blob: d531e0b4d3e7a4dbfdb99b2af1d100288e266c4a [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2022 The Dawn Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package cov
import (
// Optimize optimizes the Tree by de-duplicating common spans into a tree of SpanGroups.
// Breaking down tests into group hierarchies provide a natural way to structure
// coverage data, as tests of the same suite, file or test are likely to have
// similar coverage spans.
// For each source file in the codebase, we create a tree of SpanGroups, where the
// leaves are the test cases.
// For example, given the following Paths:
// a.b.d.h
// a.b.d.i.n
// a.b.d.i.o
// a.b.e.j
// a.b.e.k.p
// a.b.e.k.q
// a.c.f
// a.c.g.l.r
// a.c.g.m
// We would construct the following tree:
// a
// ╭──────┴──────╮
// b c
// ╭───┴───╮ ╭───┴───╮
// d e f g
// ╭─┴─╮ ╭─┴─╮ ╭─┴─╮
// h i j k l m
// ╭┴╮ ╭┴╮ │
// n o p q r
// Each leaf node in this tree (`h`, `n`, `o`, `j`, `p`, `q`, `f`, `r`, `m`)
// represent a test case, and non-leaf nodes (`a`, `b`, `c`, `d`, `e`, `g`, `i`,
// `k`, `l`) are suite, file or tests.
// To begin, we create a test tree structure, and associate the full list of test
// coverage spans with every leaf node (test case) in this tree.
// This data structure hasn't given us any compression benefits yet, but we can
// now do a few tricks to dramatically reduce number of spans needed to describe
// the graph:
// ~ Optimization 1: Common span promotion ~
// The first compression scheme is to promote common spans up the tree when they
// are common for all children. This will reduce the number of spans needed to be
// encoded in the final file.
// For example, if the test group `a` has 4 children that all share the same span
// `X`:
// a
// ╭───┬─┴─┬───╮
// b c d e
// [X,Y] [X] [X] [X,Z]
// Then span `X` can be promoted up to `a`:
// [X]
// a
// ╭───┬─┴─┬───╮
// b c d e
// [Y] [] [] [Z]
// ~ Optimization 2: Span XOR promotion ~
// This idea can be extended further, by not requiring all the children to share
// the same span before promotion. If *most* child nodes share the same span, we
// can still promote the span, but this time we *remove* the span from the
// children *if they had it*, and *add* the span to children *if they didn't
// have it*.
// For example, if the test group `a` has 4 children with 3 that share the span
// `X`:
// a
// ╭───┬─┴─┬───╮
// b c d e
// [X,Y] [X] [] [X,Z]
// Then span `X` can be promoted up to `a` by flipping the presence of `X` on the
// child nodes:
// [X]
// a
// ╭───┬─┴─┬───╮
// b c d e
// [Y] [] [X] [Z]
// This process repeats up the tree.
// With this optimization applied, we now need to traverse the tree from root to
// leaf in order to know whether a given span is in use for the leaf node (test case):
// * If the span is encountered an *odd* number of times during traversal, then
// the span is *covered*.
// * If the span is encountered an *even* number of times during traversal, then
// the span is *not covered*.
// See tools/src/cov/coverage_test.go for more examples of this optimization.
// ~ Optimization 3: Common span grouping ~
// With real world data, we encounter groups of spans that are commonly found
// together. To further reduce coverage data, the whole graph is scanned for common
// span patterns, and are indexed by each tree node.
// The XOR'ing of spans as described above is performed as if the spans were not
// grouped.
// ~ Optimization 4: Lookup tables ~
// All spans, span-groups and strings are stored in de-duplicated tables, and are
// indexed wherever possible.
func (t *Tree) Optimize() {
log.Printf("Optimizing coverage tree...")
// Start by gathering all of the unique spansets
wg := sync.WaitGroup{}
for _, file := range t.files {
file := file
go func() {
defer wg.Done()
o := optimizer{}
for idx, tc := range file.tcm {
o.invertForCommon(tc, &t.testRoot.children[idx])
type optimizer struct{}
// createGroups looks for common SpanSets, and creates indexable span groups
// which are then used instead.
func (o *optimizer) createGroups(f *treeFile) {
const minSpansInGroup = 2
type spansetKey string
spansetMap := map[spansetKey]SpanSet{}
f.tcm.traverse(func(tc *TestCoverage) {
if len(tc.Spans) >= minSpansInGroup {
key := spansetKey(tc.Spans.String())
if _, ok := spansetMap[key]; !ok {
spansetMap[key] = tc.Spans
if len(spansetMap) == 0 {
type spansetInfo struct {
key spansetKey
set SpanSet // fully expanded set
grp SpanGroup
id SpanGroupID
spansets := make([]*spansetInfo, 0, len(spansetMap))
for key, set := range spansetMap {
spansets = append(spansets, &spansetInfo{
key: key,
set: set,
grp: SpanGroup{Spans: set},
// Sort by number of spans in each sets starting with the largest.
sort.Slice(spansets, func(i, j int) bool {
a, b := spansets[i].set, spansets[j].set
switch {
case len(a) > len(b):
return true
case len(a) < len(b):
return false
return a.List().Compare(b.List()) == -1 // Just to keep output stable
// Assign IDs now that we have stable order.
for i := range spansets {
spansets[i].id = SpanGroupID(i)
// Loop over the spanGroups starting from the largest, and try to fold them
// into the larger sets.
// This is O(n^2) complexity.
for i, a := range spansets[:len(spansets)-1] {
for _, b := range spansets[i+1:] {
if len(a.set) > len(b.set) && a.set.containsAll(b.set) {
extend := // Do not take address of iterator!
a.grp.Spans = a.set.removeAll(b.set)
a.grp.Extend = &extend
continue nextSpan
// Rebuild a map of spansetKey to SpanGroup
spangroupMap := make(map[spansetKey]*spansetInfo, len(spansets))
for _, s := range spansets {
spangroupMap[s.key] = s
// Store the groups in the tree
f.spangroups = make(map[SpanGroupID]SpanGroup, len(spansets))
for _, s := range spansets {
f.spangroups[] = s.grp
// Update all the uses.
f.tcm.traverse(func(tc *TestCoverage) {
key := spansetKey(tc.Spans.String())
if g, ok := spangroupMap[key]; ok {
tc.Spans = nil
tc.Group = &
// invertCommon looks for tree nodes with the majority of the child nodes with
// the same spans. This span is promoted up to the parent, and the children
// have the span inverted.
func (o *optimizer) invertForCommon(tc *TestCoverage, t *Test) {
wg := sync.WaitGroup{}
for id, child := range tc.Children {
id, child := id, child
go func() {
defer wg.Done()
o.invertForCommon(child, &t.children[id])
counts := map[SpanID]int{}
for _, child := range tc.Children {
for span := range child.Spans {
counts[span] = counts[span] + 1
for span, count := range counts {
if count > len(t.children)/2 {
tc.Spans = tc.Spans.invert(span)
for _, idx := range t.indices {
child := tc.Children.index(idx)
child.Spans = child.Spans.invert(span)
if child.deletable() {
delete(tc.Children, idx)