blob: 8f24dc6f9da7562de124d64e893eb5d3ca1affec [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2022 The Tint Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include <string>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <utility>
#include "src/tint/diagnostic/diagnostic.h"
#include "src/tint/ir/builder.h"
#include "src/tint/ir/flow_node.h"
#include "src/tint/ir/module.h"
#include "src/tint/utils/result.h"
// Forward Declarations
namespace tint {
class Program;
} // namespace tint
namespace tint::ast {
class BlockStatement;
class BreakIfStatement;
class BreakStatement;
class ContinueStatement;
class ForLoopStatement;
class Function;
class IfStatement;
class LoopStatement;
class ReturnStatement;
class Statement;
class WhileStatement;
} // namespace tint::ast
namespace tint::ir {
class Block;
class If;
class Function;
class Loop;
class Switch;
class Terminator;
} // namespace tint::ir
namespace tint::ir {
/// Builds an ir::Module from a given ast::Program
class BuilderImpl {
/// Constructor
/// @param program the program to create from
explicit BuilderImpl(const Program* program);
/// Destructor
/// Builds an ir::Module from the given Program
/// @returns true on success, false otherwise
utils::Result<Module> Build();
/// @returns the error
std::string error() const { return diagnostics_.str(); }
/// Emits a function to the IR.
/// @param func the function to emit
/// @returns true if successful, false otherwise
bool EmitFunction(const ast::Function* func);
/// Emits a set of statements to the IR.
/// @param stmts the statements to emit
/// @returns true if successful, false otherwise.
bool EmitStatements(utils::VectorRef<const ast::Statement*> stmts);
/// Emits a statement to the IR
/// @param stmt the statment to emit
/// @returns true on success, false otherwise.
bool EmitStatement(const ast::Statement* stmt);
/// Emits a block statement to the IR.
/// @param block the block to emit
/// @returns true if successful, false otherwise.
bool EmitBlock(const ast::BlockStatement* block);
/// Emits an if control node to the IR.
/// @param stmt the if statement
/// @returns true if successful, false otherwise.
bool EmitIf(const ast::IfStatement* stmt);
/// Emits a return node to the IR.
/// @param stmt the return AST statement
/// @returns true if successful, false otherwise.
bool EmitReturn(const ast::ReturnStatement* stmt);
/// Emits a loop control node to the IR.
/// @param stmt the loop statement
/// @returns true if successful, false otherwise.
bool EmitLoop(const ast::LoopStatement* stmt);
/// Emits a loop control node to the IR.
/// @param stmt the while statement
/// @returns true if successful, false otherwise.
bool EmitWhile(const ast::WhileStatement* stmt);
/// Emits a loop control node to the IR.
/// @param stmt the for loop statement
/// @returns true if successful, false otherwise.
bool EmitForLoop(const ast::ForLoopStatement* stmt);
/// Emits a switch statement
/// @param stmt the switch statement
/// @returns true if successful, false otherwise.
bool EmitSwitch(const ast::SwitchStatement* stmt);
/// Emits a break statement
/// @param stmt the break statement
/// @returns true if successful, false otherwise.
bool EmitBreak(const ast::BreakStatement* stmt);
/// Emits a continue statement
/// @param stmt the continue statement
/// @returns true if successful, false otherwise.
bool EmitContinue(const ast::ContinueStatement* stmt);
/// Emits a break-if statement
/// @param stmt the break-if statement
/// @returns true if successful, false otherwise.
bool EmitBreakIf(const ast::BreakIfStatement* stmt);
/// Retrieve the IR Flow node for a given AST node.
/// @param n the node to lookup
/// @returns the FlowNode for the given ast::Node or nullptr if it doesn't exist.
const ir::FlowNode* FlowNodeForAstNode(const ast::Node* n) const {
if (ast_to_flow_.count(n) == 0) {
return nullptr;
/// The stack of flow control blocks.
utils::Vector<FlowNode*, 8> flow_stack;
enum class ControlFlags { kNone, kExcludeSwitch };
void BranchTo(ir::FlowNode* node);
void BranchToIfNeeded(ir::FlowNode* node);
FlowNode* FindEnclosingControl(ControlFlags flags);
Builder builder_;
diag::List diagnostics_;
Block* current_flow_block_ = nullptr;
Function* current_function_ = nullptr;
/// Map from ast nodes to flow nodes, used to retrieve the flow node for a given AST node.
/// Used for testing purposes.
std::unordered_map<const ast::Node*, const FlowNode*> ast_to_flow_;
} // namespace tint::ir