blob: 7026ca75062138826d33eb6572b4f9877cd53bd3 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2021 The Tint Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0(the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "src/tint/ast/access.h"
#include "src/tint/ast/storage_class.h"
#include "src/tint/sem/binding_point.h"
#include "src/tint/sem/expression.h"
#include "src/tint/sem/parameter_usage.h"
// Forward declarations
namespace tint::ast {
class IdentifierExpression;
class Variable;
} // namespace tint::ast
namespace tint::sem {
class CallTarget;
class Type;
class VariableUser;
} // namespace tint::sem
namespace tint::sem {
/// Variable is the base class for local variables, global variables and
/// parameters.
class Variable : public Castable<Variable, Node> {
/// Constructor
/// @param declaration the AST declaration node
/// @param type the variable type
/// @param storage_class the variable storage class
/// @param access the variable access control type
/// @param constant_value the constant value for the variable. May be invalid
Variable(const ast::Variable* declaration,
const sem::Type* type,
ast::StorageClass storage_class,
ast::Access access,
Constant constant_value);
/// Destructor
~Variable() override;
/// @returns the AST declaration node
const ast::Variable* Declaration() const { return declaration_; }
/// @returns the canonical type for the variable
const sem::Type* Type() const { return type_; }
/// @returns the storage class for the variable
ast::StorageClass StorageClass() const { return storage_class_; }
/// @returns the access control for the variable
ast::Access Access() const { return access_; }
/// @return the constant value of this expression
const Constant& ConstantValue() const { return constant_value_; }
/// @returns the variable constructor expression, or nullptr if the variable
/// does not have one.
const Expression* Constructor() const { return constructor_; }
/// Sets the variable constructor expression.
/// @param constructor the constructor expression to assign to this variable.
void SetConstructor(const Expression* constructor) { constructor_ = constructor; }
/// @returns the expressions that use the variable
const std::vector<const VariableUser*>& Users() const { return users_; }
/// @param user the user to add
void AddUser(const VariableUser* user) { users_.emplace_back(user); }
const ast::Variable* const declaration_;
const sem::Type* const type_;
const ast::StorageClass storage_class_;
const ast::Access access_;
const Constant constant_value_;
const Expression* constructor_ = nullptr;
std::vector<const VariableUser*> users_;
/// LocalVariable is a function-scope variable
class LocalVariable final : public Castable<LocalVariable, Variable> {
/// Constructor
/// @param declaration the AST declaration node
/// @param type the variable type
/// @param storage_class the variable storage class
/// @param access the variable access control type
/// @param statement the statement that declared this local variable
/// @param constant_value the constant value for the variable. May be invalid
LocalVariable(const ast::Variable* declaration,
const sem::Type* type,
ast::StorageClass storage_class,
ast::Access access,
const sem::Statement* statement,
Constant constant_value);
/// Destructor
~LocalVariable() override;
/// @returns the statement that declares this local variable
const sem::Statement* Statement() const { return statement_; }
/// @returns the Type, Function or Variable that this local variable shadows
const sem::Node* Shadows() const { return shadows_; }
/// Sets the Type, Function or Variable that this local variable shadows
/// @param shadows the Type, Function or Variable that this variable shadows
void SetShadows(const sem::Node* shadows) { shadows_ = shadows; }
const sem::Statement* const statement_;
const sem::Node* shadows_ = nullptr;
/// GlobalVariable is a module-scope variable
class GlobalVariable final : public Castable<GlobalVariable, Variable> {
/// Constructor
/// @param declaration the AST declaration node
/// @param type the variable type
/// @param storage_class the variable storage class
/// @param access the variable access control type
/// @param constant_value the constant value for the variable. May be invalid
/// @param binding_point the optional resource binding point of the variable
GlobalVariable(const ast::Variable* declaration,
const sem::Type* type,
ast::StorageClass storage_class,
ast::Access access,
Constant constant_value,
sem::BindingPoint binding_point = {});
/// Destructor
~GlobalVariable() override;
/// @returns the resource binding point for the variable
sem::BindingPoint BindingPoint() const { return binding_point_; }
/// @param id the constant identifier to assign to this variable
void SetConstantId(uint16_t id) {
constant_id_ = id;
is_overridable_ = true;
/// @returns the pipeline constant ID associated with the variable
uint16_t ConstantId() const { return constant_id_; }
/// @param is_overridable true if this is a pipeline overridable constant
void SetIsOverridable(bool is_overridable = true) { is_overridable_ = is_overridable; }
/// @returns true if this is pipeline overridable constant
bool IsOverridable() const { return is_overridable_; }
const sem::BindingPoint binding_point_;
bool is_overridable_ = false;
uint16_t constant_id_ = 0;
/// Parameter is a function parameter
class Parameter final : public Castable<Parameter, Variable> {
/// Constructor for function parameters
/// @param declaration the AST declaration node
/// @param index the index of the parmeter in the function
/// @param type the variable type
/// @param storage_class the variable storage class
/// @param access the variable access control type
/// @param usage the semantic usage for the parameter
Parameter(const ast::Variable* declaration,
uint32_t index,
const sem::Type* type,
ast::StorageClass storage_class,
ast::Access access,
const ParameterUsage usage = ParameterUsage::kNone);
/// Destructor
~Parameter() override;
/// @return the index of the parmeter in the function
uint32_t Index() const { return index_; }
/// @returns the semantic usage for the parameter
ParameterUsage Usage() const { return usage_; }
/// @returns the CallTarget owner of this parameter
CallTarget const* Owner() const { return owner_; }
/// @param owner the CallTarget owner of this parameter
void SetOwner(CallTarget const* owner) { owner_ = owner; }
/// @returns the Type, Function or Variable that this local variable shadows
const sem::Node* Shadows() const { return shadows_; }
/// Sets the Type, Function or Variable that this local variable shadows
/// @param shadows the Type, Function or Variable that this variable shadows
void SetShadows(const sem::Node* shadows) { shadows_ = shadows; }
const uint32_t index_;
const ParameterUsage usage_;
CallTarget const* owner_ = nullptr;
const sem::Node* shadows_ = nullptr;
/// ParameterList is a list of Parameter
using ParameterList = std::vector<const Parameter*>;
/// VariableUser holds the semantic information for an identifier expression
/// node that resolves to a variable.
class VariableUser final : public Castable<VariableUser, Expression> {
/// Constructor
/// @param declaration the AST identifier node
/// @param statement the statement that owns this expression
/// @param variable the semantic variable
VariableUser(const ast::IdentifierExpression* declaration,
Statement* statement,
sem::Variable* variable);
/// @returns the variable that this expression refers to
const sem::Variable* Variable() const { return variable_; }
const sem::Variable* const variable_;
/// A pair of sem::Variables. Can be hashed.
typedef std::pair<const Variable*, const Variable*> VariablePair;
} // namespace tint::sem
namespace std {
/// Custom std::hash specialization for VariablePair
template <>
class hash<tint::sem::VariablePair> {
/// @param i the variable pair to create a hash for
/// @return the hash value
inline std::size_t operator()(const tint::sem::VariablePair& i) const {
return tint::utils::Hash(i.first, i.second);
} // namespace std