blob: 69de4ab7754e559400ef69d6a2b2503d112f6177 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2019 The Dawn Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include "dawn_wire/ChunkedCommandSerializer.h"
#include "dawn_wire/server/ServerBase_autogen.h"
namespace dawn_wire::server {
class Server;
class MemoryTransferService;
// CallbackUserdata and its derived classes are intended to be created by
// Server::MakeUserdata<T> and then passed as the userdata argument for Dawn
// callbacks.
// It contains a pointer back to the Server so that the callback can call the
// Server to perform operations like serialization, and it contains a weak pointer
// |serverIsAlive|. If the weak pointer has expired, it means the server has
// been destroyed and the callback must not use the Server pointer.
// To assist with checking |serverIsAlive| and lifetime management of the userdata,
// |ForwardToServer| (defined later in this file) can be used to acquire the userdata,
// return early if |serverIsAlive| has expired, and then forward the arguments
// to userdata->server->MyCallbackHandler.
// Example Usage:
// struct MyUserdata : CallbackUserdata { uint32_t foo; };
// auto userdata = MakeUserdata<MyUserdata>();
// userdata->foo = 2;
// callMyCallbackHandler(
// ForwardToServer<&Server::MyCallbackHandler>,
// userdata.release());
// void Server::MyCallbackHandler(MyUserdata* userdata, Other args) { }
struct CallbackUserdata {
Server* const server;
std::weak_ptr<bool> const serverIsAlive;
CallbackUserdata() = delete;
CallbackUserdata(Server* server, const std::shared_ptr<bool>& serverIsAlive)
: server(server), serverIsAlive(serverIsAlive) {
template <auto F>
struct ForwardToServerHelper {
template <typename _>
struct ExtractedTypes;
// An internal structure used to unpack the various types that compose the type of F
template <typename Return, typename Class, typename Userdata, typename... Args>
struct ExtractedTypes<Return (Class::*)(Userdata*, Args...)> {
using UntypedCallback = Return (*)(Args..., void*);
static Return Callback(Args... args, void* userdata) {
// Acquire the userdata, and cast it to UserdataT.
std::unique_ptr<Userdata> data(static_cast<Userdata*>(userdata));
if (data->serverIsAlive.expired()) {
// Do nothing if the server has already been destroyed.
// Forward the arguments and the typed userdata to the Server:: member function.
(data->server->*F)(data.get(), std::forward<decltype(args)>(args)...);
static constexpr typename ExtractedTypes<decltype(F)>::UntypedCallback Create() {
return ExtractedTypes<decltype(F)>::Callback;
template <auto F>
constexpr auto ForwardToServer = ForwardToServerHelper<F>::Create();
struct MapUserdata : CallbackUserdata {
using CallbackUserdata::CallbackUserdata;
ObjectHandle buffer;
WGPUBuffer bufferObj;
uint64_t requestSerial;
uint64_t offset;
uint64_t size;
WGPUMapModeFlags mode;
struct ErrorScopeUserdata : CallbackUserdata {
using CallbackUserdata::CallbackUserdata;
ObjectHandle device;
uint64_t requestSerial;
struct ShaderModuleGetCompilationInfoUserdata : CallbackUserdata {
using CallbackUserdata::CallbackUserdata;
ObjectHandle shaderModule;
uint64_t requestSerial;
struct QueueWorkDoneUserdata : CallbackUserdata {
using CallbackUserdata::CallbackUserdata;
ObjectHandle queue;
uint64_t requestSerial;
struct CreatePipelineAsyncUserData : CallbackUserdata {
using CallbackUserdata::CallbackUserdata;
ObjectHandle device;
uint64_t requestSerial;
ObjectId pipelineObjectID;
struct RequestAdapterUserdata : CallbackUserdata {
using CallbackUserdata::CallbackUserdata;
ObjectHandle instance;
uint64_t requestSerial;
ObjectId adapterObjectId;
struct RequestDeviceUserdata : CallbackUserdata {
using CallbackUserdata::CallbackUserdata;
ObjectHandle adapter;
uint64_t requestSerial;
ObjectId deviceObjectId;
class Server : public ServerBase {
Server(const DawnProcTable& procs,
CommandSerializer* serializer,
MemoryTransferService* memoryTransferService);
~Server() override;
// ChunkedCommandHandler implementation
const volatile char* HandleCommandsImpl(const volatile char* commands,
size_t size) override;
bool InjectTexture(WGPUTexture texture,
uint32_t id,
uint32_t generation,
uint32_t deviceId,
uint32_t deviceGeneration);
bool InjectSwapChain(WGPUSwapChain swapchain,
uint32_t id,
uint32_t generation,
uint32_t deviceId,
uint32_t deviceGeneration);
bool InjectDevice(WGPUDevice device, uint32_t id, uint32_t generation);
bool InjectInstance(WGPUInstance instance, uint32_t id, uint32_t generation);
WGPUDevice GetDevice(uint32_t id, uint32_t generation);
template <typename T,
typename Enable = std::enable_if<std::is_base_of<CallbackUserdata, T>::value>>
std::unique_ptr<T> MakeUserdata() {
return std::unique_ptr<T>(new T(this, mIsAlive));
template <typename Cmd>
void SerializeCommand(const Cmd& cmd) {
template <typename Cmd, typename ExtraSizeSerializeFn>
void SerializeCommand(const Cmd& cmd,
size_t extraSize,
ExtraSizeSerializeFn&& SerializeExtraSize) {
mSerializer.SerializeCommand(cmd, extraSize, SerializeExtraSize);
void SetForwardingDeviceCallbacks(ObjectData<WGPUDevice>* deviceObject);
void ClearDeviceCallbacks(WGPUDevice device);
// Error callbacks
void OnUncapturedError(ObjectHandle device, WGPUErrorType type, const char* message);
void OnDeviceLost(ObjectHandle device, WGPUDeviceLostReason reason, const char* message);
void OnLogging(ObjectHandle device, WGPULoggingType type, const char* message);
void OnDevicePopErrorScope(ErrorScopeUserdata* userdata,
WGPUErrorType type,
const char* message);
void OnBufferMapAsyncCallback(MapUserdata* userdata, WGPUBufferMapAsyncStatus status);
void OnQueueWorkDone(QueueWorkDoneUserdata* userdata, WGPUQueueWorkDoneStatus status);
void OnCreateComputePipelineAsyncCallback(CreatePipelineAsyncUserData* userdata,
WGPUCreatePipelineAsyncStatus status,
WGPUComputePipeline pipeline,
const char* message);
void OnCreateRenderPipelineAsyncCallback(CreatePipelineAsyncUserData* userdata,
WGPUCreatePipelineAsyncStatus status,
WGPURenderPipeline pipeline,
const char* message);
void OnShaderModuleGetCompilationInfo(ShaderModuleGetCompilationInfoUserdata* userdata,
WGPUCompilationInfoRequestStatus status,
const WGPUCompilationInfo* info);
void OnRequestAdapterCallback(RequestAdapterUserdata* userdata,
WGPURequestAdapterStatus status,
WGPUAdapter adapter,
const char* message);
void OnRequestDeviceCallback(RequestDeviceUserdata* userdata,
WGPURequestDeviceStatus status,
WGPUDevice device,
const char* message);
#include "dawn_wire/server/"
WireDeserializeAllocator mAllocator;
ChunkedCommandSerializer mSerializer;
DawnProcTable mProcs;
std::unique_ptr<MemoryTransferService> mOwnedMemoryTransferService = nullptr;
MemoryTransferService* mMemoryTransferService = nullptr;
std::shared_ptr<bool> mIsAlive;
bool TrackDeviceChild(DeviceInfo* device, ObjectType type, ObjectId id);
bool UntrackDeviceChild(DeviceInfo* device, ObjectType type, ObjectId id);
std::unique_ptr<MemoryTransferService> CreateInlineMemoryTransferService();
} // namespace dawn_wire::server