blob: 23d4c87bc40d50a2e8d60c158f500032f6114223 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2021 The Tint Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include "src/tint/resolver/resolver.h"
#include "gmock/gmock.h"
#include "src/tint/resolver/resolver_test_helper.h"
namespace tint::resolver {
namespace {
using ResolverStorageClassLayoutValidationTest = ResolverTest;
// Detect unaligned member for storage buffers
StorageBuffer_UnalignedMember) {
// struct S {
// @size(5) a : f32;
// @align(1) b : f32;
// };
// @group(0) @binding(0)
// var<storage> a : S;
Structure(Source{{12, 34}}, "S",
{Member("a", ty.f32(), {MemberSize(5)}),
Member(Source{{34, 56}}, "b", ty.f32(), {MemberAlign(1)})});
Global(Source{{78, 90}}, "a", ty.type_name("S"), ast::StorageClass::kStorage,
GroupAndBinding(0, 0));
R"(34:56 error: the offset of a struct member of type 'f32' in storage class 'storage' must be a multiple of 4 bytes, but 'b' is currently at offset 5. Consider setting @align(4) on this member
12:34 note: see layout of struct:
/* align(4) size(12) */ struct S {
/* offset(0) align(4) size( 5) */ a : f32;
/* offset(5) align(1) size( 4) */ b : f32;
/* offset(9) align(1) size( 3) */ // -- implicit struct size padding --;
/* */ };
78:90 note: see declaration of variable)");
StorageBuffer_UnalignedMember_SuggestedFix) {
// struct S {
// @size(5) a : f32;
// @align(4) b : f32;
// };
// @group(0) @binding(0)
// var<storage> a : S;
Structure(Source{{12, 34}}, "S",
{Member("a", ty.f32(), {MemberSize(5)}),
Member(Source{{34, 56}}, "b", ty.f32(), {MemberAlign(4)})});
Global(Source{{78, 90}}, "a", ty.type_name("S"), ast::StorageClass::kStorage,
GroupAndBinding(0, 0));
ASSERT_TRUE(r()->Resolve()) << r()->error();
// Detect unaligned struct member for uniform buffers
UniformBuffer_UnalignedMember_Struct) {
// struct Inner {
// scalar : i32;
// };
// struct Outer {
// scalar : f32;
// inner : Inner;
// };
// @group(0) @binding(0)
// var<uniform> a : Outer;
Structure(Source{{12, 34}}, "Inner", {Member("scalar", ty.i32())});
Structure(Source{{34, 56}}, "Outer",
Member("scalar", ty.f32()),
Member(Source{{56, 78}}, "inner", ty.type_name("Inner")),
Global(Source{{78, 90}}, "a", ty.type_name("Outer"),
ast::StorageClass::kUniform, GroupAndBinding(0, 0));
R"(56:78 error: the offset of a struct member of type 'Inner' in storage class 'uniform' must be a multiple of 16 bytes, but 'inner' is currently at offset 4. Consider setting @align(16) on this member
34:56 note: see layout of struct:
/* align(4) size(8) */ struct Outer {
/* offset(0) align(4) size(4) */ scalar : f32;
/* offset(4) align(4) size(4) */ inner : Inner;
/* */ };
12:34 note: and layout of struct member:
/* align(4) size(4) */ struct Inner {
/* offset(0) align(4) size(4) */ scalar : i32;
/* */ };
78:90 note: see declaration of variable)");
UniformBuffer_UnalignedMember_Struct_SuggestedFix) {
// struct Inner {
// scalar : i32;
// };
// struct Outer {
// scalar : f32;
// @align(16) inner : Inner;
// };
// @group(0) @binding(0)
// var<uniform> a : Outer;
Structure(Source{{12, 34}}, "Inner", {Member("scalar", ty.i32())});
Structure(Source{{34, 56}}, "Outer",
Member("scalar", ty.f32()),
Member(Source{{56, 78}}, "inner", ty.type_name("Inner"),
Global(Source{{78, 90}}, "a", ty.type_name("Outer"),
ast::StorageClass::kUniform, GroupAndBinding(0, 0));
ASSERT_TRUE(r()->Resolve()) << r()->error();
// Detect unaligned array member for uniform buffers
UniformBuffer_UnalignedMember_Array) {
// type Inner = @stride(16) array<f32, 10>;
// struct Outer {
// scalar : f32;
// inner : Inner;
// };
// @group(0) @binding(0)
// var<uniform> a : Outer;
Alias("Inner", ty.array(ty.f32(), 10, 16));
Structure(Source{{12, 34}}, "Outer",
Member("scalar", ty.f32()),
Member(Source{{56, 78}}, "inner", ty.type_name("Inner")),
Global(Source{{78, 90}}, "a", ty.type_name("Outer"),
ast::StorageClass::kUniform, GroupAndBinding(0, 0));
R"(56:78 error: the offset of a struct member of type '@stride(16) array<f32, 10>' in storage class 'uniform' must be a multiple of 16 bytes, but 'inner' is currently at offset 4. Consider setting @align(16) on this member
12:34 note: see layout of struct:
/* align(4) size(164) */ struct Outer {
/* offset( 0) align(4) size( 4) */ scalar : f32;
/* offset( 4) align(4) size(160) */ inner : @stride(16) array<f32, 10>;
/* */ };
78:90 note: see declaration of variable)");
UniformBuffer_UnalignedMember_Array_SuggestedFix) {
// type Inner = @stride(16) array<f32, 10>;
// struct Outer {
// scalar : f32;
// @align(16) inner : Inner;
// };
// @group(0) @binding(0)
// var<uniform> a : Outer;
Alias("Inner", ty.array(ty.f32(), 10, 16));
Structure(Source{{12, 34}}, "Outer",
Member("scalar", ty.f32()),
Member(Source{{34, 56}}, "inner", ty.type_name("Inner"),
Global(Source{{78, 90}}, "a", ty.type_name("Outer"),
ast::StorageClass::kUniform, GroupAndBinding(0, 0));
ASSERT_TRUE(r()->Resolve()) << r()->error();
// Detect uniform buffers with byte offset between 2 members that is not a
// multiple of 16 bytes
UniformBuffer_MembersOffsetNotMultipleOf16) {
// struct Inner {
// @align(1) @size(5) scalar : i32;
// };
// struct Outer {
// inner : Inner;
// scalar : i32;
// };
// @group(0) @binding(0)
// var<uniform> a : Outer;
Structure(Source{{12, 34}}, "Inner",
{Member("scalar", ty.i32(), {MemberAlign(1), MemberSize(5)})});
Structure(Source{{34, 56}}, "Outer",
Member(Source{{56, 78}}, "inner", ty.type_name("Inner")),
Member(Source{{78, 90}}, "scalar", ty.i32()),
Global(Source{{22, 24}}, "a", ty.type_name("Outer"),
ast::StorageClass::kUniform, GroupAndBinding(0, 0));
R"(78:90 error: uniform storage requires that the number of bytes between the start of the previous member of type struct and the current member be a multiple of 16 bytes, but there are currently 8 bytes between 'inner' and 'scalar'. Consider setting @align(16) on this member
34:56 note: see layout of struct:
/* align(4) size(12) */ struct Outer {
/* offset( 0) align(1) size( 5) */ inner : Inner;
/* offset( 5) align(1) size( 3) */ // -- implicit field alignment padding --;
/* offset( 8) align(4) size( 4) */ scalar : i32;
/* */ };
12:34 note: and layout of previous member struct:
/* align(1) size(5) */ struct Inner {
/* offset(0) align(1) size(5) */ scalar : i32;
/* */ };
22:24 note: see declaration of variable)");
// See
UniformBuffer_MembersOffsetNotMultipleOf16_InnerMoreMembersThanOuter) {
// struct Inner {
// a : i32;
// b : i32;
// c : i32;
// @align(1) @size(5) scalar : i32;
// };
// struct Outer {
// inner : Inner;
// scalar : i32;
// };
// @group(0) @binding(0)
// var<uniform> a : Outer;
Structure(Source{{12, 34}}, "Inner",
Member("a", ty.i32()),
Member("b", ty.i32()),
Member("c", ty.i32()),
Member("scalar", ty.i32(), {MemberAlign(1), MemberSize(5)}),
Structure(Source{{34, 56}}, "Outer",
Member(Source{{56, 78}}, "inner", ty.type_name("Inner")),
Member(Source{{78, 90}}, "scalar", ty.i32()),
Global(Source{{22, 24}}, "a", ty.type_name("Outer"),
ast::StorageClass::kUniform, GroupAndBinding(0, 0));
R"(78:90 error: uniform storage requires that the number of bytes between the start of the previous member of type struct and the current member be a multiple of 16 bytes, but there are currently 20 bytes between 'inner' and 'scalar'. Consider setting @align(16) on this member
34:56 note: see layout of struct:
/* align(4) size(24) */ struct Outer {
/* offset( 0) align(4) size(20) */ inner : Inner;
/* offset(20) align(4) size( 4) */ scalar : i32;
/* */ };
12:34 note: and layout of previous member struct:
/* align(4) size(20) */ struct Inner {
/* offset( 0) align(4) size( 4) */ a : i32;
/* offset( 4) align(4) size( 4) */ b : i32;
/* offset( 8) align(4) size( 4) */ c : i32;
/* offset(12) align(1) size( 5) */ scalar : i32;
/* offset(17) align(1) size( 3) */ // -- implicit struct size padding --;
/* */ };
22:24 note: see declaration of variable)");
UniformBuffer_MembersOffsetNotMultipleOf16_SuggestedFix) {
// struct Inner {
// @align(1) @size(5) scalar : i32;
// };
// struct Outer {
// @align(16) inner : Inner;
// scalar : i32;
// };
// @group(0) @binding(0)
// var<uniform> a : Outer;
Structure(Source{{12, 34}}, "Inner",
{Member("scalar", ty.i32(), {MemberAlign(1), MemberSize(5)})});
Structure(Source{{34, 56}}, "Outer",
Member(Source{{56, 78}}, "inner", ty.type_name("Inner")),
Member(Source{{78, 90}}, "scalar", ty.i32(), {MemberAlign(16)}),
Global(Source{{22, 34}}, "a", ty.type_name("Outer"),
ast::StorageClass::kUniform, GroupAndBinding(0, 0));
ASSERT_TRUE(r()->Resolve()) << r()->error();
// Make sure that this doesn't fail validation because vec3's align is 16, but
// size is 12. 's' should be at offset 12, which is okay here.
UniformBuffer_Vec3MemberOffset_NoFail) {
// struct ScalarPackedAtEndOfVec3 {
// v : vec3<f32>;
// s : f32;
// };
// @group(0) @binding(0)
// var<uniform> a : ScalarPackedAtEndOfVec3;
Structure("ScalarPackedAtEndOfVec3", {
Member("v", ty.vec3(ty.f32())),
Member("s", ty.f32()),
Global(Source{{78, 90}}, "a", ty.type_name("ScalarPackedAtEndOfVec3"),
ast::StorageClass::kUniform, GroupAndBinding(0, 0));
ASSERT_TRUE(r()->Resolve()) << r()->error();
// Detect array stride must be a multiple of 16 bytes for uniform buffers
UniformBuffer_InvalidArrayStride_Scalar) {
// type Inner = array<f32, 10>;
// struct Outer {
// inner : Inner;
// scalar : i32;
// };
// @group(0) @binding(0)
// var<uniform> a : Outer;
Alias("Inner", ty.array(ty.f32(), 10));
Structure(Source{{12, 34}}, "Outer",
Member("inner", ty.type_name(Source{{34, 56}}, "Inner")),
Member("scalar", ty.i32()),
Global(Source{{78, 90}}, "a", ty.type_name("Outer"),
ast::StorageClass::kUniform, GroupAndBinding(0, 0));
R"(34:56 error: uniform storage requires that array elements be aligned to 16 bytes, but array element alignment is currently 4. Consider using a vector or struct as the element type instead.
12:34 note: see layout of struct:
/* align(4) size(44) */ struct Outer {
/* offset( 0) align(4) size(40) */ inner : array<f32, 10>;
/* offset(40) align(4) size( 4) */ scalar : i32;
/* */ };
78:90 note: see declaration of variable)");
UniformBuffer_InvalidArrayStride_Vector) {
// type Inner = array<vec2<f32>, 10>;
// struct Outer {
// inner : Inner;
// scalar : i32;
// };
// @group(0) @binding(0)
// var<uniform> a : Outer;
Alias("Inner", ty.array(ty.vec2<f32>(), 10));
Structure(Source{{12, 34}}, "Outer",
Member("inner", ty.type_name(Source{{34, 56}}, "Inner")),
Member("scalar", ty.i32()),
Global(Source{{78, 90}}, "a", ty.type_name("Outer"),
ast::StorageClass::kUniform, GroupAndBinding(0, 0));
R"(34:56 error: uniform storage requires that array elements be aligned to 16 bytes, but array element alignment is currently 8. Consider using a vec4 instead.
12:34 note: see layout of struct:
/* align(8) size(88) */ struct Outer {
/* offset( 0) align(8) size(80) */ inner : array<vec2<f32>, 10>;
/* offset(80) align(4) size( 4) */ scalar : i32;
/* offset(84) align(1) size( 4) */ // -- implicit struct size padding --;
/* */ };
78:90 note: see declaration of variable)");
UniformBuffer_InvalidArrayStride_Struct) {
// struct ArrayElem {
// a : f32;
// b : i32;
// }
// type Inner = array<ArrayElem, 10>;
// struct Outer {
// inner : Inner;
// scalar : i32;
// };
// @group(0) @binding(0)
// var<uniform> a : Outer;
auto* array_elem = Structure("ArrayElem", {
Member("a", ty.f32()),
Member("b", ty.i32()),
Alias("Inner", ty.array(ty.Of(array_elem), 10));
Structure(Source{{12, 34}}, "Outer",
Member("inner", ty.type_name(Source{{34, 56}}, "Inner")),
Member("scalar", ty.i32()),
Global(Source{{78, 90}}, "a", ty.type_name("Outer"),
ast::StorageClass::kUniform, GroupAndBinding(0, 0));
R"(34:56 error: uniform storage requires that array elements be aligned to 16 bytes, but array element alignment is currently 8. Consider using the @size attribute on the last struct member.
12:34 note: see layout of struct:
/* align(4) size(84) */ struct Outer {
/* offset( 0) align(4) size(80) */ inner : array<ArrayElem, 10>;
/* offset(80) align(4) size( 4) */ scalar : i32;
/* */ };
78:90 note: see declaration of variable)");
UniformBuffer_InvalidArrayStride_TopLevelArray) {
// @group(0) @binding(0)
// var<uniform> a : array<f32, 4>;
Global(Source{{78, 90}}, "a", ty.array(Source{{34, 56}}, ty.f32(), 4),
ast::StorageClass::kUniform, GroupAndBinding(0, 0));
R"(34:56 error: uniform storage requires that array elements be aligned to 16 bytes, but array element alignment is currently 4. Consider using a vector or struct as the element type instead.)");
UniformBuffer_InvalidArrayStride_NestedArray) {
// struct Outer {
// inner : array<array<f32, 4>, 4>
// };
// @group(0) @binding(0)
// var<uniform> a : array<Outer, 4>;
Source{{12, 34}}, "Outer",
Member("inner", ty.array(Source{{34, 56}}, ty.array(ty.f32(), 4), 4)),
Global(Source{{78, 90}}, "a", ty.type_name("Outer"),
ast::StorageClass::kUniform, GroupAndBinding(0, 0));
R"(34:56 error: uniform storage requires that array elements be aligned to 16 bytes, but array element alignment is currently 4. Consider using a vector or struct as the element type instead.
12:34 note: see layout of struct:
/* align(4) size(64) */ struct Outer {
/* offset( 0) align(4) size(64) */ inner : array<array<f32, 4>, 4>;
/* */ };
78:90 note: see declaration of variable)");
UniformBuffer_InvalidArrayStride_SuggestedFix) {
// type Inner = @stride(16) array<f32, 10>;
// struct Outer {
// inner : Inner;
// scalar : i32;
// };
// @group(0) @binding(0)
// var<uniform> a : Outer;
Alias("Inner", ty.array(ty.f32(), 10, 16));
Structure(Source{{12, 34}}, "Outer",
Member("inner", ty.type_name(Source{{34, 56}}, "Inner")),
Member("scalar", ty.i32()),
Global(Source{{78, 90}}, "a", ty.type_name("Outer"),
ast::StorageClass::kUniform, GroupAndBinding(0, 0));
ASSERT_TRUE(r()->Resolve()) << r()->error();
} // namespace
} // namespace tint::resolver