blob: ade723cb09f7a64bae7ecab06d00f11f54bf0dd0 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2020 The Tint Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include "src/tint/reader/wgsl/lexer.h"
#include <cctype>
#include <cmath>
#include <cstring>
#include <functional>
#include <limits>
#include <optional>
#include <tuple>
#include <type_traits>
#include <utility>
#include "src/tint/debug.h"
#include "src/tint/number.h"
#include "src/tint/text/unicode.h"
namespace tint::reader::wgsl {
namespace {
// Unicode parsing code assumes that the size of a single std::string element is
// 1 byte.
static_assert(sizeof(decltype(tint::Source::FileContent::data[0])) == sizeof(uint8_t),
"tint::reader::wgsl requires the size of a std::string element "
"to be a single byte");
bool read_blankspace(std::string_view str, size_t i, bool* is_blankspace, size_t* blankspace_size) {
// See
auto* utf8 = reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(&str[i]);
auto [cp, n] = text::utf8::Decode(utf8, str.size() - i);
if (n == 0) {
return false;
static const auto kSpace = text::CodePoint(0x0020); // space
static const auto kHTab = text::CodePoint(0x0009); // horizontal tab
static const auto kL2R = text::CodePoint(0x200E); // left-to-right mark
static const auto kR2L = text::CodePoint(0x200F); // right-to-left mark
if (cp == kSpace || cp == kHTab || cp == kL2R || cp == kR2L) {
*is_blankspace = true;
*blankspace_size = n;
return true;
*is_blankspace = false;
return true;
uint32_t dec_value(char c) {
if (c >= '0' && c <= '9') {
return static_cast<uint32_t>(c - '0');
return 0;
uint32_t hex_value(char c) {
if (c >= '0' && c <= '9') {
return static_cast<uint32_t>(c - '0');
if (c >= 'a' && c <= 'f') {
return 0xA + static_cast<uint32_t>(c - 'a');
if (c >= 'A' && c <= 'F') {
return 0xA + static_cast<uint32_t>(c - 'A');
return 0;
} // namespace
Lexer::Lexer(const Source::File* file) : file_(file), location_{1, 1} {}
Lexer::~Lexer() = default;
const std::string_view Lexer::line() const {
if (file_->content.lines.size() == 0) {
static const char* empty_string = "";
return empty_string;
return file_->content.lines[location_.line - 1];
size_t Lexer::pos() const {
return location_.column - 1;
size_t Lexer::length() const {
return line().size();
const char& Lexer::at(size_t pos) const {
auto l = line();
// Unlike for std::string, if pos == l.size(), indexing `l[pos]` is UB for
// std::string_view.
if (pos >= l.size()) {
static const char zero = 0;
return zero;
return l[pos];
std::string_view Lexer::substr(size_t offset, size_t count) {
return line().substr(offset, count);
void Lexer::advance(size_t offset) {
location_.column += offset;
void Lexer::set_pos(size_t pos) {
location_.column = pos + 1;
void Lexer::advance_line() {
location_.column = 1;
bool Lexer::is_eof() const {
return location_.line >= file_->content.lines.size() && pos() >= length();
bool Lexer::is_eol() const {
return pos() >= length();
Token Lexer::next() {
if (auto t = skip_blankspace_and_comments(); !t.IsUninitialized()) {
return t;
if (auto t = try_hex_float(); !t.IsUninitialized()) {
return t;
if (auto t = try_hex_integer(); !t.IsUninitialized()) {
return t;
if (auto t = try_float(); !t.IsUninitialized()) {
return t;
if (auto t = try_integer(); !t.IsUninitialized()) {
return t;
if (auto t = try_ident(); !t.IsUninitialized()) {
return t;
if (auto t = try_punctuation(); !t.IsUninitialized()) {
return t;
return {Token::Type::kError, begin_source(),
(is_null() ? "null character found" : "invalid character found")};
Source Lexer::begin_source() const {
Source src{};
src.file = file_;
src.range.begin = location_;
src.range.end = location_;
return src;
void Lexer::end_source(Source& src) const {
src.range.end = location_;
bool Lexer::is_null() const {
return (pos() < length()) && (at(pos()) == 0);
bool Lexer::is_digit(char ch) const {
return std::isdigit(static_cast<unsigned char>(ch));
bool Lexer::is_hex(char ch) const {
return std::isxdigit(static_cast<unsigned char>(ch));
bool Lexer::matches(size_t pos, std::string_view sub_string) {
if (pos >= length()) {
return false;
return substr(pos, sub_string.size()) == sub_string;
Token Lexer::skip_blankspace_and_comments() {
for (;;) {
auto loc = location_;
while (!is_eof()) {
if (is_eol()) {
bool is_blankspace;
size_t blankspace_size;
if (!read_blankspace(line(), pos(), &is_blankspace, &blankspace_size)) {
return {Token::Type::kError, begin_source(), "invalid UTF-8"};
if (!is_blankspace) {
auto t = skip_comment();
if (!t.IsUninitialized()) {
return t;
// If the cursor didn't advance we didn't remove any blankspace
// so we're done.
if (loc == location_) {
if (is_eof()) {
return {Token::Type::kEOF, begin_source()};
return {};
Token Lexer::skip_comment() {
if (matches(pos(), "//")) {
// Line comment: ignore everything until the end of line.
while (!is_eol()) {
if (is_null()) {
return {Token::Type::kError, begin_source(), "null character found"};
return {};
if (matches(pos(), "/*")) {
// Block comment: ignore everything until the closing '*/' token.
// Record source location of the initial '/*'
auto source = begin_source();
source.range.end.column += 1;
int depth = 1;
while (!is_eof() && depth > 0) {
if (matches(pos(), "/*")) {
// Start of block comment: increase nesting depth.
} else if (matches(pos(), "*/")) {
// End of block comment: decrease nesting depth.
} else if (is_eol()) {
// Newline: skip and update source location.
} else if (is_null()) {
return {Token::Type::kError, begin_source(), "null character found"};
} else {
// Anything else: skip and update source location.
if (depth > 0) {
return {Token::Type::kError, source, "unterminated block comment"};
return {};
Token Lexer::try_float() {
auto start = pos();
auto end = pos();
auto source = begin_source();
bool has_mantissa_digits = false;
if (matches(end, "-")) {
while (end < length() && is_digit(at(end))) {
has_mantissa_digits = true;
bool has_point = false;
if (end < length() && matches(end, ".")) {
has_point = true;
while (end < length() && is_digit(at(end))) {
has_mantissa_digits = true;
if (!has_mantissa_digits) {
return {};
// Parse the exponent if one exists
bool has_exponent = false;
if (end < length() && (matches(end, "e") || matches(end, "E"))) {
if (end < length() && (matches(end, "+") || matches(end, "-"))) {
while (end < length() && isdigit(at(end))) {
has_exponent = true;
// If an 'e' or 'E' was present, then the number part must also be present.
if (!has_exponent) {
const auto str = std::string{substr(start, end - start)};
return {Token::Type::kError, source,
"incomplete exponent for floating point literal: " + str};
bool has_f_suffix = false;
bool has_h_suffix = false;
if (end < length() && matches(end, "f")) {
has_f_suffix = true;
} else if (end < length() && matches(end, "h")) {
has_h_suffix = true;
if (!has_point && !has_exponent && !has_f_suffix && !has_h_suffix) {
// If it only has digits then it's an integer.
return {};
// Save the error string, for use by diagnostics.
const auto str = std::string{substr(start, end - start)};
advance(end - start);
double value = std::strtod(&at(start), nullptr);
if (has_f_suffix) {
if (auto f = CheckedConvert<f32>(AFloat(value))) {
return {Token::Type::kFloatLiteral_F, source, static_cast<double>(f.Get())};
} else {
return {Token::Type::kError, source, "value cannot be represented as 'f32'"};
if (has_h_suffix) {
if (auto f = CheckedConvert<f16>(AFloat(value))) {
return {Token::Type::kFloatLiteral_H, source, static_cast<double>(f.Get())};
} else {
return {Token::Type::kError, source, "value cannot be represented as 'f16'"};
if (value == HUGE_VAL || -value == HUGE_VAL) {
return {Token::Type::kError, source, "value cannot be represented as 'abstract-float'"};
} else {
return {Token::Type::kFloatLiteral, source, value};
Token Lexer::try_hex_float() {
constexpr uint64_t kExponentBits = 11;
constexpr uint64_t kMantissaBits = 52;
constexpr uint64_t kTotalBits = 1 + kExponentBits + kMantissaBits;
constexpr uint64_t kTotalMsb = kTotalBits - 1;
constexpr uint64_t kMantissaMsb = kMantissaBits - 1;
constexpr uint64_t kMantissaShiftRight = kTotalBits - kMantissaBits;
constexpr int64_t kExponentBias = 1023;
constexpr uint64_t kExponentMask = (1 << kExponentBits) - 1;
constexpr int64_t kExponentMax = kExponentMask; // Including NaN / inf
constexpr uint64_t kExponentLeftShift = kMantissaBits;
constexpr uint64_t kSignBit = kTotalBits - 1;
constexpr uint64_t kOne = 1;
auto start = pos();
auto end = pos();
auto source = begin_source();
// clang-format off
// -?0[xX]([0-9a-fA-F]*.?[0-9a-fA-F]+ | [0-9a-fA-F]+.[0-9a-fA-F]*)(p|P)(+|-)?[0-9]+ // NOLINT
// clang-format on
// -?
uint64_t sign_bit = 0;
if (matches(end, "-")) {
sign_bit = 1;
// 0[xX]
if (matches(end, "0x") || matches(end, "0X")) {
end += 2;
} else {
return {};
uint64_t mantissa = 0;
uint64_t exponent = 0;
// TODO(dneto): Values in the normal range for the format do not explicitly
// store the most significant bit. The algorithm here works hard to eliminate
// that bit in the representation during parsing, and then it backtracks
// when it sees it may have to explicitly represent it, and backtracks again
// when it sees the number is sub-normal (i.e. the exponent underflows).
// I suspect the logic can be clarified by storing it during parsing, and
// then removing it later only when needed.
// `set_next_mantissa_bit_to` sets next `mantissa` bit starting from msb to
// lsb to value 1 if `set` is true, 0 otherwise. Returns true on success, i.e.
// when the bit can be accommodated in the available space.
uint64_t mantissa_next_bit = kTotalMsb;
auto set_next_mantissa_bit_to = [&](bool set, bool integer_part) -> bool {
// If adding bits for the integer part, we can overflow whether we set the
// bit or not. For the fractional part, we can only overflow when setting
// the bit.
const bool check_overflow = integer_part || set;
// Note: mantissa_next_bit actually decrements, so comparing it as
// larger than a positive number relies on wraparound.
if (check_overflow && (mantissa_next_bit > kTotalMsb)) {
return false; // Overflowed mantissa
if (set) {
mantissa |= (kOne << mantissa_next_bit);
return true;
// Collect integer range (if any)
auto integer_range = std::make_pair(end, end);
while (end < length() && is_hex(at(end))) {
integer_range.second = ++end;
// .?
bool hex_point = false;
if (matches(end, ".")) {
hex_point = true;
// Collect fractional range (if any)
auto fractional_range = std::make_pair(end, end);
while (end < length() && is_hex(at(end))) {
fractional_range.second = ++end;
// Must have at least an integer or fractional part
if ((integer_range.first == integer_range.second) &&
(fractional_range.first == fractional_range.second)) {
return {};
// Is the binary exponent present? It's optional.
const bool has_exponent = (matches(end, "p") || matches(end, "P"));
if (has_exponent) {
if (!has_exponent && !hex_point) {
// It's not a hex float. At best it's a hex integer.
return {};
// At this point, we know for sure our token is a hex float value,
// or an invalid token.
// Parse integer part
// [0-9a-fA-F]*
bool has_zero_integer = true;
// The magnitude is zero if and only if seen_prior_one_bits is false.
bool seen_prior_one_bits = false;
for (auto i = integer_range.first; i < integer_range.second; ++i) {
const auto nibble = hex_value(at(i));
if (nibble != 0) {
has_zero_integer = false;
for (int bit = 3; bit >= 0; --bit) {
auto v = 1 & (nibble >> bit);
// Skip leading 0s and the first 1
if (seen_prior_one_bits) {
if (!set_next_mantissa_bit_to(v != 0, true)) {
return {Token::Type::kError, source, "mantissa is too large for hex float"};
} else {
if (v == 1) {
seen_prior_one_bits = true;
// Parse fractional part
// [0-9a-fA-F]*
for (auto i = fractional_range.first; i < fractional_range.second; ++i) {
auto nibble = hex_value(at(i));
for (int bit = 3; bit >= 0; --bit) {
auto v = 1 & (nibble >> bit);
if (v == 1) {
seen_prior_one_bits = true;
// If integer part is 0, we only start writing bits to the
// mantissa once we have a non-zero fractional bit. While the fractional
// values are 0, we adjust the exponent to avoid overflowing `mantissa`.
if (!seen_prior_one_bits) {
} else {
if (!set_next_mantissa_bit_to(v != 0, false)) {
return {Token::Type::kError, source, "mantissa is too large for hex float"};
// Determine if the value of the mantissa is zero.
// Note: it's not enough to check mantissa == 0 as we drop the initial bit,
// whether it's in the integer part or the fractional part.
const bool is_zero = !seen_prior_one_bits;
TINT_ASSERT(Reader, !is_zero || mantissa == 0);
// Parse the optional exponent.
// ((p|P)(\+|-)?[0-9]+)?
uint64_t input_exponent = 0; // Defaults to 0 if not present
int64_t exponent_sign = 1;
// If the 'p' part is present, the rest of the exponent must exist.
bool has_f_suffix = false;
bool has_h_suffix = false;
if (has_exponent) {
// Parse the rest of the exponent.
// (+|-)?
if (matches(end, "+")) {
} else if (matches(end, "-")) {
exponent_sign = -1;
// Parse exponent from input
// [0-9]+
// Allow overflow (in uint64_t) when the floating point value magnitude is
// zero.
bool has_exponent_digits = false;
while (end < length() && isdigit(at(end))) {
has_exponent_digits = true;
auto prev_exponent = input_exponent;
input_exponent = (input_exponent * 10) + dec_value(at(end));
// Check if we've overflowed input_exponent. This only matters when
// the mantissa is non-zero.
if (!is_zero && (prev_exponent > input_exponent)) {
return {Token::Type::kError, source, "exponent is too large for hex float"};
// Parse optional 'f' or 'h' suffix. For a hex float, it can only exist
// when the exponent is present. Otherwise it will look like
// one of the mantissa digits.
if (end < length() && matches(end, "f")) {
has_f_suffix = true;
} else if (end < length() && matches(end, "h")) {
has_h_suffix = true;
if (!has_exponent_digits) {
return {Token::Type::kError, source, "expected an exponent value for hex float"};
advance(end - start);
if (is_zero) {
// If value is zero, then ignore the exponent and produce a zero
exponent = 0;
} else {
// Ensure input exponent is not too large; i.e. that it won't overflow when
// adding the exponent bias.
const uint64_t kIntMax = static_cast<uint64_t>(std::numeric_limits<int64_t>::max());
const uint64_t kMaxInputExponent = kIntMax - kExponentBias;
if (input_exponent > kMaxInputExponent) {
return {Token::Type::kError, source, "exponent is too large for hex float"};
// Compute exponent so far
exponent += static_cast<uint64_t>(static_cast<int64_t>(input_exponent) * exponent_sign);
// Bias exponent if non-zero
// After this, if exponent is <= 0, our value is a denormal
exponent += kExponentBias;
// We know the number is not zero. The MSB is 1 (by construction), and
// should be eliminated because it becomes the implicit 1 that isn't
// explicitly represented in the binary32 format. We'll bring it back
// later if we find the exponent actually underflowed, i.e. the number
// is sub-normal.
if (has_zero_integer) {
mantissa <<= 1;
// We can now safely work with exponent as a signed quantity, as there's no
// chance to overflow
int64_t signed_exponent = static_cast<int64_t>(exponent);
// Shift mantissa to occupy the low 23 bits
mantissa >>= kMantissaShiftRight;
// If denormal, shift mantissa until our exponent is zero
if (!is_zero) {
// Denorm has exponent 0 and non-zero mantissa. We set the top bit here,
// then shift the mantissa to make exponent zero.
if (signed_exponent <= 0) {
mantissa >>= 1;
mantissa |= (kOne << kMantissaMsb);
while (signed_exponent < 0) {
mantissa >>= 1;
// If underflow, clamp to zero
if (mantissa == 0) {
signed_exponent = 0;
if (signed_exponent >= kExponentMax || (signed_exponent == kExponentMax && mantissa != 0)) {
std::string type = has_f_suffix ? "f32" : (has_h_suffix ? "f16" : "abstract-float");
return {Token::Type::kError, source, "value cannot be represented as '" + type + "'"};
// Combine sign, mantissa, and exponent
uint64_t result_u64 = sign_bit << kSignBit;
result_u64 |= mantissa;
result_u64 |= (static_cast<uint64_t>(signed_exponent) & kExponentMask) << kExponentLeftShift;
// Reinterpret as f16 and return
double result_f64;
std::memcpy(&result_f64, &result_u64, 8);
if (has_f_suffix) {
// Check value fits in f32
if (result_f64 < static_cast<double>(f32::kLowest) ||
result_f64 > static_cast<double>(f32::kHighest)) {
return {Token::Type::kError, source, "value cannot be represented as 'f32'"};
// Check the value can be exactly represented, i.e. only high 23 mantissa bits are valid for
// normal f32 values, and less for subnormal f32 values. The rest low mantissa bits must be
// 0.
int valid_mantissa_bits = 0;
double abs_result_f64 = std::fabs(result_f64);
if (abs_result_f64 >= static_cast<double>(f32::kSmallest)) {
// The result shall be a normal f32 value.
valid_mantissa_bits = 23;
} else if (abs_result_f64 >= static_cast<double>(f32::kSmallestSubnormal)) {
// The result shall be a subnormal f32 value, represented as double.
// The smallest positive normal f32 is f32::kSmallest = 2^-126 = 0x1.0p-126, and the
// smallest positive subnormal f32 is f32::kSmallestSubnormal = 2^-149. Thus, the
// value v in range 2^-126 > v >= 2^-149 must be represented as a subnormal f32
// number, but is still normal double (f64) number, and has a exponent in range -127
// to -149, inclusive.
// A value v, if 2^-126 > v >= 2^-127, its binary32 representation will have binary form
// s_00000000_1xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, having mantissa of 1 leading 1 bit and 22
// arbitrary bits. Since this value is represented as normal double number, the
// leading 1 bit is omitted, only the highest 22 mantissia bits can be arbitrary, and
// the rest lowest 40 mantissa bits of f64 number must be zero.
// 2^-127 > v >= 2^-128, binary32 s_00000000_01xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, having mantissa of
// 1 leading 0 bit, 1 leading 1 bit, and 21 arbitrary bits. The f64 representation
// omits the leading 0 and 1 bits, and only the highest 21 mantissia bits can be
// arbitrary.
// 2^-128 > v >= 2^-129, binary32 s_00000000_001xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, 20 arbitrary bits.
// ...
// 2^-147 > v >= 2^-148, binary32 s_00000000_0000000000000000000001x, 1 arbitrary bit.
// 2^-148 > v >= 2^-149, binary32 s_00000000_00000000000000000000001, 0 arbitrary bit.
// signed_exponent must be in range -149 + 1023 = 874 to -127 + 1023 = 896, inclusive
TINT_ASSERT(Reader, (874 <= signed_exponent) && (signed_exponent <= 896));
int unbiased_exponent =
static_cast<int>(signed_exponent) - static_cast<int>(kExponentBias);
TINT_ASSERT(Reader, (-149 <= unbiased_exponent) && (unbiased_exponent <= -127));
valid_mantissa_bits = unbiased_exponent + 149; // 0 for -149, and 22 for -127
} else if (abs_result_f64 != 0.0) {
// The result is smaller than the smallest subnormal f32 value, but not equal to zero.
// Such value will never be exactly represented by f32.
return {Token::Type::kError, source, "value cannot be exactly represented as 'f32'"};
// Check the low 52-valid_mantissa_bits mantissa bits must be 0.
TINT_ASSERT(Reader, (0 <= valid_mantissa_bits) && (valid_mantissa_bits <= 23));
if (result_u64 & ((uint64_t(1) << (52 - valid_mantissa_bits)) - 1)) {
return {Token::Type::kError, source, "value cannot be exactly represented as 'f32'"};
return {Token::Type::kFloatLiteral_F, source, result_f64};
} else if (has_h_suffix) {
// Check value fits in f16
if (result_f64 < static_cast<double>(f16::kLowest) ||
result_f64 > static_cast<double>(f16::kHighest)) {
return {Token::Type::kError, source, "value cannot be represented as 'f16'"};
// Check the value can be exactly represented, i.e. only high 10 mantissa bits are valid for
// normal f16 values, and less for subnormal f16 values. The rest low mantissa bits must be
// 0.
int valid_mantissa_bits = 0;
double abs_result_f64 = std::fabs(result_f64);
if (abs_result_f64 >= static_cast<double>(f16::kSmallest)) {
// The result shall be a normal f16 value.
valid_mantissa_bits = 10;
} else if (abs_result_f64 >= static_cast<double>(f16::kSmallestSubnormal)) {
// The result shall be a subnormal f16 value, represented as double.
// The smallest positive normal f16 is f16::kSmallest = 2^-14 = 0x1.0p-14, and the
// smallest positive subnormal f16 is f16::kSmallestSubnormal = 2^-24. Thus, the value
// v in range 2^-14 > v >= 2^-24 must be represented as a subnormal f16 number, but
// is still normal double (f64) number, and has a exponent in range -15 to -24,
// inclusive.
// A value v, if 2^-14 > v >= 2^-15, its binary16 representation will have binary form
// s_00000_1xxxxxxxxx, having mantissa of 1 leading 1 bit and 9 arbitrary bits. Since
// this value is represented as normal double number, the leading 1 bit is omitted,
// only the highest 9 mantissia bits can be arbitrary, and the rest lowest 43 mantissa
// bits of f64 number must be zero.
// 2^-15 > v >= 2^-16, binary16 s_00000_01xxxxxxxx, having mantissa of 1 leading 0 bit,
// 1 leading 1 bit, and 8 arbitrary bits. The f64 representation omits the leading 0
// and 1 bits, and only the highest 8 mantissia bits can be arbitrary.
// 2^-16 > v >= 2^-17, binary16 s_00000_001xxxxxxx, 7 arbitrary bits.
// ...
// 2^-22 > v >= 2^-23, binary16 s_00000_000000001x, 1 arbitrary bits.
// 2^-23 > v >= 2^-24, binary16 s_00000_0000000001, 0 arbitrary bits.
// signed_exponent must be in range -24 + 1023 = 999 to -15 + 1023 = 1008, inclusive
TINT_ASSERT(Reader, (999 <= signed_exponent) && (signed_exponent <= 1008));
int unbiased_exponent =
static_cast<int>(signed_exponent) - static_cast<int>(kExponentBias);
TINT_ASSERT(Reader, (-24 <= unbiased_exponent) && (unbiased_exponent <= -15));
valid_mantissa_bits = unbiased_exponent + 24; // 0 for -24, and 9 for -15
} else if (abs_result_f64 != 0.0) {
// The result is smaller than the smallest subnormal f16 value, but not equal to zero.
// Such value will never be exactly represented by f16.
return {Token::Type::kError, source, "value cannot be exactly represented as 'f16'"};
// Check the low 52-valid_mantissa_bits mantissa bits must be 0.
TINT_ASSERT(Reader, (0 <= valid_mantissa_bits) && (valid_mantissa_bits <= 10));
if (result_u64 & ((uint64_t(1) << (52 - valid_mantissa_bits)) - 1)) {
return {Token::Type::kError, source, "value cannot be exactly represented as 'f16'"};
return {Token::Type::kFloatLiteral_H, source, result_f64};
return {Token::Type::kFloatLiteral, source, result_f64};
Token Lexer::build_token_from_int_if_possible(Source source, size_t start, int32_t base) {
const char* start_ptr = &at(start);
char* end_ptr = nullptr;
errno = 0;
int64_t res = strtoll(start_ptr, &end_ptr, base);
const bool overflow = errno == ERANGE;
if (end_ptr) {
advance(static_cast<size_t>(end_ptr - start_ptr));
if (matches(pos(), "u")) {
if (!overflow && CheckedConvert<u32>(AInt(res))) {
return {Token::Type::kIntLiteral_U, source, res};
return {Token::Type::kError, source, "value cannot be represented as 'u32'"};
if (matches(pos(), "i")) {
if (!overflow && CheckedConvert<i32>(AInt(res))) {
return {Token::Type::kIntLiteral_I, source, res};
return {Token::Type::kError, source, "value cannot be represented as 'i32'"};
if (overflow) {
return {Token::Type::kError, source, "value cannot be represented as 'abstract-int'"};
return {Token::Type::kIntLiteral, source, res};
Token Lexer::try_hex_integer() {
auto start = pos();
auto curr = start;
auto source = begin_source();
if (matches(curr, "-")) {
if (matches(curr, "0x") || matches(curr, "0X")) {
curr += 2;
} else {
return {};
if (!is_hex(at(curr))) {
return {Token::Type::kError, source,
"integer or float hex literal has no significant digits"};
return build_token_from_int_if_possible(source, start, 16);
Token Lexer::try_integer() {
auto start = pos();
auto curr = start;
auto source = begin_source();
if (matches(curr, "-")) {
if (curr >= length() || !is_digit(at(curr))) {
return {};
// If the first digit is a zero this must only be zero as leading zeros
// are not allowed.
if (auto next = curr + 1; next < length()) {
if (at(curr) == '0' && is_digit(at(next))) {
return {Token::Type::kError, source, "integer literal cannot have leading 0s"};
return build_token_from_int_if_possible(source, start, 10);
Token Lexer::try_ident() {
auto source = begin_source();
auto start = pos();
// Must begin with an XID_Source unicode character, or underscore
auto* utf8 = reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(&at(pos()));
auto [code_point, n] = text::utf8::Decode(utf8, length() - pos());
if (n == 0) {
advance(); // Skip the bad byte.
return {Token::Type::kError, source, "invalid UTF-8"};
if (code_point != text::CodePoint('_') && !code_point.IsXIDStart()) {
return {};
// Consume start codepoint
while (!is_eol()) {
// Must continue with an XID_Continue unicode character
auto* utf8 = reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(&at(pos()));
auto [code_point, n] = text::utf8::Decode(utf8, line().size() - pos());
if (n == 0) {
advance(); // Skip the bad byte.
return {Token::Type::kError, source, "invalid UTF-8"};
if (!code_point.IsXIDContinue()) {
// Consume continuing codepoint
if (at(start) == '_') {
// Check for an underscore on its own (special token), or a
// double-underscore (not allowed).
if ((pos() == start + 1) || (at(start + 1) == '_')) {
return {};
auto str = substr(start, pos() - start);
auto t = check_keyword(source, str);
if (!t.IsUninitialized()) {
return t;
return {Token::Type::kIdentifier, source, str};
Token Lexer::try_punctuation() {
auto source = begin_source();
auto type = Token::Type::kUninitialized;
if (matches(pos(), "@")) {
type = Token::Type::kAttr;
} else if (matches(pos(), "(")) {
type = Token::Type::kParenLeft;
} else if (matches(pos(), ")")) {
type = Token::Type::kParenRight;
} else if (matches(pos(), "[")) {
type = Token::Type::kBracketLeft;
} else if (matches(pos(), "]")) {
type = Token::Type::kBracketRight;
} else if (matches(pos(), "{")) {
type = Token::Type::kBraceLeft;
} else if (matches(pos(), "}")) {
type = Token::Type::kBraceRight;
} else if (matches(pos(), "&&")) {
type = Token::Type::kAndAnd;
} else if (matches(pos(), "&=")) {
type = Token::Type::kAndEqual;
} else if (matches(pos(), "&")) {
type = Token::Type::kAnd;
} else if (matches(pos(), "/=")) {
type = Token::Type::kDivisionEqual;
} else if (matches(pos(), "/")) {
type = Token::Type::kForwardSlash;
} else if (matches(pos(), "!=")) {
type = Token::Type::kNotEqual;
} else if (matches(pos(), "!")) {
type = Token::Type::kBang;
} else if (matches(pos(), ":")) {
type = Token::Type::kColon;
} else if (matches(pos(), ",")) {
type = Token::Type::kComma;
} else if (matches(pos(), "==")) {
type = Token::Type::kEqualEqual;
} else if (matches(pos(), "=")) {
type = Token::Type::kEqual;
} else if (matches(pos(), ">=")) {
type = Token::Type::kGreaterThanEqual;
} else if (matches(pos(), ">>")) {
type = Token::Type::kShiftRight;
} else if (matches(pos(), ">")) {
type = Token::Type::kGreaterThan;
} else if (matches(pos(), "<=")) {
type = Token::Type::kLessThanEqual;
} else if (matches(pos(), "<<")) {
type = Token::Type::kShiftLeft;
} else if (matches(pos(), "<")) {
type = Token::Type::kLessThan;
} else if (matches(pos(), "%=")) {
type = Token::Type::kModuloEqual;
} else if (matches(pos(), "%")) {
type = Token::Type::kMod;
} else if (matches(pos(), "->")) {
type = Token::Type::kArrow;
} else if (matches(pos(), "--")) {
type = Token::Type::kMinusMinus;
} else if (matches(pos(), "-=")) {
type = Token::Type::kMinusEqual;
} else if (matches(pos(), "-")) {
type = Token::Type::kMinus;
} else if (matches(pos(), ".")) {
type = Token::Type::kPeriod;
} else if (matches(pos(), "++")) {
type = Token::Type::kPlusPlus;
} else if (matches(pos(), "+=")) {
type = Token::Type::kPlusEqual;
} else if (matches(pos(), "+")) {
type = Token::Type::kPlus;
} else if (matches(pos(), "||")) {
type = Token::Type::kOrOr;
} else if (matches(pos(), "|=")) {
type = Token::Type::kOrEqual;
} else if (matches(pos(), "|")) {
type = Token::Type::kOr;
} else if (matches(pos(), ";")) {
type = Token::Type::kSemicolon;
} else if (matches(pos(), "*=")) {
type = Token::Type::kTimesEqual;
} else if (matches(pos(), "*")) {
type = Token::Type::kStar;
} else if (matches(pos(), "~")) {
type = Token::Type::kTilde;
} else if (matches(pos(), "_")) {
type = Token::Type::kUnderscore;
} else if (matches(pos(), "^=")) {
type = Token::Type::kXorEqual;
} else if (matches(pos(), "^")) {
type = Token::Type::kXor;
return {type, source};
Token Lexer::check_keyword(const Source& source, std::string_view str) {
if (str == "array") {
return {Token::Type::kArray, source, "array"};
if (str == "atomic") {
return {Token::Type::kAtomic, source, "atomic"};
if (str == "bitcast") {
return {Token::Type::kBitcast, source, "bitcast"};
if (str == "bool") {
return {Token::Type::kBool, source, "bool"};
if (str == "break") {
return {Token::Type::kBreak, source, "break"};
if (str == "case") {
return {Token::Type::kCase, source, "case"};
if (str == "const") {
return {Token::Type::kConst, source, "const"};
if (str == "continue") {
return {Token::Type::kContinue, source, "continue"};
if (str == "continuing") {
return {Token::Type::kContinuing, source, "continuing"};
if (str == "discard") {
return {Token::Type::kDiscard, source, "discard"};
if (str == "default") {
return {Token::Type::kDefault, source, "default"};
if (str == "else") {
return {Token::Type::kElse, source, "else"};
if (str == "enable") {
return {Token::Type::kEnable, source, "enable"};
if (str == "f16") {
return {Token::Type::kF16, source, "f16"};
if (str == "f32") {
return {Token::Type::kF32, source, "f32"};
if (str == "fallthrough") {
return {Token::Type::kFallthrough, source, "fallthrough"};
if (str == "false") {
return {Token::Type::kFalse, source, "false"};
if (str == "fn") {
return {Token::Type::kFn, source, "fn"};
if (str == "for") {
return {Token::Type::kFor, source, "for"};
if (str == "function") {
return {Token::Type::kFunction, source, "function"};
if (str == "i32") {
return {Token::Type::kI32, source, "i32"};
if (str == "if") {
return {Token::Type::kIf, source, "if"};
if (str == "import") {
return {Token::Type::kImport, source, "import"};
if (str == "let") {
return {Token::Type::kLet, source, "let"};
if (str == "loop") {
return {Token::Type::kLoop, source, "loop"};
if (str == "mat2x2") {
return {Token::Type::kMat2x2, source, "mat2x2"};
if (str == "mat2x3") {
return {Token::Type::kMat2x3, source, "mat2x3"};
if (str == "mat2x4") {
return {Token::Type::kMat2x4, source, "mat2x4"};
if (str == "mat3x2") {
return {Token::Type::kMat3x2, source, "mat3x2"};
if (str == "mat3x3") {
return {Token::Type::kMat3x3, source, "mat3x3"};
if (str == "mat3x4") {
return {Token::Type::kMat3x4, source, "mat3x4"};
if (str == "mat4x2") {
return {Token::Type::kMat4x2, source, "mat4x2"};
if (str == "mat4x3") {
return {Token::Type::kMat4x3, source, "mat4x3"};
if (str == "mat4x4") {
return {Token::Type::kMat4x4, source, "mat4x4"};
if (str == "override") {
return {Token::Type::kOverride, source, "override"};
if (str == "private") {
return {Token::Type::kPrivate, source, "private"};
if (str == "ptr") {
return {Token::Type::kPtr, source, "ptr"};
if (str == "return") {
return {Token::Type::kReturn, source, "return"};
if (str == "sampler") {
return {Token::Type::kSampler, source, "sampler"};
if (str == "sampler_comparison") {
return {Token::Type::kComparisonSampler, source, "sampler_comparison"};
if (str == "storage_buffer" || str == "storage") {
return {Token::Type::kStorage, source, "storage"};
if (str == "struct") {
return {Token::Type::kStruct, source, "struct"};
if (str == "switch") {
return {Token::Type::kSwitch, source, "switch"};
if (str == "texture_1d") {
return {Token::Type::kTextureSampled1d, source, "texture_1d"};
if (str == "texture_2d") {
return {Token::Type::kTextureSampled2d, source, "texture_2d"};
if (str == "texture_2d_array") {
return {Token::Type::kTextureSampled2dArray, source, "texture_2d_array"};
if (str == "texture_3d") {
return {Token::Type::kTextureSampled3d, source, "texture_3d"};
if (str == "texture_cube") {
return {Token::Type::kTextureSampledCube, source, "texture_cube"};
if (str == "texture_cube_array") {
return {Token::Type::kTextureSampledCubeArray, source, "texture_cube_array"};
if (str == "texture_depth_2d") {
return {Token::Type::kTextureDepth2d, source, "texture_depth_2d"};
if (str == "texture_depth_2d_array") {
return {Token::Type::kTextureDepth2dArray, source, "texture_depth_2d_array"};
if (str == "texture_depth_cube") {
return {Token::Type::kTextureDepthCube, source, "texture_depth_cube"};
if (str == "texture_depth_cube_array") {
return {Token::Type::kTextureDepthCubeArray, source, "texture_depth_cube_array"};
if (str == "texture_depth_multisampled_2d") {
return {Token::Type::kTextureDepthMultisampled2d, source, "texture_depth_multisampled_2d"};
if (str == "texture_external") {
return {Token::Type::kTextureExternal, source, "texture_external"};
if (str == "texture_multisampled_2d") {
return {Token::Type::kTextureMultisampled2d, source, "texture_multisampled_2d"};
if (str == "texture_storage_1d") {
return {Token::Type::kTextureStorage1d, source, "texture_storage_1d"};
if (str == "texture_storage_2d") {
return {Token::Type::kTextureStorage2d, source, "texture_storage_2d"};
if (str == "texture_storage_2d_array") {
return {Token::Type::kTextureStorage2dArray, source, "texture_storage_2d_array"};
if (str == "texture_storage_3d") {
return {Token::Type::kTextureStorage3d, source, "texture_storage_3d"};
if (str == "true") {
return {Token::Type::kTrue, source, "true"};
if (str == "type") {
return {Token::Type::kType, source, "type"};
if (str == "u32") {
return {Token::Type::kU32, source, "u32"};
if (str == "uniform") {
return {Token::Type::kUniform, source, "uniform"};
if (str == "var") {
return {Token::Type::kVar, source, "var"};
if (str == "vec2") {
return {Token::Type::kVec2, source, "vec2"};
if (str == "vec3") {
return {Token::Type::kVec3, source, "vec3"};
if (str == "vec4") {
return {Token::Type::kVec4, source, "vec4"};
if (str == "while") {
return {Token::Type::kWhile, source, "while"};
if (str == "workgroup") {
return {Token::Type::kWorkgroup, source, "workgroup"};
return {};
} // namespace tint::reader::wgsl