| // Copyright 2018 The Dawn Authors |
| // |
| // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); |
| // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. |
| // You may obtain a copy of the License at |
| // |
| // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 |
| // |
| // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software |
| // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, |
| // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. |
| // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and |
| // limitations under the License. |
| |
| |
| #include "dawn_native/dawn_platform.h" |
| |
| #include "common/SerialQueue.h" |
| #include "dawn_native/Commands.h" |
| #include "dawn_native/Device.h" |
| #include "dawn_native/vulkan/CommandRecordingContext.h" |
| #include "dawn_native/vulkan/Forward.h" |
| #include "dawn_native/vulkan/VulkanFunctions.h" |
| #include "dawn_native/vulkan/VulkanInfo.h" |
| |
| #include "dawn_native/vulkan/external_memory/MemoryService.h" |
| #include "dawn_native/vulkan/external_semaphore/SemaphoreService.h" |
| |
| #include <memory> |
| #include <queue> |
| |
| namespace dawn_native { namespace vulkan { |
| |
| class Adapter; |
| class BindGroupLayout; |
| class BufferUploader; |
| class FencedDeleter; |
| class RenderPassCache; |
| class ResourceMemoryAllocator; |
| |
| class Device : public DeviceBase { |
| public: |
| static ResultOrError<Device*> Create(Adapter* adapter, const DeviceDescriptor* descriptor); |
| ~Device() override; |
| |
| MaybeError Initialize(); |
| |
| // Contains all the Vulkan entry points, vkDoFoo is called via device->fn.DoFoo. |
| const VulkanFunctions fn; |
| |
| VkInstance GetVkInstance() const; |
| const VulkanDeviceInfo& GetDeviceInfo() const; |
| const VulkanGlobalInfo& GetGlobalInfo() const; |
| VkDevice GetVkDevice() const; |
| uint32_t GetGraphicsQueueFamily() const; |
| VkQueue GetQueue() const; |
| |
| FencedDeleter* GetFencedDeleter() const; |
| RenderPassCache* GetRenderPassCache() const; |
| |
| CommandRecordingContext* GetPendingRecordingContext(); |
| MaybeError SubmitPendingCommands(); |
| |
| void EnqueueDeferredDeallocation(BindGroupLayout* bindGroupLayout); |
| |
| // Dawn Native API |
| |
| TextureBase* CreateTextureWrappingVulkanImage( |
| const ExternalImageDescriptorVk* descriptor, |
| ExternalMemoryHandle memoryHandle, |
| const std::vector<ExternalSemaphoreHandle>& waitHandles); |
| bool SignalAndExportExternalTexture(Texture* texture, |
| VkImageLayout desiredLayout, |
| ExternalImageExportInfoVk* info, |
| std::vector<ExternalSemaphoreHandle>* semaphoreHandle); |
| |
| ResultOrError<Ref<CommandBufferBase>> CreateCommandBuffer( |
| CommandEncoder* encoder, |
| const CommandBufferDescriptor* descriptor) override; |
| |
| MaybeError TickImpl() override; |
| |
| ResultOrError<std::unique_ptr<StagingBufferBase>> CreateStagingBuffer(size_t size) override; |
| MaybeError CopyFromStagingToBuffer(StagingBufferBase* source, |
| uint64_t sourceOffset, |
| BufferBase* destination, |
| uint64_t destinationOffset, |
| uint64_t size) override; |
| MaybeError CopyFromStagingToTexture(const StagingBufferBase* source, |
| const TextureDataLayout& src, |
| TextureCopy* dst, |
| const Extent3D& copySizePixels) override; |
| |
| ResultOrError<ResourceMemoryAllocation> AllocateMemory(VkMemoryRequirements requirements, |
| bool mappable); |
| void DeallocateMemory(ResourceMemoryAllocation* allocation); |
| |
| int FindBestMemoryTypeIndex(VkMemoryRequirements requirements, bool mappable); |
| |
| ResourceMemoryAllocator* GetResourceMemoryAllocatorForTesting() const; |
| |
| // Return the fixed subgroup size to use for compute shaders on this device or 0 if none |
| // needs to be set. |
| uint32_t GetComputeSubgroupSize() const; |
| |
| uint32_t GetOptimalBytesPerRowAlignment() const override; |
| uint64_t GetOptimalBufferToTextureCopyOffsetAlignment() const override; |
| |
| float GetTimestampPeriodInNS() const override; |
| |
| private: |
| Device(Adapter* adapter, const DeviceDescriptor* descriptor); |
| |
| ResultOrError<Ref<BindGroupBase>> CreateBindGroupImpl( |
| const BindGroupDescriptor* descriptor) override; |
| ResultOrError<Ref<BindGroupLayoutBase>> CreateBindGroupLayoutImpl( |
| const BindGroupLayoutDescriptor* descriptor) override; |
| ResultOrError<Ref<BufferBase>> CreateBufferImpl( |
| const BufferDescriptor* descriptor) override; |
| ResultOrError<Ref<ComputePipelineBase>> CreateComputePipelineImpl( |
| const ComputePipelineDescriptor* descriptor) override; |
| ResultOrError<Ref<PipelineLayoutBase>> CreatePipelineLayoutImpl( |
| const PipelineLayoutDescriptor* descriptor) override; |
| ResultOrError<Ref<QuerySetBase>> CreateQuerySetImpl( |
| const QuerySetDescriptor* descriptor) override; |
| ResultOrError<Ref<RenderPipelineBase>> CreateRenderPipelineImpl( |
| const RenderPipelineDescriptor2* descriptor) override; |
| ResultOrError<Ref<SamplerBase>> CreateSamplerImpl( |
| const SamplerDescriptor* descriptor) override; |
| ResultOrError<Ref<ShaderModuleBase>> CreateShaderModuleImpl( |
| const ShaderModuleDescriptor* descriptor, |
| ShaderModuleParseResult* parseResult) override; |
| ResultOrError<Ref<SwapChainBase>> CreateSwapChainImpl( |
| const SwapChainDescriptor* descriptor) override; |
| ResultOrError<Ref<NewSwapChainBase>> CreateSwapChainImpl( |
| Surface* surface, |
| NewSwapChainBase* previousSwapChain, |
| const SwapChainDescriptor* descriptor) override; |
| ResultOrError<Ref<TextureBase>> CreateTextureImpl( |
| const TextureDescriptor* descriptor) override; |
| ResultOrError<Ref<TextureViewBase>> CreateTextureViewImpl( |
| TextureBase* texture, |
| const TextureViewDescriptor* descriptor) override; |
| |
| ResultOrError<VulkanDeviceKnobs> CreateDevice(VkPhysicalDevice physicalDevice); |
| void GatherQueueFromDevice(); |
| |
| uint32_t FindComputeSubgroupSize() const; |
| void InitTogglesFromDriver(); |
| void ApplyDepth24PlusS8Toggle(); |
| |
| void ShutDownImpl() override; |
| MaybeError WaitForIdleForDestruction() override; |
| |
| // To make it easier to use fn it is a public const member. However |
| // the Device is allowed to mutate them through these private methods. |
| VulkanFunctions* GetMutableFunctions(); |
| |
| VulkanDeviceInfo mDeviceInfo = {}; |
| VkDevice mVkDevice = VK_NULL_HANDLE; |
| uint32_t mQueueFamily = 0; |
| VkQueue mQueue = VK_NULL_HANDLE; |
| uint32_t mComputeSubgroupSize = 0; |
| |
| SerialQueue<ExecutionSerial, Ref<BindGroupLayout>> mBindGroupLayoutsPendingDeallocation; |
| std::unique_ptr<FencedDeleter> mDeleter; |
| std::unique_ptr<ResourceMemoryAllocator> mResourceMemoryAllocator; |
| std::unique_ptr<RenderPassCache> mRenderPassCache; |
| |
| std::unique_ptr<external_memory::Service> mExternalMemoryService; |
| std::unique_ptr<external_semaphore::Service> mExternalSemaphoreService; |
| |
| ResultOrError<VkFence> GetUnusedFence(); |
| ResultOrError<ExecutionSerial> CheckAndUpdateCompletedSerials() override; |
| |
| // We track which operations are in flight on the GPU with an increasing serial. |
| // This works only because we have a single queue. Each submit to a queue is associated |
| // to a serial and a fence, such that when the fence is "ready" we know the operations |
| // have finished. |
| std::queue<std::pair<VkFence, ExecutionSerial>> mFencesInFlight; |
| // Fences in the unused list aren't reset yet. |
| std::vector<VkFence> mUnusedFences; |
| |
| MaybeError PrepareRecordingContext(); |
| void RecycleCompletedCommands(); |
| |
| struct CommandPoolAndBuffer { |
| VkCommandPool pool = VK_NULL_HANDLE; |
| VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer = VK_NULL_HANDLE; |
| }; |
| SerialQueue<ExecutionSerial, CommandPoolAndBuffer> mCommandsInFlight; |
| // Command pools in the unused list haven't been reset yet. |
| std::vector<CommandPoolAndBuffer> mUnusedCommands; |
| // There is always a valid recording context stored in mRecordingContext |
| CommandRecordingContext mRecordingContext; |
| |
| MaybeError ImportExternalImage(const ExternalImageDescriptorVk* descriptor, |
| ExternalMemoryHandle memoryHandle, |
| VkImage image, |
| const std::vector<ExternalSemaphoreHandle>& waitHandles, |
| VkSemaphore* outSignalSemaphore, |
| VkDeviceMemory* outAllocation, |
| std::vector<VkSemaphore>* outWaitSemaphores); |
| }; |
| |
| }} // namespace dawn_native::vulkan |
| |