blob: 8badd31809b9b4e712088c8bf2235ae186c62b6c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The Tint Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include "src/tint/ir/builder.h"
#include <utility>
namespace tint::ir {
Builder::Builder() {}
Builder::Builder(Module&& mod) : ir(std::move(mod)) {}
Builder::~Builder() = default;
ir::Block* Builder::CreateRootBlockIfNeeded() {
if (!ir.root_block) {
ir.root_block = CreateBlock();
// Everything in the module scope must have been const-eval's, so everything will go into a
// single block. So, we can create the root terminator for the root-block now.
ir.root_block-> = CreateRootTerminator();
return ir.root_block;
Block* Builder::CreateBlock() {
return ir.flow_nodes.Create<Block>();
RootTerminator* Builder::CreateRootTerminator() {
return ir.flow_nodes.Create<RootTerminator>();
FunctionTerminator* Builder::CreateFunctionTerminator() {
return ir.flow_nodes.Create<FunctionTerminator>();
Function* Builder::CreateFunction() {
auto* ir_func = ir.flow_nodes.Create<Function>();
ir_func->start_target = CreateBlock();
ir_func->end_target = CreateFunctionTerminator();
// Function is always branching into the start target
return ir_func;
If* Builder::CreateIf() {
auto* ir_if = ir.flow_nodes.Create<If>();
ir_if-> = CreateBlock();
ir_if-> = CreateBlock();
ir_if-> = CreateBlock();
// An if always branches to both the true and false block.
return ir_if;
Loop* Builder::CreateLoop() {
auto* ir_loop = ir.flow_nodes.Create<Loop>();
ir_loop-> = CreateBlock();
ir_loop-> = CreateBlock();
ir_loop-> = CreateBlock();
// A loop always branches to the start block.
return ir_loop;
Switch* Builder::CreateSwitch() {
auto* ir_switch = ir.flow_nodes.Create<Switch>();
ir_switch-> = CreateBlock();
return ir_switch;
Block* Builder::CreateCase(Switch* s, utils::VectorRef<Switch::CaseSelector> selectors) {
s->cases.Push(Switch::Case{selectors, {CreateBlock(), utils::Empty}});
Block* b = s->cases.Back()>As<Block>();
// Switch branches into the case block
return b;
void Builder::Branch(Block* from, FlowNode* to, utils::VectorRef<Value*> args) {
from-> = to;
from->branch.args = args;
Binary* Builder::CreateBinary(Binary::Kind kind, const type::Type* type, Value* lhs, Value* rhs) {
return ir.instructions.Create<ir::Binary>(next_inst_id(), kind, type, lhs, rhs);
Binary* Builder::And(const type::Type* type, Value* lhs, Value* rhs) {
return CreateBinary(Binary::Kind::kAnd, type, lhs, rhs);
Binary* Builder::Or(const type::Type* type, Value* lhs, Value* rhs) {
return CreateBinary(Binary::Kind::kOr, type, lhs, rhs);
Binary* Builder::Xor(const type::Type* type, Value* lhs, Value* rhs) {
return CreateBinary(Binary::Kind::kXor, type, lhs, rhs);
Binary* Builder::Equal(const type::Type* type, Value* lhs, Value* rhs) {
return CreateBinary(Binary::Kind::kEqual, type, lhs, rhs);
Binary* Builder::NotEqual(const type::Type* type, Value* lhs, Value* rhs) {
return CreateBinary(Binary::Kind::kNotEqual, type, lhs, rhs);
Binary* Builder::LessThan(const type::Type* type, Value* lhs, Value* rhs) {
return CreateBinary(Binary::Kind::kLessThan, type, lhs, rhs);
Binary* Builder::GreaterThan(const type::Type* type, Value* lhs, Value* rhs) {
return CreateBinary(Binary::Kind::kGreaterThan, type, lhs, rhs);
Binary* Builder::LessThanEqual(const type::Type* type, Value* lhs, Value* rhs) {
return CreateBinary(Binary::Kind::kLessThanEqual, type, lhs, rhs);
Binary* Builder::GreaterThanEqual(const type::Type* type, Value* lhs, Value* rhs) {
return CreateBinary(Binary::Kind::kGreaterThanEqual, type, lhs, rhs);
Binary* Builder::ShiftLeft(const type::Type* type, Value* lhs, Value* rhs) {
return CreateBinary(Binary::Kind::kShiftLeft, type, lhs, rhs);
Binary* Builder::ShiftRight(const type::Type* type, Value* lhs, Value* rhs) {
return CreateBinary(Binary::Kind::kShiftRight, type, lhs, rhs);
Binary* Builder::Add(const type::Type* type, Value* lhs, Value* rhs) {
return CreateBinary(Binary::Kind::kAdd, type, lhs, rhs);
Binary* Builder::Subtract(const type::Type* type, Value* lhs, Value* rhs) {
return CreateBinary(Binary::Kind::kSubtract, type, lhs, rhs);
Binary* Builder::Multiply(const type::Type* type, Value* lhs, Value* rhs) {
return CreateBinary(Binary::Kind::kMultiply, type, lhs, rhs);
Binary* Builder::Divide(const type::Type* type, Value* lhs, Value* rhs) {
return CreateBinary(Binary::Kind::kDivide, type, lhs, rhs);
Binary* Builder::Modulo(const type::Type* type, Value* lhs, Value* rhs) {
return CreateBinary(Binary::Kind::kModulo, type, lhs, rhs);
Unary* Builder::CreateUnary(Unary::Kind kind, const type::Type* type, Value* val) {
return ir.instructions.Create<ir::Unary>(next_inst_id(), kind, type, val);
Unary* Builder::AddressOf(const type::Type* type, Value* val) {
return CreateUnary(Unary::Kind::kAddressOf, type, val);
Unary* Builder::Complement(const type::Type* type, Value* val) {
return CreateUnary(Unary::Kind::kComplement, type, val);
Unary* Builder::Indirection(const type::Type* type, Value* val) {
return CreateUnary(Unary::Kind::kIndirection, type, val);
Unary* Builder::Negation(const type::Type* type, Value* val) {
return CreateUnary(Unary::Kind::kNegation, type, val);
Unary* Builder::Not(const type::Type* type, Value* val) {
return CreateUnary(Unary::Kind::kNot, type, val);
ir::Bitcast* Builder::Bitcast(const type::Type* type, Value* val) {
return ir.instructions.Create<ir::Bitcast>(next_inst_id(), type, val);
ir::Discard* Builder::Discard() {
return ir.instructions.Create<ir::Discard>();
ir::UserCall* Builder::UserCall(const type::Type* type,
Symbol name,
utils::VectorRef<Value*> args) {
return ir.instructions.Create<ir::UserCall>(next_inst_id(), type, name, std::move(args));
ir::Convert* Builder::Convert(const type::Type* to,
const type::Type* from,
utils::VectorRef<Value*> args) {
return ir.instructions.Create<ir::Convert>(next_inst_id(), to, from, std::move(args));
ir::Construct* Builder::Construct(const type::Type* to, utils::VectorRef<Value*> args) {
return ir.instructions.Create<ir::Construct>(next_inst_id(), to, std::move(args));
ir::Builtin* Builder::Builtin(const type::Type* type,
builtin::Function func,
utils::VectorRef<Value*> args) {
return ir.instructions.Create<ir::Builtin>(next_inst_id(), type, func, args);
ir::Store* Builder::Store(Value* to, Value* from) {
return ir.instructions.Create<ir::Store>(to, from);
ir::Var* Builder::Declare(const type::Type* type,
builtin::AddressSpace address_space,
builtin::Access access) {
return ir.instructions.Create<ir::Var>(next_inst_id(), type, address_space, access);
} // namespace tint::ir