blob: 41bb99a74137c519e3edfb6ea5b6f73b51242f50 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2023 The Tint Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include <tuple>
#include <utility>
#include "src/tint/castable.h"
#include "src/tint/utils/bitcast.h"
#include "src/tint/utils/defer.h"
namespace tint {
/// Default can be used as the default case for a Switch(), when all previous cases failed to match.
/// Example:
/// ```
/// Switch(object,
/// [&](TypeA*) { /* ... */ },
/// [&](TypeB*) { /* ... */ },
/// [&](Default) { /* If not TypeA or TypeB */ });
/// ```
struct Default {};
} // namespace tint
namespace tint::detail {
/// Evaluates to the Switch case type being matched by the switch case function `FN`.
/// @note does not handle the Default case
/// @see Switch().
template <typename FN>
using SwitchCaseType = std::remove_pointer_t<traits::ParameterType<std::remove_reference_t<FN>, 0>>;
/// Evaluates to true if the function `FN` has the signature of a Default case in a Switch().
/// @see Switch().
template <typename FN>
inline constexpr bool IsDefaultCase =
std::is_same_v<traits::ParameterType<std::remove_reference_t<FN>, 0>, Default>;
/// Searches the list of Switch cases for a Default case, returning the index of the Default case.
/// If the a Default case is not found in the tuple, then -1 is returned.
template <typename TUPLE, std::size_t START_IDX = 0>
constexpr int IndexOfDefaultCase() {
if constexpr (START_IDX < std::tuple_size_v<TUPLE>) {
return IsDefaultCase<std::tuple_element_t<START_IDX, TUPLE>>
? static_cast<int>(START_IDX)
: IndexOfDefaultCase<TUPLE, START_IDX + 1>();
} else {
return -1;
/// Resolves to T if T is not nullptr_t, otherwise resolves to Ignore.
template <typename T>
using NullptrToIgnore = std::conditional_t<std::is_same_v<T, std::nullptr_t>, Ignore, T>;
/// Resolves to `const TYPE` if any of `CASE_RETURN_TYPES` are const or pointer-to-const, otherwise
/// resolves to TYPE.
template <typename TYPE, typename... CASE_RETURN_TYPES>
using PropagateReturnConst = std::conditional_t<
// Are any of the pointer-stripped types const?
(std::is_const_v<std::remove_pointer_t<CASE_RETURN_TYPES>> || ...),
const TYPE, // Yes: Apply const to TYPE
TYPE>; // No: Passthrough
/// SwitchReturnTypeImpl is the implementation of SwitchReturnType
template <bool IS_CASTABLE, typename REQUESTED_TYPE, typename... CASE_RETURN_TYPES>
struct SwitchReturnTypeImpl;
/// SwitchReturnTypeImpl specialization for non-castable case types and an explicitly specified
/// return type.
template <typename REQUESTED_TYPE, typename... CASE_RETURN_TYPES>
struct SwitchReturnTypeImpl</*IS_CASTABLE*/ false, REQUESTED_TYPE, CASE_RETURN_TYPES...> {
/// Resolves to `REQUESTED_TYPE`
using type = REQUESTED_TYPE;
/// SwitchReturnTypeImpl specialization for non-castable case types and an inferred return type.
template <typename... CASE_RETURN_TYPES>
struct SwitchReturnTypeImpl</*IS_CASTABLE*/ false, Infer, CASE_RETURN_TYPES...> {
/// Resolves to the common type for all the cases return types.
using type = std::common_type_t<CASE_RETURN_TYPES...>;
/// SwitchReturnTypeImpl specialization for castable case types and an explicitly specified return
/// type.
template <typename REQUESTED_TYPE, typename... CASE_RETURN_TYPES>
struct SwitchReturnTypeImpl</*IS_CASTABLE*/ true, REQUESTED_TYPE, CASE_RETURN_TYPES...> {
/// Resolves to `const REQUESTED_TYPE*` or `REQUESTED_TYPE*`
using type = PropagateReturnConst<std::remove_pointer_t<REQUESTED_TYPE>, CASE_RETURN_TYPES...>*;
/// SwitchReturnTypeImpl specialization for castable case types and an inferred return type.
template <typename... CASE_RETURN_TYPES>
struct SwitchReturnTypeImpl</*IS_CASTABLE*/ true, Infer, CASE_RETURN_TYPES...> {
using InferredType =
/// `const T*` or `T*`, where T is the common base type for all the castable case types.
using type = PropagateReturnConst<InferredType, CASE_RETURN_TYPES...>*;
/// Resolves to the return type for a Switch() with the requested return type `REQUESTED_TYPE` and
/// case statement return types. If `REQUESTED_TYPE` is Infer then the return type will be inferred
/// from the case return types.
template <typename REQUESTED_TYPE, typename... CASE_RETURN_TYPES>
using SwitchReturnType = typename SwitchReturnTypeImpl<
} // namespace tint::detail
namespace tint {
/// Switch is used to dispatch one of the provided callback case handler functions based on the type
/// of `object` and the parameter type of the case handlers. Switch will sequentially check the type
/// of `object` against each of the switch case handler functions, and will invoke the first case
/// handler function which has a parameter type that matches the object type. When a case handler is
/// matched, it will be called with the single argument of `object` cast to the case handler's
/// parameter type. Switch will invoke at most one case handler. Each of the case functions must
/// have the signature `R(T*)` or `R(const T*)`, where `T` is the type matched by that case and `R`
/// is the return type, consistent across all case handlers.
/// An optional default case function with the signature `R(Default)` can be used as the last case.
/// This default case will be called if all previous cases failed to match.
/// If `object` is nullptr and a default case is provided, then the default case will be called. If
/// `object` is nullptr and no default case is provided, then no cases will be called.
/// Example:
/// ```
/// Switch(object,
/// [&](TypeA*) { /* ... */ },
/// [&](TypeB*) { /* ... */ });
/// Switch(object,
/// [&](TypeA*) { /* ... */ },
/// [&](TypeB*) { /* ... */ },
/// [&](Default) { /* Called if object is not TypeA or TypeB */ });
/// ```
/// @param object the object who's type is used to
/// @param cases the switch cases
/// @return the value returned by the called case. If no cases matched, then the zero value for the
/// consistent case type.
template <typename RETURN_TYPE = detail::Infer, typename T = CastableBase, typename... CASES>
inline auto Switch(T* object, CASES&&... cases) {
using ReturnType = detail::SwitchReturnType<RETURN_TYPE, traits::ReturnType<CASES>...>;
static constexpr int kDefaultIndex = detail::IndexOfDefaultCase<std::tuple<CASES...>>();
static constexpr bool kHasDefaultCase = kDefaultIndex >= 0;
static constexpr bool kHasReturnType = !std::is_same_v<ReturnType, void>;
// Static assertions
static constexpr bool kDefaultIsOK =
kDefaultIndex == -1 || kDefaultIndex == static_cast<int>(sizeof...(CASES) - 1);
static constexpr bool kReturnIsOK =
kHasDefaultCase || !kHasReturnType || std::is_constructible_v<ReturnType>;
static_assert(kDefaultIsOK, "Default case must be last in Switch()");
"Switch() requires either a Default case or a return type that is either void or "
if (!object) { // Object is nullptr, so no cases can match
if constexpr (kHasDefaultCase) {
// Evaluate default case.
auto&& default_case =
return static_cast<ReturnType>(default_case(Default{}));
} else {
// No default case, no case can match.
if constexpr (kHasReturnType) {
return ReturnType{};
} else {
// Replacement for std::aligned_storage as this is broken on earlier versions of MSVC.
using ReturnTypeOrU8 = std::conditional_t<kHasReturnType, ReturnType, uint8_t>;
struct alignas(alignof(ReturnTypeOrU8)) ReturnStorage {
uint8_t data[sizeof(ReturnTypeOrU8)];
ReturnStorage storage;
auto* result = utils::Bitcast<ReturnTypeOrU8*>(&storage);
const TypeInfo& type_info = object->TypeInfo();
// Examines the parameter type of the case function.
// If the parameter is a pointer type that `object` is of, or derives from, then that case
// function is called with `object` cast to that type, and `try_case` returns true.
// If the parameter is of type `Default`, then that case function is called and `try_case`
// returns true.
// Otherwise `try_case` returns false.
// If the case function is called and it returns a value, then this is copy constructed to the
// `result` pointer.
auto try_case = [&](auto&& case_fn) {
using CaseFunc = std::decay_t<decltype(case_fn)>;
using CaseType = detail::SwitchCaseType<CaseFunc>;
bool success = false;
if constexpr (std::is_same_v<CaseType, Default>) {
if constexpr (kHasReturnType) {
new (result) ReturnType(static_cast<ReturnType>(case_fn(Default{})));
} else {
success = true;
} else {
if (type_info.Is<CaseType>()) {
auto* v = static_cast<CaseType*>(object);
if constexpr (kHasReturnType) {
new (result) ReturnType(static_cast<ReturnType>(case_fn(v)));
} else {
success = true;
return success;
// Use a logical-or fold expression to try each of the cases in turn, until one matches the
// object type or a Default is reached. `handled` is true if a case function was called.
bool handled = ((try_case(std::forward<CASES>(cases)) || ...));
if constexpr (kHasReturnType) {
if constexpr (kHasDefaultCase) {
// Default case means there must be a returned value.
// No need to check handled, no requirement for a zero-initializer of ReturnType.
return *result;
} else {
if (handled) {
return *result;
return ReturnType{};
} // namespace tint
#endif // SRC_TINT_SWITCH_H_