/tint/lang/core/ir/referenced_module_vars.h"
#include "src/tint/lang/core/ir/return.h"
#include "src/tint/lang/core/ir/store.h"
#include "src/tint/lang/core/ir/store_vector_element.h"
#include "src/tint/lang/core/ir/switch.h"
#include "src/tint/lang/core/ir/swizzle.h"
#include "src/tint/lang/core/ir/terminate_invocation.h"
#include "src/tint/lang/core/ir/unary.h"
#include "src/tint/lang/core/ir/unreachable.h"
#include "src/tint/lang/core/ir/unused.h"
#include "src/tint/lang/core/ir/user_call.h"
#include "src/tint/lang/core/ir/var.h"
#include "src/tint/lang/core/type/bool.h"
#include "src/tint/lang/core/type/f32.h"
#include "src/tint/lang/core/type/i8.h"
#include "src/tint/lang/core/type/memory_view.h"
#include "src/tint/lang/core/type/pointer.h"
#include "src/tint/lang/core/type/reference.h"
#include "src/tint/lang/core/type/type.h"
#include "src/tint/lang/core/type/u32.h"
#include "src/tint/lang/core/type/u8.h"
#include "src/tint/lang/core/type/vector.h"
#include "src/tint/lang/core/type/void.h"
#include "src/tint/utils/containers/hashset.h"
#include "src/tint/utils/containers/predicates.h"
#include "src/tint/utils/containers/reverse.h"
#include "src/tint/utils/containers/transform.h"
#include "src/tint/utils/diagnostic/diagnostic.h"
#include "src/tint/utils/ice/ice.h"
#include "src/tint/utils/macros/defer.h"
#include "src/tint/utils/result/result.h"
#include "src/tint/utils/rtti/castable.h"
#include "src/tint/utils/rtti/switch.h"
#include "src/tint/utils/text/styled_text.h"
#include "src/tint/utils/text/text_style.h"
/// If set to 1 then the Tint will dump the IR when validating.
#include <iostream>
#include "src/tint/utils/text/styled_text_printer.h"
using namespace tint::core::fluent_types; // NOLINT
namespace tint::core::ir {
struct ValidatedType {
const type::Type* ty;
Capabilities caps;
namespace {
/// @returns the parent block of @p block
const Block* ParentBlockOf(const Block* block) {
if (auto* parent = block->Parent()) {
return parent->Block();
return nullptr;
/// @returns true if @p block directly or transitively holds the instruction @p inst
bool TransitivelyHolds(const Block* block, const Instruction* inst) {
for (auto* b = inst->Block(); b; b = ParentBlockOf(b)) {
if (b == block) {
return true;
return false;
/// @returns true if @p attr contains both a location and builtin decoration
bool HasLocationAndBuiltin(const tint::core::IOAttributes& attr) {
return attr.builtin.has_value() && attr.location.has_value();
/// @returns true if @p attr contains one of location or builtin decoration
bool HasLocationOrBuiltin(const tint::core::IOAttributes& attr) {
return attr.builtin.has_value() || attr.location.has_value();
/// @return true if @param attr does not have invariant decoration or if it also has position
/// decoration
bool InvariantOnlyIfAlsoPosition(const tint::core::IOAttributes& attr) {
return !attr.invariant || attr.builtin == BuiltinValue::kPosition;
/// @returns true if @p ty meets the basic function parameter rules (i.e. one of constructible,
/// pointer, sampler or texture).
/// Note: Does not handle corner cases like if certain capabilities are
/// enabled.
bool IsValidFunctionParamType(const core::type::Type* ty) {
return ty->IsConstructible() || ty->Is<type::Pointer>() || ty->Is<type::Texture>() ||
/// @returns true if @p ty is a non-struct and decorated with @builtin(position), or if it is a
/// struct and one of its members is decorated, otherwise false.
/// @param attr attributes attached to data
/// @param ty type of the data being tested
bool IsPositionPresent(const IOAttributes& attr, const core::type::Type* ty) {
if (auto* ty_struct = ty->As<core::type::Struct>()) {
for (const auto* mem : ty_struct->Members()) {
if (mem->Attributes().builtin == BuiltinValue::kPosition) {
return true;
return false;
return attr.builtin == BuiltinValue::kPosition;
/// Utility for running checks on attributes.
/// If the type that the attributes are attached to is a struct, the check is run over the members,
/// otherwise it run on the attributes directly.
/// @param msg_anchor what to associate errors with, i.e. the 'foo' of AddError(foo)
/// @param ty_attr the directly attached attributes
/// @param ty the type of the thing that the attributes are attached to
/// @param is_not_struct_impl has the signature 'void(const MSG_ANCHOR*, const IOAttributes&)' and
/// is called when @p ty is not a struct
/// @param is_struct_impl has the signature 'void(const MSG_ANCHOR*, const IOAttributes&)' and is
/// called when @p ty is a struct
template <typename MSG_ANCHOR, typename IS_NOT_STRUCT, typename IS_STRUCT>
void CheckIOAttributes(const MSG_ANCHOR* msg_anchor,
const IOAttributes& ty_attr,
const core::type::Type* ty,
IS_NOT_STRUCT&& is_not_struct_impl,
IS_STRUCT&& is_struct_impl) {
if (auto* ty_struct = ty->As<core::type::Struct>()) {
for (const auto* mem : ty_struct->Members()) {
is_struct_impl(msg_anchor, mem->Attributes());
} else {
is_not_struct_impl(msg_anchor, ty_attr);
/// Helper for calling CheckIOAttributes on a function return
/// @param func function whose return is to be tested
/// See @ref CheckIOAttributes for more details
template <typename IS_NOT_STRUCT, typename IS_STRUCT>
void CheckFunctionReturnAttributes(const Function* func,
IS_NOT_STRUCT&& is_not_struct_impl,
IS_STRUCT&& is_struct_impl) {
CheckIOAttributes(func, func->ReturnAttributes(), func->ReturnType(),
/// Helper for calling CheckIOAttributes on a function param
/// @param param function param to be tested
/// See @ref CheckIOAttributes for more details
template <typename IS_NOT_STRUCT, typename IS_STRUCT>
void CheckFunctionParamAttributes(const FunctionParam* param,
IS_NOT_STRUCT&& is_not_struct_impl,
IS_STRUCT&& is_struct_impl) {
CheckIOAttributes(param, param->Attributes(), param->Type(),
/// Utility for running checks on attributes and type.
/// If the type that the attributes are attached to is a struct, the check is run over the members,
/// otherwise it run on the attributes directly.
/// @param msg_anchor what to associate errors with, i.e. the 'foo' of AddError(foo)
/// @param ty_attr the directly attached attributes
/// @param ty the type of the thing that the attributes are attached to
/// @param is_not_struct_impl has the signature 'void(const MSG_ANCHOR*, const IOAttributes&, const
/// core::type::Type* ty)'
/// and is called when @p ty is not a struct
/// @param is_struct_impl has the signature 'void(const MSG_ANCHOR*, const IOAttributes&, const
/// core::type::Type* ty)'
/// and is called when @p ty is a struct
template <typename MSG_ANCHOR, typename IS_NOT_STRUCT, typename IS_STRUCT>
void CheckIOAttributesAndType(const MSG_ANCHOR* msg_anchor,
const IOAttributes& ty_attr,
const core::type::Type* ty,
IS_NOT_STRUCT&& is_not_struct_impl,
IS_STRUCT&& is_struct_impl) {
if (auto* ty_struct = ty->As<core::type::Struct>()) {
for (const auto* mem : ty_struct->Members()) {
is_struct_impl(msg_anchor, mem->Attributes(), mem->Type());
} else {
is_not_struct_impl(msg_anchor, ty_attr, ty);
// Wrapper for CheckIOAttributesAndType, when the struct and non-struct impl are the same
/// See @ref IOAttributesAndType for more details
template <typename MSG_ANCHOR, typename IMPL>
void CheckIOAttributesAndType(const MSG_ANCHOR* msg_anchor,
const IOAttributes& ty_attr,
const core::type::Type* ty,
IMPL&& impl) {
CheckIOAttributesAndType(msg_anchor, ty_attr, ty, impl, impl);
/// Helper for calling IOAttributesAndType on a function param
/// @param param function param to be tested
/// See @ref IOAttributesAndType for more details
template <typename IS_NOT_STRUCT, typename IS_STRUCT>
void CheckFunctionParamAttributesAndType(const FunctionParam* param,
IS_NOT_STRUCT&& is_not_struct_impl,
IS_STRUCT&& is_struct_impl) {
CheckIOAttributesAndType(param, param->Attributes(), param->Type(),
/// Helper for calling IOAttributesAndType on a function param
/// @param param function param to be tested
/// See @ref IOAttributesAndType for more details
template <typename IMPL>
void CheckFunctionParamAttributesAndType(const FunctionParam* param, IMPL&& impl) {
CheckIOAttributesAndType(param, param->Attributes(), param->Type(), std::forward<IMPL>(impl));
/// Helper for calling IOAttributesAndType on a function return
/// @param func function's return to be tested
/// See @ref IOAttributesAndType for more details
template <typename IS_NOT_STRUCT, typename IS_STRUCT>
void CheckFunctionReturnAttributesAndType(const Function* func,
IS_NOT_STRUCT&& is_not_struct_impl,
IS_STRUCT&& is_struct_impl) {
CheckIOAttributesAndType(func, func->ReturnAttributes(), func->ReturnType(),
/// Helper for calling IOAttributesAndType on a function return
/// @param func function's return to be tested
/// See @ref IOAttributesAndType for more details
template <typename IMPL>
void CheckFunctionReturnAttributesAndType(const Function* func, IMPL&& impl) {
CheckIOAttributesAndType(func, func->ReturnAttributes(), func->ReturnType(),
/// A BuiltinChecker is the interface used to check that a usage of a builtin attribute meets the
/// basic spec rules, i.e. correct shader stage, data type, and IO direction.
/// It does not test more sophisticated rules like location and builtins being mutually exclusive or
/// the correct capabilities are enabled.
struct BuiltinChecker {
/// User friendly name to print in logging messages
const char* name;
/// What type of entry point is this builtin legal for
EnumSet<Function::PipelineStage> stages;
enum IODirection : uint8_t { kInput, kOutput };
/// Is this expected to be a param going into the entry point or a result coming out
IODirection direction;
/// Implements logic for checking if the given type is valid or not
using TypeCheckFn = bool(const core::type::Type* type);
/// @see #TypeCheckFn
TypeCheckFn* const type_check;
/// Message that should logged if the type check fails
const char* type_error;
std::string_view ToString(BuiltinChecker::IODirection value) {
switch (value) {
case BuiltinChecker::IODirection::kInput:
return "input";
case BuiltinChecker::IODirection::kOutput:
return "output";
TINT_ICE() << "Unknown enum passed to ToString(BuiltinChecker::IODirection)";
constexpr BuiltinChecker kPointSizeChecker{
/* name */ "__point_size",
/* stages */ EnumSet<Function::PipelineStage>(Function::PipelineStage::kVertex),
/* direction */ BuiltinChecker::IODirection::kOutput,
/* type_check */ [](const core::type::Type* ty) -> bool { return ty->Is<core::type::F32>(); },
/* type_error */ "__point_size must be a f32",
constexpr BuiltinChecker kFragDepthChecker{
/* name */ "frag_depth",
/* stages */ EnumSet<Function::PipelineStage>(Function::PipelineStage::kFragment),
/* direction */ BuiltinChecker::IODirection::kOutput,
/* type_check */ [](const core::type::Type* ty) -> bool { return ty->Is<core::type::F32>(); },
/* type_error */ "frag_depth must be a f32",
constexpr BuiltinChecker kFrontFacingChecker{
/* name */ "front_facing",
/* stages */ EnumSet<Function::PipelineStage>(Function::PipelineStage::kFragment),
/* direction */ BuiltinChecker::IODirection::kInput,
/* type_check */ [](const core::type::Type* ty) -> bool { return ty->Is<core::type::Bool>(); },
/* type_error */ "front_facing must be a bool",
constexpr BuiltinChecker kGlobalInvocationIdChecker{
/* name */ "global_invocation_id",
/* stages */ EnumSet<Function::PipelineStage>(Function::PipelineStage::kCompute),
/* direction */ BuiltinChecker::IODirection::kInput,
/* type_check */
[](const core::type::Type* ty) -> bool {
return ty->IsUnsignedIntegerVector() && ty->Elements().count == 3;
/* type_error */ "global_invocation_id must be an vec3<u32>",
constexpr BuiltinChecker kInstanceIndexChecker{
/* name */ "instance_index",
/* stages */ EnumSet<Function::PipelineStage>(Function::PipelineStage::kVertex),
/* direction */ BuiltinChecker::IODirection::kInput,
/* type_check */ [](const core::type::Type* ty) -> bool { return ty->Is<core::type::U32>(); },
/* type_error */ "instance_index must be an u32",
constexpr BuiltinChecker kLocalInvocationIdChecker{
/* name */ "local_invocation_id",
/* stages */ EnumSet<Function::PipelineStage>(Function::PipelineStage::kCompute),
/* direction */ BuiltinChecker::IODirection::kInput,
/* type_check */
[](const core::type::Type* ty) -> bool {
return ty->IsUnsignedIntegerVector() && ty->Elements().count == 3;
/* type_error */ "local_invocation_id must be an vec3<u32>",
constexpr BuiltinChecker kLocalInvocationIndexChecker{
/* name */ "local_invocation_index",
/* stages */ EnumSet<Function::PipelineStage>(Function::PipelineStage::kCompute),
/* direction */ BuiltinChecker::IODirection::kInput,
/* type_check */ [](const core::type::Type* ty) -> bool { return ty->Is<core::type::U32>(); },
/* type_error */ "local_invocation_index must be an u32",
constexpr BuiltinChecker kNumWorkgroupsChecker{
/* name */ "num_workgroups",
/* stages */ EnumSet<Function::PipelineStage>(Function::PipelineStage::kCompute),
/* direction */ BuiltinChecker::IODirection::kInput,
/* type_check */
[](const core::type::Type* ty) -> bool {
return ty->IsUnsignedIntegerVector() && ty->Elements().count == 3;
/* type_error */ "num_workgroups must be an vec3<u32>",
constexpr BuiltinChecker kSampleIndexChecker{
/* name */ "sample_index",
/* stages */ EnumSet<Function::PipelineStage>(Function::PipelineStage::kFragment),
/* direction */ BuiltinChecker::IODirection::kInput,
/* type_check */ [](const core::type::Type* ty) -> bool { return ty->Is<core::type::U32>(); },
/* type_error */ "sample_index must be an u32",
constexpr BuiltinChecker kSubgroupInvocationIdChecker{
/* name */ "subgroup_invocation_id",
/* stages */
/* direction */ BuiltinChecker::IODirection::kInput,
/* type_check */ [](const core::type::Type* ty) -> bool { return ty->Is<core::type::U32>(); },
/* type_error */ "subgroup_invocation_id must be an u32",
constexpr BuiltinChecker kSubgroupSizeChecker{
/* name */ "subgroup_size",
/* stages */
/* direction */ BuiltinChecker::IODirection::kInput,
/* type_check */ [](const core::type::Type* ty) -> bool { return ty->Is<core::type::U32>(); },
/* type_error */ "subgroup_size must be an u32",
constexpr BuiltinChecker kVertexIndexChecker{
/* name */ "vertex_index",
/* stages */ EnumSet<Function::PipelineStage>(Function::PipelineStage::kVertex),
/* direction */ BuiltinChecker::IODirection::kInput,
/* type_check */ [](const core::type::Type* ty) -> bool { return ty->Is<core::type::U32>(); },
/* type_error */ "vertex_index must be an u32",
constexpr BuiltinChecker kWorkgroupIdChecker{
/* name */ "workgroup_id",
/* stages */ EnumSet<Function::PipelineStage>(Function::PipelineStage::kCompute),
/* direction */ BuiltinChecker::IODirection::kInput,
/* type_check */
[](const core::type::Type* ty) -> bool {
return ty->IsUnsignedIntegerVector() && ty->Elements().count == 3;
/* type_error */ "workgroup_id must be an vec3<u32>",
/// @returns an appropriate BuiltInCheck for @p builtin, ICEs when one isn't defined
const BuiltinChecker& BuiltinCheckerFor(BuiltinValue builtin) {
switch (builtin) {
case BuiltinValue::kPointSize:
return kPointSizeChecker;
case BuiltinValue::kFragDepth:
return kFragDepthChecker;
case BuiltinValue::kFrontFacing:
return kFrontFacingChecker;
case BuiltinValue::kGlobalInvocationId:
return kGlobalInvocationIdChecker;
case BuiltinValue::kInstanceIndex:
return kInstanceIndexChecker;
case BuiltinValue::kLocalInvocationId:
return kLocalInvocationIdChecker;
case BuiltinValue::kLocalInvocationIndex:
return kLocalInvocationIndexChecker;
case BuiltinValue::kNumWorkgroups:
return kNumWorkgroupsChecker;
case BuiltinValue::kSampleIndex:
return kSampleIndexChecker;
case BuiltinValue::kSubgroupInvocationId:
return kSubgroupInvocationIdChecker;
case BuiltinValue::kSubgroupSize:
return kSubgroupSizeChecker;
case BuiltinValue::kVertexIndex:
return kVertexIndexChecker;
case BuiltinValue::kWorkgroupId:
return kWorkgroupIdChecker;
case BuiltinValue::kPosition:
TINT_ICE() << "BuiltinValue::kPosition requires special handling, so does not have a "
"checker defined";
case BuiltinValue::kSampleMask:
TINT_ICE() << "BuiltinValue::kSampleMask requires special handling, so does not have a "
"checker defined";
TINT_ICE() << builtin << " is does not have a checker defined for it";
/// Validates the basic spec rules for @builtin(position) usage
/// @param stage the shader stage the builtin is being used
/// @param is_input the IO direction of usage, true if input, false if output
/// @param ty the data type being decorated by the builtin
/// @returns Success if a valid usage, or reason for invalidity in Failure
Result<SuccessType, std::string> ValidatePositionBuiltIn(Function::PipelineStage stage,
bool is_input,
const core::type::Type* ty) {
if (stage != Function::PipelineStage::kVertex && stage != Function::PipelineStage::kFragment) {
return std::string("position must be used in a fragment or vertex shader entry point");
if (stage == Function::PipelineStage::kVertex && is_input) {
return std::string("position must be an output for a vertex entry point");
if (stage == Function::PipelineStage::kFragment && !is_input) {
return std::string("position must be an input for a fragment entry point");
if (!ty->IsFloatVector() || ty->Elements().count != 4 ||
!ty->Element(0)->Is<core::type::F32>()) {
return std::string("position must be an vec4<f32>");
return Success;
/// Validates the basic spec rules for @builtin(sample_mask) usage
/// @param stage the shader stage the builtin is being used
/// @param ty the data type being decorated by the builtin
/// @returns Success if a valid usage, or reason for invalidity in Failure
Result<SuccessType, std::string> ValidateSampleMaskBuiltIn(Function::PipelineStage stage,
const core::type::Type* ty) {
if (stage != Function::PipelineStage::kFragment) {
return std::string("sample_mask must be used in a fragment entry point");
if (!ty->Is<core::type::U32>()) {
return std::string("sample_mask must be an u32");
return Success;
/// Validates the basic spec rules for @builtin(clip_distance) usage
/// @param stage the shader stage the builtin is being used
/// @param is_input the IO direction of usage, true if input, false if output
/// @param capabilities the optional capabilities that are allowed
/// @param ty the data type being decorated by the builtin
/// @returns Success if a valid usage, or reason for invalidity in Failure
Result<SuccessType, std::string> ValidateBuiltinClipDistances(Function::PipelineStage stage,
bool is_input,
const Capabilities& capabilities,
const core::type::Type* ty) {
if (stage != Function::PipelineStage::kVertex) {
return std::string("clip_distances must be used in a vertex shader entry point");
if (is_input) {
return std::string("clip_distances must be an output of a shader entry point");
auto is_valid_array = [&] {
const auto elems = ty->Elements();
return elems.type && elems.type->Is<core::type::F32>() && elems.count <= 8;
if (capabilities.Contains(Capability::kAllowClipDistancesOnF32)) {
if (!ty->Is<core::type::F32>() && !is_valid_array()) {
return std::string("clip_distances must be an f32 or an array<f32, N>, where N <= 8");
} else if (!is_valid_array()) {
return std::string("clip_distances must be an array<f32, N>, where N <= 8");
return Success;
/// Validates the basic spec rules for builtin usage
/// @param builtin the builtin to test
/// @param stage the shader stage the builtin is being used
/// @param is_input the IO direction of usage, true if input, false if output
/// @param ty the data type being decorated by the builtin
/// @returns Success if a valid usage, or reason for invalidity in Failure
Result<SuccessType, std::string> ValidateBuiltIn(BuiltinValue builtin,
Function::PipelineStage stage,
bool is_input,
const Capabilities& capabilities,
const core::type::Type* ty) {
// This is not an entry point function, either it is dead code and thus never called, or any
// issues will be detected when validating the calling entry point.
if (stage == Function::PipelineStage::kUndefined) {
return Success;
// Some builtins have multiple contexts that they are valid in, so have special handling
// instead of making the checker/lookup table more complex.
switch (builtin) {
case BuiltinValue::kPosition:
return ValidatePositionBuiltIn(stage, is_input, ty);
case BuiltinValue::kSampleMask:
return ValidateSampleMaskBuiltIn(stage, ty);
case BuiltinValue::kClipDistances:
return ValidateBuiltinClipDistances(stage, is_input, capabilities, ty);
const auto& checker = BuiltinCheckerFor(builtin);
std::stringstream msg;
if (!checker.stages.Contains(stage)) {
auto stages_size = checker.stages.Size();
switch (stages_size) {
case 1:
msg << << " must be used in a " << ToString(*checker.stages.begin())
<< " shader entry point";
case 2:
msg << << " must be used in a " << ToString(*checker.stages.begin())
<< " or " << ToString(*(++checker.stages.begin())) << " shader entry point";
TINT_ICE() << "Unexpected number of stages set, " << stages_size;
return msg.str();
auto io_direction =
is_input ? BuiltinChecker::IODirection::kInput : BuiltinChecker::IODirection::kOutput;
if (io_direction != checker.direction) {
msg << << " must be an " << ToString(checker.direction)
<< " of a shader entry point";
return msg.str();
if (!checker.type_check(ty)) {
return std::string(checker.type_error);
return Success;
/// The core IR validator.
class Validator {
/// Create a core validator
/// @param mod the module to be validated
/// @param capabilities the optional capabilities that are allowed
explicit Validator(const Module& mod, Capabilities capabilities);
/// Destructor
/// Runs the validator over the module provided during construction
/// @returns success or failure
Result<SuccessType> Run();
/// Runs validation to confirm the structural soundness of the module.
/// Also runs any validation that is not dependent on the entire module being
/// sound and sets up data structures for later checks.
void RunStructuralSoundnessChecks();
/// Checks that there are no orphaned instructions
/// Depends on CheckStructuralSoundness() having previously been run
void CheckForOrphanedInstructions();
/// Checks that there are no discards called by non-fragment entrypoints
/// Depends on CheckStructuralSoundness() having previously been run
void CheckForNonFragmentDiscards();
/// @returns the IR disassembly, performing a disassemble if this is the first call.
ir::Disassembler& Disassemble();
/// Adds an error for the @p inst and highlights the instruction in the disassembly
/// @param inst the instruction
/// @returns the diagnostic
diag::Diagnostic& AddError(const Instruction* inst);
/// Adds an error for the @p inst operand at @p idx and highlights the operand in the
/// disassembly
/// @param inst the instruction
/// @param idx the operand index
/// @returns the diagnostic
diag::Diagnostic& AddError(const Instruction* inst, size_t idx);
/// Adds an error for the @p inst result at @p idx and highlgihts the result in the disassembly
/// @param inst the instruction
/// @param idx the result index
/// @returns the diagnostic
diag::Diagnostic& AddResultError(const Instruction* inst, size_t idx);
/// Adds an error for the @p block and highlights the block header in the disassembly
/// @param blk the block
/// @returns the diagnostic
diag::Diagnostic& AddError(const Block* blk);
/// Adds an error for the @p param and highlights the parameter in the disassembly
/// @param param the parameter
/// @returns the diagnostic
diag::Diagnostic& AddError(const BlockParam* param);
/// Adds an error for the @p func and highlights the function in the disassembly
/// @param func the function
/// @returns the diagnostic
diag::Diagnostic& AddError(const Function* func);
/// Adds an error for the @p param and highlights the parameter in the disassembly
/// @param param the parameter
/// @returns the diagnostic
diag::Diagnostic& AddError(const FunctionParam* param);
/// Adds an error the @p block and highlights the block header in the disassembly
/// @param src the source lines to highlight
/// @returns the diagnostic
diag::Diagnostic& AddError(Source src);
/// Adds a note to @p inst and highlights the instruction in the disassembly
/// @param inst the instruction
diag::Diagnostic& AddNote(const Instruction* inst);
/// Adds a note to @p func and highlights the function in the disassembly
/// @param func the function
diag::Diagnostic& AddNote(const Function* func);
/// Adds a note to @p inst for operand @p idx and highlights the operand in the disassembly
/// @param inst the instruction
/// @param idx the operand index
diag::Diagnostic& AddOperandNote(const Instruction* inst, size_t idx);
/// Adds a note to @p inst for result @p idx and highlights the result in the disassembly
/// @param inst the instruction
/// @param idx the result index
diag::Diagnostic& AddResultNote(const Instruction* inst, size_t idx);
/// Adds a note to @p blk and highlights the block in the disassembly
/// @param blk the block
diag::Diagnostic& AddNote(const Block* blk);
/// Adds a note to the diagnostics
/// @param src the source lines to highlight
diag::Diagnostic& AddNote(Source src = {});
/// Adds a note to the diagnostics highlighting where the value instruction or block is
/// declared, if it has a source location.
/// @param decl the value instruction or block
void AddDeclarationNote(const CastableBase* decl);
/// Adds a note to the diagnostics highlighting where the block is declared, if it has a source
/// location.
/// @param block the block
void AddDeclarationNote(const Block* block);
/// Adds a note to the diagnostics highlighting where the block parameter is declared, if it
/// has a source location.
/// @param param the block parameter
void AddDeclarationNote(const BlockParam* param);
/// Adds a note to the diagnostics highlighting where the function is declared, if it has a
/// source location.
/// @param fn the function
void AddDeclarationNote(const Function* fn);
/// Adds a note to the diagnostics highlighting where the function parameter is declared, if it
/// has a source location.
/// @param param the function parameter
void AddDeclarationNote(const FunctionParam* param);
/// Adds a note to the diagnostics highlighting where the instruction is declared, if it has a
/// source location.
/// @param inst the inst
void AddDeclarationNote(const Instruction* inst);
/// Adds a note to the diagnostics highlighting where instruction result was declared, if it has
/// a source location.
/// @param res the res
void AddDeclarationNote(const InstructionResult* res);
/// @param decl the type, value, instruction or block to get the name for
/// @returns the styled name for the given value, instruction or block
StyledText NameOf(const CastableBase* decl);
// @param ty the type to get the name for
/// @returns the styled name for the given type
StyledText NameOf(const type::Type* ty);
/// @param v the value to get the name for
/// @returns the styled name for the given value
StyledText NameOf(const Value* v);
/// @param inst the instruction to get the name for
/// @returns the styled name for the given instruction
StyledText NameOf(const Instruction* inst);
/// @param block the block to get the name for
/// @returns the styled name for the given block
StyledText NameOf(const Block* block);
/// Checks the given result is not null and its type is not null
/// @param inst the instruction
/// @param idx the result index
/// @returns true if the result is not null
bool CheckResult(const Instruction* inst, size_t idx);
/// Checks the results (and their types) for @p inst are not null. If count is specified then
/// number of results is checked to be exact.
/// @param inst the instruction
/// @param count the number of results to check
/// @returns true if the results count is as expected and none are null
bool CheckResults(const ir::Instruction* inst, std::optional<size_t> count);
/// Checks the given operand is not null and its type is not null
/// @param inst the instruction
/// @param idx the operand index
/// @returns true if the operand is not null
bool CheckOperand(const Instruction* inst, size_t idx);
/// Checks the number of operands provided to @p inst and that none of them are null. Also
/// checks that the types for the operands are not null
/// @param inst the instruction
/// @param min_count the minimum number of operands to expect
/// @param max_count the maximum number of operands to expect, if not set, than only the minimum
/// number is checked.
/// @returns true if the number of operands is in the expected range and none are null
bool CheckOperands(const ir::Instruction* inst,
size_t min_count,
std::optional<size_t> max_count);
/// Checks the operands (and their types) for @p inst are not null. If count is specified then
/// number of operands is checked to be exact.
/// @param inst the instruction
/// @param count the number of operands to check
/// @returns true if the operands count is as expected and none are null
bool CheckOperands(const ir::Instruction* inst, std::optional<size_t> count);
/// Checks the number of results for @p inst are exactly equal to @p num_results and the number
/// of operands is correctly. Both results and operands are confirmed to be non-null.
/// @param inst the instruction
/// @param num_results expected number of results for the instruction
/// @param min_operands the minimum number of operands to expect
/// @param max_operands the maximum number of operands to expect, if not set, than only the
/// minimum number is checked.
/// @returns true if the result and operand counts are as expected and none are null
bool CheckResultsAndOperandRange(const ir::Instruction* inst,
size_t num_results,
size_t min_operands,
std::optional<size_t> max_operands);
/// Checks the number of results and operands for @p inst are exactly equal to num_results
/// and num_operands, respectively, and that none of them are null.
/// @param inst the instruction
/// @param num_results expected number of results for the instruction
/// @param num_operands expected number of operands for the instruction
/// @returns true if the result and operand counts are as expected and none are null
bool CheckResultsAndOperands(const ir::Instruction* inst,
size_t num_results,
size_t num_operands);
/// Checks that @p type does not use any types that are prohibited by the target capabilities.
/// @param type the type
/// @param diag a function that creates an error diagnostic for the source of the type
/// @param ignore_caps a set of capabilities to ignore for this check
void CheckType(const core::type::Type* type,
std::function<diag::Diagnostic&()> diag,
Capabilities ignore_caps = {});
/// Validates the root block
/// @param blk the block
void CheckRootBlock(const Block* blk);
/// Validates the given function
/// @param func the function to validate
void CheckFunction(const Function* func);
/// Validates the specific function as a vertex entry point
/// @param ep the function to validate
void CheckVertexEntryPoint(const Function* ep);
/// @returns a function that validates rules for invariant decorations
/// @param err error message to log when check fails
template <typename MSG_ANCHOR>
auto CheckInvariantFunc(const std::string& err) {
return [this, err](const MSG_ANCHOR* msg_anchor, const IOAttributes& attr) {
if (!InvariantOnlyIfAlsoPosition(attr)) {
AddError(msg_anchor) << err;
/// @returns a function that validates builtins on function params
auto CheckBuiltinFunctionParam(const std::string& err) {
return [this, err](const FunctionParam* param, const IOAttributes& attr,
const type::Type* ty) {
if (!attr.builtin.has_value()) {
auto result = ValidateBuiltIn(attr.builtin.value(), param->Function()->Stage(), true,
capabilities_, ty);
if (result != Success) {
AddError(param) << err << result.Failure();
/// @returns a function that validates builtins on function returns
auto CheckBuiltinFunctionReturn(const std::string& err) {
return [this, err](const Function* func, const IOAttributes& attr, const type::Type* ty) {
if (!attr.builtin.has_value()) {
auto result =
ValidateBuiltIn(attr.builtin.value(), func->Stage(), false, capabilities_, ty);
if (result != Success) {
AddError(func) << err << result.Failure();
/// @returns a function that validates that location and builtin attributes are not present at
/// the same time
/// @param err error message to log when check fails
template <typename MSG_ANCHOR>
auto CheckDoesNotHaveBothLocationAndBuiltinFunc(const std::string& err) {
return [this, err](const MSG_ANCHOR* msg_anchor, const IOAttributes& attr) {
if (HasLocationAndBuiltin(attr)) {
AddError(msg_anchor) << err;
/// @returns a function that validates that either a location or builtin attribute are present
/// @param err error message to log when check fails
template <typename MSG_ANCHOR>
auto CheckHasLocationOrBuiltinFunc(const std::string& err) {
return [this, err](const MSG_ANCHOR* msg_anchor, const IOAttributes& attr) {
if (!HasLocationOrBuiltin(attr)) {
AddError(msg_anchor) << err;
/// @returns a function that validates that type is bool iff decorated with
/// @builtin(front_facing)
/// @param err error message to log when check fails
template <typename MSG_ANCHOR>
auto CheckFrontFacingIfBoolFunc(const std::string& err) {
return [this, err](const MSG_ANCHOR* msg_anchor, const IOAttributes& attr,
const type::Type* ty) {
if (ty->Is<core::type::Bool>() && attr.builtin != BuiltinValue::kFrontFacing) {
AddError(msg_anchor) << err;
/// @returns a function that validates that type is not bool
/// @param err error message to log when check fails
template <typename MSG_ANCHOR>
auto CheckNotBool(const std::string& err) {
return [this, err](const MSG_ANCHOR* msg_anchor, [[maybe_unused]] const IOAttributes& attr,
const type::Type* ty) {
if (ty->Is<core::type::Bool>()) {
AddError(msg_anchor) << err;
/// Validates the given instruction
/// @param inst the instruction to validate
void CheckInstruction(const Instruction* inst);
/// Validates the given var
/// @param var the var to validate
void CheckVar(const Var* var);
/// Validates the given let
/// @param l the let to validate
void CheckLet(const Let* l);
/// Validates the given call
/// @param call the call to validate
void CheckCall(const Call* call);
/// Validates the given bitcast
/// @param bitcast the bitcast to validate
void CheckBitcast(const Bitcast* bitcast);
/// Validates the given builtin call
/// @param call the call to validate
void CheckBuiltinCall(const BuiltinCall* call);
/// Validates the given member builtin call
/// @param call the member call to validate
void CheckMemberBuiltinCall(const MemberBuiltinCall* call);
/// Validates the given construct
/// @param construct the construct to validate
void CheckConstruct(const Construct* construct);
/// Validates the given convert
/// @param convert the convert to validate
void CheckConvert(const Convert* convert);
/// Validates the given discard
/// @note Does not validate that the discard is in a fragment shader, that
/// needs to be handled later in the validation.
/// @param discard the discard to validate
void CheckDiscard(const Discard* discard);
/// Validates the given user call
/// @param call the call to validate
void CheckUserCall(const UserCall* call);
/// Validates the given access
/// @param a the access to validate
void CheckAccess(const Access* a);
/// Validates the given binary
/// @param b the binary to validate
void CheckBinary(const Binary* b);
/// Validates the given unary
/// @param u the unary to validate
void CheckUnary(const Unary* u);
/// Validates the given if
/// @param if_ the if to validate
void CheckIf(const If* if_);
/// Validates the given loop
/// @param l the loop to validate
void CheckLoop(const Loop* l);
/// Validates the loop body block
/// @param l the loop to validate
void CheckLoopBody(const Loop* l);
/// Validates the loop continuing block
/// @param l the loop to validate
void CheckLoopContinuing(const Loop* l);
/// Validates the given switch
/// @param s the switch to validate
void CheckSwitch(const Switch* s);
/// Validates the given swizzle
/// @param s the swizzle to validate
void CheckSwizzle(const Swizzle* s);
/// Validates the given terminator
/// @param b the terminator to validate
void CheckTerminator(const Terminator* b);
/// Validates the break if instruction
/// @param b the break if to validate
void CheckBreakIf(const BreakIf* b);
/// Validates the continue instruction
/// @param c the continue to validate
void CheckContinue(const Continue* c);
/// Validates the given exit
/// @param e the exit to validate
void CheckExit(const Exit* e);
/// Validates the next iteration instruction
/// @param n the next iteration to validate
void CheckNextIteration(const NextIteration* n);
/// Validates the given exit if
/// @param e the exit if to validate
void CheckExitIf(const ExitIf* e);
/// Validates the given return
/// @param r the return to validate
void CheckReturn(const Return* r);
/// Validates the given unreachable
/// @param u the unreachable to validate
void CheckUnreachable(const Unreachable* u);
/// Validates the @p exit targets a valid @p control instruction where the instruction may jump
/// over if control instructions.
/// @param exit the exit to validate
/// @param control the control instruction targeted
void CheckControlsAllowingIf(const Exit* exit, const Instruction* control);
/// Validates the given exit switch
/// @param s the exit switch to validate
void CheckExitSwitch(const ExitSwitch* s);
/// Validates the given exit loop
/// @param l the exit loop to validate
void CheckExitLoop(const ExitLoop* l);
/// Validates the given load
/// @param l the load to validate
void CheckLoad(const Load* l);
/// Validates the given store
/// @param s the store to validate
void CheckStore(const Store* s);
/// Validates the given load vector element
/// @param l the load vector element to validate
void CheckLoadVectorElement(const LoadVectorElement* l);
/// Validates the given store vector element
/// @param s the store vector element to validate
void CheckStoreVectorElement(const StoreVectorElement* s);
/// Validates that the number and types of the source instruction operands match the target's
/// values.
/// @param source_inst the source instruction
/// @param source_operand_offset the index of the first operand of the source instruction
/// @param source_operand_count the number of operands of the source instruction
/// @param target the receiver of the operand values
/// @param target_values the receiver of the operand values
void CheckOperandsMatchTarget(const Instruction* source_inst,
size_t source_operand_offset,
size_t source_operand_count,
const CastableBase* target,
VectorRef<const Value*> target_values);
/// @param inst the instruction
/// @param idx the operand index
/// @returns the vector pointer type for the given instruction operand
const core::type::Type* GetVectorPtrElementType(const Instruction* inst, size_t idx);
/// Executes all the pending tasks
void ProcessTasks();
/// Queues the block to be validated with ProcessTasks()
/// @param blk the block to validate
void QueueBlock(const Block* blk);
/// Queues the list of instructions starting with @p inst to be validated
/// @param inst the first instruction
void QueueInstructions(const Instruction* inst);
/// Begins validation of the block @p blk, and its instructions.
/// BeginBlock() pushes a new scope for values.
/// Must be paired with a call to EndBlock().
void BeginBlock(const Block* blk);
/// Ends validation of the block opened with BeginBlock() and closes the block's scope for
/// values.
void EndBlock();
/// Get the function that contains an instruction.
/// @param inst the instruction
/// @returns the function
const ir::Function* ContainingFunction(const ir::Instruction* inst) {
return block_to_function_.GetOrAdd(inst->Block(), [&] { //
return ContainingFunction(inst->Block()->Parent());
/// Get any endpoints that call a function.
/// @param f the function
/// @returns all end points that call the function
Hashset<const ir::Function*, 4> ContainingEndPoints(const ir::Function* f) {
Hashset<const ir::Function*, 4> result{};
Hashset<const ir::Function*, 4> visited{f};
auto call_sites = user_func_calls_.GetOr(f, Hashset<const ir::UserCall*, 4>()).Vector();
while (!call_sites.IsEmpty()) {
auto call_site = call_sites.Pop();
auto calling_function = ContainingFunction(call_site);
if (visited.Contains(calling_function)) {
if (calling_function->Stage() != Function::PipelineStage::kUndefined) {
for (auto new_call_sites :
user_func_calls_.GetOr(f, Hashset<const ir::UserCall*, 4>())) {
return result;
/// ScopeStack holds a stack of values that are currently in scope
struct ScopeStack {
void Push() { stack_.Push({}); }
void Pop() { stack_.Pop(); }
void Add(const Value* value) { stack_.Back().Add(value); }
bool Contains(const Value* value) {
return stack_.Any([&](auto& v) { return v.Contains(value); });
bool IsEmpty() const { return stack_.IsEmpty(); }
Vector<Hashset<const Value*, 8>, 4> stack_;
const Module& mod_;
Capabilities capabilities_;
std::optional<ir::Disassembler> disassembler_; // Use Disassemble()
diag::List diagnostics_;
Hashset<const Function*, 4> all_functions_;
Hashset<const Instruction*, 4> visited_instructions_;
Hashmap<const Loop*, const Continue*, 4> first_continues_;
Vector<const ControlInstruction*, 8> control_stack_;
Vector<const Block*, 8> block_stack_;
ScopeStack scope_stack_;
Vector<std::function<void()>, 16> tasks_;
SymbolTable symbols_ = SymbolTable::Wrap(mod_.symbols);
type::Manager type_mgr_ = type::Manager::Wrap(mod_.Types());
Hashmap<const ir::Block*, const ir::Function*, 64> block_to_function_{};
Hashmap<const ir::Function*, Hashset<const ir::UserCall*, 4>, 4> user_func_calls_;
Hashset<const ir::Discard*, 4> discards_;
core::ir::ReferencedModuleVars<const Module> referenced_module_vars_;
Hashset<ValidatedType, 16> validated_types_{};
Validator::Validator(const Module& mod, Capabilities capabilities)
: mod_(mod), capabilities_(capabilities), referenced_module_vars_(mod) {}
Validator::~Validator() = default;
Disassembler& Validator::Disassemble() {
if (!disassembler_) {
return *disassembler_;
Result<SuccessType> Validator::Run() {
if (diagnostics_.ContainsErrors()) {
diagnostics_.AddNote(Source{}) << "# Disassembly\n" << Disassemble().Text();
return Failure{std::move(diagnostics_)};
return Success;
void Validator::CheckForOrphanedInstructions() {
if (diagnostics_.ContainsErrors()) {
// Check for orphaned instructions.
for (auto* inst : mod_.Instructions()) {
if (!visited_instructions_.Contains(inst)) {
AddError(inst) << "orphaned instruction: " << inst->FriendlyName();
void Validator::CheckForNonFragmentDiscards() {
if (diagnostics_.ContainsErrors()) {
// Check for discards in non-fragments
for (const auto& d : discards_) {
const auto* f = ContainingFunction(d);
for (const Function* ep : ContainingEndPoints(f)) {
if (ep->Stage() != Function::PipelineStage::kFragment) {
AddError(d) << "cannot be called in non-fragment end point";
void Validator::RunStructuralSoundnessChecks() {
for (auto& func : mod_.functions) {
if (!all_functions_.Add(func.Get())) {
AddError(func) << "function " << NameOf(func.Get())
<< " added to module multiple times";
for (auto& func : mod_.functions) {
block_to_function_.Add(func->Block(), func);
diag::Diagnostic& Validator::AddError(const Instruction* inst) {
diagnostics_.ReserveAdditional(2); // Ensure diagnostics don't resize alive after AddNote()
auto src = Disassemble().InstructionSource(inst);
auto& diag = AddError(src) << inst->FriendlyName() << ": ";
if (!block_stack_.IsEmpty()) {
AddNote(block_stack_.Back()) << "in block";
return diag;
diag::Diagnostic& Validator::AddError(const Instruction* inst, size_t idx) {
diagnostics_.ReserveAdditional(2); // Ensure diagnostics don't resize alive after AddNote()
auto src =
Disassemble().OperandSource(Disassembler::IndexedValue{inst, static_cast<uint32_t>(idx)});
auto& diag = AddError(src) << inst->FriendlyName() << ": ";
if (!block_stack_.IsEmpty()) {
AddNote(block_stack_.Back()) << "in block";
return diag;
diag::Diagnostic& Validator::AddResultError(const Instruction* inst, size_t idx) {
diagnostics_.ReserveAdditional(2); // Ensure diagnostics don't resize alive after AddNote()
auto src =
Disassemble().ResultSource(Disassembler::IndexedValue{inst, static_cast<uint32_t>(idx)});
auto& diag = AddError(src) << inst->FriendlyName() << ": ";
if (!block_stack_.IsEmpty()) {
AddNote(block_stack_.Back()) << "in block";
return diag;
diag::Diagnostic& Validator::AddError(const Block* blk) {
auto src = Disassemble().BlockSource(blk);
return AddError(src);
diag::Diagnostic& Validator::AddError(const BlockParam* param) {
auto src = Disassemble().BlockParamSource(param);
return AddError(src);
diag::Diagnostic& Validator::AddError(const Function* func) {
auto src = Disassemble().FunctionSource(func);
return AddError(src);
diag::Diagnostic& Validator::AddError(const FunctionParam* param) {
auto src = Disassemble().FunctionParamSource(param);
return AddError(src);
diag::Diagnostic& Validator::AddNote(const Instruction* inst) {
auto src = Disassemble().InstructionSource(inst);
return AddNote(src);
diag::Diagnostic& Validator::AddNote(const Function* func) {
auto src = Disassemble().FunctionSource(func);
return AddNote(src);
diag::Diagnostic& Validator::AddOperandNote(const Instruction* inst, size_t idx) {
auto src =
Disassemble().OperandSource(Disassembler::IndexedValue{inst, static_cast<uint32_t>(idx)});
return AddNote(src);
diag::Diagnostic& Validator::AddResultNote(const Instruction* inst, size_t idx) {
auto src =
Disassemble().ResultSource(Disassembler::IndexedValue{inst, static_cast<uint32_t>(idx)});
return AddNote(src);
diag::Diagnostic& Validator::AddNote(const Block* blk) {
auto src = Disassemble().BlockSource(blk);
return AddNote(src);
diag::Diagnostic& Validator::AddError(Source src) {
auto& diag = diagnostics_.AddError(src);
diag.owned_file = Disassemble().File();
return diag;
diag::Diagnostic& Validator::AddNote(Source src) {
auto& diag = diagnostics_.AddNote(src);
diag.owned_file = Disassemble().File();
return diag;
void Validator::AddDeclarationNote(const CastableBase* decl) {
decl, //
[&](const Block* block) { AddDeclarationNote(block); },
[&](const BlockParam* param) { AddDeclarationNote(param); },
[&](const Function* fn) { AddDeclarationNote(fn); },
[&](const FunctionParam* param) { AddDeclarationNote(param); },
[&](const Instruction* inst) { AddDeclarationNote(inst); },
[&](const InstructionResult* res) { AddDeclarationNote(res); });
void Validator::AddDeclarationNote(const Block* block) {
auto src = Disassemble().BlockSource(block);
if (src.file) {
AddNote(src) << NameOf(block) << " declared here";
void Validator::AddDeclarationNote(const BlockParam* param) {
auto src = Disassemble().BlockParamSource(param);
if (src.file) {
AddNote(src) << NameOf(param) << " declared here";
void Validator::AddDeclarationNote(const Function* fn) {
AddNote(fn) << NameOf(fn) << " declared here";
void Validator::AddDeclarationNote(const FunctionParam* param) {
auto src = Disassemble().FunctionParamSource(param);
if (src.file) {
AddNote(src) << NameOf(param) << " declared here";
void Validator::AddDeclarationNote(const Instruction* inst) {
auto src = Disassemble().InstructionSource(inst);
if (src.file) {
AddNote(src) << NameOf(inst) << " declared here";
void Validator::AddDeclarationNote(const InstructionResult* res) {
if (auto* inst = res->Instruction()) {
auto results = inst->Results();
for (size_t i = 0; i < results.Length(); i++) {
if (results[i] == res) {
AddResultNote(res->Instruction(), i) << NameOf(res) << " declared here";
StyledText Validator::NameOf(const CastableBase* decl) {
return tint::Switch(
decl, //
[&](const type::Type* ty) { return NameOf(ty); },
[&](const Value* value) { return NameOf(value); },
[&](const Instruction* inst) { return NameOf(inst); },
[&](const Block* block) { return NameOf(block); }, //
StyledText Validator::NameOf(const type::Type* ty) {
auto name = ty ? ty->FriendlyName() : "undef";
return StyledText{} << style::Type(name);
StyledText Validator::NameOf(const Value* value) {
return Disassemble().NameOf(value);
StyledText Validator::NameOf(const Instruction* inst) {
auto name = inst ? inst->FriendlyName() : "undef";
return StyledText{} << style::Instruction(name);
StyledText Validator::NameOf(const Block* block) {
auto parent_name = block->Parent() ? block->Parent()->FriendlyName() : "undef";
return StyledText{} << style::Instruction(parent_name) << " block "
<< Disassemble().NameOf(block);
bool Validator::CheckResult(const Instruction* inst, size_t idx) {
auto* result = inst->Result(idx);
if (DAWN_UNLIKELY(result == nullptr)) {
AddResultError(inst, idx) << "result is undefined";
return false;
if (DAWN_UNLIKELY(result->Type() == nullptr)) {
AddResultError(inst, idx) << "result type is undefined";
return false;
if (DAWN_UNLIKELY(result->Instruction() == nullptr)) {
AddResultError(inst, idx) << "result instruction is undefined";
return false;
return true;
bool Validator::CheckResults(const ir::Instruction* inst, std::optional<size_t> count = {}) {
if (count.has_value()) {
if (DAWN_UNLIKELY(inst->Results().Length() != count.value())) {
AddError(inst) << "expected exactly " << count.value() << " results, got "
<< inst->Results().Length();
return false;
bool passed = true;
for (size_t i = 0; i < inst->Results().Length(); i++) {
if (DAWN_UNLIKELY(!CheckResult(inst, i))) {
passed = false;
return passed;
bool Validator::CheckOperand(const Instruction* inst, size_t idx) {
auto* operand = inst->Operand(idx);
if (DAWN_UNLIKELY(operand == nullptr)) {
AddError(inst, idx) << "operand is undefined";
return false;
// ir::Unused is a internal value used by some transforms to track unused entries, and is
// removed as part of generating an output shader.
if (DAWN_UNLIKELY(operand->Is<ir::Unused>())) {
return true;
// ir::Function does not have a meaningful type, so does not override the default Type()
// behaviour.
if (DAWN_UNLIKELY(!operand->Is<ir::Function>() && operand->Type() == nullptr)) {
AddError(inst, idx) << "operand type is undefined";
return false;
if (DAWN_UNLIKELY(!operand->Alive())) {
AddError(inst, idx) << "operand is not alive";
return false;
if (DAWN_UNLIKELY(!operand->HasUsage(inst, idx))) {
AddError(inst, idx) << "operand missing usage";
return false;
if (auto fn = operand->As<Function>(); fn && !all_functions_.Contains(fn)) {
AddError(inst, idx) << NameOf(operand) << " is not part of the module";
return false;
if (DAWN_UNLIKELY(!operand->Is<ir::Unused>() && !operand->Is<Constant>() &&
!scope_stack_.Contains(operand))) {
AddError(inst, idx) << NameOf(operand) << " is not in scope";
return false;
return true;
bool Validator::CheckOperands(const ir::Instruction* inst,
size_t min_count,
std::optional<size_t> max_count) {
if (DAWN_UNLIKELY(inst->Operands().Length() < min_count)) {
if (max_count.has_value()) {
AddError(inst) << "expected between " << min_count << " and " << max_count.value()
<< " operands, got " << inst->Operands().Length();
} else {
AddError(inst) << "expected at least " << min_count << " operands, got "
<< inst->Operands().Length();
return false;
if (DAWN_UNLIKELY(max_count.has_value() && inst->Operands().Length() > max_count.value())) {
AddError(inst) << "expected between " << min_count << " and " << max_count.value()
<< " operands, got " << inst->Operands().Length();
return false;
bool passed = true;
for (size_t i = 0; i < inst->Operands().Length(); i++) {
if (DAWN_UNLIKELY(!CheckOperand(inst, i))) {
passed = false;
return passed;
bool Validator::CheckOperands(const ir::Instruction* inst, std::optional<size_t> count = {}) {
if (count.has_value()) {
if (DAWN_UNLIKELY(inst->Operands().Length() != count.value())) {
AddError(inst) << "expected exactly " << count.value() << " operands, got "
<< inst->Operands().Length();
return false;
bool passed = true;
for (size_t i = 0; i < inst->Operands().Length(); i++) {
if (DAWN_UNLIKELY(!CheckOperand(inst, i))) {
passed = false;
return passed;
bool Validator::CheckResultsAndOperandRange(const ir::Instruction* inst,
size_t num_results,
size_t min_operands,
std::optional<size_t> max_operands = {}) {
// Intentionally avoiding short-circuiting here
bool results_passed = CheckResults(inst, num_results);
bool operands_passed = CheckOperands(inst, min_operands, max_operands);
return results_passed && operands_passed;
bool Validator::CheckResultsAndOperands(const ir::Instruction* inst,
size_t num_results,
size_t num_operands) {
// Intentionally avoiding short-circuiting here
bool results_passed = CheckResults(inst, num_results);
bool operands_passed = CheckOperands(inst, num_operands);
return results_passed && operands_passed;
void Validator::CheckType(const core::type::Type* root,
std::function<diag::Diagnostic&()> diag,
Capabilities ignore_caps) {
if (root == nullptr) {
if (!validated_types_.Add(ValidatedType{root, ignore_caps})) {
auto visit = [&](const type::Type* type) {
return tint::Switch(
[&](const type::Reference*) {
// Reference types are guarded by the AllowRefTypes capability.
if (!capabilities_.Contains(Capability::kAllowRefTypes) ||
ignore_caps.Contains(Capability::kAllowRefTypes)) {
diag() << "reference types are not permitted here";
return false;
} else if (type != root) {
// If they are allowed, reference types still cannot be nested.
diag() << "nested reference types are not permitted";
return false;
return true;
[&](const type::Pointer*) {
if (type != root) {
// Nesting pointer types inside structures is guarded by a capability.
if (!(root->Is<type::Struct>() &&
capabilities_.Contains(Capability::kAllowPointersInStructures))) {
diag() << "nested pointer types are not permitted";
return false;
return true;
[&](const type::I8*) {
// i8 types are guarded by the Allow8BitIntegers capability.
if (!capabilities_.Contains(Capability::kAllow8BitIntegers)) {
diag() << "8-bit integer types are not permitted";
return false;
return true;
[&](const type::U8*) {
// u8 types are guarded by the Allow8BitIntegers capability.
if (!capabilities_.Contains(Capability::kAllow8BitIntegers)) {
diag() << "8-bit integer types are not permitted";
return false;
return true;
[](Default) { return true; });
Vector<const type::Type*, 8> stack{root};
Hashset<const type::Type*, 8> seen{};
while (!stack.IsEmpty()) {
auto* ty = stack.Pop();
if (!ty) {
if (!visit(ty)) {
if (auto* view = ty->As<type::MemoryView>(); view && seen.Add(view)) {
auto type_count = ty->Elements();
if (type_count.type && seen.Add(type_count.type)) {
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < type_count.count; i++) {
if (auto* subtype = ty->Element(i); subtype && seen.Add(subtype)) {
void Validator::CheckRootBlock(const Block* blk) {
for (auto* inst : *blk) {
if (inst->Block() != blk) {
AddError(inst) << "instruction in root block does not have root block as parent";
inst, //
[&](const core::ir::Var* var) { CheckInstruction(var); },
[&](const core::ir::Let* let) {
if (capabilities_.Contains(Capability::kAllowModuleScopeLets)) {
} else {
AddError(inst) << "root block: invalid instruction: " << inst->TypeInfo().name;
[&](const core::ir::Construct* c) {
if (capabilities_.Contains(Capability::kAllowModuleScopeLets)) {
} else {
AddError(inst) << "root block: invalid instruction: " << inst->TypeInfo().name;
[&](Default) {
AddError(inst) << "root block: invalid instruction: " << inst->TypeInfo().name;
void Validator::CheckFunction(const Function* func) {
// Scope holds the parameters and block
for (auto* param : func->Params()) {
if (!param->Alive()) {
AddError(param) << "destroyed parameter found in function parameter list";
if (!param->Function()) {
AddError(param) << "function parameter has nullptr parent function";
} else if (param->Function() != func) {
AddError(param) << "function parameter has incorrect parent function";
AddNote(param->Function()) << "parent function declared here";
if (!param->Type()) {
AddError(param) << "function parameter has nullptr type";
// References not allowed on function signatures even with Capability::kAllowRefTypes.
param->Type(), [&]() -> diag::Diagnostic& { return AddError(param); },
if (!IsValidFunctionParamType(param->Type())) {
auto struct_ty = param->Type()->As<core::type::Struct>();
if (!capabilities_.Contains(Capability::kAllowPointersInStructures) || !struct_ty ||
struct_ty->Members().Any([](const core::type::StructMember* m) {
return !IsValidFunctionParamType(m->Type());
})) {
AddError(param) << "function parameter type must be constructible, a pointer, a "
"texture, or a sampler";
CheckFunctionParamAttributesAndType(param, CheckBuiltinFunctionParam(""));
"invariant can only decorate a param iff it is also decorated with position"),
"invariant can only decorate a param member iff it is also "
"decorated with position"));
"a builtin and location cannot be both declared for a param"),
"a builtin and location cannot be both declared for a struct member"));
if (func->Stage() == Function::PipelineStage::kFragment) {
"fragment entry point params can only be a bool if decorated with "
"fragment entry point param memebers can only be a bool if "
"decorated with @builtin(front_facing)"));
} else if (func->Stage() != Function::PipelineStage::kUndefined) {
param, CheckNotBool<FunctionParam>(
"entry point params can only be a bool for fragment shaders"));
// References not allowed on function signatures even with Capability::kAllowRefTypes.
func->ReturnType(), [&]() -> diag::Diagnostic& { return AddError(func); },
CheckFunctionReturnAttributesAndType(func, CheckBuiltinFunctionReturn(""));
"invariant can only decorate outputs iff they are also position builtins"),
"invariant can only decorate output members iff they are also position builtins"));
"a builtin and location cannot be both declared for a function return"),
"a builtin and location cannot be both declared for a struct member"));
// void needs to be filtered out, since it isn't constructible, but used in the IR when no
// return is specified.
if (DAWN_UNLIKELY(!func->ReturnType()->Is<core::type::Void>() &&
!func->ReturnType()->IsConstructible())) {
AddError(func) << "function return type must be constructible";
if (func->Stage() != Function::PipelineStage::kUndefined) {
if (DAWN_UNLIKELY(mod_.NameOf(func).Name().empty())) {
AddError(func) << "entry points must have names";
if (func->Stage() == Function::PipelineStage::kCompute) {
if (DAWN_UNLIKELY(!func->WorkgroupSize().has_value())) {
AddError(func) << "compute entry point requires workgroup size attribute";
if (DAWN_UNLIKELY(func->ReturnType() && !func->ReturnType()->Is<core::type::Void>())) {
AddError(func) << "compute entry point must not have a return type";
if (DAWN_UNLIKELY(func->Stage() != Function::PipelineStage::kCompute &&
func->WorkgroupSize().has_value())) {
AddError(func) << "workgroup size attribute only valid on compute entry point";
if (func->Stage() == Function::PipelineStage::kFragment) {
if (!func->ReturnType()->Is<core::type::Void>()) {
"a non-void return for an entry point must have a "
"builtin or location decoration"),
"members of struct used for returns of entry points must have a builtin or "
"location decoration"));
if (func->Stage() != Function::PipelineStage::kUndefined) {
func, CheckFrontFacingIfBoolFunc<Function>("entry point returns can not be bool"),
CheckFrontFacingIfBoolFunc<Function>("entry point return members can not be bool"));
for (auto var : referenced_module_vars_.TransitiveReferences(func)) {
const auto* mv = var->Result(0)->Type()->As<type::MemoryView>();
const auto* ty = var->Result(0)->Type()->UnwrapPtrOrRef();
const auto attr = var->Attributes();
if (!mv || !ty) {
if (mv->AddressSpace() != AddressSpace::kIn &&
mv->AddressSpace() != AddressSpace::kOut) {
if (func->Stage() == Function::PipelineStage::kFragment &&
mv->AddressSpace() == AddressSpace::kIn) {
func, attr, ty,
CheckFrontFacingIfBoolFunc<Function>("input address space values referenced by "
"fragment shaders can only be a bool if "
"decorated with @builtin(front_facing)"));
} else {
func, attr, ty,
"IO address space values referenced by shader entry points can only be "
"bool if "
"in the input space, used only by fragment shaders and decorated with "
if (func->Stage() == Function::PipelineStage::kVertex) {
void Validator::CheckVertexEntryPoint(const Function* ep) {
bool contains_position = IsPositionPresent(ep->ReturnAttributes(), ep->ReturnType());
for (auto var : referenced_module_vars_.TransitiveReferences(ep)) {
const auto* ty = var->Result(0)->Type()->UnwrapPtrOrRef();
const auto attr = var->Attributes();
if (!ty) {
if (!contains_position) {
contains_position = IsPositionPresent(attr, ty);
ep, attr, ty,
"invariant can only decorate vars iff they are also position builtins"),
"invariant can only decorate members iff they are also position builtins"));
// Builtin rules are not checked on module-scope variables, because they are often generated
// as part of the backend transforms, and have different rules for correctness.
if (DAWN_UNLIKELY(!contains_position)) {
AddError(ep) << "position must be declared for vertex entry point output";
void Validator::ProcessTasks() {
while (!tasks_.IsEmpty()) {
void Validator::QueueBlock(const Block* blk) {
tasks_.Push([this] { EndBlock(); });
tasks_.Push([this, blk] { BeginBlock(blk); });
void Validator::BeginBlock(const Block* blk) {
if (auto* mb = blk->As<MultiInBlock>()) {
for (auto* param : mb->Params()) {
if (!param->Alive()) {
AddError(param) << "destroyed parameter found in block parameter list";
if (!param->Block()) {
AddError(param) << "block parameter has nullptr parent block";
} else if (param->Block() != mb) {
AddError(param) << "block parameter has incorrect parent block";
AddNote(param->Block()) << "parent block declared here";
// References not allowed on block parameters even with Capability::kAllowRefTypes.
param->Type(), [&]() -> diag::Diagnostic& { return AddError(param); },
if (!blk->Terminator()) {
AddError(blk) << "block does not end in a terminator instruction";
// Validate the instructions w.r.t. the parent block
for (auto* inst : *blk) {
if (inst->Block() != blk) {
AddError(inst) << "block instruction does not have same block as parent";
AddNote(blk) << "in block";
// Enqueue validation of the instructions of the block
if (!blk->IsEmpty()) {
void Validator::EndBlock() {
void Validator::QueueInstructions(const Instruction* inst) {
tasks_.Push([this, inst] {
if (inst->next) {
void Validator::CheckInstruction(const Instruction* inst) {
if (!inst->Alive()) {
AddError(inst) << "destroyed instruction found in instruction list";
auto results = inst->Results();
for (size_t i = 0; i < results.Length(); ++i) {
auto* res = results[i];
if (!res) {
CheckType(res->Type(), [&]() -> diag::Diagnostic& { return AddResultError(inst, i); });
auto ops = inst->Operands();
for (size_t i = 0; i < ops.Length(); ++i) {
auto* op = ops[i];
if (!op) {
CheckType(op->Type(), [&]() -> diag::Diagnostic& { return AddError(inst, i); });
inst, //
[&](const Access* a) { CheckAccess(a); }, //
[&](const Binary* b) { CheckBinary(b); }, //
[&](const Call* c) { CheckCall(c); }, //
[&](const If* if_) { CheckIf(if_); }, //
[&](const Let* let) { CheckLet(let); }, //
[&](const Load* load) { CheckLoad(load); }, //
[&](const LoadVectorElement* l) { CheckLoadVectorElement(l); }, //
[&](const Loop* l) { CheckLoop(l); }, //
[&](const Store* s) { CheckStore(s); }, //
[&](const StoreVectorElement* s) { CheckStoreVectorElement(s); }, //
[&](const Switch* s) { CheckSwitch(s); }, //
[&](const Swizzle* s) { CheckSwizzle(s); }, //
[&](const Terminator* b) { CheckTerminator(b); }, //
[&](const Unary* u) { CheckUnary(u); }, //
[&](const Var* var) { CheckVar(var); }, //
[&](const Default) { AddError(inst) << "missing validation"; });
for (auto* result : results) {
void Validator::CheckVar(const Var* var) {
// Intentionally not checking operands, since Var may have a null operand
if (!CheckResults(var, Var::kNumResults)) {
// Check that initializer and result type match
if (var->Initializer()) {
if (!CheckOperand(var, ir::Var::kInitializerOperandOffset)) {
if (var->Initializer()->Type() != var->Result(0)->Type()->UnwrapPtrOrRef()) {
AddError(var) << "initializer type "
<< style::Type(var->Initializer()->Type()->FriendlyName())
<< " does not match store type "
<< style::Type(var->Result(0)->Type()->UnwrapPtrOrRef()->FriendlyName());
auto* result_type = var->Result(0)->Type();
if (result_type == nullptr) {
AddError(var) << "result type is undefined";
auto* mv = result_type->As<type::MemoryView>();
if (!mv) {
AddError(var) << "result type must be a pointer or a reference";
// Check that only resource variables have @group and @binding set
switch (mv->AddressSpace()) {
case AddressSpace::kHandle:
if (!capabilities_.Contains(Capability::kAllowHandleVarsWithoutBindings)) {
if (!var->BindingPoint().has_value()) {
AddError(var) << "resource variable missing binding points";
case AddressSpace::kStorage:
case AddressSpace::kUniform:
if (!var->BindingPoint().has_value()) {
AddError(var) << "resource variable missing binding points";
// Check that non-handle variables don't have @input_attachment_index set
if (var->InputAttachmentIndex().has_value() && mv->AddressSpace() != AddressSpace::kHandle) {
AddError(var) << "'@input_attachment_index' is not valid for non-handle var";
if (HasLocationAndBuiltin(var->Attributes())) {
AddError(var) << "a builtin and location cannot be both declared for a var";
if (auto* s = var->Result(0)->Type()->UnwrapPtrOrRef()->As<core::type::Struct>()) {
for (auto* mem : s->Members()) {
if (HasLocationAndBuiltin(mem->Attributes())) {
<< "a builtin and location cannot be both declared for a struct member";
void Validator::CheckLet(const Let* l) {
if (!CheckResultsAndOperands(l, Let::kNumResults, Let::kNumOperands)) {
if (l->Result(0) && l->Value()) {
if (l->Result(0)->Type() != l->Value()->Type()) {
AddError(l) << "result type " << style::Type(l->Result(0)->Type()->FriendlyName())
<< " does not match value type "
<< style::Type(l->Value()->Type()->FriendlyName());
void Validator::CheckCall(const Call* call) {
call, //
[&](const Bitcast* b) { CheckBitcast(b); }, //
[&](const BuiltinCall* c) { CheckBuiltinCall(c); }, //
[&](const MemberBuiltinCall* c) { CheckMemberBuiltinCall(c); }, //
[&](const Construct* c) { CheckConstruct(c); }, //
[&](const Convert* c) { CheckConvert(c); }, //
[&](const Discard* d) { //
discards_.Add(d); //
CheckDiscard(d); //
}, //
[&](const UserCall* c) { //
if (c->Target()) { //
auto calls = //
user_func_calls_.GetOr(c->Target(), //
Hashset<const ir::UserCall*, 4>{}); //
calls.Add(c); //
user_func_calls_.Replace(c->Target(), calls); //
} //
CheckUserCall(c); //
}, //
[&](Default) {
// Validation of custom IR instructions
void Validator::CheckBitcast(const Bitcast* bitcast) {
CheckResultsAndOperands(bitcast, Bitcast::kNumResults, Bitcast::kNumOperands);
void Validator::CheckBuiltinCall(const BuiltinCall* call) {
auto args =
Transform<8>(call->Args(), [&](const ir::Value* v) { return v ? v->Type() : nullptr; });
if (args.Any([&](const type::Type* ty) { return ty == nullptr; })) {
AddError(call) << "argument to builtin has undefined type";
intrinsic::Context context{
auto builtin = core::intrinsic::LookupFn(context, call->FriendlyName().c_str(), call->FuncId(),
Empty, args, core::EvaluationStage::kRuntime);
if (builtin != Success) {
AddError(call) << builtin.Failure();
if (call->Result(0) == nullptr) {
AddError(call) << "call to builtin does not have a return type";
if (builtin->return_type != call->Result(0)->Type()) {
AddError(call) << "call result type does not match builtin return type";
void Validator::CheckMemberBuiltinCall(const MemberBuiltinCall* call) {
auto args = Vector<const type::Type*, 8>({call->Object()->Type()});
for (auto* arg : call->Args()) {
intrinsic::Context context{
auto result =
core::intrinsic::LookupMemberFn(context, call->FriendlyName().c_str(), call->FuncId(),
Empty, std::move(args), core::EvaluationStage::kRuntime);
if (result != Success) {
AddError(call) << result.Failure();
if (result->return_type != call->Result(0)->Type()) {
AddError(call) << "member call result type ("
<< style::Type(call->Result(0)->Type()->FriendlyName())
<< ") does not match builtin return type ("
<< style::Type(result->return_type->FriendlyName()) << ")";
void Validator::CheckConstruct(const Construct* construct) {
if (!CheckResultsAndOperandRange(construct, Construct::kNumResults, Construct::kMinOperands)) {
auto args = construct->Args();
if (args.IsEmpty()) {
// Zero-value constructors are valid for all constructible types.
if (auto* str = As<type::Struct>(construct->Result(0)->Type())) {
auto members = str->Members();
if (args.Length() != str->Members().Length()) {
AddError(construct) << "structure has " << members.Length()
<< " members, but construct provides " << args.Length()
<< " arguments";
for (size_t i = 0; i < args.Length(); i++) {
if (args[i]->Is<ir::Unused>()) {
if (args[i]->Type() != members[i]->Type()) {
AddError(construct, Construct::kArgsOperandOffset + i)
<< "structure member " << i << " is of type "
<< style::Type(members[i]->Type()->FriendlyName())
<< ", but argument is of type " << style::Type(args[i]->Type()->FriendlyName());
void Validator::CheckConvert(const Convert* convert) {
CheckResultsAndOperands(convert, Convert::kNumResults, Convert::kNumOperands);
void Validator::CheckDiscard(const tint::core::ir::Discard* discard) {
CheckResultsAndOperands(discard, Discard::kNumResults, Discard::kNumOperands);
void Validator::CheckUserCall(const UserCall* call) {
if (!CheckResultsAndOperandRange(call, UserCall::kNumResults, UserCall::kMinOperands)) {
if (!call->Target()) {
AddError(call, UserCall::kFunctionOperandOffset) << "target not defined or not a function";
if (call->Target()->Stage() != Function::PipelineStage::kUndefined) {
AddError(call, UserCall::kFunctionOperandOffset)
<< "call target must not have a pipeline stage";
auto args = call->Args();
auto params = call->Target()->Params();
if (args.Length() != params.Length()) {
AddError(call, UserCall::kFunctionOperandOffset)
<< "function has " << params.Length() << " parameters, but call provides "
<< args.Length() << " arguments";
for (size_t i = 0; i < args.Length(); i++) {
if (args[i]->Type() != params[i]->Type()) {
AddError(call, UserCall::kArgsOperandOffset + i)
<< "function parameter " << i << " is of type "
<< style::Type(params[i]->Type()->FriendlyName()) << ", but argument is of type "
<< style::Type(args[i]->Type()->FriendlyName());
void Validator::CheckAccess(const Access* a) {
if (!CheckResultsAndOperandRange(a, Access::kNumResults, Access::kMinNumOperands)) {
auto* obj_view = a->Object()->Type()->As<core::type::MemoryView>();
auto* ty = obj_view ? obj_view->StoreType() : a->Object()->Type();
enum Kind : uint8_t { kPtr, kRef, kValue };
auto kind_of = [&](const core::type::Type* type) {
return tint::Switch(
type, //
[&](const core::type::Pointer*) { return kPtr; }, //
[&](const core::type::Reference*) { return kRef; }, //
[&](Default) { return kValue; });
const Kind in_kind = kind_of(a->Object()->Type());
auto desc_of = [&](Kind kind, const core::type::Type* type) {
switch (kind) {
case kPtr:
return StyledText{}
<< style::Type("ptr<", obj_view->AddressSpace(), ", ", type->FriendlyName(),
", ", obj_view->Access(), ">");
case kRef:
return StyledText{}
<< style::Type("ref<", obj_view->AddressSpace(), ", ", type->FriendlyName(),
", ", obj_view->Access(), ">");
return StyledText{} << style::Type(type->FriendlyName());
for (size_t i = 0; i < a->Indices().Length(); i++) {
auto err = [&]() -> diag::Diagnostic& {
return AddError(a, i + Access::kIndicesOperandOffset);
auto note = [&]() -> diag::Diagnostic& {
return AddOperandNote(a, i + Access::kIndicesOperandOffset);
auto* index = a->Indices()[i];
if (DAWN_UNLIKELY(!index->Type() || !index->Type()->IsIntegerScalar())) {
err() << "index must be integer, got "
<< (index->Type() ? index->Type()->FriendlyName() : "undefined");
if (!capabilities_.Contains(Capability::kAllowVectorElementPointer)) {
if (in_kind != kValue && ty->Is<core::type::Vector>()) {
err() << "cannot obtain address of vector element";
if (auto* const_index = index->As<ir::Constant>()) {
auto* value = const_index->Value();
if (!value->Type() || value->Type()->IsSignedIntegerScalar()) {
// index is a signed integer scalar. Check that the index isn't negative.
// If the index is unsigned, we can skip this.
auto idx = value->ValueAs<AInt>();
if (DAWN_UNLIKELY(idx < 0)) {
err() << "constant index must be positive, got " << idx;
auto idx = value->ValueAs<uint32_t>();
auto* el = ty->Element(idx);
if (DAWN_UNLIKELY(!el)) {
// Is index in bounds?
if (auto el_count = ty->Elements().count; el_count != 0 && idx >= el_count) {
err() << "index out of bounds for type " << desc_of(in_kind, ty);
note() << "acceptable range: [0.." << (el_count - 1) << "]";
err() << "type " << desc_of(in_kind, ty) << " cannot be indexed";
ty = el;
} else {
auto* el = ty->Elements().type;
if (DAWN_UNLIKELY(!el)) {
err() << "type " << desc_of(in_kind, ty) << " cannot be dynamically indexed";
ty = el;
auto* want = a->Result(0)->Type();
auto* want_view = want->As<type::MemoryView>();
bool ok = true;
if (obj_view) {
// Pointer source always means pointer result.
ok = want_view && ty == want_view->StoreType();
if (ok) {
// Also check that the address space and access modes match.
ok = obj_view->Is<type::Pointer>() == want_view->Is<type::Pointer>() &&
obj_view->AddressSpace() == want_view->AddressSpace() &&
obj_view->Access() == want_view->Access();
} else {
// Otherwise, result types should exactly match.
ok = ty == want;
if (DAWN_UNLIKELY(!ok)) {
AddError(a) << "result of access chain is type " << desc_of(in_kind, ty)
<< " but instruction type is " << style::Type(want->FriendlyName());
void Validator::CheckBinary(const Binary* b) {
if (!CheckResultsAndOperandRange(b, Binary::kNumResults, Binary::kNumOperands)) {
if (b->LHS() && b->RHS()) {
intrinsic::Context context{b->TableData(), type_mgr_, symbols_};
auto overload =
core::intrinsic::LookupBinary(context, b->Op(), b->LHS()->Type(), b->RHS()->Type(),
core::EvaluationStage::kRuntime, /* is_compound */ false);
if (overload != Success) {
AddError(b) << overload.Failure();
if (auto* result = b->Result(0)) {
if (overload->return_type != result->Type()) {
AddError(b) << "result value type " << style::Type(result->Type()->FriendlyName())
<< " does not match "
<< style::Instruction(Disassemble().NameOf(b->Op())) << " result type "
<< style::Type(overload->return_type->FriendlyName());
void Validator::CheckUnary(const Unary* u) {
if (!CheckResultsAndOperandRange(u, Unary::kNumResults, Unary::kNumOperands)) {
if (u->Val()) {
intrinsic::Context context{u->TableData(), type_mgr_, symbols_};
auto overload = core::intrinsic::LookupUnary(context, u->Op(), u->Val()->Type(),
if (overload != Success) {
AddError(u) << overload.Failure();
if (auto* result = u->Result(0)) {
if (overload->return_type != result->Type()) {
AddError(u) << "result value type " << style::Type(result->Type()->FriendlyName())
<< " does not match "
<< style::Instruction(Disassemble().NameOf(u->Op())) << " result type "
<< style::Type(overload->return_type->FriendlyName());
void Validator::CheckIf(const If* if_) {
CheckOperand(if_, If::kConditionOperandOffset);
if (if_->Condition() && !if_->Condition()->Type()->Is<core::type::Bool>()) {
AddError(if_, If::kConditionOperandOffset)
<< "condition type must be " << style::Type("bool");
tasks_.Push([this] { control_stack_.Pop(); });
if (!if_->False()->IsEmpty()) {
tasks_.Push([this, if_] { control_stack_.Push(if_); });
void Validator::CheckLoop(const Loop* l) {
// Note: Tasks are queued in reverse order of their execution
tasks_.Push([this, l] {
first_continues_.Remove(l); // No need for this any more. Free memory.
if (!l->Initializer()->IsEmpty()) {
tasks_.Push([this] { EndBlock(); });
tasks_.Push([this] { EndBlock(); });
if (!l->Continuing()->IsEmpty()) {
tasks_.Push([this] { EndBlock(); });
// ⎡Initializer ⎤
// ⎢ ⎡Body ⎤⎥
// ⎣ ⎣ [Continuing ] ⎦⎦
if (!l->Continuing()->IsEmpty()) {
tasks_.Push([this, l] {
tasks_.Push([this, l] {
if (!l->Initializer()->IsEmpty()) {
tasks_.Push([this, l] { BeginBlock(l->Initializer()); });
tasks_.Push([this, l] { control_stack_.Push(l); });
void Validator::CheckLoopBody(const Loop* loop) {
// If the body block has parameters, there must be an initializer block.
if (!loop->Body()->Params().IsEmpty()) {
if (!loop->HasInitializer()) {
AddError(loop) << "loop with body block parameters must have an initializer";
void Validator::CheckLoopContinuing(const Loop* loop) {
if (!loop->HasContinuing()) {
// Ensure that values used in the loop continuing are not from the loop body, after a
// continue instruction.
if (auto* first_continue = first_continues_.GetOr(loop, nullptr)) {
// Find the instruction in the body block that is or holds the first continue
// instruction.
const Instruction* holds_continue = first_continue;
while (holds_continue && holds_continue->Block() &&
holds_continue->Block() != loop->Body()) {
holds_continue = holds_continue->Block()->Parent();
// Check that all subsequent instruction values are not used in the continuing block.
for (auto* inst = holds_continue; inst; inst = inst->next) {
for (auto* result : inst->Results()) {
result->ForEachUseUnsorted([&](Usage use) {
if (TransitivelyHolds(loop->Continuing(), use.instruction)) {
AddError(use.instruction, use.operand_index)
<< NameOf(result)
<< " cannot be used in continuing block as it is declared after "
"the "
"first "
<< style::Instruction("continue") << " in the loop's body";
<< "loop body's first " << style::Instruction("continue");
void Validator::CheckSwitch(const Switch* s) {
CheckOperand(s, Switch::kConditionOperandOffset);
if (s->Condition() && !s->Condition()->Type()->IsIntegerScalar()) {
AddError(s, Switch::kConditionOperandOffset) << "condition type must be an integer scalar";
tasks_.Push([this] { control_stack_.Pop(); });
bool found_default = false;
for (auto& cse : s->Cases()) {
for (const auto& sel : cse.selectors) {
if (sel.IsDefault()) {
found_default = true;
if (!found_default) {
AddError(s) << "missing default case for switch";
tasks_.Push([this, s] { control_stack_.Push(s); });
void Validator::CheckSwizzle(const Swizzle* s) {
if (!CheckResultsAndOperands(s, Swizzle::kNumResults, Swizzle::kNumOperands)) {
auto indices = s->Indices();
if (indices.Length() < Swizzle::kMinNumIndices) {
AddError(s) << "expected at least " << Swizzle::kMinNumIndices << " indices";
if (indices.Length() > Swizzle::kMaxNumIndices) {
AddError(s) << "expected at most " << Swizzle::kMaxNumIndices << " indices";
for (auto& idx : indices) {
if (idx > Swizzle::kMaxIndexValue) {
AddError(s) << "invalid index value";
void Validator::CheckTerminator(const Terminator* b) {
// Note, transforms create `undef` terminator arguments (this is done in MergeReturn and
// DemoteToHelper) so we can't add validation.
b, //
[&](const ir::BreakIf* i) { CheckBreakIf(i); }, //
[&](const ir::Continue* c) { CheckContinue(c); }, //
[&](const ir::Exit* e) { CheckExit(e); }, //
[&](const ir::NextIteration* n) { CheckNextIteration(n); }, //
[&](const ir::Return* ret) { CheckReturn(ret); }, //
[&](const ir::TerminateInvocation*) {}, //
[&](const ir::Unreachable* u) { CheckUnreachable(u); }, //
[&](Default) { AddError(b) << "missing validation"; });
if (b->next) {
AddError(b) << "must be the last instruction in the block";
void Validator::CheckBreakIf(const BreakIf* b) {
auto* loop = b->Loop();
if (loop == nullptr) {
AddError(b) << "has no associated loop";
if (loop->Continuing() != b->Block()) {
AddError(b) << "must only be called directly from loop continuing";
auto next_iter_values = b->NextIterValues();
if (auto* body = loop->Body()) {
CheckOperandsMatchTarget(b, b->ArgsOperandOffset(), next_iter_values.Length(), body,
auto exit_values = b->ExitValues();
CheckOperandsMatchTarget(b, b->ArgsOperandOffset() + next_iter_values.Length(),
exit_values.Length(), loop, loop->Results());
void Validator::CheckContinue(const Continue* c) {
auto* loop = c->Loop();
if (loop == nullptr) {
AddError(c) << "has no associated loop";
if (!TransitivelyHolds(loop->Body(), c)) {
if (control_stack_.Any(Eq<const ControlInstruction*>(loop))) {
AddError(c) << "must only be called from loop body";
} else {
AddError(c) << "called outside of associated loop";
if (auto* cont = loop->Continuing()) {
CheckOperandsMatchTarget(c, Continue::kArgsOperandOffset, c->Args().Length(), cont,
first_continues_.Add(loop, c);
void Validator::CheckExit(const Exit* e) {
if (e->ControlInstruction() == nullptr) {
AddError(e) << "has no parent control instruction";
if (control_stack_.IsEmpty()) {
AddError(e) << "found outside all control instructions";
auto args = e->Args();
CheckOperandsMatchTarget(e, e->ArgsOperandOffset(), args.Length(), e->ControlInstruction(),
e, //
[&](const ir::ExitIf* i) { CheckExitIf(i); }, //
[&](const ir::ExitLoop* l) { CheckExitLoop(l); }, //
[&](const ir::ExitSwitch* s) { CheckExitSwitch(s); }, //
[&](Default) { AddError(e) << "missing validation"; });
void Validator::CheckNextIteration(const NextIteration* n) {
auto* loop = n->Loop();
if (loop == nullptr) {
AddError(n) << "has no associated loop";
if (!TransitivelyHolds(loop->Initializer(), n) && !TransitivelyHolds(loop->Continuing(), n)) {
if (control_stack_.Any(Eq<const ControlInstruction*>(loop))) {
AddError(n) << "must only be called from loop initializer or continuing";
} else {
AddError(n) << "called outside of associated loop";
if (auto* body = loop->Body()) {
CheckOperandsMatchTarget(n, NextIteration::kArgsOperandOffset, n->Args().Length(), body,
void Validator::CheckExitIf(const ExitIf* e) {
if (control_stack_.Back() != e->If()) {
AddError(e) << "if target jumps over other control instructions";
AddNote(control_stack_.Back()) << "first control instruction jumped";
void Validator::CheckReturn(const Return* ret) {
if (!CheckResultsAndOperandRange(ret, Return::kNumResults, Return::kMinOperands,
Return::kMaxOperands)) {
auto* func = ret->Func();
if (func == nullptr) {
// Func() returning nullptr after CheckResultsAndOperandRange is due to the first
// operand being not a function
AddError(ret) << "expected function for first operand";
if (func->ReturnType()->Is<core::type::Void>()) {
if (ret->Value()) {
AddError(ret) << "unexpected return value";
} else {
if (!ret->Value()) {
AddError(ret) << "expected return value";
} else if (ret->Value()->Type() != func->ReturnType()) {
AddError(ret) << "return value type " << NameOf(ret->Value()->Type())
<< " does not match function return type " << NameOf(func->ReturnType());
void Validator::CheckUnreachable(const Unreachable* u) {
CheckResultsAndOperands(u, Unreachable::kNumResults, Unreachable::kNumOperands);
void Validator::CheckControlsAllowingIf(const Exit* exit, const Instruction* control) {
bool found = false;
for (auto ctrl : tint::Reverse(control_stack_)) {
if (ctrl == control) {
found = true;
// A exit switch can step over if instructions, but no others.
if (!ctrl->Is<ir::If>()) {
AddError(exit) << control->FriendlyName()
<< " target jumps over other control instructions";
AddNote(ctrl) << "first control instruction jumped";
if (!found) {
AddError(exit) << control->FriendlyName() << " not found in parent control instructions";
void Validator::CheckExitSwitch(const ExitSwitch* s) {
CheckControlsAllowingIf(s, s->ControlInstruction());
void Validator::CheckExitLoop(const ExitLoop* l) {
CheckControlsAllowingIf(l, l->ControlInstruction());
const Instruction* inst = l;
const Loop* control = l->Loop();
while (inst) {
// Found parent loop
if (inst->Block()->Parent() == control) {
if (inst->Block() == control->Continuing()) {
AddError(l) << "loop exit jumps out of continuing block";
if (control->Continuing() != l->Block()) {
AddNote(control->Continuing()) << "in continuing block";
} else if (inst->Block() == control->Initializer()) {
AddError(l) << "loop exit not permitted in loop initializer";
if (control->Initializer() != l->Block()) {
AddNote(control->Initializer()) << "in initializer block";
inst = inst->Block()->Parent();
void Validator::CheckLoad(const Load* l) {
if (!CheckResultsAndOperands(l, Load::kNumResults, Load::kNumOperands)) {
if (auto* from = l->From()) {
auto* mv = from->Type()->As<core::type::MemoryView>();
if (!mv) {
AddError(l, Load::kFromOperandOffset) << "load source operand is not a memory view";
if (l->Result(0)->Type() != mv->StoreType()) {
AddError(l, Load::kFromOperandOffset)
<< "result type " << style::Type(l->Result(0)->Type()->FriendlyName())
<< " does not match source store type "
<< style::Type(mv->StoreType()->FriendlyName());
void Validator::CheckStore(const Store* s) {
if (!CheckResultsAndOperands(s, Store::kNumResults, Store::kNumOperands)) {
if (auto* from = s->From()) {
if (auto* to = s->To()) {
auto* mv = As<core::type::MemoryView>(to->Type());
if (!mv) {
AddError(s, Store::kToOperandOffset) << "store target operand is not a memory view";
auto* value_type = from->Type();
auto* store_type = mv->StoreType();
if (value_type != store_type) {
AddError(s, Store::kFromOperandOffset)
<< "value type " << style::Type(value_type->FriendlyName())
<< " does not match store type " << style::Type(store_type->FriendlyName());
void Validator::CheckLoadVectorElement(const LoadVectorElement* l) {
if (!CheckResultsAndOperands(l, LoadVectorElement::kNumResults,
LoadVectorElement::kNumOperands)) {
if (auto* res = l->Result(0)) {
if (auto* el_ty = GetVectorPtrElementType(l, LoadVectorElement::kFromOperandOffset)) {
if (res->Type() != el_ty) {
AddResultError(l, 0) << "result type " << style::Type(res->Type()->FriendlyName())
<< " does not match vector pointer element type "
<< style::Type(el_ty->FriendlyName());
void Validator::CheckStoreVectorElement(const StoreVectorElement* s) {
if (!CheckResultsAndOperands(s, StoreVectorElement::kNumResults,
StoreVectorElement::kNumOperands)) {
if (auto* value = s->Value()) {
if (auto* el_ty = GetVectorPtrElementType(s, StoreVectorElement::kToOperandOffset)) {
if (value->Type() != el_ty) {
AddError(s, StoreVectorElement::kValueOperandOffset)
<< "value type " << style::Type(value->Type()->FriendlyName())
<< " does not match vector pointer element type "
<< style::Type(el_ty->FriendlyName());
void Validator::CheckOperandsMatchTarget(const Instruction* source_inst,
size_t source_operand_offset,
size_t source_operand_count,
const CastableBase* target,
VectorRef<const Value*> target_values) {
if (source_operand_count != target_values.Length()) {
auto values = [&](size_t n) { return n == 1 ? " value" : " values"; };
AddError(source_inst) << "provides " << source_operand_count << values(source_operand_count)
<< " but " << NameOf(target) << " expects " << target_values.Length()
<< values(target_values.Length());
size_t count = std::min(source_operand_count, target_values.Length());
for (size_t i = 0; i < count; i++) {
auto* source_value = source_inst->Operand(source_operand_offset + i);
auto* target_value = target_values[i];
if (!source_value || !target_value) {
continue; // Caller should be checking operands are not null
auto* source_type = source_value->Type();
auto* target_type = target_value->Type();
if (source_type != target_type) {
AddError(source_inst, source_operand_offset + i)
<< "operand with type " << style::Type(source_type->FriendlyName())
<< " does not match " << NameOf(target) << " target type "
<< style::Type(target_type->FriendlyName());
const core::type::Type* Validator::GetVectorPtrElementType(const Instruction* inst, size_t idx) {
auto* operand = inst->Operands()[idx];
if (DAWN_UNLIKELY(!operand)) {
return nullptr;
auto* type = operand->Type();
if (DAWN_UNLIKELY(!type)) {
return nullptr;
auto* memory_view_ty = type->As<core::type::MemoryView>();
if (DAWN_LIKELY(memory_view_ty)) {
auto* vec_ty = memory_view_ty->StoreType()->As<core::type::Vector>();
if (DAWN_LIKELY(vec_ty)) {
return vec_ty->Type();
AddError(inst, idx) << "operand must be a pointer to vector, got "
<< style::Type(type->FriendlyName());
return nullptr;
} // namespace
Result<SuccessType> Validate(const Module& mod, Capabilities capabilities) {
Validator v(mod, capabilities);
return v.Run();
Result<SuccessType> ValidateAndDumpIfNeeded([[maybe_unused]] const Module& ir,
[[maybe_unused]] const char* msg,
[[maybe_unused]] Capabilities capabilities) {
auto printer = StyledTextPrinter::Create(stdout);
std::cout << "=========================================================\n";
std::cout << "== IR dump before " << msg << ":\n";
std::cout << "=========================================================\n";
#ifndef NDEBUG
auto result = Validate(ir, capabilities);
if (result != Success) {
return result.Failure();
return Success;
} // namespace tint::core::ir
namespace std {
template <>
struct hash<tint::core::ir::ValidatedType> {
size_t operator()(const tint::core::ir::ValidatedType& v) const { return Hash(v.ty, v.caps); }
template <>
struct equal_to<tint::core::ir::ValidatedType> {
bool operator()(const tint::core::ir::ValidatedType& a,
const tint::core::ir::ValidatedType& b) const {
return a.ty->Equals(*(b.ty)) && a.caps == b.caps;
} // namespace std