blob: ec4f4f664227c579a77663fc018e6866e7e5106b [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2020 The Tint Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include "src/tint/resolver/validator.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <limits>
#include <utility>
#include "src/tint/ast/alias.h"
#include "src/tint/ast/array.h"
#include "src/tint/ast/assignment_statement.h"
#include "src/tint/ast/bitcast_expression.h"
#include "src/tint/ast/break_statement.h"
#include "src/tint/ast/call_statement.h"
#include "src/tint/ast/continue_statement.h"
#include "src/tint/ast/depth_texture.h"
#include "src/tint/ast/disable_validation_attribute.h"
#include "src/tint/ast/discard_statement.h"
#include "src/tint/ast/for_loop_statement.h"
#include "src/tint/ast/id_attribute.h"
#include "src/tint/ast/if_statement.h"
#include "src/tint/ast/internal_attribute.h"
#include "src/tint/ast/interpolate_attribute.h"
#include "src/tint/ast/loop_statement.h"
#include "src/tint/ast/matrix.h"
#include "src/tint/ast/pointer.h"
#include "src/tint/ast/return_statement.h"
#include "src/tint/ast/sampled_texture.h"
#include "src/tint/ast/sampler.h"
#include "src/tint/ast/storage_texture.h"
#include "src/tint/ast/switch_statement.h"
#include "src/tint/ast/traverse_expressions.h"
#include "src/tint/ast/type_name.h"
#include "src/tint/ast/unary_op_expression.h"
#include "src/tint/ast/variable_decl_statement.h"
#include "src/tint/ast/vector.h"
#include "src/tint/ast/workgroup_attribute.h"
#include "src/tint/sem/array.h"
#include "src/tint/sem/atomic.h"
#include "src/tint/sem/break_if_statement.h"
#include "src/tint/sem/call.h"
#include "src/tint/sem/for_loop_statement.h"
#include "src/tint/sem/function.h"
#include "src/tint/sem/if_statement.h"
#include "src/tint/sem/loop_statement.h"
#include "src/tint/sem/materialize.h"
#include "src/tint/sem/member_accessor_expression.h"
#include "src/tint/sem/statement.h"
#include "src/tint/sem/struct.h"
#include "src/tint/sem/switch_statement.h"
#include "src/tint/sem/type_conversion.h"
#include "src/tint/sem/type_initializer.h"
#include "src/tint/sem/variable.h"
#include "src/tint/sem/while_statement.h"
#include "src/tint/type/abstract_numeric.h"
#include "src/tint/type/depth_multisampled_texture.h"
#include "src/tint/type/depth_texture.h"
#include "src/tint/type/multisampled_texture.h"
#include "src/tint/type/pointer.h"
#include "src/tint/type/reference.h"
#include "src/tint/type/sampled_texture.h"
#include "src/tint/type/sampler.h"
#include "src/tint/type/storage_texture.h"
#include "src/tint/utils/defer.h"
#include "src/tint/utils/map.h"
#include "src/tint/utils/math.h"
#include "src/tint/utils/reverse.h"
#include "src/tint/utils/scoped_assignment.h"
#include "src/tint/utils/string.h"
#include "src/tint/utils/transform.h"
namespace tint::resolver {
namespace {
bool IsValidStorageTextureDimension(ast::TextureDimension dim) {
switch (dim) {
case ast::TextureDimension::k1d:
case ast::TextureDimension::k2d:
case ast::TextureDimension::k2dArray:
case ast::TextureDimension::k3d:
return true;
return false;
bool IsValidStorageTextureTexelFormat(ast::TexelFormat format) {
switch (format) {
case ast::TexelFormat::kR32Uint:
case ast::TexelFormat::kR32Sint:
case ast::TexelFormat::kR32Float:
case ast::TexelFormat::kRg32Uint:
case ast::TexelFormat::kRg32Sint:
case ast::TexelFormat::kRg32Float:
case ast::TexelFormat::kRgba8Unorm:
case ast::TexelFormat::kRgba8Snorm:
case ast::TexelFormat::kRgba8Uint:
case ast::TexelFormat::kRgba8Sint:
case ast::TexelFormat::kRgba16Uint:
case ast::TexelFormat::kRgba16Sint:
case ast::TexelFormat::kRgba16Float:
case ast::TexelFormat::kRgba32Uint:
case ast::TexelFormat::kRgba32Sint:
case ast::TexelFormat::kRgba32Float:
return true;
return false;
// Helper to stringify a pipeline IO attribute.
std::string attr_to_str(const ast::Attribute* attr,
std::optional<uint32_t> location = std::nullopt) {
std::stringstream str;
if (auto* builtin = attr->As<ast::BuiltinAttribute>()) {
str << "builtin(" << builtin->builtin << ")";
} else if (attr->Is<ast::LocationAttribute>()) {
str << "location(" << location.value() << ")";
return str.str();
template <typename CALLBACK>
void TraverseCallChain(diag::List& diagnostics,
const sem::Function* from,
const sem::Function* to,
CALLBACK&& callback) {
for (auto* f : from->TransitivelyCalledFunctions()) {
if (f == to) {
if (f->TransitivelyCalledFunctions().Contains(to)) {
TraverseCallChain(diagnostics, f, to, callback);
TINT_ICE(Resolver, diagnostics) << "TraverseCallChain() 'from' does not transitively call 'to'";
} // namespace
ProgramBuilder* builder,
SemHelper& sem,
const ast::Extensions& enabled_extensions,
const utils::Hashmap<const type::Type*, const Source*, 8>& atomic_composite_info,
utils::Hashset<TypeAndAddressSpace, 8>& valid_type_storage_layouts)
: symbols_(builder->Symbols()),
valid_type_storage_layouts_(valid_type_storage_layouts) {}
Validator::~Validator() = default;
void Validator::AddError(const std::string& msg, const Source& source) const {
diagnostics_.add_error(diag::System::Resolver, msg, source);
void Validator::AddWarning(const std::string& msg, const Source& source) const {
diagnostics_.add_warning(diag::System::Resolver, msg, source);
void Validator::AddNote(const std::string& msg, const Source& source) const {
diagnostics_.add_note(diag::System::Resolver, msg, source);
bool Validator::IsPlain(const type::Type* type) const {
return type->is_scalar() ||
type->IsAnyOf<sem::Atomic, sem::Vector, sem::Matrix, sem::Array, sem::Struct>();
bool Validator::IsFixedFootprint(const type::Type* type) const {
return Switch(
type, //
[&](const sem::Vector*) { return true; }, //
[&](const sem::Matrix*) { return true; }, //
[&](const sem::Atomic*) { return true; },
[&](const sem::Array* arr) {
return !arr->Count()->Is<type::RuntimeArrayCount>() &&
[&](const sem::Struct* str) {
for (auto* member : str->Members()) {
if (!IsFixedFootprint(member->Type())) {
return false;
return true;
[&](Default) { return type->is_scalar(); });
bool Validator::IsHostShareable(const type::Type* type) const {
if (type->IsAnyOf<type::I32, type::U32, type::F32, type::F16>()) {
return true;
return Switch(
type, //
[&](const sem::Vector* vec) { return IsHostShareable(vec->type()); },
[&](const sem::Matrix* mat) { return IsHostShareable(mat->type()); },
[&](const sem::Array* arr) { return IsHostShareable(arr->ElemType()); },
[&](const sem::Struct* str) {
for (auto* member : str->Members()) {
if (!IsHostShareable(member->Type())) {
return false;
return true;
[&](const sem::Atomic* atomic) { return IsHostShareable(atomic->Type()); });
bool Validator::IsStorable(const type::Type* type) const {
return IsPlain(type) || type->IsAnyOf<type::Texture, type::Sampler>();
const ast::Statement* Validator::ClosestContinuing(bool stop_at_loop,
sem::Statement* current_statement) const {
for (const auto* s = current_statement; s != nullptr; s = s->Parent()) {
if (stop_at_loop && s->Is<sem::LoopStatement>()) {
if (s->Is<sem::LoopContinuingBlockStatement>()) {
return s->Declaration();
if (auto* f = As<sem::ForLoopStatement>(s->Parent())) {
if (f->Declaration()->continuing == s->Declaration()) {
return s->Declaration();
if (stop_at_loop) {
if (Is<sem::WhileStatement>(s->Parent())) {
if (stop_at_loop) {
return nullptr;
bool Validator::Atomic(const ast::Atomic* a, const sem::Atomic* s) const {
// T must be either u32 or i32.
if (!s->Type()->IsAnyOf<type::U32, type::I32>()) {
AddError("atomic only supports i32 or u32 types", a->type ? a->type->source : a->source);
return false;
return true;
bool Validator::Pointer(const ast::Pointer* a, const type::Pointer* s) const {
if (s->AddressSpace() == ast::AddressSpace::kUndefined) {
AddError("ptr missing address space", a->source);
return false;
if (a->access != ast::Access::kUndefined) {
// When writing a variable declaration or a pointer type in WGSL source:
// * For the storage address space, the access mode is optional, and defaults to read.
// * For other address spaces, the access mode must not be written.
if (a->address_space != ast::AddressSpace::kStorage) {
AddError("only pointers in <storage> address space may declare an access mode",
return false;
return CheckTypeAccessAddressSpace(s->StoreType(), s->Access(), s->AddressSpace(), utils::Empty,
bool Validator::StorageTexture(const ast::StorageTexture* t) const {
switch (t->access) {
case ast::Access::kWrite:
case ast::Access::kUndefined:
AddError("storage texture missing access control", t->source);
return false;
AddError("storage textures currently only support 'write' access control", t->source);
return false;
if (!IsValidStorageTextureDimension(t->dim)) {
AddError("cube dimensions for storage textures are not supported", t->source);
return false;
if (!IsValidStorageTextureTexelFormat(t->format)) {
"image format must be one of the texel formats specified for storage "
"textues in",
return false;
return true;
bool Validator::SampledTexture(const type::SampledTexture* t, const Source& source) const {
if (!t->type()->UnwrapRef()->IsAnyOf<type::F32, type::I32, type::U32>()) {
AddError("texture_2d<type>: type must be f32, i32 or u32", source);
return false;
return true;
bool Validator::MultisampledTexture(const type::MultisampledTexture* t,
const Source& source) const {
if (t->dim() != ast::TextureDimension::k2d) {
AddError("only 2d multisampled textures are supported", source);
return false;
if (!t->type()->UnwrapRef()->IsAnyOf<type::F32, type::I32, type::U32>()) {
AddError("texture_multisampled_2d<type>: type must be f32, i32 or u32", source);
return false;
return true;
bool Validator::Materialize(const type::Type* to,
const type::Type* from,
const Source& source) const {
if (type::Type::ConversionRank(from, to) == type::Type::kNoConversion) {
AddError("cannot convert value of type '" + sem_.TypeNameOf(from) + "' to type '" +
sem_.TypeNameOf(to) + "'",
return false;
return true;
bool Validator::VariableInitializer(const ast::Variable* v,
ast::AddressSpace address_space,
const type::Type* storage_ty,
const sem::Expression* initializer) const {
auto* initializer_ty = initializer->Type();
auto* value_type = initializer_ty->UnwrapRef(); // Implicit load of RHS
// Value type has to match storage type
if (storage_ty != value_type) {
std::stringstream s;
s << "cannot initialize " << v->Kind() << " of type '" << sem_.TypeNameOf(storage_ty)
<< "' with value of type '" << sem_.TypeNameOf(initializer_ty) << "'";
AddError(s.str(), v->source);
return false;
if (v->Is<ast::Var>()) {
switch (address_space) {
case ast::AddressSpace::kPrivate:
case ast::AddressSpace::kFunction:
break; // Allowed an initializer
// Optionally has an initializer expression, if the variable is in the private or
// function address spaces.
AddError("var of address space '" + utils::ToString(address_space) +
"' cannot have an initializer. var initializers are only supported "
"for the address spaces 'private' and 'function'",
return false;
return true;
bool Validator::AddressSpaceLayout(const type::Type* store_ty,
ast::AddressSpace address_space,
Source source) const {
auto is_uniform_struct_or_array = [address_space](const type::Type* ty) {
return address_space == ast::AddressSpace::kUniform &&
ty->IsAnyOf<sem::Array, sem::Struct>();
auto is_uniform_struct = [address_space](const type::Type* ty) {
return address_space == ast::AddressSpace::kUniform && ty->Is<sem::Struct>();
auto required_alignment_of = [&](const type::Type* ty) {
uint32_t actual_align = ty->Align();
uint32_t required_align = actual_align;
if (is_uniform_struct_or_array(ty)) {
required_align = utils::RoundUp(16u, actual_align);
return required_align;
auto member_name_of = [this](const sem::StructMember* sm) {
return symbols_.NameFor(sm->Name());
// Only validate the [type + address space] once
if (!valid_type_storage_layouts_.Add(TypeAndAddressSpace{store_ty, address_space})) {
return true;
if (!ast::IsHostShareable(address_space)) {
return true;
auto note_usage = [&] {
AddNote("'" + store_ty->FriendlyName(symbols_) + "' used in address space '" +
utils::ToString(address_space) + "' here",
// Among three host-shareable address spaces, f16 is supported in "uniform" and
// "storage" address space, but not "push_constant" address space yet.
if (Is<type::F16>(type::Type::DeepestElementOf(store_ty)) &&
address_space == ast::AddressSpace::kPushConstant) {
AddError("using f16 types in 'push_constant' address space is not implemented yet", source);
return false;
if (auto* str = store_ty->As<sem::Struct>()) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < str->Members().Length(); ++i) {
auto* const m = str->Members()[i];
uint32_t required_align = required_alignment_of(m->Type());
// Recurse into the member type.
if (!AddressSpaceLayout(m->Type(), address_space, m->Declaration()->type->source)) {
AddNote("see layout of struct:\n" + str->Layout(symbols_), str->Source());
return false;
// Validate that member is at a valid byte offset
if (m->Offset() % required_align != 0) {
AddError("the offset of a struct member of type '" +
m->Type()->UnwrapRef()->FriendlyName(symbols_) +
"' in address space '" + utils::ToString(address_space) +
"' must be a multiple of " + std::to_string(required_align) +
" bytes, but '" + member_name_of(m) + "' is currently at offset " +
std::to_string(m->Offset()) + ". Consider setting @align(" +
std::to_string(required_align) + ") on this member",
AddNote("see layout of struct:\n" + str->Layout(symbols_), str->Source());
if (auto* member_str = m->Type()->As<sem::Struct>()) {
AddNote("and layout of struct member:\n" + member_str->Layout(symbols_),
return false;
// For uniform buffers, validate that the number of bytes between the previous member of
// type struct and the current is a multiple of 16 bytes.
auto* const prev_member = (i == 0) ? nullptr : str->Members()[i - 1];
if (prev_member && is_uniform_struct(prev_member->Type())) {
const uint32_t prev_to_curr_offset = m->Offset() - prev_member->Offset();
if (prev_to_curr_offset % 16 != 0) {
"uniform storage requires that the number of bytes between the "
"start of the previous member of type struct and the current "
"member be a multiple of 16 bytes, but there are currently " +
std::to_string(prev_to_curr_offset) + " bytes between '" +
member_name_of(prev_member) + "' and '" + member_name_of(m) +
"'. Consider setting @align(16) on this member",
AddNote("see layout of struct:\n" + str->Layout(symbols_), str->Source());
auto* prev_member_str = prev_member->Type()->As<sem::Struct>();
AddNote("and layout of previous member struct:\n" +
return false;
// For uniform buffer array members, validate that array elements are aligned to 16 bytes
if (auto* arr = store_ty->As<sem::Array>()) {
// Recurse into the element type.
// TODO( Ideally we'd pass the source for nested element type here, but
// we can't easily get that from the semantic node. We should consider recursing through the
// AST type nodes instead.
if (!AddressSpaceLayout(arr->ElemType(), address_space, source)) {
return false;
if (address_space == ast::AddressSpace::kUniform) {
// We already validated that this array member is itself aligned to 16 bytes above, so
// we only need to validate that stride is a multiple of 16 bytes.
if (arr->Stride() % 16 != 0) {
// Since WGSL has no stride attribute, try to provide a useful hint for how the
// shader author can resolve the issue.
std::string hint;
if (arr->ElemType()->is_scalar()) {
hint = "Consider using a vector or struct as the element type instead.";
} else if (auto* vec = arr->ElemType()->As<sem::Vector>();
vec && vec->type()->Size() == 4) {
hint = "Consider using a vec4 instead.";
} else if (arr->ElemType()->Is<sem::Struct>()) {
hint = "Consider using the @size attribute on the last struct member.";
} else {
hint =
"Consider wrapping the element type in a struct and using the @size "
"uniform storage requires that array elements be aligned to 16 "
"bytes, but array element alignment is currently " +
std::to_string(arr->Stride()) + ". " + hint,
return false;
return true;
bool Validator::LocalVariable(const sem::Variable* local) const {
auto* decl = local->Declaration();
if (IsArrayWithOverrideCount(local->Type())) {
RaiseArrayWithOverrideCountError(decl->type ? decl->type->source
: decl->initializer->source);
return false;
return Switch(
decl, //
[&](const ast::Var* var) {
if (IsValidationEnabled(var->attributes,
ast::DisabledValidation::kIgnoreAddressSpace)) {
if (!local->Type()->UnwrapRef()->IsConstructible()) {
AddError("function-scope 'var' must have a constructible type",
var->type ? var->type->source : var->source);
return false;
return Var(local);
}, //
[&](const ast::Let*) { return Let(local); }, //
[&](const ast::Const*) { return true; }, //
[&](Default) {
TINT_ICE(Resolver, diagnostics_)
<< "Validator::Variable() called with a unknown variable type: "
<< decl->TypeInfo().name;
return false;
bool Validator::GlobalVariable(
const sem::GlobalVariable* global,
const utils::Hashmap<OverrideId, const sem::Variable*, 8>& override_ids) const {
auto* decl = global->Declaration();
if (global->AddressSpace() != ast::AddressSpace::kWorkgroup &&
IsArrayWithOverrideCount(global->Type())) {
RaiseArrayWithOverrideCountError(decl->type ? decl->type->source
: decl->initializer->source);
return false;
bool ok = Switch(
decl, //
[&](const ast::Var*) {
if (auto* init = global->Initializer();
init && init->Stage() > sem::EvaluationStage::kOverride) {
AddError("module-scope 'var' initializer must be a constant or override-expression",
return false;
if (global->AddressSpace() == ast::AddressSpace::kNone) {
AddError("module-scope 'var' declaration must have a address space", decl->source);
return false;
for (auto* attr : decl->attributes) {
bool is_shader_io_attribute =
attr->IsAnyOf<ast::BuiltinAttribute, ast::InterpolateAttribute,
ast::InvariantAttribute, ast::LocationAttribute>();
bool has_io_address_space = global->AddressSpace() == ast::AddressSpace::kIn ||
global->AddressSpace() == ast::AddressSpace::kOut;
if (!attr->IsAnyOf<ast::BindingAttribute, ast::GroupAttribute,
ast::InternalAttribute>() &&
(!is_shader_io_attribute || !has_io_address_space)) {
AddError("attribute '" + attr->Name() + "' is not valid for module-scope 'var'",
return false;
return Var(global);
[&](const ast::Override*) { return Override(global, override_ids); },
[&](const ast::Const*) {
if (!decl->attributes.IsEmpty()) {
AddError("attribute is not valid for module-scope 'const' declaration",
return false;
return Const(global);
[&](Default) {
TINT_ICE(Resolver, diagnostics_)
<< "Validator::GlobalVariable() called with a unknown variable type: "
<< decl->TypeInfo().name;
return false;
if (!ok) {
return false;
if (global->AddressSpace() == ast::AddressSpace::kFunction) {
AddError("module-scope 'var' must not use address space 'function'", decl->source);
return false;
switch (global->AddressSpace()) {
case ast::AddressSpace::kUniform:
case ast::AddressSpace::kStorage:
case ast::AddressSpace::kHandle: {
// Each resource variable must be declared with both group and binding attributes.
if (!decl->HasBindingPoint()) {
AddError("resource variables require @group and @binding attributes", decl->source);
return false;
default: {
auto* binding_attr = ast::GetAttribute<ast::BindingAttribute>(decl->attributes);
auto* group_attr = ast::GetAttribute<ast::GroupAttribute>(decl->attributes);
if (binding_attr || group_attr) {
// Must only be applied to a resource variable
AddError("non-resource variables must not have @group or @binding attributes",
return false;
return true;
bool Validator::Var(const sem::Variable* v) const {
auto* var = v->Declaration()->As<ast::Var>();
auto* store_ty = v->Type()->UnwrapRef();
if (!IsStorable(store_ty)) {
AddError(sem_.TypeNameOf(store_ty) + " cannot be used as the type of a var", var->source);
return false;
if (store_ty->is_handle()) {
if (var->declared_address_space != ast::AddressSpace::kNone) {
// If the store type is a texture type or a sampler type, then the variable declaration
// must not have a address space attribute. The address space will always be handle.
AddError("variables of type '" + sem_.TypeNameOf(store_ty) +
"' must not have a address space",
return false;
if (var->declared_access != ast::Access::kUndefined) {
// When writing a variable declaration or a pointer type in WGSL source:
// * For the storage address space, the access mode is optional, and defaults to read.
// * For other address spaces, the access mode must not be written.
if (var->declared_address_space != ast::AddressSpace::kStorage) {
AddError("only variables in <storage> address space may declare an access mode",
return false;
if (!CheckTypeAccessAddressSpace(v->Type()->UnwrapRef(), v->Access(), v->AddressSpace(),
var->attributes, var->source)) {
return false;
if (IsValidationEnabled(var->attributes, ast::DisabledValidation::kIgnoreAddressSpace) &&
(var->declared_address_space == ast::AddressSpace::kIn ||
var->declared_address_space == ast::AddressSpace::kOut)) {
AddError("invalid use of input/output address space", var->source);
return false;
return true;
bool Validator::Let(const sem::Variable* v) const {
auto* decl = v->Declaration();
auto* storage_ty = v->Type()->UnwrapRef();
if (!(storage_ty->IsConstructible() || storage_ty->Is<type::Pointer>())) {
AddError(sem_.TypeNameOf(storage_ty) + " cannot be used as the type of a 'let'",
return false;
return true;
bool Validator::Override(
const sem::GlobalVariable* v,
const utils::Hashmap<OverrideId, const sem::Variable*, 8>& override_ids) const {
auto* decl = v->Declaration();
auto* storage_ty = v->Type()->UnwrapRef();
if (auto* init = v->Initializer(); init && init->Stage() > sem::EvaluationStage::kOverride) {
AddError("'override' initializer must be an override-expression",
return false;
for (auto* attr : decl->attributes) {
if (attr->Is<ast::IdAttribute>()) {
auto id = v->OverrideId();
if (auto var = override_ids.Find(id); var && *var != v) {
AddError("@id values must be unique", attr->source);
"a override with an ID of " + std::to_string(id.value) +
" was previously declared here:",
return false;
} else {
AddError("attribute is not valid for 'override' declaration", attr->source);
return false;
if (!storage_ty->is_scalar()) {
AddError(sem_.TypeNameOf(storage_ty) + " cannot be used as the type of a 'override'",
return false;
if (storage_ty->Is<type::F16>()) {
AddError("'override' of type f16 is not implemented yet", decl->source);
return false;
return true;
bool Validator::Const(const sem::Variable*) const {
return true;
bool Validator::Parameter(const ast::Function* func, const sem::Variable* var) const {
auto* decl = var->Declaration();
if (IsValidationDisabled(decl->attributes, ast::DisabledValidation::kFunctionParameter)) {
return true;
for (auto* attr : decl->attributes) {
if (!func->IsEntryPoint() && !attr->Is<ast::InternalAttribute>()) {
AddError("attribute is not valid for non-entry point function parameters",
return false;
if (!attr->IsAnyOf<ast::BuiltinAttribute, ast::InvariantAttribute, ast::LocationAttribute,
ast::InterpolateAttribute, ast::InternalAttribute>() &&
ast::DisabledValidation::kEntryPointParameter))) {
AddError("attribute is not valid for function parameters", attr->source);
return false;
if (auto* ref = var->Type()->As<type::Pointer>()) {
if (IsValidationEnabled(decl->attributes, ast::DisabledValidation::kIgnoreAddressSpace)) {
bool ok = false;
auto sc = ref->AddressSpace();
switch (sc) {
case ast::AddressSpace::kFunction:
case ast::AddressSpace::kPrivate:
ok = true;
case ast::AddressSpace::kStorage:
case ast::AddressSpace::kUniform:
case ast::AddressSpace::kWorkgroup:
ok = enabled_extensions_.Contains(
if (!ok) {
std::stringstream ss;
ss << "function parameter of pointer type cannot be in '" << sc
<< "' address space";
AddError(ss.str(), decl->source);
return false;
if (IsPlain(var->Type())) {
if (!var->Type()->IsConstructible()) {
AddError("type of function parameter must be constructible", decl->type->source);
return false;
} else if (!var->Type()->IsAnyOf<type::Texture, type::Sampler, type::Pointer>()) {
AddError("type of function parameter cannot be " + sem_.TypeNameOf(var->Type()),
return false;
return true;
bool Validator::BuiltinAttribute(const ast::BuiltinAttribute* attr,
const type::Type* storage_ty,
ast::PipelineStage stage,
const bool is_input) const {
auto* type = storage_ty->UnwrapRef();
std::stringstream stage_name;
stage_name << stage;
bool is_stage_mismatch = false;
bool is_output = !is_input;
switch (attr->builtin) {
case ast::BuiltinValue::kPosition:
if (stage != ast::PipelineStage::kNone &&
!((is_input && stage == ast::PipelineStage::kFragment) ||
(is_output && stage == ast::PipelineStage::kVertex))) {
is_stage_mismatch = true;
if (!(type->is_float_vector() && type->As<sem::Vector>()->Width() == 4)) {
AddError("store type of " + attr_to_str(attr) + " must be 'vec4<f32>'",
return false;
case ast::BuiltinValue::kGlobalInvocationId:
case ast::BuiltinValue::kLocalInvocationId:
case ast::BuiltinValue::kNumWorkgroups:
case ast::BuiltinValue::kWorkgroupId:
if (stage != ast::PipelineStage::kNone &&
!(stage == ast::PipelineStage::kCompute && is_input)) {
is_stage_mismatch = true;
if (!(type->is_unsigned_integer_vector() && type->As<sem::Vector>()->Width() == 3)) {
AddError("store type of " + attr_to_str(attr) + " must be 'vec3<u32>'",
return false;
case ast::BuiltinValue::kFragDepth:
if (stage != ast::PipelineStage::kNone &&
!(stage == ast::PipelineStage::kFragment && !is_input)) {
is_stage_mismatch = true;
if (!type->Is<type::F32>()) {
AddError("store type of " + attr_to_str(attr) + " must be 'f32'", attr->source);
return false;
case ast::BuiltinValue::kFrontFacing:
if (stage != ast::PipelineStage::kNone &&
!(stage == ast::PipelineStage::kFragment && is_input)) {
is_stage_mismatch = true;
if (!type->Is<type::Bool>()) {
AddError("store type of " + attr_to_str(attr) + " must be 'bool'", attr->source);
return false;
case ast::BuiltinValue::kLocalInvocationIndex:
if (stage != ast::PipelineStage::kNone &&
!(stage == ast::PipelineStage::kCompute && is_input)) {
is_stage_mismatch = true;
if (!type->Is<type::U32>()) {
AddError("store type of " + attr_to_str(attr) + " must be 'u32'", attr->source);
return false;
case ast::BuiltinValue::kVertexIndex:
case ast::BuiltinValue::kInstanceIndex:
if (stage != ast::PipelineStage::kNone &&
!(stage == ast::PipelineStage::kVertex && is_input)) {
is_stage_mismatch = true;
if (!type->Is<type::U32>()) {
AddError("store type of " + attr_to_str(attr) + " must be 'u32'", attr->source);
return false;
case ast::BuiltinValue::kSampleMask:
if (stage != ast::PipelineStage::kNone && !(stage == ast::PipelineStage::kFragment)) {
is_stage_mismatch = true;
if (!type->Is<type::U32>()) {
AddError("store type of " + attr_to_str(attr) + " must be 'u32'", attr->source);
return false;
case ast::BuiltinValue::kSampleIndex:
if (stage != ast::PipelineStage::kNone &&
!(stage == ast::PipelineStage::kFragment && is_input)) {
is_stage_mismatch = true;
if (!type->Is<type::U32>()) {
AddError("store type of " + attr_to_str(attr) + " must be 'u32'", attr->source);
return false;
if (is_stage_mismatch) {
AddError(attr_to_str(attr) + " cannot be used in " +
(is_input ? "input of " : "output of ") + stage_name.str() + " pipeline stage",
return false;
return true;
bool Validator::InterpolateAttribute(const ast::InterpolateAttribute* attr,
const type::Type* storage_ty) const {
auto* type = storage_ty->UnwrapRef();
if (type->is_integer_scalar_or_vector() && attr->type != ast::InterpolationType::kFlat) {
AddError("interpolation type must be 'flat' for integral user-defined IO types",
return false;
if (attr->type == ast::InterpolationType::kFlat &&
attr->sampling != ast::InterpolationSampling::kUndefined) {
AddError("flat interpolation attribute must not have a sampling parameter", attr->source);
return false;
return true;
bool Validator::Function(const sem::Function* func, ast::PipelineStage stage) const {
auto* decl = func->Declaration();
for (auto* attr : decl->attributes) {
if (attr->Is<ast::WorkgroupAttribute>()) {
if (decl->PipelineStage() != ast::PipelineStage::kCompute) {
AddError("the workgroup_size attribute is only valid for compute stages",
return false;
} else if (!attr->IsAnyOf<ast::StageAttribute, ast::InternalAttribute>()) {
AddError("attribute is not valid for functions", attr->source);
return false;
if (decl->params.Length() > 255) {
AddError("functions may declare at most 255 parameters", decl->source);
return false;
if (!func->ReturnType()->Is<type::Void>()) {
if (!func->ReturnType()->IsConstructible()) {
AddError("function return type must be a constructible type",
return false;
if (decl->body) {
sem::Behaviors behaviors{sem::Behavior::kNext};
if (auto* last = decl->body->Last()) {
behaviors = sem_.Get(last)->Behaviors();
if (behaviors.Contains(sem::Behavior::kNext)) {
AddError("missing return at end of function", decl->source);
return false;
} else if (IsValidationEnabled(decl->attributes,
ast::DisabledValidation::kFunctionHasNoBody)) {
TINT_ICE(Resolver, diagnostics_)
<< "Function " << symbols_.NameFor(decl->symbol) << " has no body";
for (auto* attr : decl->return_type_attributes) {
if (!decl->IsEntryPoint()) {
AddError("attribute is not valid for non-entry point function return types",
return false;
if (!attr->IsAnyOf<ast::BuiltinAttribute, ast::InternalAttribute,
ast::LocationAttribute, ast::InterpolateAttribute,
ast::InvariantAttribute>() &&
ast::DisabledValidation::kEntryPointParameter) &&
ast::DisabledValidation::kFunctionParameter))) {
AddError("attribute is not valid for entry point return types", attr->source);
return false;
if (decl->IsEntryPoint()) {
if (!EntryPoint(func, stage)) {
return false;
// a function behavior is always one of {}, or {Next}.
if (func->Behaviors() != sem::Behaviors{} && func->Behaviors() != sem::Behavior::kNext) {
auto name = symbols_.NameFor(decl->symbol);
TINT_ICE(Resolver, diagnostics_)
<< "function '" << name << "' behaviors are: " << func->Behaviors();
return true;
bool Validator::EntryPoint(const sem::Function* func, ast::PipelineStage stage) const {
auto* decl = func->Declaration();
// Use a lambda to validate the entry point attributes for a type.
// Persistent state is used to track which builtins and locations have already been seen, in
// order to catch conflicts.
// TODO(jrprice): This state could be stored in sem::Function instead, and then passed to
// sem::Function since it would be useful there too.
utils::Hashset<ast::BuiltinValue, 4> builtins;
utils::Hashset<uint32_t, 8> locations;
enum class ParamOrRetType {
// Inner lambda that is applied to a type and all of its members.
auto validate_entry_point_attributes_inner = [&](utils::VectorRef<const ast::Attribute*> attrs,
const type::Type* ty, Source source,
ParamOrRetType param_or_ret,
bool is_struct_member,
std::optional<uint32_t> location) {
// Scan attributes for pipeline IO attributes.
// Check for overlap with attributes that have been seen previously.
const ast::Attribute* pipeline_io_attribute = nullptr;
const ast::InterpolateAttribute* interpolate_attribute = nullptr;
const ast::InvariantAttribute* invariant_attribute = nullptr;
for (auto* attr : attrs) {
auto is_invalid_compute_shader_attribute = false;
if (auto* builtin = attr->As<ast::BuiltinAttribute>()) {
if (pipeline_io_attribute) {
AddError("multiple entry point IO attributes", attr->source);
AddNote("previously consumed " + attr_to_str(pipeline_io_attribute, location),
return false;
pipeline_io_attribute = attr;
if (builtins.Contains(builtin->builtin)) {
AddError(attr_to_str(builtin) +
" attribute appears multiple times as pipeline " +
(param_or_ret == ParamOrRetType::kParameter ? "input" : "output"),
return false;
if (!BuiltinAttribute(builtin, ty, stage,
/* is_input */ param_or_ret == ParamOrRetType::kParameter)) {
return false;
} else if (auto* loc_attr = attr->As<ast::LocationAttribute>()) {
if (pipeline_io_attribute) {
AddError("multiple entry point IO attributes", attr->source);
AddNote("previously consumed " + attr_to_str(pipeline_io_attribute),
return false;
pipeline_io_attribute = attr;
bool is_input = param_or_ret == ParamOrRetType::kParameter;
if (!location.has_value()) {
TINT_ICE(Resolver, diagnostics_) << "Location has no value";
return false;
if (!LocationAttribute(loc_attr, location.value(), ty, locations, stage, source,
is_input)) {
return false;
} else if (auto* interpolate = attr->As<ast::InterpolateAttribute>()) {
if (decl->PipelineStage() == ast::PipelineStage::kCompute) {
is_invalid_compute_shader_attribute = true;
} else if (!InterpolateAttribute(interpolate, ty)) {
return false;
interpolate_attribute = interpolate;
} else if (auto* invariant = attr->As<ast::InvariantAttribute>()) {
if (decl->PipelineStage() == ast::PipelineStage::kCompute) {
is_invalid_compute_shader_attribute = true;
invariant_attribute = invariant;
if (is_invalid_compute_shader_attribute) {
std::string input_or_output =
param_or_ret == ParamOrRetType::kParameter ? "inputs" : "output";
AddError("attribute is not valid for compute shader " + input_or_output,
return false;
if (IsValidationEnabled(attrs, ast::DisabledValidation::kEntryPointParameter)) {
if (is_struct_member && ty->Is<sem::Struct>()) {
AddError("nested structures cannot be used for entry point IO", source);
return false;
if (!ty->Is<sem::Struct>() && !pipeline_io_attribute) {
std::string err = "missing entry point IO attribute";
if (!is_struct_member) {
err += (param_or_ret == ParamOrRetType::kParameter ? " on parameter"
: " on return type");
AddError(err, source);
return false;
if (pipeline_io_attribute && pipeline_io_attribute->Is<ast::LocationAttribute>()) {
if (ty->is_integer_scalar_or_vector() && !interpolate_attribute) {
if (decl->PipelineStage() == ast::PipelineStage::kVertex &&
param_or_ret == ParamOrRetType::kReturnType) {
"integral user-defined vertex outputs must have a flat "
"interpolation attribute",
return false;
if (decl->PipelineStage() == ast::PipelineStage::kFragment &&
param_or_ret == ParamOrRetType::kParameter) {
"integral user-defined fragment inputs must have a flat "
"interpolation attribute",
return false;
if (interpolate_attribute) {
if (!pipeline_io_attribute ||
!pipeline_io_attribute->Is<ast::LocationAttribute>()) {
AddError("interpolate attribute must only be used with @location",
return false;
if (invariant_attribute) {
bool has_position = false;
if (pipeline_io_attribute) {
if (auto* builtin = pipeline_io_attribute->As<ast::BuiltinAttribute>()) {
has_position = (builtin->builtin == ast::BuiltinValue::kPosition);
if (!has_position) {
"invariant attribute must only be applied to a position "
return false;
return true;
// Outer lambda for validating the entry point attributes for a type.
auto validate_entry_point_attributes = [&](utils::VectorRef<const ast::Attribute*> attrs,
const type::Type* ty, Source source,
ParamOrRetType param_or_ret,
std::optional<uint32_t> location) {
if (!validate_entry_point_attributes_inner(attrs, ty, source, param_or_ret,
/*is_struct_member*/ false, location)) {
return false;
if (auto* str = ty->As<sem::Struct>()) {
for (auto* member : str->Members()) {
if (!validate_entry_point_attributes_inner(
member->Declaration()->attributes, member->Type(), member->Source(),
/*is_struct_member*/ true, member->Location())) {
AddNote("while analyzing entry point '" + symbols_.NameFor(decl->symbol) + "'",
return false;
return true;
for (auto* param : func->Parameters()) {
auto* param_decl = param->Declaration();
if (!validate_entry_point_attributes(param_decl->attributes, param->Type(),
param_decl->source, ParamOrRetType::kParameter,
param->Location())) {
return false;
// Clear IO sets after parameter validation. Builtin and location attributes in return types
// should be validated independently from those used in parameters.
if (!func->ReturnType()->Is<type::Void>()) {
if (!validate_entry_point_attributes(decl->return_type_attributes, func->ReturnType(),
decl->source, ParamOrRetType::kReturnType,
func->ReturnLocation())) {
return false;
if (decl->PipelineStage() == ast::PipelineStage::kVertex &&
!builtins.Contains(ast::BuiltinValue::kPosition)) {
// Check module-scope variables, as the SPIR-V sanitizer generates these.
bool found = false;
for (auto* global : func->TransitivelyReferencedGlobals()) {
if (auto* builtin =
ast::GetAttribute<ast::BuiltinAttribute>(global->Declaration()->attributes)) {
if (builtin->builtin == ast::BuiltinValue::kPosition) {
found = true;
if (!found) {
AddError("a vertex shader must include the 'position' builtin in its return type",
return false;
if (decl->PipelineStage() == ast::PipelineStage::kCompute) {
if (!ast::HasAttribute<ast::WorkgroupAttribute>(decl->attributes)) {
AddError("a compute shader must include 'workgroup_size' in its attributes",
return false;
// Validate there are no resource variable binding collisions
utils::Hashmap<sem::BindingPoint, const ast::Variable*, 8> binding_points;
for (auto* global : func->TransitivelyReferencedGlobals()) {
auto* var_decl = global->Declaration()->As<ast::Var>();
if (!var_decl || !var_decl->HasBindingPoint()) {
auto bp = global->BindingPoint();
if (auto added = binding_points.Add(bp, var_decl);
!added &&
ast::DisabledValidation::kBindingPointCollision) &&
ast::DisabledValidation::kBindingPointCollision)) {
// Bindings must not alias within a shader stage: two different variables in the
// resource interface of a given shader must not have the same group and binding values,
// when considered as a pair of values.
auto func_name = symbols_.NameFor(decl->symbol);
"entry point '" + func_name +
"' references multiple variables that use the same resource binding @group(" +
std::to_string( + "), @binding(" + std::to_string(bp.binding) + ")",
AddNote("first resource binding usage declared here", (*added.value)->source);
return false;
return true;
bool Validator::EvaluationStage(const sem::Expression* expr,
sem::EvaluationStage latest_stage,
std::string_view constraint) const {
if (expr->Stage() > latest_stage) {
auto stage_name = [](sem::EvaluationStage stage) -> std::string {
switch (stage) {
case sem::EvaluationStage::kRuntime:
return "a runtime-expression";
case sem::EvaluationStage::kOverride:
return "an override-expression";
case sem::EvaluationStage::kConstant:
return "a const-expression";
return "<unknown>";
AddError(std::string(constraint) + " requires " + stage_name(latest_stage) +
", but expression is " + stage_name(expr->Stage()),
if (auto* stmt = expr->Stmt()) {
if (auto* decl = As<ast::VariableDeclStatement>(stmt->Declaration())) {
if (decl->variable->Is<ast::Const>()) {
AddNote("consider changing 'const' to 'let'", decl->source);
return false;
return true;
bool Validator::Statements(utils::VectorRef<const ast::Statement*> stmts) const {
for (auto* stmt : stmts) {
if (!sem_.Get(stmt)->IsReachable()) {
/// TODO( This may need to
/// become an error.
AddWarning("code is unreachable", stmt->source);
return true;
bool Validator::Bitcast(const ast::BitcastExpression* cast, const type::Type* to) const {
auto* from = sem_.TypeOf(cast->expr)->UnwrapRef();
if (!from->is_numeric_scalar_or_vector()) {
AddError("'" + sem_.TypeNameOf(from) + "' cannot be bitcast", cast->expr->source);
return false;
if (!to->is_numeric_scalar_or_vector()) {
AddError("cannot bitcast to '" + sem_.TypeNameOf(to) + "'", cast->type->source);
return false;
auto width = [&](const type::Type* ty) {
if (auto* vec = ty->As<sem::Vector>()) {
return vec->Width();
return 1u;
if (width(from) != width(to)) {
"cannot bitcast from '" + sem_.TypeNameOf(from) + "' to '" + sem_.TypeNameOf(to) + "'",
return false;
return true;
bool Validator::BreakStatement(const sem::Statement* stmt,
sem::Statement* current_statement) const {
if (!stmt->FindFirstParent<sem::LoopBlockStatement, sem::CaseStatement>()) {
AddError("break statement must be in a loop or switch case", stmt->Declaration()->source);
return false;
if (ClosestContinuing(/*stop_at_loop*/ true, current_statement) != nullptr) {
"`break` must not be used to exit from a continuing block. Use `break-if` instead.",
return false;
return true;
bool Validator::ContinueStatement(const sem::Statement* stmt,
sem::Statement* current_statement) const {
if (auto* continuing = ClosestContinuing(/*stop_at_loop*/ true, current_statement)) {
AddError("continuing blocks must not contain a continue statement",
if (continuing != stmt->Declaration() && continuing != stmt->Parent()->Declaration()) {
AddNote("see continuing block here", continuing->source);
return false;
if (!stmt->FindFirstParent<sem::LoopBlockStatement>()) {
AddError("continue statement must be in a loop", stmt->Declaration()->source);
return false;
return true;
bool Validator::Call(const sem::Call* call, sem::Statement* current_statement) const {
auto* expr = call->Declaration();
bool is_call_stmt =
current_statement && Is<ast::CallStatement>(current_statement->Declaration(),
[&](auto* stmt) { return stmt->expr == expr; });
if (is_call_stmt) {
return Switch(
call->Target(), //
[&](const sem::TypeConversion*) {
AddError("type conversion evaluated but not used", call->Declaration()->source);
return false;
[&](const sem::TypeInitializer*) {
AddError("type initializer evaluated but not used", call->Declaration()->source);
return false;
[&](Default) { return true; });
return true;
bool Validator::LoopStatement(const sem::LoopStatement* stmt) const {
if (stmt->Behaviors().Empty()) {
AddError("loop does not exit", stmt->Declaration()->source.Begin());
return false;
return true;
bool Validator::ForLoopStatement(const sem::ForLoopStatement* stmt) const {
if (stmt->Behaviors().Empty()) {
AddError("for-loop does not exit", stmt->Declaration()->source.Begin());
return false;
if (auto* cond = stmt->Condition()) {
auto* cond_ty = cond->Type()->UnwrapRef();
if (!cond_ty->Is<type::Bool>()) {
AddError("for-loop condition must be bool, got " + sem_.TypeNameOf(cond_ty),
return false;
return true;
bool Validator::WhileStatement(const sem::WhileStatement* stmt) const {
if (stmt->Behaviors().Empty()) {
AddError("while does not exit", stmt->Declaration()->source.Begin());
return false;
if (auto* cond = stmt->Condition()) {
auto* cond_ty = cond->Type()->UnwrapRef();
if (!cond_ty->Is<type::Bool>()) {
AddError("while condition must be bool, got " + sem_.TypeNameOf(cond_ty),
return false;
return true;
bool Validator::BreakIfStatement(const sem::BreakIfStatement* stmt,
sem::Statement* current_statement) const {
auto* cond_ty = stmt->Condition()->Type()->UnwrapRef();
if (!cond_ty->Is<type::Bool>()) {
AddError("break-if statement condition must be bool, got " + sem_.TypeNameOf(cond_ty),
return false;
for (const auto* s = current_statement; s != nullptr; s = s->Parent()) {
if (s->Is<sem::LoopStatement>()) {
if (auto* continuing = s->As<sem::LoopContinuingBlockStatement>()) {
if (continuing->Declaration()->statements.Back() != stmt->Declaration()) {
AddError("break-if must be the last statement in a continuing block",
AddNote("see continuing block here", s->Declaration()->source);
return false;
return true;
AddError("break-if must be in a continuing block", stmt->Declaration()->source);
return false;
bool Validator::IfStatement(const sem::IfStatement* stmt) const {
auto* cond_ty = stmt->Condition()->Type()->UnwrapRef();
if (!cond_ty->Is<type::Bool>()) {
AddError("if statement condition must be bool, got " + sem_.TypeNameOf(cond_ty),
return false;
return true;
bool Validator::BuiltinCall(const sem::Call* call) const {
if (call->Type()->Is<type::Void>()) {
bool is_call_statement = false;
// Some built-in call are not owned by a statement, e.g. a built-in called in global
// variable declaration. Calling no-return-value built-in in these context is invalid as
// well.
if (auto* call_stmt = call->Stmt()) {
if (auto* call_stmt_ast = As<ast::CallStatement>(call_stmt->Declaration())) {
if (call_stmt_ast->expr == call->Declaration()) {
is_call_statement = true;
if (!is_call_statement) {
// If the called function does not return a value, a function call
// statement should be used instead.
auto* ident = call->Declaration()->;
auto name = symbols_.NameFor(ident->symbol);
AddError("builtin '" + name + "' does not return a value", call->Declaration()->source);
return false;
return true;
bool Validator::TextureBuiltinFunction(const sem::Call* call) const {
auto* builtin = call->Target()->As<sem::Builtin>();
if (!builtin) {
return false;
std::string func_name = builtin->str();
auto& signature = builtin->Signature();
auto check_arg_is_constexpr = [&](sem::ParameterUsage usage, int min, int max) {
auto signed_index = signature.IndexOf(usage);
if (signed_index < 0) {
return true;
auto index = static_cast<size_t>(signed_index);
std::string name = sem::str(usage);
auto* arg = call->Arguments()[index];
if (auto values = arg->ConstantValue()) {
if (auto* vector = values->Type()->As<sem::Vector>()) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < vector->Width(); i++) {
auto value = values->Index(i)->As<AInt>();
if (value < min || value > max) {
AddError("each component of the " + name + " argument must be at least " +
std::to_string(min) + " and at most " + std::to_string(max) +
". " + name + " component " + std::to_string(i) + " is " +
return false;
} else {
auto value = values->As<AInt>();
if (value < min || value > max) {
AddError("the " + name + " argument must be at least " + std::to_string(min) +
" and at most " + std::to_string(max) + ". " + name + " is " +
return false;
return true;
AddError("the " + name + " argument must be a const-expression",
return false;
return check_arg_is_constexpr(sem::ParameterUsage::kOffset, -8, 7) &&
check_arg_is_constexpr(sem::ParameterUsage::kComponent, 0, 3);
bool Validator::RequiredExtensionForBuiltinFunction(const sem::Call* call) const {
const auto* builtin = call->Target()->As<sem::Builtin>();
if (!builtin) {
return true;
const auto extension = builtin->RequiredExtension();
if (extension == ast::Extension::kUndefined) {
return true;
if (!enabled_extensions_.Contains(extension)) {
AddError("cannot call built-in function '" + std::string(builtin->str()) +
"' without extension " + utils::ToString(extension),
return false;
return true;
bool Validator::FunctionCall(const sem::Call* call, sem::Statement* current_statement) const {
auto* decl = call->Declaration();
auto* target = call->Target()->As<sem::Function>();
auto sym = decl->>symbol;
auto name = symbols_.NameFor(sym);
if (!current_statement) { // Function call at module-scope.
AddError("functions cannot be called at module-scope", decl->source);
return false;
if (target->Declaration()->IsEntryPoint()) {
// An entry point must never be the target of a function call.
AddError("entry point functions cannot be the target of a function call", decl->source);
return false;
if (decl->args.Length() != target->Parameters().Length()) {
bool more = decl->args.Length() > target->Parameters().Length();
AddError("too " + (more ? std::string("many") : std::string("few")) +
" arguments in call to '" + name + "', expected " +
std::to_string(target->Parameters().Length()) + ", got " +
return false;
for (size_t i = 0; i < call->Arguments().Length(); ++i) {
const sem::Variable* param = target->Parameters()[i];
const ast::Expression* arg_expr = decl->args[i];
auto* param_type = param->Type();
auto* arg_type = sem_.TypeOf(arg_expr)->UnwrapRef();
if (param_type != arg_type) {
AddError("type mismatch for argument " + std::to_string(i + 1) + " in call to '" +
name + "', expected '" + sem_.TypeNameOf(param_type) + "', got '" +
sem_.TypeNameOf(arg_type) + "'",
return false;
if (param_type->Is<type::Pointer>() &&
!enabled_extensions_.Contains(ast::Extension::kChromiumExperimentalFullPtrParameters)) {
// Each argument of pointer type to a user-defined function must have the same memory
// view as its root identifier.
// We can validate this by just comparing the store type of the argument with that of
// its root identifier, as these will match iff the memory view is the same.
auto* arg_store_type = arg_type->As<type::Pointer>()->StoreType();
auto* root = call->Arguments()[i]->RootIdentifier();
auto* root_ptr_ty = root->Type()->As<type::Pointer>();
auto* root_ref_ty = root->Type()->As<type::Reference>();
TINT_ASSERT(Resolver, root_ptr_ty || root_ref_ty);
const type::Type* root_store_type;
if (root_ptr_ty) {
root_store_type = root_ptr_ty->StoreType();
} else {
root_store_type = root_ref_ty->StoreType();
if (root_store_type != arg_store_type &&
ast::DisabledValidation::kIgnoreInvalidPointerArgument)) {
"arguments of pointer type must not point to a subset of the originating "
return false;
if (call->Type()->Is<type::Void>()) {
bool is_call_statement = false;
if (auto* call_stmt = As<ast::CallStatement>(call->Stmt()->Declaration())) {
if (call_stmt->expr == call->Declaration()) {
is_call_statement = true;
if (!is_call_statement) {
// If the called function does not return a value, a function call
// statement should be used instead.
AddError("function '" + name + "' does not return a value", decl->source);
return false;
return true;
bool Validator::StructureInitializer(const ast::CallExpression* ctor,
const sem::Struct* struct_type) const {
if (!struct_type->IsConstructible()) {
AddError("struct initializer has non-constructible type", ctor->source);
return false;
if (ctor->args.Length() > 0) {
if (ctor->args.Length() != struct_type->Members().Length()) {
std::string fm = ctor->args.Length() < struct_type->Members().Length() ? "few" : "many";
AddError("struct initializer has too " + fm + " inputs: expected " +
std::to_string(struct_type->Members().Length()) + ", found " +
return false;
for (auto* member : struct_type->Members()) {
auto* value = ctor->args[member->Index()];
auto* value_ty = sem_.TypeOf(value);
if (member->Type() != value_ty->UnwrapRef()) {
"type in struct initializer does not match struct member type: expected '" +
sem_.TypeNameOf(member->Type()) + "', found '" + sem_.TypeNameOf(value_ty) +
return false;
return true;
bool Validator::ArrayInitializer(const ast::CallExpression* ctor,
const sem::Array* array_type) const {
auto& values = ctor->args;
auto* elem_ty = array_type->ElemType();
for (auto* value : values) {
auto* value_ty = sem_.TypeOf(value)->UnwrapRef();
if (type::Type::ConversionRank(value_ty, elem_ty) == type::Type::kNoConversion) {
AddError("'" + sem_.TypeNameOf(value_ty) +
"' cannot be used to construct an array of '" + sem_.TypeNameOf(elem_ty) +
return false;
auto* c = array_type->Count();
if (c->Is<type::RuntimeArrayCount>()) {
AddError("cannot construct a runtime-sized array", ctor->source);
return false;
if (c->IsAnyOf<sem::NamedOverrideArrayCount, sem::UnnamedOverrideArrayCount>()) {
AddError("cannot construct an array that has an override-expression count", ctor->source);
return false;
if (!elem_ty->IsConstructible()) {
AddError("array initializer has non-constructible element type", ctor->source);
return false;
if (!c->Is<type::ConstantArrayCount>()) {
TINT_ICE(Resolver, diagnostics_) << "Invalid ArrayCount found";
return false;
const auto count = c->As<type::ConstantArrayCount>()->value;
if (!values.IsEmpty() && (values.Length() != count)) {
std::string fm = values.Length() < count ? "few" : "many";
AddError("array initializer has too " + fm + " elements: expected " +
std::to_string(count) + ", found " + std::to_string(values.Length()),
return false;
return true;
bool Validator::Vector(const sem::Vector* ty, const Source& source) const {
if (!ty->type()->is_scalar()) {
AddError("vector element type must be 'bool', 'f32', 'f16', 'i32' or 'u32'", source);
return false;
return true;
bool Validator::Matrix(const sem::Matrix* ty, const Source& source) const {
if (!ty->is_float_matrix()) {
AddError("matrix element type must be 'f32' or 'f16'", source);
return false;
return true;
bool Validator::PipelineStages(utils::VectorRef<sem::Function*> entry_points) const {
auto backtrace = [&](const sem::Function* func, const sem::Function* entry_point) {
if (func != entry_point) {
TraverseCallChain(diagnostics_, entry_point, func, [&](const sem::Function* f) {
AddNote("called by function '" + symbols_.NameFor(f->Declaration()->symbol) + "'",
AddNote("called by entry point '" +
symbols_.NameFor(entry_point->Declaration()->symbol) + "'",
auto check_workgroup_storage = [&](const sem::Function* func,
const sem::Function* entry_point) {
auto stage = entry_point->Declaration()->PipelineStage();
if (stage != ast::PipelineStage::kCompute) {
for (auto* var : func->DirectlyReferencedGlobals()) {
if (var->AddressSpace() == ast::AddressSpace::kWorkgroup) {
std::stringstream stage_name;
stage_name << stage;
for (auto* user : var->Users()) {
if (func == user->Stmt()->Function()) {
AddError("workgroup memory cannot be used by " + stage_name.str() +
" pipeline stage",
AddNote("variable is declared here", var->Declaration()->source);
backtrace(func, entry_point);
return false;
return true;
auto check_builtin_calls = [&](const sem::Function* func, const sem::Function* entry_point) {
auto stage = entry_point->Declaration()->PipelineStage();
for (auto* builtin : func->DirectlyCalledBuiltins()) {
if (!builtin->SupportedStages().Contains(stage)) {
auto* call = func->FindDirectCallTo(builtin);
std::stringstream err;
err << "built-in cannot be used by " << stage << " pipeline stage";
call ? call->Declaration()->source : func->Declaration()->source);
backtrace(func, entry_point);
return false;
return true;
auto check_no_discards = [&](const sem::Function* func, const sem::Function* entry_point) {
if (auto* discard = func->DiscardStatement()) {
auto stage = entry_point->Declaration()->PipelineStage();
std::stringstream err;
err << "discard statement cannot be used in " << stage << " pipeline stage";
AddError(err.str(), discard->Declaration()->source);
backtrace(func, entry_point);
return false;
return true;
auto check_func = [&](const sem::Function* func, const sem::Function* entry_point) {
if (!check_workgroup_storage(func, entry_point)) {
return false;
if (!check_builtin_calls(func, entry_point)) {
return false;
if (entry_point->Declaration()->PipelineStage() != ast::PipelineStage::kFragment) {
if (!check_no_discards(func, entry_point)) {
return false;
return true;
for (auto* entry_point : entry_points) {
if (!check_func(entry_point, entry_point)) {
return false;
for (auto* func : entry_point->TransitivelyCalledFunctions()) {
if (!check_func(func, entry_point)) {
return false;
return true;
bool Validator::PushConstants(utils::VectorRef<sem::Function*> entry_points) const {
for (auto* entry_point : entry_points) {
// State checked and modified by check_push_constant so that it remembers previously seen
// push_constant variables for an entry-point.
const sem::Variable* push_constant_var = nullptr;
const sem::Function* push_constant_func = nullptr;
auto check_push_constant = [&](const sem::Function* func, const sem::Function* ep) {
for (auto* var : func->DirectlyReferencedGlobals()) {
if (var->AddressSpace() != ast::AddressSpace::kPushConstant ||
var == push_constant_var) {
if (push_constant_var == nullptr) {
push_constant_var = var;
push_constant_func = func;
AddError("entry point '" + symbols_.NameFor(ep->Declaration()->symbol) +
"' uses two different 'push_constant' variables.",
AddNote("first 'push_constant' variable declaration is here",
if (func != ep) {
TraverseCallChain(diagnostics_, ep, func, [&](const sem::Function* f) {
AddNote("called by function '" +
symbols_.NameFor(f->Declaration()->symbol) + "'",
AddNote("called by entry point '" +
symbols_.NameFor(ep->Declaration()->symbol) + "'",
AddNote("second 'push_constant' variable declaration is here",
if (push_constant_func != ep) {
diagnostics_, ep, push_constant_func, [&](const sem::Function* f) {
AddNote("called by function '" +
symbols_.NameFor(f->Declaration()->symbol) + "'",
AddNote("called by entry point '" +
symbols_.NameFor(ep->Declaration()->symbol) + "'",
return false;
return true;
if (!check_push_constant(entry_point, entry_point)) {
return false;
for (auto* func : entry_point->TransitivelyCalledFunctions()) {
if (!check_push_constant(func, entry_point)) {
return false;
return true;
bool Validator::Array(const sem::Array* arr, const Source& el_source) const {
auto* el_ty = arr->ElemType();
if (!IsPlain(el_ty)) {
AddError(sem_.TypeNameOf(el_ty) + " cannot be used as an element type of an array",
return false;
if (!IsFixedFootprint(el_ty)) {
AddError("an array element type cannot contain a runtime-sized array", el_source);
return false;
if (IsArrayWithOverrideCount(el_ty)) {
return false;
return true;
bool Validator::ArrayStrideAttribute(const ast::StrideAttribute* attr,
uint32_t el_size,
uint32_t el_align) const {
auto stride = attr->stride;
bool is_valid_stride = (stride >= el_size) && (stride >= el_align) && (stride % el_align == 0);
if (!is_valid_stride) {
// Arrays decorated with the stride attribute must have a stride that is
// at least the size of the element type, and be a multiple of the
// element type's alignment value.
"arrays decorated with the stride attribute must have a stride that is at least the "
"size of the element type, and be a multiple of the element type's alignment value",
return false;
return true;
bool Validator::Alias(const ast::Alias*) const {
return true;
bool Validator::Structure(const sem::Struct* str, ast::PipelineStage stage) const {
if (str->Members().IsEmpty()) {
AddError("structures must have at least one member", str->Source());
return false;
utils::Hashset<uint32_t, 8> locations;
for (auto* member : str->Members()) {
if (auto* r = member->Type()->As<sem::Array>()) {
if (r->Count()->Is<type::RuntimeArrayCount>()) {
if (member != str->Members().Back()) {
AddError("runtime arrays may only appear as the last member of a struct",
return false;
if (IsArrayWithOverrideCount(member->Type())) {
return false;
} else if (!IsFixedFootprint(member->Type())) {
"a struct that contains a runtime array cannot be nested inside another struct",
return false;
auto has_location = false;
auto has_position = false;
const ast::InvariantAttribute* invariant_attribute = nullptr;
const ast::InterpolateAttribute* interpolate_attribute = nullptr;
for (auto* attr : member->Declaration()->attributes) {
bool ok = Switch(
attr, //
[&](const ast::InvariantAttribute* invariant) {
invariant_attribute = invariant;
return true;
[&](const ast::LocationAttribute* location) {
has_location = true;
TINT_ASSERT(Resolver, member->Location().has_value());
if (!LocationAttribute(location, member->Location().value(), member->Type(),
locations, stage, member->Source())) {
return false;
return true;
[&](const ast::BuiltinAttribute* builtin) {
if (!BuiltinAttribute(builtin, member->Type(), stage,
/* is_input */ false)) {
return false;
if (builtin->builtin == ast::BuiltinValue::kPosition) {
has_position = true;
return true;
[&](const ast::InterpolateAttribute* interpolate) {
interpolate_attribute = interpolate;
if (!InterpolateAttribute(interpolate, member->Type())) {
return false;
return true;
[&](const ast::StructMemberSizeAttribute*) {
if (!member->Type()->HasCreationFixedFootprint()) {
"@size can only be applied to members where the member's type size "
"can be fully determined at shader creation time",
return false;
return true;
[&](Default) {
if (!attr->IsAnyOf<ast::BuiltinAttribute, //
ast::InternalAttribute, //
ast::InterpolateAttribute, //
ast::InvariantAttribute, //
ast::LocationAttribute, //
ast::StructMemberOffsetAttribute, //
ast::StructMemberAlignAttribute>()) {
if (attr->Is<ast::StrideAttribute>() &&
ast::DisabledValidation::kIgnoreStrideAttribute)) {
return true;
AddError("attribute is not valid for structure members", attr->source);
return false;
return true;
if (!ok) {
return false;
if (invariant_attribute && !has_position) {
AddError("invariant attribute must only be applied to a position builtin",
return false;
if (interpolate_attribute && !has_location) {
AddError("interpolate attribute must only be used with @location",
return false;
for (auto* attr : str->Declaration()->attributes) {
if (!(attr->IsAnyOf<ast::InternalAttribute>())) {
AddError("attribute is not valid for struct declarations", attr->source);
return false;
return true;
bool Validator::LocationAttribute(const ast::LocationAttribute* loc_attr,
uint32_t location,
const type::Type* type,
utils::Hashset<uint32_t, 8>& locations,
ast::PipelineStage stage,
const Source& source,
const bool is_input) const {
std::string inputs_or_output = is_input ? "inputs" : "output";
if (stage == ast::PipelineStage::kCompute) {
AddError("attribute is not valid for compute shader " + inputs_or_output, loc_attr->source);
return false;
if (!type->is_numeric_scalar_or_vector()) {
std::string invalid_type = sem_.TypeNameOf(type);
AddError("cannot apply 'location' attribute to declaration of type '" + invalid_type + "'",
"'location' attribute must only be applied to declarations of numeric scalar or "
"numeric vector type",
return false;
if (!locations.Add(location)) {
AddError(attr_to_str(loc_attr, location) + " attribute appears multiple times",
return false;
return true;
bool Validator::Return(const ast::ReturnStatement* ret,
const type::Type* func_type,
const type::Type* ret_type,
sem::Statement* current_statement) const {
if (func_type->UnwrapRef() != ret_type) {
AddError("return statement type must match its function return type, returned '" +
sem_.TypeNameOf(ret_type) + "', expected '" + sem_.TypeNameOf(func_type) + "'",
return false;
auto* sem = sem_.Get(ret);
if (auto* continuing = ClosestContinuing(/*stop_at_loop*/ false, current_statement)) {
AddError("continuing blocks must not contain a return statement", ret->source);
if (continuing != sem->Declaration() && continuing != sem->Parent()->Declaration()) {
AddNote("see continuing block here", continuing->source);
return false;
return true;
bool Validator::SwitchStatement(const ast::SwitchStatement* s) {
auto* cond_ty = sem_.TypeOf(s->condition)->UnwrapRef();
if (!cond_ty->is_integer_scalar()) {
AddError("switch statement selector expression must be of a scalar integer type",
return false;
const sem::CaseSelector* default_selector = nullptr;
utils::Hashmap<int64_t, Source, 4> selectors;
for (auto* case_stmt : s->body) {
auto* case_sem = sem_.Get<sem::CaseStatement>(case_stmt);
for (auto* selector : case_sem->Selectors()) {
if (selector->IsDefault()) {
if (default_selector != nullptr) {
// More than one default clause
AddError("switch statement must have exactly one default clause",
AddNote("previous default case", default_selector->Declaration()->source);
return false;
default_selector = selector;
auto* decl_ty = selector->Value()->Type();
if (cond_ty != decl_ty) {
"the case selector values must have the same type as the selector expression.",
return false;
auto value = selector->Value()->As<uint32_t>();
if (auto added = selectors.Add(value, selector->Declaration()->source); !added) {
AddError("duplicate switch case '" +
(decl_ty->IsAnyOf<type::I32, type::AbstractNumeric>()
? std::to_string(i32(value))
: std::to_string(value)) +
AddNote("previous case declared here", *added.value);
return false;
if (default_selector == nullptr) {
// No default clause
AddError("switch statement must have a default clause", s->source);
return false;
return true;
bool Validator::Assignment(const ast::Statement* a, const type::Type* rhs_ty) const {
const ast::Expression* lhs;
const ast::Expression* rhs;
if (auto* assign = a->As<ast::AssignmentStatement>()) {
lhs = assign->lhs;
rhs = assign->rhs;
} else if (auto* compound = a->As<ast::CompoundAssignmentStatement>()) {
lhs = compound->lhs;
rhs = compound->rhs;
} else {
TINT_ICE(Resolver, diagnostics_) << "invalid assignment statement";
return false;
if (lhs->Is<ast::PhonyExpression>()) {
auto* ty = rhs_ty->UnwrapRef();
if (!ty->IsConstructible() &&
!ty->IsAnyOf<type::Pointer, type::Texture, type::Sampler, type::AbstractNumeric>()) {
AddError("cannot assign '" + sem_.TypeNameOf(rhs_ty) +
"' to '_'. '_' can only be assigned a constructible, pointer, texture or "
"sampler type",
return false;
return true; // RHS can be anything.
auto const* lhs_ty = sem_.TypeOf(lhs);
if (auto* variable = sem_.ResolvedSymbol<sem::Variable>(lhs)) {
auto* v = variable->Declaration();
const char* err = Switch(
v, //
[&](const ast::Parameter*) { return "cannot assign to function parameter"; },
[&](const ast::Let*) { return "cannot assign to 'let'"; },
[&](const ast::Override*) { return "cannot assign to 'override'"; });
if (err) {
AddError(err, lhs->source);
AddNote("'" + symbols_.NameFor(v->symbol) + "' is declared here:", v->source);
return false;
auto* lhs_ref = lhs_ty->As<type::Reference>();
if (!lhs_ref) {
// LHS is not a reference, so it has no storage.
AddError("cannot assign to value of type '" + sem_.TypeNameOf(lhs_ty) + "'", lhs->source);
return false;
auto* storage_ty = lhs_ref->StoreType();
auto* value_type = rhs_ty->UnwrapRef(); // Implicit load of RHS
// Value type has to match storage type
if (storage_ty != value_type) {
"cannot assign '" + sem_.TypeNameOf(rhs_ty) + "' to '" + sem_.TypeNameOf(lhs_ty) + "'",
return false;
if (!storage_ty->IsConstructible()) {
AddError("storage type of assignment must be constructible", a->source);
return false;
if (lhs_ref->Access() == ast::Access::kRead) {
AddError("cannot store into a read-only type '" + sem_.RawTypeNameOf(lhs_ty) + "'",
return false;
return true;
bool Validator::IncrementDecrementStatement(const ast::IncrementDecrementStatement* inc) const {
const ast::Expression* lhs = inc->lhs;
if (auto* variable = sem_.ResolvedSymbol<sem::Variable>(lhs)) {
auto* v = variable->Declaration();
const char* err = Switch(
v, //
[&](const ast::Parameter*) { return "cannot modify function parameter"; },
[&](const ast::Let*) { return "cannot modify 'let'"; },
[&](const ast::Override*) { return "cannot modify 'override'"; });
if (err) {
AddError(err, lhs->source);
AddNote("'" + symbols_.NameFor(v->symbol) + "' is declared here:", v->source);
return false;
auto const* lhs_ty = sem_.TypeOf(lhs);
auto* lhs_ref = lhs_ty->As<type::Reference>();
if (!lhs_ref) {
// LHS is not a reference, so it has no storage.
AddError("cannot modify value of type '" + sem_.TypeNameOf(lhs_ty) + "'", lhs->source);
return false;
if (!lhs_ref->StoreType()->is_integer_scalar()) {
const std::string kind = inc->increment ? "increment" : "decrement";
AddError(kind + " statement can only be applied to an integer scalar", lhs->source);
return false;
if (lhs_ref->Access() == ast::Access::kRead) {
AddError("cannot modify read-only type '" + sem_.RawTypeNameOf(lhs_ty) + "'", inc->source);
return false;
return true;
bool Validator::NoDuplicateAttributes(utils::VectorRef<const ast::Attribute*> attributes) const {
utils::Hashmap<const TypeInfo*, Source, 8> seen;
for (auto* d : attributes) {
auto added = seen.Add(&d->TypeInfo(), d->source);
if (!added && !d->Is<ast::InternalAttribute>()) {
AddError("duplicate " + d->Name() + " attribute", d->source);
AddNote("first attribute declared here", *added.value);
return false;
return true;
bool Validator::IsValidationDisabled(utils::VectorRef<const ast::Attribute*> attributes,
ast::DisabledValidation validation) const {
for (auto* attribute : attributes) {
if (auto* dv = attribute->As<ast::DisableValidationAttribute>()) {
if (dv->validation == validation) {
return true;
return false;
bool Validator::IsValidationEnabled(utils::VectorRef<const ast::Attribute*> attributes,
ast::DisabledValidation validation) const {
return !IsValidationDisabled(attributes, validation);
bool Validator::IsArrayWithOverrideCount(const type::Type* ty) const {
if (auto* arr = ty->UnwrapRef()->As<sem::Array>()) {
if (arr->Count()->IsAnyOf<sem::NamedOverrideArrayCount, sem::UnnamedOverrideArrayCount>()) {
return true;
return false;
void Validator::RaiseArrayWithOverrideCountError(const Source& source) const {
"array with an 'override' element count can only be used as the store type of a "
std::string Validator::VectorPretty(uint32_t size, const type::Type* element_type) const {
sem::Vector vec_type(element_type, size);
return vec_type.FriendlyName(symbols_);
bool Validator::CheckTypeAccessAddressSpace(
const type::Type* store_ty,
ast::Access access,
ast::AddressSpace address_space,
utils::VectorRef<const tint::ast::Attribute*> attributes,
const Source& source) const {
if (!AddressSpaceLayout(store_ty, address_space, source)) {
return false;
if (address_space == ast::AddressSpace::kPushConstant &&
!enabled_extensions_.Contains(ast::Extension::kChromiumExperimentalPushConstant) &&
IsValidationEnabled(attributes, ast::DisabledValidation::kIgnoreAddressSpace)) {
"use of variable address space 'push_constant' requires enabling extension "
return false;
if (address_space == ast::AddressSpace::kStorage && access == ast::Access::kWrite) {
// The access mode for the storage address space can only be 'read' or
// 'read_write'.
AddError("access mode 'write' is not valid for the 'storage' address space", source);
return false;
auto atomic_error = [&]() -> const char* {
if (address_space != ast::AddressSpace::kStorage &&
address_space != ast::AddressSpace::kWorkgroup) {
return "atomic variables must have <storage> or <workgroup> address space";
if (address_space == ast::AddressSpace::kStorage && access != ast::Access::kReadWrite) {
return "atomic variables in <storage> address space must have read_write access "
return nullptr;
auto check_sub_atomics = [&] {
if (auto atomic_use = atomic_composite_info_.Get(store_ty)) {
if (auto* err = atomic_error()) {
AddError(err, source);
AddNote("atomic sub-type of '" + sem_.TypeNameOf(store_ty) + "' is declared here",
return false;
return true;
return Switch(
store_ty, //
[&](const sem::Atomic*) {
if (auto* err = atomic_error()) {
AddError(err, source);
return false;
return true;
[&](const sem::Struct*) { return check_sub_atomics(); }, //
[&](const sem::Array*) { return check_sub_atomics(); }, //
[&](Default) { return true; });
} // namespace tint::resolver