blob: 3028d9b205d21e56309f975773c24ad013c201f7 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2021 The Tint Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include "src/tint/ast/builtin_attribute.h"
#include "src/tint/ast/location_attribute.h"
#include "src/tint/ast/return_statement.h"
#include "src/tint/ast/stage_attribute.h"
#include "src/tint/resolver/resolver.h"
#include "src/tint/resolver/resolver_test_helper.h"
#include "gmock/gmock.h"
using namespace tint::number_suffixes; // NOLINT
namespace tint::resolver {
namespace {
// Helpers and typedefs
template <typename T>
using DataType = builder::DataType<T>;
template <typename T>
using vec2 = builder::vec2<T>;
template <typename T>
using vec3 = builder::vec3<T>;
template <typename T>
using vec4 = builder::vec4<T>;
template <typename T>
using mat2x2 = builder::mat2x2<T>;
template <typename T>
using mat3x3 = builder::mat3x3<T>;
template <typename T>
using mat4x4 = builder::mat4x4<T>;
template <typename T>
using alias = builder::alias<T>;
class ResolverEntryPointValidationTest : public TestHelper, public testing::Test {};
TEST_F(ResolverEntryPointValidationTest, ReturnTypeAttribute_Location) {
// @stage(fragment)
// fn main() -> @location(0) f32 { return 1.0; }
Func(Source{{12, 34}}, "main", {}, ty.f32(), {Return(1_f)},
{Stage(ast::PipelineStage::kFragment)}, {Location(0)});
EXPECT_TRUE(r()->Resolve()) << r()->error();
TEST_F(ResolverEntryPointValidationTest, ReturnTypeAttribute_Builtin) {
// @stage(vertex)
// fn main() -> @builtin(position) vec4<f32> { return vec4<f32>(); }
Func(Source{{12, 34}}, "main", {}, ty.vec4<f32>(), {Return(Construct(ty.vec4<f32>()))},
{Stage(ast::PipelineStage::kVertex)}, {Builtin(ast::Builtin::kPosition)});
EXPECT_TRUE(r()->Resolve()) << r()->error();
TEST_F(ResolverEntryPointValidationTest, ReturnTypeAttribute_Missing) {
// @stage(vertex)
// fn main() -> f32 {
// return 1.0;
// }
Func(Source{{12, 34}}, "main", {}, ty.vec4<f32>(), {Return(Construct(ty.vec4<f32>()))},
EXPECT_EQ(r()->error(), "12:34 error: missing entry point IO attribute on return type");
TEST_F(ResolverEntryPointValidationTest, ReturnTypeAttribute_Multiple) {
// @stage(vertex)
// fn main() -> @location(0) @builtin(position) vec4<f32> {
// return vec4<f32>();
// }
Func(Source{{12, 34}}, "main", {}, ty.vec4<f32>(), {Return(Construct(ty.vec4<f32>()))},
{Location(Source{{13, 43}}, 0), Builtin(Source{{14, 52}}, ast::Builtin::kPosition)});
EXPECT_EQ(r()->error(), R"(14:52 error: multiple entry point IO attributes
13:43 note: previously consumed location(0))");
TEST_F(ResolverEntryPointValidationTest, ReturnType_Struct_Valid) {
// struct Output {
// @location(0) a : f32;
// @builtin(frag_depth) b : f32;
// };
// @stage(fragment)
// fn main() -> Output {
// return Output();
// }
auto* output =
Structure("Output", {Member("a", ty.f32(), {Location(0)}),
Member("b", ty.f32(), {Builtin(ast::Builtin::kFragDepth)})});
Func(Source{{12, 34}}, "main", {}, ty.Of(output), {Return(Construct(ty.Of(output)))},
EXPECT_TRUE(r()->Resolve()) << r()->error();
TEST_F(ResolverEntryPointValidationTest, ReturnType_Struct_MemberMultipleAttributes) {
// struct Output {
// @location(0) @builtin(frag_depth) a : f32;
// };
// @stage(fragment)
// fn main() -> Output {
// return Output();
// }
auto* output =
Structure("Output", {Member("a", ty.f32(),
{Location(Source{{13, 43}}, 0),
Builtin(Source{{14, 52}}, ast::Builtin::kFragDepth)})});
Func(Source{{12, 34}}, "main", {}, ty.Of(output), {Return(Construct(ty.Of(output)))},
EXPECT_EQ(r()->error(), R"(14:52 error: multiple entry point IO attributes
13:43 note: previously consumed location(0)
12:34 note: while analysing entry point 'main')");
TEST_F(ResolverEntryPointValidationTest, ReturnType_Struct_MemberMissingAttribute) {
// struct Output {
// @location(0) a : f32;
// b : f32;
// };
// @stage(fragment)
// fn main() -> Output {
// return Output();
// }
auto* output = Structure("Output", {Member(Source{{13, 43}}, "a", ty.f32(), {Location(0)}),
Member(Source{{14, 52}}, "b", ty.f32(), {})});
Func(Source{{12, 34}}, "main", {}, ty.Of(output), {Return(Construct(ty.Of(output)))},
R"(14:52 error: missing entry point IO attribute
12:34 note: while analysing entry point 'main')");
TEST_F(ResolverEntryPointValidationTest, ReturnType_Struct_DuplicateBuiltins) {
// struct Output {
// @builtin(frag_depth) a : f32;
// @builtin(frag_depth) b : f32;
// };
// @stage(fragment)
// fn main() -> Output {
// return Output();
// }
auto* output =
Structure("Output", {Member("a", ty.f32(), {Builtin(ast::Builtin::kFragDepth)}),
Member("b", ty.f32(), {Builtin(ast::Builtin::kFragDepth)})});
Func(Source{{12, 34}}, "main", {}, ty.Of(output), {Return(Construct(ty.Of(output)))},
R"(12:34 error: builtin(frag_depth) attribute appears multiple times as pipeline output
12:34 note: while analysing entry point 'main')");
TEST_F(ResolverEntryPointValidationTest, ParameterAttribute_Location) {
// @stage(fragment)
// fn main(@location(0) param : f32) {}
auto* param = Param("param", ty.f32(), {Location(0)});
Func(Source{{12, 34}}, "main", {param}, ty.void_(), {}, {Stage(ast::PipelineStage::kFragment)});
EXPECT_TRUE(r()->Resolve()) << r()->error();
TEST_F(ResolverEntryPointValidationTest, ParameterAttribute_Missing) {
// @stage(fragment)
// fn main(param : f32) {}
auto* param = Param(Source{{13, 43}}, "param", ty.vec4<f32>());
Func(Source{{12, 34}}, "main", {param}, ty.void_(), {}, {Stage(ast::PipelineStage::kFragment)});
EXPECT_EQ(r()->error(), "13:43 error: missing entry point IO attribute on parameter");
TEST_F(ResolverEntryPointValidationTest, ParameterAttribute_Multiple) {
// @stage(fragment)
// fn main(@location(0) @builtin(sample_index) param : u32) {}
auto* param = Param(
"param", ty.u32(),
{Location(Source{{13, 43}}, 0), Builtin(Source{{14, 52}}, ast::Builtin::kSampleIndex)});
Func(Source{{12, 34}}, "main", {param}, ty.void_(), {}, {Stage(ast::PipelineStage::kFragment)});
EXPECT_EQ(r()->error(), R"(14:52 error: multiple entry point IO attributes
13:43 note: previously consumed location(0))");
TEST_F(ResolverEntryPointValidationTest, Parameter_Struct_Valid) {
// struct Input {
// @location(0) a : f32;
// @builtin(sample_index) b : u32;
// };
// @stage(fragment)
// fn main(param : Input) {}
auto* input =
Structure("Input", {Member("a", ty.f32(), {Location(0)}),
Member("b", ty.u32(), {Builtin(ast::Builtin::kSampleIndex)})});
auto* param = Param("param", ty.Of(input));
Func(Source{{12, 34}}, "main", {param}, ty.void_(), {}, {Stage(ast::PipelineStage::kFragment)});
EXPECT_TRUE(r()->Resolve()) << r()->error();
TEST_F(ResolverEntryPointValidationTest, Parameter_Struct_MemberMultipleAttributes) {
// struct Input {
// @location(0) @builtin(sample_index) a : u32;
// };
// @stage(fragment)
// fn main(param : Input) {}
auto* input =
Structure("Input", {Member("a", ty.u32(),
{Location(Source{{13, 43}}, 0),
Builtin(Source{{14, 52}}, ast::Builtin::kSampleIndex)})});
auto* param = Param("param", ty.Of(input));
Func(Source{{12, 34}}, "main", {param}, ty.void_(), {}, {Stage(ast::PipelineStage::kFragment)});
EXPECT_EQ(r()->error(), R"(14:52 error: multiple entry point IO attributes
13:43 note: previously consumed location(0)
12:34 note: while analysing entry point 'main')");
TEST_F(ResolverEntryPointValidationTest, Parameter_Struct_MemberMissingAttribute) {
// struct Input {
// @location(0) a : f32;
// b : f32;
// };
// @stage(fragment)
// fn main(param : Input) {}
auto* input = Structure("Input", {Member(Source{{13, 43}}, "a", ty.f32(), {Location(0)}),
Member(Source{{14, 52}}, "b", ty.f32(), {})});
auto* param = Param("param", ty.Of(input));
Func(Source{{12, 34}}, "main", {param}, ty.void_(), {}, {Stage(ast::PipelineStage::kFragment)});
EXPECT_EQ(r()->error(), R"(14:52 error: missing entry point IO attribute
12:34 note: while analysing entry point 'main')");
TEST_F(ResolverEntryPointValidationTest, Parameter_DuplicateBuiltins) {
// @stage(fragment)
// fn main(@builtin(sample_index) param_a : u32,
// @builtin(sample_index) param_b : u32) {}
auto* param_a = Param("param_a", ty.u32(), {Builtin(ast::Builtin::kSampleIndex)});
auto* param_b = Param("param_b", ty.u32(), {Builtin(ast::Builtin::kSampleIndex)});
Func(Source{{12, 34}}, "main", {param_a, param_b}, ty.void_(), {},
"12:34 error: builtin(sample_index) attribute appears multiple times as "
"pipeline input");
TEST_F(ResolverEntryPointValidationTest, Parameter_Struct_DuplicateBuiltins) {
// struct InputA {
// @builtin(sample_index) a : u32;
// };
// struct InputB {
// @builtin(sample_index) a : u32;
// };
// @stage(fragment)
// fn main(param_a : InputA, param_b : InputB) {}
auto* input_a =
Structure("InputA", {Member("a", ty.u32(), {Builtin(ast::Builtin::kSampleIndex)})});
auto* input_b =
Structure("InputB", {Member("a", ty.u32(), {Builtin(ast::Builtin::kSampleIndex)})});
auto* param_a = Param("param_a", ty.Of(input_a));
auto* param_b = Param("param_b", ty.Of(input_b));
Func(Source{{12, 34}}, "main", {param_a, param_b}, ty.void_(), {},
R"(12:34 error: builtin(sample_index) attribute appears multiple times as pipeline input
12:34 note: while analysing entry point 'main')");
TEST_F(ResolverEntryPointValidationTest, VertexShaderMustReturnPosition) {
// @stage(vertex)
// fn main() {}
Func(Source{{12, 34}}, "main", {}, ty.void_(), {}, {Stage(ast::PipelineStage::kVertex)});
"12:34 error: a vertex shader must include the 'position' builtin "
"in its return type");
namespace TypeValidationTests {
struct Params {
builder::ast_type_func_ptr create_ast_type;
bool is_valid;
template <typename T>
constexpr Params ParamsFor(bool is_valid) {
return Params{DataType<T>::AST, is_valid};
using TypeValidationTest = resolver::ResolverTestWithParam<Params>;
static constexpr Params cases[] = {
ParamsFor<f32>(true), //
ParamsFor<i32>(true), //
ParamsFor<u32>(true), //
ParamsFor<bool>(false), //
ParamsFor<vec2<f32>>(true), //
ParamsFor<vec3<f32>>(true), //
ParamsFor<vec4<f32>>(true), //
ParamsFor<mat2x2<f32>>(false), //
ParamsFor<mat3x3<f32>>(false), //
ParamsFor<mat4x4<f32>>(false), //
ParamsFor<alias<f32>>(true), //
ParamsFor<alias<i32>>(true), //
ParamsFor<alias<u32>>(true), //
ParamsFor<alias<bool>>(false), //
TEST_P(TypeValidationTest, BareInputs) {
// @stage(fragment)
// fn main(@location(0) @interpolate(flat) a : *) {}
auto params = GetParam();
auto* a = Param("a", params.create_ast_type(*this), {Location(0), Flat()});
Func(Source{{12, 34}}, "main", {a}, ty.void_(), {}, {Stage(ast::PipelineStage::kFragment)});
if (params.is_valid) {
EXPECT_TRUE(r()->Resolve()) << r()->error();
} else {
TEST_P(TypeValidationTest, StructInputs) {
// struct Input {
// @location(0) @interpolate(flat) a : *;
// };
// @stage(fragment)
// fn main(a : Input) {}
auto params = GetParam();
auto* input =
Structure("Input", {Member("a", params.create_ast_type(*this), {Location(0), Flat()})});
auto* a = Param("a", ty.Of(input), {});
Func(Source{{12, 34}}, "main", {a}, ty.void_(), {}, {Stage(ast::PipelineStage::kFragment)});
if (params.is_valid) {
EXPECT_TRUE(r()->Resolve()) << r()->error();
} else {
TEST_P(TypeValidationTest, BareOutputs) {
// @stage(fragment)
// fn main() -> @location(0) * {
// return *();
// }
auto params = GetParam();
Func(Source{{12, 34}}, "main", {}, params.create_ast_type(*this),
{Return(Construct(params.create_ast_type(*this)))}, {Stage(ast::PipelineStage::kFragment)},
if (params.is_valid) {
EXPECT_TRUE(r()->Resolve()) << r()->error();
} else {
TEST_P(TypeValidationTest, StructOutputs) {
// struct Output {
// @location(0) a : *;
// };
// @stage(fragment)
// fn main() -> Output {
// return Output();
// }
auto params = GetParam();
auto* output = Structure("Output", {Member("a", params.create_ast_type(*this), {Location(0)})});
Func(Source{{12, 34}}, "main", {}, ty.Of(output), {Return(Construct(ty.Of(output)))},
if (params.is_valid) {
EXPECT_TRUE(r()->Resolve()) << r()->error();
} else {
} // namespace TypeValidationTests
namespace LocationAttributeTests {
namespace {
using LocationAttributeTests = ResolverTest;
TEST_F(LocationAttributeTests, Pass) {
// @stage(fragment)
// fn frag_main(@location(0) @interpolate(flat) a: i32) {}
auto* p = Param(Source{{12, 34}}, "a", ty.i32(), {Location(0), Flat()});
Func("frag_main", {p}, ty.void_(), {}, {Stage(ast::PipelineStage::kFragment)});
EXPECT_TRUE(r()->Resolve()) << r()->error();
TEST_F(LocationAttributeTests, BadType_Input_bool) {
// @stage(fragment)
// fn frag_main(@location(0) a: bool) {}
auto* p = Param(Source{{12, 34}}, "a", ty.bool_(), {Location(Source{{34, 56}}, 0)});
Func("frag_main", {p}, ty.void_(), {}, {Stage(ast::PipelineStage::kFragment)});
"12:34 error: cannot apply 'location' attribute to declaration of "
"type 'bool'\n"
"34:56 note: 'location' attribute must only be applied to "
"declarations of numeric scalar or numeric vector type");
TEST_F(LocationAttributeTests, BadType_Output_Array) {
// @stage(fragment)
// fn frag_main()->@location(0) array<f32, 2> { return array<f32, 2>(); }
Func(Source{{12, 34}}, "frag_main", {}, ty.array<f32, 2>(),
{Return(Construct(ty.array<f32, 2>()))}, {Stage(ast::PipelineStage::kFragment)},
{Location(Source{{34, 56}}, 0)});
"12:34 error: cannot apply 'location' attribute to declaration of "
"type 'array<f32, 2>'\n"
"34:56 note: 'location' attribute must only be applied to "
"declarations of numeric scalar or numeric vector type");
TEST_F(LocationAttributeTests, BadType_Input_Struct) {
// struct Input {
// a : f32;
// };
// @stage(fragment)
// fn main(@location(0) param : Input) {}
auto* input = Structure("Input", {Member("a", ty.f32())});
auto* param = Param(Source{{12, 34}}, "param", ty.Of(input), {Location(Source{{13, 43}}, 0)});
Func(Source{{12, 34}}, "main", {param}, ty.void_(), {}, {Stage(ast::PipelineStage::kFragment)});
"12:34 error: cannot apply 'location' attribute to declaration of "
"type 'Input'\n"
"13:43 note: 'location' attribute must only be applied to "
"declarations of numeric scalar or numeric vector type");
TEST_F(LocationAttributeTests, BadType_Input_Struct_NestedStruct) {
// struct Inner {
// @location(0) b : f32;
// };
// struct Input {
// a : Inner;
// };
// @stage(fragment)
// fn main(param : Input) {}
auto* inner = Structure("Inner", {Member(Source{{13, 43}}, "a", ty.f32(), {Location(0)})});
auto* input = Structure("Input", {Member(Source{{14, 52}}, "a", ty.Of(inner))});
auto* param = Param("param", ty.Of(input));
Func(Source{{12, 34}}, "main", {param}, ty.void_(), {}, {Stage(ast::PipelineStage::kFragment)});
"14:52 error: nested structures cannot be used for entry point IO\n"
"12:34 note: while analysing entry point 'main'");
TEST_F(LocationAttributeTests, BadType_Input_Struct_RuntimeArray) {
// struct Input {
// @location(0) a : array<f32>;
// };
// @stage(fragment)
// fn main(param : Input) {}
auto* input =
Structure("Input", {Member(Source{{13, 43}}, "a", ty.array<f32>(), {Location(0)})});
auto* param = Param("param", ty.Of(input));
Func(Source{{12, 34}}, "main", {param}, ty.void_(), {}, {Stage(ast::PipelineStage::kFragment)});
"13:43 error: cannot apply 'location' attribute to declaration of "
"type 'array<f32>'\n"
"note: 'location' attribute must only be applied to declarations "
"of numeric scalar or numeric vector type");
TEST_F(LocationAttributeTests, BadMemberType_Input) {
// struct S { @location(0) m: array<i32>; };
// @stage(fragment)
// fn frag_main( a: S) {}
auto* m = Member(Source{{34, 56}}, "m", ty.array<i32>(),
ast::AttributeList{Location(Source{{12, 34}}, 0u)});
auto* s = Structure("S", {m});
auto* p = Param("a", ty.Of(s));
Func("frag_main", {p}, ty.void_(), {}, {Stage(ast::PipelineStage::kFragment)});
"34:56 error: cannot apply 'location' attribute to declaration of "
"type 'array<i32>'\n"
"12:34 note: 'location' attribute must only be applied to "
"declarations of numeric scalar or numeric vector type");
TEST_F(LocationAttributeTests, BadMemberType_Output) {
// struct S { @location(0) m: atomic<i32>; };
// @stage(fragment)
// fn frag_main() -> S {}
auto* m = Member(Source{{34, 56}}, "m", ty.atomic<i32>(),
ast::AttributeList{Location(Source{{12, 34}}, 0u)});
auto* s = Structure("S", {m});
Func("frag_main", {}, ty.Of(s), {Return(Construct(ty.Of(s)))},
{Stage(ast::PipelineStage::kFragment)}, {});
"34:56 error: cannot apply 'location' attribute to declaration of "
"type 'atomic<i32>'\n"
"12:34 note: 'location' attribute must only be applied to "
"declarations of numeric scalar or numeric vector type");
TEST_F(LocationAttributeTests, BadMemberType_Unused) {
// struct S { @location(0) m: mat3x2<f32>; };
auto* m = Member(Source{{34, 56}}, "m", ty.mat3x2<f32>(),
ast::AttributeList{Location(Source{{12, 34}}, 0u)});
Structure("S", {m});
"34:56 error: cannot apply 'location' attribute to declaration of "
"type 'mat3x2<f32>'\n"
"12:34 note: 'location' attribute must only be applied to "
"declarations of numeric scalar or numeric vector type");
TEST_F(LocationAttributeTests, ReturnType_Struct_Valid) {
// struct Output {
// @location(0) a : f32;
// @builtin(frag_depth) b : f32;
// };
// @stage(fragment)
// fn main() -> Output {
// return Output();
// }
auto* output =
Structure("Output", {Member("a", ty.f32(), {Location(0)}),
Member("b", ty.f32(), {Builtin(ast::Builtin::kFragDepth)})});
Func(Source{{12, 34}}, "main", {}, ty.Of(output), {Return(Construct(ty.Of(output)))},
EXPECT_TRUE(r()->Resolve()) << r()->error();
TEST_F(LocationAttributeTests, ReturnType_Struct) {
// struct Output {
// a : f32;
// };
// @stage(vertex)
// fn main() -> @location(0) Output {
// return Output();
// }
auto* output = Structure("Output", {Member("a", ty.f32())});
Func(Source{{12, 34}}, "main", {}, ty.Of(output), {Return(Construct(ty.Of(output)))},
{Stage(ast::PipelineStage::kVertex)}, {Location(Source{{13, 43}}, 0)});
"12:34 error: cannot apply 'location' attribute to declaration of "
"type 'Output'\n"
"13:43 note: 'location' attribute must only be applied to "
"declarations of numeric scalar or numeric vector type");
TEST_F(LocationAttributeTests, ReturnType_Struct_NestedStruct) {
// struct Inner {
// @location(0) b : f32;
// };
// struct Output {
// a : Inner;
// };
// @stage(fragment)
// fn main() -> Output { return Output(); }
auto* inner = Structure("Inner", {Member(Source{{13, 43}}, "a", ty.f32(), {Location(0)})});
auto* output = Structure("Output", {Member(Source{{14, 52}}, "a", ty.Of(inner))});
Func(Source{{12, 34}}, "main", {}, ty.Of(output), {Return(Construct(ty.Of(output)))},
"14:52 error: nested structures cannot be used for entry point IO\n"
"12:34 note: while analysing entry point 'main'");
TEST_F(LocationAttributeTests, ReturnType_Struct_RuntimeArray) {
// struct Output {
// @location(0) a : array<f32>;
// };
// @stage(fragment)
// fn main() -> Output {
// return Output();
// }
auto* output = Structure("Output", {Member(Source{{13, 43}}, "a", ty.array<f32>(),
{Location(Source{{12, 34}}, 0)})});
Func(Source{{12, 34}}, "main", {}, ty.Of(output), {Return(Construct(ty.Of(output)))},
"13:43 error: cannot apply 'location' attribute to declaration of "
"type 'array<f32>'\n"
"12:34 note: 'location' attribute must only be applied to "
"declarations of numeric scalar or numeric vector type");
TEST_F(LocationAttributeTests, ComputeShaderLocation_Input) {
Func("main", {}, ty.i32(), {Return(Expr(1_i))},
create<ast::WorkgroupAttribute>(Source{{12, 34}}, Expr(1_i))},
ast::AttributeList{Location(Source{{12, 34}}, 1)});
EXPECT_EQ(r()->error(), "12:34 error: attribute is not valid for compute shader output");
TEST_F(LocationAttributeTests, ComputeShaderLocation_Output) {
auto* input = Param("input", ty.i32(), ast::AttributeList{Location(Source{{12, 34}}, 0u)});
Func("main", {input}, ty.void_(), {},
create<ast::WorkgroupAttribute>(Source{{12, 34}}, Expr(1_i))});
EXPECT_EQ(r()->error(), "12:34 error: attribute is not valid for compute shader inputs");
TEST_F(LocationAttributeTests, ComputeShaderLocationStructMember_Output) {
auto* m = Member("m", ty.i32(), ast::AttributeList{Location(Source{{12, 34}}, 0u)});
auto* s = Structure("S", {m});
Func(Source{{56, 78}}, "main", {}, ty.Of(s),
create<ast::WorkgroupAttribute>(Source{{12, 34}}, Expr(1_i))});
"12:34 error: attribute is not valid for compute shader output\n"
"56:78 note: while analysing entry point 'main'");
TEST_F(LocationAttributeTests, ComputeShaderLocationStructMember_Input) {
auto* m = Member("m", ty.i32(), ast::AttributeList{Location(Source{{12, 34}}, 0u)});
auto* s = Structure("S", {m});
auto* input = Param("input", ty.Of(s));
Func(Source{{56, 78}}, "main", {input}, ty.void_(), {},
create<ast::WorkgroupAttribute>(Source{{12, 34}}, Expr(1_i))});
"12:34 error: attribute is not valid for compute shader inputs\n"
"56:78 note: while analysing entry point 'main'");
TEST_F(LocationAttributeTests, Duplicate_input) {
// @stage(fragment)
// fn main(@location(1) param_a : f32,
// @location(1) param_b : f32) {}
auto* param_a = Param("param_a", ty.f32(), {Location(1)});
auto* param_b = Param("param_b", ty.f32(), {Location(Source{{12, 34}}, 1)});
Func(Source{{12, 34}}, "main", {param_a, param_b}, ty.void_(), {},
EXPECT_EQ(r()->error(), "12:34 error: location(1) attribute appears multiple times");
TEST_F(LocationAttributeTests, Duplicate_struct) {
// struct InputA {
// @location(1) a : f32;
// };
// struct InputB {
// @location(1) a : f32;
// };
// @stage(fragment)
// fn main(param_a : InputA, param_b : InputB) {}
auto* input_a = Structure("InputA", {Member("a", ty.f32(), {Location(1)})});
auto* input_b = Structure("InputB", {Member("a", ty.f32(), {Location(Source{{34, 56}}, 1)})});
auto* param_a = Param("param_a", ty.Of(input_a));
auto* param_b = Param("param_b", ty.Of(input_b));
Func(Source{{12, 34}}, "main", {param_a, param_b}, ty.void_(), {},
"34:56 error: location(1) attribute appears multiple times\n"
"12:34 note: while analysing entry point 'main'");
} // namespace
} // namespace LocationAttributeTests
} // namespace
} // namespace tint::resolver