blob: 13ca03887b69c5fcb2b05df484540d82ba6a62f0 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2022 The Tint Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include "src/tint/resolver/const_eval.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <iomanip>
#include <limits>
#include <optional>
#include <string>
#include <type_traits>
#include <utility>
#include "src/tint/program_builder.h"
#include "src/tint/sem/abstract_float.h"
#include "src/tint/sem/abstract_int.h"
#include "src/tint/sem/array.h"
#include "src/tint/sem/bool.h"
#include "src/tint/sem/constant.h"
#include "src/tint/sem/f16.h"
#include "src/tint/sem/f32.h"
#include "src/tint/sem/i32.h"
#include "src/tint/sem/matrix.h"
#include "src/tint/sem/member_accessor_expression.h"
#include "src/tint/sem/type_initializer.h"
#include "src/tint/sem/u32.h"
#include "src/tint/sem/vector.h"
#include "src/tint/utils/bitcast.h"
#include "src/tint/utils/compiler_macros.h"
#include "src/tint/utils/map.h"
#include "src/tint/utils/transform.h"
using namespace tint::number_suffixes; // NOLINT
namespace tint::resolver {
namespace {
/// Returns the first element of a parameter pack
template <typename T>
T First(T&& first, ...) {
return std::forward<T>(first);
/// Helper that calls `f` passing in the value of all `cs`.
/// Calls `f` with all constants cast to the type of the first `cs` argument.
template <typename F, typename... CONSTANTS>
auto Dispatch_iu32(F&& f, CONSTANTS&&... cs) {
return Switch(
First(cs...)->Type(), //
[&](const sem::I32*) { return f(cs->template As<i32>()...); },
[&](const sem::U32*) { return f(cs->template As<u32>()...); });
/// Helper that calls `f` passing in the value of all `cs`.
/// Calls `f` with all constants cast to the type of the first `cs` argument.
template <typename F, typename... CONSTANTS>
auto Dispatch_ia_iu32(F&& f, CONSTANTS&&... cs) {
return Switch(
First(cs...)->Type(), //
[&](const sem::AbstractInt*) { return f(cs->template As<AInt>()...); },
[&](const sem::I32*) { return f(cs->template As<i32>()...); },
[&](const sem::U32*) { return f(cs->template As<u32>()...); });
/// Helper that calls `f` passing in the value of all `cs`.
/// Calls `f` with all constants cast to the type of the first `cs` argument.
template <typename F, typename... CONSTANTS>
auto Dispatch_ia_iu32_bool(F&& f, CONSTANTS&&... cs) {
return Switch(
First(cs...)->Type(), //
[&](const sem::AbstractInt*) { return f(cs->template As<AInt>()...); },
[&](const sem::I32*) { return f(cs->template As<i32>()...); },
[&](const sem::U32*) { return f(cs->template As<u32>()...); },
[&](const sem::Bool*) { return f(cs->template As<bool>()...); });
/// Helper that calls `f` passing in the value of all `cs`.
/// Calls `f` with all constants cast to the type of the first `cs` argument.
template <typename F, typename... CONSTANTS>
auto Dispatch_fia_fi32_f16(F&& f, CONSTANTS&&... cs) {
return Switch(
First(cs...)->Type(), //
[&](const sem::AbstractInt*) { return f(cs->template As<AInt>()...); },
[&](const sem::AbstractFloat*) { return f(cs->template As<AFloat>()...); },
[&](const sem::F32*) { return f(cs->template As<f32>()...); },
[&](const sem::I32*) { return f(cs->template As<i32>()...); },
[&](const sem::F16*) { return f(cs->template As<f16>()...); });
/// Helper that calls `f` passing in the value of all `cs`.
/// Calls `f` with all constants cast to the type of the first `cs` argument.
template <typename F, typename... CONSTANTS>
auto Dispatch_fia_fiu32_f16(F&& f, CONSTANTS&&... cs) {
return Switch(
First(cs...)->Type(), //
[&](const sem::AbstractInt*) { return f(cs->template As<AInt>()...); },
[&](const sem::AbstractFloat*) { return f(cs->template As<AFloat>()...); },
[&](const sem::F32*) { return f(cs->template As<f32>()...); },
[&](const sem::I32*) { return f(cs->template As<i32>()...); },
[&](const sem::U32*) { return f(cs->template As<u32>()...); },
[&](const sem::F16*) { return f(cs->template As<f16>()...); });
/// Helper that calls `f` passing in the value of all `cs`.
/// Calls `f` with all constants cast to the type of the first `cs` argument.
template <typename F, typename... CONSTANTS>
auto Dispatch_fia_fiu32_f16_bool(F&& f, CONSTANTS&&... cs) {
return Switch(
First(cs...)->Type(), //
[&](const sem::AbstractInt*) { return f(cs->template As<AInt>()...); },
[&](const sem::AbstractFloat*) { return f(cs->template As<AFloat>()...); },
[&](const sem::F32*) { return f(cs->template As<f32>()...); },
[&](const sem::I32*) { return f(cs->template As<i32>()...); },
[&](const sem::U32*) { return f(cs->template As<u32>()...); },
[&](const sem::F16*) { return f(cs->template As<f16>()...); },
[&](const sem::Bool*) { return f(cs->template As<bool>()...); });
/// Helper that calls `f` passing in the value of all `cs`.
/// Calls `f` with all constants cast to the type of the first `cs` argument.
template <typename F, typename... CONSTANTS>
auto Dispatch_fa_f32_f16(F&& f, CONSTANTS&&... cs) {
return Switch(
First(cs...)->Type(), //
[&](const sem::AbstractFloat*) { return f(cs->template As<AFloat>()...); },
[&](const sem::F32*) { return f(cs->template As<f32>()...); },
[&](const sem::F16*) { return f(cs->template As<f16>()...); });
/// Helper that calls `f` passing in the value of all `cs`.
/// Calls `f` with all constants cast to the type of the first `cs` argument.
template <typename F, typename... CONSTANTS>
auto Dispatch_bool(F&& f, CONSTANTS&&... cs) {
return f(cs->template As<bool>()...);
/// ZeroTypeDispatch is a helper for calling the function `f`, passing a single zero-value argument
/// of the C++ type that corresponds to the sem::Type `type`. For example, calling
/// `ZeroTypeDispatch()` with a type of `sem::I32*` will call the function f with a single argument
/// of `i32(0)`.
/// @returns the value returned by calling `f`.
/// @note `type` must be a scalar or abstract numeric type. Other types will not call `f`, and will
/// return the zero-initialized value of the return type for `f`.
template <typename F>
auto ZeroTypeDispatch(const sem::Type* type, F&& f) {
return Switch(
type, //
[&](const sem::AbstractInt*) { return f(AInt(0)); }, //
[&](const sem::AbstractFloat*) { return f(AFloat(0)); }, //
[&](const sem::I32*) { return f(i32(0)); }, //
[&](const sem::U32*) { return f(u32(0)); }, //
[&](const sem::F32*) { return f(f32(0)); }, //
[&](const sem::F16*) { return f(f16(0)); }, //
[&](const sem::Bool*) { return f(static_cast<bool>(0)); });
/// @returns `value` if `T` is not a Number, otherwise ValueOf returns the inner value of the
/// Number.
template <typename T>
inline auto ValueOf(T value) {
if constexpr (std::is_same_v<UnwrapNumber<T>, T>) {
return value;
} else {
return value.value;
/// @returns true if `value` is a positive zero.
template <typename T>
inline bool IsPositiveZero(T value) {
using N = UnwrapNumber<T>;
return Number<N>(value) == Number<N>(0); // Considers sign bit
template <typename NumberT>
std::string OverflowErrorMessage(NumberT lhs, const char* op, NumberT rhs) {
std::stringstream ss;
ss << std::setprecision(20);
ss << "'" << lhs.value << " " << op << " " << rhs.value << "' cannot be represented as '"
<< FriendlyName<NumberT>() << "'";
return ss.str();
template <typename VALUE_TY>
std::string OverflowErrorMessage(VALUE_TY value, std::string_view target_ty) {
std::stringstream ss;
ss << std::setprecision(20);
ss << "value " << value << " cannot be represented as "
<< "'" << target_ty << "'";
return ss.str();
/// @returns the number of consecutive leading bits in `@p e` set to `@p bit_value_to_count`.
template <typename T>
std::make_unsigned_t<T> CountLeadingBits(T e, T bit_value_to_count) {
using UT = std::make_unsigned_t<T>;
constexpr UT kNumBits = sizeof(UT) * 8;
constexpr UT kLeftMost = UT{1} << (kNumBits - 1);
const UT b = bit_value_to_count == 0 ? UT{0} : kLeftMost;
auto v = static_cast<UT>(e);
auto count = UT{0};
while ((count < kNumBits) && ((v & kLeftMost) == b)) {
v <<= 1;
return count;
/// @returns the number of consecutive trailing bits set to `@p bit_value_to_count` in `@p e`
template <typename T>
std::make_unsigned_t<T> CountTrailingBits(T e, T bit_value_to_count) {
using UT = std::make_unsigned_t<T>;
constexpr UT kNumBits = sizeof(UT) * 8;
constexpr UT kRightMost = UT{1};
const UT b = static_cast<UT>(bit_value_to_count);
auto v = static_cast<UT>(e);
auto count = UT{0};
while ((count < kNumBits) && ((v & kRightMost) == b)) {
v >>= 1;
return count;
/// ImplConstant inherits from sem::Constant to add an private implementation method for conversion.
struct ImplConstant : public sem::Constant {
/// Convert attempts to convert the constant value to the given type. On error, Convert()
/// creates a new diagnostic message and returns a Failure.
virtual utils::Result<const ImplConstant*> Convert(ProgramBuilder& builder,
const sem::Type* target_ty,
const Source& source) const = 0;
/// A result templated with a ImplConstant.
using ImplResult = utils::Result<const ImplConstant*>;
// Forward declaration
const ImplConstant* CreateComposite(ProgramBuilder& builder,
const sem::Type* type,
utils::VectorRef<const sem::Constant*> elements);
/// Element holds a single scalar or abstract-numeric value.
/// Element implements the Constant interface.
template <typename T>
struct Element : ImplConstant {
static_assert(!std::is_same_v<UnwrapNumber<T>, T> || std::is_same_v<T, bool>,
"T must be a Number or bool");
Element(const sem::Type* t, T v) : type(t), value(v) {
if constexpr (IsFloatingPoint<T>) {
TINT_ASSERT(Resolver, std::isfinite(v.value));
~Element() override = default;
const sem::Type* Type() const override { return type; }
std::variant<std::monostate, AInt, AFloat> Value() const override {
if constexpr (IsFloatingPoint<UnwrapNumber<T>>) {
return static_cast<AFloat>(value);
} else {
return static_cast<AInt>(value);
const sem::Constant* Index(size_t) const override { return nullptr; }
bool AllZero() const override { return IsPositiveZero(value); }
bool AnyZero() const override { return IsPositiveZero(value); }
bool AllEqual() const override { return true; }
size_t Hash() const override { return utils::Hash(type, ValueOf(value)); }
ImplResult Convert(ProgramBuilder& builder,
const sem::Type* target_ty,
const Source& source) const override {
if (target_ty == type) {
// If the types are identical, then no conversion is needed.
return this;
return ZeroTypeDispatch(target_ty, [&](auto zero_to) -> ImplResult {
// `value` is the source value.
// `FROM` is the source type.
// `TO` is the target type.
using TO = std::decay_t<decltype(zero_to)>;
using FROM = T;
if constexpr (std::is_same_v<TO, bool>) {
// [x -> bool]
return builder.create<Element<TO>>(target_ty, !IsPositiveZero(value));
} else if constexpr (std::is_same_v<FROM, bool>) {
// [bool -> x]
return builder.create<Element<TO>>(target_ty, TO(value ? 1 : 0));
} else if (auto conv = CheckedConvert<TO>(value)) {
// Conversion success
return builder.create<Element<TO>>(target_ty, conv.Get());
// --- Below this point are the failure cases ---
} else if constexpr (IsAbstract<FROM>) {
// [abstract-numeric -> x] - materialization failure
OverflowErrorMessage(value, builder.FriendlyName(target_ty)), source);
return utils::Failure;
} else if constexpr (IsFloatingPoint<TO>) {
// [x -> floating-point] - number not exactly representable
OverflowErrorMessage(value, builder.FriendlyName(target_ty)), source);
return utils::Failure;
} else if constexpr (IsFloatingPoint<FROM>) {
// [floating-point -> integer] - number not exactly representable
switch (conv.Failure()) {
case ConversionFailure::kExceedsNegativeLimit:
return builder.create<Element<TO>>(target_ty, TO::Lowest());
case ConversionFailure::kExceedsPositiveLimit:
return builder.create<Element<TO>>(target_ty, TO::Highest());
} else if constexpr (IsIntegral<FROM>) {
// [integer -> integer] - number not exactly representable
// Static cast
return builder.create<Element<TO>>(target_ty, static_cast<TO>(value));
return nullptr; // Expression is not constant.
sem::Type const* const type;
const T value;
/// Splat holds a single Constant value, duplicated as all children.
/// Splat is used for zero-initializers, 'splat' initializers, or initializers where each element is
/// identical. Splat may be of a vector, matrix or array type.
/// Splat implements the Constant interface.
struct Splat : ImplConstant {
Splat(const sem::Type* t, const sem::Constant* e, size_t n) : type(t), el(e), count(n) {}
~Splat() override = default;
const sem::Type* Type() const override { return type; }
std::variant<std::monostate, AInt, AFloat> Value() const override { return {}; }
const sem::Constant* Index(size_t i) const override { return i < count ? el : nullptr; }
bool AllZero() const override { return el->AllZero(); }
bool AnyZero() const override { return el->AnyZero(); }
bool AllEqual() const override { return true; }
size_t Hash() const override { return utils::Hash(type, el->Hash(), count); }
ImplResult Convert(ProgramBuilder& builder,
const sem::Type* target_ty,
const Source& source) const override {
// Convert the single splatted element type.
// Note: This file is the only place where `sem::Constant`s are created, so this static_cast
// is safe.
auto conv_el = static_cast<const ImplConstant*>(el)->Convert(
builder, sem::Type::ElementOf(target_ty), source);
if (!conv_el) {
return utils::Failure;
if (!conv_el.Get()) {
return nullptr;
return builder.create<Splat>(target_ty, conv_el.Get(), count);
sem::Type const* const type;
const sem::Constant* el;
const size_t count;
/// Composite holds a number of mixed child Constant values.
/// Composite may be of a vector, matrix or array type.
/// If each element is the same type and value, then a Splat would be a more efficient constant
/// implementation. Use CreateComposite() to create the appropriate Constant type.
/// Composite implements the Constant interface.
struct Composite : ImplConstant {
Composite(const sem::Type* t,
utils::VectorRef<const sem::Constant*> els,
bool all_0,
bool any_0)
: type(t), elements(std::move(els)), all_zero(all_0), any_zero(any_0), hash(CalcHash()) {}
~Composite() override = default;
const sem::Type* Type() const override { return type; }
std::variant<std::monostate, AInt, AFloat> Value() const override { return {}; }
const sem::Constant* Index(size_t i) const override {
return i < elements.Length() ? elements[i] : nullptr;
bool AllZero() const override { return all_zero; }
bool AnyZero() const override { return any_zero; }
bool AllEqual() const override { return false; /* otherwise this should be a Splat */ }
size_t Hash() const override { return hash; }
ImplResult Convert(ProgramBuilder& builder,
const sem::Type* target_ty,
const Source& source) const override {
// Convert each of the composite element types.
auto* el_ty = sem::Type::ElementOf(target_ty);
utils::Vector<const sem::Constant*, 4> conv_els;
for (auto* el : elements) {
// Note: This file is the only place where `sem::Constant`s are created, so this
// static_cast is safe.
auto conv_el = static_cast<const ImplConstant*>(el)->Convert(builder, el_ty, source);
if (!conv_el) {
return utils::Failure;
if (!conv_el.Get()) {
return nullptr;
return CreateComposite(builder, target_ty, std::move(conv_els));
size_t CalcHash() {
auto h = utils::Hash(type, all_zero, any_zero);
for (auto* el : elements) {
h = utils::HashCombine(h, el->Hash());
return h;
sem::Type const* const type;
const utils::Vector<const sem::Constant*, 8> elements;
const bool all_zero;
const bool any_zero;
const size_t hash;
/// CreateElement constructs and returns an Element<T>.
template <typename T>
ImplResult CreateElement(ProgramBuilder& builder, const Source& source, const sem::Type* t, T v) {
if constexpr (IsFloatingPoint<T>) {
if (!std::isfinite(v.value)) {
auto msg = OverflowErrorMessage(v, builder.FriendlyName(t));
builder.Diagnostics().add_error(diag::System::Resolver, msg, source);
return utils::Failure;
return builder.create<Element<T>>(t, v);
/// ZeroValue returns a Constant for the zero-value of the type `type`.
const ImplConstant* ZeroValue(ProgramBuilder& builder, const sem::Type* type) {
return Switch(
type, //
[&](const sem::Vector* v) -> const ImplConstant* {
auto* zero_el = ZeroValue(builder, v->type());
return builder.create<Splat>(type, zero_el, v->Width());
[&](const sem::Matrix* m) -> const ImplConstant* {
auto* zero_el = ZeroValue(builder, m->ColumnType());
return builder.create<Splat>(type, zero_el, m->columns());
[&](const sem::Array* a) -> const ImplConstant* {
if (auto n = a->ConstantCount()) {
if (auto* zero_el = ZeroValue(builder, a->ElemType())) {
return builder.create<Splat>(type, zero_el, n.value());
return nullptr;
[&](const sem::Struct* s) -> const ImplConstant* {
utils::Hashmap<const sem::Type*, const ImplConstant*, 8> zero_by_type;
utils::Vector<const sem::Constant*, 4> zeros;
for (auto* member : s->Members()) {
auto* zero = zero_by_type.GetOrCreate(
member->Type(), [&] { return ZeroValue(builder, member->Type()); });
if (!zero) {
return nullptr;
if (zero_by_type.Count() == 1) {
// All members were of the same type, so the zero value is the same for all members.
return builder.create<Splat>(type, zeros[0], s->Members().size());
return CreateComposite(builder, s, std::move(zeros));
[&](Default) -> const ImplConstant* {
return ZeroTypeDispatch(type, [&](auto zero) -> const ImplConstant* {
auto el = CreateElement(builder, Source{}, type, zero);
TINT_ASSERT(Resolver, el);
return el.Get();
/// Equal returns true if the constants `a` and `b` are of the same type and value.
bool Equal(const sem::Constant* a, const sem::Constant* b) {
if (a->Hash() != b->Hash()) {
return false;
if (a->Type() != b->Type()) {
return false;
return Switch(
a->Type(), //
[&](const sem::Vector* vec) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < vec->Width(); i++) {
if (!Equal(a->Index(i), b->Index(i))) {
return false;
return true;
[&](const sem::Matrix* mat) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < mat->columns(); i++) {
if (!Equal(a->Index(i), b->Index(i))) {
return false;
return true;
[&](const sem::Array* arr) {
if (auto count = arr->ConstantCount()) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < count; i++) {
if (!Equal(a->Index(i), b->Index(i))) {
return false;
return true;
return false;
[&](Default) { return a->Value() == b->Value(); });
/// CreateComposite is used to construct a constant of a vector, matrix or array type.
/// CreateComposite examines the element values and will return either a Composite or a Splat,
/// depending on the element types and values.
const ImplConstant* CreateComposite(ProgramBuilder& builder,
const sem::Type* type,
utils::VectorRef<const sem::Constant*> elements) {
if (elements.IsEmpty()) {
return nullptr;
bool any_zero = false;
bool all_zero = true;
bool all_equal = true;
auto* first = elements.Front();
for (auto* el : elements) {
if (!el) {
return nullptr;
if (!any_zero && el->AnyZero()) {
any_zero = true;
if (all_zero && !el->AllZero()) {
all_zero = false;
if (all_equal && el != first) {
if (!Equal(el, first)) {
all_equal = false;
if (all_equal) {
return builder.create<Splat>(type, elements[0], elements.Length());
} else {
return builder.create<Composite>(type, std::move(elements), all_zero, any_zero);
namespace detail {
/// Implementation of TransformElements
template <typename F, typename... CONSTANTS>
ImplResult TransformElements(ProgramBuilder& builder,
const sem::Type* composite_ty,
F&& f,
size_t index,
CONSTANTS&&... cs) {
uint32_t n = 0;
auto* ty = First(cs...)->Type();
auto* el_ty = sem::Type::ElementOf(ty, &n);
if (el_ty == ty) {
constexpr bool kHasIndexParam = traits::IsType<size_t, traits::LastParameterType<F>>;
if constexpr (kHasIndexParam) {
return f(cs..., index);
} else {
return f(cs...);
utils::Vector<const sem::Constant*, 8> els;
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < n; i++) {
if (auto el = detail::TransformElements(builder, sem::Type::ElementOf(composite_ty),
std::forward<F>(f), index + i, cs->Index(i)...)) {
} else {
return el.Failure();
return CreateComposite(builder, composite_ty, std::move(els));
} // namespace detail
/// TransformElements constructs a new constant of type `composite_ty` by applying the
/// transformation function `f` on each of the most deeply nested elements of 'cs'. Assumes that all
/// input constants `cs` are of the same arity (all scalars or all vectors of the same size).
/// If `f`'s last argument is a `size_t`, then the index of the most deeply nested element inside
/// the most deeply nested aggregate type will be passed in.
template <typename F, typename... CONSTANTS>
ImplResult TransformElements(ProgramBuilder& builder,
const sem::Type* composite_ty,
F&& f,
CONSTANTS&&... cs) {
return detail::TransformElements(builder, composite_ty, f, 0, cs...);
/// TransformBinaryElements constructs a new constant of type `composite_ty` by applying the
/// transformation function 'f' on each of the most deeply nested elements of both `c0` and `c1`.
/// Unlike TransformElements, this function handles the constants being of different arity, e.g.
/// vector-scalar, scalar-vector.
template <typename F>
ImplResult TransformBinaryElements(ProgramBuilder& builder,
const sem::Type* composite_ty,
F&& f,
const sem::Constant* c0,
const sem::Constant* c1) {
uint32_t n0 = 0, n1 = 0;
sem::Type::ElementOf(c0->Type(), &n0);
sem::Type::ElementOf(c1->Type(), &n1);
uint32_t max_n = std::max(n0, n1);
// If arity of both constants is 1, invoke callback
if (max_n == 1u) {
return f(c0, c1);
utils::Vector<const sem::Constant*, 8> els;
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < max_n; i++) {
auto nested_or_self = [&](auto& c, uint32_t num_elems) {
if (num_elems == 1) {
return c;
return c->Index(i);
if (auto el = TransformBinaryElements(builder, sem::Type::ElementOf(composite_ty),
std::forward<F>(f), nested_or_self(c0, n0),
nested_or_self(c1, n1))) {
} else {
return el.Failure();
return CreateComposite(builder, composite_ty, std::move(els));
} // namespace
ConstEval::ConstEval(ProgramBuilder& b) : builder(b) {}
template <typename NumberT>
utils::Result<NumberT> ConstEval::Add(const Source& source, NumberT a, NumberT b) {
NumberT result;
if constexpr (IsAbstract<NumberT> || IsFloatingPoint<NumberT>) {
if (auto r = CheckedAdd(a, b)) {
result = r->value;
} else {
AddError(OverflowErrorMessage(a, "+", b), source);
return utils::Failure;
} else {
using T = UnwrapNumber<NumberT>;
auto add_values = [](T lhs, T rhs) {
if constexpr (std::is_integral_v<T> && std::is_signed_v<T>) {
// Ensure no UB for signed overflow
using UT = std::make_unsigned_t<T>;
return static_cast<T>(static_cast<UT>(lhs) + static_cast<UT>(rhs));
} else {
return lhs + rhs;
result = add_values(a.value, b.value);
return result;
template <typename NumberT>
utils::Result<NumberT> ConstEval::Sub(const Source& source, NumberT a, NumberT b) {
NumberT result;
if constexpr (IsAbstract<NumberT> || IsFloatingPoint<NumberT>) {
if (auto r = CheckedSub(a, b)) {
result = r->value;
} else {
AddError(OverflowErrorMessage(a, "-", b), source);
return utils::Failure;
} else {
using T = UnwrapNumber<NumberT>;
auto sub_values = [](T lhs, T rhs) {
if constexpr (std::is_integral_v<T> && std::is_signed_v<T>) {
// Ensure no UB for signed overflow
using UT = std::make_unsigned_t<T>;
return static_cast<T>(static_cast<UT>(lhs) - static_cast<UT>(rhs));
} else {
return lhs - rhs;
result = sub_values(a.value, b.value);
return result;
template <typename NumberT>
utils::Result<NumberT> ConstEval::Mul(const Source& source, NumberT a, NumberT b) {
using T = UnwrapNumber<NumberT>;
NumberT result;
if constexpr (IsAbstract<NumberT> || IsFloatingPoint<NumberT>) {
// Check for over/underflow for abstract values
if (auto r = CheckedMul(a, b)) {
result = r->value;
} else {
AddError(OverflowErrorMessage(a, "*", b), source);
return utils::Failure;
} else {
auto mul_values = [](T lhs, T rhs) {
if constexpr (std::is_integral_v<T> && std::is_signed_v<T>) {
// For signed integrals, avoid C++ UB by multiplying as unsigned
using UT = std::make_unsigned_t<T>;
return static_cast<T>(static_cast<UT>(lhs) * static_cast<UT>(rhs));
} else {
return lhs * rhs;
result = mul_values(a.value, b.value);
return result;
template <typename NumberT>
utils::Result<NumberT> ConstEval::Div(const Source& source, NumberT a, NumberT b) {
NumberT result;
if constexpr (IsAbstract<NumberT> || IsFloatingPoint<NumberT>) {
// Check for over/underflow for abstract values
if (auto r = CheckedDiv(a, b)) {
result = r->value;
} else {
AddError(OverflowErrorMessage(a, "/", b), source);
return utils::Failure;
} else {
using T = UnwrapNumber<NumberT>;
auto divide_values = [](T lhs, T rhs) {
if constexpr (std::is_integral_v<T>) {
// For integers, lhs / 0 returns lhs
if (rhs == 0) {
return lhs;
if constexpr (std::is_signed_v<T>) {
// For signed integers, for lhs / -1, return lhs if lhs is the
// most negative value
if (rhs == -1 && lhs == std::numeric_limits<T>::min()) {
return lhs;
return lhs / rhs;
result = divide_values(a.value, b.value);
return result;
template <typename NumberT>
utils::Result<NumberT> ConstEval::Dot2(const Source& source,
NumberT a1,
NumberT a2,
NumberT b1,
NumberT b2) {
auto r1 = Mul(source, a1, b1);
if (!r1) {
return utils::Failure;
auto r2 = Mul(source, a2, b2);
if (!r2) {
return utils::Failure;
auto r = Add(source, r1.Get(), r2.Get());
if (!r) {
return utils::Failure;
return r;
template <typename NumberT>
utils::Result<NumberT> ConstEval::Dot3(const Source& source,
NumberT a1,
NumberT a2,
NumberT a3,
NumberT b1,
NumberT b2,
NumberT b3) {
auto r1 = Mul(source, a1, b1);
if (!r1) {
return utils::Failure;
auto r2 = Mul(source, a2, b2);
if (!r2) {
return utils::Failure;
auto r3 = Mul(source, a3, b3);
if (!r3) {
return utils::Failure;
auto r = Add(source, r1.Get(), r2.Get());
if (!r) {
return utils::Failure;
r = Add(source, r.Get(), r3.Get());
if (!r) {
return utils::Failure;
return r;
template <typename NumberT>
utils::Result<NumberT> ConstEval::Dot4(const Source& source,
NumberT a1,
NumberT a2,
NumberT a3,
NumberT a4,
NumberT b1,
NumberT b2,
NumberT b3,
NumberT b4) {
auto r1 = Mul(source, a1, b1);
if (!r1) {
return utils::Failure;
auto r2 = Mul(source, a2, b2);
if (!r2) {
return utils::Failure;
auto r3 = Mul(source, a3, b3);
if (!r3) {
return utils::Failure;
auto r4 = Mul(source, a4, b4);
if (!r4) {
return utils::Failure;
auto r = Add(source, r1.Get(), r2.Get());
if (!r) {
return utils::Failure;
r = Add(source, r.Get(), r3.Get());
if (!r) {
return utils::Failure;
r = Add(source, r.Get(), r4.Get());
if (!r) {
return utils::Failure;
return r;
template <typename NumberT>
utils::Result<NumberT> ConstEval::Det2(const Source& source,
NumberT a1,
NumberT a2,
NumberT b1,
NumberT b2) {
auto r1 = Mul(source, a1, b2);
if (!r1) {
return utils::Failure;
auto r2 = Mul(source, b1, a2);
if (!r2) {
return utils::Failure;
auto r = Sub(source, r1.Get(), r2.Get());
if (!r) {
return utils::Failure;
return r;
template <typename NumberT>
utils::Result<NumberT> ConstEval::Clamp(const Source&, NumberT e, NumberT low, NumberT high) {
return NumberT{std::min(std::max(e, low), high)};
auto ConstEval::ClampFunc(const Source& source, const sem::Type* elem_ty) {
return [=](auto e, auto low, auto high) -> ImplResult {
if (auto r = Clamp(source, e, low, high)) {
return CreateElement(builder, source, elem_ty, r.Get());
return utils::Failure;
auto ConstEval::AddFunc(const Source& source, const sem::Type* elem_ty) {
return [=](auto a1, auto a2) -> ImplResult {
if (auto r = Add(source, a1, a2)) {
return CreateElement(builder, source, elem_ty, r.Get());
return utils::Failure;
auto ConstEval::SubFunc(const Source& source, const sem::Type* elem_ty) {
return [=](auto a1, auto a2) -> ImplResult {
if (auto r = Sub(source, a1, a2)) {
return CreateElement(builder, source, elem_ty, r.Get());
return utils::Failure;
auto ConstEval::MulFunc(const Source& source, const sem::Type* elem_ty) {
return [=](auto a1, auto a2) -> ImplResult {
if (auto r = Mul(source, a1, a2)) {
return CreateElement(builder, source, elem_ty, r.Get());
return utils::Failure;
auto ConstEval::DivFunc(const Source& source, const sem::Type* elem_ty) {
return [=](auto a1, auto a2) -> ImplResult {
if (auto r = Div(source, a1, a2)) {
return CreateElement(builder, source, elem_ty, r.Get());
return utils::Failure;
auto ConstEval::Dot2Func(const Source& source, const sem::Type* elem_ty) {
return [=](auto a1, auto a2, auto b1, auto b2) -> ImplResult {
if (auto r = Dot2(source, a1, a2, b1, b2)) {
return CreateElement(builder, source, elem_ty, r.Get());
return utils::Failure;
auto ConstEval::Dot3Func(const Source& source, const sem::Type* elem_ty) {
return [=](auto a1, auto a2, auto a3, auto b1, auto b2, auto b3) -> ImplResult {
if (auto r = Dot3(source, a1, a2, a3, b1, b2, b3)) {
return CreateElement(builder, source, elem_ty, r.Get());
return utils::Failure;
auto ConstEval::Dot4Func(const Source& source, const sem::Type* elem_ty) {
[=](auto a1, auto a2, auto a3, auto a4, auto b1, auto b2, auto b3, auto b4) -> ImplResult {
if (auto r = Dot4(source, a1, a2, a3, a4, b1, b2, b3, b4)) {
return CreateElement(builder, source, elem_ty, r.Get());
return utils::Failure;
auto ConstEval::Det2Func(const Source& source, const sem::Type* elem_ty) {
return [=](auto a, auto b, auto c, auto d) -> ImplResult {
if (auto r = Det2(source, a, b, c, d)) {
return CreateElement(builder, source, elem_ty, r.Get());
return utils::Failure;
ConstEval::Result ConstEval::Literal(const sem::Type* ty, const ast::LiteralExpression* literal) {
auto& source = literal->source;
return Switch(
[&](const ast::BoolLiteralExpression* lit) {
return CreateElement(builder, source, ty, lit->value);
[&](const ast::IntLiteralExpression* lit) -> ImplResult {
switch (lit->suffix) {
case ast::IntLiteralExpression::Suffix::kNone:
return CreateElement(builder, source, ty, AInt(lit->value));
case ast::IntLiteralExpression::Suffix::kI:
return CreateElement(builder, source, ty, i32(lit->value));
case ast::IntLiteralExpression::Suffix::kU:
return CreateElement(builder, source, ty, u32(lit->value));
return nullptr;
[&](const ast::FloatLiteralExpression* lit) -> ImplResult {
switch (lit->suffix) {
case ast::FloatLiteralExpression::Suffix::kNone:
return CreateElement(builder, source, ty, AFloat(lit->value));
case ast::FloatLiteralExpression::Suffix::kF:
return CreateElement(builder, source, ty, f32(lit->value));
case ast::FloatLiteralExpression::Suffix::kH:
return CreateElement(builder, source, ty, f16(lit->value));
return nullptr;
ConstEval::Result ConstEval::ArrayOrStructInit(const sem::Type* ty,
utils::VectorRef<const sem::Expression*> args) {
if (args.IsEmpty()) {
return ZeroValue(builder, ty);
if (args.Length() == 1 && args[0]->Type() == ty) {
// Identity initializer.
return args[0]->ConstantValue();
// Multiple arguments. Must be a type initializer.
utils::Vector<const sem::Constant*, 4> els;
for (auto* arg : args) {
return CreateComposite(builder, ty, std::move(els));
ConstEval::Result ConstEval::Conv(const sem::Type* ty,
utils::VectorRef<const sem::Constant*> args,
const Source& source) {
uint32_t el_count = 0;
auto* el_ty = sem::Type::ElementOf(ty, &el_count);
if (!el_ty) {
return nullptr;
if (!args[0]) {
return nullptr; // Single argument is not constant.
return Convert(ty, args[0], source);
ConstEval::Result ConstEval::Zero(const sem::Type* ty,
utils::VectorRef<const sem::Constant*>,
const Source&) {
return ZeroValue(builder, ty);
ConstEval::Result ConstEval::Identity(const sem::Type*,
utils::VectorRef<const sem::Constant*> args,
const Source&) {
return args[0];
ConstEval::Result ConstEval::VecSplat(const sem::Type* ty,
utils::VectorRef<const sem::Constant*> args,
const Source&) {
if (auto* arg = args[0]) {
return builder.create<Splat>(ty, arg, static_cast<const sem::Vector*>(ty)->Width());
return nullptr;
ConstEval::Result ConstEval::VecInitS(const sem::Type* ty,
utils::VectorRef<const sem::Constant*> args,
const Source&) {
return CreateComposite(builder, ty, args);
ConstEval::Result ConstEval::VecInitM(const sem::Type* ty,
utils::VectorRef<const sem::Constant*> args,
const Source&) {
utils::Vector<const sem::Constant*, 4> els;
for (auto* arg : args) {
auto* val = arg;
if (!val) {
return nullptr;
auto* arg_ty = arg->Type();
if (auto* arg_vec = arg_ty->As<sem::Vector>()) {
// Extract out vector elements.
for (uint32_t j = 0; j < arg_vec->Width(); j++) {
auto* el = val->Index(j);
if (!el) {
return nullptr;
} else {
return CreateComposite(builder, ty, std::move(els));
ConstEval::Result ConstEval::MatInitS(const sem::Type* ty,
utils::VectorRef<const sem::Constant*> args,
const Source&) {
auto* m = static_cast<const sem::Matrix*>(ty);
utils::Vector<const sem::Constant*, 4> els;
for (uint32_t c = 0; c < m->columns(); c++) {
utils::Vector<const sem::Constant*, 4> column;
for (uint32_t r = 0; r < m->rows(); r++) {
auto i = r + c * m->rows();
els.Push(CreateComposite(builder, m->ColumnType(), std::move(column)));
return CreateComposite(builder, ty, std::move(els));
ConstEval::Result ConstEval::MatInitV(const sem::Type* ty,
utils::VectorRef<const sem::Constant*> args,
const Source&) {
return CreateComposite(builder, ty, args);
ConstEval::Result ConstEval::Index(const sem::Expression* obj_expr,
const sem::Expression* idx_expr) {
auto idx_val = idx_expr->ConstantValue();
if (!idx_val) {
return nullptr;
uint32_t el_count = 0;
sem::Type::ElementOf(obj_expr->Type()->UnwrapRef(), &el_count);
AInt idx = idx_val->As<AInt>();
if (idx < 0 || (el_count > 0 && idx >= el_count)) {
std::string range;
if (el_count > 0) {
range = " [0.." + std::to_string(el_count - 1) + "]";
AddError("index " + std::to_string(idx) + " out of bounds" + range,
return utils::Failure;
auto obj_val = obj_expr->ConstantValue();
if (!obj_val) {
return nullptr;
return obj_val->Index(static_cast<size_t>(idx));
ConstEval::Result ConstEval::MemberAccess(const sem::Expression* obj_expr,
const sem::StructMember* member) {
auto obj_val = obj_expr->ConstantValue();
if (!obj_val) {
return nullptr;
return obj_val->Index(static_cast<size_t>(member->Index()));
ConstEval::Result ConstEval::Swizzle(const sem::Type* ty,
const sem::Expression* vec_expr,
utils::VectorRef<uint32_t> indices) {
auto* vec_val = vec_expr->ConstantValue();
if (!vec_val) {
return nullptr;
if (indices.Length() == 1) {
return vec_val->Index(static_cast<size_t>(indices[0]));
auto values = utils::Transform<4>(
indices, [&](uint32_t i) { return vec_val->Index(static_cast<size_t>(i)); });
return CreateComposite(builder, ty, std::move(values));
ConstEval::Result ConstEval::Bitcast(const sem::Type*, const sem::Expression*) {
// TODO( Implement @const intrinsics
return nullptr;
ConstEval::Result ConstEval::OpComplement(const sem::Type* ty,
utils::VectorRef<const sem::Constant*> args,
const Source& source) {
auto transform = [&](const sem::Constant* c) {
auto create = [&](auto i) {
return CreateElement(builder, source, c->Type(), decltype(i)(~i.value));
return Dispatch_ia_iu32(create, c);
return TransformElements(builder, ty, transform, args[0]);
ConstEval::Result ConstEval::OpUnaryMinus(const sem::Type* ty,
utils::VectorRef<const sem::Constant*> args,
const Source& source) {
auto transform = [&](const sem::Constant* c) {
auto create = [&](auto i) {
// For signed integrals, avoid C++ UB by not negating the
// smallest negative number. In WGSL, this operation is well
// defined to return the same value, see:
using T = UnwrapNumber<decltype(i)>;
if constexpr (std::is_integral_v<T>) {
auto v = i.value;
if (v != std::numeric_limits<T>::min()) {
v = -v;
return CreateElement(builder, source, c->Type(), decltype(i)(v));
} else {
return CreateElement(builder, source, c->Type(), decltype(i)(-i.value));
return Dispatch_fia_fi32_f16(create, c);
return TransformElements(builder, ty, transform, args[0]);
ConstEval::Result ConstEval::OpNot(const sem::Type* ty,
utils::VectorRef<const sem::Constant*> args,
const Source& source) {
auto transform = [&](const sem::Constant* c) {
auto create = [&](auto i) {
return CreateElement(builder, source, c->Type(), decltype(i)(!i));
return Dispatch_bool(create, c);
return TransformElements(builder, ty, transform, args[0]);
ConstEval::Result ConstEval::OpPlus(const sem::Type* ty,
utils::VectorRef<const sem::Constant*> args,
const Source& source) {
auto transform = [&](const sem::Constant* c0, const sem::Constant* c1) {
return Dispatch_fia_fiu32_f16(AddFunc(source, c0->Type()), c0, c1);
return TransformBinaryElements(builder, ty, transform, args[0], args[1]);
ConstEval::Result ConstEval::OpMinus(const sem::Type* ty,
utils::VectorRef<const sem::Constant*> args,
const Source& source) {
auto transform = [&](const sem::Constant* c0, const sem::Constant* c1) {
return Dispatch_fia_fiu32_f16(SubFunc(source, c0->Type()), c0, c1);
return TransformBinaryElements(builder, ty, transform, args[0], args[1]);
ConstEval::Result ConstEval::OpMultiply(const sem::Type* ty,
utils::VectorRef<const sem::Constant*> args,
const Source& source) {
auto transform = [&](const sem::Constant* c0, const sem::Constant* c1) {
return Dispatch_fia_fiu32_f16(MulFunc(source, c0->Type()), c0, c1);
return TransformBinaryElements(builder, ty, transform, args[0], args[1]);
ConstEval::Result ConstEval::OpMultiplyMatVec(const sem::Type* ty,
utils::VectorRef<const sem::Constant*> args,
const Source& source) {
auto* mat_ty = args[0]->Type()->As<sem::Matrix>();
auto* vec_ty = args[1]->Type()->As<sem::Vector>();
auto* elem_ty = vec_ty->type();
auto dot = [&](const sem::Constant* m, size_t row, const sem::Constant* v) {
ImplResult result;
switch (mat_ty->columns()) {
case 2:
result = Dispatch_fa_f32_f16(Dot2Func(source, elem_ty), //
m->Index(0)->Index(row), //
m->Index(1)->Index(row), //
v->Index(0), //
case 3:
result = Dispatch_fa_f32_f16(Dot3Func(source, elem_ty), //
m->Index(0)->Index(row), //
m->Index(1)->Index(row), //
m->Index(2)->Index(row), //
v->Index(0), //
v->Index(1), v->Index(2));
case 4:
result = Dispatch_fa_f32_f16(Dot4Func(source, elem_ty), //
m->Index(0)->Index(row), //
m->Index(1)->Index(row), //
m->Index(2)->Index(row), //
m->Index(3)->Index(row), //
v->Index(0), //
v->Index(1), //
v->Index(2), //
return result;
utils::Vector<const sem::Constant*, 4> result;
for (size_t i = 0; i < mat_ty->rows(); ++i) {
auto r = dot(args[0], i, args[1]); // matrix row i * vector
if (!r) {
return utils::Failure;
return CreateComposite(builder, ty, result);
ConstEval::Result ConstEval::OpMultiplyVecMat(const sem::Type* ty,
utils::VectorRef<const sem::Constant*> args,
const Source& source) {
auto* vec_ty = args[0]->Type()->As<sem::Vector>();
auto* mat_ty = args[1]->Type()->As<sem::Matrix>();
auto* elem_ty = vec_ty->type();
auto dot = [&](const sem::Constant* v, const sem::Constant* m, size_t col) {
ImplResult result;
switch (mat_ty->rows()) {
case 2:
result = Dispatch_fa_f32_f16(Dot2Func(source, elem_ty), //
m->Index(col)->Index(0), //
m->Index(col)->Index(1), //
v->Index(0), //
case 3:
result = Dispatch_fa_f32_f16(Dot3Func(source, elem_ty), //
m->Index(col)->Index(0), //
m->Index(col)->Index(1), //
v->Index(0), //
v->Index(1), //
case 4:
result = Dispatch_fa_f32_f16(Dot4Func(source, elem_ty), //
m->Index(col)->Index(0), //
m->Index(col)->Index(1), //
m->Index(col)->Index(2), //
m->Index(col)->Index(3), //
v->Index(0), //
v->Index(1), //
v->Index(2), //
return result;
utils::Vector<const sem::Constant*, 4> result;
for (size_t i = 0; i < mat_ty->columns(); ++i) {
auto r = dot(args[0], args[1], i); // vector * matrix col i
if (!r) {
return utils::Failure;
return CreateComposite(builder, ty, result);
ConstEval::Result ConstEval::OpMultiplyMatMat(const sem::Type* ty,
utils::VectorRef<const sem::Constant*> args,
const Source& source) {
auto* mat1 = args[0];
auto* mat2 = args[1];
auto* mat1_ty = mat1->Type()->As<sem::Matrix>();
auto* mat2_ty = mat2->Type()->As<sem::Matrix>();
auto* elem_ty = mat1_ty->type();
auto dot = [&](const sem::Constant* m1, size_t row, const sem::Constant* m2, size_t col) {
auto m1e = [&](size_t r, size_t c) { return m1->Index(c)->Index(r); };
auto m2e = [&](size_t r, size_t c) { return m2->Index(c)->Index(r); };
ImplResult result;
switch (mat1_ty->columns()) {
case 2:
result = Dispatch_fa_f32_f16(Dot2Func(source, elem_ty), //
m1e(row, 0), //
m1e(row, 1), //
m2e(0, col), //
m2e(1, col));
case 3:
result = Dispatch_fa_f32_f16(Dot3Func(source, elem_ty), //
m1e(row, 0), //
m1e(row, 1), //
m1e(row, 2), //
m2e(0, col), //
m2e(1, col), //
m2e(2, col));
case 4:
result = Dispatch_fa_f32_f16(Dot4Func(source, elem_ty), //
m1e(row, 0), //
m1e(row, 1), //
m1e(row, 2), //
m1e(row, 3), //
m2e(0, col), //
m2e(1, col), //
m2e(2, col), //
m2e(3, col));
return result;
utils::Vector<const sem::Constant*, 4> result_mat;
for (size_t c = 0; c < mat2_ty->columns(); ++c) {
utils::Vector<const sem::Constant*, 4> col_vec;
for (size_t r = 0; r < mat1_ty->rows(); ++r) {
auto v = dot(mat1, r, mat2, c); // mat1 row r * mat2 col c
if (!v) {
return utils::Failure;
col_vec.Push(v.Get()); // mat1 row r * mat2 col c
// Add column vector to matrix
auto* col_vec_ty = ty->As<sem::Matrix>()->ColumnType();
result_mat.Push(CreateComposite(builder, col_vec_ty, col_vec));
return CreateComposite(builder, ty, result_mat);
ConstEval::Result ConstEval::OpDivide(const sem::Type* ty,
utils::VectorRef<const sem::Constant*> args,
const Source& source) {
auto transform = [&](const sem::Constant* c0, const sem::Constant* c1) {
return Dispatch_fia_fiu32_f16(DivFunc(source, c0->Type()), c0, c1);
return TransformBinaryElements(builder, ty, transform, args[0], args[1]);
ConstEval::Result ConstEval::OpEqual(const sem::Type* ty,
utils::VectorRef<const sem::Constant*> args,
const Source& source) {
auto transform = [&](const sem::Constant* c0, const sem::Constant* c1) {
auto create = [&](auto i, auto j) -> ImplResult {
return CreateElement(builder, source, sem::Type::DeepestElementOf(ty), i == j);
return Dispatch_fia_fiu32_f16_bool(create, c0, c1);
return TransformElements(builder, ty, transform, args[0], args[1]);
ConstEval::Result ConstEval::OpNotEqual(const sem::Type* ty,
utils::VectorRef<const sem::Constant*> args,
const Source& source) {
auto transform = [&](const sem::Constant* c0, const sem::Constant* c1) {
auto create = [&](auto i, auto j) -> ImplResult {
return CreateElement(builder, source, sem::Type::DeepestElementOf(ty), i != j);
return Dispatch_fia_fiu32_f16_bool(create, c0, c1);
return TransformElements(builder, ty, transform, args[0], args[1]);
ConstEval::Result ConstEval::OpLessThan(const sem::Type* ty,
utils::VectorRef<const sem::Constant*> args,
const Source& source) {
auto transform = [&](const sem::Constant* c0, const sem::Constant* c1) {
auto create = [&](auto i, auto j) -> ImplResult {
return CreateElement(builder, source, sem::Type::DeepestElementOf(ty), i < j);
return Dispatch_fia_fiu32_f16(create, c0, c1);
return TransformElements(builder, ty, transform, args[0], args[1]);
ConstEval::Result ConstEval::OpGreaterThan(const sem::Type* ty,
utils::VectorRef<const sem::Constant*> args,
const Source& source) {
auto transform = [&](const sem::Constant* c0, const sem::Constant* c1) {
auto create = [&](auto i, auto j) -> ImplResult {
return CreateElement(builder, source, sem::Type::DeepestElementOf(ty), i > j);
return Dispatch_fia_fiu32_f16(create, c0, c1);
return TransformElements(builder, ty, transform, args[0], args[1]);
ConstEval::Result ConstEval::OpLessThanEqual(const sem::Type* ty,
utils::VectorRef<const sem::Constant*> args,
const Source& source) {
auto transform = [&](const sem::Constant* c0, const sem::Constant* c1) {
auto create = [&](auto i, auto j) -> ImplResult {
return CreateElement(builder, source, sem::Type::DeepestElementOf(ty), i <= j);
return Dispatch_fia_fiu32_f16(create, c0, c1);
return TransformElements(builder, ty, transform, args[0], args[1]);
ConstEval::Result ConstEval::OpGreaterThanEqual(const sem::Type* ty,
utils::VectorRef<const sem::Constant*> args,
const Source& source) {
auto transform = [&](const sem::Constant* c0, const sem::Constant* c1) {
auto create = [&](auto i, auto j) -> ImplResult {
return CreateElement(builder, source, sem::Type::DeepestElementOf(ty), i >= j);
return Dispatch_fia_fiu32_f16(create, c0, c1);
return TransformElements(builder, ty, transform, args[0], args[1]);
ConstEval::Result ConstEval::OpAnd(const sem::Type* ty,
utils::VectorRef<const sem::Constant*> args,
const Source& source) {
auto transform = [&](const sem::Constant* c0, const sem::Constant* c1) {
auto create = [&](auto i, auto j) -> ImplResult {
using T = decltype(i);
T result;
if constexpr (std::is_same_v<T, bool>) {
result = i && j;
} else { // integral
result = i & j;
return CreateElement(builder, source, sem::Type::DeepestElementOf(ty), result);
return Dispatch_ia_iu32_bool(create, c0, c1);
return TransformElements(builder, ty, transform, args[0], args[1]);
ConstEval::Result ConstEval::OpOr(const sem::Type* ty,
utils::VectorRef<const sem::Constant*> args,
const Source& source) {
auto transform = [&](const sem::Constant* c0, const sem::Constant* c1) {
auto create = [&](auto i, auto j) -> ImplResult {
using T = decltype(i);
T result;
if constexpr (std::is_same_v<T, bool>) {
result = i || j;
} else { // integral
result = i | j;
return CreateElement(builder, source, sem::Type::DeepestElementOf(ty), result);
return Dispatch_ia_iu32_bool(create, c0, c1);
return TransformElements(builder, ty, transform, args[0], args[1]);
ConstEval::Result ConstEval::OpXor(const sem::Type* ty,
utils::VectorRef<const sem::Constant*> args,
const Source& source) {
auto transform = [&](const sem::Constant* c0, const sem::Constant* c1) {
auto create = [&](auto i, auto j) -> ImplResult {
return CreateElement(builder, source, sem::Type::DeepestElementOf(ty),
decltype(i){i ^ j});
return Dispatch_ia_iu32(create, c0, c1);
auto r = TransformElements(builder, ty, transform, args[0], args[1]);
if (builder.Diagnostics().contains_errors()) {
return utils::Failure;
return r;
ConstEval::Result ConstEval::OpShiftLeft(const sem::Type* ty,
utils::VectorRef<const sem::Constant*> args,
const Source& source) {
auto transform = [&](const sem::Constant* c0, const sem::Constant* c1) {
auto create = [&](auto e1, auto e2) -> ImplResult {
using NumberT = decltype(e1);
using T = UnwrapNumber<NumberT>;
using UT = std::make_unsigned_t<T>;
constexpr size_t bit_width = BitWidth<NumberT>;
UT e1u = static_cast<UT>(e1);
UT e2u = static_cast<UT>(e2);
if constexpr (IsAbstract<NumberT>) {
// The e2 + 1 most significant bits of e1 must have the same bit value, otherwise
// sign change (overflow) would occur.
// Check sign change only if e2 is less than bit width of e1. If e1 is larger
// than bit width, we check for non-representable value below.
if (e2u < bit_width) {
UT must_match_msb = e2u + 1;
UT mask = ~UT{0} << (bit_width - must_match_msb);
if ((e1u & mask) != 0 && (e1u & mask) != mask) {
AddError("shift left operation results in sign change", source);
return nullptr;
} else {
// If shift value >= bit_width, then any non-zero value would overflow
if (e1 != 0) {
AddError(OverflowErrorMessage(e1, "<<", e2), source);
return nullptr;
// It's UB in C++ to shift by greater or equal to the bit width (even if the lhs
// is 0), so we make sure to avoid this by setting the shift value to 0.
e2 = 0;
} else {
if (static_cast<size_t>(e2) >= bit_width) {
// At shader/pipeline-creation time, it is an error to shift by the bit width of
// the lhs or greater.
// NOTE: At runtime, we shift by e2 % (bit width of e1).
"shift left value must be less than the bit width of the lhs, which is " +
return nullptr;
if constexpr (std::is_signed_v<T>) {
// If T is a signed integer type, and the e2+1 most significant bits of e1 do
// not have the same bit value, then error.
size_t must_match_msb = e2u + 1;
UT mask = ~UT{0} << (bit_width - must_match_msb);
if ((e1u & mask) != 0 && (e1u & mask) != mask) {
AddError("shift left operation results in sign change", source);
return nullptr;
} else {
// If T is an unsigned integer type, and any of the e2 most significant bits of
// e1 are 1, then error.
if (e2u > 0) {
size_t must_be_zero_msb = e2u;
UT mask = ~UT{0} << (bit_width - must_be_zero_msb);
if ((e1u & mask) != 0) {
AddError(OverflowErrorMessage(e1, "<<", e2), source);
// Avoid UB by left shifting as unsigned value
auto result = static_cast<T>(static_cast<UT>(e1) << e2);
return CreateElement(builder, source, sem::Type::DeepestElementOf(ty), NumberT{result});
return Dispatch_ia_iu32(create, c0, c1);
if (!sem::Type::DeepestElementOf(args[1]->Type())->Is<sem::U32>()) {
TINT_ICE(Resolver, builder.Diagnostics())
<< "Element type of rhs of ShiftLeft must be a u32";
return nullptr;
auto r = TransformElements(builder, ty, transform, args[0], args[1]);
if (builder.Diagnostics().contains_errors()) {
return utils::Failure;
return r;
ConstEval::Result ConstEval::abs(const sem::Type* ty,
utils::VectorRef<const sem::Constant*> args,
const Source& source) {
auto transform = [&](const sem::Constant* c0) {
auto create = [&](auto e) {
using NumberT = decltype(e);
NumberT result;
if constexpr (IsUnsignedIntegral<NumberT>) {
result = e;
} else if constexpr (IsSignedIntegral<NumberT>) {
if (e == NumberT::Lowest()) {
result = e;
} else {
result = NumberT{std::abs(e)};
} else {
result = NumberT{std::abs(e)};
return CreateElement(builder, source, c0->Type(), result);
return Dispatch_fia_fiu32_f16(create, c0);
return TransformElements(builder, ty, transform, args[0]);
ConstEval::Result ConstEval::acos(const sem::Type* ty,
utils::VectorRef<const sem::Constant*> args,
const Source& source) {
auto transform = [&](const sem::Constant* c0) {
auto create = [&](auto i) -> ImplResult {
using NumberT = decltype(i);
if (i < NumberT(-1.0) || i > NumberT(1.0)) {
AddError("acos must be called with a value in the range [-1 .. 1] (inclusive)",
return utils::Failure;
return CreateElement(builder, source, c0->Type(), NumberT(std::acos(i.value)));
return Dispatch_fa_f32_f16(create, c0);
return TransformElements(builder, ty, transform, args[0]);
ConstEval::Result ConstEval::acosh(const sem::Type* ty,
utils::VectorRef<const sem::Constant*> args,
const Source& source) {
auto transform = [&](const sem::Constant* c0) {
auto create = [&](auto i) -> ImplResult {
using NumberT = decltype(i);
if (i < NumberT(1.0)) {
AddError("acosh must be called with a value >= 1.0", source);
return utils::Failure;
return CreateElement(builder, source, c0->Type(), NumberT(std::acosh(i.value)));
return Dispatch_fa_f32_f16(create, c0);
return TransformElements(builder, ty, transform, args[0]);
ConstEval::Result ConstEval::all(const sem::Type* ty,
utils::VectorRef<const sem::Constant*> args,
const Source& source) {
return CreateElement(builder, source, ty, !args[0]->AnyZero());
ConstEval::Result ConstEval::any(const sem::Type* ty,
utils::VectorRef<const sem::Constant*> args,
const Source& source) {
return CreateElement(builder, source, ty, !args[0]->AllZero());
ConstEval::Result ConstEval::asin(const sem::Type* ty,
utils::VectorRef<const sem::Constant*> args,
const Source& source) {
auto transform = [&](const sem::Constant* c0) {
auto create = [&](auto i) -> ImplResult {
using NumberT = decltype(i);
if (i < NumberT(-1.0) || i > NumberT(1.0)) {
AddError("asin must be called with a value in the range [-1 .. 1] (inclusive)",
return utils::Failure;
return CreateElement(builder, source, c0->Type(), NumberT(std::asin(i.value)));
return Dispatch_fa_f32_f16(create, c0);
return TransformElements(builder, ty, transform, args[0]);
ConstEval::Result ConstEval::asinh(const sem::Type* ty,
utils::VectorRef<const sem::Constant*> args,
const Source& source) {
auto transform = [&](const sem::Constant* c0) {
auto create = [&](auto i) {
return CreateElement(builder, source, c0->Type(), decltype(i)(std::asinh(i.value)));
return Dispatch_fa_f32_f16(create, c0);
auto r = TransformElements(builder, ty, transform, args[0]);
if (builder.Diagnostics().contains_errors()) {
return utils::Failure;
return r;
ConstEval::Result ConstEval::atan(const sem::Type* ty,
utils::VectorRef<const sem::Constant*> args,
const Source& source) {
auto transform = [&](const sem::Constant* c0) {
auto create = [&](auto i) {
return CreateElement(builder, source, c0->Type(), decltype(i)(std::atan(i.value)));
return Dispatch_fa_f32_f16(create, c0);
return TransformElements(builder, ty, transform, args[0]);
ConstEval::Result ConstEval::atanh(const sem::Type* ty,
utils::VectorRef<const sem::Constant*> args,
const Source& source) {
auto transform = [&](const sem::Constant* c0) {
auto create = [&](auto i) -> ImplResult {
using NumberT = decltype(i);
if (i <= NumberT(-1.0) || i >= NumberT(1.0)) {
AddError("atanh must be called with a value in the range (-1 .. 1) (exclusive)",
return utils::Failure;
return CreateElement(builder, source, c0->Type(), NumberT(std::atanh(i.value)));
return Dispatch_fa_f32_f16(create, c0);
return TransformElements(builder, ty, transform, args[0]);
ConstEval::Result ConstEval::atan2(const sem::Type* ty,
utils::VectorRef<const sem::Constant*> args,
const Source& source) {
auto transform = [&](const sem::Constant* c0, const sem::Constant* c1) {
auto create = [&](auto i, auto j) {
return CreateElement(builder, source, c0->Type(),
decltype(i)(std::atan2(i.value, j.value)));
return Dispatch_fa_f32_f16(create, c0, c1);
return TransformElements(builder, ty, transform, args[0], args[1]);
ConstEval::Result ConstEval::ceil(const sem::Type* ty,
utils::VectorRef<const sem::Constant*> args,
const Source& source) {
auto transform = [&](const sem::Constant* c0) {
auto create = [&](auto e) {
return CreateElement(builder, source, c0->Type(), decltype(e)(std::ceil(e)));
return Dispatch_fa_f32_f16(create, c0);
return TransformElements(builder, ty, transform, args[0]);
ConstEval::Result ConstEval::clamp(const sem::Type* ty,
utils::VectorRef<const sem::Constant*> args,
const Source& source) {
auto transform = [&](const sem::Constant* c0, const sem::Constant* c1,
const sem::Constant* c2) {
return Dispatch_fia_fiu32_f16(ClampFunc(source, c0->Type()), c0, c1, c2);
return TransformElements(builder, ty, transform, args[0], args[1], args[2]);
ConstEval::Result ConstEval::cos(const sem::Type* ty,
utils::VectorRef<const sem::Constant*> args,
const Source& source) {
auto transform = [&](const sem::Constant* c0) {
auto create = [&](auto i) -> ImplResult {
using NumberT = decltype(i);
return CreateElement(builder, source, c0->Type(), NumberT(std::cos(i.value)));
return Dispatch_fa_f32_f16(create, c0);
return TransformElements(builder, ty, transform, args[0]);
ConstEval::Result ConstEval::cosh(const sem::Type* ty,
utils::VectorRef<const sem::Constant*> args,
const Source& source) {
auto transform = [&](const sem::Constant* c0) {
auto create = [&](auto i) -> ImplResult {
using NumberT = decltype(i);
return CreateElement(builder, source, c0->Type(), NumberT(std::cosh(i.value)));
return Dispatch_fa_f32_f16(create, c0);
return TransformElements(builder, ty, transform, args[0]);
ConstEval::Result ConstEval::countLeadingZeros(const sem::Type* ty,
utils::VectorRef<const sem::Constant*> args,
const Source& source) {
auto transform = [&](const sem::Constant* c0) {
auto create = [&](auto e) {
using NumberT = decltype(e);
using T = UnwrapNumber<NumberT>;
auto count = CountLeadingBits(T{e}, T{0});
return CreateElement(builder, source, c0->Type(), NumberT(count));
return Dispatch_iu32(create, c0);
return TransformElements(builder, ty, transform, args[0]);
ConstEval::Result ConstEval::countOneBits(const sem::Type* ty,
utils::VectorRef<const sem::Constant*> args,
const Source& source) {
auto transform = [&](const sem::Constant* c0) {
auto create = [&](auto e) {
using NumberT = decltype(e);
using T = UnwrapNumber<NumberT>;
using UT = std::make_unsigned_t<T>;
constexpr UT kRightMost = UT{1};
auto count = UT{0};
for (auto v = static_cast<UT>(e); v != UT{0}; v >>= 1) {
if ((v & kRightMost) == 1) {
return CreateElement(builder, source, c0->Type(), NumberT(count));
return Dispatch_iu32(create, c0);
return TransformElements(builder, ty, transform, args[0]);
ConstEval::Result ConstEval::countTrailingZeros(const sem::Type* ty,
utils::VectorRef<const sem::Constant*> args,
const Source& source) {
auto transform = [&](const sem::Constant* c0) {
auto create = [&](auto e) {
using NumberT = decltype(e);
using T = UnwrapNumber<NumberT>;
auto count = CountTrailingBits(T{e}, T{0});
return CreateElement(builder, source, c0->Type(), NumberT(count));
return Dispatch_iu32(create, c0);
return TransformElements(builder, ty, transform, args[0]);
ConstEval::Result ConstEval::cross(const sem::Type* ty,
utils::VectorRef<const sem::Constant*> args,
const Source& source) {
auto* u = args[0];
auto* v = args[1];
auto* elem_ty = u->Type()->As<sem::Vector>()->type();
// cross product of a v3 is the determinant of the 3x3 matrix:
// |i j k |
// |u0 u1 u2|
// |v0 v1 v2|
// |u1 u2|i - |u0 u2|j + |u0 u1|k
// |v1 v2| |v0 v2| |v0 v1|
// |u1 u2|i + |v0 v2|j + |u0 u1|k
// |v1 v2| |u0 u2| |v0 v1|
auto* u0 = u->Index(0);
auto* u1 = u->Index(1);
auto* u2 = u->Index(2);
auto* v0 = v->Index(0);
auto* v1 = v->Index(1);
auto* v2 = v->Index(2);
auto x = Dispatch_fa_f32_f16(Det2Func(source, elem_ty), u1, u2, v1, v2);
if (!x) {
return utils::Failure;
auto y = Dispatch_fa_f32_f16(Det2Func(source, elem_ty), v0, v2, u0, u2);
if (!y) {
return utils::Failure;
auto z = Dispatch_fa_f32_f16(Det2Func(source, elem_ty), u0, u1, v0, v1);
if (!z) {
return utils::Failure;
return CreateComposite(builder, ty,
utils::Vector<const sem::Constant*, 3>{x.Get(), y.Get(), z.Get()});
ConstEval::Result ConstEval::extractBits(const sem::Type* ty,
utils::VectorRef<const sem::Constant*> args,
const Source& source) {
auto transform = [&](const sem::Constant* c0) {
auto create = [&](auto in_e) -> ImplResult {
using NumberT = decltype(in_e);
using T = UnwrapNumber<NumberT>;
using UT = std::make_unsigned_t<T>;
using NumberUT = Number<UT>;
// Read args that are always scalar
NumberUT in_offset = args[1]->As<NumberUT>();
NumberUT in_count = args[2]->As<NumberUT>();
// Cast all to unsigned
UT e = static_cast<UT>(in_e);
UT o = static_cast<UT>(in_offset);
UT c = static_cast<UT>(in_count);
constexpr UT w = sizeof(UT) * 8;
if (o > w || c > w || (o + c) > w) {
AddError("'offset + 'count' must be less than or equal to the bit width of 'e'",
return utils::Failure;
NumberT result;
if (c == UT{0}) {
// The result is 0 if c is 0
result = NumberT{0};
} else if (c == w) {
// The result is e if c is w
result = NumberT{e};
} else {
// Otherwise, bits 0..c - 1 of the result are copied from bits o..o + c - 1 of e.
UT src_mask = ((UT{1} << c) - UT{1}) << o;
UT r = (e & src_mask) >> o;
if constexpr (IsSignedIntegral<NumberT>) {
// Other bits of the result are the same as bit c - 1 of the result.
// Only need to set other bits if bit at c - 1 of result is 1
if ((r & (UT{1} << (c - UT{1}))) != UT{0}) {
UT dst_mask = src_mask >> o;
r |= (~UT{0} & ~dst_mask);
result = NumberT{r};
return CreateElement(builder, source, c0->Type(), result);
return Dispatch_iu32(create, c0);
return TransformElements(builder, ty, transform, args[0]);
ConstEval::Result ConstEval::firstLeadingBit(const sem::Type* ty,
utils::VectorRef<const sem::Constant*> args,
const Source& source) {
auto transform = [&](const sem::Constant* c0) {
auto create = [&](auto e) {
using NumberT = decltype(e);
using T = UnwrapNumber<NumberT>;
using UT = std::make_unsigned_t<T>;
constexpr UT kNumBits = sizeof(UT) * 8;
NumberT result;
if constexpr (IsUnsignedIntegral<T>) {
if (e == T{0}) {
// T(-1) if e is zero.
result = NumberT(static_cast<T>(-1));
} else {
// Otherwise the position of the most significant 1 bit in e.
static_assert(std::is_same_v<T, UT>);
UT count = CountLeadingBits(UT{e}, UT{0});
UT pos = kNumBits - count - 1;
result = NumberT(pos);
} else {
if (e == T{0} || e == T{-1}) {
// -1 if e is 0 or -1.
result = NumberT(-1);
} else {
// Otherwise the position of the most significant bit in e that is different
// from e's sign bit.
UT eu = static_cast<UT>(e);
UT sign_bit = eu >> (kNumBits - 1);
UT count = CountLeadingBits(eu, sign_bit);
UT pos = kNumBits - count - 1;
result = NumberT(pos);
return CreateElement(builder, source, c0->Type(), result);
return Dispatch_iu32(create, c0);
return TransformElements(builder, ty, transform, args[0]);
ConstEval::Result ConstEval::firstTrailingBit(const sem::Type* ty,
utils::VectorRef<const sem::Constant*> args,
const Source& source) {
auto transform = [&](const sem::Constant* c0) {
auto create = [&](auto e) {
using NumberT = decltype(e);
using T = UnwrapNumber<NumberT>;
using UT = std::make_unsigned_t<T>;
NumberT result;
if (e == T{0}) {
// T(-1) if e is zero.
result = NumberT(static_cast<T>(-1));
} else {
// Otherwise the position of the least significant 1 bit in e.
UT pos = CountTrailingBits(T{e}, T{0});
result = NumberT(pos);
return CreateElement(builder, source, c0->Type(), result);
return Dispatch_iu32(create, c0);
return TransformElements(builder, ty, transform, args[0]);
ConstEval::Result ConstEval::floor(const sem::Type* ty,
utils::VectorRef<const sem::Constant*> args,
const Source& source) {
auto transform = [&](const sem::Constant* c0) {
auto create = [&](auto e) {
return CreateElement(builder, source, c0->Type(), decltype(e)(std::floor(e)));
return Dispatch_fa_f32_f16(create, c0);
return TransformElements(builder, ty, transform, args[0]);
ConstEval::Result ConstEval::insertBits(const sem::Type* ty,
utils::VectorRef<const sem::Constant*> args,
const Source& source) {
auto transform = [&](const sem::Constant* c0, const sem::Constant* c1) {
auto create = [&](auto in_e, auto in_newbits) -> ImplResult {
using NumberT = decltype(in_e);
using T = UnwrapNumber<NumberT>;
using UT = std::make_unsigned_t<T>;
using NumberUT = Number<UT>;
// Read args that are always scalar
NumberUT in_offset = args[2]->As<NumberUT>();
NumberUT in_count = args[3]->As<NumberUT>();
// Cast all to unsigned
UT e = static_cast<UT>(in_e);
UT newbits = static_cast<UT>(in_newbits);
UT o = static_cast<UT>(in_offset);
UT c = static_cast<UT>(in_count);
constexpr UT w = sizeof(UT) * 8;
if (o > w || c > w || (o + c) > w) {
AddError("'offset + 'count' must be less than or equal to the bit width of 'e'",
return utils::Failure;
NumberT result;
if (c == UT{0}) {
// The result is e if c is 0
result = NumberT{e};
} else if (c == w) {
// The result is newbits if c is w
result = NumberT{newbits};
} else {
// Otherwise, bits o..o + c - 1 of the result are copied from bits 0..c - 1 of
// newbits. Other bits of the result are copied from e.
UT from = newbits << o;
UT mask = ((UT{1} << c) - UT{1}) << UT{o};
auto r = e; // Start with 'e' as the result
r &= ~mask; // Zero the bits in 'e' we're overwriting
r |= (from & mask); // Overwrite from 'newbits' (shifted into position)
result = NumberT{r};
return CreateElement(builder, source, c0->Type(), result);
return Dispatch_iu32(create, c0, c1);
return TransformElements(builder, ty, transform, args[0], args[1]);
ConstEval::Result ConstEval::max(const sem::Type* ty,
utils::VectorRef<const sem::Constant*> args,
const Source& source) {
auto transform = [&](const sem::Constant* c0, const sem::Constant* c1) {
auto create = [&](auto e0, auto e1) {
return CreateElement(builder, source, c0->Type(), decltype(e0)(std::max(e0, e1)));
return Dispatch_fia_fiu32_f16(create, c0, c1);
return TransformElements(builder, ty, transform, args[0], args[1]);
ConstEval::Result ConstEval::min(const sem::Type* ty,
utils::VectorRef<const sem::Constant*> args,
const Source& source) {
auto transform = [&](const sem::Constant* c0, const sem::Constant* c1) {
auto create = [&](auto e0, auto e1) {
return CreateElement(builder, source, c0->Type(), decltype(e0)(std::min(e0, e1)));
return Dispatch_fia_fiu32_f16(create, c0, c1);
return TransformElements(builder, ty, transform, args[0], args[1]);
ConstEval::Result ConstEval::pack2x16float(const sem::Type* ty,
utils::VectorRef<const sem::Constant*> args,
const Source& source) {
auto convert = [&](f32 val) -> utils::Result<uint32_t> {
auto conv = CheckedConvert<f16>(val);
if (!conv) {
AddError(OverflowErrorMessage(val, "f16"), source);
return utils::Failure;
uint16_t v = conv.Get().BitsRepresentation();
return utils::Result<uint32_t>{v};
auto* e = args[0];
auto e0 = convert(e->Index(0)->As<f32>());
if (!e0) {
return utils::Failure;
auto e1 = convert(e->Index(1)->As<f32>());
if (!e1) {
return utils::Failure;
u32 ret = u32((e0.Get() & 0x0000'ffff) | (e1.Get() << 16));
return CreateElement(builder, source, ty, ret);
ConstEval::Result ConstEval::pack2x16snorm(const sem::Type* ty,
utils::VectorRef<const sem::Constant*> args,
const Source& source) {
auto calc = [&](f32 val) -> u32 {
auto clamped = Clamp(source, val, f32(-1.0f), f32(1.0f)).Get();
return u32(utils::Bitcast<uint16_t>(
static_cast<int16_t>(std::floor(0.5f + (32767.0f * clamped)))));
auto* e = args[0];
auto e0 = calc(e->Index(0)->As<f32>());
auto e1 = calc(e->Index(1)->As<f32>());
u32 ret = u32((e0 & 0x0000'ffff) | (e1 << 16));
return CreateElement(builder, source, ty, ret);
ConstEval::Result ConstEval::pack2x16unorm(const sem::Type* ty,
utils::VectorRef<const sem::Constant*> args,
const Source& source) {
auto calc = [&](f32 val) -> u32 {
auto clamped = Clamp(source, val, f32(0.0f), f32(1.0f)).Get();
return u32{std::floor(0.5f + (65535.0f * clamped))};
auto* e = args[0];
auto e0 = calc(e->Index(0)->As<f32>());
auto e1 = calc(e->Index(1)->As<f32>());
u32 ret = u32((e0 & 0x0000'ffff) | (e1 << 16));
return CreateElement(builder, source, ty, ret);
ConstEval::Result ConstEval::pack4x8snorm(const sem::Type* ty,
utils::VectorRef<const sem::Constant*> args,
const Source& source) {
auto calc = [&](f32 val) -> u32 {
auto clamped = Clamp(source, val, f32(-1.0f), f32(1.0f)).Get();
return u32(
utils::Bitcast<uint8_t>(static_cast<int8_t>(std::floor(0.5f + (127.0f * clamped)))));
auto* e = args[0];
auto e0 = calc(e->Index(0)->As<f32>());
auto e1 = calc(e->Index(1)->As<f32>());
auto e2 = calc(e->Index(2)->As<f32>());
auto e3 = calc(e->Index(3)->As<f32>());
uint32_t mask = 0x0000'00ff;
u32 ret = u32((e0 & mask) | ((e1 & mask) << 8) | ((e2 & mask) << 16) | ((e3 & mask) << 24));
return CreateElement(builder, source, ty, ret);
ConstEval::Result ConstEval::pack4x8unorm(const sem::Type* ty,
utils::VectorRef<const sem::Constant*> args,
const Source& source) {
auto calc = [&](f32 val) -> u32 {
auto clamped = Clamp(source, val, f32(0.0f), f32(1.0f)).Get();
return u32{std::floor(0.5f + (255.0f * clamped))};
auto* e = args[0];
auto e0 = calc(e->Index(0)->As<f32>());
auto e1 = calc(e->Index(1)->As<f32>());
auto e2 = calc(e->Index(2)->As<f32>());
auto e3 = calc(e->Index(3)->As<f32>());
uint32_t mask = 0x0000'00ff;
u32 ret = u32((e0 & mask) | ((e1 & mask) << 8) | ((e2 & mask) << 16) | ((e3 & mask) << 24));
return CreateElement(builder, source, ty, ret);
ConstEval::Result ConstEval::reverseBits(const sem::Type* ty,
utils::VectorRef<const sem::Constant*> args,
const Source& source) {
auto transform = [&](const sem::Constant* c0) {
auto create = [&](auto in_e) -> ImplResult {
using NumberT = decltype(in_e);
using T = UnwrapNumber<NumberT>;
using UT = std::make_unsigned_t<T>;
constexpr UT kNumBits = sizeof(UT) * 8;
UT e = static_cast<UT>(in_e);
UT r = UT{0};
for (size_t s = 0; s < kNumBits; ++s) {
// Write source 's' bit to destination 'd' bit if 1
if (e & (UT{1} << s)) {
size_t d = kNumBits - s - 1;
r |= (UT{1} << d);
return CreateElement(builder, source, c0->Type(), NumberT{r});
return Dispatch_iu32(create, c0);
return TransformElements(builder, ty, transform, args[0]);
ConstEval::Result ConstEval::round(const sem::Type* ty,
utils::VectorRef<const sem::Constant*> args,
const Source& source) {
auto transform = [&](const sem::Constant* c0) {
auto create = [&](auto e) {
using NumberT = decltype(e);
using T = UnwrapNumber<NumberT>;
auto integral = NumberT(0);
auto fract = std::abs(std::modf(e.value, &(integral.value)));
// When e lies halfway between integers k and k + 1, the result is k when k is even,
// and k + 1 when k is odd.
NumberT result = NumberT(0.0);
if (fract == NumberT(0.5)) {
// If the integral value is negative, then we need to subtract one in order to move
// to the correct `k`. The half way check is `k` and `k + 1` which in the positive
// case is `x` and `x + 1` but in the negative case is `x - 1` and `x`.
T integral_val = integral.value;
if (std::signbit(integral_val)) {
integral_val = std::abs(integral_val - 1);
if (uint64_t(integral_val) % 2 == 0) {
result = NumberT(std::floor(e.value));
} else {
result = NumberT(std::ceil(e.value));
} else {
result = NumberT(std::round(e.value));
return CreateElement(builder, source, c0->Type(), result);
return Dispatch_fa_f32_f16(create, c0);
return TransformElements(builder, ty, transform, args[0]);
ConstEval::Result ConstEval::saturate(const sem::Type* ty,
utils::VectorRef<const sem::Constant*> args,
const Source& source) {
auto transform = [&](const sem::Constant* c0) {
auto create = [&](auto e) {
using NumberT = decltype(e);
return CreateElement(builder, source, c0->Type(),
NumberT(std::min(std::max(e, NumberT(0.0)), NumberT(1.0))));
return Dispatch_fa_f32_f16(create, c0);
return TransformElements(builder, ty, transform, args[0]);
ConstEval::Result ConstEval::select_bool(const sem::Type* ty,
utils::VectorRef<const sem::Constant*> args,
const Source& source) {
auto cond = args[2]->As<bool>();
auto transform = [&](const sem::Constant* c0, const sem::Constant* c1) {
auto create = [&](auto f, auto t) -> ImplResult {
return CreateElement(builder, source, sem::Type::DeepestElementOf(ty), cond ? t : f);
return Dispatch_fia_fiu32_f16_bool(create, c0, c1);
return TransformElements(builder, ty, transform, args[0], args[1]);
ConstEval::Result ConstEval::select_boolvec(const sem::Type* ty,
utils::VectorRef<const sem::Constant*> args,
const Source& source) {
auto transform = [&](const sem::Constant* c0, const sem::Constant* c1, size_t index) {
auto create = [&](auto f, auto t) -> ImplResult {
// Get corresponding bool value at the current vector value index
auto cond = args[2]->Index(index)->As<bool>();
return CreateElement(builder, source, sem::Type::DeepestElementOf(ty), cond ? t : f);
return Dispatch_fia_fiu32_f16_bool(create, c0, c1);
return TransformElements(builder, ty, transform, args[0], args[1]);
ConstEval::Result ConstEval::sign(const sem::Type* ty,
utils::VectorRef<const sem::Constant*> args,
const Source& source) {
auto transform = [&](const sem::Constant* c0) {
auto create = [&](auto e) -> ImplResult {
using NumberT = decltype(e);
NumberT result;
NumberT zero{0.0};
if (e.value < zero) {
result = NumberT{-1.0};
} else if (e.value > zero) {
result = NumberT{1.0};
} else {
result = zero;
return CreateElement(builder, source, c0->Type(), result);
return Dispatch_fa_f32_f16(create, c0);
return TransformElements(builder, ty, transform, args[0]);
ConstEval::Result ConstEval::sin(const sem::Type* ty,
utils::VectorRef<const sem::Constant*> args,
const Source& source) {
auto transform = [&](const sem::Constant* c0) {
auto create = [&](auto i) -> ImplResult {
using NumberT = decltype(i);
return CreateElement(builder, source, c0->Type(), NumberT(std::sin(i.value)));
return Dispatch_fa_f32_f16(create, c0);
return TransformElements(builder, ty, transform, args[0]);
ConstEval::Result ConstEval::sinh(const sem::Type* ty,
utils::VectorRef<const sem::Constant*> args,
const Source& source) {
auto transform = [&](const sem::Constant* c0) {
auto create = [&](auto i) -> ImplResult {
using NumberT = decltype(i);
return CreateElement(builder, source, c0->Type(), NumberT(std::sinh(i.value)));
return Dispatch_fa_f32_f16(create, c0);
return TransformElements(builder, ty, transform, args[0]);
ConstEval::Result ConstEval::smoothstep(const sem::Type* ty,
utils::VectorRef<const sem::Constant*> args,
const Source& source) {
auto transform = [&](const sem::Constant* c0, const sem::Constant* c1,
const sem::Constant* c2) {
auto create = [&](auto low, auto high, auto x) -> ImplResult {
using NumberT = decltype(low);
auto err = [&] {
AddNote("when calculating smoothstep", source);
return utils::Failure;
// t = clamp((x - low) / (high - low), 0.0, 1.0)
auto x_minus_low = Sub(source, x, low);
auto high_minus_low = Sub(source, high, low);
if (!x_minus_low || !high_minus_low) {
return err();
auto div = Div(source, x_minus_low.Get(), high_minus_low.Get());
if (!div) {
return err();
auto clamp = Clamp(source, div.Get(), NumberT(0), NumberT(1));
auto t = clamp.Get();
// result = t * t * (3.0 - 2.0 * t)
auto t_times_t = Mul(source, t, t);
auto t_times_2 = Mul(source, NumberT(2), t);
if (!t_times_t || !t_times_2) {
return err();
auto three_minus_t_times_2 = Sub(source, NumberT(3), t_times_2.Get());
if (!three_minus_t_times_2) {
return err();
auto result = Mul(source, t_times_t.Get(), three_minus_t_times_2.Get());
if (!result) {
return err();
return CreateElement(builder, source, c0->Type(), result.Get());
return Dispatch_fa_f32_f16(create, c0, c1, c2);
return TransformElements(builder, ty, transform, args[0], args[1], args[2]);
ConstEval::Result ConstEval::step(const sem::Type* ty,
utils::VectorRef<const sem::Constant*> args,
const Source& source) {
auto transform = [&](const sem::Constant* c0, const sem::Constant* c1) {
auto create = [&](auto edge, auto x) -> ImplResult {
using NumberT = decltype(edge);
NumberT result = x.value < edge.value ? NumberT(0.0) : NumberT(1.0);
return CreateElement(builder, source, c0->Type(), result);
return Dispatch_fa_f32_f16(create, c0, c1);
return TransformElements(builder, ty, transform, args[0], args[1]);
ConstEval::Result ConstEval::sqrt(const sem::Type* ty,
utils::VectorRef<const sem::Constant*> args,
const Source& source) {
auto transform = [&](const sem::Constant* c0) {
auto create = [&](auto i) -> ImplResult {
using NumberT = decltype(i);
if (i < NumberT(0)) {
AddError("sqrt must be called with a value >= 0", source);
return utils::Failure;
return CreateElement(builder, source, c0->Type(), NumberT(std::sqrt(i.value)));
return Dispatch_fa_f32_f16(create, c0);
return TransformElements(builder, ty, transform, args[0]);
ConstEval::Result ConstEval::tan(const sem::Type* ty,
utils::VectorRef<const sem::Constant*> args,
const Source& source) {
auto transform = [&](const sem::Constant* c0) {
auto create = [&](auto i) -> ImplResult {
using NumberT = decltype(i);
return CreateElement(builder, source, c0->Type(), NumberT(std::tan(i.value)));
return Dispatch_fa_f32_f16(create, c0);
return TransformElements(builder, ty, transform, args[0]);
ConstEval::Result ConstEval::tanh(const sem::Type* ty,
utils::VectorRef<const sem::Constant*> args,
const Source& source) {
auto transform = [&](const sem::Constant* c0) {
auto create = [&](auto i) -> ImplResult {
using NumberT = decltype(i);
return CreateElement(builder, source, c0->Type(), NumberT(std::tanh(i.value)));
return Dispatch_fa_f32_f16(create, c0);
return TransformElements(builder, ty, transform, args[0]);
ConstEval::Result ConstEval::trunc(const sem::Type* ty,
utils::VectorRef<const sem::Constant*> args,
const Source& source) {
auto transform = [&](const sem::Constant* c0) {
auto create = [&](auto i) {
return CreateElement(builder, source, c0->Type(), decltype(i)(std::trunc(i.value)));
return Dispatch_fa_f32_f16(create, c0);
return TransformElements(builder, ty, transform, args[0]);
ConstEval::Result ConstEval::unpack2x16float(const sem::Type* ty,
utils::VectorRef<const sem::Constant*> args,
const Source& source) {
auto* inner_ty = sem::Type::DeepestElementOf(ty);
auto e = args[0]->As<u32>().value;
utils::Vector<const sem::Constant*, 2> els;
for (size_t i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
auto in = f16::FromBits(uint16_t((e >> (16 * i)) & 0x0000'ffff));
auto val = CheckedConvert<f32>(in);
if (!val) {
AddError(OverflowErrorMessage(in, "f32"), source);
return utils::Failure;
auto el = CreateElement(builder, source, inner_ty, val.Get());
if (!el) {
return el;
return CreateComposite(builder, ty, std::move(els));
ConstEval::Result ConstEval::unpack2x16snorm(const sem::Type* ty,
utils::VectorRef<const sem::Constant*> args,
const Source& source) {
auto* inner_ty = sem::Type::DeepestElementOf(ty);
auto e = args[0]->As<u32>().value;
utils::Vector<const sem::Constant*, 2> els;
for (size_t i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
auto val = f32(
std::max(static_cast<float>(int16_t((e >> (16 * i)) & 0x0000'ffff)) / 32767.f, -1.f));
auto el = CreateElement(builder, source, inner_ty, val);
if (!el) {
return el;
return CreateComposite(builder, ty, std::move(els));
ConstEval::Result ConstEval::unpack2x16unorm(const sem::Type* ty,
utils::VectorRef<const sem::Constant*> args,
const Source& source) {
auto* inner_ty = sem::Type::DeepestElementOf(ty);
auto e = args[0]->As<u32>().value;
utils::Vector<const sem::Constant*, 2> els;
for (size_t i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
auto val = f32(static_cast<float>(uint16_t((e >> (16 * i)) & 0x0000'ffff)) / 65535.f);
auto el = CreateElement(builder, source, inner_ty, val);
if (!el) {
return el;
return CreateComposite(builder, ty, std::move(els));
ConstEval::Result ConstEval::unpack4x8snorm(const sem::Type* ty,
utils::VectorRef<const sem::Constant*> args,
const Source& source) {
auto* inner_ty = sem::Type::DeepestElementOf(ty);
auto e = args[0]->As<u32>().value;
utils::Vector<const sem::Constant*, 4> els;
for (size_t i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
auto val =
f32(std::max(static_cast<float>(int8_t((e >> (8 * i)) & 0x0000'00ff)) / 127.f, -1.f));
auto el = CreateElement(builder, source, inner_ty, val);
if (!el) {
return el;
return CreateComposite(builder, ty, std::move(els));
ConstEval::Result ConstEval::unpack4x8unorm(const sem::Type* ty,
utils::VectorRef<const sem::Constant*> args,
const Source& source) {
auto* inner_ty = sem::Type::DeepestElementOf(ty);
auto e = args[0]->As<u32>().value;
utils::Vector<const sem::Constant*, 4> els;
for (size_t i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
auto val = f32(static_cast<float>(uint8_t((e >> (8 * i)) & 0x0000'00ff)) / 255.f);
auto el = CreateElement(builder, source, inner_ty, val);
if (!el) {
return el;
return CreateComposite(builder, ty, std::move(els));
ConstEval::Result ConstEval::quantizeToF16(const sem::Type* ty,
utils::VectorRef<const sem::Constant*> args,
const Source& source) {
auto transform = [&](const sem::Constant* c) -> ImplResult {
auto value = c->As<f32>();
auto conv = CheckedConvert<f32>(f16(value));
if (!conv) {
AddError(OverflowErrorMessage(value, "f16"), source);
return utils::Failure;
return CreateElement(builder, source, c->Type(), conv.Get());
return TransformElements(builder, ty, transform, args[0]);
ConstEval::Result ConstEval::Convert(const sem::Type* target_ty,
const sem::Constant* value,
const Source& source) {
if (value->Type() == target_ty) {
return value;
return static_cast<const ImplConstant*>(value)->Convert(builder, target_ty, source);
void ConstEval::AddError(const std::string& msg, const Source& source) const {
builder.Diagnostics().add_error(diag::System::Resolver, msg, source);
void ConstEval::AddWarning(const std::string& msg, const Source& source) const {
builder.Diagnostics().add_warning(diag::System::Resolver, msg, source);
void ConstEval::AddNote(const std::string& msg, const Source& source) const {
builder.Diagnostics().add_note(diag::System::Resolver, msg, source);
} // namespace tint::resolver