blob: 06280638d1e285616ab9492dffcb36e277bc28a1 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2021 The Tint Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include "src/tint/transform/renamer.h"
#include <memory>
#include "gmock/gmock.h"
#include "src/tint/transform/test_helper.h"
#include "src/tint/type/short_name.h"
namespace tint::transform {
namespace {
constexpr const char kUnicodeIdentifier[] = // "𝖎𝖉𝖊𝖓𝖙𝖎𝖋𝖎𝖊𝖗123"
using ::testing::ContainerEq;
using RenamerTest = TransformTest;
TEST_F(RenamerTest, EmptyModule) {
auto* src = "";
auto* expect = "";
auto got = Run<Renamer>(src);
EXPECT_EQ(expect, str(got));
auto* data =<Renamer::Data>();
ASSERT_EQ(data->remappings.size(), 0u);
TEST_F(RenamerTest, BasicModuleVertexIndex) {
auto* src = R"(
fn test(vert_idx : u32) -> u32 {
return vert_idx;
fn entry(@builtin(vertex_index) vert_idx : u32
) -> @builtin(position) vec4<f32> {
_ = test(vert_idx);
return vec4<f32>();
auto* expect = R"(
fn tint_symbol(tint_symbol_1 : u32) -> u32 {
return tint_symbol_1;
fn tint_symbol_2(@builtin(vertex_index) tint_symbol_1 : u32) -> @builtin(position) vec4<f32> {
_ = tint_symbol(tint_symbol_1);
return vec4<f32>();
auto got = Run<Renamer>(src);
EXPECT_EQ(expect, str(got));
auto* data =<Renamer::Data>();
ASSERT_NE(data, nullptr);
Renamer::Data::Remappings expected_remappings = {
{"vert_idx", "tint_symbol_1"},
{"test", "tint_symbol"},
{"entry", "tint_symbol_2"},
EXPECT_THAT(data->remappings, ContainerEq(expected_remappings));
TEST_F(RenamerTest, PreserveSwizzles) {
auto* src = R"(
fn entry() -> @builtin(position) vec4<f32> {
var v : vec4<f32>;
var rgba : f32;
var xyzw : f32;
var z : f32;
return v.zyxw + v.rgab * v.z;
auto* expect = R"(
fn tint_symbol() -> @builtin(position) vec4<f32> {
var tint_symbol_1 : vec4<f32>;
var tint_symbol_2 : f32;
var tint_symbol_3 : f32;
var tint_symbol_4 : f32;
return (tint_symbol_1.zyxw + (tint_symbol_1.rgab * tint_symbol_1.z));
auto got = Run<Renamer>(src);
EXPECT_EQ(expect, str(got));
auto* data =<Renamer::Data>();
ASSERT_NE(data, nullptr);
Renamer::Data::Remappings expected_remappings = {
{"entry", "tint_symbol"}, {"v", "tint_symbol_1"}, {"rgba", "tint_symbol_2"},
{"xyzw", "tint_symbol_3"}, {"z", "tint_symbol_4"},
EXPECT_THAT(data->remappings, ContainerEq(expected_remappings));
TEST_F(RenamerTest, PreserveBuiltins) {
auto* src = R"(
fn entry() -> @builtin(position) vec4<f32> {
var blah : vec4<f32>;
return abs(blah);
auto* expect = R"(
fn tint_symbol() -> @builtin(position) vec4<f32> {
var tint_symbol_1 : vec4<f32>;
return abs(tint_symbol_1);
auto got = Run<Renamer>(src);
EXPECT_EQ(expect, str(got));
auto* data =<Renamer::Data>();
ASSERT_NE(data, nullptr);
Renamer::Data::Remappings expected_remappings = {
{"entry", "tint_symbol"},
{"blah", "tint_symbol_1"},
EXPECT_THAT(data->remappings, ContainerEq(expected_remappings));
TEST_F(RenamerTest, PreserveBuiltinTypes) {
auto* src = R"(
@compute @workgroup_size(1)
fn entry() {
var a = modf(1.0).whole;
var b = modf(1.0).fract;
var c = frexp(1.0).sig;
var d = frexp(1.0).exp;
auto* expect = R"(
@compute @workgroup_size(1)
fn tint_symbol() {
var tint_symbol_1 = modf(1.0).whole;
var tint_symbol_2 = modf(1.0).fract;
var tint_symbol_3 = frexp(1.0).sig;
var tint_symbol_4 = frexp(1.0).exp;
auto got = Run<Renamer>(src);
EXPECT_EQ(expect, str(got));
auto* data =<Renamer::Data>();
ASSERT_NE(data, nullptr);
Renamer::Data::Remappings expected_remappings = {
{"entry", "tint_symbol"}, {"a", "tint_symbol_1"}, {"b", "tint_symbol_2"},
{"c", "tint_symbol_3"}, {"d", "tint_symbol_4"},
EXPECT_THAT(data->remappings, ContainerEq(expected_remappings));
TEST_F(RenamerTest, PreserveUnicode) {
auto src = R"(
fn frag_main() {
var )" + std::string(kUnicodeIdentifier) +
R"( : i32;
auto expect = src;
DataMap inputs;
/* preserve_unicode */ true);
auto got = Run<Renamer>(src, inputs);
EXPECT_EQ(expect, str(got));
TEST_F(RenamerTest, AttemptSymbolCollision) {
auto* src = R"(
fn entry() -> @builtin(position) vec4<f32> {
var tint_symbol : vec4<f32>;
var tint_symbol_2 : vec4<f32>;
var tint_symbol_4 : vec4<f32>;
return tint_symbol + tint_symbol_2 + tint_symbol_4;
auto* expect = R"(
fn tint_symbol() -> @builtin(position) vec4<f32> {
var tint_symbol_1 : vec4<f32>;
var tint_symbol_2 : vec4<f32>;
var tint_symbol_3 : vec4<f32>;
return ((tint_symbol_1 + tint_symbol_2) + tint_symbol_3);
auto got = Run<Renamer>(src);
EXPECT_EQ(expect, str(got));
auto* data =<Renamer::Data>();
ASSERT_NE(data, nullptr);
Renamer::Data::Remappings expected_remappings = {
{"entry", "tint_symbol"},
{"tint_symbol", "tint_symbol_1"},
{"tint_symbol_2", "tint_symbol_2"},
{"tint_symbol_4", "tint_symbol_3"},
EXPECT_THAT(data->remappings, ContainerEq(expected_remappings));
using RenamerTestGlsl = TransformTestWithParam<std::string>;
using RenamerTestHlsl = TransformTestWithParam<std::string>;
using RenamerTestMsl = TransformTestWithParam<std::string>;
TEST_P(RenamerTestGlsl, Keywords) {
auto keyword = GetParam();
auto src = R"(
fn frag_main() {
var )" + keyword +
R"( : i32;
auto* expect = R"(
fn frag_main() {
var tint_symbol : i32;
DataMap inputs;
/* preserve_unicode */ false);
auto got = Run<Renamer>(src, inputs);
EXPECT_EQ(expect, str(got));
TEST_P(RenamerTestHlsl, Keywords) {
auto keyword = GetParam();
auto src = R"(
fn frag_main() {
var )" + keyword +
R"( : i32;
auto* expect = R"(
fn frag_main() {
var tint_symbol : i32;
DataMap inputs;
/* preserve_unicode */ false);
auto got = Run<Renamer>(src, inputs);
EXPECT_EQ(expect, str(got));
TEST_P(RenamerTestMsl, Keywords) {
auto keyword = GetParam();
auto src = R"(
fn frag_main() {
var )" + keyword +
R"( : i32;
auto* expect = R"(
fn frag_main() {
var tint_symbol : i32;
DataMap inputs;
/* preserve_unicode */ false);
auto got = Run<Renamer>(src, inputs);
EXPECT_EQ(expect, str(got));
testing::Values( // "active", // Also reserved in WGSL
// "asm", // WGSL keyword
// "attribute", // Also reserved in WGSL
// "bool", // WGSL keyword
// "break", // WGSL keyword
// "case", // WGSL keyword
// "cast", // Also reserved in WGSL
// "class", // Also reserved in WGSL
// "coherent", // Also reserved in WGSL
// "common", // Also reserved in WGSL
// "const", // WGSL keyword
// "continue", // WGSL keyword
// "default", // WGSL keyword
// "discard", // WGSL keyword
// "do", // WGSL keyword
// "else" // WGSL keyword
// "enum", // WGSL keyword
// "extern", // Also reserved in WGSL
// "external", // Also reserved in WGSL
// "false", // WGSL keyword
// "filter", // Also reserved in WGSL
// "for", // WGSL keyword
// "goto", // Also reserved in WGSL
// "highp", // Also reserved in WGSL
// "if", // WGSL keyword
// "inline", // Also reserved in WGSL
// "inout", // Also reserved in WGSL
// "interface", // Also reserved in WGSL
// "invariant", // Also reserved in WGSL
// "layout", // Also reserved in WGSL
// "lowp", // Also reserved in WGSL
// "mat2x2", // WGSL keyword
// "mat2x3", // WGSL keyword
// "mat2x4", // WGSL keyword
// "mat2",
// "mat3x2", // WGSL keyword
// "mat3x3", // WGSL keyword
// "mat3x4", // WGSL keyword
// "mat4x2", // WGSL keyword
// "mat4x3", // WGSL keyword
// "mat4x4", // WGSL keyword
// "mediump", // Also reserved in WGSL
// "namespace", // Also reserved in WGSL
// "noinline", // Also reserved in WGSL
// "noperspective", // Also reserved in WGSL
// "partition", // Also reserved in WGSL
// "patch", // Also reserved in WGSL
// "precise", // Also reserved in WGSL
// "precision", // Also reserved in WGSL
// "public", // Also reserved in WGSL
// "readonly", // Also reserved in WGSL
// "resource", // Also reserved in WGSL
// "restrict", // Also reserved in WGSL
// "return", // WGSL keyword
// "shared" // Also reserved in WGSL,
// "sizeof", // Also reserved in WGSL
// "smooth", // Also reserved in WGSL
// "static", // Also reserved in WGSL
// "struct", // WGSL keyword
// "subroutine", // Also reserved in WGSL
// "switch", // WGSL keyword
// "template", // Also reserved in WGSL
// "this", // Also reserved in WGSL
// "true", // WGSL keyword
// "typedef", // WGSL keyword
// "uniform", // WGSL keyword
// "union", // Also reserved in WGSL
// "using", // WGSL keyword
// "varying", // Also reserved in WGSL
// "vec2", // WGSL keyword
// "vec3", // WGSL keyword
// "vec4", // WGSL keyword
// "void", // WGSL keyword
// "volatile", // Also reserved in WGSL
// "while", // WGSL keyword
// "writeonly", // Also reserved in WGSL
// "CompileShader", // Also reserved in WGSL
// "ComputeShader", // Also reserved in WGSL
// "DomainShader", // Also reserved in WGSL
// "GeometryShader", // Also reserved in WGSL
// "Hullshader", // Also reserved in WGSL
// "NULL", // Also reserved in WGSL
// "abs", // WGSL builtin
// "acos", // WGSL builtin
// "all", // WGSL builtin
// "any", // WGSL builtin
// "asin", // WGSL builtin
// "asm", // WGSL keyword
// "asm_fragment", // Also reserved in WGSL
// "atan", // WGSL builtin
// "atan2", // WGSL builtin
// "auto", // Also reserved in WGSL
// "bool", // WGSL keyword
// "break", // WGSL keyword
// "call", // WGSL builtin
// "case", // WGSL keyword
// "catch", // Also reserved in WGSL
// "ceil", // WGSL builtin
// "clamp", // WGSL builtin
// "class", // Also reserved in WGSL
// "column_major", // Also reserved in WGSL
// "compile", // Also reserved in WGSL
// "compile_fragment", // Also reserved in WGSL
// "const", // WGSL keyword
// "const_cast", // Also reserved in WGSL
// "continue", // WGSL keyword
// "cos", // WGSL builtin
// "cosh", // WGSL builtin
// "cross", // WGSL builtin
// "default", // WGSL keyword
// "delete", // Also reserved in WGSL
// "determinant", // WGSL builtin
// "discard", // WGSL keyword
// "distance", // WGSL builtin
// "do", // WGSL keyword
// "dot", // WGSL builtin
// "dynamic_cast", // Also reserved in WGSL
// "else", // WGSL keyword
// "enum", // WGSL keyword
// "exp", // WGSL builtin
// "exp2", // WGSL builtin
// "explicit", // Also reserved in WGSL
// "export", // Also reserved in WGSL
// "extern", // Also reserved in WGSL
// "faceforward", // WGSL builtin
// "false", // WGSL keyword
// "floor", // WGSL builtin
// "fma", // WGSL builtin
// "for", // WGSL keyword
// "frexp", // WGSL builtin
// "friend", // Also reserved in WGSL
// "fwidth", // WGSL builtin
// "fxgroup", // Also reserved in WGSL
// "goto", // Also reserved in WGSL
// "groupshared", // Also reserved in WGSL
// "if", // WGSL keyword
// "in", // WGSL keyword
// "inline", // Also reserved in WGSL
// "inout", // Also reserved in WGSL
// "interface", // Also reserved in WGSL
// "ldexp", // WGSL builtin
// "length", // WGSL builtin
// "line", // Also reserved in WGSL
// "lineadj", // Also reserved in WGSL
// "log", // WGSL builtin
// "log2", // WGSL builtin
// "loop", // WGSL keyword
// "max", // WGSL builtin
// "min", // WGSL builtin
// "modf", // WGSL builtin
// "mutable", // Also reserved in WGSL
// "namespace", // Also reserved in WGSL
// "new", // Also reserved in WGSL
// "nointerpolation", // Also reserved in WGSL
// "noperspective", // Also reserved in WGSL
// "normalize", // WGSL builtin
// "operator", // Also reserved in WGSL
// "out", // WGSL keyword
// "packoffset", // Also reserved in WGSL
// "pass", // Also reserved in WGSL
// "pixelfragment", // Also reserved in WGSL
// "point", // Also reserved in WGSL
// "pow", // WGSL builtin
// "precise", // Also reserved in WGSL
// "private", // WGSL keyword
// "protected", // Also reserved in WGSL
// "public", // Also reserved in WGSL
// "reflect", // WGSL builtin
// "register", // Also reserved in WGSL
// "reinterpret_cast", // Also reserved in WGSL
// "return", // WGSL keyword
// "reversebits", // WGSL builtin
// "round", // WGSL builtin
// "shared", // Also reserved in WGSL
// "sign", // WGSL builtin
// "signed", // Also reserved in WGSL
// "sin", // WGSL builtin
// "sinh", // WGSL builtin
// "sizeof", // Also reserved in WGSL
// "smoothstep", // WGSL builtin
// "snorm", // Also reserved in WGSL
// "sqrt", // WGSL builtin
// "static", // Also reserved in WGSL
// "static_cast", // Also reserved in WGSL
// "step", // WGSL builtin
// "struct", // WGSL keyword
// "switch", // WGSL keyword
// "tan", // WGSL builtin
// "tanh", // WGSL builtin
// "template", // Also reserved in WGSL
// "this", // Also reserved in WGSL
// "throw", // Also reserved in WGSL
// "true", // WGSL keyword
// "trunc", // WGSL builtin
// "try", // Also reserved in WGSL
// "typedef", // WGSL keyword
// "typename", // Also reserved in WGSL
// "uniform", // WGSL keyword
// "union", // Also reserved in WGSL
// "unorm", // Also reserved in WGSL
// "using", // WGSL reserved keyword
// "virtual", // Also reserved in WGSL
// "void", // WGSL keyword
// "volatile", // Also reserved in WGSL
// "while" // WGSL reserved keyword
// c++14 spec
// "alignas", // Also reserved in WGSL
// "alignof", // Also reserved in WGSL
// "asm", // Also reserved in WGSL
// "auto", // Also reserved in WGSL
// "bool", // Also used in WGSL
// "break", // Also used in WGSL
// "case", // Also used in WGSL
// "catch", // Also reserved in WGSL
// "class", // Also reserved in WGSL
// "const", // Also used in WGSL
// "const_cast", // Also reserved in WGSL
// "constexpr", // Also reserved in WGSL
// "continue", // Also used in WGSL
// "decltype", // Also reserved in WGSL
// "default", // Also used in WGSL
// "delete", // Also reserved in WGSL
// "do", // Also used in WGSL
// "dynamic_cast", // Also reserved in WGSL
// "else", // Also used in WGSL
// "enum", // Also used in WGSL
// "explicit", // Also reserved in WGSL
// "extern", // Also reserved in WGSL
// "false", // Also used in WGSL
// "final", // Also reserved in WGSL
// "for", // Also used in WGSL
// "friend", // Also reserved in WGSL
// "goto", // Also reserved in WGSL
// "if", // Also used in WGSL
// "inline", // Also reserved in WGSL
// "mutable", // Also reserved in WGSL
// "namespace", // Also reserved in WGSL
// "new", // Also reserved in WGSL
// "noexcept", // Also reserved in WGSL
// "nullptr", // Also reserved in WGSL
// "operator", // Also reserved in WGSL
// "override", // Also used in WGSL
// "private", // Also used in WGSL
// "protected", // Also reserved in WGSL
// "public", // Also reserved in WGSL
// "register", // Also reserved in WGSL
// "reinterpret_cast", // Also reserved in WGSL
// "return", // Also used in WGSL
// "signed", // Also reserved in WGSL
// "sizeof", // Also reserved in WGSL
// "static", // Also reserved in WGSL
// "static_assert", // Also reserved in WGSL
// "static_cast", // Also reserved in WGSL
// "struct", // Also used in WGSL
// "switch", // Also used in WGSL
// "template", // Also reserved in WGSL
// "this", // Also reserved in WGSL
// "thread_local", // Also reserved in WGSL
// "throw", // Also reserved in WGSL
// "true", // Also used in WGSL
// "try", // Also reserved in WGSL
// "typedef", // Also used in WGSL
// "typeid", // Also reserved in WGSL
// "typename", // Also reserved in WGSL
// "union", // Also reserved in WGSL
// "using", // WGSL reserved keyword
// "virtual", // Also reserved in WGSL
// "void", // Also used in WGSL
// "volatile", // Also reserved in WGSL
// "while", // WGSL reserved keyword
// Metal Spec
// "array", // Also used in WGSL
// "atomic", // Also used in WGSL
"main", // No functions called main
"metal", // The namespace
// "sampler", // Also used in WGSL
// "uniform", // Also used in WGSL
// "vec", // WGSL reserved keyword
// Table 6.5. Constants for single-precision floating-point math
// functions
// "while" // WGSL reserved keyword
const char* ExpandShortName(std::string_view name) {
if (name == "mat2x2f") {
return "mat2x2<f32>";
if (name == "mat2x2h") {
return "mat2x2<f16>";
if (name == "mat2x3f") {
return "mat2x3<f32>";
if (name == "mat2x3h") {
return "mat2x3<f16>";
if (name == "mat2x4f") {
return "mat2x4<f32>";
if (name == "mat2x4h") {
return "mat2x4<f16>";
if (name == "mat3x2f") {
return "mat3x2<f32>";
if (name == "mat3x2h") {
return "mat3x2<f16>";
if (name == "mat3x3f") {
return "mat3x3<f32>";
if (name == "mat3x3h") {
return "mat3x3<f16>";
if (name == "mat3x4f") {
return "mat3x4<f32>";
if (name == "mat3x4h") {
return "mat3x4<f16>";
if (name == "mat4x2f") {
return "mat4x2<f32>";
if (name == "mat4x2h") {
return "mat4x2<f16>";
if (name == "mat4x3f") {
return "mat4x3<f32>";
if (name == "mat4x3h") {
return "mat4x3<f16>";
if (name == "mat4x4f") {
return "mat4x4<f32>";
if (name == "mat4x4h") {
return "mat4x4<f16>";
if (name == "vec2f") {
return "vec2<f32>";
if (name == "vec2h") {
return "vec2<f16>";
if (name == "vec2i") {
return "vec2<i32>";
if (name == "vec2u") {
return "vec2<u32>";
if (name == "vec3f") {
return "vec3<f32>";
if (name == "vec3h") {
return "vec3<f16>";
if (name == "vec3i") {
return "vec3<i32>";
if (name == "vec3u") {
return "vec3<u32>";
if (name == "vec4f") {
return "vec4<f32>";
if (name == "vec4h") {
return "vec4<f16>";
if (name == "vec4i") {
return "vec4<i32>";
if (name == "vec4u") {
return "vec4<u32>";
ADD_FAILURE() << "unhandled type short-name: " << name;
return "<invalid>";
using RenamerTypeShortNamesTest = TransformTestWithParam<const char*>;
TEST_P(RenamerTypeShortNamesTest, PreserveTypeUsage) {
auto expand = [&](const char* source) {
auto out = utils::ReplaceAll(source, "$name", GetParam());
out = utils::ReplaceAll(out, "$type", ExpandShortName(GetParam()));
return out;
auto src = expand(R"(
enable f16;
fn x(v : $name) -> $name {
const a : $name = $name();
let b : $name = a;
var c : $name = b;
return c;
struct y {
a : $name,
auto expect = expand(R"(
enable f16;
fn tint_symbol(tint_symbol_1 : $name) -> $name {
const tint_symbol_2 : $name = $name();
let tint_symbol_3 : $name = tint_symbol_2;
var tint_symbol_4 : $name = tint_symbol_3;
return tint_symbol_4;
struct tint_symbol_5 {
tint_symbol_2 : $name,
auto got = Run<Renamer>(src);
EXPECT_EQ(expect, str(got));
TEST_P(RenamerTypeShortNamesTest, PreserveTypeInitializer) {
auto expand = [&](const char* source) {
auto out = utils::ReplaceAll(source, "$name", GetParam());
out = utils::ReplaceAll(out, "$type", ExpandShortName(GetParam()));
return out;
auto src = expand(R"(
enable f16;
fn f() {
var v : $type = $name();
auto expect = expand(R"(
enable f16;
fn tint_symbol() {
var tint_symbol_1 : $type = $name();
auto got = Run<Renamer>(src);
EXPECT_EQ(expect, str(got));
TEST_P(RenamerTypeShortNamesTest, PreserveTypeConversion) {
auto expand = [&](const char* source) {
auto out = utils::ReplaceAll(source, "$name", GetParam());
out = utils::ReplaceAll(out, "$type", ExpandShortName(GetParam()));
return out;
auto src = expand(R"(
enable f16;
fn f() {
var v : $type = $name($type());
auto expect = expand(R"(
enable f16;
fn tint_symbol() {
var tint_symbol_1 : $type = $name($type());
auto got = Run<Renamer>(src);
EXPECT_EQ(expect, str(got));
TEST_P(RenamerTypeShortNamesTest, RenameShadowedByAlias) {
auto expand = [&](const char* source) {
auto out = utils::ReplaceAll(source, "$name", GetParam());
out = utils::ReplaceAll(out, "$type", ExpandShortName(GetParam()));
return out;
auto src = expand(R"(
type $name = i32;
fn f() {
var v : i32 = $name();
auto expect = expand(R"(
type tint_symbol = i32;
fn tint_symbol_1() {
var tint_symbol_2 : i32 = tint_symbol();
auto got = Run<Renamer>(src);
EXPECT_EQ(expect, str(got));
TEST_P(RenamerTypeShortNamesTest, RenameShadowedByStruct) {
auto expand = [&](const char* source) {
auto out = utils::ReplaceAll(source, "$name", GetParam());
out = utils::ReplaceAll(out, "$type", ExpandShortName(GetParam()));
return out;
auto src = expand(R"(
struct $name {
i : i32,
fn f() {
var a = $name();
var b = a.i;
auto expect = expand(R"(
struct tint_symbol {
tint_symbol_1 : i32,
fn tint_symbol_2() {
var tint_symbol_3 = tint_symbol();
var tint_symbol_4 = tint_symbol_3.tint_symbol_1;
auto got = Run<Renamer>(src);
EXPECT_EQ(expect, str(got));
} // namespace
} // namespace tint::transform