blob: 57e305dbf3657053ad5ef979e15c7f4f64f5a981 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Tint Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include "src/tint/transform/num_workgroups_from_uniform.h"
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <unordered_set>
#include <utility>
#include "src/tint/program_builder.h"
#include "src/tint/sem/function.h"
#include "src/tint/transform/canonicalize_entry_point_io.h"
#include "src/tint/utils/hash.h"
namespace tint::transform {
namespace {
bool ShouldRun(const Program* program) {
for (auto* node : program->ASTNodes().Objects()) {
if (auto* attr = node->As<ast::BuiltinAttribute>()) {
if (attr->builtin == ast::BuiltinValue::kNumWorkgroups) {
return true;
return false;
/// Accessor describes the identifiers used in a member accessor that is being
/// used to retrieve the num_workgroups builtin from a parameter.
struct Accessor {
Symbol param;
Symbol member;
/// Equality operator
bool operator==(const Accessor& other) const {
return param == other.param && member == other.member;
/// Hash function
struct Hasher {
size_t operator()(const Accessor& a) const { return utils::Hash(a.param, a.member); }
} // namespace
NumWorkgroupsFromUniform::NumWorkgroupsFromUniform() = default;
NumWorkgroupsFromUniform::~NumWorkgroupsFromUniform() = default;
Transform::ApplyResult NumWorkgroupsFromUniform::Apply(const Program* src,
const DataMap& inputs,
DataMap&) const {
ProgramBuilder b;
CloneContext ctx{&b, src, /* auto_clone_symbols */ true};
auto* cfg = inputs.Get<Config>();
if (cfg == nullptr) {
"missing transform data for " + std::string(TypeInfo().name));
return Program(std::move(b));
if (!ShouldRun(src)) {
return SkipTransform;
const char* kNumWorkgroupsMemberName = "num_workgroups";
// Find all entry point parameters that declare the num_workgroups builtin.
std::unordered_set<Accessor, Accessor::Hasher> to_replace;
for (auto* func : src->AST().Functions()) {
// num_workgroups is only valid for compute stages.
if (func->PipelineStage() != ast::PipelineStage::kCompute) {
for (auto* param : src->Sem().Get(func)->Parameters()) {
// Because the CanonicalizeEntryPointIO transform has been run, builtins
// will only appear as struct members.
auto* str = param->Type()->As<sem::Struct>();
if (!str) {
for (auto* member : str->Members()) {
auto* builtin =
if (!builtin || builtin->builtin != ast::BuiltinValue::kNumWorkgroups) {
// Capture the symbols that would be used to access this member, which
// we will replace later. We currently have no way to get from the
// parameter directly to the member accessor expressions that use it.
to_replace.insert({param->Declaration()->symbol, member->Name()});
// Remove the struct member.
// The CanonicalizeEntryPointIO transform will have generated this
// struct uniquely for this particular entry point, so we know that
// there will be no other uses of this struct in the module and that we
// can safely modify it here.
ctx.Remove(str->Declaration()->members, member->Declaration());
// If this is the only member, remove the struct and parameter too.
if (str->Members().Length() == 1) {
ctx.Remove(func->params, param->Declaration());
ctx.Remove(src->AST().GlobalDeclarations(), str->Declaration());
// Get (or create, on first call) the uniform buffer that will receive the
// number of workgroups.
const ast::Variable* num_workgroups_ubo = nullptr;
auto get_ubo = [&]() {
if (!num_workgroups_ubo) {
auto* num_workgroups_struct =
b.Structure(b.Sym(), utils::Vector{
b.Member(kNumWorkgroupsMemberName, b.ty.vec3(b.ty.u32())),
uint32_t group, binding;
if (cfg->ubo_binding.has_value()) {
// If cfg->ubo_binding holds a value, use the specified binding point.
group = cfg->ubo_binding->group;
binding = cfg->ubo_binding->binding;
} else {
// If cfg->ubo_binding holds no value, use the binding 0 of the largest used group
// plus 1, or group 0 if no resource bound.
group = 0;
for (auto* global : src->AST().GlobalVariables()) {
if (global->HasBindingPoint()) {
auto* global_sem = src->Sem().Get<sem::GlobalVariable>(global);
auto binding_point = global_sem->BindingPoint();
if ( >= group) {
group = + 1;
binding = 0;
num_workgroups_ubo =
b.GlobalVar(b.Sym(), b.ty.Of(num_workgroups_struct), type::AddressSpace::kUniform,
b.Group(AInt(group)), b.Binding(AInt(binding)));
return num_workgroups_ubo;
// Now replace all the places where the builtins are accessed with the value
// loaded from the uniform buffer.
for (auto* node : src->ASTNodes().Objects()) {
auto* accessor = node->As<ast::MemberAccessorExpression>();
if (!accessor) {
auto* ident = accessor->object->As<ast::IdentifierExpression>();
if (!ident) {
if (to_replace.count({ident->identifier->symbol, accessor->member->symbol})) {
ctx.Replace(accessor, b.MemberAccessor(get_ubo()->symbol, kNumWorkgroupsMemberName));
return Program(std::move(b));
NumWorkgroupsFromUniform::Config::Config(std::optional<sem::BindingPoint> ubo_bp)
: ubo_binding(ubo_bp) {}
NumWorkgroupsFromUniform::Config::Config(const Config&) = default;
NumWorkgroupsFromUniform::Config::~Config() = default;
} // namespace tint::transform