blob: f27a99027667b54d3e1f986fde994880e45adfdc [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Tint Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include <string>
#include "src/tint/ast/test_helper.h"
#include "src/tint/clone_context.h"
#include "src/tint/program_builder.h"
#include "src/tint/transform/transform.h"
#include "gtest/gtest.h"
namespace tint::transform {
namespace {
using namespace tint::number_suffixes; // NOLINT
// Inherit from Transform so we have access to protected methods
struct CreateASTTypeForTest : public testing::Test, public Transform {
ApplyResult Apply(const Program*, const DataMap&, DataMap&) const override {
return SkipTransform;
ast::Type create(std::function<type::Type*(ProgramBuilder&)> create_sem_type) {
ProgramBuilder sem_type_builder;
auto* sem_type = create_sem_type(sem_type_builder);
Program program(std::move(sem_type_builder));
CloneContext ctx(&ast_type_builder, &program, false);
return CreateASTTypeFor(ctx, sem_type);
ProgramBuilder ast_type_builder;
TEST_F(CreateASTTypeForTest, Basic) {
auto check = [&](ast::Type ty, const char* expect) {
ast::CheckIdentifier(ast_type_builder.Symbols(), ty->identifier, expect);
check(create([](ProgramBuilder& b) { return b.create<type::I32>(); }), "i32");
check(create([](ProgramBuilder& b) { return b.create<type::U32>(); }), "u32");
check(create([](ProgramBuilder& b) { return b.create<type::F32>(); }), "f32");
check(create([](ProgramBuilder& b) { return b.create<type::Bool>(); }), "bool");
EXPECT_EQ(create([](ProgramBuilder& b) { return b.create<type::Void>(); }), nullptr);
TEST_F(CreateASTTypeForTest, Matrix) {
auto mat = create([](ProgramBuilder& b) {
auto* column_type = b.create<type::Vector>(b.create<type::F32>(), 2u);
return b.create<type::Matrix>(column_type, 3u);
ast::CheckIdentifier(ast_type_builder.Symbols(), mat, ast::Template("mat3x2", "f32"));
TEST_F(CreateASTTypeForTest, Vector) {
auto vec =
create([](ProgramBuilder& b) { return b.create<type::Vector>(b.create<type::F32>(), 2u); });
ast::CheckIdentifier(ast_type_builder.Symbols(), vec, ast::Template("vec2", "f32"));
TEST_F(CreateASTTypeForTest, ArrayImplicitStride) {
auto arr = create([](ProgramBuilder& b) {
return b.create<type::Array>(b.create<type::F32>(), b.create<type::ConstantArrayCount>(2u),
4u, 4u, 32u, 32u);
ast::CheckIdentifier(ast_type_builder.Symbols(), arr, ast::Template("array", "f32", 2_u));
auto* tmpl_attr = arr->identifier->As<ast::TemplatedIdentifier>();
ASSERT_NE(tmpl_attr, nullptr);
TEST_F(CreateASTTypeForTest, ArrayNonImplicitStride) {
auto arr = create([](ProgramBuilder& b) {
return b.create<type::Array>(b.create<type::F32>(), b.create<type::ConstantArrayCount>(2u),
4u, 4u, 64u, 32u);
ast::CheckIdentifier(ast_type_builder.Symbols(), arr, ast::Template("array", "f32", 2_u));
auto* tmpl_attr = arr->identifier->As<ast::TemplatedIdentifier>();
ASSERT_NE(tmpl_attr, nullptr);
ASSERT_EQ(tmpl_attr->attributes.Length(), 1u);
ASSERT_EQ(tmpl_attr->attributes[0]->As<ast::StrideAttribute>()->stride, 64u);
TEST_F(CreateASTTypeForTest, AliasedArrayWithComplexOverrideLength) {
// override O = 123;
// type A = array<i32, O*2>;
// var<workgroup> W : A;
ProgramBuilder b;
auto* arr_len = b.Mul("O", 2_a);
b.Override("O", b.Expr(123_a));
auto* alias = b.Alias("A", b.ty.array(b.ty.i32(), arr_len));
Program program(std::move(b));
auto* arr_ty = program.Sem().Get(alias);
CloneContext ctx(&ast_type_builder, &program, false);
auto ast_ty = CreateASTTypeFor(ctx, arr_ty);
ast::CheckIdentifier(ast_type_builder.Symbols(), ast_ty, "A");
TEST_F(CreateASTTypeForTest, Struct) {
auto str = create([](ProgramBuilder& b) {
auto* decl = b.Structure("S", {});
return b.create<sem::Struct>(decl, decl->source, decl->name->symbol, utils::Empty,
4u /* align */, 4u /* size */, 4u /* size_no_padding */);
ast::CheckIdentifier(ast_type_builder.Symbols(), str, "S");
} // namespace
} // namespace tint::transform