blob: 17f98a5fc60e9c5796a7119eb982e54efe5e5c67 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2019 The Dawn Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include "dawn_wire/client/Device.h"
#include "common/Assert.h"
#include "common/Log.h"
#include "dawn_wire/client/ApiObjects_autogen.h"
#include "dawn_wire/client/Client.h"
#include "dawn_wire/client/ObjectAllocator.h"
namespace dawn_wire { namespace client {
Device::Device(Client* clientIn, uint32_t initialRefcount, uint32_t initialId)
: ObjectBase(clientIn, initialRefcount, initialId), mIsAlive(std::make_shared<bool>()) {
mErrorCallback = [](WGPUErrorType, char const*, void*) {
static bool calledOnce = false;
if (!calledOnce) {
calledOnce = true;
dawn::WarningLog() << "No Dawn device uncaptured error callback was set. This is "
"probably not intended. If you really want to ignore errors "
"and suppress this message, set the callback to null.";
mDeviceLostCallback = [](char const*, void*) {
static bool calledOnce = false;
if (!calledOnce) {
calledOnce = true;
dawn::WarningLog() << "No Dawn device lost callback was set. This is probably not "
"intended. If you really want to ignore device lost "
"and suppress this message, set the callback to null.";
Device::~Device() {
mErrorScopes.CloseAll([](ErrorScopeData* request) {
request->callback(WGPUErrorType_Unknown, "Device destroyed before callback",
mCreatePipelineAsyncRequests.CloseAll([](CreatePipelineAsyncRequest* request) {
if (request->createComputePipelineAsyncCallback != nullptr) {
WGPUCreatePipelineAsyncStatus_DeviceDestroyed, nullptr,
"Device destroyed before callback", request->userdata);
} else {
ASSERT(request->createRenderPipelineAsyncCallback != nullptr);
WGPUCreatePipelineAsyncStatus_DeviceDestroyed, nullptr,
"Device destroyed before callback", request->userdata);
void Device::HandleError(WGPUErrorType errorType, const char* message) {
if (mErrorCallback) {
mErrorCallback(errorType, message, mErrorUserdata);
void Device::HandleLogging(WGPULoggingType loggingType, const char* message) {
if (mLoggingCallback) {
// Since client always run in single thread, calling the callback directly is safe.
mLoggingCallback(loggingType, message, mLoggingUserdata);
void Device::HandleDeviceLost(const char* message) {
if (mDeviceLostCallback && !mDidRunLostCallback) {
mDidRunLostCallback = true;
mDeviceLostCallback(message, mDeviceLostUserdata);
void Device::CancelCallbacksForDisconnect() {
mErrorScopes.CloseAll([](ErrorScopeData* request) {
request->callback(WGPUErrorType_DeviceLost, "Device lost", request->userdata);
mCreatePipelineAsyncRequests.CloseAll([](CreatePipelineAsyncRequest* request) {
if (request->createComputePipelineAsyncCallback != nullptr) {
WGPUCreatePipelineAsyncStatus_DeviceLost, nullptr, "Device lost",
} else {
ASSERT(request->createRenderPipelineAsyncCallback != nullptr);
nullptr, "Device lost",
std::weak_ptr<bool> Device::GetAliveWeakPtr() {
return mIsAlive;
void Device::SetUncapturedErrorCallback(WGPUErrorCallback errorCallback, void* errorUserdata) {
mErrorCallback = errorCallback;
mErrorUserdata = errorUserdata;
void Device::SetLoggingCallback(WGPULoggingCallback callback, void* userdata) {
mLoggingCallback = callback;
mLoggingUserdata = userdata;
void Device::SetDeviceLostCallback(WGPUDeviceLostCallback callback, void* userdata) {
mDeviceLostCallback = callback;
mDeviceLostUserdata = userdata;
void Device::PushErrorScope(WGPUErrorFilter filter) {
DevicePushErrorScopeCmd cmd;
cmd.self = ToAPI(this);
cmd.filter = filter;
bool Device::PopErrorScope(WGPUErrorCallback callback, void* userdata) {
if (mErrorScopeStackSize == 0) {
return false;
if (client->IsDisconnected()) {
callback(WGPUErrorType_DeviceLost, "GPU device disconnected", userdata);
return true;
uint64_t serial = mErrorScopes.Add({callback, userdata});
DevicePopErrorScopeCmd cmd;
cmd.deviceId = this->id;
cmd.requestSerial = serial;
return true;
bool Device::OnPopErrorScopeCallback(uint64_t requestSerial,
WGPUErrorType type,
const char* message) {
switch (type) {
case WGPUErrorType_NoError:
case WGPUErrorType_Validation:
case WGPUErrorType_OutOfMemory:
case WGPUErrorType_Unknown:
case WGPUErrorType_DeviceLost:
return false;
ErrorScopeData request;
if (!mErrorScopes.Acquire(requestSerial, &request)) {
return false;
request.callback(type, message, request.userdata);
return true;
void Device::InjectError(WGPUErrorType type, const char* message) {
DeviceInjectErrorCmd cmd;
cmd.self = ToAPI(this);
cmd.type = type;
cmd.message = message;
WGPUBuffer Device::CreateBuffer(const WGPUBufferDescriptor* descriptor) {
return Buffer::Create(this, descriptor);
WGPUBuffer Device::CreateErrorBuffer() {
return Buffer::CreateError(this);
WGPUQueue Device::GetQueue() {
// The queue is lazily created because if a Device is created by
// Reserve/Inject, we cannot send the GetQueue message until
// it has been injected on the Server. It cannot happen immediately
// on construction.
if (mQueue == nullptr) {
// Get the primary queue for this device.
auto* allocation = client->QueueAllocator().New(client);
mQueue = allocation->object.get();
DeviceGetQueueCmd cmd;
cmd.self = ToAPI(this);
cmd.result = ObjectHandle{allocation->object->id, allocation->generation};
return ToAPI(mQueue);
// TODO(dawn:800): Once the deprecated computeStage field is removed this method will no longer
// be needed and DeviceCreateComputePipeline can be removed from client_handwritten_commands in
// dawn_wire.json
WGPUComputePipeline Device::CreateComputePipeline(
WGPUComputePipelineDescriptor const* descriptor) {
DeviceCreateComputePipelineCmd cmd;
cmd.self = ToAPI(this);
auto* allocation = client->ComputePipelineAllocator().New(client);
cmd.result = ObjectHandle{allocation->object->id, allocation->generation};
// Copy compute to the deprecated computeStage or visa-versa, depending on which one is
// populated, so that serialization doesn't fail.
WGPUComputePipelineDescriptor localDescriptor = *descriptor;
if (localDescriptor.computeStage.module == nullptr) {
localDescriptor.computeStage.module = localDescriptor.compute.module;
localDescriptor.computeStage.entryPoint = localDescriptor.compute.entryPoint;
} else if (localDescriptor.compute.module == nullptr) {
localDescriptor.compute.module = localDescriptor.computeStage.module;
localDescriptor.compute.entryPoint = localDescriptor.computeStage.entryPoint;
cmd.descriptor = &localDescriptor;
return ToAPI(allocation->object.get());
void Device::CreateComputePipelineAsync(WGPUComputePipelineDescriptor const* descriptor,
WGPUCreateComputePipelineAsyncCallback callback,
void* userdata) {
if (client->IsDisconnected()) {
return callback(WGPUCreatePipelineAsyncStatus_DeviceLost, nullptr,
"GPU device disconnected", userdata);
// Copy compute to the deprecated computeStage or visa-versa, depending on which one is
// populated, so that serialization doesn't fail.
// TODO(dawn:800): Remove once computeStage is removed.
WGPUComputePipelineDescriptor localDescriptor = *descriptor;
if (localDescriptor.computeStage.module == nullptr) {
localDescriptor.computeStage.module = localDescriptor.compute.module;
localDescriptor.computeStage.entryPoint = localDescriptor.compute.entryPoint;
} else if (localDescriptor.compute.module == nullptr) {
localDescriptor.compute.module = localDescriptor.computeStage.module;
localDescriptor.compute.entryPoint = localDescriptor.computeStage.entryPoint;
auto* allocation = client->ComputePipelineAllocator().New(client);
CreatePipelineAsyncRequest request = {};
request.createComputePipelineAsyncCallback = callback;
request.userdata = userdata;
request.pipelineObjectID = allocation->object->id;
uint64_t serial = mCreatePipelineAsyncRequests.Add(std::move(request));
DeviceCreateComputePipelineAsyncCmd cmd;
cmd.deviceId = this->id;
cmd.descriptor = &localDescriptor;
cmd.requestSerial = serial;
cmd.pipelineObjectHandle = ObjectHandle{allocation->object->id, allocation->generation};
bool Device::OnCreateComputePipelineAsyncCallback(uint64_t requestSerial,
WGPUCreatePipelineAsyncStatus status,
const char* message) {
CreatePipelineAsyncRequest request;
if (!mCreatePipelineAsyncRequests.Acquire(requestSerial, &request)) {
return false;
auto pipelineAllocation =
// If the return status is a failure we should give a null pipeline to the callback and
// free the allocation both on the client side and the server side.
if (status != WGPUCreatePipelineAsyncStatus_Success) {
request.createComputePipelineAsyncCallback(status, nullptr, message, request.userdata);
return true;
WGPUComputePipeline pipeline = reinterpret_cast<WGPUComputePipeline>(pipelineAllocation);
request.createComputePipelineAsyncCallback(status, pipeline, message, request.userdata);
return true;
void Device::CreateRenderPipelineAsync(WGPURenderPipelineDescriptor const* descriptor,
WGPUCreateRenderPipelineAsyncCallback callback,
void* userdata) {
if (client->IsDisconnected()) {
return callback(WGPUCreatePipelineAsyncStatus_DeviceLost, nullptr,
"GPU device disconnected", userdata);
auto* allocation = client->RenderPipelineAllocator().New(client);
CreatePipelineAsyncRequest request = {};
request.createRenderPipelineAsyncCallback = callback;
request.userdata = userdata;
request.pipelineObjectID = allocation->object->id;
uint64_t serial = mCreatePipelineAsyncRequests.Add(std::move(request));
DeviceCreateRenderPipelineAsyncCmd cmd;
cmd.deviceId = this->id;
cmd.descriptor = descriptor;
cmd.requestSerial = serial;
cmd.pipelineObjectHandle = ObjectHandle(allocation->object->id, allocation->generation);
bool Device::OnCreateRenderPipelineAsyncCallback(uint64_t requestSerial,
WGPUCreatePipelineAsyncStatus status,
const char* message) {
CreatePipelineAsyncRequest request;
if (!mCreatePipelineAsyncRequests.Acquire(requestSerial, &request)) {
return false;
auto pipelineAllocation =
// If the return status is a failure we should give a null pipeline to the callback and
// free the allocation both on the client side and the server side.
if (status != WGPUCreatePipelineAsyncStatus_Success) {
request.createRenderPipelineAsyncCallback(status, nullptr, message, request.userdata);
return true;
WGPURenderPipeline pipeline = reinterpret_cast<WGPURenderPipeline>(pipelineAllocation);
request.createRenderPipelineAsyncCallback(status, pipeline, message, request.userdata);
return true;
}} // namespace dawn_wire::client