blob: 8bec86fa8da6e8e4e19cecf29295511a24080919 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2020 The Tint Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <unordered_set>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "src/tint/ast/pipeline_stage.h"
#include "src/tint/program_builder.h"
#include "src/tint/resolver/sem_helper.h"
#include "src/tint/source.h"
// Forward declarations
namespace tint::ast {
class IndexAccessorExpression;
class BinaryExpression;
class BitcastExpression;
class CallExpression;
class CallStatement;
class CaseStatement;
class ForLoopStatement;
class Function;
class IdentifierExpression;
class LoopStatement;
class MemberAccessorExpression;
class ReturnStatement;
class SwitchStatement;
class UnaryOpExpression;
class Variable;
class WhileStatement;
} // namespace tint::ast
namespace tint::sem {
class Array;
class Atomic;
class BlockStatement;
class Builtin;
class Call;
class CaseStatement;
class ForLoopStatement;
class IfStatement;
class LoopStatement;
class Materialize;
class Statement;
class SwitchStatement;
class TypeConstructor;
class WhileStatement;
} // namespace tint::sem
namespace tint::resolver {
/// Validation logic for various ast nodes. The validations in general should
/// be shallow and depend on the resolver to call on children. The validations
/// also assume that sem changes have already been made. The validation checks
/// should not alter the AST or SEM trees.
class Validator {
/// The valid type storage layouts typedef
using ValidTypeStorageLayouts = std::set<std::pair<const sem::Type*, ast::StorageClass>>;
/// Constructor
/// @param builder the program builder
/// @param helper the SEM helper to validate with
Validator(ProgramBuilder* builder, SemHelper& helper);
/// Adds the given error message to the diagnostics
/// @param msg the error message
/// @param source the error source
void AddError(const std::string& msg, const Source& source) const;
/// Adds the given warning message to the diagnostics
/// @param msg the warning message
/// @param source the warning source
void AddWarning(const std::string& msg, const Source& source) const;
/// Adds the given note message to the diagnostics
/// @param msg the note message
/// @param source the note source
void AddNote(const std::string& msg, const Source& source) const;
/// @param type the given type
/// @returns true if the given type is a plain type
bool IsPlain(const sem::Type* type) const;
/// @param type the given type
/// @returns true if the given type is a fixed-footprint type
bool IsFixedFootprint(const sem::Type* type) const;
/// @param type the given type
/// @returns true if the given type is storable
bool IsStorable(const sem::Type* type) const;
/// @param type the given type
/// @returns true if the given type is host-shareable
bool IsHostShareable(const sem::Type* type) const;
/// Validates pipeline stages
/// @param entry_points the entry points to the module
/// @returns true on success, false otherwise.
bool PipelineStages(const std::vector<sem::Function*>& entry_points) const;
/// Validates push_constant variables
/// @param entry_points the entry points to the module
/// @returns true on success, false otherwise.
bool PushConstants(const std::vector<sem::Function*>& entry_points) const;
/// Validates aliases
/// @param alias the alias to validate
/// @returns true on success, false otherwise.
bool Alias(const ast::Alias* alias) const;
/// Validates the array
/// @param arr the array to validate
/// @param source the source of the array
/// @returns true on success, false otherwise.
bool Array(const sem::Array* arr, const Source& source) const;
/// Validates an array stride attribute
/// @param attr the stride attribute to validate
/// @param el_size the element size
/// @param el_align the element alignment
/// @returns true on success, false otherwise
bool ArrayStrideAttribute(const ast::StrideAttribute* attr,
uint32_t el_size,
uint32_t el_align) const;
/// Validates an atomic
/// @param a the atomic ast node to validate
/// @param s the atomic sem node
/// @returns true on success, false otherwise.
bool Atomic(const ast::Atomic* a, const sem::Atomic* s) const;
/// Validates an atoic variable
/// @param var the variable to validate
/// @param atomic_composite_info store atomic information
/// @returns true on success, false otherwise.
bool AtomicVariable(
const sem::Variable* var,
std::unordered_map<const sem::Type*, const Source&> atomic_composite_info) const;
/// Validates an assignment
/// @param a the assignment statement
/// @param rhs_ty the type of the right hand side
/// @returns true on success, false otherwise.
bool Assignment(const ast::Statement* a, const sem::Type* rhs_ty) const;
/// Validates a bitcase
/// @param cast the bitcast expression
/// @param to the destination type
/// @returns true on success, false otherwise
bool Bitcast(const ast::BitcastExpression* cast, const sem::Type* to) const;
/// Validates a break statement
/// @param stmt the break statement to validate
/// @param current_statement the current statement being resolved
/// @returns true on success, false otherwise.
bool BreakStatement(const sem::Statement* stmt, sem::Statement* current_statement) const;
/// Validates a builtin attribute
/// @param attr the attribute to validate
/// @param storage_type the attribute storage type
/// @param stage the current pipeline stage
/// @param is_input true if this is an input attribute
/// @returns true on success, false otherwise.
bool BuiltinAttribute(const ast::BuiltinAttribute* attr,
const sem::Type* storage_type,
ast::PipelineStage stage,
const bool is_input) const;
/// Validates a continue statement
/// @param stmt the continue statement to validate
/// @param current_statement the current statement being resolved
/// @returns true on success, false otherwise
bool ContinueStatement(const sem::Statement* stmt, sem::Statement* current_statement) const;
/// Validates a call
/// @param call the call
/// @param current_statement the current statement being resolved
/// @returns true on success, false otherwise
bool Call(const sem::Call* call, sem::Statement* current_statement) const;
/// Validates a discard statement
/// @param stmt the statement to validate
/// @param current_statement the current statement being resolved
/// @returns true on success, false otherwise
bool DiscardStatement(const sem::Statement* stmt, sem::Statement* current_statement) const;
/// Validates an entry point
/// @param func the entry point function to validate
/// @param stage the pipeline stage for the entry point
/// @returns true on success, false otherwise
bool EntryPoint(const sem::Function* func, ast::PipelineStage stage) const;
/// Validates a for loop
/// @param stmt the for loop statement to validate
/// @returns true on success, false otherwise
bool ForLoopStatement(const sem::ForLoopStatement* stmt) const;
/// Validates a while loop
/// @param stmt the while statement to validate
/// @returns true on success, false otherwise
bool WhileStatement(const sem::WhileStatement* stmt) const;
/// Validates a fallthrough statement
/// @param stmt the fallthrough to validate
/// @returns true on success, false otherwise
bool FallthroughStatement(const sem::Statement* stmt) const;
/// Validates a function
/// @param func the function to validate
/// @param stage the current pipeline stage
/// @returns true on success, false otherwise.
bool Function(const sem::Function* func, ast::PipelineStage stage) const;
/// Validates a function call
/// @param call the function call to validate
/// @param current_statement the current statement being resolved
/// @returns true on success, false otherwise
bool FunctionCall(const sem::Call* call, sem::Statement* current_statement) const;
/// Validates a global variable
/// @param var the global variable to validate
/// @param override_id the set of override ids in the module
/// @param atomic_composite_info atomic composite info in the module
/// @returns true on success, false otherwise
bool GlobalVariable(
const sem::GlobalVariable* var,
const std::unordered_map<OverrideId, const sem::Variable*>& override_id,
const std::unordered_map<const sem::Type*, const Source&>& atomic_composite_info) const;
/// Validates an if statement
/// @param stmt the statement to validate
/// @returns true on success, false otherwise
bool IfStatement(const sem::IfStatement* stmt) const;
/// Validates an increment or decrement statement
/// @param stmt the statement to validate
/// @returns true on success, false otherwise
bool IncrementDecrementStatement(const ast::IncrementDecrementStatement* stmt) const;
/// Validates an interpolate attribute
/// @param attr the interpolation attribute to validate
/// @param storage_type the storage type of the attached variable
/// @returns true on succes, false otherwise
bool InterpolateAttribute(const ast::InterpolateAttribute* attr,
const sem::Type* storage_type) const;
/// Validates a builtin call
/// @param call the builtin call to validate
/// @returns true on success, false otherwise.
bool BuiltinCall(const sem::Call* call) const;
/// Validates a local variable
/// @param v the variable to validate
/// @returns true on success, false otherwise.
bool LocalVariable(const sem::Variable* v) const;
/// Validates a location attribute
/// @param location the location attribute to validate
/// @param type the variable type
/// @param locations the set of locations in the module
/// @param stage the current pipeline stage
/// @param source the source of the attribute
/// @param is_input true if this is an input variable
/// @returns true on success, false otherwise.
bool LocationAttribute(const ast::LocationAttribute* location,
const sem::Type* type,
std::unordered_set<uint32_t>& locations,
ast::PipelineStage stage,
const Source& source,
const bool is_input = false) const;
/// Validates a loop statement
/// @param stmt the loop statement
/// @returns true on success, false otherwise.
bool LoopStatement(const sem::LoopStatement* stmt) const;
/// Validates a materialize of an abstract numeric value from the type `from` to the type `to`.
/// @param to the target type
/// @param from the abstract numeric type
/// @param source the source of the materialization
/// @returns true on success, false otherwise
bool Materialize(const sem::Type* to, const sem::Type* from, const Source& source) const;
/// Validates a matrix
/// @param ty the matrix to validate
/// @param source the source of the matrix
/// @returns true on success, false otherwise
bool Matrix(const sem::Matrix* ty, const Source& source) const;
/// Validates a function parameter
/// @param func the function the variable is for
/// @param var the variable to validate
/// @returns true on success, false otherwise
bool Parameter(const ast::Function* func, const sem::Variable* var) const;
/// Validates a return
/// @param ret the return statement to validate
/// @param func_type the return type of the curreunt function
/// @param ret_type the return type
/// @param current_statement the current statement being resolved
/// @returns true on success, false otherwise
bool Return(const ast::ReturnStatement* ret,
const sem::Type* func_type,
const sem::Type* ret_type,
sem::Statement* current_statement) const;
/// Validates a list of statements
/// @param stmts the statements to validate
/// @returns true on success, false otherwise
bool Statements(utils::VectorRef<const ast::Statement*> stmts) const;
/// Validates a storage texture
/// @param t the texture to validate
/// @returns true on success, false otherwise
bool StorageTexture(const ast::StorageTexture* t) const;
/// Validates a sampled texture
/// @param t the texture to validate
/// @param source the source of the texture
/// @returns true on success, false otherwise
bool SampledTexture(const sem::SampledTexture* t, const Source& source) const;
/// Validates a multisampled texture
/// @param t the texture to validate
/// @param source the source of the texture
/// @returns true on success, false otherwise
bool MultisampledTexture(const sem::MultisampledTexture* t, const Source& source) const;
/// Validates a structure
/// @param str the structure to validate
/// @param stage the current pipeline stage
/// @returns true on success, false otherwise.
bool Structure(const sem::Struct* str, ast::PipelineStage stage) const;
/// Validates a structure constructor
/// @param ctor the call expression to validate
/// @param struct_type the type of the structure
/// @returns true on success, false otherwise
bool StructureConstructor(const ast::CallExpression* ctor,
const sem::Struct* struct_type) const;
/// Validates a switch statement
/// @param s the switch to validate
/// @returns true on success, false otherwise
bool SwitchStatement(const ast::SwitchStatement* s);
/// Validates a 'var' variable declaration
/// @param v the variable to validate
/// @returns true on success, false otherwise.
bool Var(const sem::Variable* v) const;
/// Validates a 'let' variable declaration
/// @param v the variable to validate
/// @returns true on success, false otherwise.
bool Let(const sem::Variable* v) const;
/// Validates a 'override' variable declaration
/// @param v the variable to validate
/// @param override_id the set of override ids in the module
/// @returns true on success, false otherwise.
bool Override(const sem::GlobalVariable* v,
const std::unordered_map<OverrideId, const sem::Variable*>& override_id) const;
/// Validates a 'const' variable declaration
/// @param v the variable to validate
/// @returns true on success, false otherwise.
bool Const(const sem::Variable* v) const;
/// Validates a variable initializer
/// @param v the variable to validate
/// @param storage_class the storage class of the variable
/// @param storage_type the type of the storage
/// @param initializer the RHS initializer expression
/// @returns true on succes, false otherwise
bool VariableInitializer(const ast::Variable* v,
ast::StorageClass storage_class,
const sem::Type* storage_type,
const sem::Expression* initializer) const;
/// Validates a vector
/// @param ty the vector to validate
/// @param source the source of the vector
/// @returns true on success, false otherwise
bool Vector(const sem::Vector* ty, const Source& source) const;
/// Validates an array constructor
/// @param ctor the call expresion to validate
/// @param arr_type the type of the array
/// @returns true on success, false otherwise
bool ArrayConstructor(const ast::CallExpression* ctor, const sem::Array* arr_type) const;
/// Validates a texture builtin function
/// @param call the builtin call to validate
/// @returns true on success, false otherwise
bool TextureBuiltinFunction(const sem::Call* call) const;
/// Validates an optional builtin function and its required extension.
/// @param call the builtin call to validate
/// @param enabled_extensions all the extensions declared in current module
/// @returns true on success, false otherwise
bool RequiredExtensionForBuiltinFunction(const sem::Call* call,
const ast::Extensions& enabled_extensions) const;
/// Validates there are no duplicate attributes
/// @param attributes the list of attributes to validate
/// @returns true on success, false otherwise.
bool NoDuplicateAttributes(utils::VectorRef<const ast::Attribute*> attributes) const;
/// Validates a storage class layout
/// @param type the type to validate
/// @param sc the storage class
/// @param source the source of the type
/// @param layouts previously validated storage layouts
/// @returns true on success, false otherwise
bool StorageClassLayout(const sem::Type* type,
ast::StorageClass sc,
Source source,
ValidTypeStorageLayouts& layouts) const;
/// Validates a storage class layout
/// @param var the variable to validate
/// @param layouts previously validated storage layouts
/// @param enabled_extensions all the extensions declared in current module
/// @returns true on success, false otherwise.
bool StorageClassLayout(const sem::Variable* var,
const ast::Extensions& enabled_extensions,
ValidTypeStorageLayouts& layouts) const;
/// @returns true if the attribute list contains a
/// ast::DisableValidationAttribute with the validation mode equal to
/// `validation`
/// @param attributes the attribute list to check
/// @param validation the validation mode to check
bool IsValidationDisabled(utils::VectorRef<const ast::Attribute*> attributes,
ast::DisabledValidation validation) const;
/// @returns true if the attribute list does not contains a
/// ast::DisableValidationAttribute with the validation mode equal to
/// `validation`
/// @param attributes the attribute list to check
/// @param validation the validation mode to check
bool IsValidationEnabled(utils::VectorRef<const ast::Attribute*> attributes,
ast::DisabledValidation validation) const;
/// Searches the current statement and up through parents of the current
/// statement looking for a loop or for-loop continuing statement.
/// @returns the closest continuing statement to the current statement that
/// (transitively) owns the current statement.
/// @param stop_at_loop if true then the function will return nullptr if a
/// loop or for-loop was found before the continuing.
/// @param current_statement the current statement being resolved
const ast::Statement* ClosestContinuing(bool stop_at_loop,
sem::Statement* current_statement) const;
/// Returns a human-readable string representation of the vector type name
/// with the given parameters.
/// @param size the vector dimension
/// @param element_type scalar vector sub-element type
/// @return pretty string representation
std::string VectorPretty(uint32_t size, const sem::Type* element_type) const;
SymbolTable& symbols_;
diag::List& diagnostics_;
SemHelper& sem_;
} // namespace tint::resolver