blob: f35192e66dad13a36b5eef5a88e36b227e5e7474 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2023 The Tint Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include "src/tint/switch.h"
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include "gtest/gtest.h"
namespace tint {
namespace {
struct Animal : public tint::utils::Castable<Animal> {};
struct Amphibian : public tint::utils::Castable<Amphibian, Animal> {};
struct Mammal : public tint::utils::Castable<Mammal, Animal> {};
struct Reptile : public tint::utils::Castable<Reptile, Animal> {};
struct Frog : public tint::utils::Castable<Frog, Amphibian> {};
struct Bear : public tint::utils::Castable<Bear, Mammal> {};
struct Lizard : public tint::utils::Castable<Lizard, Reptile> {};
struct Gecko : public tint::utils::Castable<Gecko, Lizard> {};
struct Iguana : public tint::utils::Castable<Iguana, Lizard> {};
TEST(Castable, SwitchNoDefault) {
std::unique_ptr<Animal> frog = std::make_unique<Frog>();
std::unique_ptr<Animal> bear = std::make_unique<Bear>();
std::unique_ptr<Animal> gecko = std::make_unique<Gecko>();
bool frog_matched_amphibian = false;
frog.get(), //
[&](Reptile*) { FAIL() << "frog is not reptile"; },
[&](Mammal*) { FAIL() << "frog is not mammal"; },
[&](Amphibian* amphibian) {
EXPECT_EQ(amphibian, frog.get());
frog_matched_amphibian = true;
bool bear_matched_mammal = false;
bear.get(), //
[&](Reptile*) { FAIL() << "bear is not reptile"; },
[&](Amphibian*) { FAIL() << "bear is not amphibian"; },
[&](Mammal* mammal) {
EXPECT_EQ(mammal, bear.get());
bear_matched_mammal = true;
bool gecko_matched_reptile = false;
gecko.get(), //
[&](Mammal*) { FAIL() << "gecko is not mammal"; },
[&](Amphibian*) { FAIL() << "gecko is not amphibian"; },
[&](Reptile* reptile) {
EXPECT_EQ(reptile, gecko.get());
gecko_matched_reptile = true;
TEST(Castable, SwitchWithUnusedDefault) {
std::unique_ptr<Animal> frog = std::make_unique<Frog>();
std::unique_ptr<Animal> bear = std::make_unique<Bear>();
std::unique_ptr<Animal> gecko = std::make_unique<Gecko>();
bool frog_matched_amphibian = false;
frog.get(), //
[&](Reptile*) { FAIL() << "frog is not reptile"; },
[&](Mammal*) { FAIL() << "frog is not mammal"; },
[&](Amphibian* amphibian) {
EXPECT_EQ(amphibian, frog.get());
frog_matched_amphibian = true;
[&](Default) { FAIL() << "default should not have been selected"; });
bool bear_matched_mammal = false;
bear.get(), //
[&](Reptile*) { FAIL() << "bear is not reptile"; },
[&](Amphibian*) { FAIL() << "bear is not amphibian"; },
[&](Mammal* mammal) {
EXPECT_EQ(mammal, bear.get());
bear_matched_mammal = true;
[&](Default) { FAIL() << "default should not have been selected"; });
bool gecko_matched_reptile = false;
gecko.get(), //
[&](Mammal*) { FAIL() << "gecko is not mammal"; },
[&](Amphibian*) { FAIL() << "gecko is not amphibian"; },
[&](Reptile* reptile) {
EXPECT_EQ(reptile, gecko.get());
gecko_matched_reptile = true;
[&](Default) { FAIL() << "default should not have been selected"; });
TEST(Castable, SwitchDefault) {
std::unique_ptr<Animal> frog = std::make_unique<Frog>();
std::unique_ptr<Animal> bear = std::make_unique<Bear>();
std::unique_ptr<Animal> gecko = std::make_unique<Gecko>();
bool frog_matched_default = false;
frog.get(), //
[&](Reptile*) { FAIL() << "frog is not reptile"; },
[&](Mammal*) { FAIL() << "frog is not mammal"; },
[&](Default) { frog_matched_default = true; });
bool bear_matched_default = false;
bear.get(), //
[&](Reptile*) { FAIL() << "bear is not reptile"; },
[&](Amphibian*) { FAIL() << "bear is not amphibian"; },
[&](Default) { bear_matched_default = true; });
bool gecko_matched_default = false;
gecko.get(), //
[&](Mammal*) { FAIL() << "gecko is not mammal"; },
[&](Amphibian*) { FAIL() << "gecko is not amphibian"; },
[&](Default) { gecko_matched_default = true; });
TEST(Castable, SwitchMatchFirst) {
std::unique_ptr<Animal> frog = std::make_unique<Frog>();
bool frog_matched_animal = false;
[&](Animal* animal) {
EXPECT_EQ(animal, frog.get());
frog_matched_animal = true;
[&](Amphibian*) { FAIL() << "animal should have been matched first"; });
bool frog_matched_amphibian = false;
[&](Amphibian* amphibain) {
EXPECT_EQ(amphibain, frog.get());
frog_matched_amphibian = true;
[&](Animal*) { FAIL() << "amphibian should have been matched first"; });
TEST(Castable, SwitchReturnValueWithDefault) {
std::unique_ptr<Animal> frog = std::make_unique<Frog>();
std::unique_ptr<Animal> bear = std::make_unique<Bear>();
std::unique_ptr<Animal> gecko = std::make_unique<Gecko>();
const char* result = Switch(
frog.get(), //
[](Mammal*) { return "mammal"; }, //
[](Amphibian*) { return "amphibian"; }, //
[](Default) { return "unknown"; });
static_assert(std::is_same_v<decltype(result), const char*>);
EXPECT_EQ(std::string(result), "amphibian");
const char* result = Switch(
bear.get(), //
[](Mammal*) { return "mammal"; }, //
[](Amphibian*) { return "amphibian"; }, //
[](Default) { return "unknown"; });
static_assert(std::is_same_v<decltype(result), const char*>);
EXPECT_EQ(std::string(result), "mammal");
const char* result = Switch(
gecko.get(), //
[](Mammal*) { return "mammal"; }, //
[](Amphibian*) { return "amphibian"; }, //
[](Default) { return "unknown"; });
static_assert(std::is_same_v<decltype(result), const char*>);
EXPECT_EQ(std::string(result), "unknown");
TEST(Castable, SwitchReturnValueWithoutDefault) {
std::unique_ptr<Animal> frog = std::make_unique<Frog>();
std::unique_ptr<Animal> bear = std::make_unique<Bear>();
std::unique_ptr<Animal> gecko = std::make_unique<Gecko>();
const char* result = Switch(
frog.get(), //
[](Mammal*) { return "mammal"; }, //
[](Amphibian*) { return "amphibian"; });
static_assert(std::is_same_v<decltype(result), const char*>);
EXPECT_EQ(std::string(result), "amphibian");
const char* result = Switch(
bear.get(), //
[](Mammal*) { return "mammal"; }, //
[](Amphibian*) { return "amphibian"; });
static_assert(std::is_same_v<decltype(result), const char*>);
EXPECT_EQ(std::string(result), "mammal");
auto* result = Switch(
gecko.get(), //
[](Mammal*) { return "mammal"; }, //
[](Amphibian*) { return "amphibian"; });
static_assert(std::is_same_v<decltype(result), const char*>);
EXPECT_EQ(result, nullptr);
TEST(Castable, SwitchInferPODReturnTypeWithDefault) {
std::unique_ptr<Animal> frog = std::make_unique<Frog>();
std::unique_ptr<Animal> bear = std::make_unique<Bear>();
std::unique_ptr<Animal> gecko = std::make_unique<Gecko>();
auto result = Switch(
frog.get(), //
[](Mammal*) { return 1; }, //
[](Amphibian*) { return 2.0f; }, //
[](Default) { return 3.0; });
static_assert(std::is_same_v<decltype(result), double>);
EXPECT_EQ(result, 2.0);
auto result = Switch(
bear.get(), //
[](Mammal*) { return 1.0; }, //
[](Amphibian*) { return 2.0f; }, //
[](Default) { return 3; });
static_assert(std::is_same_v<decltype(result), double>);
EXPECT_EQ(result, 1.0);
auto result = Switch(
gecko.get(), //
[](Mammal*) { return 1.0f; }, //
[](Amphibian*) { return 2; }, //
[](Default) { return 3.0; });
static_assert(std::is_same_v<decltype(result), double>);
EXPECT_EQ(result, 3.0);
TEST(Castable, SwitchInferPODReturnTypeWithoutDefault) {
std::unique_ptr<Animal> frog = std::make_unique<Frog>();
std::unique_ptr<Animal> bear = std::make_unique<Bear>();
std::unique_ptr<Animal> gecko = std::make_unique<Gecko>();
auto result = Switch(
frog.get(), //
[](Mammal*) { return 1; }, //
[](Amphibian*) { return 2.0f; });
static_assert(std::is_same_v<decltype(result), float>);
EXPECT_EQ(result, 2.0f);
auto result = Switch(
bear.get(), //
[](Mammal*) { return 1.0f; }, //
[](Amphibian*) { return 2; });
static_assert(std::is_same_v<decltype(result), float>);
EXPECT_EQ(result, 1.0f);
auto result = Switch(
gecko.get(), //
[](Mammal*) { return 1.0; }, //
[](Amphibian*) { return 2.0f; });
static_assert(std::is_same_v<decltype(result), double>);
EXPECT_EQ(result, 0.0);
TEST(Castable, SwitchInferCastableReturnTypeWithDefault) {
std::unique_ptr<Animal> frog = std::make_unique<Frog>();
std::unique_ptr<Animal> bear = std::make_unique<Bear>();
std::unique_ptr<Animal> gecko = std::make_unique<Gecko>();
auto* result = Switch(
frog.get(), //
[](Mammal* p) { return p; }, //
[](Amphibian*) { return nullptr; }, //
[](Default) { return nullptr; });
static_assert(std::is_same_v<decltype(result), Mammal*>);
EXPECT_EQ(result, nullptr);
auto* result = Switch(
bear.get(), //
[](Mammal* p) { return p; }, //
[](Amphibian* p) { return const_cast<const Amphibian*>(p); },
[](Default) { return nullptr; });
static_assert(std::is_same_v<decltype(result), const Animal*>);
EXPECT_EQ(result, bear.get());
auto* result = Switch(
gecko.get(), //
[](Mammal* p) { return p; }, //
[](Amphibian* p) { return p; }, //
[](Default) -> utils::CastableBase* { return nullptr; });
static_assert(std::is_same_v<decltype(result), utils::CastableBase*>);
EXPECT_EQ(result, nullptr);
TEST(Castable, SwitchInferCastableReturnTypeWithoutDefault) {
std::unique_ptr<Animal> frog = std::make_unique<Frog>();
std::unique_ptr<Animal> bear = std::make_unique<Bear>();
std::unique_ptr<Animal> gecko = std::make_unique<Gecko>();
auto* result = Switch(
frog.get(), //
[](Mammal* p) { return p; }, //
[](Amphibian*) { return nullptr; });
static_assert(std::is_same_v<decltype(result), Mammal*>);
EXPECT_EQ(result, nullptr);
auto* result = Switch(
bear.get(), //
[](Mammal* p) { return p; }, //
[](Amphibian* p) { return const_cast<const Amphibian*>(p); }); //
static_assert(std::is_same_v<decltype(result), const Animal*>);
EXPECT_EQ(result, bear.get());
auto* result = Switch(
gecko.get(), //
[](Mammal* p) { return p; }, //
[](Amphibian* p) { return p; });
static_assert(std::is_same_v<decltype(result), Animal*>);
EXPECT_EQ(result, nullptr);
TEST(Castable, SwitchExplicitPODReturnTypeWithDefault) {
std::unique_ptr<Animal> frog = std::make_unique<Frog>();
std::unique_ptr<Animal> bear = std::make_unique<Bear>();
std::unique_ptr<Animal> gecko = std::make_unique<Gecko>();
auto result = Switch<double>(
frog.get(), //
[](Mammal*) { return 1; }, //
[](Amphibian*) { return 2.0f; }, //
[](Default) { return 3.0; });
static_assert(std::is_same_v<decltype(result), double>);
EXPECT_EQ(result, 2.0f);
auto result = Switch<double>(
bear.get(), //
[](Mammal*) { return 1; }, //
[](Amphibian*) { return 2; }, //
[](Default) { return 3; });
static_assert(std::is_same_v<decltype(result), double>);
EXPECT_EQ(result, 1.0f);
auto result = Switch<double>(
gecko.get(), //
[](Mammal*) { return 1.0f; }, //
[](Amphibian*) { return 2.0f; }, //
[](Default) { return 3.0f; });
static_assert(std::is_same_v<decltype(result), double>);
EXPECT_EQ(result, 3.0f);
TEST(Castable, SwitchExplicitPODReturnTypeWithoutDefault) {
std::unique_ptr<Animal> frog = std::make_unique<Frog>();
std::unique_ptr<Animal> bear = std::make_unique<Bear>();
std::unique_ptr<Animal> gecko = std::make_unique<Gecko>();
auto result = Switch<double>(
frog.get(), //
[](Mammal*) { return 1; }, //
[](Amphibian*) { return 2.0f; });
static_assert(std::is_same_v<decltype(result), double>);
EXPECT_EQ(result, 2.0f);
auto result = Switch<double>(
bear.get(), //
[](Mammal*) { return 1.0f; }, //
[](Amphibian*) { return 2; });
static_assert(std::is_same_v<decltype(result), double>);
EXPECT_EQ(result, 1.0f);
auto result = Switch<double>(
gecko.get(), //
[](Mammal*) { return 1.0; }, //
[](Amphibian*) { return 2.0f; });
static_assert(std::is_same_v<decltype(result), double>);
EXPECT_EQ(result, 0.0);
TEST(Castable, SwitchExplicitCastableReturnTypeWithDefault) {
std::unique_ptr<Animal> frog = std::make_unique<Frog>();
std::unique_ptr<Animal> bear = std::make_unique<Bear>();
std::unique_ptr<Animal> gecko = std::make_unique<Gecko>();
auto* result = Switch<Animal>(
frog.get(), //
[](Mammal* p) { return p; }, //
[](Amphibian*) { return nullptr; }, //
[](Default) { return nullptr; });
static_assert(std::is_same_v<decltype(result), Animal*>);
EXPECT_EQ(result, nullptr);
auto* result = Switch<utils::CastableBase>(
bear.get(), //
[](Mammal* p) { return p; }, //
[](Amphibian* p) { return const_cast<const Amphibian*>(p); },
[](Default) { return nullptr; });
static_assert(std::is_same_v<decltype(result), const utils::CastableBase*>);
EXPECT_EQ(result, bear.get());
auto* result = Switch<const Animal>(
gecko.get(), //
[](Mammal* p) { return p; }, //
[](Amphibian* p) { return p; }, //
[](Default) { return nullptr; });
static_assert(std::is_same_v<decltype(result), const Animal*>);
EXPECT_EQ(result, nullptr);
TEST(Castable, SwitchExplicitCastableReturnTypeWithoutDefault) {
std::unique_ptr<Animal> frog = std::make_unique<Frog>();
std::unique_ptr<Animal> bear = std::make_unique<Bear>();
std::unique_ptr<Animal> gecko = std::make_unique<Gecko>();
auto* result = Switch<Animal>(
frog.get(), //
[](Mammal* p) { return p; }, //
[](Amphibian*) { return nullptr; });
static_assert(std::is_same_v<decltype(result), Animal*>);
EXPECT_EQ(result, nullptr);
auto* result = Switch<utils::CastableBase>(
bear.get(), //
[](Mammal* p) { return p; }, //
[](Amphibian* p) { return const_cast<const Amphibian*>(p); }); //
static_assert(std::is_same_v<decltype(result), const utils::CastableBase*>);
EXPECT_EQ(result, bear.get());
auto* result = Switch<const Animal*>(
gecko.get(), //
[](Mammal* p) { return p; }, //
[](Amphibian* p) { return p; });
static_assert(std::is_same_v<decltype(result), const Animal*>);
EXPECT_EQ(result, nullptr);
TEST(Castable, SwitchNull) {
Animal* null = nullptr;
null, //
[&](Amphibian*) { FAIL() << "should not be called"; },
[&](Animal*) { FAIL() << "should not be called"; });
TEST(Castable, SwitchNullNoDefault) {
Animal* null = nullptr;
bool default_called = false;
null, //
[&](Amphibian*) { FAIL() << "should not be called"; },
[&](Animal*) { FAIL() << "should not be called"; },
[&](Default) { default_called = true; });
TEST(Castable, SwitchReturnNoDefaultInitializer) {
struct Object {
explicit Object(int v) : value(v) {}
int value;
std::unique_ptr<Animal> frog = std::make_unique<Frog>();
auto result = Switch(
frog.get(), //
[](Mammal*) { return Object(1); }, //
[](Amphibian*) { return Object(2); }, //
[](Default) { return Object(3); });
static_assert(std::is_same_v<decltype(result), Object>);
EXPECT_EQ(result.value, 2);
auto result = Switch(
frog.get(), //
[](Mammal*) { return Object(1); }, //
[](Default) { return Object(3); });
static_assert(std::is_same_v<decltype(result), Object>);
EXPECT_EQ(result.value, 3);
} // namespace
} // namespace tint