blob: 595809442bcf81d06012abbf658b1278ab471a15 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2017 The Dawn Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include <vector>
#include "dawn/common/ityp_array.h"
#include "dawn/common/ityp_bitset.h"
#include "dawn/native/Error.h"
#include "dawn/native/Format.h"
#include "dawn/native/Forward.h"
#include "dawn/native/ObjectBase.h"
#include "dawn/native/Subresource.h"
#include "dawn/native/dawn_platform.h"
namespace dawn::native {
MaybeError ValidateTextureDescriptor(const DeviceBase* device, const TextureDescriptor* descriptor);
MaybeError ValidateTextureViewDescriptor(const DeviceBase* device,
const TextureBase* texture,
const TextureViewDescriptor* descriptor);
ResultOrError<TextureViewDescriptor> GetTextureViewDescriptorWithDefaults(
const TextureBase* texture,
const TextureViewDescriptor* descriptor);
bool IsValidSampleCount(uint32_t sampleCount);
static constexpr wgpu::TextureUsage kReadOnlyTextureUsages =
wgpu::TextureUsage::CopySrc | wgpu::TextureUsage::TextureBinding | kReadOnlyRenderAttachment;
class TextureBase : public ApiObjectBase {
enum class TextureState { OwnedInternal, OwnedExternal, Destroyed };
enum class ClearValue { Zero, NonZero };
static TextureBase* MakeError(DeviceBase* device, const TextureDescriptor* descriptor);
ObjectType GetType() const override;
wgpu::TextureDimension GetDimension() const;
const Format& GetFormat() const;
const FormatSet& GetViewFormats() const;
const Extent3D& GetSize() const;
uint32_t GetWidth() const;
uint32_t GetHeight() const;
uint32_t GetDepth() const;
uint32_t GetArrayLayers() const;
uint32_t GetNumMipLevels() const;
SubresourceRange GetAllSubresources() const;
uint32_t GetSampleCount() const;
uint32_t GetSubresourceCount() const;
// |GetUsage| returns the usage with which the texture was created using the base WebGPU
// API. The dawn-internal-usages extension may add additional usages. |GetInternalUsage|
// returns the union of base usage and the usages added by the extension.
wgpu::TextureUsage GetUsage() const;
wgpu::TextureUsage GetInternalUsage() const;
TextureState GetTextureState() const;
uint32_t GetSubresourceIndex(uint32_t mipLevel, uint32_t arraySlice, Aspect aspect) const;
bool IsSubresourceContentInitialized(const SubresourceRange& range) const;
void SetIsSubresourceContentInitialized(bool isInitialized, const SubresourceRange& range);
MaybeError ValidateCanUseInSubmitNow() const;
bool IsMultisampledTexture() const;
// For a texture with non-block-compressed texture format, its physical size is always equal
// to its virtual size. For a texture with block compressed texture format, the physical
// size is the one with paddings if necessary, which is always a multiple of the block size
// and used in texture copying. The virtual size is the one without paddings, which is not
// required to be a multiple of the block size and used in texture sampling.
Extent3D GetMipLevelSingleSubresourcePhysicalSize(uint32_t level) const;
Extent3D GetMipLevelSingleSubresourceVirtualSize(uint32_t level) const;
Extent3D ClampToMipLevelVirtualSize(uint32_t level,
const Origin3D& origin,
const Extent3D& extent) const;
ResultOrError<Ref<TextureViewBase>> CreateView(
const TextureViewDescriptor* descriptor = nullptr);
// Dawn API
TextureViewBase* APICreateView(const TextureViewDescriptor* descriptor = nullptr);
void APIDestroy();
uint32_t APIGetWidth() const;
uint32_t APIGetHeight() const;
uint32_t APIGetDepthOrArrayLayers() const;
uint32_t APIGetMipLevelCount() const;
uint32_t APIGetSampleCount() const;
wgpu::TextureDimension APIGetDimension() const;
wgpu::TextureFormat APIGetFormat() const;
wgpu::TextureUsage APIGetUsage() const;
TextureBase(DeviceBase* device, const TextureDescriptor* descriptor, TextureState state);
// Constructor used only for mocking and testing.
TextureBase(DeviceBase* device, TextureState state);
~TextureBase() override;
void DestroyImpl() override;
TextureBase(DeviceBase* device, const TextureDescriptor* descriptor, ObjectBase::ErrorTag tag);
MaybeError ValidateDestroy() const;
wgpu::TextureDimension mDimension;
const Format& mFormat;
FormatSet mViewFormats;
Extent3D mSize;
uint32_t mMipLevelCount;
uint32_t mSampleCount;
wgpu::TextureUsage mUsage = wgpu::TextureUsage::None;
wgpu::TextureUsage mInternalUsage = wgpu::TextureUsage::None;
TextureState mState;
wgpu::TextureFormat mFormatEnumForReflection;
// TODO( Use a more optimized data structure to save space
std::vector<bool> mIsSubresourceContentInitializedAtIndex;
class TextureViewBase : public ApiObjectBase {
TextureViewBase(TextureBase* texture, const TextureViewDescriptor* descriptor);
~TextureViewBase() override;
static TextureViewBase* MakeError(DeviceBase* device);
ObjectType GetType() const override;
const TextureBase* GetTexture() const;
TextureBase* GetTexture();
Aspect GetAspects() const;
const Format& GetFormat() const;
wgpu::TextureViewDimension GetDimension() const;
uint32_t GetBaseMipLevel() const;
uint32_t GetLevelCount() const;
uint32_t GetBaseArrayLayer() const;
uint32_t GetLayerCount() const;
const SubresourceRange& GetSubresourceRange() const;
// Constructor used only for mocking and testing.
explicit TextureViewBase(TextureBase* texture);
void DestroyImpl() override;
TextureViewBase(DeviceBase* device, ObjectBase::ErrorTag tag);
Ref<TextureBase> mTexture;
const Format& mFormat;
wgpu::TextureViewDimension mDimension;
SubresourceRange mRange;
} // namespace dawn::native