blob: ca989845af370105d59d2d1755bc9d22dae92447 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2020 The Dawn Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include "dawn_native/QueryHelper.h"
#include "dawn_native/BindGroup.h"
#include "dawn_native/BindGroupLayout.h"
#include "dawn_native/Buffer.h"
#include "dawn_native/CommandEncoder.h"
#include "dawn_native/ComputePassEncoder.h"
#include "dawn_native/ComputePipeline.h"
#include "dawn_native/Device.h"
#include "dawn_native/InternalPipelineStore.h"
namespace dawn_native {
namespace {
// Assert the offsets in dawn_native::TimestampParams are same with the ones in the shader
static_assert(offsetof(dawn_native::TimestampParams, first) == 0, "");
static_assert(offsetof(dawn_native::TimestampParams, count) == 4, "");
static_assert(offsetof(dawn_native::TimestampParams, offset) == 8, "");
static_assert(offsetof(dawn_native::TimestampParams, period) == 12, "");
static const char sConvertTimestampsToNanoseconds[] = R"(
struct Timestamp {
low : u32;
high : u32;
[[block]] struct TimestampArr {
t : array<Timestamp>;
[[block]] struct AvailabilityArr {
v : array<u32>;
[[block]] struct TimestampParams {
first : u32;
count : u32;
offset : u32;
period : f32;
[[group(0), binding(0)]]
var<storage, read_write> timestamps : TimestampArr;
[[group(0), binding(1)]]
var<storage, read> availability : AvailabilityArr;
[[group(0), binding(2)]] var<uniform> params : TimestampParams;
let sizeofTimestamp : u32 = 8u;
[[stage(compute), workgroup_size(8, 1, 1)]]
fn main([[builtin(global_invocation_id)]] GlobalInvocationID : vec3<u32>) {
if (GlobalInvocationID.x >= params.count) { return; }
var index : u32 = GlobalInvocationID.x + params.offset / sizeofTimestamp;
var timestamp : Timestamp = timestamps.t[index];
// Return 0 for the unavailable value.
if (availability.v[GlobalInvocationID.x + params.first] == 0u) {
timestamps.t[index].low = 0u;
timestamps.t[index].high = 0u;
// Multiply the values in timestamps buffer by the period.
var period : f32 = params.period;
var w : u32 = 0u;
// If the product of low 32-bits and the period does not exceed the maximum of u32,
// directly do the multiplication, otherwise, use two u32 to represent the high
// 16-bits and low 16-bits of this u32, then multiply them by the period separately.
if (timestamp.low <= u32(f32(0xFFFFFFFFu) / period)) {
timestamps.t[index].low = u32(round(f32(timestamp.low) * period));
} else {
var lo : u32 = timestamp.low & 0xFFFFu;
var hi : u32 = timestamp.low >> 16u;
var t0 : u32 = u32(round(f32(lo) * period));
var t1 : u32 = u32(round(f32(hi) * period)) + (t0 >> 16u);
w = t1 >> 16u;
var result : u32 = t1 << 16u;
result = result | (t0 & 0xFFFFu);
timestamps.t[index].low = result;
// Get the nearest integer to the float result. For high 32-bits, the round
// function will greatly help reduce the accuracy loss of the final result.
timestamps.t[index].high = u32(round(f32(timestamp.high) * period)) + w;
ResultOrError<ComputePipelineBase*> GetOrCreateTimestampComputePipeline(
DeviceBase* device) {
InternalPipelineStore* store = device->GetInternalPipelineStore();
if (store->timestampComputePipeline == nullptr) {
// Create compute shader module if not cached before.
if (store->timestampCS == nullptr) {
ShaderModuleDescriptor descriptor;
ShaderModuleWGSLDescriptor wgslDesc;
wgslDesc.source = sConvertTimestampsToNanoseconds;
descriptor.nextInChain = reinterpret_cast<ChainedStruct*>(&wgslDesc);
DAWN_TRY_ASSIGN(store->timestampCS, device->CreateShaderModule(&descriptor));
// Create binding group layout
std::array<BindGroupLayoutEntry, 3> entries = {};
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < entries.size(); i++) {
entries[i].binding = i;
entries[i].visibility = wgpu::ShaderStage::Compute;
entries[0].buffer.type = kInternalStorageBufferBinding;
entries[1].buffer.type = wgpu::BufferBindingType::ReadOnlyStorage;
entries[2].buffer.type = wgpu::BufferBindingType::Uniform;
BindGroupLayoutDescriptor bglDesc;
bglDesc.entryCount = static_cast<uint32_t>(entries.size());
bglDesc.entries =;
Ref<BindGroupLayoutBase> bgl;
DAWN_TRY_ASSIGN(bgl, device->CreateBindGroupLayout(&bglDesc));
// Create pipeline layout
PipelineLayoutDescriptor plDesc;
plDesc.bindGroupLayoutCount = 1;
plDesc.bindGroupLayouts = &bgl.Get();
Ref<PipelineLayoutBase> layout;
DAWN_TRY_ASSIGN(layout, device->CreatePipelineLayout(&plDesc));
// Create ComputePipeline.
ComputePipelineDescriptor computePipelineDesc = {};
// Generate the layout based on shader module.
computePipelineDesc.layout = layout.Get();
computePipelineDesc.compute.module = store->timestampCS.Get();
computePipelineDesc.compute.entryPoint = "main";
return store->timestampComputePipeline.Get();
} // anonymous namespace
MaybeError EncodeConvertTimestampsToNanoseconds(CommandEncoder* encoder,
BufferBase* timestamps,
BufferBase* availability,
BufferBase* params) {
DeviceBase* device = encoder->GetDevice();
ComputePipelineBase* pipeline;
DAWN_TRY_ASSIGN(pipeline, GetOrCreateTimestampComputePipeline(device));
// Prepare bind group layout.
Ref<BindGroupLayoutBase> layout;
DAWN_TRY_ASSIGN(layout, pipeline->GetBindGroupLayout(0));
// Prepare bind group descriptor
std::array<BindGroupEntry, 3> bindGroupEntries = {};
BindGroupDescriptor bgDesc = {};
bgDesc.layout = layout.Get();
bgDesc.entryCount = 3;
bgDesc.entries =;
// Set bind group entries.
bindGroupEntries[0].binding = 0;
bindGroupEntries[0].buffer = timestamps;
bindGroupEntries[0].size = timestamps->GetSize();
bindGroupEntries[1].binding = 1;
bindGroupEntries[1].buffer = availability;
bindGroupEntries[1].size = availability->GetSize();
bindGroupEntries[2].binding = 2;
bindGroupEntries[2].buffer = params;
bindGroupEntries[2].size = params->GetSize();
// Create bind group after all binding entries are set.
Ref<BindGroupBase> bindGroup;
DAWN_TRY_ASSIGN(bindGroup, device->CreateBindGroup(&bgDesc));
// Create compute encoder and issue dispatch.
ComputePassDescriptor passDesc = {};
// TODO(dawn:723): change to not use AcquireRef for reentrant object creation.
Ref<ComputePassEncoder> pass = AcquireRef(encoder->APIBeginComputePass(&passDesc));
pass->APISetBindGroup(0, bindGroup.Get());
static_cast<uint32_t>((timestamps->GetSize() / sizeof(uint64_t) + 7) / 8));
return {};
} // namespace dawn_native