blob: 2c69fe9c77ff9fa15bef85b9bebec45824083ba4 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2017 The Dawn Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include "dawn_native/Error.h"
#include "dawn_native/Forward.h"
#include "dawn_native/ObjectBase.h"
#include "dawn/dawn_wsi.h"
#include "dawn_native/dawn_platform.h"
namespace dawn_native {
MaybeError ValidateSwapChainDescriptor(const DeviceBase* device,
const Surface* surface,
const SwapChainDescriptor* descriptor);
TextureDescriptor GetSwapChainBaseTextureDescriptor(NewSwapChainBase* swapChain);
class SwapChainBase : public ObjectBase {
SwapChainBase(DeviceBase* device);
static SwapChainBase* MakeError(DeviceBase* device);
// Dawn API
virtual void APIConfigure(wgpu::TextureFormat format,
wgpu::TextureUsage allowedUsage,
uint32_t width,
uint32_t height) = 0;
virtual TextureViewBase* APIGetCurrentTextureView() = 0;
virtual void APIPresent() = 0;
SwapChainBase(DeviceBase* device, ObjectBase::ErrorTag tag);
~SwapChainBase() override;
// The base class for implementation-based SwapChains that are deprecated.
class OldSwapChainBase : public SwapChainBase {
OldSwapChainBase(DeviceBase* device, const SwapChainDescriptor* descriptor);
static SwapChainBase* MakeError(DeviceBase* device);
// Dawn API
void APIConfigure(wgpu::TextureFormat format,
wgpu::TextureUsage allowedUsage,
uint32_t width,
uint32_t height) override;
TextureViewBase* APIGetCurrentTextureView() override;
void APIPresent() override;
~OldSwapChainBase() override;
const DawnSwapChainImplementation& GetImplementation();
virtual TextureBase* GetNextTextureImpl(const TextureDescriptor*) = 0;
virtual MaybeError OnBeforePresent(TextureViewBase* view) = 0;
MaybeError ValidateConfigure(wgpu::TextureFormat format,
wgpu::TextureUsage allowedUsage,
uint32_t width,
uint32_t height) const;
MaybeError ValidateGetCurrentTextureView() const;
MaybeError ValidatePresent() const;
DawnSwapChainImplementation mImplementation = {};
wgpu::TextureFormat mFormat = {};
wgpu::TextureUsage mAllowedUsage;
uint32_t mWidth = 0;
uint32_t mHeight = 0;
Ref<TextureBase> mCurrentTexture;
Ref<TextureViewBase> mCurrentTextureView;
// The base class for surface-based SwapChains that aren't ready yet.
class NewSwapChainBase : public SwapChainBase {
NewSwapChainBase(DeviceBase* device,
Surface* surface,
const SwapChainDescriptor* descriptor);
// This is called when the swapchain is detached when one of the following happens:
// - The surface it is attached to is being destroyed.
// - The swapchain is being replaced by another one on the surface.
// Note that the surface has a Ref on the last swapchain that was used on it so the
// SwapChain destructor will only be called after one of the things above happens.
// The call for the detaching previous swapchain should be called inside the backend
// implementation of SwapChains. This is to allow them to acquire any resources before
// calling detach to make a seamless transition from the previous swapchain.
// Likewise the call for the swapchain being destroyed must be done in the backend's
// swapchain's destructor since C++ says it is UB to call virtual methods in the base class
// destructor.
void DetachFromSurface();
void SetIsAttached();
// Dawn API
void APIConfigure(wgpu::TextureFormat format,
wgpu::TextureUsage allowedUsage,
uint32_t width,
uint32_t height) override;
TextureViewBase* APIGetCurrentTextureView() override;
void APIPresent() override;
uint32_t GetWidth() const;
uint32_t GetHeight() const;
wgpu::TextureFormat GetFormat() const;
wgpu::TextureUsage GetUsage() const;
wgpu::PresentMode GetPresentMode() const;
Surface* GetSurface() const;
bool IsAttached() const;
wgpu::BackendType GetBackendType() const;
~NewSwapChainBase() override;
bool mAttached;
uint32_t mWidth;
uint32_t mHeight;
wgpu::TextureFormat mFormat;
wgpu::TextureUsage mUsage;
wgpu::PresentMode mPresentMode;
// This is a weak reference to the surface. If the surface is destroyed it will call
// DetachFromSurface and mSurface will be updated to nullptr.
Surface* mSurface = nullptr;
Ref<TextureViewBase> mCurrentTextureView;
MaybeError ValidatePresent() const;
MaybeError ValidateGetCurrentTextureView() const;
// GetCurrentTextureViewImpl and PresentImpl are guaranteed to be called in an interleaved
// manner, starting with GetCurrentTextureViewImpl.
// The returned texture view must match the swapchain descriptor exactly.
virtual ResultOrError<TextureViewBase*> GetCurrentTextureViewImpl() = 0;
// The call to present must destroy the current view's texture so further access to it are
// invalid.
virtual MaybeError PresentImpl() = 0;
// Guaranteed to be called exactly once during the lifetime of the SwapChain. After it is
// called no other virtual method can be called.
virtual void DetachFromSurfaceImpl() = 0;
} // namespace dawn_native