Add links to, and format Toggles.cpp

Missing links and bad formatting was found while adding a Toggle for
choosing which format to use for Depth24PlusStencil8 in the Vulkan


Change-Id: I7d9c964ed90988ac63563707afb86a27005ff1b9
Commit-Queue: Corentin Wallez <>
Reviewed-by: Austin Eng <>
diff --git a/src/dawn_native/Toggles.cpp b/src/dawn_native/Toggles.cpp
index 8f5247f..b46c9ef 100644
--- a/src/dawn_native/Toggles.cpp
+++ b/src/dawn_native/Toggles.cpp
@@ -29,68 +29,74 @@
         using ToggleEnumAndInfoList =
             std::array<ToggleEnumAndInfo, static_cast<size_t>(Toggle::EnumCount)>;
-        static constexpr ToggleEnumAndInfoList kToggleNameAndInfoList = {
-            {{Toggle::EmulateStoreAndMSAAResolve,
-              {"emulate_store_and_msaa_resolve",
-               "Emulate storing into multisampled color attachments and doing MSAA resolve "
-               "simultaneously. This workaround is enabled by default on the Metal drivers that do "
-               "not support MTLStoreActionStoreAndMultisampleResolve. To support StoreOp::Store on "
-               "those platforms, we should do MSAA resolve in another render pass after ending the "
-               "previous one.",
-               ""}},
-             {Toggle::NonzeroClearResourcesOnCreationForTesting,
-              {"nonzero_clear_resources_on_creation_for_testing",
-               "Clears texture to full 1 bits as soon as they are created, but doesn't update "
-               "the tracking state of the texture. This way we can test the logic of clearing "
-               "textures that use recycled memory.",
-               ""}},
-             {Toggle::AlwaysResolveIntoZeroLevelAndLayer,
-              {"always_resolve_into_zero_level_and_layer",
-               "When the resolve target is a texture view that is created on the non-zero level or "
-               "layer of a texture, we first resolve into a temporarily 2D texture with only one "
-               "mipmap level and one array layer, and copy the result of MSAA resolve into the "
-               "true resolve target. This workaround is enabled by default on the Metal drivers "
-               "that have bugs when setting non-zero resolveLevel or resolveSlice.",
-               ""}},
-             {Toggle::LazyClearResourceOnFirstUse,
-              {"lazy_clear_resource_on_first_use",
-               "Clears resource to zero on first usage. This initializes the resource "
-               "so that no dirty bits from recycled memory is present in the new resource.",
-               ""}},
-             {Toggle::TurnOffVsync,
-              {"turn_off_vsync",
-               "Turn off vsync when rendering. In order to do performance test or run perf tests, "
-               "turn off vsync so that the fps can exeed 60.",
-               ""}},
-             {Toggle::UseTemporaryBufferInCompressedTextureToTextureCopy,
-              {"use_temporary_buffer_in_texture_to_texture_copy",
-               "Split texture-to-texture copy into two copies: copy from source texture into a "
-               "temporary buffer, and copy from the temporary buffer into the destination texture "
-               "when copying between compressed textures that don't have block-aligned sizes. This "
-               "workaround is enabled by default on all Vulkan drivers to solve an issue in the "
-               "Vulkan SPEC about the texture-to-texture copies with compressed formats. See #1005 "
-               "( for more details.",
-               ""}},
-             {Toggle::UseD3D12ResourceHeapTier2,
-              {"use_d3d12_resource_heap_tier2",
-               "Enable support for resource heap tier 2. Resource heap tier 2 allows mixing of "
-               "texture and buffers in the same heap. This allows better heap re-use and reduces "
-               "fragmentation."}},
-             {Toggle::UseD3D12RenderPass,
-              {"use_d3d12_render_pass",
-               "Use the D3D12 render pass API introduced in Windows build 1809 by default. On "
-               "versions of Windows prior to build 1809, or when this toggle is turned off, Dawn "
-               "will emulate a render pass."}},
-             {Toggle::SkipValidation,
-              {"skip_validation", "Skip expensive validation of Dawn commands."}},
-             {Toggle::UseSpvc,
-              {"use_spvc",
-               "Enable use of spvc for shader compilation, instead of accessing spirv_cross "
-               "directly."}},
-             {Toggle::UseSpvcIRGen,
-              {"use_spvc_ir_gen",
-               "Enable usage of spvc's internal parsing and IR generation code, instead of "
-               "spirv_cross's."}}}};
+        static constexpr ToggleEnumAndInfoList kToggleNameAndInfoList = {{
+            {Toggle::EmulateStoreAndMSAAResolve,
+             {"emulate_store_and_msaa_resolve",
+              "Emulate storing into multisampled color attachments and doing MSAA resolve "
+              "simultaneously. This workaround is enabled by default on the Metal drivers that do "
+              "not support MTLStoreActionStoreAndMultisampleResolve. To support StoreOp::Store on "
+              "those platforms, we should do MSAA resolve in another render pass after ending the "
+              "previous one.",
+              ""}},
+            {Toggle::NonzeroClearResourcesOnCreationForTesting,
+             {"nonzero_clear_resources_on_creation_for_testing",
+              "Clears texture to full 1 bits as soon as they are created, but doesn't update "
+              "the tracking state of the texture. This way we can test the logic of clearing "
+              "textures that use recycled memory.",
+              ""}},
+            {Toggle::AlwaysResolveIntoZeroLevelAndLayer,
+             {"always_resolve_into_zero_level_and_layer",
+              "When the resolve target is a texture view that is created on the non-zero level or "
+              "layer of a texture, we first resolve into a temporarily 2D texture with only one "
+              "mipmap level and one array layer, and copy the result of MSAA resolve into the "
+              "true resolve target. This workaround is enabled by default on the Metal drivers "
+              "that have bugs when setting non-zero resolveLevel or resolveSlice.",
+              ""}},
+            {Toggle::LazyClearResourceOnFirstUse,
+             {"lazy_clear_resource_on_first_use",
+              "Clears resource to zero on first usage. This initializes the resource "
+              "so that no dirty bits from recycled memory is present in the new resource.",
+              ""}},
+            {Toggle::TurnOffVsync,
+             {"turn_off_vsync",
+              "Turn off vsync when rendering. In order to do performance test or run perf tests, "
+              "turn off vsync so that the fps can exeed 60.",
+              ""}},
+            {Toggle::UseTemporaryBufferInCompressedTextureToTextureCopy,
+             {"use_temporary_buffer_in_texture_to_texture_copy",
+              "Split texture-to-texture copy into two copies: copy from source texture into a "
+              "temporary buffer, and copy from the temporary buffer into the destination texture "
+              "when copying between compressed textures that don't have block-aligned sizes. This "
+              "workaround is enabled by default on all Vulkan drivers to solve an issue in the "
+              "Vulkan SPEC about the texture-to-texture copies with compressed formats. See #1005 "
+              "( for more details.",
+              ""}},
+            {Toggle::UseD3D12ResourceHeapTier2,
+             {"use_d3d12_resource_heap_tier2",
+              "Enable support for resource heap tier 2. Resource heap tier 2 allows mixing of "
+              "texture and buffers in the same heap. This allows better heap re-use and reduces "
+              "fragmentation.",
+              ""}},
+            {Toggle::UseD3D12RenderPass,
+             {"use_d3d12_render_pass",
+              "Use the D3D12 render pass API introduced in Windows build 1809 by default. On "
+              "versions of Windows prior to build 1809, or when this toggle is turned off, Dawn "
+              "will emulate a render pass.",
+              ""}},
+            {Toggle::SkipValidation,
+             {"skip_validation", "Skip expensive validation of Dawn commands.",
+              ""}},
+            {Toggle::UseSpvc,
+             {"use_spvc",
+              "Enable use of spvc for shader compilation, instead of accessing spirv_cross "
+              "directly.",
+              ""}},
+            {Toggle::UseSpvcIRGen,
+             {"use_spvc_ir_gen",
+              "Enable usage of spvc's internal parsing and IR generation code, instead of "
+              "spirv_cross's.",
+              ""}},
+        }};
     }  // anonymous namespace