blob: f7d5efe7437022064399643fb4f5a95334a9a32b [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2022 The Tint Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include <stddef.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <functional>
#include <optional>
#include <tuple>
#include <utility>
#include "src/tint/debug.h"
#include "src/tint/utils/hash.h"
#include "src/tint/utils/vector.h"
namespace tint::utils {
/// Action taken by Hashset::Insert()
enum class AddAction {
/// Insert() added a new entry to the Hashset
/// Insert() replaced an existing entry in the Hashset
/// Insert() found an existing entry, which was not replaced.
/// An unordered set that uses a robin-hood hashing algorithm.
/// @see the fantastic tutorial:
template <typename T, size_t N, typename HASH = Hasher<T>, typename EQUAL = std::equal_to<T>>
class Hashset {
/// A slot is a single entry in the underlying vector.
/// A slot can either be empty or filled with a value. If the slot is empty, #hash and #distance
/// will be zero.
struct Slot {
template <typename V>
bool Equals(size_t value_hash, const V& val) const {
return value_hash == hash && EQUAL()(val, value.value());
/// The slot value. If this does not contain a value, then the slot is vacant.
std::optional<T> value;
/// The precomputed hash of value.
size_t hash = 0;
size_t distance = 0;
/// The target length of the underlying vector length in relation to the number of entries in
/// the set, expressed as a percentage. For example a value of `150` would mean there would be
/// at least 50% more slots than the number of set entries.
static constexpr size_t kRehashFactor = 150;
/// @returns the target slot vector size to hold `n` set entries.
static constexpr size_t NumSlots(size_t count) { return (count * kRehashFactor) / 100; }
/// The fixed-size slot vector length, based on N and kRehashFactor.
static constexpr size_t kNumFixedSlots = NumSlots(N);
/// The minimum number of slots for the set.
static constexpr size_t kMinSlots = std::max<size_t>(kNumFixedSlots, 4);
/// Iterator for entries in the set.
/// Iterators are invalidated if the set is modified.
class Iterator {
/// @returns the value pointed to by this iterator
const T* operator->() const { return &current->value.value(); }
/// Increments the iterator
/// @returns this iterator
Iterator& operator++() {
if (current == end) {
return *this;
return *this;
/// Equality operator
/// @param other the other iterator to compare this iterator to
/// @returns true if this iterator is equal to other
bool operator==(const Iterator& other) const { return current == other.current; }
/// Inequality operator
/// @param other the other iterator to compare this iterator to
/// @returns true if this iterator is not equal to other
bool operator!=(const Iterator& other) const { return current != other.current; }
/// @returns a reference to the value at the iterator
const T& operator*() const { return current->value.value(); }
/// Friend class
friend class Hashset;
Iterator(const Slot* c, const Slot* e) : current(c), end(e) { SkipToNextValue(); }
/// Moves the iterator forward, stopping at the next slot that is not empty.
void SkipToNextValue() {
while (current != end && !current->value.has_value()) {
const Slot* current; /// The slot the iterator is pointing to
const Slot* end; /// One past the last slot in the set
/// Type of `T`.
using value_type = T;
/// Constructor
Hashset() { slots_.Resize(kMinSlots); }
/// Copy constructor
/// @param other the other Hashset to copy
Hashset(const Hashset& other) = default;
/// Move constructor
/// @param other the other Hashset to move
Hashset(Hashset&& other) = default;
/// Destructor
~Hashset() { Clear(); }
/// Copy-assignment operator
/// @param other the other Hashset to copy
/// @returns this so calls can be chained
Hashset& operator=(const Hashset& other) = default;
/// Move-assignment operator
/// @param other the other Hashset to move
/// @returns this so calls can be chained
Hashset& operator=(Hashset&& other) = default;
/// Removes all entries from the set.
void Clear() {
slots_.Clear(); // Destructs all entries
count_ = 0;
/// Result of Add()
struct AddResult {
/// Whether the insert replaced or added a new entry to the set.
AddAction action = AddAction::kAdded;
/// A pointer to the inserted entry.
/// @warning do not modify this pointer in a way that would cause the equality or hash of
/// the entry to change. Doing this will corrupt the Hashset.
T* entry = nullptr;
/// @returns true if the entry was added to the set, or an existing entry was replaced.
operator bool() const { return action != AddAction::kKeptExisting; }
/// Adds a value to the set, if the set does not already contain an entry equal to `value`.
/// @param value the value to add to the set.
/// @returns A AddResult describing the result of the add
/// @warning do not modify the inserted entry in a way that would cause the equality of hash of
/// the entry to change. Doing this will corrupt the Hashset.
template <typename V>
AddResult Add(V&& value) {
return Put<PutMode::kAdd>(std::forward<V>(value));
/// Adds a value to the set, replacing any entry equal to `value`.
/// @param value the value to add to the set.
/// @returns A AddResult describing the result of the replace
template <typename V>
AddResult Replace(V&& value) {
return Put<PutMode::kReplace>(std::forward<V>(value));
/// Removes an entry from the set.
/// @param value the value to remove from the set.
/// @returns true if an entry was removed.
template <typename V>
bool Remove(const V& value) {
const auto [found, start] = IndexOf(value);
if (!found) {
return false;
// Shuffle the entries backwards until we either find a free slot, or a slot that has zero
// distance.
Slot* prev = nullptr;
Scan(start, [&](size_t, size_t index) {
auto& slot = slots_[index];
if (prev) {
// note: `distance == 0` also includes empty slots.
if (slot.distance == 0) {
// Clear the previous slot, and stop shuffling.
*prev = {};
return Action::kStop;
} else {
// Shuffle the slot backwards.
prev->value = std::move(slot.value);
prev->hash = slot.hash;
prev->distance = slot.distance - 1;
prev = &slot;
return Action::kContinue;
// Entry was removed.
return true;
/// @param value the value to search for.
/// @returns the value of the entry that is equal to `value`, or no value if the entry was not
/// found.
template <typename V>
std::optional<T> Get(const V& value) const {
if (const auto [found, index] = IndexOf(value); found) {
return slots_[index].value.value();
return std::nullopt;
/// @param value the value to search for.
/// @returns a pointer to the entry that is equal to the given value, or nullptr if the set does
/// not contain the given value.
template <typename V>
const T* Find(const V& value) const {
const auto [found, index] = IndexOf(value);
return found ? &slots_[index].value.value() : nullptr;
/// @param value the value to search for.
/// @returns a pointer to the entry that is equal to the given value, or nullptr if the set does
/// not contain the given value.
/// @warning do not modify the inserted entry in a way that would cause the equality of hash of
/// the entry to change. Doing this will corrupt the Hashset.
template <typename V>
T* Find(const V& value) {
const auto [found, index] = IndexOf(value);
return found ? &slots_[index].value.value() : nullptr;
/// Checks whether an entry exists in the set
/// @param value the value to search for.
/// @returns true if the set contains an entry with the given value.
template <typename V>
bool Contains(const V& value) const {
const auto [found, _] = IndexOf(value);
return found;
/// Pre-allocates memory so that the set can hold at least `capacity` entries.
/// @param capacity the new capacity of the set.
void Reserve(size_t capacity) {
// Calculate the number of slots required to hold `capacity` entries.
const size_t num_slots = std::max(NumSlots(capacity), kMinSlots);
if (slots_.Length() >= num_slots) {
// Already have enough slots.
// Move all the values out of the set and into a vector.
Vector<T, N> values;
for (auto& slot : slots_) {
if (slot.value.has_value()) {
// Clear the set, grow the number of slots.
// As the number of slots has grown, the slot indices will have changed from before, so
// re-add all the values back into the set.
for (auto& value : values) {
/// @returns the number of entries in the set.
size_t Count() const { return count_; }
/// @returns true if the set contains no entries.
bool IsEmpty() const { return count_ == 0; }
/// @returns a monotonic counter which is incremented whenever the set is mutated.
size_t Generation() const { return generation_; }
/// @returns an iterator to the start of the set.
Iterator begin() const { return Iterator{slots_.begin(), slots_.end()}; }
/// @returns an iterator to the end of the set.
Iterator end() const { return Iterator{slots_.end(), slots_.end()}; }
/// A debug function for checking that the set is in good health.
/// Asserts if the set is corrupted.
void ValidateIntegrity() const {
size_t num_alive = 0;
for (size_t slot_idx = 0; slot_idx < slots_.Length(); slot_idx++) {
const auto& slot = slots_[slot_idx];
if (slot.value.has_value()) {
auto const [index, hash] = Hash(slot.value.value());
TINT_ASSERT(Utils, hash == slot.hash);
TINT_ASSERT(Utils, slot_idx == Wrap(index + slot.distance));
TINT_ASSERT(Utils, num_alive == count_);
/// The behaviour of Put() when an entry already exists with the given key.
enum class PutMode {
/// Do not replace existing entries with the new value.
/// Replace existing entries with the new value.
/// The common implementation for Add() and Replace()
/// @param value the value to add to the set.
/// @returns A AddResult describing the result of the insertion
template <PutMode MODE, typename V>
AddResult Put(V&& value) {
// Ensure the set can fit a new entry
if (ShouldRehash(count_ + 1)) {
Reserve((count_ + 1) * 2);
const auto hash = Hash(value);
AddResult result{};
Scan(hash.scan_start, [&](size_t distance, size_t index) {
auto& slot = slots_[index];
if (!slot.value.has_value()) {
// Found an empty slot.
// Place value directly into the slot, and we're done.
slot.hash = hash.value;
slot.distance = distance;
result = AddResult{AddAction::kAdded, &slot.value.value()};
return Action::kStop;
// Slot has an entry
if (slot.Equals(hash.value, value)) {
// Slot is equal to value. Replace or preserve?
if constexpr (MODE == PutMode::kReplace) {
slot.value = std::forward<V>(value);
result = AddResult{AddAction::kReplaced, &slot.value.value()};
} else {
result = AddResult{AddAction::kKeptExisting, &slot.value.value()};
return Action::kStop;
if (slot.distance < distance) {
// Existing slot has a closer distance than the value we're attempting to insert.
// Steal from the rich!
// Move the current slot to a temporary (evicted), and put the value into the slot.
Slot evicted{std::forward<V>(value), hash.value, distance};
std::swap(evicted, slot);
// Find a new home for the evicted slot.
evicted.distance++; // We've already swapped at index.
InsertShuffle(Wrap(index + 1), std::move(evicted));
result = AddResult{AddAction::kAdded, &slot.value.value()};
return Action::kStop;
return Action::kContinue;
return result;
/// Return type of the Scan() callback.
enum class Action {
/// Continue scanning for a slot
/// Immediately stop scanning for a slot
/// Sequentially visits each of the slots starting with the slot with the index `start`, calling
/// the callback function `f` for each slot until `f` returns Action::kStop.
/// `f` must be a function with the signature `Action(size_t distance, size_t index)`.
/// `f` must return Action::kStop within one whole cycle of the slots.
template <typename F>
void Scan(size_t start, F&& f) const {
size_t index = start;
for (size_t distance = 0; distance < slots_.Length(); distance++) {
if (f(distance, index) == Action::kStop) {
index = Wrap(index + 1);
tint::diag::List diags;
TINT_ICE(Utils, diags) << "Hashset::Scan() looped entire set without finding a slot";
/// HashResult is the return value of Hash()
struct HashResult {
/// The target (zero-distance) slot index for the value.
size_t scan_start;
/// The calculated hash of the value.
size_t value;
/// @returns a tuple holding the target slot index for the given value, and the hash of the
/// value, respectively.
template <typename V>
HashResult Hash(const V& value) const {
size_t hash = HASH()(value);
size_t index = Wrap(hash);
return {index, hash};
/// Looks for the value in the set.
/// @returns a tuple holding a boolean representing whether the value was found in the set, and
/// if found, the index of the slot that holds the value.
template <typename V>
std::tuple<bool, size_t> IndexOf(const V& value) const {
const auto hash = Hash(value);
bool found = false;
size_t idx = 0;
Scan(hash.scan_start, [&](size_t distance, size_t index) {
auto& slot = slots_[index];
if (!slot.value.has_value()) {
return Action::kStop;
if (slot.Equals(hash.value, value)) {
found = true;
idx = index;
return Action::kStop;
if (slot.distance < distance) {
// If the slot distance is less than the current probe distance, then the slot must
// be for entry that has an index that comes after value. In this situation, we know
// that the set does not contain the value, as it would have been found before this
// slot. The "Lookup" section of
// suggests that the condition should inverted, but this is wrong.
return Action::kStop;
return Action::kContinue;
return {found, idx};
/// Shuffles slots for an insertion that has been placed one slot before `start`.
/// @param evicted the slot content that was evicted for the insertion.
void InsertShuffle(size_t start, Slot evicted) {
Scan(start, [&](size_t, size_t index) {
auto& slot = slots_[index];
if (!slot.value.has_value()) {
// Empty slot found for evicted.
slot = std::move(evicted);
return Action::kStop; // We're done.
if (slot.distance < evicted.distance) {
// Occupied slot has shorter distance to evicted.
// Swap slot and evicted.
std::swap(slot, evicted);
// evicted moves further from the target slot...
return Action::kContinue;
/// @returns true if the set should grow the slot vector, and rehash the items.
bool ShouldRehash(size_t count) const { return NumSlots(count) > slots_.Length(); }
/// Wrap returns the index value modulo the number of slots.
size_t Wrap(size_t index) const { return index % slots_.Length(); }
/// The vector of slots. The vector length is equal to its capacity.
Vector<Slot, kNumFixedSlots> slots_;
/// The number of entries in the set.
size_t count_ = 0;
/// Counter that's incremented with each modification to the set.
size_t generation_ = 0;
} // namespace tint::utils