| // Copyright 2019 The Dawn Authors |
| // |
| // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); |
| // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. |
| // You may obtain a copy of the License at |
| // |
| // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 |
| // |
| // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software |
| // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, |
| // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. |
| // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and |
| // limitations under the License. |
| |
| #include "tests/DawnTest.h" |
| |
| #include "common/Assert.h" |
| #include "common/Constants.h" |
| #include "common/Math.h" |
| #include "utils/ComboRenderPipelineDescriptor.h" |
| #include "utils/TestUtils.h" |
| #include "utils/TextureFormatUtils.h" |
| #include "utils/WGPUHelpers.h" |
| |
| // The helper struct to configure the copies between buffers and textures. |
| struct CopyConfig { |
| wgpu::TextureDescriptor textureDescriptor; |
| wgpu::Extent3D copyExtent3D; |
| wgpu::Origin3D copyOrigin3D = {0, 0, 0}; |
| uint32_t viewMipmapLevel = 0; |
| uint32_t bufferOffset = 0; |
| uint32_t bytesPerRowAlignment = kTextureBytesPerRowAlignment; |
| uint32_t rowsPerImage = wgpu::kStrideUndefined; |
| }; |
| |
| class CompressedTextureBCFormatTest : public DawnTest { |
| protected: |
| std::vector<const char*> GetRequiredExtensions() override { |
| mIsBCFormatSupported = SupportsExtensions({"texture_compression_bc"}); |
| if (!mIsBCFormatSupported) { |
| return {}; |
| } |
| |
| return {"texture_compression_bc"}; |
| } |
| |
| bool IsBCFormatSupported() const { |
| return mIsBCFormatSupported; |
| } |
| |
| // Compute the upload data for the copyConfig. |
| std::vector<uint8_t> UploadData(const CopyConfig& copyConfig) { |
| uint32_t copyWidthInBlock = copyConfig.copyExtent3D.width / kBCBlockWidthInTexels; |
| uint32_t copyHeightInBlock = copyConfig.copyExtent3D.height / kBCBlockHeightInTexels; |
| uint32_t copyBytesPerRow = 0; |
| if (copyConfig.bytesPerRowAlignment != 0) { |
| copyBytesPerRow = copyConfig.bytesPerRowAlignment; |
| } else { |
| copyBytesPerRow = copyWidthInBlock * |
| utils::GetTexelBlockSizeInBytes(copyConfig.textureDescriptor.format); |
| } |
| uint32_t copyRowsPerImage = copyConfig.rowsPerImage; |
| if (copyRowsPerImage == wgpu::kStrideUndefined) { |
| copyRowsPerImage = copyHeightInBlock; |
| } |
| uint32_t copyBytesPerImage = copyBytesPerRow * copyRowsPerImage; |
| uint32_t uploadBufferSize = |
| copyConfig.bufferOffset + copyBytesPerImage * copyConfig.copyExtent3D.depth; |
| |
| // Fill data with the pre-prepared one-block compressed texture data. |
| std::vector<uint8_t> data(uploadBufferSize, 0); |
| std::vector<uint8_t> oneBlockCompressedTextureData = |
| GetOneBlockBCFormatTextureData(copyConfig.textureDescriptor.format); |
| for (uint32_t layer = 0; layer < copyConfig.copyExtent3D.depth; ++layer) { |
| for (uint32_t h = 0; h < copyHeightInBlock; ++h) { |
| for (uint32_t w = 0; w < copyWidthInBlock; ++w) { |
| uint32_t uploadBufferOffset = copyConfig.bufferOffset + |
| copyBytesPerImage * layer + copyBytesPerRow * h + |
| oneBlockCompressedTextureData.size() * w; |
| std::memcpy(&data[uploadBufferOffset], oneBlockCompressedTextureData.data(), |
| oneBlockCompressedTextureData.size() * sizeof(uint8_t)); |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| return data; |
| } |
| |
| // Copy the compressed texture data into the destination texture as is specified in copyConfig. |
| void InitializeDataInCompressedTexture(wgpu::Texture bcCompressedTexture, |
| const CopyConfig& copyConfig) { |
| ASSERT(IsBCFormatSupported()); |
| |
| std::vector<uint8_t> data = UploadData(copyConfig); |
| |
| // Copy texture data from a staging buffer to the destination texture. |
| wgpu::Buffer stagingBuffer = utils::CreateBufferFromData(device, data.data(), data.size(), |
| wgpu::BufferUsage::CopySrc); |
| wgpu::BufferCopyView bufferCopyView = |
| utils::CreateBufferCopyView(stagingBuffer, copyConfig.bufferOffset, |
| copyConfig.bytesPerRowAlignment, copyConfig.rowsPerImage); |
| |
| wgpu::TextureCopyView textureCopyView = utils::CreateTextureCopyView( |
| bcCompressedTexture, copyConfig.viewMipmapLevel, copyConfig.copyOrigin3D); |
| |
| wgpu::CommandEncoder encoder = device.CreateCommandEncoder(); |
| encoder.CopyBufferToTexture(&bufferCopyView, &textureCopyView, ©Config.copyExtent3D); |
| wgpu::CommandBuffer copy = encoder.Finish(); |
| queue.Submit(1, ©); |
| } |
| |
| // Create the bind group that includes a BC texture and a sampler. |
| wgpu::BindGroup CreateBindGroupForTest(wgpu::BindGroupLayout bindGroupLayout, |
| wgpu::Texture bcCompressedTexture, |
| wgpu::TextureFormat bcFormat, |
| uint32_t baseArrayLayer = 0, |
| uint32_t baseMipLevel = 0) { |
| ASSERT(IsBCFormatSupported()); |
| |
| wgpu::SamplerDescriptor samplerDesc = utils::GetDefaultSamplerDescriptor(); |
| samplerDesc.minFilter = wgpu::FilterMode::Nearest; |
| samplerDesc.magFilter = wgpu::FilterMode::Nearest; |
| wgpu::Sampler sampler = device.CreateSampler(&samplerDesc); |
| |
| wgpu::TextureViewDescriptor textureViewDescriptor; |
| textureViewDescriptor.format = bcFormat; |
| textureViewDescriptor.dimension = wgpu::TextureViewDimension::e2D; |
| textureViewDescriptor.baseMipLevel = baseMipLevel; |
| textureViewDescriptor.baseArrayLayer = baseArrayLayer; |
| textureViewDescriptor.arrayLayerCount = 1; |
| textureViewDescriptor.mipLevelCount = 1; |
| wgpu::TextureView bcTextureView = bcCompressedTexture.CreateView(&textureViewDescriptor); |
| |
| return utils::MakeBindGroup(device, bindGroupLayout, {{0, sampler}, {1, bcTextureView}}); |
| } |
| |
| // Create a render pipeline for sampling from a BC texture and rendering into the render target. |
| wgpu::RenderPipeline CreateRenderPipelineForTest() { |
| ASSERT(IsBCFormatSupported()); |
| |
| utils::ComboRenderPipelineDescriptor renderPipelineDescriptor(device); |
| wgpu::ShaderModule vsModule = utils::CreateShaderModuleFromWGSL(device, R"( |
| [[builtin(position)]] var<out> Position : vec4<f32>; |
| [[location(0)]] var<out> texCoord : vec2 <f32>; |
| |
| [[builtin(vertex_idx)]] var<in> VertexIndex : u32; |
| |
| [[stage(vertex)]] fn main() -> void { |
| const pos : array<vec2<f32>, 3> = array<vec2<f32>, 3>( |
| vec2<f32>(-3.0, 1.0), |
| vec2<f32>( 3.0, 1.0), |
| vec2<f32>( 0.0, -2.0) |
| ); |
| Position = vec4<f32>(pos[VertexIndex], 0.0, 1.0); |
| texCoord = vec2<f32>(Position.x / 2.0, -Position.y / 2.0) + vec2<f32>(0.5, 0.5); |
| return; |
| })"); |
| wgpu::ShaderModule fsModule = utils::CreateShaderModuleFromWGSL(device, R"( |
| [[set(0), binding(0)]] var<uniform_constant> sampler0 : sampler; |
| [[set(0), binding(1)]] var<uniform_constant> texture0 : texture_2d<f32>; |
| |
| [[location(0)]] var<in> texCoord : vec2<f32>; |
| [[location(0)]] var<out> fragColor : vec4<f32>; |
| |
| [[stage(fragment)]] fn main() -> void { |
| fragColor = textureSample(texture0, sampler0, texCoord); |
| return; |
| })"); |
| renderPipelineDescriptor.vertexStage.module = vsModule; |
| renderPipelineDescriptor.cFragmentStage.module = fsModule; |
| renderPipelineDescriptor.cColorStates[0].format = |
| utils::BasicRenderPass::kDefaultColorFormat; |
| |
| return device.CreateRenderPipeline(&renderPipelineDescriptor); |
| } |
| |
| // Run the given render pipeline and bind group and verify the pixels in the render target. |
| void VerifyCompressedTexturePixelValues(wgpu::RenderPipeline renderPipeline, |
| wgpu::BindGroup bindGroup, |
| const wgpu::Extent3D& renderTargetSize, |
| const wgpu::Origin3D& expectedOrigin, |
| const wgpu::Extent3D& expectedExtent, |
| const std::vector<RGBA8>& expected) { |
| ASSERT(IsBCFormatSupported()); |
| |
| utils::BasicRenderPass renderPass = |
| utils::CreateBasicRenderPass(device, renderTargetSize.width, renderTargetSize.height); |
| |
| wgpu::CommandEncoder encoder = device.CreateCommandEncoder(); |
| { |
| wgpu::RenderPassEncoder pass = encoder.BeginRenderPass(&renderPass.renderPassInfo); |
| pass.SetPipeline(renderPipeline); |
| pass.SetBindGroup(0, bindGroup); |
| pass.Draw(6); |
| pass.EndPass(); |
| } |
| |
| wgpu::CommandBuffer commands = encoder.Finish(); |
| queue.Submit(1, &commands); |
| |
| EXPECT_TEXTURE_RGBA8_EQ(expected.data(), renderPass.color, expectedOrigin.x, |
| expectedOrigin.y, expectedExtent.width, expectedExtent.height, 0, |
| 0); |
| } |
| |
| // Run the tests that copies pre-prepared BC format data into a BC texture and verifies if we |
| // can render correctly with the pixel values sampled from the BC texture. |
| void TestCopyRegionIntoBCFormatTextures(const CopyConfig& config) { |
| ASSERT(IsBCFormatSupported()); |
| |
| wgpu::Texture bcTexture = CreateTextureWithCompressedData(config); |
| |
| VerifyBCTexture(config, bcTexture); |
| } |
| |
| void VerifyBCTexture(const CopyConfig& config, wgpu::Texture bcTexture) { |
| wgpu::RenderPipeline renderPipeline = CreateRenderPipelineForTest(); |
| |
| wgpu::Extent3D virtualSizeAtLevel = GetVirtualSizeAtLevel(config); |
| |
| // The copy region may exceed the subresource size because of the required paddings for BC |
| // blocks, so we should limit the size of the expectedData to make it match the real size |
| // of the render target. |
| wgpu::Extent3D noPaddingExtent3D = config.copyExtent3D; |
| if (config.copyOrigin3D.x + config.copyExtent3D.width > virtualSizeAtLevel.width) { |
| noPaddingExtent3D.width = virtualSizeAtLevel.width - config.copyOrigin3D.x; |
| } |
| if (config.copyOrigin3D.y + config.copyExtent3D.height > virtualSizeAtLevel.height) { |
| noPaddingExtent3D.height = virtualSizeAtLevel.height - config.copyOrigin3D.y; |
| } |
| noPaddingExtent3D.depth = 1u; |
| |
| std::vector<RGBA8> expectedData = |
| GetExpectedData(config.textureDescriptor.format, noPaddingExtent3D); |
| |
| wgpu::Origin3D firstLayerCopyOrigin = {config.copyOrigin3D.x, config.copyOrigin3D.y, 0}; |
| for (uint32_t layer = config.copyOrigin3D.z; |
| layer < config.copyOrigin3D.z + config.copyExtent3D.depth; ++layer) { |
| wgpu::BindGroup bindGroup = CreateBindGroupForTest( |
| renderPipeline.GetBindGroupLayout(0), bcTexture, config.textureDescriptor.format, |
| layer, config.viewMipmapLevel); |
| VerifyCompressedTexturePixelValues(renderPipeline, bindGroup, virtualSizeAtLevel, |
| firstLayerCopyOrigin, noPaddingExtent3D, |
| expectedData); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| // Create a texture and initialize it with the pre-prepared compressed texture data. |
| wgpu::Texture CreateTextureWithCompressedData(CopyConfig config) { |
| wgpu::Texture bcTexture = device.CreateTexture(&config.textureDescriptor); |
| InitializeDataInCompressedTexture(bcTexture, config); |
| return bcTexture; |
| } |
| |
| // Record a texture-to-texture copy command into command encoder without finishing the encoding. |
| void RecordTextureToTextureCopy(wgpu::CommandEncoder encoder, |
| wgpu::Texture srcTexture, |
| wgpu::Texture dstTexture, |
| CopyConfig srcConfig, |
| CopyConfig dstConfig) { |
| wgpu::TextureCopyView textureCopyViewSrc = utils::CreateTextureCopyView( |
| srcTexture, srcConfig.viewMipmapLevel, srcConfig.copyOrigin3D); |
| wgpu::TextureCopyView textureCopyViewDst = utils::CreateTextureCopyView( |
| dstTexture, dstConfig.viewMipmapLevel, dstConfig.copyOrigin3D); |
| encoder.CopyTextureToTexture(&textureCopyViewSrc, &textureCopyViewDst, |
| &dstConfig.copyExtent3D); |
| } |
| |
| wgpu::Texture CreateTextureFromTexture(wgpu::Texture srcTexture, |
| CopyConfig srcConfig, |
| CopyConfig dstConfig) { |
| wgpu::Texture dstTexture = device.CreateTexture(&dstConfig.textureDescriptor); |
| |
| wgpu::CommandEncoder encoder = device.CreateCommandEncoder(); |
| RecordTextureToTextureCopy(encoder, srcTexture, dstTexture, srcConfig, dstConfig); |
| wgpu::CommandBuffer copy = encoder.Finish(); |
| queue.Submit(1, ©); |
| |
| return dstTexture; |
| } |
| |
| // Return the pre-prepared one-block BC texture data. |
| static std::vector<uint8_t> GetOneBlockBCFormatTextureData(wgpu::TextureFormat bcFormat) { |
| switch (bcFormat) { |
| // The expected data represents 4x4 pixel images with the left side dark red and the |
| // right side dark green. We specify the same compressed data in both sRGB and non-sRGB |
| // tests, but the rendering result should be different because for sRGB formats, the |
| // red, green, and blue components are converted from an sRGB color space to a linear |
| // color space as part of filtering. |
| case wgpu::TextureFormat::BC1RGBAUnorm: |
| case wgpu::TextureFormat::BC1RGBAUnormSrgb: |
| return {0x0, 0xC0, 0x60, 0x6, 0x50, 0x50, 0x50, 0x50}; |
| case wgpu::TextureFormat::BC7RGBAUnorm: |
| case wgpu::TextureFormat::BC7RGBAUnormSrgb: |
| return {0x50, 0x18, 0xfc, 0xf, 0x0, 0x30, 0xe3, 0xe1, |
| 0xe1, 0xe1, 0xc1, 0xf, 0xfc, 0xc0, 0xf, 0xfc}; |
| |
| // The expected data represents 4x4 pixel images with the left side dark red and the |
| // right side dark green. The pixels in the left side of the block all have an alpha |
| // value equal to 0x88. We specify the same compressed data in both sRGB and non-sRGB |
| // tests, but the rendering result should be different because for sRGB formats, the |
| // red, green, and blue components are converted from an sRGB color space to a linear |
| // color space as part of filtering, and any alpha component is left unchanged. |
| case wgpu::TextureFormat::BC2RGBAUnorm: |
| case wgpu::TextureFormat::BC2RGBAUnormSrgb: |
| return {0x88, 0xFF, 0x88, 0xFF, 0x88, 0xFF, 0x88, 0xFF, |
| 0x0, 0xC0, 0x60, 0x6, 0x50, 0x50, 0x50, 0x50}; |
| case wgpu::TextureFormat::BC3RGBAUnorm: |
| case wgpu::TextureFormat::BC3RGBAUnormSrgb: |
| return {0x88, 0xFF, 0x40, 0x2, 0x24, 0x40, 0x2, 0x24, |
| 0x0, 0xC0, 0x60, 0x6, 0x50, 0x50, 0x50, 0x50}; |
| |
| // The expected data represents 4x4 pixel images with the left side red and the |
| // right side black. |
| case wgpu::TextureFormat::BC4RSnorm: |
| return {0x7F, 0x0, 0x40, 0x2, 0x24, 0x40, 0x2, 0x24}; |
| case wgpu::TextureFormat::BC4RUnorm: |
| return {0xFF, 0x0, 0x40, 0x2, 0x24, 0x40, 0x2, 0x24}; |
| |
| // The expected data represents 4x4 pixel images with the left side red and the right |
| // side green and was encoded with DirectXTex from Microsoft. |
| case wgpu::TextureFormat::BC5RGSnorm: |
| return {0x7f, 0x81, 0x40, 0x2, 0x24, 0x40, 0x2, 0x24, |
| 0x7f, 0x81, 0x9, 0x90, 0x0, 0x9, 0x90, 0x0}; |
| case wgpu::TextureFormat::BC5RGUnorm: |
| return {0xff, 0x0, 0x40, 0x2, 0x24, 0x40, 0x2, 0x24, |
| 0xff, 0x0, 0x9, 0x90, 0x0, 0x9, 0x90, 0x0}; |
| case wgpu::TextureFormat::BC6HRGBFloat: |
| return {0xe3, 0x1f, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0xe0, 0x1f, 0x0, |
| 0x0, 0xff, 0x0, 0xff, 0x0, 0xff, 0x0, 0xff}; |
| case wgpu::TextureFormat::BC6HRGBUfloat: |
| return {0xe3, 0x3d, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0xe0, 0x3d, 0x0, |
| 0x0, 0xff, 0x0, 0xff, 0x0, 0xff, 0x0, 0xff}; |
| |
| default: |
| return {}; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| // Return the texture data that is decoded from the result of GetOneBlockBCFormatTextureData in |
| // RGBA8 formats. |
| static std::vector<RGBA8> GetExpectedData(wgpu::TextureFormat bcFormat, |
| const wgpu::Extent3D& testRegion) { |
| constexpr RGBA8 kDarkRed(198, 0, 0, 255); |
| constexpr RGBA8 kDarkGreen(0, 207, 0, 255); |
| constexpr RGBA8 kDarkRedSRGB(144, 0, 0, 255); |
| constexpr RGBA8 kDarkGreenSRGB(0, 159, 0, 255); |
| |
| constexpr uint8_t kLeftAlpha = 0x88; |
| constexpr uint8_t kRightAlpha = 0xFF; |
| |
| switch (bcFormat) { |
| case wgpu::TextureFormat::BC1RGBAUnorm: |
| case wgpu::TextureFormat::BC7RGBAUnorm: |
| return FillExpectedData(testRegion, kDarkRed, kDarkGreen); |
| |
| case wgpu::TextureFormat::BC2RGBAUnorm: |
| case wgpu::TextureFormat::BC3RGBAUnorm: { |
| constexpr RGBA8 kLeftColor = RGBA8(kDarkRed.r, 0, 0, kLeftAlpha); |
| constexpr RGBA8 kRightColor = RGBA8(0, kDarkGreen.g, 0, kRightAlpha); |
| return FillExpectedData(testRegion, kLeftColor, kRightColor); |
| } |
| |
| case wgpu::TextureFormat::BC1RGBAUnormSrgb: |
| case wgpu::TextureFormat::BC7RGBAUnormSrgb: |
| return FillExpectedData(testRegion, kDarkRedSRGB, kDarkGreenSRGB); |
| |
| case wgpu::TextureFormat::BC2RGBAUnormSrgb: |
| case wgpu::TextureFormat::BC3RGBAUnormSrgb: { |
| constexpr RGBA8 kLeftColor = RGBA8(kDarkRedSRGB.r, 0, 0, kLeftAlpha); |
| constexpr RGBA8 kRightColor = RGBA8(0, kDarkGreenSRGB.g, 0, kRightAlpha); |
| return FillExpectedData(testRegion, kLeftColor, kRightColor); |
| } |
| |
| case wgpu::TextureFormat::BC4RSnorm: |
| case wgpu::TextureFormat::BC4RUnorm: |
| return FillExpectedData(testRegion, RGBA8::kRed, RGBA8::kBlack); |
| |
| case wgpu::TextureFormat::BC5RGSnorm: |
| case wgpu::TextureFormat::BC5RGUnorm: |
| case wgpu::TextureFormat::BC6HRGBFloat: |
| case wgpu::TextureFormat::BC6HRGBUfloat: |
| return FillExpectedData(testRegion, RGBA8::kRed, RGBA8::kGreen); |
| |
| default: |
| return {}; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| static std::vector<RGBA8> FillExpectedData(const wgpu::Extent3D& testRegion, |
| RGBA8 leftColorInBlock, |
| RGBA8 rightColorInBlock) { |
| ASSERT(testRegion.depth == 1); |
| |
| std::vector<RGBA8> expectedData(testRegion.width * testRegion.height, leftColorInBlock); |
| for (uint32_t y = 0; y < testRegion.height; ++y) { |
| for (uint32_t x = 0; x < testRegion.width; ++x) { |
| if (x % kBCBlockWidthInTexels >= kBCBlockWidthInTexels / 2) { |
| expectedData[testRegion.width * y + x] = rightColorInBlock; |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| return expectedData; |
| } |
| |
| static wgpu::Extent3D GetVirtualSizeAtLevel(const CopyConfig& config) { |
| return {config.textureDescriptor.size.width >> config.viewMipmapLevel, |
| config.textureDescriptor.size.height >> config.viewMipmapLevel, 1}; |
| } |
| |
| static wgpu::Extent3D GetPhysicalSizeAtLevel(const CopyConfig& config) { |
| wgpu::Extent3D sizeAtLevel = GetVirtualSizeAtLevel(config); |
| sizeAtLevel.width = (sizeAtLevel.width + kBCBlockWidthInTexels - 1) / |
| kBCBlockWidthInTexels * kBCBlockWidthInTexels; |
| sizeAtLevel.height = (sizeAtLevel.height + kBCBlockHeightInTexels - 1) / |
| kBCBlockHeightInTexels * kBCBlockHeightInTexels; |
| return sizeAtLevel; |
| } |
| |
| const std::array<wgpu::TextureFormat, 14> kBCFormats = { |
| wgpu::TextureFormat::BC1RGBAUnorm, wgpu::TextureFormat::BC1RGBAUnormSrgb, |
| wgpu::TextureFormat::BC2RGBAUnorm, wgpu::TextureFormat::BC2RGBAUnormSrgb, |
| wgpu::TextureFormat::BC3RGBAUnorm, wgpu::TextureFormat::BC3RGBAUnormSrgb, |
| wgpu::TextureFormat::BC4RSnorm, wgpu::TextureFormat::BC4RUnorm, |
| wgpu::TextureFormat::BC5RGSnorm, wgpu::TextureFormat::BC5RGUnorm, |
| wgpu::TextureFormat::BC6HRGBFloat, wgpu::TextureFormat::BC6HRGBUfloat, |
| wgpu::TextureFormat::BC7RGBAUnorm, wgpu::TextureFormat::BC7RGBAUnormSrgb}; |
| |
| // Tthe block width and height in texels are 4 for all BC formats. |
| static constexpr uint32_t kBCBlockWidthInTexels = 4; |
| static constexpr uint32_t kBCBlockHeightInTexels = 4; |
| |
| static constexpr wgpu::TextureUsage kDefaultBCFormatTextureUsage = |
| wgpu::TextureUsage::Sampled | wgpu::TextureUsage::CopyDst; |
| |
| bool mIsBCFormatSupported = false; |
| }; |
| |
| // Test copying into the whole BC texture with 2x2 blocks and sampling from it. |
| TEST_P(CompressedTextureBCFormatTest, Basic) { |
| // TODO(jiawei.shao@intel.com): find out why this test is flaky on Windows Intel Vulkan |
| // bots. |
| DAWN_SKIP_TEST_IF(IsIntel() && IsVulkan() && IsWindows()); |
| |
| // TODO(jiawei.shao@intel.com): find out why this test fails on Windows Intel OpenGL drivers. |
| DAWN_SKIP_TEST_IF(IsIntel() && IsOpenGL() && IsWindows()); |
| |
| DAWN_SKIP_TEST_IF(!IsBCFormatSupported()); |
| |
| CopyConfig config; |
| config.textureDescriptor.usage = kDefaultBCFormatTextureUsage; |
| config.textureDescriptor.size = {8, 8, 1}; |
| config.copyExtent3D = config.textureDescriptor.size; |
| |
| for (wgpu::TextureFormat format : kBCFormats) { |
| config.textureDescriptor.format = format; |
| TestCopyRegionIntoBCFormatTextures(config); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| // Test copying into a sub-region of a texture with BC formats works correctly. |
| TEST_P(CompressedTextureBCFormatTest, CopyIntoSubRegion) { |
| // TODO(jiawei.shao@intel.com): find out why this test is flaky on Windows Intel Vulkan |
| // bots. |
| DAWN_SKIP_TEST_IF(IsIntel() && IsVulkan() && IsWindows()); |
| |
| DAWN_SKIP_TEST_IF(!IsBCFormatSupported()); |
| |
| CopyConfig config; |
| config.textureDescriptor.usage = kDefaultBCFormatTextureUsage; |
| config.textureDescriptor.size = {8, 8, 1}; |
| |
| const wgpu::Origin3D kOrigin = {4, 4, 0}; |
| const wgpu::Extent3D kExtent3D = {4, 4, 1}; |
| config.copyOrigin3D = kOrigin; |
| config.copyExtent3D = kExtent3D; |
| |
| for (wgpu::TextureFormat format : kBCFormats) { |
| config.textureDescriptor.format = format; |
| TestCopyRegionIntoBCFormatTextures(config); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| // Test copying into the non-zero layer of a 2D array texture with BC formats works correctly. |
| TEST_P(CompressedTextureBCFormatTest, CopyIntoNonZeroArrayLayer) { |
| // TODO(jiawei.shao@intel.com): find out why this test is flaky on Windows Intel Vulkan |
| // bots. |
| DAWN_SKIP_TEST_IF(IsIntel() && IsVulkan() && IsWindows()); |
| |
| // TODO(jiawei.shao@intel.com): find out why this test fails on Windows Intel OpenGL drivers. |
| DAWN_SKIP_TEST_IF(IsIntel() && IsOpenGL() && IsWindows()); |
| |
| DAWN_SKIP_TEST_IF(!IsBCFormatSupported()); |
| |
| CopyConfig config; |
| config.textureDescriptor.usage = kDefaultBCFormatTextureUsage; |
| config.textureDescriptor.size = {8, 8, 1}; |
| config.copyExtent3D = config.textureDescriptor.size; |
| |
| constexpr uint32_t kArrayLayerCount = 3; |
| config.textureDescriptor.size.depth = kArrayLayerCount; |
| config.copyOrigin3D.z = kArrayLayerCount - 1; |
| |
| for (wgpu::TextureFormat format : kBCFormats) { |
| config.textureDescriptor.format = format; |
| TestCopyRegionIntoBCFormatTextures(config); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| // Test copying into a non-zero mipmap level of a texture with BC texture formats. |
| TEST_P(CompressedTextureBCFormatTest, CopyBufferIntoNonZeroMipmapLevel) { |
| // TODO(jiawei.shao@intel.com): find out why this test is flaky on Windows Intel Vulkan |
| // bots. |
| DAWN_SKIP_TEST_IF(IsIntel() && IsVulkan() && IsWindows()); |
| |
| // TODO(jiawei.shao@intel.com): find out why this test fails on Windows Intel OpenGL drivers. |
| DAWN_SKIP_TEST_IF(IsIntel() && IsOpenGL() && IsWindows()); |
| |
| DAWN_SKIP_TEST_IF(!IsBCFormatSupported()); |
| |
| CopyConfig config; |
| config.textureDescriptor.usage = kDefaultBCFormatTextureUsage; |
| config.textureDescriptor.size = {60, 60, 1}; |
| |
| constexpr uint32_t kMipmapLevelCount = 3; |
| config.textureDescriptor.mipLevelCount = kMipmapLevelCount; |
| config.viewMipmapLevel = kMipmapLevelCount - 1; |
| |
| // The actual size of the texture at mipmap level == 2 is not a multiple of 4, paddings are |
| // required in the copies. |
| const wgpu::Extent3D textureSizeLevel0 = config.textureDescriptor.size; |
| const uint32_t kActualWidthAtLevel = textureSizeLevel0.width >> config.viewMipmapLevel; |
| const uint32_t kActualHeightAtLevel = textureSizeLevel0.height >> config.viewMipmapLevel; |
| ASSERT(kActualWidthAtLevel % kBCBlockWidthInTexels != 0); |
| ASSERT(kActualHeightAtLevel % kBCBlockHeightInTexels != 0); |
| |
| const uint32_t kCopyWidthAtLevel = (kActualWidthAtLevel + kBCBlockWidthInTexels - 1) / |
| kBCBlockWidthInTexels * kBCBlockWidthInTexels; |
| const uint32_t kCopyHeightAtLevel = (kActualHeightAtLevel + kBCBlockHeightInTexels - 1) / |
| kBCBlockHeightInTexels * kBCBlockHeightInTexels; |
| |
| config.copyExtent3D = {kCopyWidthAtLevel, kCopyHeightAtLevel, 1}; |
| |
| for (wgpu::TextureFormat format : kBCFormats) { |
| config.textureDescriptor.format = format; |
| TestCopyRegionIntoBCFormatTextures(config); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| // Test texture-to-texture whole-size copies with BC formats. |
| TEST_P(CompressedTextureBCFormatTest, CopyWholeTextureSubResourceIntoNonZeroMipmapLevel) { |
| // TODO(jiawei.shao@intel.com): find out why this test is flaky on Windows Intel Vulkan |
| // bots. |
| DAWN_SKIP_TEST_IF(IsIntel() && IsVulkan() && IsWindows()); |
| |
| // TODO(jiawei.shao@intel.com): find out why this test fails on Windows Intel OpenGL drivers. |
| DAWN_SKIP_TEST_IF(IsIntel() && IsOpenGL() && IsWindows()); |
| |
| DAWN_SKIP_TEST_IF(!IsBCFormatSupported()); |
| |
| // TODO(cwallez@chromium.org): This consistently fails on with the 12th pixel being opaque black |
| // instead of opaque red on Win10 FYI Release (NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1660). See |
| // https://bugs.chromium.org/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=981393 |
| DAWN_SKIP_TEST_IF(IsWindows() && IsVulkan() && IsNvidia()); |
| |
| CopyConfig config; |
| config.textureDescriptor.size = {60, 60, 1}; |
| |
| constexpr uint32_t kMipmapLevelCount = 3; |
| config.textureDescriptor.mipLevelCount = kMipmapLevelCount; |
| config.viewMipmapLevel = kMipmapLevelCount - 1; |
| |
| // The actual size of the texture at mipmap level == 2 is not a multiple of 4, paddings are |
| // required in the copies. |
| const wgpu::Extent3D kVirtualSize = GetVirtualSizeAtLevel(config); |
| const wgpu::Extent3D kPhysicalSize = GetPhysicalSizeAtLevel(config); |
| ASSERT_NE(0u, kVirtualSize.width % kBCBlockWidthInTexels); |
| ASSERT_NE(0u, kVirtualSize.height % kBCBlockHeightInTexels); |
| |
| config.copyExtent3D = kPhysicalSize; |
| for (wgpu::TextureFormat format : kBCFormats) { |
| // Create bcTextureSrc as the source texture and initialize it with pre-prepared BC |
| // compressed data. |
| config.textureDescriptor.format = format; |
| // Add the usage bit for both source and destination textures so that we don't need to |
| // create two copy configs. |
| config.textureDescriptor.usage = |
| wgpu::TextureUsage::CopySrc | wgpu::TextureUsage::CopyDst | wgpu::TextureUsage::Sampled; |
| |
| wgpu::Texture bcTextureSrc = CreateTextureWithCompressedData(config); |
| |
| // Create bcTexture and copy from the content in bcTextureSrc into it. |
| wgpu::Texture bcTextureDst = CreateTextureFromTexture(bcTextureSrc, config, config); |
| |
| // Verify if we can use bcTexture as sampled textures correctly. |
| wgpu::RenderPipeline renderPipeline = CreateRenderPipelineForTest(); |
| wgpu::BindGroup bindGroup = |
| CreateBindGroupForTest(renderPipeline.GetBindGroupLayout(0), bcTextureDst, format, |
| config.copyOrigin3D.z, config.viewMipmapLevel); |
| |
| std::vector<RGBA8> expectedData = GetExpectedData(format, kVirtualSize); |
| VerifyCompressedTexturePixelValues(renderPipeline, bindGroup, kVirtualSize, |
| config.copyOrigin3D, kVirtualSize, expectedData); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| // Test BC format texture-to-texture partial copies where the physical size of the destination |
| // subresource is different from its virtual size. |
| TEST_P(CompressedTextureBCFormatTest, CopyIntoSubresourceWithPhysicalSizeNotEqualToVirtualSize) { |
| DAWN_SKIP_TEST_IF(!IsBCFormatSupported()); |
| |
| // TODO(jiawei.shao@intel.com): add workaround on the T2T copies where Extent3D fits in one |
| // subresource and does not fit in another one on OpenGL. |
| |
| // TODO(jiawei.shao@intel.com): find out why this test is flaky on Windows Intel Vulkan |
| // bots. |
| DAWN_SKIP_TEST_IF(IsIntel() && IsVulkan() && IsWindows()); |
| |
| CopyConfig srcConfig; |
| srcConfig.textureDescriptor.size = {60, 60, 1}; |
| srcConfig.viewMipmapLevel = srcConfig.textureDescriptor.mipLevelCount - 1; |
| |
| const wgpu::Extent3D kSrcVirtualSize = GetVirtualSizeAtLevel(srcConfig); |
| |
| CopyConfig dstConfig; |
| dstConfig.textureDescriptor.size = {60, 60, 1}; |
| constexpr uint32_t kMipmapLevelCount = 3; |
| dstConfig.textureDescriptor.mipLevelCount = kMipmapLevelCount; |
| dstConfig.viewMipmapLevel = kMipmapLevelCount - 1; |
| |
| // The actual size of the texture at mipmap level == 2 is not a multiple of 4, paddings are |
| // required in the copies. |
| const wgpu::Extent3D kDstVirtualSize = GetVirtualSizeAtLevel(dstConfig); |
| ASSERT_NE(0u, kDstVirtualSize.width % kBCBlockWidthInTexels); |
| ASSERT_NE(0u, kDstVirtualSize.height % kBCBlockHeightInTexels); |
| |
| const wgpu::Extent3D kDstPhysicalSize = GetPhysicalSizeAtLevel(dstConfig); |
| |
| srcConfig.copyExtent3D = dstConfig.copyExtent3D = kDstPhysicalSize; |
| ASSERT_LT(srcConfig.copyOrigin3D.x + srcConfig.copyExtent3D.width, kSrcVirtualSize.width); |
| ASSERT_LT(srcConfig.copyOrigin3D.y + srcConfig.copyExtent3D.height, kSrcVirtualSize.height); |
| |
| for (wgpu::TextureFormat format : kBCFormats) { |
| // Create bcTextureSrc as the source texture and initialize it with pre-prepared BC |
| // compressed data. |
| srcConfig.textureDescriptor.format = format; |
| srcConfig.textureDescriptor.usage = |
| wgpu::TextureUsage::CopySrc | wgpu::TextureUsage::CopyDst; |
| wgpu::Texture bcTextureSrc = CreateTextureWithCompressedData(srcConfig); |
| wgpu::TextureCopyView textureCopyViewSrc = utils::CreateTextureCopyView( |
| bcTextureSrc, srcConfig.viewMipmapLevel, srcConfig.copyOrigin3D); |
| |
| // Create bcTexture and copy from the content in bcTextureSrc into it. |
| dstConfig.textureDescriptor.format = format; |
| dstConfig.textureDescriptor.usage = kDefaultBCFormatTextureUsage; |
| wgpu::Texture bcTextureDst = CreateTextureFromTexture(bcTextureSrc, srcConfig, dstConfig); |
| |
| // Verify if we can use bcTexture as sampled textures correctly. |
| wgpu::RenderPipeline renderPipeline = CreateRenderPipelineForTest(); |
| wgpu::BindGroup bindGroup = |
| CreateBindGroupForTest(renderPipeline.GetBindGroupLayout(0), bcTextureDst, format, |
| dstConfig.copyOrigin3D.z, dstConfig.viewMipmapLevel); |
| |
| std::vector<RGBA8> expectedData = GetExpectedData(format, kDstVirtualSize); |
| VerifyCompressedTexturePixelValues(renderPipeline, bindGroup, kDstVirtualSize, |
| dstConfig.copyOrigin3D, kDstVirtualSize, expectedData); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| // Test BC format texture-to-texture partial copies where the physical size of the source |
| // subresource is different from its virtual size. |
| TEST_P(CompressedTextureBCFormatTest, CopyFromSubresourceWithPhysicalSizeNotEqualToVirtualSize) { |
| DAWN_SKIP_TEST_IF(!IsBCFormatSupported()); |
| |
| // TODO(jiawei.shao@intel.com): add workaround on the T2T copies where Extent3D fits in one |
| // subresource and does not fit in another one on OpenGL. |
| |
| // TODO(jiawei.shao@intel.com): find out why this test is flaky on Windows Intel Vulkan |
| // bots. |
| DAWN_SKIP_TEST_IF(IsIntel() && IsVulkan() && IsWindows()); |
| |
| CopyConfig srcConfig; |
| srcConfig.textureDescriptor.size = {60, 60, 1}; |
| constexpr uint32_t kMipmapLevelCount = 3; |
| srcConfig.textureDescriptor.mipLevelCount = kMipmapLevelCount; |
| srcConfig.viewMipmapLevel = srcConfig.textureDescriptor.mipLevelCount - 1; |
| |
| // The actual size of the texture at mipmap level == 2 is not a multiple of 4, paddings are |
| // required in the copies. |
| const wgpu::Extent3D kSrcVirtualSize = GetVirtualSizeAtLevel(srcConfig); |
| ASSERT_NE(0u, kSrcVirtualSize.width % kBCBlockWidthInTexels); |
| ASSERT_NE(0u, kSrcVirtualSize.height % kBCBlockHeightInTexels); |
| |
| CopyConfig dstConfig; |
| dstConfig.textureDescriptor.size = {16, 16, 1}; |
| dstConfig.viewMipmapLevel = dstConfig.textureDescriptor.mipLevelCount - 1; |
| |
| const wgpu::Extent3D kDstVirtualSize = GetVirtualSizeAtLevel(dstConfig); |
| srcConfig.copyExtent3D = dstConfig.copyExtent3D = kDstVirtualSize; |
| |
| ASSERT_GT(srcConfig.copyOrigin3D.x + srcConfig.copyExtent3D.width, kSrcVirtualSize.width); |
| ASSERT_GT(srcConfig.copyOrigin3D.y + srcConfig.copyExtent3D.height, kSrcVirtualSize.height); |
| |
| for (wgpu::TextureFormat format : kBCFormats) { |
| srcConfig.textureDescriptor.format = dstConfig.textureDescriptor.format = format; |
| srcConfig.textureDescriptor.usage = |
| wgpu::TextureUsage::CopySrc | wgpu::TextureUsage::CopyDst; |
| dstConfig.textureDescriptor.usage = kDefaultBCFormatTextureUsage; |
| |
| // Create bcTextureSrc as the source texture and initialize it with pre-prepared BC |
| // compressed data. |
| wgpu::Texture bcTextureSrc = CreateTextureWithCompressedData(srcConfig); |
| |
| // Create bcTexture and copy from the content in bcTextureSrc into it. |
| wgpu::Texture bcTextureDst = CreateTextureFromTexture(bcTextureSrc, srcConfig, dstConfig); |
| |
| // Verify if we can use bcTexture as sampled textures correctly. |
| wgpu::RenderPipeline renderPipeline = CreateRenderPipelineForTest(); |
| wgpu::BindGroup bindGroup = |
| CreateBindGroupForTest(renderPipeline.GetBindGroupLayout(0), bcTextureDst, format, |
| dstConfig.copyOrigin3D.z, dstConfig.viewMipmapLevel); |
| |
| std::vector<RGBA8> expectedData = GetExpectedData(format, kDstVirtualSize); |
| VerifyCompressedTexturePixelValues(renderPipeline, bindGroup, kDstVirtualSize, |
| dstConfig.copyOrigin3D, kDstVirtualSize, expectedData); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| // Test recording two BC format texture-to-texture partial copies where the physical size of the |
| // source subresource is different from its virtual size into one command buffer. |
| TEST_P(CompressedTextureBCFormatTest, MultipleCopiesWithPhysicalSizeNotEqualToVirtualSize) { |
| DAWN_SKIP_TEST_IF(!IsBCFormatSupported()); |
| |
| // TODO(jiawei.shao@intel.com): add workaround on the T2T copies where Extent3D fits in one |
| // subresource and does not fit in another one on OpenGL. |
| |
| // TODO(jiawei.shao@intel.com): find out why this test is flaky on Windows Intel Vulkan |
| // bots. |
| DAWN_SKIP_TEST_IF(IsIntel() && IsVulkan() && IsWindows()); |
| |
| constexpr uint32_t kTotalCopyCount = 2; |
| std::array<CopyConfig, kTotalCopyCount> srcConfigs; |
| std::array<CopyConfig, kTotalCopyCount> dstConfigs; |
| |
| constexpr uint32_t kSrcMipmapLevelCount0 = 3; |
| srcConfigs[0].textureDescriptor.size = {60, 60, 1}; |
| srcConfigs[0].textureDescriptor.mipLevelCount = kSrcMipmapLevelCount0; |
| srcConfigs[0].viewMipmapLevel = srcConfigs[0].textureDescriptor.mipLevelCount - 1; |
| dstConfigs[0].textureDescriptor.size = {16, 16, 1}; |
| dstConfigs[0].viewMipmapLevel = dstConfigs[0].textureDescriptor.mipLevelCount - 1; |
| srcConfigs[0].copyExtent3D = dstConfigs[0].copyExtent3D = GetVirtualSizeAtLevel(dstConfigs[0]); |
| const wgpu::Extent3D kSrcVirtualSize0 = GetVirtualSizeAtLevel(srcConfigs[0]); |
| ASSERT_NE(0u, kSrcVirtualSize0.width % kBCBlockWidthInTexels); |
| ASSERT_NE(0u, kSrcVirtualSize0.height % kBCBlockHeightInTexels); |
| |
| constexpr uint32_t kDstMipmapLevelCount1 = 4; |
| srcConfigs[1].textureDescriptor.size = {8, 8, 1}; |
| srcConfigs[1].viewMipmapLevel = srcConfigs[1].textureDescriptor.mipLevelCount - 1; |
| dstConfigs[1].textureDescriptor.size = {56, 56, 1}; |
| dstConfigs[1].textureDescriptor.mipLevelCount = kDstMipmapLevelCount1; |
| dstConfigs[1].viewMipmapLevel = dstConfigs[1].textureDescriptor.mipLevelCount - 1; |
| srcConfigs[1].copyExtent3D = dstConfigs[1].copyExtent3D = GetVirtualSizeAtLevel(srcConfigs[1]); |
| |
| std::array<wgpu::Extent3D, kTotalCopyCount> dstVirtualSizes; |
| for (uint32_t i = 0; i < kTotalCopyCount; ++i) { |
| dstVirtualSizes[i] = GetVirtualSizeAtLevel(dstConfigs[i]); |
| } |
| ASSERT_NE(0u, dstVirtualSizes[1].width % kBCBlockWidthInTexels); |
| ASSERT_NE(0u, dstVirtualSizes[1].height % kBCBlockHeightInTexels); |
| |
| for (wgpu::TextureFormat format : kBCFormats) { |
| std::array<wgpu::Texture, kTotalCopyCount> bcSrcTextures; |
| std::array<wgpu::Texture, kTotalCopyCount> bcDstTextures; |
| |
| wgpu::CommandEncoder encoder = device.CreateCommandEncoder(); |
| for (uint32_t i = 0; i < kTotalCopyCount; ++i) { |
| srcConfigs[i].textureDescriptor.format = dstConfigs[i].textureDescriptor.format = |
| format; |
| srcConfigs[i].textureDescriptor.usage = |
| wgpu::TextureUsage::CopySrc | wgpu::TextureUsage::CopyDst; |
| dstConfigs[i].textureDescriptor.usage = kDefaultBCFormatTextureUsage; |
| |
| // Create bcSrcTextures as the source textures and initialize them with pre-prepared BC |
| // compressed data. |
| bcSrcTextures[i] = CreateTextureWithCompressedData(srcConfigs[i]); |
| bcDstTextures[i] = device.CreateTexture(&dstConfigs[i].textureDescriptor); |
| |
| RecordTextureToTextureCopy(encoder, bcSrcTextures[i], bcDstTextures[i], srcConfigs[i], |
| dstConfigs[i]); |
| } |
| |
| wgpu::CommandBuffer commandBuffer = encoder.Finish(); |
| queue.Submit(1, &commandBuffer); |
| |
| wgpu::RenderPipeline renderPipeline = CreateRenderPipelineForTest(); |
| |
| for (uint32_t i = 0; i < kTotalCopyCount; ++i) { |
| // Verify if we can use bcDstTextures as sampled textures correctly. |
| wgpu::BindGroup bindGroup0 = CreateBindGroupForTest( |
| renderPipeline.GetBindGroupLayout(0), bcDstTextures[i], format, |
| dstConfigs[i].copyOrigin3D.z, dstConfigs[i].viewMipmapLevel); |
| |
| std::vector<RGBA8> expectedData = GetExpectedData(format, dstVirtualSizes[i]); |
| VerifyCompressedTexturePixelValues(renderPipeline, bindGroup0, dstVirtualSizes[i], |
| dstConfigs[i].copyOrigin3D, dstVirtualSizes[i], |
| expectedData); |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| // Test the special case of the B2T copies on the D3D12 backend that the buffer offset and texture |
| // extent exactly fit the RowPitch. |
| TEST_P(CompressedTextureBCFormatTest, BufferOffsetAndExtentFitRowPitch) { |
| // TODO(jiawei.shao@intel.com): find out why this test is flaky on Windows Intel Vulkan |
| // bots. |
| DAWN_SKIP_TEST_IF(IsIntel() && IsVulkan() && IsWindows()); |
| |
| // TODO(jiawei.shao@intel.com): find out why this test fails on Windows Intel OpenGL drivers. |
| DAWN_SKIP_TEST_IF(IsIntel() && IsOpenGL() && IsWindows()); |
| |
| DAWN_SKIP_TEST_IF(!IsBCFormatSupported()); |
| |
| CopyConfig config; |
| config.textureDescriptor.usage = kDefaultBCFormatTextureUsage; |
| config.textureDescriptor.size = {8, 8, 1}; |
| config.copyExtent3D = config.textureDescriptor.size; |
| |
| const uint32_t blockCountPerRow = config.textureDescriptor.size.width / kBCBlockWidthInTexels; |
| |
| for (wgpu::TextureFormat format : kBCFormats) { |
| config.textureDescriptor.format = format; |
| |
| const uint32_t blockSizeInBytes = utils::GetTexelBlockSizeInBytes(format); |
| const uint32_t blockCountPerRowPitch = config.bytesPerRowAlignment / blockSizeInBytes; |
| |
| config.bufferOffset = (blockCountPerRowPitch - blockCountPerRow) * blockSizeInBytes; |
| |
| TestCopyRegionIntoBCFormatTextures(config); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| // Test the special case of the B2T copies on the D3D12 backend that the buffer offset exceeds the |
| // slice pitch (slicePitch = bytesPerRow * (rowsPerImage / blockHeightInTexels)). On D3D12 |
| // backend the texelOffset.y will be greater than 0 after calcuting the texelOffset in the function |
| // ComputeTexelOffsets(). |
| TEST_P(CompressedTextureBCFormatTest, BufferOffsetExceedsSlicePitch) { |
| // TODO(jiawei.shao@intel.com): find out why this test is flaky on Windows Intel Vulkan |
| // bots. |
| DAWN_SKIP_TEST_IF(IsIntel() && IsVulkan() && IsWindows()); |
| |
| // TODO(jiawei.shao@intel.com): find out why this test fails on Windows Intel OpenGL drivers. |
| DAWN_SKIP_TEST_IF(IsIntel() && IsOpenGL() && IsWindows()); |
| |
| DAWN_SKIP_TEST_IF(!IsBCFormatSupported()); |
| |
| CopyConfig config; |
| config.textureDescriptor.usage = kDefaultBCFormatTextureUsage; |
| config.textureDescriptor.size = {8, 8, 1}; |
| config.copyExtent3D = config.textureDescriptor.size; |
| |
| const wgpu::Extent3D textureSizeLevel0 = config.textureDescriptor.size; |
| const uint32_t blockCountPerRow = textureSizeLevel0.width / kBCBlockWidthInTexels; |
| const uint32_t slicePitchInBytes = |
| config.bytesPerRowAlignment * (textureSizeLevel0.height / kBCBlockHeightInTexels); |
| |
| for (wgpu::TextureFormat format : kBCFormats) { |
| config.textureDescriptor.format = format; |
| |
| const uint32_t blockSizeInBytes = utils::GetTexelBlockSizeInBytes(format); |
| const uint32_t blockCountPerRowPitch = config.bytesPerRowAlignment / blockSizeInBytes; |
| |
| config.bufferOffset = (blockCountPerRowPitch - blockCountPerRow) * blockSizeInBytes + |
| config.bytesPerRowAlignment + slicePitchInBytes; |
| |
| TestCopyRegionIntoBCFormatTextures(config); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| // Test the special case of the B2T copies on the D3D12 backend that the buffer offset and texture |
| // extent exceed the RowPitch. On D3D12 backend two copies are required for this case. |
| TEST_P(CompressedTextureBCFormatTest, CopyWithBufferOffsetAndExtentExceedRowPitch) { |
| // TODO(jiawei.shao@intel.com): find out why this test is flaky on Windows Intel Vulkan |
| // bots. |
| DAWN_SKIP_TEST_IF(IsIntel() && IsVulkan() && IsWindows()); |
| |
| // TODO(jiawei.shao@intel.com): find out why this test fails on Windows Intel OpenGL drivers. |
| DAWN_SKIP_TEST_IF(IsIntel() && IsOpenGL() && IsWindows()); |
| |
| DAWN_SKIP_TEST_IF(!IsBCFormatSupported()); |
| |
| CopyConfig config; |
| config.textureDescriptor.usage = kDefaultBCFormatTextureUsage; |
| config.textureDescriptor.size = {8, 8, 1}; |
| config.copyExtent3D = config.textureDescriptor.size; |
| |
| const uint32_t blockCountPerRow = config.textureDescriptor.size.width / kBCBlockWidthInTexels; |
| |
| constexpr uint32_t kExceedRowBlockCount = 1; |
| |
| for (wgpu::TextureFormat format : kBCFormats) { |
| config.textureDescriptor.format = format; |
| |
| const uint32_t blockSizeInBytes = utils::GetTexelBlockSizeInBytes(format); |
| const uint32_t blockCountPerRowPitch = config.bytesPerRowAlignment / blockSizeInBytes; |
| config.bufferOffset = |
| (blockCountPerRowPitch - blockCountPerRow + kExceedRowBlockCount) * blockSizeInBytes; |
| |
| TestCopyRegionIntoBCFormatTextures(config); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| // Test the special case of the B2T copies on the D3D12 backend that the slicePitch is equal to the |
| // bytesPerRow. On D3D12 backend the texelOffset.z will be greater than 0 after calcuting the |
| // texelOffset in the function ComputeTexelOffsets(). |
| TEST_P(CompressedTextureBCFormatTest, RowPitchEqualToSlicePitch) { |
| // TODO(jiawei.shao@intel.com): find out why this test is flaky on Windows Intel Vulkan |
| // bots. |
| DAWN_SKIP_TEST_IF(IsIntel() && IsVulkan() && IsWindows()); |
| |
| DAWN_SKIP_TEST_IF(!IsBCFormatSupported()); |
| |
| CopyConfig config; |
| config.textureDescriptor.usage = kDefaultBCFormatTextureUsage; |
| config.textureDescriptor.size = {8, kBCBlockHeightInTexels, 1}; |
| config.copyExtent3D = config.textureDescriptor.size; |
| |
| const uint32_t blockCountPerRow = config.textureDescriptor.size.width / kBCBlockWidthInTexels; |
| const uint32_t slicePitchInBytes = config.bytesPerRowAlignment; |
| |
| for (wgpu::TextureFormat format : kBCFormats) { |
| config.textureDescriptor.format = format; |
| |
| const uint32_t blockSizeInBytes = utils::GetTexelBlockSizeInBytes(format); |
| const uint32_t blockCountPerRowPitch = config.bytesPerRowAlignment / blockSizeInBytes; |
| |
| config.bufferOffset = |
| (blockCountPerRowPitch - blockCountPerRow) * blockSizeInBytes + slicePitchInBytes; |
| |
| TestCopyRegionIntoBCFormatTextures(config); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| // Test the workaround in the B2T copies when (bufferSize - bufferOffset < bytesPerImage * |
| // copyExtent.depth) on Metal backends. As copyExtent.depth can only be 1 for BC formats, on Metal |
| // backend we will use two copies to implement such copy. |
| TEST_P(CompressedTextureBCFormatTest, LargeImageHeight) { |
| // TODO(jiawei.shao@intel.com): find out why this test is flaky on Windows Intel Vulkan |
| // bots. |
| DAWN_SKIP_TEST_IF(IsIntel() && IsVulkan() && IsWindows()); |
| |
| // TODO(jiawei.shao@intel.com): find out why this test fails on Windows Intel OpenGL drivers. |
| DAWN_SKIP_TEST_IF(IsIntel() && IsOpenGL() && IsWindows()); |
| |
| DAWN_SKIP_TEST_IF(!IsBCFormatSupported()); |
| |
| CopyConfig config; |
| config.textureDescriptor.usage = kDefaultBCFormatTextureUsage; |
| config.textureDescriptor.size = {8, 8, 1}; |
| config.copyExtent3D = config.textureDescriptor.size; |
| |
| config.rowsPerImage = config.textureDescriptor.size.height * 2 / kBCBlockHeightInTexels; |
| |
| for (wgpu::TextureFormat format : kBCFormats) { |
| config.textureDescriptor.format = format; |
| TestCopyRegionIntoBCFormatTextures(config); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| // Test the workaround in the B2T copies when (bufferSize - bufferOffset < bytesPerImage * |
| // copyExtent.depth) and copyExtent needs to be clamped. |
| TEST_P(CompressedTextureBCFormatTest, LargeImageHeightAndClampedCopyExtent) { |
| // TODO(jiawei.shao@intel.com): find out why this test is flaky on Windows Intel Vulkan |
| // bots. |
| DAWN_SKIP_TEST_IF(IsIntel() && IsVulkan() && IsWindows()); |
| |
| // TODO(jiawei.shao@intel.com): find out why this test fails on Windows Intel OpenGL drivers. |
| DAWN_SKIP_TEST_IF(IsIntel() && IsOpenGL() && IsWindows()); |
| |
| DAWN_SKIP_TEST_IF(!IsBCFormatSupported()); |
| |
| CopyConfig config; |
| config.textureDescriptor.usage = kDefaultBCFormatTextureUsage; |
| config.textureDescriptor.size = {56, 56, 1}; |
| |
| constexpr uint32_t kMipmapLevelCount = 3; |
| config.textureDescriptor.mipLevelCount = kMipmapLevelCount; |
| config.viewMipmapLevel = kMipmapLevelCount - 1; |
| |
| // The actual size of the texture at mipmap level == 2 is not a multiple of 4, paddings are |
| // required in the copies. |
| const wgpu::Extent3D textureSizeLevel0 = config.textureDescriptor.size; |
| const uint32_t kActualWidthAtLevel = textureSizeLevel0.width >> config.viewMipmapLevel; |
| const uint32_t kActualHeightAtLevel = textureSizeLevel0.height >> config.viewMipmapLevel; |
| ASSERT(kActualWidthAtLevel % kBCBlockWidthInTexels != 0); |
| ASSERT(kActualHeightAtLevel % kBCBlockHeightInTexels != 0); |
| |
| const uint32_t kCopyWidthAtLevel = (kActualWidthAtLevel + kBCBlockWidthInTexels - 1) / |
| kBCBlockWidthInTexels * kBCBlockWidthInTexels; |
| const uint32_t kCopyHeightAtLevel = (kActualHeightAtLevel + kBCBlockHeightInTexels - 1) / |
| kBCBlockHeightInTexels * kBCBlockHeightInTexels; |
| |
| config.copyExtent3D = {kCopyWidthAtLevel, kCopyHeightAtLevel, 1}; |
| |
| config.rowsPerImage = kCopyHeightAtLevel * 2 / kBCBlockHeightInTexels; |
| |
| for (wgpu::TextureFormat format : kBCFormats) { |
| config.textureDescriptor.format = format; |
| TestCopyRegionIntoBCFormatTextures(config); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| // Test copying a whole 2D array texture with array layer count > 1 in one copy command works with |
| // BC formats. |
| TEST_P(CompressedTextureBCFormatTest, CopyWhole2DArrayTexture) { |
| // TODO(jiawei.shao@intel.com): find out why this test is flaky on Windows Intel Vulkan |
| // bots. |
| DAWN_SKIP_TEST_IF(IsIntel() && IsVulkan() && IsWindows()); |
| |
| // TODO(jiawei.shao@intel.com): find out why this test fails on Windows Intel OpenGL drivers. |
| DAWN_SKIP_TEST_IF(IsIntel() && IsOpenGL() && IsWindows()); |
| |
| DAWN_SKIP_TEST_IF(!IsBCFormatSupported()); |
| |
| constexpr uint32_t kArrayLayerCount = 3; |
| |
| CopyConfig config; |
| config.textureDescriptor.usage = kDefaultBCFormatTextureUsage; |
| config.textureDescriptor.size = {8, 8, kArrayLayerCount}; |
| config.rowsPerImage = 8; |
| |
| config.copyExtent3D = config.textureDescriptor.size; |
| config.copyExtent3D.depth = kArrayLayerCount; |
| |
| for (wgpu::TextureFormat format : kBCFormats) { |
| config.textureDescriptor.format = format; |
| TestCopyRegionIntoBCFormatTextures(config); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| // Test copying a multiple 2D texture array layers in one copy command works with BC formats. |
| TEST_P(CompressedTextureBCFormatTest, CopyMultiple2DArrayLayers) { |
| // TODO(jiawei.shao@intel.com): find out why this test is flaky on Windows Intel Vulkan |
| // bots. |
| DAWN_SKIP_TEST_IF(IsIntel() && IsVulkan() && IsWindows()); |
| |
| // TODO(jiawei.shao@intel.com): find out why this test fails on Windows Intel OpenGL drivers. |
| DAWN_SKIP_TEST_IF(IsIntel() && IsOpenGL() && IsWindows()); |
| |
| DAWN_SKIP_TEST_IF(!IsBCFormatSupported()); |
| |
| constexpr uint32_t kArrayLayerCount = 3; |
| |
| CopyConfig config; |
| config.textureDescriptor.usage = kDefaultBCFormatTextureUsage; |
| config.textureDescriptor.size = {8, 8, kArrayLayerCount}; |
| config.rowsPerImage = 8; |
| |
| constexpr uint32_t kCopyBaseArrayLayer = 1; |
| constexpr uint32_t kCopyLayerCount = 2; |
| config.copyOrigin3D = {0, 0, kCopyBaseArrayLayer}; |
| config.copyExtent3D = config.textureDescriptor.size; |
| config.copyExtent3D.depth = kCopyLayerCount; |
| |
| for (wgpu::TextureFormat format : kBCFormats) { |
| config.textureDescriptor.format = format; |
| TestCopyRegionIntoBCFormatTextures(config); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| // Testing a special code path: clearing a non-renderable texture when DynamicUploader |
| // is unaligned doesn't throw validation errors. |
| TEST_P(CompressedTextureBCFormatTest, UnalignedDynamicUploader) { |
| // CopyT2B for compressed texture formats is unimplemented on OpenGL. |
| |
| utils::UnalignDynamicUploader(device); |
| |
| wgpu::TextureDescriptor textureDescriptor = {}; |
| textureDescriptor.size = {4, 4, 1}; |
| textureDescriptor.format = wgpu::TextureFormat::BC1RGBAUnorm; |
| textureDescriptor.usage = wgpu::TextureUsage::CopyDst | wgpu::TextureUsage::CopySrc; |
| wgpu::Texture texture = device.CreateTexture(&textureDescriptor); |
| |
| wgpu::BufferDescriptor bufferDescriptor; |
| bufferDescriptor.size = 8; |
| bufferDescriptor.usage = wgpu::BufferUsage::CopySrc | wgpu::BufferUsage::CopyDst; |
| wgpu::Buffer buffer = device.CreateBuffer(&bufferDescriptor); |
| |
| wgpu::TextureCopyView textureCopyView = utils::CreateTextureCopyView(texture, 0, {0, 0, 0}); |
| wgpu::BufferCopyView bufferCopyView = utils::CreateBufferCopyView(buffer, 0, 256); |
| wgpu::Extent3D copyExtent = {4, 4, 1}; |
| |
| wgpu::CommandEncoder encoder = device.CreateCommandEncoder(); |
| encoder.CopyTextureToBuffer(&textureCopyView, &bufferCopyView, ©Extent); |
| wgpu::CommandBuffer commands = encoder.Finish(); |
| queue.Submit(1, &commands); |
| } |
| |
| // TODO(jiawei.shao@intel.com): support BC formats on OpenGL backend |
| DAWN_INSTANTIATE_TEST(CompressedTextureBCFormatTest, |
| D3D12Backend(), |
| MetalBackend(), |
| OpenGLBackend(), |
| VulkanBackend(), |
| VulkanBackend({"use_temporary_buffer_in_texture_to_texture_copy"})); |
| |
| class CompressedTextureWriteTextureTest : public CompressedTextureBCFormatTest { |
| protected: |
| void SetUp() override { |
| CompressedTextureBCFormatTest::SetUp(); |
| DAWN_SKIP_TEST_IF(!IsBCFormatSupported()); |
| } |
| |
| // Write the compressed texture data into the destination texture as is specified in copyConfig. |
| void WriteToCompressedTexture(wgpu::Texture bcCompressedTexture, const CopyConfig& copyConfig) { |
| ASSERT(IsBCFormatSupported()); |
| |
| std::vector<uint8_t> data = UploadData(copyConfig); |
| |
| wgpu::TextureDataLayout textureDataLayout = utils::CreateTextureDataLayout( |
| copyConfig.bufferOffset, copyConfig.bytesPerRowAlignment, copyConfig.rowsPerImage); |
| |
| wgpu::TextureCopyView textureCopyView = utils::CreateTextureCopyView( |
| bcCompressedTexture, copyConfig.viewMipmapLevel, copyConfig.copyOrigin3D); |
| |
| queue.WriteTexture(&textureCopyView, data.data(), data.size(), &textureDataLayout, |
| ©Config.copyExtent3D); |
| } |
| |
| // Run the tests that write pre-prepared BC format data into a BC texture and verifies if we |
| // can render correctly with the pixel values sampled from the BC texture. |
| void TestWriteRegionIntoBCFormatTextures(const CopyConfig& config) { |
| ASSERT(IsBCFormatSupported()); |
| |
| wgpu::Texture bcTexture = device.CreateTexture(&config.textureDescriptor); |
| WriteToCompressedTexture(bcTexture, config); |
| |
| VerifyBCTexture(config, bcTexture); |
| } |
| }; |
| |
| // Test WriteTexture to a 2D texture with all parameters non-default |
| // with BC formats. |
| TEST_P(CompressedTextureWriteTextureTest, Basic) { |
| CopyConfig config; |
| config.textureDescriptor.usage = kDefaultBCFormatTextureUsage; |
| config.textureDescriptor.size = {20, 24, 1}; |
| |
| config.copyOrigin3D = {4, 8, 0}; |
| config.copyExtent3D = {12, 16, 1}; |
| config.bytesPerRowAlignment = 511; |
| config.rowsPerImage = 5; |
| |
| for (wgpu::TextureFormat format : kBCFormats) { |
| config.textureDescriptor.format = format; |
| TestWriteRegionIntoBCFormatTextures(config); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| // Test writing to multiple 2D texture array layers with BC formats. |
| TEST_P(CompressedTextureWriteTextureTest, WriteMultiple2DArrayLayers) { |
| // TODO(dawn:483): find out why this test is flaky on Windows Intel Vulkan |
| // bots. |
| DAWN_SKIP_TEST_IF(IsIntel() && IsVulkan() && IsWindows()); |
| |
| CopyConfig config; |
| config.textureDescriptor.usage = kDefaultBCFormatTextureUsage; |
| config.textureDescriptor.size = {20, 24, 9}; |
| |
| config.copyOrigin3D = {4, 8, 3}; |
| config.copyExtent3D = {12, 16, 6}; |
| config.bytesPerRowAlignment = 511; |
| config.rowsPerImage = 5; |
| |
| for (wgpu::TextureFormat format : kBCFormats) { |
| config.textureDescriptor.format = format; |
| TestWriteRegionIntoBCFormatTextures(config); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| // Test BC format write textures where the physical size of the destination |
| // subresource is different from its virtual size. |
| TEST_P(CompressedTextureWriteTextureTest, |
| WriteIntoSubresourceWithPhysicalSizeNotEqualToVirtualSize) { |
| // TODO(dawn:483): find out why this test is flaky on Windows Intel Vulkan |
| // bots. |
| DAWN_SKIP_TEST_IF(IsIntel() && IsVulkan() && IsWindows()); |
| |
| // Texture virtual size at mipLevel 2 will be {15, 15, 1} while the physical |
| // size will be {16, 16, 1}. |
| // Setting copyExtent.width or copyExtent.height to 16 fits in |
| // the texture physical size, but doesn't fit in the virtual size. |
| for (unsigned int w : {12, 16}) { |
| for (unsigned int h : {12, 16}) { |
| for (wgpu::TextureFormat format : kBCFormats) { |
| CopyConfig config; |
| config.textureDescriptor.usage = kDefaultBCFormatTextureUsage; |
| config.textureDescriptor.size = {60, 60, 1}; |
| config.textureDescriptor.mipLevelCount = 4; |
| config.viewMipmapLevel = 2; |
| |
| config.copyOrigin3D = {0, 0, 0}; |
| config.copyExtent3D = {w, h, 1}; |
| config.bytesPerRowAlignment = 256; |
| config.textureDescriptor.format = format; |
| TestWriteRegionIntoBCFormatTextures(config); |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| DAWN_INSTANTIATE_TEST(CompressedTextureWriteTextureTest, |
| D3D12Backend(), |
| MetalBackend(), |
| VulkanBackend()); |