blob: 87a0dd9b9b0986c1c4af8df3b6f79b79384bde8f [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2022 The Tint Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include <functional>
#include <optional>
#include <utility>
#include "src/tint/utils/hash.h"
#include "src/tint/utils/hashset.h"
namespace tint::utils {
/// An unordered map that uses a robin-hood hashing algorithm.
/// Hashmap internally wraps a Hashset for providing a store for key-value pairs.
/// @see Hashset
template <typename K,
typename V,
size_t N,
typename HASH = Hasher<K>,
typename EQUAL = std::equal_to<K>>
class Hashmap {
/// Entry holds a key and value pair, and is used as the element type of the underlying Hashset.
/// Entries are compared and hashed using only the #key.
/// @see Hasher
/// @see Equality
struct Entry {
/// Constructor from a key and value pair
Entry(K k, V v) : key(std::move(k)), value(std::move(v)) {}
/// Copy-constructor.
Entry(const Entry&) = default;
/// Move-constructor.
Entry(Entry&&) = default;
/// Copy-assignment operator
Entry& operator=(const Entry&) = default;
/// Move-assignment operator
Entry& operator=(Entry&&) = default;
K key; /// The map entry key
V value; /// The map entry value
/// Hash provider for the underlying Hashset.
/// Provides hash functions for an Entry or K.
/// The hash functions only consider the key of an entry.
struct Hasher {
/// Calculates a hash from an Entry
size_t operator()(const Entry& entry) const { return HASH()(entry.key); }
/// Calculates a hash from a K
size_t operator()(const K& key) const { return HASH()(key); }
/// Equality provider for the underlying Hashset.
/// Provides equality functions for an Entry or K to an Entry.
/// The equality functions only consider the key for equality.
struct Equality {
/// Compares an Entry to an Entry for equality.
bool operator()(const Entry& a, const Entry& b) const { return EQUAL()(a.key, b.key); }
/// Compares a K to an Entry for equality.
bool operator()(const K& a, const Entry& b) const { return EQUAL()(a, b.key); }
/// The underlying set
using Set = Hashset<Entry, N, Hasher, Equality>;
/// A Key and Value const-reference pair.
struct KeyValue {
/// key of a map entry
const K& key;
/// value of a map entry
const V& value;
/// Equality operator
/// @param other the other KeyValue
/// @returns true if the key and value of this KeyValue are equal to other's.
bool operator==(const KeyValue& other) const {
return key == other.key && value == other.value;
/// STL-style alias to KeyValue.
/// Used by gmock for the `ElementsAre` checks.
using value_type = KeyValue;
/// Iterator for the map.
/// Iterators are invalidated if the map is modified.
class Iterator {
/// @returns the key of the entry pointed to by this iterator
const K& Key() const { return it->key; }
/// @returns the value of the entry pointed to by this iterator
const V& Value() const { return it->value; }
/// Increments the iterator
/// @returns this iterator
Iterator& operator++() {
return *this;
/// Equality operator
/// @param other the other iterator to compare this iterator to
/// @returns true if this iterator is equal to other
bool operator==(const Iterator& other) const { return it ==; }
/// Inequality operator
/// @param other the other iterator to compare this iterator to
/// @returns true if this iterator is not equal to other
bool operator!=(const Iterator& other) const { return it !=; }
/// @returns a pair of key and value for the entry pointed to by this iterator
KeyValue operator*() const { return {Key(), Value()}; }
/// Friend class
friend class Hashmap;
/// Underlying iterator type
using SetIterator = typename Set::Iterator;
explicit Iterator(SetIterator i) : it(i) {}
SetIterator it;
/// Removes all entries from the map.
void Clear() { set_.Clear(); }
/// Adds the key-value pair to the map, if the map does not already contain an entry with a key
/// equal to `key`.
/// @param key the entry's key to add to the map
/// @param value the entry's value to add to the map
/// @returns true if the entry was added to the map, false if there was already an entry in the
/// map with a key equal to `key`.
template <typename KEY, typename VALUE>
bool Add(KEY&& key, VALUE&& value) {
return set_.Add(Entry{std::forward<KEY>(key), std::forward<VALUE>(value)});
/// Adds the key-value pair to the map, replacing any entry with a key equal to `key`.
/// @param key the entry's key to add to the map
/// @param value the entry's value to add to the map
template <typename KEY, typename VALUE>
void Replace(KEY&& key, VALUE&& value) {
set_.Replace(Entry{std::forward<KEY>(key), std::forward<VALUE>(value)});
/// Searches for an entry with the given key value.
/// @param key the entry's key value to search for.
/// @returns the value of the entry with the given key, or no value if the entry was not found.
std::optional<V> Get(const K& key) {
if (auto* entry = set_.Find(key)) {
return entry->value;
return std::nullopt;
/// Searches for an entry with the given key value, adding and returning the result of
/// calling `create` if the entry was not found.
/// @note: Before calling `create`, the map will insert a zero-initialized value for the given
/// key, which will be replaced with the value returned by `create`. If `create` adds an entry
/// with `key` to this map, it will be replaced.
/// @param key the entry's key value to search for.
/// @param create the create function to call if the map does not contain the key.
/// @returns the value of the entry.
template <typename CREATE>
V& GetOrCreate(const K& key, CREATE&& create) {
auto res = set_.Add(Entry{key, V{}});
if (res.action == AddAction::kAdded) {
// Store the set generation before calling create()
auto generation = set_.Generation();
// Call create(), which might modify this map.
auto value = create();
// Was this map mutated?
if (set_.Generation() == generation) {
// Calling create() did not touch the map. No need to lookup again.
res.entry->value = std::move(value);
} else {
// Calling create() modified the map. Need to insert again.
res = set_.Replace(Entry{key, std::move(value)});
return res.entry->value;
/// Searches for an entry with the given key value, adding and returning a newly created
/// zero-initialized value if the entry was not found.
/// @param key the entry's key value to search for.
/// @returns the value of the entry.
V& GetOrZero(const K& key) {
auto res = set_.Add(Entry{key, V{}});
return res.entry->value;
/// Searches for an entry with the given key value.
/// @param key the entry's key value to search for.
/// @returns the a pointer to the value of the entry with the given key, or nullptr if the entry
/// was not found.
/// @warning the pointer must not be used after the map is mutated
V* Find(const K& key) {
if (auto* entry = set_.Find(key)) {
return &entry->value;
return nullptr;
/// Searches for an entry with the given key value.
/// @param key the entry's key value to search for.
/// @returns the a pointer to the value of the entry with the given key, or nullptr if the entry
/// was not found.
/// @warning the pointer must not be used after the map is mutated
const V* Find(const K& key) const {
if (auto* entry = set_.Find(key)) {
return &entry->value;
return nullptr;
/// Removes an entry from the set with a key equal to `key`.
/// @param key the entry key value to remove.
/// @returns true if an entry was removed.
bool Remove(const K& key) { return set_.Remove(key); }
/// Checks whether an entry exists in the map with a key equal to `key`.
/// @param key the entry key value to search for.
/// @returns true if the map contains an entry with the given key.
bool Contains(const K& key) const { return set_.Contains(key); }
/// Pre-allocates memory so that the map can hold at least `capacity` entries.
/// @param capacity the new capacity of the map.
void Reserve(size_t capacity) { set_.Reserve(capacity); }
/// @returns the number of entries in the map.
size_t Count() const { return set_.Count(); }
/// @returns a monotonic counter which is incremented whenever the map is mutated.
size_t Generation() const { return set_.Generation(); }
/// @returns true if the map contains no entries.
bool IsEmpty() const { return set_.IsEmpty(); }
/// @returns an iterator to the start of the map
Iterator begin() const { return Iterator{set_.begin()}; }
/// @returns an iterator to the end of the map
Iterator end() const { return Iterator{set_.end()}; }
Set set_;
} // namespace tint::utils