blob: b281f918eae6831070cf9f75402e19d9df3995fd [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2021 The Tint Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include "src/tint/resolver/resolver.h"
#include <cmath>
// TODO( Update cpplint and remove NOLINT
#include <optional> // NOLINT(build/include_order))
#include "src/tint/sem/abstract_float.h"
#include "src/tint/sem/abstract_int.h"
#include "src/tint/sem/constant.h"
#include "src/tint/sem/type_constructor.h"
#include "src/tint/utils/compiler_macros.h"
#include "src/tint/utils/map.h"
#include "src/tint/utils/transform.h"
using namespace tint::number_suffixes; // NOLINT
namespace tint::resolver {
namespace {
/// Converts and returns all the element values of `in` to the type `T`, using the converter
/// function `CONVERTER`.
/// @param elements_in the vector of elements to be converted
/// @param converter a function-like with the signature `void(TO&, FROM)`
/// @returns the elements converted to type T.
template <typename T, typename ELEMENTS_IN, typename CONVERTER>
sem::Constant::Elements Transform(const ELEMENTS_IN& elements_in, CONVERTER&& converter) {
return utils::Transform(elements_in, [&](auto value_in) {
if constexpr (std::is_same_v<UnwrapNumber<T>, bool>) {
return AInt(value_in != 0);
} else {
T converted{};
converter(converted, value_in);
if constexpr (IsFloatingPoint<UnwrapNumber<T>>) {
return AFloat(converted);
} else {
return AInt(converted);
/// Converts and returns all the element values of `in` to the semantic type `el_ty`, using the
/// converter function `CONVERTER`.
/// @param in the constant to convert
/// @param el_ty the target element type
/// @param converter a function-like with the signature `void(TO&, FROM)`
/// @returns the elements converted to `el_ty`
template <typename CONVERTER>
sem::Constant::Elements Transform(const sem::Constant::Elements& in,
const sem::Type* el_ty,
CONVERTER&& converter) {
return std::visit(
[&](auto&& v) {
return Switch(
el_ty, //
[&](const sem::AbstractInt*) { return Transform<AInt>(v, converter); },
[&](const sem::AbstractFloat*) { return Transform<AFloat>(v, converter); },
[&](const sem::I32*) { return Transform<i32>(v, converter); },
[&](const sem::U32*) { return Transform<u32>(v, converter); },
[&](const sem::F32*) { return Transform<f32>(v, converter); },
[&](const sem::F16*) { return Transform<f16>(v, converter); },
[&](const sem::Bool*) { return Transform<bool>(v, converter); },
[&](Default) -> sem::Constant::Elements {
diag::List diags;
TINT_UNREACHABLE(Semantic, diags)
<< "invalid element type " << el_ty->TypeInfo().name;
return {};
/// Converts and returns all the elements in `in` to the type `el_ty`.
/// If the value does not fit in the target type, and:
/// * the target type is an integer type, then the resulting value will be clamped to the integer's
/// highest or lowest value.
/// * the target type is an float type, then the resulting value will be either positive or
/// negative infinity, based on the sign of the input value.
/// @param in the input elements
/// @param el_ty the target element type
/// @returns the elements converted to `el_ty`
sem::Constant::Elements ConvertElements(const sem::Constant::Elements& in, const sem::Type* el_ty) {
return Transform(in, el_ty, [](auto& el_out, auto el_in) {
using OUT = std::decay_t<decltype(el_out)>;
if (auto conv = CheckedConvert<OUT>(el_in)) {
el_out = conv.Get();
} else {
constexpr auto kInf = std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity();
switch (conv.Failure()) {
case ConversionFailure::kExceedsNegativeLimit:
el_out = IsFloatingPoint<UnwrapNumber<OUT>> ? OUT(-kInf) : OUT::kLowest;
case ConversionFailure::kExceedsPositiveLimit:
el_out = IsFloatingPoint<UnwrapNumber<OUT>> ? OUT(kInf) : OUT::kHighest;
/// Converts and returns all the elements in `in` to the type `el_ty`, by performing a
/// `CheckedConvert` on each element value. A single error diagnostic will be raised if an element
/// value cannot be represented by the target type.
/// @param in the input elements
/// @param el_ty the target element type
/// @returns the elements converted to `el_ty`, or a Failure if some elements could not be
/// represented by the target type.
utils::Result<sem::Constant::Elements> MaterializeElements(const sem::Constant::Elements& in,
const sem::Type* el_ty,
ProgramBuilder& builder,
Source source) {
std::optional<std::string> failure;
auto out = Transform(in, el_ty, [&](auto& el_out, auto el_in) {
using OUT = std::decay_t<decltype(el_out)>;
if (auto conv = CheckedConvert<OUT>(el_in)) {
el_out = conv.Get();
} else if (!failure.has_value()) {
std::stringstream ss;
ss << "value " << el_in << " cannot be represented as ";
ss << "'" << builder.FriendlyName(el_ty) << "'";
failure = ss.str();
if (failure.has_value()) {
builder.Diagnostics().add_error(diag::System::Resolver, std::move(failure.value()), source);
return utils::Failure;
return out;
} // namespace
utils::Result<sem::Constant> Resolver::EvaluateConstantValue(const ast::Expression* expr,
const sem::Type* type) {
if (auto* e = expr->As<ast::LiteralExpression>()) {
return EvaluateConstantValue(e, type);
if (auto* e = expr->As<ast::CallExpression>()) {
return EvaluateConstantValue(e, type);
return sem::Constant{};
utils::Result<sem::Constant> Resolver::EvaluateConstantValue(const ast::LiteralExpression* literal,
const sem::Type* type) {
return Switch(
[&](const ast::BoolLiteralExpression* lit) {
return sem::Constant{type, {AInt(lit->value ? 1 : 0)}};
[&](const ast::IntLiteralExpression* lit) {
return sem::Constant{type, {AInt(lit->value)}};
[&](const ast::FloatLiteralExpression* lit) {
return sem::Constant{type, {AFloat(lit->value)}};
utils::Result<sem::Constant> Resolver::EvaluateConstantValue(const ast::CallExpression* call,
const sem::Type* ty) {
uint32_t result_size = 0;
auto* el_ty = sem::Type::ElementOf(ty, &result_size);
if (!el_ty) {
return sem::Constant{};
// ElementOf() will also return the element type of array, which we do not support.
if (ty->Is<sem::Array>()) {
return sem::Constant{};
// For zero value init, return 0s
if (call->args.empty()) {
return Switch(
[&](const sem::AbstractInt*) {
return sem::Constant(ty, std::vector(result_size, AInt(0)));
[&](const sem::AbstractFloat*) {
return sem::Constant(ty, std::vector(result_size, AFloat(0)));
[&](const sem::I32*) { return sem::Constant(ty, std::vector(result_size, AInt(0))); },
[&](const sem::U32*) { return sem::Constant(ty, std::vector(result_size, AInt(0))); },
[&](const sem::F32*) { return sem::Constant(ty, std::vector(result_size, AFloat(0))); },
[&](const sem::F16*) { return sem::Constant(ty, std::vector(result_size, AFloat(0))); },
[&](const sem::Bool*) { return sem::Constant(ty, std::vector(result_size, AInt(0))); });
// Build value for type_ctor from each child value by converting to type_ctor's type.
std::optional<sem::Constant::Elements> elements;
for (auto* expr : call->args) {
auto* arg = builder_->Sem().Get(expr);
if (!arg) {
return sem::Constant{};
auto value = arg->ConstantValue();
if (!value) {
return sem::Constant{};
// Convert the elements to the desired type.
auto converted = ConvertElements(value.GetElements(), el_ty);
if (elements.has_value()) {
// Append the converted vector to elements
[&](auto&& dst) {
using VEC_TY = std::decay_t<decltype(dst)>;
const auto& src = std::get<VEC_TY>(converted);
dst.insert(dst.end(), src.begin(), src.end());
} else {
elements = std::move(converted);
// Splat single-value initializers
[&](auto&& v) {
if (v.size() == 1) {
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < result_size - 1; ++i) {
return sem::Constant(ty, std::move(elements.value()));
utils::Result<sem::Constant> Resolver::ConvertValue(const sem::Constant& value,
const sem::Type* ty,
const Source& source) {
if (value.Type() == ty) {
return value;
auto* el_ty = sem::Type::ElementOf(ty);
if (el_ty == nullptr) {
return sem::Constant{};
if (value.ElementType() == el_ty) {
return sem::Constant(ty, value.GetElements());
if (auto res = MaterializeElements(value.GetElements(), el_ty, *builder_, source)) {
return sem::Constant(ty, std::move(res.Get()));
return utils::Failure;
} // namespace tint::resolver