blob: f0c6a18a235e9dc291b47ed12bf7ea940ec21fe9 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2020 The Tint Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include "src/tint/reader/wgsl/parser_impl.h"
#include <limits>
#include "src/tint/ast/array.h"
#include "src/tint/ast/assignment_statement.h"
#include "src/tint/ast/bitcast_expression.h"
#include "src/tint/ast/break_statement.h"
#include "src/tint/ast/call_statement.h"
#include "src/tint/ast/continue_statement.h"
#include "src/tint/ast/discard_statement.h"
#include "src/tint/ast/external_texture.h"
#include "src/tint/ast/fallthrough_statement.h"
#include "src/tint/ast/id_attribute.h"
#include "src/tint/ast/if_statement.h"
#include "src/tint/ast/increment_decrement_statement.h"
#include "src/tint/ast/invariant_attribute.h"
#include "src/tint/ast/loop_statement.h"
#include "src/tint/ast/return_statement.h"
#include "src/tint/ast/stage_attribute.h"
#include "src/tint/ast/switch_statement.h"
#include "src/tint/ast/type_name.h"
#include "src/tint/ast/unary_op_expression.h"
#include "src/tint/ast/variable_decl_statement.h"
#include "src/tint/ast/vector.h"
#include "src/tint/ast/workgroup_attribute.h"
#include "src/tint/reader/wgsl/lexer.h"
#include "src/tint/sem/depth_texture.h"
#include "src/tint/sem/external_texture.h"
#include "src/tint/sem/multisampled_texture.h"
#include "src/tint/sem/sampled_texture.h"
namespace tint::reader::wgsl {
namespace {
using Void = ParserImpl::Void;
/// An instance of Void that can be used to signal success for functions that return Expect<Void> or
/// Maybe<NoError>.
static constexpr Void kSuccess;
template <typename T>
using Expect = ParserImpl::Expect<T>;
template <typename T>
using Maybe = ParserImpl::Maybe<T>;
/// Controls the maximum number of times we'll call into the sync() and
/// unary_expression() functions from themselves. This is to guard against stack
/// overflow when there is an excessive number of blocks.
constexpr uint32_t kMaxParseDepth = 128;
/// The maximum number of tokens to look ahead to try and sync the
/// parser on error.
constexpr size_t const kMaxResynchronizeLookahead = 32;
bool is_reserved(const Token& t) {
return t == "CompileShader" || t == "ComputeShader" || t == "DomainShader" ||
t == "GeometryShader" || t == "Hullshader" || t == "NULL" || t == "Self" ||
t == "abstract" || t == "active" || t == "alignas" || t == "alignof" || t == "as" ||
t == "asm" || t == "asm_fragment" || t == "async" || t == "attribute" || t == "auto" ||
t == "await" || t == "become" || t == "binding_array" || t == "cast" || t == "catch" ||
t == "class" || t == "co_await" || t == "co_return" || t == "co_yield" ||
t == "coherent" || t == "column_major" || t == "common" || t == "compile" ||
t == "compile_fragment" || t == "concept" || t == "const_cast" || t == "consteval" ||
t == "constexpr" || t == "constinit" || t == "crate" || t == "debugger" ||
t == "decltype" || t == "delete" || t == "demote" || t == "demote_to_helper" ||
t == "do" || t == "dynamic_cast" || t == "enum" || t == "explicit" || t == "export" ||
t == "extends" || t == "extern" || t == "external" || t == "filter" || t == "final" ||
t == "finally" || t == "friend" || t == "from" || t == "fxgroup" || t == "get" ||
t == "goto" || t == "groupshared" || t == "handle" || t == "highp" || t == "impl" ||
t == "implements" || t == "import" || t == "inline" || t == "inout" ||
t == "instanceof" || t == "interface" || t == "invariant" || t == "layout" ||
t == "line" || t == "lineadj" || t == "lowp" || t == "macro" || t == "macro_rules" ||
t == "match" || t == "mediump" || t == "meta" || t == "mod" || t == "module" ||
t == "move" || t == "mut" || t == "mutable" || t == "namespace" || t == "new" ||
t == "nil" || t == "noexcept" || t == "noinline" || t == "nointerpolation" ||
t == "noperspective" || t == "null" || t == "nullptr" || t == "of" || t == "operator" ||
t == "package" || t == "packoffset" || t == "partition" || t == "pass" || t == "patch" ||
t == "pixelfragment" || t == "point" || t == "precise" || t == "precision" ||
t == "premerge" || t == "priv" || t == "protected" || t == "pub" || t == "public" ||
t == "readonly" || t == "ref" || t == "regardless" || t == "register" ||
t == "reinterpret_cast" || t == "requires" || t == "resource" || t == "restrict" ||
t == "self" || t == "set" || t == "shared" || t == "signed" || t == "sizeof" ||
t == "smooth" || t == "snorm" || t == "static" || t == "static_cast" || t == "std" ||
t == "subroutine" || t == "super" || t == "target" || t == "template" || t == "this" ||
t == "thread_local" || t == "throw" || t == "trait" || t == "try" || t == "typedef" ||
t == "typeid" || t == "typename" || t == "typeof" || t == "union" || t == "unless" ||
t == "unorm" || t == "unsafe" || t == "unsized" || t == "use" || t == "using" ||
t == "varying" || t == "virtual" || t == "volatile" || t == "wgsl" || t == "where" ||
t == "with" || t == "writeonly" || t == "yield";
/// Enter-exit counters for block token types.
/// Used by sync_to() to skip over closing block tokens that were opened during
/// the forward scan.
struct BlockCounters {
int brace = 0; // { }
int bracket = 0; // [ ]
int paren = 0; // ( )
/// @return the current enter-exit depth for the given block token type. If
/// `t` is not a block token type, then 0 is always returned.
int consume(const Token& t) {
if (t.Is(Token::Type::kBraceLeft)) {
return brace++;
if (t.Is(Token::Type::kBraceRight)) {
return brace--;
if (t.Is(Token::Type::kBracketLeft)) {
return bracket++;
if (t.Is(Token::Type::kBracketRight)) {
return bracket--;
if (t.Is(Token::Type::kParenLeft)) {
return paren++;
if (t.Is(Token::Type::kParenRight)) {
return paren--;
return 0;
} // namespace
/// RAII helper that combines a Source on construction with the last token's
/// source when implicitly converted to `Source`.
class ParserImpl::MultiTokenSource {
/// Constructor that starts with Source at the current peek position
/// @param parser the parser
explicit MultiTokenSource(ParserImpl* parser)
: MultiTokenSource(parser, parser->peek().source().Begin()) {}
/// Constructor that starts with the input `start` Source
/// @param parser the parser
/// @param start the start source of the range
MultiTokenSource(ParserImpl* parser, const Source& start) : parser_(parser), start_(start) {}
/// Implicit conversion to Source that returns the combined source from start
/// to the current last token's source.
operator Source() const {
Source end = parser_->last_source().End();
if (end < start_) {
end = start_;
return Source::Combine(start_, end);
ParserImpl* parser_;
Source start_;
ParserImpl::TypedIdentifier::TypedIdentifier() = default;
ParserImpl::TypedIdentifier::TypedIdentifier(const TypedIdentifier&) = default;
ParserImpl::TypedIdentifier::TypedIdentifier(const ast::Type* type_in,
std::string name_in,
Source source_in)
: type(type_in), name(std::move(name_in)), source(std::move(source_in)) {}
ParserImpl::TypedIdentifier::~TypedIdentifier() = default;
ParserImpl::FunctionHeader::FunctionHeader() = default;
ParserImpl::FunctionHeader::FunctionHeader(const FunctionHeader&) = default;
ParserImpl::FunctionHeader::FunctionHeader(Source src,
std::string n,
utils::VectorRef<const ast::Parameter*> p,
const ast::Type* ret_ty,
utils::VectorRef<const ast::Attribute*> ret_attrs)
: source(src),
return_type_attributes(std::move(ret_attrs)) {}
ParserImpl::FunctionHeader::~FunctionHeader() = default;
ParserImpl::FunctionHeader& ParserImpl::FunctionHeader::operator=(const FunctionHeader& rhs) =
ParserImpl::VarDeclInfo::VarDeclInfo() = default;
ParserImpl::VarDeclInfo::VarDeclInfo(const VarDeclInfo&) = default;
ParserImpl::VarDeclInfo::VarDeclInfo(Source source_in,
std::string name_in,
ast::StorageClass storage_class_in,
ast::Access access_in,
const ast::Type* type_in)
: source(std::move(source_in)),
type(type_in) {}
ParserImpl::VarDeclInfo::~VarDeclInfo() = default;
ParserImpl::ParserImpl(Source::File const* file) : file_(file) {}
ParserImpl::~ParserImpl() = default;
ParserImpl::Failure::Errored ParserImpl::add_error(const Source& source,
std::string_view err,
std::string_view use) {
std::stringstream msg;
msg << err;
if (!use.empty()) {
msg << " for " << use;
add_error(source, msg.str());
return Failure::kErrored;
ParserImpl::Failure::Errored ParserImpl::add_error(const Token& t, const std::string& err) {
add_error(t.source(), err);
return Failure::kErrored;
ParserImpl::Failure::Errored ParserImpl::add_error(const Source& source, const std::string& err) {
if (silence_errors_ == 0) {
builder_.Diagnostics().add_error(diag::System::Reader, err, source);
return Failure::kErrored;
void ParserImpl::deprecated(const Source& source, const std::string& msg) {
"use of deprecated language feature: " + msg, source);
const Token& ParserImpl::next() {
// If the next token is already an error or the end of file, stay there.
if (tokens_[next_token_idx_].IsEof() || tokens_[next_token_idx_].IsError()) {
return tokens_[next_token_idx_];
// Skip over any placeholder elements
while (true) {
if (!tokens_[next_token_idx_].IsPlaceholder()) {
last_source_idx_ = next_token_idx_;
if (!tokens_[next_token_idx_].IsEof() && !tokens_[next_token_idx_].IsError()) {
return tokens_[last_source_idx_];
const Token& ParserImpl::peek(size_t count) {
for (size_t idx = next_token_idx_; idx < tokens_.size(); idx++) {
if (tokens_[idx].IsPlaceholder()) {
if (count == 0) {
return tokens_[idx];
// Walked off the end of the token list, return last token.
return tokens_[tokens_.size() - 1];
bool ParserImpl::peek_is(Token::Type tok, size_t idx) {
return peek(idx).Is(tok);
void ParserImpl::split_token(Token::Type lhs, Token::Type rhs) {
if (next_token_idx_ == 0) {
TINT_ICE(Reader, builder_.Diagnostics())
<< "attempt to update placeholder at beginning of tokens";
if (next_token_idx_ >= tokens_.size()) {
TINT_ICE(Reader, builder_.Diagnostics())
<< "attempt to update placeholder past end of tokens";
if (!tokens_[next_token_idx_].IsPlaceholder()) {
TINT_ICE(Reader, builder_.Diagnostics()) << "attempt to update non-placeholder token";
tokens_[next_token_idx_ - 1].SetType(lhs);
Source ParserImpl::last_source() const {
return tokens_[last_source_idx_].source();
void ParserImpl::InitializeLex() {
Lexer l{file_};
tokens_ = l.Lex();
bool ParserImpl::Parse() {
return !has_error();
// translation_unit
// : global_directive* global_decl* EOF
void ParserImpl::translation_unit() {
bool after_global_decl = false;
while (continue_parsing()) {
auto& p = peek();
if (p.IsEof()) {
auto ed = global_directive(after_global_decl);
if (!ed.matched && !ed.errored) {
auto gd = global_decl();
if (gd.matched) {
after_global_decl = true;
if (!gd.matched && !gd.errored) {
add_error(p, "unexpected token");
if (builder_.Diagnostics().error_count() >= max_errors_) {
add_error(Source{{}, p.source().file},
"stopping after " + std::to_string(max_errors_) + " errors");
// global_directive
// : enable_directive
Maybe<Void> ParserImpl::global_directive(bool have_parsed_decl) {
auto& p = peek();
auto ed = enable_directive();
if (ed.matched && have_parsed_decl) {
return add_error(p, "enable directives must come before all global declarations");
return ed;
// enable_directive
// : enable name SEMICLON
Maybe<Void> ParserImpl::enable_directive() {
auto decl = sync(Token::Type::kSemicolon, [&]() -> Maybe<Void> {
if (!match(Token::Type::kEnable)) {
return Failure::kNoMatch;
// Match the extension name.
Expect<std::string> name = {""};
auto& t = peek();
if (t.IsIdentifier()) {
synchronized_ = true;
name = {t.to_str(), t.source()};
} else if (t.Is(Token::Type::kF16)) {
// `f16` is a valid extension name and also a keyword
synchronized_ = true;
name = {"f16", t.source()};
} else if (t.Is(Token::Type::kParenLeft)) {
// A common error case is writing `enable(foo);` instead of `enable foo;`.
synchronized_ = false;
return add_error(t.source(), "enable directives don't take parenthesis");
} else if (handle_error(t)) {
// The token might itself be an error.
return Failure::kErrored;
} else {
// Failed to match an extension name.
synchronized_ = false;
return add_error(t.source(), "invalid extension name");
if (!expect("enable directive", Token::Type::kSemicolon)) {
return Failure::kErrored;
auto extension = ast::ParseExtension(name.value);
if (extension == ast::Extension::kInvalid) {
return add_error(name.source, "unsupported extension: '" + name.value + "'");
builder_.AST().AddEnable(create<ast::Enable>(name.source, extension));
return kSuccess;
if (decl.errored) {
return Failure::kErrored;
if (decl.matched) {
return kSuccess;
return Failure::kNoMatch;
// global_decl
// | global_variable_decl SEMICOLON
// | global_constant_decl SEMICOLON
// | type_alias_decl SEMICOLON
// | struct_decl
// | function_decl
// | static_assert_statement SEMICOLON
Maybe<Void> ParserImpl::global_decl() {
if (match(Token::Type::kSemicolon) || match(Token::Type::kEOF)) {
return kSuccess;
bool errored = false;
auto attrs = attribute_list();
if (attrs.errored) {
errored = true;
if (!continue_parsing()) {
return Failure::kErrored;
auto decl = sync(Token::Type::kSemicolon, [&]() -> Maybe<Void> {
auto gv = global_variable_decl(attrs.value);
if (gv.errored) {
return Failure::kErrored;
if (gv.matched) {
if (!expect("variable declaration", Token::Type::kSemicolon)) {
return Failure::kErrored;
return kSuccess;
auto gc = global_constant_decl(attrs.value);
if (gc.errored) {
return Failure::kErrored;
if (gc.matched) {
// Avoid the cost of the string allocation for the common no-error case
if (!peek().Is(Token::Type::kSemicolon)) {
std::string kind = gc->Kind();
if (!expect("'" + kind + "' declaration", Token::Type::kSemicolon)) {
return Failure::kErrored;
return kSuccess;
auto ta = type_alias_decl();
if (ta.errored) {
return Failure::kErrored;
if (ta.matched) {
if (!expect("type alias", Token::Type::kSemicolon)) {
return Failure::kErrored;
return kSuccess;
auto assertion = static_assert_statement();
if (assertion.errored) {
return Failure::kErrored;
if (assertion.matched) {
if (!expect("static assertion declaration", Token::Type::kSemicolon)) {
return Failure::kErrored;
return kSuccess;
return Failure::kNoMatch;
if (decl.errored) {
errored = true;
if (decl.matched) {
if (!expect_attributes_consumed(attrs.value)) {
return Failure::kErrored;
return kSuccess;
auto str = struct_decl();
if (str.errored) {
errored = true;
if (str.matched) {
if (!expect_attributes_consumed(attrs.value)) {
return Failure::kErrored;
return kSuccess;
auto func = function_decl(attrs.value);
if (func.errored) {
errored = true;
if (func.matched) {
return kSuccess;
if (errored) {
return Failure::kErrored;
// Invalid syntax found - try and determine the best error message
// We have attributes parsed, but nothing to consume them?
if (attrs.value.Length() > 0) {
return add_error(next(), "expected declaration after attributes");
// We have a statement outside of a function?
auto& t = peek();
auto stat = without_error([&] { return statement(); });
if (stat.matched) {
// Attempt to jump to the next '}' - the function might have just been
// missing an opening line.
sync_to(Token::Type::kBraceRight, true);
return add_error(t, "statement found outside of function body");
if (!stat.errored) {
// No match, no error - the parser might not have progressed.
// Ensure we always make _some_ forward progress.
// The token might itself be an error.
if (handle_error(t)) {
return Failure::kErrored;
// Exhausted all attempts to make sense of where we're at.
// Return a no-match
return Failure::kNoMatch;
// global_variable_decl
// : variable_attribute_list* variable_decl (EQUAL expression)?
Maybe<const ast::Variable*> ParserImpl::global_variable_decl(AttributeList& attrs) {
auto decl = variable_decl();
if (decl.errored) {
return Failure::kErrored;
if (!decl.matched) {
return Failure::kNoMatch;
const ast::Expression* initializer = nullptr;
if (match(Token::Type::kEqual)) {
auto expr = maybe_expression();
if (expr.errored) {
return Failure::kErrored;
if (!expr.matched) {
return add_error(peek(), "missing initializer for 'var' declaration");
initializer = expr.value;
return create<ast::Var>(decl->source, // source
builder_.Symbols().Register(decl->name), // symbol
decl->type, // type
decl->storage_class, // storage class
decl->access, // access control
initializer, // initializer
std::move(attrs)); // attributes
// global_constant_decl :
// | LET optionally_typed_ident global_const_initializer
// | attribute* override optionally_typed_ident (equal expression)?
// global_const_initializer
// : EQUAL const_expr
Maybe<const ast::Variable*> ParserImpl::global_constant_decl(AttributeList& attrs) {
bool is_const = false;
bool is_overridable = false;
const char* use = nullptr;
Source source;
if (match(Token::Type::kConst)) {
use = "'const' declaration";
} else if (match(Token::Type::kLet, &source)) {
use = "'let' declaration";
deprecated(source, "module-scope 'let' has been replaced with 'const'");
} else if (match(Token::Type::kOverride)) {
use = "'override' declaration";
is_overridable = true;
} else {
return Failure::kNoMatch;
auto decl = expect_optionally_typed_ident(use);
if (decl.errored) {
return Failure::kErrored;
bool has_initializer = false;
if (is_overridable) {
has_initializer = match(Token::Type::kEqual);
} else {
if (!expect(use, Token::Type::kEqual)) {
return Failure::kErrored;
has_initializer = true;
const ast::Expression* initializer = nullptr;
if (has_initializer) {
auto expr = maybe_expression();
if (expr.errored) {
return Failure::kErrored;
if (!expr.matched) {
return add_error(peek(), "missing initializer for " + std::string(use));
initializer = std::move(expr.value);
if (is_const) {
return create<ast::Const>(decl->source, // source
builder_.Symbols().Register(decl->name), // symbol
decl->type, // type
initializer, // initializer
std::move(attrs)); // attributes
if (is_overridable) {
return create<ast::Override>(decl->source, // source
builder_.Symbols().Register(decl->name), // symbol
decl->type, // type
initializer, // initializer
std::move(attrs)); // attributes
return create<ast::Const>(decl->source, // source
builder_.Symbols().Register(decl->name), // symbol
decl->type, // type
initializer, // initializer
std::move(attrs)); // attributes
// variable_decl
// : VAR variable_qualifier? optionally_typed_ident
// Note, the `( LESS_THAN address_space ( COMMA access_mode )? GREATER_THAN ) is pulled out into
// a `variable_qualifier` helper.
Maybe<ParserImpl::VarDeclInfo> ParserImpl::variable_decl() {
Source source;
if (!match(Token::Type::kVar, &source)) {
return Failure::kNoMatch;
VariableQualifier vq;
auto explicit_vq = variable_qualifier();
if (explicit_vq.errored) {
return Failure::kErrored;
if (explicit_vq.matched) {
vq = explicit_vq.value;
auto decl = expect_optionally_typed_ident("variable declaration");
if (decl.errored) {
return Failure::kErrored;
return VarDeclInfo{decl->source, decl->name, vq.storage_class, vq.access, decl->type};
// texture_and_sampler_types
// : sampler_type
// | depth_texture_type
// | sampled_texture_type LESS_THAN type_decl GREATER_THAN
// | multisampled_texture_type LESS_THAN type_decl GREATER_THAN
// | storage_texture_type LESS_THAN texel_format
// COMMA access_mode GREATER_THAN
Maybe<const ast::Type*> ParserImpl::texture_and_sampler_types() {
auto type = sampler_type();
if (type.matched) {
return type;
type = depth_texture_type();
if (type.matched) {
return type;
type = external_texture();
if (type.matched) {
return type.value;
auto source_range = make_source_range();
auto dim = sampled_texture_type();
if (dim.matched) {
const char* use = "sampled texture type";
auto subtype = expect_lt_gt_block(use, [&] { return expect_type(use); });
if (subtype.errored) {
return Failure::kErrored;
return builder_.ty.sampled_texture(source_range, dim.value, subtype.value);
auto ms_dim = multisampled_texture_type();
if (ms_dim.matched) {
const char* use = "multisampled texture type";
auto subtype = expect_lt_gt_block(use, [&] { return expect_type(use); });
if (subtype.errored) {
return Failure::kErrored;
return builder_.ty.multisampled_texture(source_range, ms_dim.value, subtype.value);
auto storage = storage_texture_type();
if (storage.matched) {
const char* use = "storage texture type";
using StorageTextureInfo = std::pair<tint::ast::TexelFormat, tint::ast::Access>;
auto params = expect_lt_gt_block(use, [&]() -> Expect<StorageTextureInfo> {
auto format = expect_texel_format(use);
if (format.errored) {
return Failure::kErrored;
if (!expect("access control", Token::Type::kComma)) {
return Failure::kErrored;
auto access = expect_access_mode("access control");
if (access.errored) {
return Failure::kErrored;
return std::make_pair(format.value, access.value);
if (params.errored) {
return Failure::kErrored;
return builder_.ty.storage_texture(source_range, storage.value, params->first,
return Failure::kNoMatch;
// sampler_type
Maybe<const ast::Type*> ParserImpl::sampler_type() {
Source source;
if (match(Token::Type::kSampler, &source)) {
return builder_.ty.sampler(source, ast::SamplerKind::kSampler);
if (match(Token::Type::kComparisonSampler, &source)) {
return builder_.ty.sampler(source, ast::SamplerKind::kComparisonSampler);
return Failure::kNoMatch;
// sampled_texture_type
Maybe<const ast::TextureDimension> ParserImpl::sampled_texture_type() {
if (match(Token::Type::kTextureSampled1d)) {
return ast::TextureDimension::k1d;
if (match(Token::Type::kTextureSampled2d)) {
return ast::TextureDimension::k2d;
if (match(Token::Type::kTextureSampled2dArray)) {
return ast::TextureDimension::k2dArray;
if (match(Token::Type::kTextureSampled3d)) {
return ast::TextureDimension::k3d;
if (match(Token::Type::kTextureSampledCube)) {
return ast::TextureDimension::kCube;
if (match(Token::Type::kTextureSampledCubeArray)) {
return ast::TextureDimension::kCubeArray;
return Failure::kNoMatch;
// external_texture
Maybe<const ast::Type*> ParserImpl::external_texture() {
Source source;
if (match(Token::Type::kTextureExternal, &source)) {
return builder_.ty.external_texture(source);
return Failure::kNoMatch;
// multisampled_texture_type
Maybe<const ast::TextureDimension> ParserImpl::multisampled_texture_type() {
if (match(Token::Type::kTextureMultisampled2d)) {
return ast::TextureDimension::k2d;
return Failure::kNoMatch;
// storage_texture_type
Maybe<const ast::TextureDimension> ParserImpl::storage_texture_type() {
if (match(Token::Type::kTextureStorage1d)) {
return ast::TextureDimension::k1d;
if (match(Token::Type::kTextureStorage2d)) {
return ast::TextureDimension::k2d;
if (match(Token::Type::kTextureStorage2dArray)) {
return ast::TextureDimension::k2dArray;
if (match(Token::Type::kTextureStorage3d)) {
return ast::TextureDimension::k3d;
return Failure::kNoMatch;
// depth_texture_type
Maybe<const ast::Type*> ParserImpl::depth_texture_type() {
Source source;
if (match(Token::Type::kTextureDepth2d, &source)) {
return builder_.ty.depth_texture(source, ast::TextureDimension::k2d);
if (match(Token::Type::kTextureDepth2dArray, &source)) {
return builder_.ty.depth_texture(source, ast::TextureDimension::k2dArray);
if (match(Token::Type::kTextureDepthCube, &source)) {
return builder_.ty.depth_texture(source, ast::TextureDimension::kCube);
if (match(Token::Type::kTextureDepthCubeArray, &source)) {
return builder_.ty.depth_texture(source, ast::TextureDimension::kCubeArray);
if (match(Token::Type::kTextureDepthMultisampled2d, &source)) {
return builder_.ty.depth_multisampled_texture(source, ast::TextureDimension::k2d);
return Failure::kNoMatch;
// texel_format
// : 'rgba8unorm'
// | 'rgba8snorm'
// | 'rgba8uint'
// | 'rgba8sint'
// | 'rgba16uint'
// | 'rgba16sint'
// | 'rgba16float'
// | 'r32uint'
// | 'r32sint'
// | 'r32float'
// | 'rg32uint'
// | 'rg32sint'
// | 'rg32float'
// | 'rgba32uint'
// | 'rgba32sint'
// | 'rgba32float'
Expect<ast::TexelFormat> ParserImpl::expect_texel_format(std::string_view use) {
auto& t = next();
auto fmt = ast::ParseTexelFormat(t.to_str());
if (fmt == ast::TexelFormat::kInvalid) {
return add_error(t.source(), "invalid format", use);
return fmt;
Expect<ParserImpl::TypedIdentifier> ParserImpl::expect_ident_with_optional_type_decl(
std::string_view use,
bool allow_inferred) {
auto ident = expect_ident(use);
if (ident.errored) {
return Failure::kErrored;
if (allow_inferred && !peek_is(Token::Type::kColon)) {
return TypedIdentifier{nullptr, ident.value, ident.source};
if (!expect(use, Token::Type::kColon)) {
return Failure::kErrored;
auto& t = peek();
auto type = type_decl();
if (type.errored) {
return Failure::kErrored;
if (!type.matched) {
return add_error(t.source(), "invalid type", use);
return TypedIdentifier{type.value, ident.value, ident.source};
// optionally_typed_ident
// : ident ( COLON typed_decl ) ?
Expect<ParserImpl::TypedIdentifier> ParserImpl::expect_optionally_typed_ident(
std::string_view use) {
return expect_ident_with_optional_type_decl(use, true);
// ident_with_type_decl
// : IDENT COLON type_decl
Expect<ParserImpl::TypedIdentifier> ParserImpl::expect_ident_with_type_decl(std::string_view use) {
return expect_ident_with_optional_type_decl(use, false);
// access_mode
// : 'read'
// | 'write'
// | 'read_write'
Expect<ast::Access> ParserImpl::expect_access_mode(std::string_view use) {
auto ident = expect_ident(use);
if (ident.errored) {
return Failure::kErrored;
if (ident.value == "read") {
return {ast::Access::kRead, ident.source};
if (ident.value == "write") {
return {ast::Access::kWrite, ident.source};
if (ident.value == "read_write") {
return {ast::Access::kReadWrite, ident.source};
return add_error(ident.source, "invalid value for access control");
// variable_qualifier
// : LESS_THAN address_spaces (COMMA access_mode)? GREATER_THAN
Maybe<ParserImpl::VariableQualifier> ParserImpl::variable_qualifier() {
if (!peek_is(Token::Type::kLessThan)) {
return Failure::kNoMatch;
auto* use = "variable declaration";
auto vq = expect_lt_gt_block(use, [&]() -> Expect<VariableQualifier> {
auto source = make_source_range();
auto sc = expect_address_space(use);
if (sc.errored) {
return Failure::kErrored;
if (match(Token::Type::kComma)) {
auto ac = expect_access_mode(use);
if (ac.errored) {
return Failure::kErrored;
return VariableQualifier{sc.value, ac.value};
return Expect<VariableQualifier>{VariableQualifier{sc.value, ast::Access::kUndefined},
if (vq.errored) {
return Failure::kErrored;
return vq;
// type_alias_decl
// : TYPE IDENT EQUAL type_decl
Maybe<const ast::Alias*> ParserImpl::type_alias_decl() {
if (!peek_is(Token::Type::kType)) {
return Failure::kNoMatch;
auto& t = next();
const char* use = "type alias";
auto name = expect_ident(use);
if (name.errored) {
return Failure::kErrored;
if (!expect(use, Token::Type::kEqual)) {
return Failure::kErrored;
auto type = type_decl();
if (type.errored) {
return Failure::kErrored;
if (!type.matched) {
return add_error(peek(), "invalid type alias");
return builder_.ty.alias(make_source_range_from(t.source()), name.value, type.value);
// vec_prefix
// : 'vec2'
// | 'vec3'
// | 'vec4'
Maybe<uint32_t> ParserImpl::vec_prefix() {
auto& t = peek();
if (!t.IsVector()) {
return Failure::kNoMatch;
if (t.Is(Token::Type::kVec3)) {
return 3u;
if (t.Is(Token::Type::kVec4)) {
return 4u;
return 2u;
// mat_prefix
// : 'mat2x2'
// | 'mat2x3'
// | 'mat2x4'
// | 'mat3x2'
// | 'mat3x3'
// | 'mat3x4'
// | 'mat4x2'
// | 'mat4x3'
// | 'mat4x4'
Maybe<ParserImpl::MatrixDimensions> ParserImpl::mat_prefix() {
auto& t = peek();
if (!t.IsMatrix()) {
return Failure::kNoMatch;
uint32_t columns = 2;
if (t.IsMat3xN()) {
columns = 3;
} else if (t.IsMat4xN()) {
columns = 4;
if (t.IsMatNx3()) {
return MatrixDimensions{columns, 3};
if (t.IsMatNx4()) {
return MatrixDimensions{columns, 4};
return MatrixDimensions{columns, 2};
// type_decl_without_ident:
// : BOOL
// | F16
// | F32
// | I32
// | U32
// | ARRAY LESS_THAN type_decl ( COMMA element_count_expression )? GREATER_THAN
// | PTR LESS_THAN address_space COMMA type_decl ( COMMA access_mode )? GREATER_THAN
// | mat_prefix LESS_THAN type_decl GREATER_THAN
// | vec_prefix LESS_THAN type_decl GREATER_THAN
// | texture_and_sampler_types
Maybe<const ast::Type*> ParserImpl::type_decl_without_ident() {
auto& t = peek();
if (match(Token::Type::kBool)) {
return builder_.ty.bool_(t.source());
if (match(Token::Type::kF16)) {
return builder_.ty.f16(t.source());
if (match(Token::Type::kF32)) {
return builder_.ty.f32(t.source());
if (match(Token::Type::kI32)) {
return builder_.ty.i32(t.source());
if (match(Token::Type::kU32)) {
return builder_.ty.u32(t.source());
if (t.Is(Token::Type::kArray) && peek_is(Token::Type::kLessThan, 1)) {
if (match(Token::Type::kArray)) {
return expect_type_decl_array(t.source());
if (match(Token::Type::kAtomic)) {
return expect_type_decl_atomic(t.source());
if (match(Token::Type::kPtr)) {
return expect_type_decl_pointer(t.source());
if (t.IsMatrix() && peek_is(Token::Type::kLessThan, 1)) {
auto mat = mat_prefix();
if (mat.matched) {
return expect_type_decl_matrix(t.source(), mat.value);
if (t.IsVector() && peek_is(Token::Type::kLessThan, 1)) {
auto vec = vec_prefix();
if (vec.matched) {
return expect_type_decl_vector(t.source(), vec.value);
auto texture_or_sampler = texture_and_sampler_types();
if (texture_or_sampler.errored) {
return Failure::kErrored;
if (texture_or_sampler.matched) {
return texture_or_sampler;
return Failure::kNoMatch;
// type_decl
// | type_decl_without_ident
Maybe<const ast::Type*> ParserImpl::type_decl() {
auto& t = peek();
Source source;
if (match(Token::Type::kIdentifier, &source)) {
return builder_.create<ast::TypeName>(source, builder_.Symbols().Register(t.to_str()));
return type_decl_without_ident();
Expect<const ast::Type*> ParserImpl::expect_type(std::string_view use) {
auto type = type_decl();
if (type.errored) {
return Failure::kErrored;
if (!type.matched) {
return add_error(peek().source(), "invalid type", use);
return type.value;
// LESS_THAN address_space COMMA type_decl ( COMMA access_mode )? GREATER_THAN
Expect<const ast::Type*> ParserImpl::expect_type_decl_pointer(const Source& s) {
const char* use = "ptr declaration";
auto storage_class = ast::StorageClass::kNone;
auto access = ast::Access::kUndefined;
auto subtype = expect_lt_gt_block(use, [&]() -> Expect<const ast::Type*> {
auto sc = expect_address_space(use);
if (sc.errored) {
return Failure::kErrored;
storage_class = sc.value;
if (!expect(use, Token::Type::kComma)) {
return Failure::kErrored;
auto type = expect_type(use);
if (type.errored) {
return Failure::kErrored;
if (match(Token::Type::kComma)) {
auto ac = expect_access_mode("access control");
if (ac.errored) {
return Failure::kErrored;
access = ac.value;
return type.value;
if (subtype.errored) {
return Failure::kErrored;
return builder_.ty.pointer(make_source_range_from(s), subtype.value, storage_class, access);
Expect<const ast::Type*> ParserImpl::expect_type_decl_atomic(const Source& s) {
const char* use = "atomic declaration";
auto subtype = expect_lt_gt_block(use, [&] { return expect_type(use); });
if (subtype.errored) {
return Failure::kErrored;
return builder_.ty.atomic(make_source_range_from(s), subtype.value);
Expect<const ast::Type*> ParserImpl::expect_type_decl_vector(const Source& s, uint32_t count) {
const char* use = "vector";
auto ty = expect_lt_gt_block(use, [&] { return expect_type(use); });
if (ty.errored) {
return Failure::kErrored;
return builder_.ty.vec(make_source_range_from(s), ty.value, count);
// LESS_THAN type_decl ( COMMA element_count_expression )? GREATER_THAN
Expect<const ast::Type*> ParserImpl::expect_type_decl_array(const Source& s) {
const char* use = "array declaration";
struct TypeAndSize {
const ast::Type* type = nullptr;
const ast::Expression* size = nullptr;
if (!peek_is(Token::Type::kLessThan)) {
return add_error(peek(), "expected < for array");
auto type_size = expect_lt_gt_block(use, [&]() -> Expect<TypeAndSize> {
auto type = expect_type(use);
if (type.errored) {
return Failure::kErrored;
if (!match(Token::Type::kComma)) {
return TypeAndSize{type.value, nullptr};
auto size = element_count_expression();
if (size.errored) {
return Failure::kErrored;
if (!size.matched) {
return add_error(peek(), "expected array size expression");
return TypeAndSize{type.value, size.value};
if (type_size.errored) {
return Failure::kErrored;
return builder_.ty.array(make_source_range_from(s), type_size->type, type_size->size);
Expect<const ast::Type*> ParserImpl::expect_type_decl_matrix(const Source& s,
const MatrixDimensions& dims) {
const char* use = "matrix";
auto ty = expect_lt_gt_block(use, [&] { return expect_type(use); });
if (ty.errored) {
return Failure::kErrored;
return builder_.ty.mat(make_source_range_from(s), ty.value, dims.columns, dims.rows);
// address_space
// : 'function'
// | 'private'
// | 'workgroup'
// | 'uniform'
// | 'storage'
// Note, we also parse `push_constant` from the experimental extension
Expect<ast::StorageClass> ParserImpl::expect_address_space(std::string_view use) {
auto& t = peek();
auto ident = expect_ident("storage class");
if (ident.errored) {
return Failure::kErrored;
auto storage_class = ast::ParseStorageClass(ident.value);
if (storage_class == ast::StorageClass::kInvalid) {
return add_error(t.source(), "invalid storage class", use);
return {storage_class, t.source()};
// struct_decl
// : STRUCT IDENT struct_body_decl
Maybe<const ast::Struct*> ParserImpl::struct_decl() {
auto& t = peek();
if (!match(Token::Type::kStruct)) {
return Failure::kNoMatch;
auto name = expect_ident("struct declaration");
if (name.errored) {
return Failure::kErrored;
auto body = expect_struct_body_decl();
if (body.errored) {
return Failure::kErrored;
auto sym = builder_.Symbols().Register(name.value);
return create<ast::Struct>(t.source(), sym, std::move(body.value), utils::Empty);
// struct_body_decl
// : BRACE_LEFT (struct_member COMMA)* struct_member COMMA? BRACE_RIGHT
Expect<ParserImpl::StructMemberList> ParserImpl::expect_struct_body_decl() {
return expect_brace_block("struct declaration", [&]() -> Expect<StructMemberList> {
StructMemberList members;
bool errored = false;
while (continue_parsing()) {
// Check for the end of the list.
auto& t = peek();
if (!t.IsIdentifier() && !t.Is(Token::Type::kAttr)) {
auto member = expect_struct_member();
if (member.errored) {
errored = true;
if (!sync_to(Token::Type::kComma, /* consume: */ false)) {
return Failure::kErrored;
} else {
if (!match(Token::Type::kComma)) {
if (errored) {
return Failure::kErrored;
return members;
// struct_member
// : attribute* ident_with_type_decl
Expect<ast::StructMember*> ParserImpl::expect_struct_member() {
auto attrs = attribute_list();
if (attrs.errored) {
return Failure::kErrored;
auto decl = expect_ident_with_type_decl("struct member");
if (decl.errored) {
return Failure::kErrored;
return create<ast::StructMember>(decl->source, builder_.Symbols().Register(decl->name),
decl->type, std::move(attrs.value));
// static_assert_statement
// : STATIC_ASSERT expression
Maybe<const ast::StaticAssert*> ParserImpl::static_assert_statement() {
Source start;
if (!match(Token::Type::kStaticAssert, &start)) {
return Failure::kNoMatch;
auto condition = maybe_expression();
if (condition.errored) {
return Failure::kErrored;
if (!condition.matched) {
return add_error(peek(), "unable to parse condition expression");
Source source = make_source_range_from(start);
return create<ast::StaticAssert>(source, condition.value);
// function_decl
// : function_header compound_statement
Maybe<const ast::Function*> ParserImpl::function_decl(AttributeList& attrs) {
auto header = function_header();
if (header.errored) {
if (sync_to(Token::Type::kBraceLeft, /* consume: */ false)) {
// There were errors in the function header, but the parser has managed to
// resynchronize with the opening brace. As there's no outer
// synchronization token for function declarations, attempt to parse the
// function body. The AST isn't used as we've already errored, but this
// catches any errors inside the body, and can help keep the parser in
// sync.
return Failure::kErrored;
if (!header.matched) {
return Failure::kNoMatch;
bool errored = false;
auto body = expect_compound_statement();
if (body.errored) {
errored = true;
if (errored) {
return Failure::kErrored;
return create<ast::Function>(header->source, builder_.Symbols().Register(header->name),
header->params, header->return_type, body.value, std::move(attrs),
// function_header
// : FN IDENT PAREN_LEFT param_list PAREN_RIGHT return_type_decl_optional
// return_type_decl_optional
// :
// | ARROW attribute_list* type_decl
Maybe<ParserImpl::FunctionHeader> ParserImpl::function_header() {
Source source;
if (!match(Token::Type::kFn, &source)) {
return Failure::kNoMatch;
const char* use = "function declaration";
bool errored = false;
auto name = expect_ident(use);
if (name.errored) {
errored = true;
if (!sync_to(Token::Type::kParenLeft, /* consume: */ false)) {
return Failure::kErrored;
auto params = expect_paren_block(use, [&] { return expect_param_list(); });
if (params.errored) {
errored = true;
if (!synchronized_) {
return Failure::kErrored;
const ast::Type* return_type = nullptr;
AttributeList return_attributes;
if (match(Token::Type::kArrow)) {
auto attrs = attribute_list();
if (attrs.errored) {
return Failure::kErrored;
return_attributes = attrs.value;
auto type = type_decl();
if (type.errored) {
errored = true;
} else if (!type.matched) {
return add_error(peek(), "unable to determine function return type");
} else {
return_type = type.value;
} else {
return_type = builder_.ty.void_();
if (errored) {
return Failure::kErrored;
return FunctionHeader{
source, std::move(name.value), std::move(params.value),
return_type, std::move(return_attributes),
// param_list
// :
// | (param COMMA)* param COMMA?
Expect<ParserImpl::ParameterList> ParserImpl::expect_param_list() {
ParameterList ret;
while (continue_parsing()) {
// Check for the end of the list.
auto& t = peek();
if (!t.IsIdentifier() && !t.Is(Token::Type::kAttr)) {
auto param = expect_param();
if (param.errored) {
return Failure::kErrored;
if (!match(Token::Type::kComma)) {
return ret;
// param
// : attribute_list* ident COLON type_decl
Expect<ast::Parameter*> ParserImpl::expect_param() {
auto attrs = attribute_list();
auto decl = expect_ident_with_type_decl("parameter");
if (decl.errored) {
return Failure::kErrored;
return create<ast::Parameter>(decl->source, // source
builder_.Symbols().Register(decl->name), // symbol
decl->type, // type
std::move(attrs.value)); // attributes
// pipeline_stage
// TODO( Remove when deprecation period is over.
Expect<ast::PipelineStage> ParserImpl::expect_pipeline_stage() {
auto& t = peek();
if (t == "vertex") {
next(); // Consume the peek
return {ast::PipelineStage::kVertex, t.source()};
if (t == "fragment") {
next(); // Consume the peek
return {ast::PipelineStage::kFragment, t.source()};
if (t == "compute") {
next(); // Consume the peek
return {ast::PipelineStage::kCompute, t.source()};
return add_error(peek(), "invalid value for stage attribute");
// interpolation_sample_name
// : 'center'
// | 'centroid'
// | 'sample'
Expect<ast::InterpolationSampling> ParserImpl::expect_interpolation_sample_name() {
auto ident = expect_ident("interpolation sample name");
if (ident.errored) {
return Failure::kErrored;
if (ident.value == "center") {
return {ast::InterpolationSampling::kCenter, ident.source};
if (ident.value == "centroid") {
return {ast::InterpolationSampling::kCentroid, ident.source};
if (ident.value == "sample") {
return {ast::InterpolationSampling::kSample, ident.source};
return add_error(ident.source, "invalid interpolation sampling");
// interpolation_type_name
// : 'perspective'
// | 'linear'
// | 'flat'
Expect<ast::InterpolationType> ParserImpl::expect_interpolation_type_name() {
auto ident = expect_ident("interpolation type name");
if (ident.errored) {
return Failure::kErrored;
if (ident.value == "perspective") {
return {ast::InterpolationType::kPerspective, ident.source};
if (ident.value == "linear") {
return {ast::InterpolationType::kLinear, ident.source};
if (ident.value == "flat") {
return {ast::InterpolationType::kFlat, ident.source};
return add_error(ident.source, "invalid interpolation type");
// builtin_value_name
// : frag_depth
// | front_facing
// | global_invocation_id
// | instance_index
// | local_invocation_id
// | local_invocation_index
// | num_workgroups
// | position
// | sample_index
// | sample_mask
// | vertex_index
// | workgroup_id
Expect<ast::BuiltinValue> ParserImpl::expect_builtin() {
auto ident = expect_ident("builtin");
if (ident.errored) {
return Failure::kErrored;
ast::BuiltinValue builtin = ast::ParseBuiltinValue(ident.value);
if (builtin == ast::BuiltinValue::kInvalid) {
return add_error(ident.source, "invalid value for builtin attribute");
return {builtin, ident.source};
// compound_statement
// : BRACE_LEFT statement* BRACE_RIGHT
Expect<ast::BlockStatement*> ParserImpl::expect_compound_statement() {
return expect_brace_block("", [&]() -> Expect<ast::BlockStatement*> {
auto stmts = expect_statements();
if (stmts.errored) {
return Failure::kErrored;
return create<ast::BlockStatement>(Source{}, stmts.value);
// paren_expression
// : PAREN_LEFT expression PAREN_RIGHT
Expect<const ast::Expression*> ParserImpl::expect_paren_expression() {
return expect_paren_block("", [&]() -> Expect<const ast::Expression*> {
auto expr = maybe_expression();
if (expr.errored) {
return Failure::kErrored;
if (!expr.matched) {
return add_error(peek(), "unable to parse expression");
return expr.value;
// statements
// : statement*
Expect<ParserImpl::StatementList> ParserImpl::expect_statements() {
bool errored = false;
StatementList stmts;
while (continue_parsing()) {
auto stmt = statement();
if (stmt.errored) {
errored = true;
} else if (stmt.matched) {
} else {
if (errored) {
return Failure::kErrored;
return stmts;
// statement
// | if_statement
// | switch_statement
// | loop_statement
// | for_statement
// | while_statement
// | compound_statement
// | non_block_statement // Note, we inject an extra rule in here for simpler parsing
Maybe<const ast::Statement*> ParserImpl::statement() {
while (match(Token::Type::kSemicolon)) {
// Skip empty statements
// Non-block statements that error can resynchronize on semicolon.
auto stmt = sync(Token::Type::kSemicolon, [&] { return non_block_statement(); });
if (stmt.errored) {
return Failure::kErrored;
if (stmt.matched) {
return stmt;
auto stmt_if = if_statement();
if (stmt_if.errored) {
return Failure::kErrored;
if (stmt_if.matched) {
return stmt_if.value;
auto sw = switch_statement();
if (sw.errored) {
return Failure::kErrored;
if (sw.matched) {
return sw.value;
auto loop = loop_statement();
if (loop.errored) {
return Failure::kErrored;
if (loop.matched) {
return loop.value;
auto stmt_for = for_statement();
if (stmt_for.errored) {
return Failure::kErrored;
if (stmt_for.matched) {
return stmt_for.value;
auto stmt_while = while_statement();
if (stmt_while.errored) {
return Failure::kErrored;
if (stmt_while.matched) {
return stmt_while.value;
if (peek_is(Token::Type::kBraceLeft)) {
auto body = expect_compound_statement();
if (body.errored) {
return Failure::kErrored;
return body.value;
return Failure::kNoMatch;
// non_block_statement (continued)
// : return_statement SEMICOLON
// | func_call_statement SEMICOLON
// | variable_statement SEMICOLON
// | break_statement SEMICOLON
// | continue_statement SEMICOLON
// | variable_updating_statement SEMICOLON
// | static_assert_statement SEMICOLON
Maybe<const ast::Statement*> ParserImpl::non_block_statement() {
auto stmt = [&]() -> Maybe<const ast::Statement*> {
auto ret_stmt = return_statement();
if (ret_stmt.errored) {
return Failure::kErrored;
if (ret_stmt.matched) {
return ret_stmt.value;
auto func = func_call_statement();
if (func.errored) {
return Failure::kErrored;
if (func.matched) {
return func.value;
auto var = variable_statement();
if (var.errored) {
return Failure::kErrored;
if (var.matched) {
return var.value;
auto b = break_statement();
if (b.errored) {
return Failure::kErrored;
if (b.matched) {
return b.value;
auto cont = continue_statement();
if (cont.errored) {
return Failure::kErrored;
if (cont.matched) {
return cont.value;
Source source;
if (match(Token::Type::kDiscard, &source)) {
return create<ast::DiscardStatement>(source);
// Note, this covers assignment, increment and decrement
auto assign = variable_updating_statement();
if (assign.errored) {
return Failure::kErrored;
if (assign.matched) {
return assign.value;
auto stmt_static_assert = static_assert_statement();
if (stmt_static_assert.errored) {
return Failure::kErrored;
if (stmt_static_assert.matched) {
return stmt_static_assert.value;
return Failure::kNoMatch;
if (stmt.matched && !expect(stmt->Name(), Token::Type::kSemicolon)) {
return Failure::kErrored;
return stmt;
// return_statement
// : RETURN expression?
Maybe<const ast::ReturnStatement*> ParserImpl::return_statement() {
Source source;
if (!match(Token::Type::kReturn, &source)) {
return Failure::kNoMatch;
if (peek_is(Token::Type::kSemicolon)) {
return create<ast::ReturnStatement>(source, nullptr);
auto expr = maybe_expression();
if (expr.errored) {
return Failure::kErrored;
// TODO(bclayton): Check matched?
return create<ast::ReturnStatement>(source, expr.value);
// variable_statement
// : variable_decl
// | variable_decl EQUAL expression
// | LET optionally_typed_ident EQUAL expression
// | CONST optionally_typed_ident EQUAL expression
Maybe<const ast::VariableDeclStatement*> ParserImpl::variable_statement() {
if (match(Token::Type::kConst)) {
auto decl = expect_optionally_typed_ident("'const' declaration");
if (decl.errored) {
return Failure::kErrored;
if (!expect("'const' declaration", Token::Type::kEqual)) {
return Failure::kErrored;
auto initializer = maybe_expression();
if (initializer.errored) {
return Failure::kErrored;
if (!initializer.matched) {
return add_error(peek(), "missing initializer for 'const' declaration");
auto* const_ = create<ast::Const>(decl->source, // source
builder_.Symbols().Register(decl->name), // symbol
decl->type, // type
initializer.value, // initializer
utils::Empty); // attributes
return create<ast::VariableDeclStatement>(decl->source, const_);
if (match(Token::Type::kLet)) {
auto decl = expect_optionally_typed_ident("'let' declaration");
if (decl.errored) {
return Failure::kErrored;
if (!expect("'let' declaration", Token::Type::kEqual)) {
return Failure::kErrored;
auto initializer = maybe_expression();
if (initializer.errored) {
return Failure::kErrored;
if (!initializer.matched) {
return add_error(peek(), "missing initializer for 'let' declaration");
auto* let = create<ast::Let>(decl->source, // source
builder_.Symbols().Register(decl->name), // symbol
decl->type, // type
initializer.value, // initializer
utils::Empty); // attributes
return create<ast::VariableDeclStatement>(decl->source, let);
auto decl = variable_decl();
if (decl.errored) {
return Failure::kErrored;
if (!decl.matched) {
return Failure::kNoMatch;
const ast::Expression* initializer = nullptr;
if (match(Token::Type::kEqual)) {
auto initializer_expr = maybe_expression();
if (initializer_expr.errored) {
return Failure::kErrored;
if (!initializer_expr.matched) {
return add_error(peek(), "missing initializer for 'var' declaration");
initializer = initializer_expr.value;
auto* var = create<ast::Var>(decl->source, // source
builder_.Symbols().Register(decl->name), // symbol
decl->type, // type
decl->storage_class, // storage class
decl->access, // access control
initializer, // initializer
utils::Empty); // attributes
return create<ast::VariableDeclStatement>(var->source, var);
// if_statement
// : IF expression compound_stmt ( ELSE else_stmt ) ?
// else_stmt
// : compound_statement
// | if_statement
Maybe<const ast::IfStatement*> ParserImpl::if_statement() {
// Parse if-else chains iteratively instead of recursively, to avoid
// stack-overflow for long chains of if-else statements.
struct IfInfo {
Source source;
const ast::Expression* condition;
const ast::BlockStatement* body;
// Parse an if statement, capturing the source, condition, and body statement.
auto parse_if = [&]() -> Maybe<IfInfo> {
Source source;
if (!match(Token::Type::kIf, &source)) {
return Failure::kNoMatch;
auto condition = maybe_expression();
if (condition.errored) {
return Failure::kErrored;
if (!condition.matched) {
return add_error(peek(), "unable to parse condition expression");
auto body = expect_compound_statement();
if (body.errored) {
return Failure::kErrored;
return IfInfo{source, condition.value, body.value};
std::vector<IfInfo> statements;
// Parse the first if statement.
auto first_if = parse_if();
if (first_if.errored) {
return Failure::kErrored;
} else if (!first_if.matched) {
return Failure::kNoMatch;
// Parse the components of every "else {if}" in the chain.
const ast::Statement* last_stmt = nullptr;
while (continue_parsing()) {
if (!match(Token::Type::kElse)) {
// Try to parse an "else if".
auto else_if = parse_if();
if (else_if.errored) {
return Failure::kErrored;
} else if (else_if.matched) {
// If it wasn't an "else if", it must just be an "else".
auto else_body = expect_compound_statement();
if (else_body.errored) {
return Failure::kErrored;
last_stmt = else_body.value;
// Now walk back through the statements to create their AST nodes.
for (auto itr = statements.rbegin(); itr != statements.rend(); itr++) {
last_stmt = create<ast::IfStatement>(itr->source, itr->condition, itr->body, last_stmt);
return last_stmt->As<ast::IfStatement>();
// switch_statement
// : SWITCH expression BRACKET_LEFT switch_body+ BRACKET_RIGHT
Maybe<const ast::SwitchStatement*> ParserImpl::switch_statement() {
Source source;
if (!match(Token::Type::kSwitch, &source)) {
return Failure::kNoMatch;
auto condition = maybe_expression();
if (condition.errored) {
return Failure::kErrored;
if (!condition.matched) {
return add_error(peek(), "unable to parse selector expression");
auto body = expect_brace_block("switch statement", [&]() -> Expect<CaseStatementList> {
bool errored = false;
CaseStatementList list;
while (continue_parsing()) {
auto stmt = switch_body();
if (stmt.errored) {
errored = true;
if (!stmt.matched) {
if (errored) {
return Failure::kErrored;
return list;
if (body.errored) {
return Failure::kErrored;
return create<ast::SwitchStatement>(source, condition.value, body.value);
// switch_body
// : CASE case_selectors COLON? BRACKET_LEFT case_body BRACKET_RIGHT
Maybe<const ast::CaseStatement*> ParserImpl::switch_body() {
if (!peek_is(Token::Type::kCase) && !peek_is(Token::Type::kDefault)) {
return Failure::kNoMatch;
auto& t = next();
CaseSelectorList selector_list;
if (t.Is(Token::Type::kCase)) {
auto selectors = expect_case_selectors();
if (selectors.errored) {
return Failure::kErrored;
selector_list = std::move(selectors.value);
// Consume the optional colon if present.
const char* use = "case statement";
auto body = expect_brace_block(use, [&] { return case_body(); });
if (body.errored) {
return Failure::kErrored;
if (!body.matched) {
return add_error(body.source, "expected case body");
return create<ast::CaseStatement>(t.source(), selector_list, body.value);
// case_selectors
// : const_literal (COMMA const_literal)* COMMA?
Expect<ParserImpl::CaseSelectorList> ParserImpl::expect_case_selectors() {
CaseSelectorList selectors;
while (continue_parsing()) {
auto cond = const_literal();
if (cond.errored) {
return Failure::kErrored;
} else if (!cond.matched) {
} else if (!cond->Is<ast::IntLiteralExpression>()) {
return add_error(cond.value->source, "invalid case selector must be an integer value");
if (!match(Token::Type::kComma)) {
if (selectors.IsEmpty()) {
return add_error(peek(), "unable to parse case selectors");
return selectors;
// case_body
// :
// | statement case_body
Maybe<const ast::BlockStatement*> ParserImpl::case_body() {
StatementList stmts;
while (continue_parsing()) {
Source source;
if (match(Token::Type::kFallthrough, &source)) {
if (!expect("fallthrough statement", Token::Type::kSemicolon)) {
return Failure::kErrored;
"fallthrough is set to be removed from WGSL. "
"Case can accept multiple selectors if the existing case bodies are empty. "
"default is not yet supported in a case selector list.");
auto stmt = statement();
if (stmt.errored) {
return Failure::kErrored;
if (!stmt.matched) {
return create<ast::BlockStatement>(Source{}, stmts);
// loop_statement
// : LOOP BRACKET_LEFT statements continuing_statement? BRACKET_RIGHT
Maybe<const ast::LoopStatement*> ParserImpl::loop_statement() {
Source source;
if (!match(Token::Type::kLoop, &source)) {
return Failure::kNoMatch;
return expect_brace_block("loop", [&]() -> Maybe<const ast::LoopStatement*> {
auto stmts = expect_statements();
if (stmts.errored) {
return Failure::kErrored;
auto continuing = continuing_statement();
if (continuing.errored) {
return Failure::kErrored;
auto* body = create<ast::BlockStatement>(source, stmts.value);
return create<ast::LoopStatement>(source, body, continuing.value);
ForHeader::ForHeader(const ast::Statement* init,
const ast::Expression* cond,
const ast::Statement* cont)
: initializer(init), condition(cond), continuing(cont) {}
ForHeader::~ForHeader() = default;
// (variable_statement | variable_updating_statement |
// func_call_statement)?
Maybe<const ast::Statement*> ParserImpl::for_header_initializer() {
auto call = func_call_statement();
if (call.errored) {
return Failure::kErrored;
if (call.matched) {
return call.value;
auto var = variable_statement();
if (var.errored) {
return Failure::kErrored;
if (var.matched) {
return var.value;
auto assign = variable_updating_statement();
if (assign.errored) {
return Failure::kErrored;
if (assign.matched) {
return assign.value;
return Failure::kNoMatch;
// (variable_updating_statement | func_call_statement)?
Maybe<const ast::Statement*> ParserImpl::for_header_continuing() {
auto call_stmt = func_call_statement();
if (call_stmt.errored) {
return Failure::kErrored;
if (call_stmt.matched) {
return call_stmt.value;
auto assign = variable_updating_statement();
if (assign.errored) {
return Failure::kErrored;
if (assign.matched) {
return assign.value;
return Failure::kNoMatch;
// for_header
// : (variable_statement | variable_updating_statement | func_call_statement)?
// expression? SEMICOLON
// (variable_updating_statement | func_call_statement)?
Expect<std::unique_ptr<ForHeader>> ParserImpl::expect_for_header() {
auto initializer = for_header_initializer();
if (initializer.errored) {
return Failure::kErrored;
if (!expect("initializer in for loop", Token::Type::kSemicolon)) {
return Failure::kErrored;
auto condition = maybe_expression();
if (condition.errored) {
return Failure::kErrored;
if (!expect("condition in for loop", Token::Type::kSemicolon)) {
return Failure::kErrored;
auto continuing = for_header_continuing();
if (continuing.errored) {
return Failure::kErrored;
return std::make_unique<ForHeader>(initializer.value, condition.value, continuing.value);
// for_statement
Maybe<const ast::ForLoopStatement*> ParserImpl::for_statement() {
Source source;
if (!match(Token::Type::kFor, &source)) {
return Failure::kNoMatch;
auto header = expect_paren_block("for loop", [&] { return expect_for_header(); });
if (header.errored) {
return Failure::kErrored;
auto stmts = expect_brace_block("for loop", [&] { return expect_statements(); });
if (stmts.errored) {
return Failure::kErrored;
return create<ast::ForLoopStatement>(source, header->initializer, header->condition,
// while_statement
// : WHILE expression compound_statement
Maybe<const ast::WhileStatement*> ParserImpl::while_statement() {
Source source;
if (!match(Token::Type::kWhile, &source)) {
return Failure::kNoMatch;
auto condition = maybe_expression();
if (condition.errored) {
return Failure::kErrored;
if (!condition.matched) {
return add_error(peek(), "unable to parse while condition expression");
auto body = expect_compound_statement();
if (body.errored) {
return Failure::kErrored;
return create<ast::WhileStatement>(source, condition.value, body.value);
// func_call_statement
// : IDENT argument_expression_list
Maybe<const ast::CallStatement*> ParserImpl::func_call_statement() {
auto& t = peek();
auto& t2 = peek(1);
if (!t.IsIdentifier() || !t2.Is(Token::Type::kParenLeft)) {
return Failure::kNoMatch;
next(); // Consume the first peek
auto params = expect_argument_expression_list("function call");
if (params.errored) {
return Failure::kErrored;
return create<ast::CallStatement>(
create<ast::IdentifierExpression>(t.source(), builder_.Symbols().Register(t.to_str())),
// break_statement
// : BREAK
Maybe<const ast::BreakStatement*> ParserImpl::break_statement() {
Source source;
if (!match(Token::Type::kBreak, &source)) {
return Failure::kNoMatch;
return create<ast::BreakStatement>(source);
// continue_statement
Maybe<const ast::ContinueStatement*> ParserImpl::continue_statement() {
Source source;
if (!match(Token::Type::kContinue, &source)) {
return Failure::kNoMatch;
return create<ast::ContinueStatement>(source);
// break_if_statement:
// 'break' 'if' expression semicolon
Maybe<const ast::Statement*> ParserImpl::break_if_statement() {
// TODO( Add support for break-if
return Failure::kNoMatch;
// continuing_compound_statement:
// brace_left statement* break_if_statement? brace_right
Maybe<const ast::BlockStatement*> ParserImpl::continuing_compound_statement() {
return expect_brace_block("", [&]() -> Expect<ast::BlockStatement*> {
auto stmts = expect_statements();
if (stmts.errored) {
return Failure::kErrored;
auto break_if = break_if_statement();
if (break_if.errored) {
return Failure::kErrored;
if (break_if.matched) {
return create<ast::BlockStatement>(Source{}, stmts.value);
// continuing_statement
// : CONTINUING continuing_compound_statement
Maybe<const ast::BlockStatement*> ParserImpl::continuing_statement() {
if (!match(Token::Type::kContinuing)) {
return create<ast::BlockStatement>(Source{}, utils::Empty);
return continuing_compound_statement();
// callable
// : type_decl_without_ident
// | ARRAY
// | mat_prefix
// | vec_prefix
// Note, `ident` is pulled out to `primary_expression` as it's the only one that
// doesn't create a `type`. Then we can just return a `type` from here on match and
// deal with `ident` in `primary_expression.
Maybe<const ast::Type*> ParserImpl::callable() {
auto& t = peek();
// This _must_ match `type_decl_without_ident` before any of the other types as they're all
// prefixes of the types and we want to match the longer `vec3<f32>` then the shorter
// prefix match of `vec3`.
auto ty = type_decl_without_ident();
if (ty.errored) {
return Failure::kErrored;
if (ty.matched) {
return ty.value;
if (match(Token::Type::kArray)) {
return builder_.ty.array(make_source_range_from(t.source()), nullptr, nullptr);
auto vec = vec_prefix();
if (vec.matched) {
return builder_.ty.vec(make_source_range_from(t.source()), nullptr, vec.value);
auto mat = mat_prefix();
if (mat.matched) {
return builder_.ty.mat(make_source_range_from(t.source()), nullptr, mat.value.columns,
return Failure::kNoMatch;
// primary_expression
// : BITCAST LESS_THAN type_decl GREATER_THAN paren_expression
// | callable argument_expression_list
// | const_literal
// | IDENT argument_expression_list?
// | paren_expression
// Note, PAREN_LEFT ( expression ( COMMA expression ) * COMMA? )? PAREN_RIGHT is replaced
// with `argument_expression_list`.
// Note, this is matching the `callable` ident here instead of having to come from
// callable so we can return a `type` from callable.
Maybe<const ast::Expression*> ParserImpl::primary_expression() {
auto& t = peek();
if (match(Token::Type::kBitcast)) {
const char* use = "bitcast expression";
auto type = expect_lt_gt_block(use, [&] { return expect_type(use); });
if (type.errored) {
return Failure::kErrored;
auto params = expect_paren_expression();
if (params.errored) {
return Failure::kErrored;
return create<ast::BitcastExpression>(t.source(), type.value, params.value);
auto call = callable();
if (call.errored) {
return Failure::kErrored;
if (call.matched) {
auto params = expect_argument_expression_list("type constructor");
if (params.errored) {
return Failure::kErrored;
return builder_.Construct(t.source(), call.value, std::move(params.value));
auto lit = const_literal();
if (lit.errored) {
return Failure::kErrored;
if (lit.matched) {
return lit.value;
if (t.IsIdentifier()) {
auto* ident =
create<ast::IdentifierExpression>(t.source(), builder_.Symbols().Register(t.to_str()));
if (peek_is(Token::Type::kParenLeft)) {
auto params = expect_argument_expression_list("function call");
if (params.errored) {
return Failure::kErrored;
return create<ast::CallExpression>(t.source(), ident, std::move(params.value));
return ident;
if (t.Is(Token::Type::kParenLeft)) {
auto paren = expect_paren_expression();
if (paren.errored) {
return Failure::kErrored;
return paren.value;
return Failure::kNoMatch;
// postfix_expression
// :
// | BRACE_LEFT expression BRACE_RIGHT postfix_expression?
// | PERIOD member_ident postfix_expression?
// | PERIOD swizzle_name postfix_expression?
Maybe<const ast::Expression*> ParserImpl::postfix_expression(const ast::Expression* prefix) {
Source source;
while (continue_parsing()) {
if (match(Token::Type::kBracketLeft, &source)) {
auto res = sync(Token::Type::kBracketRight, [&]() -> Maybe<const ast::Expression*> {
auto param = maybe_expression();
if (param.errored) {
return Failure::kErrored;
if (!param.matched) {
return add_error(peek(), "unable to parse expression inside []");
if (!expect("index accessor", Token::Type::kBracketRight)) {
return Failure::kErrored;
return create<ast::IndexAccessorExpression>(source, prefix, param.value);
if (res.errored) {
return res;
prefix = res.value;
if (match(Token::Type::kPeriod)) {
auto ident = expect_ident("member accessor");
if (ident.errored) {
return Failure::kErrored;
prefix = create<ast::MemberAccessorExpression>(
ident.source, prefix,
return prefix;
return Failure::kErrored;
// argument_expression_list
// : PAREN_LEFT ((expression COMMA)* expression COMMA?)? PAREN_RIGHT
Expect<ParserImpl::ExpressionList> ParserImpl::expect_argument_expression_list(
std::string_view use) {
return expect_paren_block(use, [&]() -> Expect<ExpressionList> {
ExpressionList ret;
while (continue_parsing()) {
auto arg = maybe_expression();
if (arg.errored) {
return Failure::kErrored;
} else if (!arg.matched) {
if (!match(Token::Type::kComma)) {
return ret;
// : AND unary_expression (AND unary_expression)*
// | OR unary_expression (OR unary_expression)*
// | XOR unary_expression (XOR unary_expression)*
Maybe<const ast::Expression*> ParserImpl::bitwise_expression_post_unary_expression(
const ast::Expression* lhs) {
auto& t = peek();
if (!t.Is(Token::Type::kAnd) && !t.Is(Token::Type::kOr) && !t.Is(Token::Type::kXor)) {
return Failure::kNoMatch;
ast::BinaryOp op = ast::BinaryOp::kXor;
if (t.Is(Token::Type::kAnd)) {
op = ast::BinaryOp::kAnd;
} else if (t.Is(Token::Type::kOr)) {
op = ast::BinaryOp::kOr;
while (continue_parsing()) {
auto& n = peek();
// Handle the case of `a & b &&c` where `&c` is a unary_expression
bool split = false;
if (op == ast::BinaryOp::kAnd && n.Is(Token::Type::kAndAnd)) {
split_token(Token::Type::kAnd, Token::Type::kAnd);
split = true;
if (!n.Is(t.type())) {
if (n.Is(Token::Type::kAnd) || n.Is(Token::Type::kOr) || n.Is(Token::Type::kXor)) {
return add_error(n.source(), std::string("mixing '") + std::string(t.to_name()) +
"' and '" + std::string(n.to_name()) +
"' requires parenthesis");
return lhs;
// If forced to split an `&&` then we've already done the `next` above which consumes
// the `&`. The type check above will always fail because we only split if already consuming
// a `&` operator.
if (!split) {
auto rhs = unary_expression();
if (rhs.errored) {
return Failure::kErrored;
if (!rhs.matched) {
return add_error(peek(), std::string("unable to parse right side of ") +
std::string(t.to_name()) + " expression");
lhs = create<ast::BinaryExpression>(t.source(), op, lhs, rhs.value);
return Failure::kErrored;
// multiplicative_operator
// | STAR
Maybe<ast::BinaryOp> ParserImpl::multiplicative_operator() {
if (match(Token::Type::kForwardSlash)) {
return ast::BinaryOp::kDivide;
if (match(Token::Type::kMod)) {
return ast::BinaryOp::kModulo;
if (match(Token::Type::kStar)) {
return ast::BinaryOp::kMultiply;
return Failure::kNoMatch;
// : (multiplicative_operator unary_expression)*
Expect<const ast::Expression*> ParserImpl::expect_multiplicative_expression_post_unary_expression(
const ast::Expression* lhs) {
while (continue_parsing()) {
auto& t = peek();
auto op = multiplicative_operator();
if (op.errored) {
return Failure::kErrored;
if (!op.matched) {
return lhs;
auto rhs = unary_expression();
if (rhs.errored) {
return Failure::kErrored;
if (!rhs.matched) {
return add_error(peek(), std::string("unable to parse right side of ") +
std::string(t.to_name()) + " expression");
lhs = create<ast::BinaryExpression>(t.source(), op.value, lhs, rhs.value);
return Failure::kErrored;
// additive_operator
// : MINUS
// | PLUS
// Note, this also splits a `--` token. This is currently safe as the only way to get into
// here is through additive expression and rules for where `--` are allowed are very restrictive.
Maybe<ast::BinaryOp> ParserImpl::additive_operator() {
if (match(Token::Type::kPlus)) {
return ast::BinaryOp::kAdd;
auto& t = peek();
if (t.Is(Token::Type::kMinusMinus)) {
split_token(Token::Type::kMinus, Token::Type::kMinus);
} else if (t.Is(Token::Type::kMinus)) {
} else {
return Failure::kNoMatch;
return ast::BinaryOp::kSubtract;
// additive_expression.pos.unary_expression
// : (additive_operator unary_expression*
// This is `( additive_operator unary_expression ( multiplicative_operator unary_expression )* )*`
// split apart.
Expect<const ast::Expression*> ParserImpl::expect_additive_expression_post_unary_expression(
const ast::Expression* lhs) {
while (continue_parsing()) {
auto& t = peek();
auto op = additive_operator();
if (op.errored) {
return Failure::kErrored;
if (!op.matched) {
return lhs;
auto unary = unary_expression();
if (unary.errored) {
return Failure::kErrored;
if (!unary.matched) {
return add_error(peek(), std::string("unable to parse right side of ") +
std::string(t.to_name()) + " expression");
// The multiplicative binds tigher, so pass the unary into that and build that expression
// before creating the additve expression.
auto rhs = expect_multiplicative_expression_post_unary_expression(unary.value);
if (rhs.errored) {
return Failure::kErrored;
lhs = create<ast::BinaryExpression>(t.source(), op.value, lhs, rhs.value);
return Failure::kErrored;
// :
// This is `( multiplicative_operator unary_expression )* ( additive_operator unary_expression (
// multiplicative_operator unary_expression )* )*` split apart.
Expect<const ast::Expression*> ParserImpl::expect_math_expression_post_unary_expression(
const ast::Expression* lhs) {
auto rhs = expect_multiplicative_expression_post_unary_expression(lhs);
if (rhs.errored) {
return Failure::kErrored;
return expect_additive_expression_post_unary_expression(rhs.value);
// element_count_expression
// : unary_expression
// | unary_expression
// Note, this moves the `( multiplicative_operator unary_expression )* ( additive_operator
// unary_expression ( multiplicative_operator unary_expression )* )*` expression for the first
// branch out into helper methods.
Maybe<const ast::Expression*> ParserImpl::element_count_expression() {
auto lhs = unary_expression();
if (lhs.errored) {
return Failure::kErrored;
if (!lhs.matched) {
return Failure::kNoMatch;
auto bitwise = bitwise_expression_post_unary_expression(lhs.value);
if (bitwise.errored) {
return Failure::kErrored;
if (bitwise.matched) {
return bitwise.value;
auto math = expect_math_expression_post_unary_expression(lhs.value);
if (math.errored) {
return Failure::kErrored;
return math.value;
// shift_expression
// : unary_expression
Maybe<const ast::Expression*> ParserImpl::maybe_shift_expression() {
auto lhs = unary_expression();
if (lhs.errored) {
return Failure::kErrored;
if (!lhs.matched) {
return Failure::kNoMatch;
return expect_shift_expression_post_unary_expression(lhs.value);
// :
// | SHIFT_LEFT unary_expression
// | SHIFT_RIGHT unary_expression
// Note, add the `` is added here to make
// implementation simpler.
Expect<const ast::Expression*> ParserImpl::expect_shift_expression_post_unary_expression(
const ast::Expression* lhs) {
auto& t = peek();
if (match(Token::Type::kShiftLeft) || match(Token::Type::kShiftRight)) {
std::string name;
ast::BinaryOp op = ast::BinaryOp::kNone;
if (t.Is(Token::Type::kShiftLeft)) {
op = ast::BinaryOp::kShiftLeft;
name = "<<";
} else if (t.Is(Token::Type::kShiftRight)) {
op = ast::BinaryOp::kShiftRight;
name = ">>";
auto& rhs_start = peek();
auto rhs = unary_expression();
if (rhs.errored) {
return Failure::kErrored;
if (!rhs.matched) {
return add_error(rhs_start,
std::string("unable to parse right side of ") + name + " expression");
return create<ast::BinaryExpression>(t.source(), op, lhs, rhs.value);
return expect_math_expression_post_unary_expression(lhs);
// relational_expression
// : unary_expression
Maybe<const ast::Expression*> ParserImpl::maybe_relational_expression() {
auto lhs = unary_expression();
if (lhs.errored) {
return Failure::kErrored;
if (!lhs.matched) {
return Failure::kNoMatch;
return expect_relational_expression_post_unary_expression(lhs.value);
// :
// | EQUAL_EQUAL shift_expression
// | GREATER_THAN shift_expression
// | GREATER_THAN_EQUAL shift_expression
// | LESS_THAN shift_expression
// | LESS_THAN_EQUAL shift_expression
// | NOT_EQUAL shift_expression
// Note, a `shift_expression` element was added to simplify many of the right sides
Expect<const ast::Expression*> ParserImpl::expect_relational_expression_post_unary_expression(
const ast::Expression* lhs) {
auto lhs_result = expect_shift_expression_post_unary_expression(lhs);
if (lhs_result.errored) {
return Failure::kErrored;
lhs = lhs_result.value;
auto& t = peek();
if (match(Token::Type::kEqualEqual) || match(Token::Type::kGreaterThan) ||
match(Token::Type::kGreaterThanEqual) || match(Token::Type::kLessThan) ||
match(Token::Type::kLessThanEqual) || match(Token::Type::kNotEqual)) {
ast::BinaryOp op = ast::BinaryOp::kNone;
if (t.Is(Token::Type::kLessThan)) {
op = ast::BinaryOp::kLessThan;
} else if (t.Is(Token::Type::kGreaterThan)) {
op = ast::BinaryOp::kGreaterThan;
} else if (t.Is(Token::Type::kLessThanEqual)) {
op = ast::BinaryOp::kLessThanEqual;
} else if (t.Is(Token::Type::kGreaterThanEqual)) {
op = ast::BinaryOp::kGreaterThanEqual;
} else if (t.Is(Token::Type::kEqualEqual)) {
op = ast::BinaryOp::kEqual;
} else if (t.Is(Token::Type::kNotEqual)) {
op = ast::BinaryOp::kNotEqual;
auto& next = peek();
auto rhs = maybe_shift_expression();
if (rhs.errored) {
return Failure::kErrored;
if (!rhs.matched) {
return add_error(next, std::string("unable to parse right side of ") +
std::string(t.to_name()) + " expression");
lhs = create<ast::BinaryExpression>(t.source(), op, lhs, rhs.value);
return lhs;
// expression
// : unary_expression
// | unary_expression
// | unary_expression and_and
// relational_expression ( and_and relational_expression )*
// | unary_expression or_or
// relational_expression ( or_or relational_expression )*
// Note, a `relational_expression` element was added to simplify many of the right sides
Maybe<const ast::Expression*> ParserImpl::maybe_expression() {
auto lhs = unary_expression();
if (lhs.errored) {
return Failure::kErrored;
if (!lhs.matched) {
return Failure::kNoMatch;
auto bitwise = bitwise_expression_post_unary_expression(lhs.value);
if (bitwise.errored) {
return Failure::kErrored;
if (bitwise.matched) {
return bitwise.value;
auto relational = expect_relational_expression_post_unary_expression(lhs.value);
if (relational.errored) {
return Failure::kErrored;
auto* ret = relational.value;
auto& t = peek();
if (t.Is(Token::Type::kAndAnd) || t.Is(Token::Type::kOrOr)) {
ast::BinaryOp op = ast::BinaryOp::kNone;
if (t.Is(Token::Type::kAndAnd)) {
op = ast::BinaryOp::kLogicalAnd;
} else if (t.Is(Token::Type::kOrOr)) {
op = ast::BinaryOp::kLogicalOr;
while (continue_parsing()) {
auto& n = peek();
if (!n.Is(t.type())) {
if (n.Is(Token::Type::kAndAnd) || n.Is(Token::Type::kOrOr)) {
return add_error(
n.source(), std::string("mixing '") + std::string(t.to_name()) + "' and '" +
std::string(n.to_name()) + "' requires parenthesis");
auto rhs = maybe_relational_expression();
if (rhs.errored) {
return Failure::kErrored;
if (!rhs.matched) {
return add_error(peek(), std::string("unable to parse right side of ") +
std::string(t.to_name()) + " expression");
ret = create<ast::BinaryExpression>(t.source(), op, ret, rhs.value);
return ret;
// singular_expression
// : primary_expression postfix_expr
Maybe<const ast::Expression*> ParserImpl::singular_expression() {
auto prefix = primary_expression();
if (prefix.errored) {
return Failure::kErrored;
if (!prefix.matched) {
return Failure::kNoMatch;
return postfix_expression(prefix.value);
// unary_expression
// : singular_expression
// | MINUS unary_expression
// | BANG unary_expression
// | TILDE unary_expression
// | STAR unary_expression
// | AND unary_expression
// The `primary_expression postfix_expression ?` is moved out into a `singular_expression`
Maybe<const ast::Expression*> ParserImpl::unary_expression() {
auto& t = peek();
if (match(Token::Type::kPlusPlus) || match(Token::Type::kMinusMinus)) {
"prefix increment and decrement operators are reserved for a "
"future WGSL version");
return Failure::kErrored;
ast::UnaryOp op;
if (match(Token::Type::kMinus)) {
op = ast::UnaryOp::kNegation;
} else if (match(Token::Type::kBang)) {
op = ast::UnaryOp::kNot;
} else if (match(Token::Type::kTilde)) {
op = ast::UnaryOp::kComplement;
} else if (match(Token::Type::kStar)) {
op = ast::UnaryOp::kIndirection;
} else if (match(Token::Type::kAnd)) {
op = ast::UnaryOp::kAddressOf;
} else {
return singular_expression();
if (parse_depth_ >= kMaxParseDepth) {
// We've hit a maximum parser recursive depth.
// We can't call into unary_expression() as we might stack overflow.
// Instead, report an error
add_error(peek(), "maximum parser recursive depth reached");
return Failure::kErrored;
auto expr = unary_expression();
if (expr.errored) {
return Failure::kErrored;
if (!expr.matched) {
return add_error(
peek(), "unable to parse right side of " + std::string(t.to_name()) + " expression");
return create<ast::UnaryOpExpression>(t.source(), op, expr.value);
// compound_assignment_operator
// : plus_equal
// | minus_equal
// | times_equal
// | division_equal
// | modulo_equal
// | and_equal
// | or_equal
// | xor_equal
// | shift_right_equal
// | shift_left_equal
Maybe<ast::BinaryOp> ParserImpl::compound_assignment_operator() {
ast::BinaryOp compound_op = ast::BinaryOp::kNone;
if (peek_is(Token::Type::kPlusEqual)) {
compound_op = ast::BinaryOp::kAdd;
} else if (peek_is(Token::Type::kMinusEqual)) {
compound_op = ast::BinaryOp::kSubtract;
} else if (peek_is(Token::Type::kTimesEqual)) {
compound_op = ast::BinaryOp::kMultiply;
} else if (peek_is(Token::Type::kDivisionEqual)) {
compound_op = ast::BinaryOp::kDivide;
} else if (peek_is(Token::Type::kModuloEqual)) {
compound_op = ast::BinaryOp::kModulo;
} else if (peek_is(Token::Type::kAndEqual)) {
compound_op = ast::BinaryOp::kAnd;
} else if (peek_is(Token::Type::kOrEqual)) {
compound_op = ast::BinaryOp::kOr;
} else if (peek_is(Token::Type::kXorEqual)) {
compound_op = ast::BinaryOp::kXor;
} else if (peek_is(Token::Type::kShiftLeftEqual)) {
compound_op = ast::BinaryOp::kShiftLeft;
} else if (peek_is(Token::Type::kShiftRightEqual)) {
compound_op = ast::BinaryOp::kShiftRight;
if (compound_op != ast::BinaryOp::kNone) {
return compound_op;
return Failure::kNoMatch;
// core_lhs_expression
// : ident
// | PAREN_LEFT lhs_expression PAREN_RIGHT
Maybe<const ast::Expression*> ParserImpl::core_lhs_expression() {
auto& t = peek();
if (t.IsIdentifier()) {
return create<ast::IdentifierExpression>(t.source(),
if (peek_is(Token::Type::kParenLeft)) {
return expect_paren_block("", [&]() -> Expect<const ast::Expression*> {
auto expr = lhs_expression();
if (expr.errored) {
return Failure::kErrored;
if (!expr.matched) {
return add_error(t, "invalid expression");
return expr.value;
return Failure::kNoMatch;
// lhs_expression
// : ( STAR | AND )* core_lhs_expression postfix_expression?
Maybe<const ast::Expression*> ParserImpl::lhs_expression() {
std::vector<const Token*> prefixes;
while (peek_is(Token::Type::kStar) || peek_is(Token::Type::kAnd) ||
peek_is(Token::Type::kAndAnd)) {
auto& t = next();
// If an '&&' is provided split into '&' and '&'
if (t.Is(Token::Type::kAndAnd)) {
split_token(Token::Type::kAnd, Token::Type::kAnd);
auto core_expr = core_lhs_expression();
if (core_expr.errored) {
return Failure::kErrored;
} else if (!core_expr.matched) {
if (prefixes.empty()) {
return Failure::kNoMatch;
return add_error(peek(), "missing expression");
const auto* expr = core_expr.value;
for (auto it = prefixes.rbegin(); it != prefixes.rend(); ++it) {
auto& t = **it;
ast::UnaryOp op = ast::UnaryOp::kAddressOf;
if (t.Is(Token::Type::kStar)) {
op = ast::UnaryOp::kIndirection;
expr = create<ast::UnaryOpExpression>(t.source(), op, expr);
auto e = postfix_expression(expr);
if (e.errored) {
return Failure::kErrored;
return e.value;
// variable_updating_statement
// : lhs_expression ( EQUAL | compound_assignment_operator ) expression
// | lhs_expression MINUS_MINUS
// | lhs_expression PLUS_PLUS
// | UNDERSCORE EQUAL expression
// Note, this is a simplification of the recursive grammar statement with the `lhs_expression`
// substituted back into the expression.
Maybe<const ast::Statement*> ParserImpl::variable_updating_statement() {
auto& t = peek();
// tint:295 - Test for `ident COLON` - this is invalid grammar, and without
// special casing will error as "missing = for assignment", which is less
// helpful than this error message:
if (peek_is(Token::Type::kIdentifier) && peek_is(Token::Type::kColon, 1)) {
return add_error(peek(0).source(), "expected 'var' for variable declaration");
const ast::Expression* lhs = nullptr;
ast::BinaryOp compound_op = ast::BinaryOp::kNone;
if (peek_is(Token::Type::kUnderscore)) {
next(); // Consume the peek.
if (!expect("assignment", Token::Type::kEqual)) {
return Failure::kErrored;
lhs = create<ast::PhonyExpression>(t.source());
} else {
auto lhs_result = lhs_expression();
if (lhs_result.errored) {
return Failure::kErrored;
if (!lhs_result.matched) {
return Failure::kNoMatch;
lhs = lhs_result.value;
// Handle increment and decrement statements.
if (match(Token::Type::kPlusPlus)) {
return create<ast::IncrementDecrementStatement>(t.source(), lhs, true);
if (match(Token::Type::kMinusMinus)) {
return create<ast::IncrementDecrementStatement>(t.source(), lhs, false);
auto compound_op_result = compound_assignment_operator();
if (compound_op_result.errored) {
return Failure::kErrored;
if (compound_op_result.matched) {
compound_op = compound_op_result.value;
} else {
if (!expect("assignment", Token::Type::kEqual)) {
return Failure::kErrored;
auto rhs = maybe_expression();
if (rhs.errored) {
return Failure::kErrored;
if (!rhs.matched) {
return add_error(peek(), "unable to parse right side of assignment");
if (compound_op != ast::BinaryOp::kNone) {
return create<ast::CompoundAssignmentStatement>(t.source(), lhs, rhs.value, compound_op);
return create<ast::AssignmentStatement>(t.source(), lhs, rhs.value);
// const_literal
// | bool_literal
// bool_literal
// : TRUE
// | FALSE
Maybe<const ast::LiteralExpression*> ParserImpl::const_literal() {
auto& t = peek();
if (match(Token::Type::kIntLiteral)) {
return create<ast::IntLiteralExpression>(t.source(), t.to_i64(),
if (match(Token::Type::kIntLiteral_I)) {
return create<ast::IntLiteralExpression>(t.source(), t.to_i64(),
if (match(Token::Type::kIntLiteral_U)) {
return create<ast::IntLiteralExpression>(t.source(), t.to_i64(),
if (match(Token::Type::kFloatLiteral)) {
return create<ast::FloatLiteralExpression>(t.source(), t.to_f64(),
if (match(Token::Type::kFloatLiteral_F)) {
return create<ast::FloatLiteralExpression>(t.source(), t.to_f64(),
if (match(Token::Type::kFloatLiteral_H)) {
return create<ast::FloatLiteralExpression>(t.source(), t.to_f64(),
if (match(Token::Type::kTrue)) {
return create<ast::BoolLiteralExpression>(t.source(), true);
if (match(Token::Type::kFalse)) {
return create<ast::BoolLiteralExpression>(t.source(), false);
if (handle_error(t)) {
return Failure::kErrored;
return Failure::kNoMatch;
Maybe<ParserImpl::AttributeList> ParserImpl::attribute_list() {
bool errored = false;
AttributeList attrs;
while (continue_parsing()) {
if (match(Token::Type::kAttr)) {
if (auto attr = expect_attribute(); attr.errored) {
errored = true;
} else {
} else {
if (errored) {
return Failure::kErrored;
if (attrs.IsEmpty()) {
return Failure::kNoMatch;
return attrs;
Expect<const ast::Attribute*> ParserImpl::expect_attribute() {
auto& t = peek();
auto attr = attribute();
if (attr.errored) {
return Failure::kErrored;
if (attr.matched) {
return attr.value;
return add_error(t, "expected attribute");
// attribute
// : ATTR 'align' PAREN_LEFT expression attrib_end
// | ATTR 'binding' PAREN_LEFT expression attrib_end
// | ATTR 'builtin' PAREN_LEFT builtin_value_name attrib_end
// | ATTR 'const'
// | ATTR 'group' PAREN_LEFT expression attrib_end
// | ATTR 'id' PAREN_LEFT expression attrib_end
// | ATTR 'interpolate' PAREN_LEFT interpolation_type_name attrib_end
// | ATTR 'interpolate' PAREN_LEFT interpolation_type_name COMMA
// interpolation_sample_name attrib_end
// | ATTR 'invariant'
// | ATTR 'location' PAREN_LEFT expression attrib_end
// | ATTR 'size' PAREN_LEFT expression attrib_end
// | ATTR 'workgroup_size' PAREN_LEFT expression attrib_end
// | ATTR 'workgroup_size' PAREN_LEFT expression COMMA expression attrib_end
// | ATTR 'workgroup_size' PAREN_LEFT expression COMMA expression COMMA expression attrib_end
// | ATTR 'vertex'
// | ATTR 'fragment'
// | ATTR 'compute'
// attrib_end
Maybe<const ast::Attribute*> ParserImpl::attribute() {
using Result = Maybe<const ast::Attribute*>;
auto& t = next();
if (!t.IsIdentifier()) {
return Failure::kNoMatch;
if (t == "align") {
const char* use = "align attribute";
return expect_paren_block(use, [&]() -> Result {
auto val = expect_positive_sint(use);
if (val.errored) {
return Failure::kErrored;
return create<ast::StructMemberAlignAttribute>(
t.source(), create<ast::IntLiteralExpression>(
val.value, ast::IntLiteralExpression::Suffix::kNone));
if (t == "binding") {
const char* use = "binding attribute";
return expect_paren_block(use, [&]() -> Result {
auto val = expect_positive_sint(use);
if (val.errored) {
return Failure::kErrored;
return create<ast::BindingAttribute>(t.source(), val.value);
if (t == "builtin") {
return expect_paren_block("builtin attribute", [&]() -> Result {
auto builtin = expect_builtin();
if (builtin.errored) {
return Failure::kErrored;
return create<ast::BuiltinAttribute>(t.source(), builtin.value);
if (t == "compute") {
return create<ast::StageAttribute>(t.source(), ast::PipelineStage::kCompute);
// Note, `const` is not valid in a WGSL source file, it's internal only
if (t == "fragment") {
return create<ast::StageAttribute>(t.source(), ast::PipelineStage::kFragment);
if (t == "group") {
const char* use = "group attribute";
return expect_paren_block(use, [&]() -> Result {
auto val = expect_positive_sint(use);
if (val.errored) {
return Failure::kErrored;
return create<ast::GroupAttribute>(t.source(), val.value);
if (t == "id") {
const char* use = "id attribute";
return expect_paren_block(use, [&]() -> Result {
auto val = expect_positive_sint(use);
if (val.errored) {
return Failure::kErrored;
return create<ast::IdAttribute>(t.source(), val.value);
if (t == "interpolate") {
return expect_paren_block("interpolate attribute", [&]() -> Result {
auto type = expect_interpolation_type_name();
if (type.errored) {
return Failure::kErrored;
ast::InterpolationSampling sampling = ast::InterpolationSampling::kNone;
if (match(Token::Type::kComma)) {
if (!peek_is(Token::Type::kParenRight)) {
auto sample = expect_interpolation_sample_name();
if (sample.errored) {
return Failure::kErrored;
sampling = sample.value;
return create<ast::InterpolateAttribute>(t.source(), type.value, sampling);
if (t == "invariant") {
return create<ast::InvariantAttribute>(t.source());
if (t == "location") {
const char* use = "location attribute";
return expect_paren_block(use, [&]() -> Result {
auto val = expect_positive_sint(use);
if (val.errored) {
return Failure::kErrored;
return create<ast::LocationAttribute>(t.source(), val.value);
if (t == "size") {
const char* use = "size attribute";
return expect_paren_block(use, [&]() -> Result {
auto val = expect_positive_sint(use);
if (val.errored) {
return Failure::kErrored;
return create<ast::StructMemberSizeAttribute>(t.source(), val.value);
// TODO( Remove when deprecation period is over.
if (t == "stage") {
return expect_paren_block("stage attribute", [&]() -> Result {
auto stage = expect_pipeline_stage();
if (stage.errored) {
return Failure::kErrored;
std::string warning = "remove stage and use @";
switch (stage.value) {
case ast::PipelineStage::kVertex:
warning += "vertex";
case ast::PipelineStage::kFragment:
warning += "fragment";
case ast::PipelineStage::kCompute:
warning += "compute";
case ast::PipelineStage::kNone:
deprecated(t.source(), warning);
return create<ast::StageAttribute>(t.source(), stage.value);
if (t == "vertex") {
return create<ast::StageAttribute>(t.source(), ast::PipelineStage::kVertex);
if (t == "workgroup_size") {
return expect_paren_block("workgroup_size attribute", [&]() -> Result {
const ast::Expression* x = nullptr;
const ast::Expression* y = nullptr;
const ast::Expression* z = nullptr;
auto expr = primary_expression();
if (expr.errored) {
return Failure::kErrored;
} else if (!expr.matched) {
return add_error(peek(), "expected workgroup_size x parameter");
x = std::move(expr.value);
if (match(Token::Type::kComma)) {
if (!peek_is(Token::Type::kParenRight)) {
expr = primary_expression();
if (expr.errored) {
return Failure::kErrored;
} else if (!expr.matched) {
return add_error(peek(), "expected workgroup_size y parameter");
y = std::move(expr.value);
if (match(Token::Type::kComma)) {
if (!peek_is(Token::Type::kParenRight)) {
expr = primary_expression();
if (expr.errored) {
return Failure::kErrored;
} else if (!expr.matched) {
return add_error(peek(), "expected workgroup_size z parameter");
z = std::move(expr.value);
return create<ast::WorkgroupAttribute>(t.source(), x, y, z);
return Failure::kNoMatch;
bool ParserImpl::expect_attributes_consumed(utils::VectorRef<const ast::Attribute*> in) {
if (in.IsEmpty()) {
return true;
add_error(in[0]->source, "unexpected attributes");
return false;
bool ParserImpl::match(Token::Type tok, Source* source /*= nullptr*/) {
auto& t = peek();
if (source != nullptr) {
*source = t.source();
if (t.Is(tok)) {
return true;
return false;
bool ParserImpl::expect(std::string_view use, Token::Type tok) {
auto& t = peek();
if (t.Is(tok)) {
synchronized_ = true;
return true;
// Special case to split `>>` and `>=` tokens if we are looking for a `>`.
if (tok == Token::Type::kGreaterThan &&
(t.Is(Token::Type::kShiftRight) || t.Is(Token::Type::kGreaterThanEqual))) {
// Push the second character to the token queue.
if (t.Is(Token::Type::kShiftRight)) {
split_token(Token::Type::kGreaterThan, Token::Type::kGreaterThan);
} else if (t.Is(Token::Type::kGreaterThanEqual)) {
split_token(Token::Type::kGreaterThan, Token::Type::kEqual);
synchronized_ = true;
return true;
// Error cases
synchronized_ = false;
if (handle_error(t)) {
return false;
std::stringstream err;
err << "expected '" << Token::TypeToName(tok) << "'";
if (!use.empty()) {
err << " for " << use;
add_error(t, err.str());
return false;
Expect<int32_t> ParserImpl::expect_sint(std::string_view use) {
auto& t = peek();
if (!t.Is(Token::Type::kIntLiteral) && !t.Is(Token::Type::kIntLiteral_I)) {
return add_error(t.source(), "expected signed integer literal", use);
int64_t val = t.to_i64();
if ((val > std::numeric_limits<int32_t>::max()) ||
(val < std::numeric_limits<int32_t>::min())) {
// TODO( Test this when abstract int is implemented
return add_error(t.source(), "value overflows i32", use);
return {static_cast<int32_t>(t.to_i64()), t.source()};
Expect<uint32_t> ParserImpl::expect_positive_sint(std::string_view use) {
auto sint = expect_sint(use);
if (sint.errored) {
return Failure::kErrored;
if (sint.value < 0) {
return add_error(sint.source, std::string(use) + " must be positive");
return {static_cast<uint32_t>(sint.value), sint.source};
Expect<uint32_t> ParserImpl::expect_nonzero_positive_sint(std::string_view use) {
auto sint = expect_sint(use);
if (sint.errored) {
return Failure::kErrored;
if (sint.value <= 0) {
return add_error(sint.source, std::string(use) + " must be greater than 0");
return {static_cast<uint32_t>(sint.value), sint.source};
Expect<std::string> ParserImpl::expect_ident(std::string_view use) {
auto& t = peek();
if (t.IsIdentifier()) {
synchronized_ = true;
if (is_reserved(t)) {
deprecated(t.source(), "'" + t.to_str() + "' is a reserved keyword");
return {t.to_str(), t.source()};
if (handle_error(t)) {
return Failure::kErrored;
synchronized_ = false;
return add_error(t.source(), "expected identifier", use);
template <typename F, typename T>
T ParserImpl::expect_block(Token::Type start, Token::Type end, std::string_view use, F&& body) {
if (!expect(use, start)) {
return Failure::kErrored;
return sync(end, [&]() -> T {
auto res = body();
if (res.errored) {
return Failure::kErrored;
if (!expect(use, end)) {
return Failure::kErrored;
return res;
template <typename F, typename T>
T ParserImpl::expect_paren_block(std::string_view use, F&& body) {
return expect_block(Token::Type::kParenLeft, Token::Type::kParenRight, use,
template <typename F, typename T>
T ParserImpl::expect_brace_block(std::string_view use, F&& body) {
return expect_block(Token::Type::kBraceLeft, Token::Type::kBraceRight, use,
template <typename F, typename T>
T ParserImpl::expect_lt_gt_block(std::string_view use, F&& body) {
return expect_block(Token::Type::kLessThan, Token::Type::kGreaterThan, use,
template <typename F, typename T>
T ParserImpl::sync(Token::Type tok, F&& body) {
if (parse_depth_ >= kMaxParseDepth) {
// We've hit a maximum parser recursive depth.
// We can't call into body() as we might stack overflow.
// Instead, report an error...
add_error(peek(), "maximum parser recursive depth reached");
// ...and try to resynchronize. If we cannot resynchronize to `tok` then
// synchronized_ is set to false, and the parser knows that forward progress
// is not being made.
sync_to(tok, /* consume: */ true);
return Failure::kErrored;
auto result = body();
if (sync_tokens_.back() != tok) {
TINT_ICE(Reader, builder_.Diagnostics()) << "sync_tokens is out of sync";
if (result.errored) {
sync_to(tok, /* consume: */ true);
return result;
bool ParserImpl::sync_to(Token::Type tok, bool consume) {
// Clear the synchronized state - gets set to true again on success.
synchronized_ = false;
BlockCounters counters;
for (size_t i = 0; i < kMaxResynchronizeLookahead; i++) {
auto& t = peek(i);
if (counters.consume(t) > 0) {
continue; // Nested block
if (!t.Is(tok) && !is_sync_token(t)) {
continue; // Not a synchronization point
// Synchronization point found.
// Skip any tokens we don't understand, bringing us to just before the
// resync point.
while (i-- > 0) {
// Is this synchronization token |tok|?
if (t.Is(tok)) {
if (consume) {
synchronized_ = true;
return true;
return false;
bool ParserImpl::is_sync_token(const Token& t) const {
for (auto r : sync_tokens_) {
if (t.Is(r)) {
return true;
return false;
bool ParserImpl::handle_error(const Token& t) {
// The token might itself be an error.
if (t.IsError()) {
synchronized_ = false;
add_error(t.source(), t.to_str());
return true;
return false;
template <typename F, typename T>
T ParserImpl::without_error(F&& body) {
auto result = body();
return result;
ParserImpl::MultiTokenSource ParserImpl::make_source_range() {
return MultiTokenSource(this);
ParserImpl::MultiTokenSource ParserImpl::make_source_range_from(const Source& start) {
return MultiTokenSource(this, start);
} // namespace tint::reader::wgsl